BACS2053 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (Assessment Rubrics For Part 1 (CLO2: 35%)

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BACS2053 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (Assessment Rubrics for Part 1 (CLO2: 35%)

CLO2: Construct Unified Modelling (UML) diagrams for given business Application using UML tool. (C4, PLO6) – Digital skills

Programme:_____ Tutorial Group :____ Student’s FullName: 1.______________ , 2 _____________ , 3 _____________ , 4._____________ , 5._____________

Detail Use cases & Activity diagrams Initial/Analysis Class
Area Requirements List Overview Use Case Description Diagram
Marks (5) (5) (10) (10) (5)
Poor The problems & Incomplete and Incomplete and inappropriate Activity diagrams for Class diagram with attributes
requirements list is inappropriate overview use detail use cases, actors, use case scenarios are and associations incomplete
incomplete. case scenarios (where applicable) incomplete and illogical. and illogical.
or use case descriptions.
(0-1m) (0-1m) (0-2m) (0-2m) (0-1m)
Average The problems & Complete provision of the Complete provision of the Activity diagrams for Class diagram with attributes
requirements list covers required overview use required detail use case use case scenarios are and associations complete
moderate requirements. case. diagrams with scenarios shows some understanding but contains flaws or
(where applicable), use case but contains flaws or omissions.
descriptions for each use case omissions.
(2-3m) (2-3m) / scenario but contains flaws or
omissions in notation and
appropriateness. (3-5m) (3-5m) (2-3m)
Good The above + The above + The above + The above + The above +
The requirements are clearly appropriate label use in appropriate label use in detail With label and no mistakes in With label and no mistakes in
described. overview use case use case diagrams + use case logic design and use of logic design and use of
descriptions are clearly notation. notation.
(4m) (4m) (6-8m) (6-8m) (4m)
Excellent The above + The above + The above + The above + The above +
The requirements are The overview use case is The detail use cases are well With very good and With very good and
comprehensively described well designed. presented and organized and meaningful label according to meaningful label according to
and well-structured. the use case descriptions are guidelines. guidelines.
comprehensively described
(5m) (5m) and cover impressive aspects (9-10m) (5m)
of the requirements. (9-10m)
1 2 3 4 5 Student’s Name as above 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

BACS2053 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (Assessment Rubrics for Part II (CLO2: 45%)
CLO2: Construct Unified Modelling (UML) diagrams for given business Application using UML tool. (C4, PLO6) – Digital Skills

Programme:_____ Tutorial Group :____ Student’s FullName: : 1._________________ , 2 _______________ , 3 _______________ , 4._______________ , 5.________________

Area Design interaction diagrams State Final class diagram Deployment Diagram Digital Skills (Use of UML
chart diagram modelling tool)
Marks (15) (5) (10) (5) (10)
Poor The interaction diagrams are The state chart diagrams are The final class diagram is Major error(s) in deployment Poor on using UML modelling
incomplete and illogical. incomplete and illogical. incomplete and illogical. diagram. tool to develop UML diagrams.

(0-4m) (0-1m) (0-2m) (0-1m) (0-2m)

Average The diagrams are complete The state chart diagrams are The final class diagram is The deployment diagrams are Shows attempt on using UML
with events carried out by complete. But contains flaws or complete with appropriate data complete. But contains flaws or modelling tool to develop UML
boundary, control and entity omissions. types, class operations & class omissions. diagrams. But contains flaws
objects; balanced mix of associations. or omissions.
sequence & collaboration
But contains flaws or
omissions. (5-8m) (2-3m) (3-5m) (2-3m) (3-5m)
Good The above + The above + The above + Almost error-free and complete Good use of UML modelling
With labelling and no mistakes With labelling and no mistakes With appropriate multiplicities, in deployment diagram. tool to develop UML diagrams.
in logic design and use of in logic design and use of generalization, aggregation With labelling and no mistakes
notation. notation. and composition. in logic design and use of

(9-12m) (4m) (6-8m) (4m) (6-8m)

Excellent The above + The above + The above + The above + Very good use of UML
With very good and meaningful With very good and meaningful With very good and meaningful With very good and meaningful modelling tool to develop UML
labelling according to labelling according to design according to guidelines. labelling according to diagrams.
guidelines. guidelines. guidelines.

(13-15m) (5m) (9-10m) (5m) (9-10m)

Student’s 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

BACS2053 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (Assessment Rubrics for Part 3 (CLO3: 20%)
CLO3: Present Unified Modelling language (UML) diagrams for given business applications (A3, PLO5) – Communication Skills

Programme:____ Tutorial Group :____ Student’s FullName: 1.______________ , 2 _____________, 3 _____________, 4._____________ , 5._____________
Area Weekly Interaction & Deliverables Final Presentation

Marks (10) (10)

Poor Delivery of idea is vague, unorganised in oral and Reading from presentation materials (visual aids), unclear presentation, poor
incomplete written form. body language.

Average Delivery of idea is not so clearly, lacking in Reading occasionally from presentation material. Sometimes unclear in
organization in oral and partially complete in presentation & ineffective use of body language.
written form.
Good Delivery of idea is almost clearly, organised in Smooth, clear, organized, presentation with effective use of body language.
oral and almost complete in written form.

(6-8m) (6-8m)
Excellent Delivery of idea is articulately, highly organised in Very smooth, clear, confident, organized, presentation with highly effective use
oral and complete in written form. of body language.

(9-10m) (9-10m)
Student’s 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5



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