Able to use
Software Able to use software software with its Able to use software
Handling with its standard and standard and with its standard Unable to use the
advanced features advanced features features with software
(2) without assistance with minimal assistance
Laboratory manual
has several
Laboratory manual
Laboratory manual -Laboratory manual grammatical/
has very few
has no grammatical has multiple spelling errors and
and/ or spelling errors. grammatical/ sentence
Lab Report spelling errors.
spelling errors. construction is
All sections of the poor.
(1) All sections of the
report are very well Few sections of the
report are
written and report contain -All sections of the
technically accurate. technical error s. report contain
multiple technical
Project report has no Project report has Project report Project report
grammatical and/ or very few has multiple has several
spelling errors. grammatical/ grammatical/ grammatical/
Report Writing spelling errors. spelling errors. spelling errors
All sections of the report
and sentence
(3) are very well-written and All sections of the Few sections of
construction is
technically accurate. report are the report
technically contain technical
accurate. errors.
Criteria Score
Examiner: _______________________________