Storage Volume For Detention Basins: Estimating The Effect of Storage

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Storage Volume for Detention Basins

Chapter 6
Chapter 6 Storage Volume for Technical
DetentionRelease 55
Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds

As rural areas become urbanized, the resulting in- Figure 6-1 relates two ratios: peak outflow to peak
creases in peak discharges can adversely affect down- inflow discharge (qo/qi) and storage volume runoff
stream flood plains. Increasingly, planners, develop- volume (Vs/Vr) for all rainfall distributions.
ers, and the public want these downstream areas to be
protected. Many local governments are adopting The relationships in figure 6-1 were determined on the
ordinances to control the type of development and its basis of single stage outflow devices. Some were
allowable impacts on the watershed. One of the most controlled by pipe flow, others by weir flow. Verifica-
common controls requires that postdevelopment tion runs were made using multiple stage outflow
discharges do not exceed present-condition discharges devices, and the variance was similar to that in the
for one or more storm frequencies at specified points base data. The method can therefore be used for both
along a channel. single- and multiple-stage outflow devices. The only
constraints are that (1) each stage requires a design
This chapter discusses ways to manage peak dis- storm and a computation of the storage required for it
charges by delaying runoff. It also presents a proce- and (2) the discharge if the upper stage(s) includes the
dure for estimating the storage capacity required to discharge of the lower stage(s).
maintain the peaks within a specified level.
The brevity of the procedure allows the planner to
Efforts to reduce the effects of increased runoff from examine many combinations of detention basins.
urban areas have been innovative and diverse. Many When combined with the Tabular Hydrograph method,
methods have been used effectively, such as infiltra- the procedure’s usefulness is increased. Its principal
tion trenches, porous pavement, rooftop storage, and use is to develop preliminary indications of storage
cisterns. But these solutions can be expensive or adequacy and to allocate control to a group of deten-
require site conditions that cannot be provided. tion basins. It is also adequate, however, for final
design of small detention basins.
The detention basin is the most widely used measure
for controlling peak discharge. It is generally the least
expensive and most reliable of the measures that have
been considered. It can be designed to fit a wide
variety of sites and can accommodate multiple-outlet
spillways to meet requirements for multifrequency
control of outflow. Measures other than a detention
basin may be preferred in some locations; their omis-
sion here is not intended to discourage their use. Any
device selected, however, should be assessed as to its
function, maintenance needs, and impart.

Estimating the effect of storage

When a detention basin is installed, hydrologic routing
procedures can be used to estimate the effect on
hydrographs. Both the TR-20 (SCS 1983) and DAMS2
(SCS 1982) computer programs provide accurate
methods of analysis. Programmable calculator and
computer programs are available for routing
hydrographs through dams.

This chapter contains a manual method for quick

estimates if the effects of temporary detention on peak
discharges. The method is based on average storage
and routing effects for many structures.

(210-VI-TR-55, Second Ed., June 1986) 6–1

Chapter 6 Storage Volume for Detention Basins Technical Release 55
Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds

Input requirements and Estimating Vs

Use worksheet 6a to estimate Vs, storage volume
Use figure 6-1 estimate storage volume (Vs) required or required, by the following procedure.
peak outflow discharge (qo). The most frequent appli-
cation is to estimate Vs, for which the required inputs 1. Determine qo. Many factors may dictate the selec-
are runoff volume (Vr), qo, and peak inflow discharge tion of peak outflow discharge. The most common
(qi). To estimate qo, the required inputs are Vr, Vs, is to limit downstream discharges to a desired
and qi. level, such as predevelopment discharge. Another
factor may be that the outflow device has already
been selected.
2. Estimate qi by procedures in chapters 4 or 5. Do
not use peak discharges developed by other proce-
dure. When using the Tabular Hydrograph method
to estimate qi for a subarea, only use peak dis-
charge associated with Tt = 0.

Figure 6-1 Approximate detention basin routing for rainfall types I, IA, II, and III


Storage volume Vs
Runoff volume Vr


e s II

e sI
.2 IA

.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8
Peak outflow discharge q
( o )
Peak inflow discharge qi

6–2 (210-VI-TR-55, Second Ed., June 1986)

Chapter 6 Storage Volume for Detention Basins Technical Release 55
Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds

3. Compute qo/qi and determine Vs/Vr from figure 6-1. 5. From steps 3 to 4, compute qo:
4. Q (in inches) was determined when computing qi in q 
step 2, but now it must be converted to the units in qo = qi  o  [eq. 6-3]
which Vs is to be expressed—most likely, acre-feet  qi 
or cubic feet. The most common conversion of Q to
Vr is expressed in acre-feet: 6. Proportion the outflow device so that the stage at
qo is equal to the stage corresponding to Vs. If qo
Vr = 53.33Q(Am) [eq. 6-1] cannot be calibrated except in discrete steps (i.e.,
where pipe sizes), repeat the procedure until the stages
Vr = runoff volume (acre-ft) for qo and Vs are approximately equal.
Q = runoff (in)
Am = drainage area (mi2), and Limitations
53.33 = conversion factor from in-mi2
to acre-ft. • This routing method is less accurate as the qo/qi
5. Use the results of steps 3 to 4 to compute Vs: ratio approaches the limits shown in figure 6-1. The
curves in figure 6-1 depend on the relationship
V  between available storage, outflow device, inflow
Vs = Vr  s  [eq. 6-2] volume, and shape of the inflow hydrograph. When
 Vi  storage volume (Vs) required is small, the shape of
where the outflow hydrograph is sensitive to the rate of
Vs = storage volume required (acre-ft). the inflow hydrograph. Conversely, when Vs is
large, the inflow hydrograph shape has little effect
6. The stage in the detention basin corresponding to on the outflow hydrograph. In such instances, the
Vs must be equal to the stage used to generate qo. outflow hydrograph is controlled by the hydraulics
In most situations a minor modification of the of the outflow device and the procedure therefore
outflow device can be made. If the device has been yields consistent results. When the peak outflow
preselected. repeat the calculations with a modi- discharge (qo) approaches the peak flow discharge
fied qo value. (qi) parameters that affect the rate of rise of a
hydrograph, such as rainfall volume, curve number,
Estimating qo and time of concentration, become especially
Use worksheet 6b to estimate qo, required peak out- significant.
flow discharge, by the following procedure. • The procedure should not be used to perform final
design if an error in storage of 25 percent cannot
1. Determine Vs. If the maximum stage in the deten- be tolerated. Figure 6-1 is biased to prevent
tion basin is constrained, set Vs by the maximum undersizing of outflow devices, but it may signifi-
permissible stage. cantly overestimate the required storage capacity.
2. Compute Q (in inches) by the procedures in chap- More detailed hydrograph development and rout-
ter 2, and convert it to the same units as Vs (see ing will often pay for itself through reduced con-
step 4 in “estimating Vs”). struction costs.
3. Compute Vs/Vr and determine qo/qi from figure 6-1.
4. Estimate qi by the procedures in chapters 4 or 5.
Do not use discharges developed by any other
method. When using Tabular method to estimate qi
for a subarea, use only the peak discharge associ-
ated with Tt = 0.

(210-VI-TR-55, Second Ed., June 1986) 6–3

Chapter 6 Storage Volume for Detention Basins Technical Release 55
Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds

Examples The rectangular weir equation is

q o = 3.2L w H w [eq. 6-4]
Four examples illustrate the use of figure 6-1. Ex-
amples 6-1 through 6-4, respectively, show estimation where
of Vs of a two-stage structure, estimation of qo, and use qo = peak outflow discharge (cfs)
the Tabular Hydrograph method. Lw = weir crest length (ft)
Hw = head over weir crest (ft)
Example 6-1: Estimating Vs, single-stage
structure Hw and qo are computed as follows:
Hw = Emax – weir crest elevation
A development is being planned in a 75-acre (0.1170 = 105.7 - 100.0 = 5.7 ft.
mi2) watershed that outlets into an existing concrete-
lined channel designed for present conditions. If the Since qo is known to be 180 cfs, solving equation
channel capacity is exceeded, damages will be sub- 6-4 for Lw yields
stantial. The watershed is in the type II storm distribu-
tion region. The present channel capacity, 180 cfs, was qo
Lw =
established by computing discharge for the 25-year- 1.5
3.2H w
frequency storm by the Graphical Peak Discharge
method (chapter 4). = [eq. 6-5]
3.2(5.7 )

The developed-condition peak discharge (qi) com- = 4.1 ft

puted by the same method is 360 cfs, and runoff (Q) is
3.4 inches. Since outflow must be held to 180 cfs, a
detention basin having that maximum outflow dis-
charge (qo) will be built at the watershed outlet. In summary, the outlet structure is a rectangular weir
with crest length of 4.1 ft, Hw = 5.7 ft, and qo = 180 cfs
How much storage (Vs) will be required to meet the corresponding to a Vs = 5.9 acre-ft.
maximum outflow discharge (qo) of 180 cfs, and what
will be the approximate dimensions of a rectangular
weir outflow structure? Figure 6-2 shows how
worksheet 6a is used to estimate required storage (Vs
= 5.9 acre-ft) and maximum stage (Emax = 105.7 ft).

The rectangular weir was chosen for its simplicity;

however, several types of outlets can meet the outflow
device proportion requirement. Most hydraulic refer-
ences, along with considerable research data that are
available, provide more guidance on variations of
outlet devices that can be summarized here.

An outlet device should be proportioned to meet

specific objectives. A single-stage device was specified
in this example because only one storm was consid-
ered. A weir is suitable here because of the low head.
The weir crest elevation is 100.00 ft.

Using Vs = 5.9 acre-ft (figure 6-2, step 9) and the eleva-

tion-storage curve, the maximum stage (Emax)
is 105.7 ft.

6–4 (210-VI-TR-55, Second Ed., June 1986)

Chapter 6 Storage Volume for Detention Basins Technical Release 55
Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds

Figure 6-2 Worksheet 6a for example 6-1

Worksheet 6a: Detention basin storage, peak outflow discharge (qo) known
Project By Date
Robbinsville SWR 11/5/85
Location Checked Date
Dyer County, Tennessee RGC 11/8/85

Check one: Present X Developed Single stage structure


Elevation or


0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Detention basin storage ( acre-feet )

1. Data:
Drainage area .............. Am = _________ mi2 Vs ..............................
6. ___ 0.28
Rainfall distribution II Vr
type ( I, IA, II, III) = __________
qo with figure 6-1)
( Use ___
1st 2nd 3.4
Stage Stage 7. Runoff, Q ................. in
( From worksheet 2)
2. Frequency .................. yr 25 8. Runoff volume
Vr .................. ac-ft 21.2
3. Peak inflow (Vr = QAm 53.33)
discharge qi .............cfs 360 9. Storage volume,
(from worksheet 4 or 5b) Vs ......................... ac-ft 5.9
4. Peak outflow Vs ))
(Vs = Vr ( ___
discharge qu ........ cfs 180 Vr

10. Maximum storage Emax 105.7

qo 0.50 (from plot)
5. Compute ___ ................

1 2nd stage qo includes 1st stage qo.

(210-VI-TR-55, Second Ed., June 1986) 6–5

Chapter 6 Storage Volume for Detention Basins Technical Release 55
Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds

Example 6-2 Estimating Vs, Two-stage By substituting these values in equation 6-4, discharge
structure (qo) through the first stage at 105.7 feet is calculated:
q o = 3.2(2.3)(5.7 )
In addition to the requirements for a 25-year peak
outflow discharge of 180 cfs stated in example 6-1, a = 100 ft 3 / s
decision was made to limit the 2-year outflow dis-
charge to 50 cfs because of potential damages to Now compute the required weir crest length (Lw) for
agricultural property below the lined channel. by the the second stage, using equation 6-5. Since the second
method in chapter 4, the estimated 2-year peak dis- stage crest elevation is 103.6 feet,
charge for developed conditions will be 91 cfs and H w = 105.7 − 103.6
runoff (Q) will be 1.5 inches.
= 2.1 ft
Again, a rectangular concrete weir outlaw device was and, since qo for the second stage equals the total
selected; the device could have been another type, but discharge from example 6-1 minus discharge through
it is important to remember that the flows through the the first stage,
first stage are part of the total discharge of the higher q o = 180 − 100
stage. = 80 ft 3 / s
Finally, substituting these Hw and qo values in equation
Figure 6-3 shows how worksheet 6a is used to com- 6-5 results in
pute the Vs of 2.4 acre-ft and Emax of 103.6 for the
stage. Emax of 103.6 is the weir crest elevation for the Lw =
second stage.
= 8.2 ft
Equation 6-5 is again used to compute Lw for the first
stage. The weir crest elevation for the first stage is In summary, the outlet structure is a two-stage rectan-
100.00 ft and qo = 50 cfs. The first-stage computations gular weir with first stage crest length of 2.3 feet at
for Hw and Lw are elevation 100.0, and second stage crest length of 8.2
feet at elevation 103.6 feet.
Hw = Emax - weir crest elevation
= 103.6 - 100.0 = 3.6 ft; The weir equation used is probably less accurate for
the two-stage example than for the single-stage ex-
and, from equation 6-5, ample. The actual second-stage discharge will be
50 slightly more that the one computed. but a discussion
Lw = of hydraulics of outflow devices is outside the scope
3.2( 3.6 )
of this technical release. Example 6-2 is presented only
= 2.3 ft to illustrate the interrelationship of outflow discharges
and storage volume and to show how to develop
The second stage is then proportioned to discharge the preliminary estimates of storage requirements for two-
correct amount at 105.7 feet (fig. 6-2, step 10). Com- stage outlet structures.
pute the discharge through the first stage for elevation
105.7 feet using

L w = 2.3 ft (first stage)

H w = 105.7 − 100.0 = 5.7 ft

6–6 (210-VI-TR-55, Second Ed., June 1986)

Chapter 6 Storage Volume for Detention Basins Technical Release 55
Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds

Figure 6-3 Worksheet 6a for example 6-2

Worksheet 6a: Detention basin storage, peak outflow discharge (qo) known
Project By Date
Robbinsville SWR 11/6/85
Location Checked Date
Dyer County, Tennessee RGC 11/9/85

Check one: Present X Developed

2 – Stage structure

Elevation or


0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Detention basin storage ( acre-feet )

1. Data:
Drainage area .............. Am = _________ mi2 Vs ..............................
6. ___ 0.26 0.28
Rainfall distribution II Vr
type ( I, IA, II, III) = __________
qo with figure 6-1)
( Use ___
1st 2nd 1.5 3.4
Stage Stage 7. Runoff, Q ................. in
( From worksheet 2)
2. Frequency .................. yr 2 25 8. Runoff volume 9.4 21.2
Vr ................... ac-ft
3. Peak inflow (Vr = QAm 53.33)
discharge qi ...........cfs 91 360 9. Storage volume,
(from worksheet 4 or 5b) Vs ......................... ac-ft 2.4 5.9
4. Peak outflow Vs_ ))
(Vs = Vr ( __
discharge qu ........ cfs 50 180 Vr

10. Maximum storage Emax 103.6 105.7

q (from plot)
5. Compute __o_ ................ 0.55 0.50

1 2nd stage qo includes 1st stage qo

(210-VI-TR-55, Second Ed., June 1986) 6–7

Chapter 6 Storage Volume for Detention Basins Technical Release 55
Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds

Example 6-3 Estimating qo

A development is being planned for a 10-acre water-

shed (0.0156 mi2). A county ordinance requires that
the developed-condition outflow from the watershed
for 24-hr, 100-year frequency storm does not exceed
the outflow for present conditions. The peak discharge
from the watershed for present conditions, 35 cfs, is
calculated from procedures in chapter 4. For devel-
oped conditions, runoff (Q) is 5.4 inches, peak dis-
charge from the watershed is 42 cfs from procedures
in chapter 4, and rainfall distribution is type II.
What will be the peak outflow discharge (qo) from a
detention basin that is located at the outlet and has
maximum allowable storage volume (Vs) of 35,000 ft3
and peak inflow discharge (qi) of 42 cfs? Figure 6-4
shows how worksheet 6b is used to estimate qo as 33
cfs, which is within the 35 cfs limit. An outflow device
will be selected to discharge 33 cfs at a stage corre-
sponding to a Vs of 35,000 ft3.

6–8 (210-VI-TR-55, Second Ed., June 1986)

Chapter 6 Storage Volume for Detention Basins Technical Release 55
Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds

Figure 6-4 Worksheet 6b for example 6-3

Worksheet 6b: Detention basin storage, storage volume (Vs) known

Project By Date
Woods Acres SWR 11/8/85
Location Checked Date
Dyer county, Tennessee RGC 11/11/85

Check one: Present X Developed

Elevation or stage

Not applicable to this sample

Detention basin storage

1. Data:
0.0156 mi2
Drainage area .............. Am = _________ Vs ...............
6. Compute ___ 0.18
Rainfall distribution II Vr
type ( I, IA, II, III) = __________

qo ......................... in
7. ___ 0.78
1st 2nd qi
Stage Stage
( Use ___ with figure 6-1)
2. Frequency .................. yr Vr
8. Peak inflow discharge 42
3. Storage volume qi ........................... in
Vs ....................... ac-ft 0.8 ( From worksheet 4 or 5b)
9. Peak outflow discharge
4. Runoff, Q .............. in
qo ......................... cfs 33
(from worksheet 2)
qo ))
(qo = qi ( ___

5. Runoff volume ..... ac-ft 4.5

10. Maximum storage Emax N/A
(Vr = QAm 53.33) (from plot)
1 2nd stage q includes 1st stage q
o o

(210-VI-TR-55, Second Ed., June 1986) 6–9

Chapter 6 Storage Volume for Detention Basins Technical Release 55
Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds

Example 6-4 Estimating VS, From exhibit 5-II, the largest qt value is 357 csm/in
Tabular Hydrograph method (exhibit 5-II, sheet 7: Tc = 1.0 hr, Tt = 0, and Ia / P = 0.10
at 12.8 hr). From figure 5-4, AmQ for subarea 6 is 1.31.
This example builds on examples 5-1 and 5-2. If peak Therefore,
outflow discharge from subarea 7 must not exceed the
discharge for present conditions, what will be the q = (357) (1.31) = 468 cfs
storage volume (Vs) required in a detention basin at
the outlet of subarea 6? This q value is, of course, the same as the peak inflow
discharge (qi) into the detention basin.
First, compute the outflow hydrograph without sub-
area 6 as shown in the table below, which presents Finally, use worksheet 6a (fig. 6-5) to compute Vs as
developed-condition discharges for example 5-2. (The 33.2 acre-feet.
information in the table is from figure 5-4.)
The required storage volume of 33.2 acre-feet is the
Discharge (cfs) at time (hr) basis for determining the required stage in the deten-
tion basin. This stage is a guide proportioning a spill-
Sub area 13.0 13.2 13.4 13.6 13.8 14.0 14.3 14.6 15.0
way that will discharge 82 cfs or less at that storage.
---------------------------- cfs ----------------------------
The timing or routing effect is not considered because
1 7 9 11 16 24 40 78 122 155
the outflow hydrograph will discharge at near qo for a
2 7 9 12 20 33 55 96 132 132
significant period.
3 14 29 58 89 106 102 74 46 25
4 19 32 63 114 169 207 193 143 83
5 117 167 205 214 202 175 132 99 70
6 omitted — — — — — — —
7 244 167 119 90 72 59 48 40 34
Total without 408 413 468 543 606 638 621 582 499
subarea 6

After computing the outflow hydrograph, determine

the maximum permissible outflow discharge from
subarea 6. The present condition peak discharge at the
outlet of subarea 7 is 750 cfs at 14.3 hr (figure 5-2), and
the developed condition peak discharge at the outlet
of subarea 7 minus subarea 6 is 638 cfs (table above).
The difference between these two discharges, 82 cfs, is
the maximum outflow discharge (qo) for the detention

Next, determine the peak discharge for subarea 6 for

developed conditions by substituting values in equa-
tion 5-1:
q = q t A mQ [eq 5-1]

6–10 (210-VI-TR-55, Second Ed., June 1986)

Chapter 6 Storage Volume for Detention Basins Technical Release 55
Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds

Figure 6-5 Worksheet 6a for example 6-4

Worksheet 6a: Detention basin storage, peak outflow discharge (qo) known
Project By Date
Fallswood SWR 11/8/85
Location Checked Date
Dyer county, Tennessee RGC 11/10/85

Check one: Present X Developed


Not applicable to this example

Elevation or

Detention basin storage ( acre feet )

1. Data:
Drainage area .............. Am = _________ mi2 Vs .............................. 0.475
6. ___
Rainfall distribution II Vr
type ( I, IA, II, III) = __________
qo with figure 6-1)
( Use ___
1st 2nd 3.28
Stage Stage 7. Runoff, Q ................. in
( From worksheet 2)
2. Frequency .................. yr 25 8. Runoff volume
Vr................... ac-ft 69.9
3. Peak inflow (Vr = QAm 53.33)
discharge qi ........... cfs 468
9. Storage volume,
(from worksheet 4 or 5b) Vs ......................... ac-ft 33.2
4. Peak outflow Vs ))
(Vs = Vr ( ___
discharge qu ......... cfs 82 Vr

10. Maximum storage Emax N/A

q (from plot)
5. Compute __o................ 0.175

1 2nd stage qo includes 1st stage qo.

(210-VI-TR-55, Second Ed., June 1986) 6–11

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