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for Geologists
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Reservoir Engineering for Geologists was originally published as a fourteen-part series
in the CSPG Reservoir magazine between October 2007 and December 2008.
Overview...................................................................................... 03
Reservoir Simulation.................................................................... 54
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Article I Overview
by Ray Mireault, P. Eng., and Lisa Dean, P. Geol., Fekete Associates Inc..
Welcome to the first article in a series
intended to introduce geologists to
reservoir engineering concepts and their
application in the areas of Corporate Reserve
Evaluation, Production, Development, and
Figure 1.3. Horizontal well model.
that the trends and operating practices permeability, and wellbore conditions from technique requires that a well be produced
continue into the future. Deviations from mathematical flow equations and dynamic for a period of time and then shut-in for an
theoretical performance can help identify pressure buildup measurements. The appropriate length of time. Analysis inputs
wells and areas that are underperforming.
Well workovers to resolve mechanical
problems or changes in operating practices
can enhance performance and increase
recover y. The presence of pressure
maintenance by an aquifer may make this
method inappropriate to use. This technique
is also more reliable than volumetric
methods when sufficient data is available to
establish a reliable trend line.
include fluid viscosity, rock properties, net
pay thickness of the producing interval, and
the mechanical configuration of the wellbore.
An adequate buildup provides information
on the reservoir flow pattern near the
wellbore, identifies restricted reservoirs,
and can sometimes infer the geometric shape
of the wells drainage area (see Figure 1.3).
Accelerated production from a
producing pool,
Rank and budgeting of potential
exploration and development
Corporate reserve evaluations.
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Article 2 COGEH Reserve Classifications
by Gar y Metcalfe, P. Eng., Vice President Evaluations
In 2004, the Royal Dutch Shell Group on Canadian stock exchanges.The definitions those less certain to be recovered than
reported five separate write-downs of 3,900 and standards for reserve appraisals and probable. The degree of certainty is defined
MSTB, 250 MSTB, 200 MSTB, 100 MSTB, and evaluations are defined in the Canadian Oil as:
one undisclosed volume. In that same year, and Gas Evaluation Handbook (COGEH).
El Paso reported a 41% write-down in Proved: 90% probability of meeting or
reserves from 4,500 BCF to 2,600 BCF. Reserves are the estimated remaining exceeding the estimated proved volume
Where did the reserves go? The answer is quantities of oil and natural gas and related (P90).
nowhere! These write-downs resulted substances anticipated to be recoverable
from misinterpretation of standards and from known accumulations based on analysis Proved plus probable: 50% probability of
guidelines for reserve classification. The of drilling, geological, geophysical, and meeting or exceeding the sum of the
reported oil and gas volumes likely exist; it engineering data; established technology; and estimated proved plus probable volume
was just a matter of premature classification specific economic conditions. (P50).
into the proved reserves category.
Under the COGEH definitions, the reported Proved plus probable plus possible: 10%
The Canadian Securities Administrators proved reserves are those estimated with a probability of meeting or exceeding the sum
(CSA), through National Instrument 51-101 high degree of certainty to be recovered, of the estimated proved plus probable plus
(NI 51-101), sets the standards for disclosure probable reserves are less certain to be possible volume (P10).
of oil and gas activities for companies listed recovered than proved, and possible are
Each of the reserve classifications can be
divided into Developed and Undeveloped
categories, with the developed category
further subdivided into Producing and Non-
PRMS is an ongoing, long-term process. If
these new standards are developed and
implemented, Canadian and U.S. regulators
must respond positively and provide
regulatory enforcement in order to gain the
trust of investors and have credibility in the
The reason for NI 51-101 and COGEH is to
provide the shareholder/investor/
stakeholder with consistent and reliable
reserves information using standardized
reporting guidelines in a format that can be
widely understood. While the COGEH
framework allows for definitions and
Figure 2.3. Multi-well gas pool example reserves classification (sourced from Canadian Oil and Gas classifications for current conventional and
Evaluation Handbook,Volume 2, Secion 6 - Procedures for estimation and calssification of reserves, Figure unconventional reserves and resources, the
6-2B). classification and definition of reserves is an
ever-evolving process. COGEH will continue
to be modified to adapt to new technology
and standardization in a global economy.
Kemirmen, Ferruh, 2007. Reser ves
Estimation: The Challenge for the Industry,
Society of Petroleum Engineers Paper
#103434, In Journal of Petroleum Technology
May 2007, P80-89.
Reserves. Section 6: Procedures for
Estimation and Classification of Reserves,
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Article 3 Volumetric Estimation
by Lisa Dean, P. Geol., Fekete Associates Inc..
You have been asked to:
With these reservoir rock properties and Figure 3.2.Weighted average effective porosity.
utilizing the hydrocarbon fluid properties,
original oil-in-place or original gas-in-place
volumes can be calculated.
OOIP (m3) =
Rock Volume * * (1 - Sw) * 1/Bo
Rock Volume * 7,758 * * (1 - Sw) * 1/Bo
Where: Rock Volume (acre feet) = A * h
A = Drainage area, acres (1 acre =
43,560 sq. ft)
h = Net pay thickness, feet
= Porosity, fraction of rock volume
available to store fluids
Sw = Volume fraction of porosity filled
with interstitial water
Ts = Base temperature, standard
conditions, Rankine (460 +
Ps = Base pressure, standard conditions,
14.65 psia
Tf = Formation temperature, Rankine
(460 + F at formation depth)
Pi = Initial Reservoir pressure, psia
Zi = Compressibility at Pi and Tf
Rock Volume Calculations (A * h) comparative log signatures. temperature and consequently of reservoir
Reservoir volumes can be calculated from depth. The Bo and Bg values from analogous
net pay isopach maps by planimetering to Porosity and Water Saturation offset pools are often used as an initial
obtain rock volume (A * h). To calculate Porosity values are assigned as an average estimate for the prospect under
volumes it is necessary to find the areas over a zone (single well pool) or as a consideration.
between isopach contours. Planimetering can weighted average value over the entire pay
be performed by hand or computer interval using all wells in a pool. Similarly, VOL UME
generated. Given the areas between the average thickness-weighted water A volumetric estimate provides a static
contours, volumes can be computed using; saturation using all wells in the pool is measure of oil or gas in place. The accuracy
Trapezoidal rule, Pyramidal rule, and/or the commonly assumed as the pool average of the estimate depends on the amount of
Peak rule for calculating volumes (see Figure water saturation. data available, which is very limited in the
3.3). early stages of exploration and increases as
Drainage Area wells are drilled and the pool is developed.
Net pay Drainage area assignments to wells should Article 8, entitled Monte Carlo Analysis, will
Net pay is the part of a reservoir from which be similar to offset analogous pools present a methodology to quantify the
hydrocarbons can be produced at economic depending on the geological similarities and uncertainty in the volumetric estimate based
rates, given a specific production method. productivity of the wells within the analog. on assessing the uncertainty in input
The distinction between gross and net pay is Pressure information is useful in estimating parameters such as:
made by applying cut-off values in the pool boundaries and if any potential barriers
petrophysical analysis (Figure 3.4). Net pay exist between wells. Seismic analysis usually Gross rock volume reservoir
cut-offs are used to identify values below improves the reservoir model and provides geometry and trapping
which the reservoir is effectively non- for more reliability in reserve or resource Pore volume and permeability
productive. estimates. Distribution
Fluid contacts
In general, the cut-off values are determined Formation Volume Factor
based on the relationship between porosity, The volumetric calculation uses the initial The accuracy of the reserve or resource
permeability, and water saturation from core oil or gas formation volume factor at the estimates also increases once production data
data and capillary pressure data. If core is initial reservoir pressure and temperature. is obtained and performance type methods
unavailable, estimation of a cut-off can be Both B o and B g are functions of fluid such as material balance and decline analysis
derived from offset well information and composition, reservoir pressure and can be utilized. Finally, integrating all the
techniques provides more reliable answers
than relying solely on any one method.
Aprilia, A. W., Li, Z., McVay, D. A. and Lee, W.
J., SPE Gas Tech Symposium May 15-17 2006,
Calgary. SPE Paper 100575-MS
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Article 4 Production Decline Analysis
by Lisa Dean, P. Geol., and Ray Mireault, P. Eng., Fekete Associates Inc..
Production decline analysis is a basic tool The drive mechanism and operating a semi-logarithmic scale. The data will also
for forecasting production from a well or practices continue into the future. present a straight line trend when
well group once there is sufficient production production rate versus cumulative
to establish a decline trend as a function of Production decline curves are a simple visual production is plotted on regular Cartesian
time or cumulative production.The technique representation of a complex production coordinates. The wells ultimate production
is more accurate than volumetric methods process that can be quickly developed, volume can be read directly from the plot by
when sufficient data is available to establish par ticularly with todays software and extrapolating the straight line trend to the
a reliable trend and is applicable to both oil production databases. Curves that can be production rate economic limit.
and gas wells. used for production forecasting include:
The rate versus time plot is commonly used
Accordingly, production decline analysis is production rate versus time, to diagnose well and reservoir performance.
most applicable to producing pools with well production rate versus cumulative Figure 4.1 presents a gas well with an
established trends. It is most often used to production, exponential straight line trend for much
estimate remaining recoverable reserves for water cut percentage versus cumulative of its production life. But in 2004 the actual
corporate evaluations but it is also useful production, performance is considerably below the
for waterflood and enhanced oil recovery water level versus cumulative expected exponential decline rate, indicating
(EOR) performance assessments and in production, a non-reser voir problem. Wellbore
identifying production issues/mechanical cumulative gas versus cumulative oil, modelling suggests that under the current
problems. Deviations from theoretical and operating conditions, the well cannot
performance can help identify pressure versus cumulative produce liquids to surface below a critical
underperforming wells and areas and production. gas rate of about 700 Mscfd, which is about
highlight where well workovers and/or the rate when well performance started
changes in operating practices could enhance Decline curves a) and b) are the most common deviating from the expected exponential
performance and increase recovery. because the trend for wells producing from decline.Water vapour is probably condensing
conventional reservoirs under primary in the wellbore and impeding production
To the geologist, production decline analysis production will be exponential, in from the well. Removing the water would
of an analogous producing pool provides a engineering jargon. In English, it means that restore the wells production rate to the
basis for forecasting production and ultimate the data will present a straight line trend exponential trend.
recovery from an exploration prospect or when production rate vs. time is plotted on
stepout drilling location. A wells production
capability declines as it is produced, mainly
due to some combination of pressure
depletion, displacement of another fluid (i.e.,
gas and/or water) and changes in relative fluid
permeability. Plots of production rate versus Flow rate less than critical
production history (time or cumulative gas rate and well loads up
production) illustrate declining production with liquid
rates as cumulative production increases
(Figures 4.1 - 4.4).
Gas Rate MMscf/d
Figure 4.2. Pumping oil well where pump capability is decreasing.
Figure 4.2 is an example of a pumping oil While the assumption is not entirely exponential, hyperbolic, and harmonic decline
well that encountered a pump problem. A correct, industry experience has proven that when production rate vs. cumulative
rapid decline in production rate to below decline curves present a practical way to production is plotted on Cartesian scales.
the exponential decline rate cannot be a forecast well production in all but the most The straight orange line extrapolates an
reservoir issue and must therefore be due unusual circumstances. exponential decline from the data. The green
to equipment failure and/or near wellbore and blue lines present hyperbolic
issues such as wax plugging or solids Figure 4.3 illustrates the difference between extrapolations of the data trend with b
deposition in the perforations. In this case,
the pump was replaced and the fluid rate
returned to the value expected for
exponential decline.
important to the industry but they typically
Rate vs. Cumulative Prod. have permeability below 0.1 md and are
generally not productive without some form
of mechanical fracture stimulation. From
Figure 4a, a slightly hyperbolic (approximately
Expotential Decline
exponential) extrapolation of the most
EUR = 1.8 Bcf
Gas Rate MMscf/d
Arps, J. J. 1945. Analysis of Decline Curves.
Trans. AIME, v. 160, p. 228-247.
Gas Cumulative Bcf
Arps, J. J. 1956. Estimation of Primary Oil
Reserves. Trans. AIME, v. 207, p. 182-191.
Figure 4.4. Tight gas well example illustrating minimum and maximum values for EUR depending in
decline methodology. Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and
Petroleum. 2004. Determination of Oil and
values of 0.3 and 0.6, respectively. Note that and whether declines are exponential, Gas Reserves, Petroleum Society
the curvature of the line increases as the b hyperbolic, or harmonic include rock and Monograph Number 1, Chapter 18.
value increases. fluid properties, reservoir geometry, drive
mechanisms, completion techniques, Canadian Oil and Gas Evaluation Handbook.
Figure 4.3 also illustrates the main challenges operating practices, and wellbore type. These 2005. Volume 2, Detailed Guidelines for
in decline analysis data scatter and the type factors must be understood prior to Estimation and Classification of Oil and Gas
of extrapolation that is appropriate for the analyzing the production decline trends or Resources and Reserves. Section 6:
well under consideration. Data scatter is an serious errors in the ultimate production Procedures for Estimation and Classification
unavoidable consequence of dealing with real estimates can result (see Figure 4.4). of Reserves.
data. In western Canada, the permanent
record of production and injection consists As stated previously, oil and gas wells Stotts, W. J., Anderson, D. M., and Mattar, L.
of monthly totals for gas, oil, and water producing conventional (>10 mD) 2007. Evaluating and Developing Tight Gas
production; operated hours; and wellhead permeability reservoirs under primary Reserves Best Practices. SPE paper #
pressure. For oil wells at least, monthly depletion (or fluid expansion) generally 108183 presented at the 2007 SPE Rocky
production at the battery is routinely pro- exhibit exponential decline trends. But the Mountain Oil and Gas Technolog y
rated back to the individual wells, based on performance of some waterfloods and Symposium, Denver, CO, USA, 16-18 April,
sequential 1-2 days tests of individual well unconventional low permeability gas 2007.
capability. Depending on the number of wells reservoirs are better modeled using
and test capability at each battery, it can take hyperbolic decline trends. Formulas :
up to several months to obtain a test on The Exponential decline equation is: q = qi
each well in the group. Figure 4.4 presents an example of well exp{ -Dt }
production from a tight gas reservoir.These
Factors that determine the rate of decline reservoirs are becoming increasingly where:
qi is the initial production rate (stm3/d),
q is the production rate at time t (stm3/d),
t is the elapsed production time (d),
D is an exponent or decline fraction (1/d).
q = q i / { 1 + D it }
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Article 5 Material Balance Analysis
by Ray Mireault, P. Eng., and Lisa Dean, P. Geol., Fekete Associates Inc..
With sufficient production, material balance
techniques offer an alternative, largely
independent, method of estimating the
original hydrocarbons in-place (OOIP and
OGIP) to supplement the direct volumetric
calculation. A material balance of a pools
history can also help to identify the drive
mechanism and the expected recovery factor
range, since different drive mechanisms
display different pressure behaviours for the
same cumulative production. Figure 5.1
presents the different P/Z curve trends that
result from different drive mechanisms.
pressures at discrete points in time are
estimated from analyses of well
pressure build-up tests (well talk about
well tests in another article). Although
local pressure variations near wellbores
can be ignored, pressure trends across
a pool must be accounted for. The
additional uncertainty in the pressure
estimate introduces another challenge
to the hydrocarbon in-place calculations
but is generally tolerable.
flow, and buildup), the length of the test
(shut-in time for buildups), the temperature
gradient in the reservoir, and the accuracy of
the fluid composition all contribute to the
accuracy of the reservoir pressure
Figure 5.4. Single well gas reservoir P/Z plot. As the equation and Figures 5.1 and 5.2
indicate, when there is no production,
pressure trends over time due to reservoir within a common pool will each have current reservoir pressure is the initial
compartmentalization. For gas reservoirs their own pressure/time trend that can reservoir pressure. When all the gas has
(oil reservoirs will be discussed in next be identified with adequate production been produced, reservoir pressure is zero
months Reservoir), a pressure vs. time plot history and used to properly group the and cumulative production equals the initial
(see Figure 5.3) greatly assists in the wells. gas-in-place volume.
diagnosis as follows:
For confidence in the original-gas-in-place A straight line on the P/Z plot is common in
The accuracy of electronic pressure estimate of Figure 5.2, Figure 5.3 compares medium and high (10 to 1,000 mD)
gauges has dramatically reduced the a computer-predicted average reservoir permeability reservoirs. A strong upward
uncertainty in the interpreted reservoir pressure, based on the combined production curvature that develops into a horizontal
pressure due to gauge error. It can cause history of the grouped wells and the line, as presented in Figure 5.1, demonstrates
small random variations in the interpreted gas-in-place volume of Figure 5.2, pressure support in the reservoir and is
interpreted pressures but the with the interpreted reservoir pressures usually associated with a strong water drive.
magnitude is so small that it is seldom a from well pressure build-up tests. All Formation compaction can cause a non-linear,
factor when a pressure deviates from pressure measurements follow the downward trend, as in the example of Figure
the trend line on a P/Z plot. predicted trend, which indicates that the 5.2. However, a downward trend may also
wells have been correctly grouped into a be caused by unaccounted-for well
Inadequate build-up times during common reservoir. production from the reservoir.
pressure tests lead to interpreted
reservoir pressures at the well that are Well pressures that fall below the trend line A slight upward curvature in the P/Z plot
always less than true reservoir of Figure 5.3 are consistent with a indicates some gas influx into the main
pressure. productioninduced pressure gradient across reservoir from adjacent tight rock as
the reservoir (well G and I) and/or an illustrated by Figure 5.1 and the single well
Pressure gradients across a reservoir inadequate build-up time during pressure reservoir of Figure 5.4.The upward curvature
are always oriented from the wells with testing (wells D and G). For the occasional illustrates that there is a significant
the greatest production to wells with anomalous reservoir pressure in a series permeability difference between the main
little or no production. that otherwise follows the trend, other reservoir and the adjacent rock. A limited
circumstances may justify a detailed review upward curvature on P/Z plots is being
The failure to separate and correctly of selected well build-up tests and their observed with increasing frequency in Alberta
group wells into common reservoirs is interpretation. The horizon(s) tested, the as medium and high permeability reservoirs
the most common reason for excessive reservoir geometry, formation permeability are produced to depletion and the industry
data scatter. Wells producing from and depth variations across the reservoir, develops lower and lower permeability plays.
different reservoir compartments the type of test (static gradient, wellhead,
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Article 6 Material Balance for Oil Reservoirs
by Ray Mireault, P. Eng.; Chris Kupchenko, E.I.T.; and Lisa Dean, P. Geol., Fekete Associates Inc.
Material balance calculations for oil
reservoirs are more complex than for gas
reser voirs. They must account for the
reservoir volumes of the produced fluids and
the effect of pressure depletion on the oil
volume remaining in the reservoir. They must
account for the formation, expansion, and
production of solution gas. The calculations
must also account for the expansion of the
reservoir rock and formation water, since
they have similar compressibility as oil. As
noted in last months ar ticle , typical
compressibility ranges are:
A downward curvature when there is a
pressure deficit.
extrapolate the pressure data to a
reliable estimate of reservoir pressure,
due to the increased viscosity of oil
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Article 7 Well Test Interpretation
by Louis Mattar, P. Eng. and Lisa Dean, P. Geol., Fekete Associates Inc.
Lets start off with a simple situation:
to that of gas well tests. The theory is
derived in terms of liquid flow, and is
adapted for use with gas by converting
pressure to pseudo-pressure ( R) and
time to pseudo-time(ta).
Deliverability tests: Figure 7.4. Modeling comparison of synthetic and measured pressures.
The purpose of these tests is to
determine the long term deliverability
of a well, rather than defining the useful transformation is the derivative plot, 5. On the same log-log graph as the
permeability and skin (as in build-up obtained as follows: derivative, plot ) p (for gas, )R)
tests). There is one overriding factor in versus _)t (Figure 7.3).
these tests; it is that at least one of the 1. Plot the shut-in pressure, p (for gas*,
flow durations must be long enough to _R ) versus log {(t+ )t)/ ) t}, where t is DIA
investigate the whole reservoir. This the duration of the flow period (or The buildup is divided into three time
condition is known as stabilized flow. the corresponding superposition time, regions early, middle, and late time. The
Sometimes it is impractical to flow a when the flow period has not been middle time represents radial flow, and it is
well for that long. In that case, the constant) and ) t is the shut-in time. A not until middle time is reached that the
stabilized condition is calculated from semi-log plot of this is called a permeability can be determined. In Figure
the reservoir characteristics obtained Horner plot and is shown in Figure 7.2, the permeability is calculated from the
in a build-up test. 7.2. slope of the semi-log straight line, and in
Figure 7.3, from the vertical location of the
INTERPRETATION:: 2. Determine the slope of the Horner flat portion of the derivative. These two
Interpretation of well test data is often plot at each ) t. This slope is called the answers should be the same.
conducted in two stages. The first is a derivative.
diagnostic analysis of the data to reveal the The skin is calculated from the ) p curve. In
reservoir model and the second is modeling 3. Plot the derivative versus )t on log- Figure 7.3, the larger the separation between
of the test. log graph paper (Figure 7.3). the curves in the middle time region, the
more positive is the skin.
ARATION: 4. Calculate )p (for gas*, )R ), the
To analyze the build-up data, it is transformed difference between the build-up and Early time represents the wellbore and the
into various coordinate systems in order to the last flowing pressure. nearwellbore properties (effects of damage,
accentuate different characteristics.The most acidizing, or hydraulic fracture). It is often
associated with a (log-log) straight line of
*Injection and fall-off tests are analyzed the same way as a build-up
simply replace the production rate by the injection rate, and the *In well testing the corrections caused by pseudo-time are usually fixed slope. A slope equal to one means
pressure rise by the pressure fall. negligible. For simplicity this article will use t rather than ta.
the test (Figure 7.4). The values of the
parameters in the model (permeability, skin,
distances to boundaries, etc.) are varied until
an acceptable match is obtained between the
synthetic and measured pressures.
(observation), and are used to back-pressure is zero, ) p 2 = p R 2 ). This
determine interwell connectivity. maximum is called the AOF (absolute open
flow) and is one of the most commonly used
IPR These tests are designed to yield indicators of the wells deliverability
the long-term deliverability of the well, potential.
and are not concerned with determining
the reser voir characteristics The PITA (perforation inflow test analysis)
deliverability test for an oil well is called In these tests, sometimes referred to
IPR (inflow performance relationship). as PID (perforation inflow diagnostic),
It describes the inflow into the the well is perforated and the pressure
wellbore at various bottom-hole rise in the closed wellbore is recorded,
pressures. The test consists of a single and interpreted to yield an estimate of
flw until stabilization is reached, at permeability and reservoir pressure.
which time the oil and water flow rates These tests are useful for tight gas
and the flowing pressure are measured. where most other tests would take too
An IPR is plotted according to known long because of the very low
relationships such as the Vogel IPR permeability.
AOF (absolute open flow) An AOF test Energy Resources Conservation Board.
is the gas well equivalent to a liquid IPR 1979. Gas Well Testing Theory and Practice.
test. It too must have at least one flow ERCB, Guide G3 (Directive 034), 547 p.
rate to stabilization. It differs from a
liquid IPR in several ways: Lee, J., Rollins, J.B., and Spivey, J.P. 2003.
Pressure Transient Testing. Society of
Often more than one flow rate is Petroleum Engineers, v. 9, 376 p.
required. This is because gas flow in the
reservoir can be turbulent (liquid flow
is laminar) and the degree of turbulence
can be assessed only by utilizing
multiple flow rates.
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Article 8 Rate Transient Analysis
by Louis Mattar, P. Eng., Ray Mireault, P. Eng., and Lisa Dean, P. Geol., Fekete Associates Inc..
While a well is producing, a lot of (Rate Transient Analysis) can give the pessimistic), as will be illustrated by the
information can be deduced about the well Original- Oil-In-Place (OOIP) or following examples.
or the reservoir without having to shut it in Original-Gas-In- Place (OGIP), if the
for a well test. Analysis of production data flowing pressure is known in addition Example 1, shown in Figure 8.1, clearly
can give us significant information in several to the flow rate. exhibits an exponential decline. It is obvious
areas: from this Figure that the recoverable
The principles and methods discussed in this reserves are 2.9 Bcf. Typically this type of gas
1. Reserves This is an estimate of the article are equally applicable to oil and gas well has a recovery factor of 80% (0.8), and
recoverable hydrocarbons, and is reservoirs, but for brevity will only be one can thereby conclude that the
usually determined by traditional presented in terms of gas. originalgas- in-place (OGIP) = 2.9/0.8 = 3.6
production decline analysis methods, as Bcf. By using the modern rate transient
described in Article #4 in this series TRADITIONAL METHODS : RESERVES analysis described later in this article, it will
(Dean, L. and Mireault, R., 2008). From an economic perspective, it is not what be shown that this value of OGIP is grossly
is in the reservoir that is important, but pessimistic.
2.Reservoir Characteristics rather what is recoverable.The industry term
Permeability, well completion efficiency for this recoverable gas is Reserves. There Example 2, (Figure 8.2, page 30), also exhibits
(skin), and some reservoir are several ways of predicting reserves. One an exponential decline. It can be seen from
characteristics can be obtained from of these methods, traditional decline analysis this Figure that the recoverable reserves are
production data by methods of analysis (exponential, hyperbolic, harmonic) has 10 Bcf. Assuming a recovery factor of 80%
that are extensions of well testing already been discussed in Article #4. The (0.8), the OGIP = 10/0.8 = 12.5 Bcf. By using
(Mattar, L. and Dean, L., 2008) method is used daily for forecasting the modern rate transient analysis described
production and for economic evaluations. later in this article, it will be shown that this
3. Oil- or Gas-In-Place The modern Generally, the results are meaningful, but they value of OGIP is optimistic.
methods of production data analysis can sometimes be unrealistic (optimistic or
Example 3, (Figure 8.3, page 30) is a tight gas
Figure 8.2.Traditional decline - example 2.
well and has been analyzed using hyperbolic
decline.The reserves are 5.0 Bcf which (using
a recovery factor of 50% for tight gas)
translates to an OGIP equal to 10 Bcf. By
using the modern rate transient analysis
described later in this article, it will be
shown that this value of OGIP is overly
Figure 8.4. Rate transient analysis - type curve match - example 1. HYDROCARBONS-IN-PLACE AND
There are two significant differences
between the traditional methods and the
modern methods:
Anderson, D. 2004. Modern Production
Decline Analysis, Getting the Most Out of
Your Production Data.Technical Video 2. http:/
/www. fekete.com/aboutus/techlibrary.asp.
Article 9 Monte Carlo Simulation/Risk Assessment
by: Ray Mireault P. Eng. and Lisa Dean P. Geol., Fekete Associates Inc.
Geologist A is presenting a development
prospect. Geologist B is presenting an
exploration play. Which should you invest
3. Estimate the total field/pool daily
production rate range from the
recoverable hydrocarbon range based
on a seven year rate-of-take (deplete
the field in about 15 years).
OGIP=A*h* N *(1-Sw)* ((Ts* Pi) / ( Ps*T f*Z)) The reason for the large discrepancies is
because the error in the product of
multiplication successively increases with
each multiplication, unlike addition. To
illustrate, if the estimated value for each
input parameter is out by 17%, the sum of
addition will also be out by 17%. Not so with
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Article 10 Monte Carlo Simulation/Risk Assessment (cont.)
by: Ray Mireault, P. Eng. and Lisa Dean, P. Geol., Fekete Associates Inc.
What should we assume for a depletion rate? between 118 and 502 103m3/day (also Figure By inspection of Figure 1, 118 103m3/day
In Feketes experience, a seven-year rate- 10.1) was obtained by dividing the annual corresponds to the 10th percentile of the
of-take provides a starting point for a volume range by 350 producing days per year. daily production rate curve and 236 103m3/
production profile with good economic value. day is about the 47th percentile. The plant is
Note that the calculation provides an With an estimated daily rate and the correct size for the lower 37% of the
estimate of the annual produced volume knowledge of the gas composition, the range and thus capital and operating costs
during the initial one-to-three years of type and size of the central facilities can for the central facilities can be estimated. If
production. Since well productivity declines be determined. Since the gas contains development drilling ultimately proves that
over time, it will take between 10 and 15 mostly methane and ethane with no H 2S larger facilities are required, increased gas
years to produce the prospect to depletion and a low concentration of other revenues will more than offset the
but about half the gas will be recovered nonhydrocarbon gases, only dehydration incremental cost of larger facilities.
during the initial five years. and compression will be required to treat
the raw gas to sales gas specifications. If Geologist As prospect also requires a 70
Dividing Geologist As recoverable gas range the design capacity of the facilities is set km sales gas pipeline to connect to the
by seven yields an initial annual production at 236 10 3m 3/day of raw gas, a plant with a nearest sales point. The central facility design
volume of between 41 and 176 10 6m 3/yr (typical) 2:1 turndown ratio will be able rate can similarly be used to estimate the
(Figure 10.1). A daily production rate of to operate down to about 118 10 3m 3/day. size and associated capital and operating
developed for all the inputs necessary to
evaluate the economics of the prospect. The
general calculation sequence is:
additionally, the present day value of a unit that Geologist As prospect has a present category and estimate the total capital cost
of production can be estimated by dividing day value before capital of between $12 and range for the project. Cost estimates for
the prospects present day value before $66 Million. well costs and wellsite facilities that were
capital (highlighted in blue) by the projected provided on a per well basis were added
total gas sales volume (in pink). While the PV before investment range looks together and then multiplied by the
promising, it must be compared with the distribution for the expected number of
In Feketes experience, the uncertainty range required capital investment to know if the development wells to determine the total
on the present day value of a unit of prospect has economic potential. The cost range for the development well category.
production is relatively small compared to present value capital costs for the prospect
the uncertainty range of the input were estimated for each category as follows: The development well category should also
parameters. The reason is because increased include the cost of the dry holes that will be
sales revenue, due to higher production encountered. The number of dry holes can
volumes and/or gas prices tends to be offset be estimated by dividing the number of wells
by increased royalties, operating costs, and required by the drilling success rate to yield
taxes. Conversely, lower revenue scenarios the total number of drilling attempts that
have reduced royalties, operating costs, and must be undertaken. Multiplying by the chance
taxes. of a dry hole (between 15 and 30%) yields
the number of dry holes that are likely to be
At the time that Geologist As prospect was encountered. Multiplying by the cost per dry
evaluated, its unit of production PV was hole yields an estimated range of values for
estimated to be between $35.50 and $71 total dry hole cost. The updated capital cost
per 103m3 ($1 to $2/Mcf). Using Monte Carlo table follows:
simulation to multiply the unit PV by the
recoverable gas estimate yields the present
day value of the prospect before capital
investment. As shown in Figure 10.3, there Monte Carlo simulation can be used to
is an 80% probability (P10 to P90 values) successively add the cost range for each
cannot do any better than double the value
of the capital invested and that the sales
pipeline and well costs have the greatest
impact on financial performance.
Mackay, Virginia (ed.). 1994. Determination
of Oil and Gas Reserves. Petroleum Society
Monograph No. 1, p. 106-119.
Article 11 Monte Carlo Simulation/Risk Assessment (cont.)
by Ray Mireault, P. Eng. and Lisa Dean, P. Geol., Fekete Associates Inc.
The second article (Mireault and Dean, 2008)
in the series on Monte Carlo simulation
presented an evaluation methodology for
Geologist As development prospect. This
last article extends the methodology to
address Geologist Bs exploration prospect.
From the viewpoint of a Monte Carlo bearing deposit (i.e., how many
simulation, after an exploration prospect has exploratory wells need to be drilled)?
been discovered it will require development
capital to achieve production, just like any Are the prospect economics
other development prospect. Thus an sufficiently attractive to accommodate
exploration prospect is no more than a both the development and exploration
development prospect with an additional costs?
step. Accordingly, the financial questions to
be answered become: DEV
Does the prospect present sufficient As with Geologist As development prospect, Table 11.1. Geologist Bs input parameter ranges.
economic potential to proceed with Monte Carlo simulation was used to
development (assuming it contains the volumetrically estimate the potential oil-in- OOIP = A * h * N * (1 - Sw) * 1/Bo
postulated volume of hydrocarbons)? place and recoverable oil volumes. Geologist
If so, Bs input parameter ranges are in Table 1. Recoverable Oil = OOIP * Recovery Factor
How much additional (risk) capital is As presented in the Volumetric Estimation Figure 11.1 graphically presents the prospect
required to create a high (70%) article (Dean, 2008), the equations for oil potential based on the foregoing input
probability of locating a hydrocarbon- are: parameters. Dividing the recoverable oil
range by a seven-year rate-of-take provides
the initial annual production volume. The
initial daily production rate assumes 350
producing days per year.
probability of geologic success as follows:
In reality, we should learn something about
the prospect and play with each drilling
attempt, so we may consider that less than
10 wells are required for a 70% chance of
making at least one discovery. Or we may
decide that the drilling locations currently
available to the company are not related and
the above table reasonably presents the
chance with each successive attempt.
The chance of realizing a positive NPV on The potential gain in economic value if
Table 11.9. Cumulative Prospect Capital Cost the capital investment can be read from the events do unfold as expected.
Ranges. graph. From Figure 11.4, upper and lower
prospect capital cost ranges were estimated limits of the NPV curve have a value of zero total capital commitment required to
as shown in Table 11.9: at about the 43rd and 63rd percentiles. The realize production.
chance of achieving a positive NPV on the
With a total exploration and development capital investment with Geologist As Which prospect would you invest in?
cost of $60.7 MM and a PV before investment development prospect is between 37 and
value of $62 MM at the 90th percentile 57%.
(Figure 11.3), the prospect has better than a REFERENCES
90% chance of achieving a positive NPV (if In Figure 11.5, the NPV = 0 axis is intersected Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and
the deposit really exists). When presented at about the 6th and 9th percentiles. If Petroleum. 1994. Determination of Oil and
with this level of economic attractiveness, Geologist Bs exploration interpretation is Gas Reserves, Petroleum Society
most companies would seriously consider correct, there is between a 91 and 94% chance Monograph Number 1, Chapter 6.
pursuing Geologist Bs prospect. of achieving a positive NPV on the capital
investment. Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and
PROSPECT FINANCIAL COMPARISONS Petroleum. 2004. Determination of Oil and
Figure 4 summarizes the financial picture For any prospect, management needs to Gas Reserves, Petroleum Society
for Geologist As development prospect. know: Monograph Number 1, Chapter 6.
Figure 5 presents Geologist Bs exploration
prospect. The Max NPV curve is generated The chances that at least the value of Coordinating Committee for Coastal and
by subtracting the P10 total cost value from the capital investment will be Offshore Geoscience Programmes in East
the NPV before capital curve. The Min NPV recovered if the project proceeds. and Southeast Asia (CCOP). 2000.The CCOP
curve is similarly created from the NPV Guidelines for Risk Assessment of Petroleum
before capital curve less the P90 value for How much capital could be lost if Prospects. July, 2000. 35 p.
events do not turn out as expected.
total capital costs.
Figure 11.5. Oil exploration prospect NPV potential.
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Article 12 - Coalbed Methane Fundamentals
by Kamal Morad, P. Eng., Ray Mireault, P. Eng., and Lisa Dean, P. Geol., Fekete Associates Inc.
Historically, gas emissions from coal have relative to matrix permeability, but very
been a nuisance and a safety hazard during Matrix limited storage capacity.
coal mining operations, causing numerous Fracture
explosions and deaths. But today, coalbed In coal terminology, natural fractures are
methane (CBM) is an increasingly important called cleats. The cleat structure consists
source of the worlds natural gas production of two parts: face cleats and butt cleats
with many countries, including Canada, Butt Cleats (Figure 12.2). Face cleats are typically
actively developing this unconventional Matrix continuous fractures that go across the
energy source. reservoir. They are considered the main
pathway for gas production.
Currently, CBM accounts for 10% of U.S.
natural gas production with the size of the Butt cleats are discontinuous, perpendicular
Face Cleats to the face cleats and generally act as a feeder
resource (OGIP) estimated at 700 TCF. The
most active areas of production are the San network of gas into the face cleats.
Juan Basin in New Mexico, the Powder River
Figure 12.1. Coal is a dual-porosity system.
Basin in northeast Wyoming / southeast The effective porosity, permeability, and
Montana, and the Black Warrior Basin in water saturation are all properties of the
Alabama. because of several unique physical coal cleat system. Since coal permeability
properties. The coals typically have very low is a property of the cleat space, it is affected
In Canada, CBM is still in the early stages of gamma, low density, and high resistivity by the structure and characteristics of the
development, yet it already accounts for values. cleat network, e.g., the dominant fracture
about 1% of total gas production.The Western orientation, fracture continuity, frequency,
Canada Sedimentary Basin contains the Similar to conventional naturally fractured and width.
majority of Canadas estimated 600 TCF of reservoirs, coal is generally characterized
CBM resource potential. Formations of as a dual-porosity system because it consists The effective permeability of the cleat system
greatest interest are the Mannville, which of a matrix and a network of fractures (Figure is also influenced by the contrast between
tends to produce water as well as gas (a 12.1). For both groups, the bulk of the in- face and butt cleat permeability. CBM
wet coal) and the Horseshoe Canyon, place gas is contained in the matrix. However, reservoirs are generally considered to be
which usually produces gas with virtually no matrix permeability is generally too low to anisotropic systems, where the effective
water (a dry coal). permit the gas to produce directly through permeability is the geometric average of face
the matrix to the wellbore at significant and butt cleat permeability. Permeability
In general, coal is classified into four main rates. anisotropy creates elliptical drainage areas
types depending on the quantity and types of and should be taken into account when
carbon it contains as well as the amount of In a naturally fractured system, most of the placing wells in CBM development projects.
heat energy it can produce. These are: produced gas makes its way from the matrix
to the fracture system to the wellbore. If DIFFERENCES WITH CONVENTIONAL
1. Lignite (brown coal) the lowest rank the well has been hydraulically fracd, gas may RESERVOIRS
of coal; used as fuel for electric power also travel from the natural fracture system A good starting point to understanding the
generation. to the man-made fracture system to the production characteristics of coalbed
2. Sub-bituminous coal properties range wellbore. With both conventional naturally methane reservoirs is by considering the
between lignite and bituminous coal. fractured reservoirs and CBM reservoirs, the differences to conventional gas production.
3. Bituminous coal a dark brown to black, natural fracture system has high permeability, The most significant differences are:
dense mineral; used primarily as fuel in
steam-electric power generation. In a conventional reservoir, the majority
4. Anthracite the highest rank; a harder, of the gas is contained in the pore space
glossy, black coal used primarily for but in a CBM reservoir, the majority of
residential and commercial space the gas is adsorbed (bonded to the coal
heating; it may be divided further into molecules) in the matrix.
petrified oil, as from the deposits in In a conventional reservoir, reservoir
Pennsylvania. gas expands to the producing wells in
direct response to any production-
Note that graphite, which is metamorphically induced ressure gradient. But CBM
altered bituminous coal, is technically the reservoirs generally require that
highest rank of coal. However, it is not reservoir pressure be below some
commonly used as fuel because it is difficult threshold value to initiate gas
to ignite. desorption.
In a CBM reservoir, a gas molecule must
COAL CHARACTERISTICS first desorb and diffuse through the coal
Coals are recognized on geophysical logs Figure 12.2. Example of coal cleat structure. matrix to a cleat. It can then move
The gas content of the coal,
The degree of heterogeneity and
complexity contained in CBM
The impact of modelling complex
multilayer coal/non-coal geometries
with simple one- or two-sequence
V = VL * (P / PL + P)
V L , the Langmuir Volume, is the gas
content of the coal when reservoir
pressure approaches infinity.
that affect the absolute permeability of the
cleat system:
and the weakest affinity for carbon dioxide, cleat spacing. In general, greater In wet coals, changes in the relative
the three gases adsorb/ desorb at different concentration gradients, larger diffusion permeability of the cleat system with changes
rates from coal (Figure 12.6). Thus, it is not coefficients, and tighter cleat spacing all act in water and gas saturation must be
uncommon for the CO 2 content of the to reduce the required travel time. On considered in the Darcy flow equation to
produced gas to decrease as gas is produced reaching a cleat, gas then travels the remaining correctly predict well performance. As
and reservoir pressure depletes. distance to the wellbore by conventional illustrated by a typical set of relative
Darcy flow. Since flow in a CBM reservoir is permeability curves (Figure 12.7), the relative
CBM GAS TRANSPORT MECHANISMS generally two-phase flow, fluid saturation permeability to gas increases with decreasing
After desorbing from the coal, gas in a CBM changes in the cleat system and consequent water saturation and vice versa.
reservoir uses diffusion to travel through changes in relative permeabilities become
the coal matrix to the cleat system. The time important. CBM WELL PERFORMANCE
required to diffuse through the matrix to a The production of CBM wells can be
cleat is controlled by the gas concentration As the gas is produced from a CBM reservoir, generally divided into three separate phases
gradient, the gas diffusion coefficient, and the two distinct and opposing phenomena occur (Figure 12.8):
cumulative production of CBM wells. As
improvements in drilling, completion and
production techniques advance, CBM will
continue to be an increasingly important
source of natural gas.
Gas Research Institute. 1993. GRI Reference
No. GRI-94/0397, A Guide to Coalbed
Methane Reservoir Engineering, Chicago,
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Article 13 - Geological Storage of C02
by Mehran Pooladi-Darvish, Ph.D., P. Eng. and R. Mireault, P. Eng., Fekete Associates Inc.
Over the past few years, the production and terms, 230 Mt/yr (Albertas annual emissions) of CO2.
usage of fossil fuels has increased despite translates to approximately 12 bcf/d; roughly
rising concern over the atmospheric equal to Albertas daily natural gas production The sheer magnitude of a 6 bcf/d injection
emission of greenhouse gases (e.g., CO2). It rate. Conversely, injecting 12 bcf/d of CO2 rate raises additional considerations. Further,
appears that fossil fuels will remain the would require 400 wells, each operating at a multi-century time-scale for the geological
energy of choice for at least a few more 30 mmcf/d. storage of CO2 is a fundamental departure
decades. Despite conservation, alternate with the decade(s)-long operating horizon
fuels, constrained supply, and higher prices, While all generated CO 2 presents equal for hydrocarbon development (Bachu,
the National Energy Board predicts that the potential in terms of the greenhouse gas 2008a). To address these differences, the
demand for fossil fuels in Canada will effect, the level of effort needed to collect, models and workflows used for hydrocarbon
continue to increase . The International purify, and inject CO2 varies with the source development are being reconsidered and
Energy Agency forecasts similar trends for of the emission. For example, CO2 from large revised.
worldwide demand at least until 2050. stationary point sources, such as coal-fired
power plants and hydrocarbon processing Desired Storage Site Characteristics
This article does not debate either the plants, is more easily captured and stored A desired CO2 storage site should have at
occurrence of global warming or the role compared to CO2 from small, moving sources least the following characteristics:
played by man-made CO 2 emissions. It such as automobiles.
instead considers the similarities and Ensure containment over long periods
differences between hydrocarbon Note that fossil fuels contribute to CO 2 of time (centuries).
production and the geological storage of emissions both when they are produced (e.g., Enough injectivity to receive the CO2
CO 2. Assuming the public is interested in oil sand production, bitumen upgrades, and at the desired rates.
capturing the CO2 waste created by burning gas-sweetening plants) and when they are Sufficient storage capacity.
fossil fuels, Alberta is a suitable place for its burned. Capture refers to the process of
geological storage and the petroleum selectively treating or purifying the waste Containment
industry has the necessary abilities to gas stream to capture just the CO 2 The density of CO2 increases with increasing
significantly reduce net CO2 emissions. component for injection (e.g., flue gas depth / pressure, to approximately 700 kg/
contains less than 15% CO2). m3 at 2,000 to 3,000 m. But the density of
CO22 Emissions in Canada and Alberta formation brines is above 1,000 kg/m 3. As
In 2000, Canadas CO 2 emissions were While the majority of CO 2 emissions in with petroleum reservoirs, competent cap
approximately 725 megatonnes (Mt) (Figure Ontario are from small emitters, about half rock is required to ensure containment. Even
13.1). Alber ta and Ontario together of the total emissions in Alberta are from with competent cap rock, creating large,
accounted for 430 Mt or slightly less than large, point-source stationary plants. Given buoyant accumulations of concentrated CO2
60% of total emissions. Quebec, British the abundance of depleting petroleum that are in storage for centuries raises
Columbia, and Saskatchewan together reser voirs in the Western Canada complex questions. Therefore, natural and
accounted for 220 Mt or about 30%. Sedimentary Basin, capture and geological man-made processes are being studied that
storage would appear to be the preferred could lead to permanent trapping of the
How much gas is this? In petroleum industry solution, at least for Albertas point sources injected CO2. For example:
Figure 13.2. Large-scale CO2 storage in the Redwater Reef (Gunter and
Figure 13.1. CO2 emissions (Mt / year) in Canada in 2000 (Bachu, 2008b). Bachu, 2007).
Designs are being considered to enhance pore space by capillary forces residual leakage as a result of enhanced solubility
the contact between CO 2 and the trapping. trapping will need to be balanced against
formation brine, to facilitate what is the increased risk of leakage with
called solubility trapping. Once CO 2 While many of these trapping processes distance from the injection site, since
is dissolved in the brine, the mixture is occur naturally, they occur slowly over our knowledge of the integrity and areal
denser than the in-situ brine and tends centuries. To accelerate these trapping extent of the cap rock generally
to settle. mechanisms, engineering solutions are being decreases with distance from the well.
proposed. For example:
Reacting CO2 with formation minerals Studies conducted by Hassanzadeh et al.
could create new stable minerals In a dipping aquifer, down-dip injection (2008) suggest that production of the
mineral trapping. of CO 2 could lead to CO 2 flow formation brine farther away from the
underneath the cap rock and along the CO2 injection site and its injection on
After flowing through porous rock, small length of the aquifer, enhancing top of the CO2 plume at some distance
CO2 bubbles can remain trapped in the solubility trapping. The reduced risk of from the CO 2 injector, could lead to
solubility trapping of a significant amount
of CO2 at a small energy cost.
Although total injection rates can always be
increased by drilling more injection wells,
the number of wells that will ultimately be
required to inject 6 bcf/day can significantly
affect the economics of geological storage.
High permeability reservoirs and formations
are obviously preferred.
Depleted oil and gas pools are attractive as
storage sites, because of the availability of
information and the knowledge that the cap
rock is a competent seal. But large scale CO2
injection, (6 bcf/d is 2.2 tcf/year) requires
formations that can store 10s of tcf or 1,000+
megatonnes of CO 2 . While depleted
petroleum pools may play a part in localized
injection of CO2, two projects that are being
considered for Alber ta, illustrate the
differences between conventional
Figure 13.3. Readwaters proximity to large CO2 emitters (Gunter and Bachu, 2007).
From where we are to where
we need to be
Making a significant impact on the net volume
of CO2 emissions, even from Albertas 2002
rate of 12 bcf/d, requires a large industry.
The petroleum industry, with its earth-
science and engineering knowledge, its
operating expertise, managerial ability, and
financial resources, is well suited to the task
of CO2 capture and geological storage. We
already know much about the issues by virtue
of our hydrocarbon production experience:
Pooladi-Darvish, M., Hong, H., Theys, S.,
Stocker, R., Bachu, S., and Dashtgard S. 2008.
CO 2 injection for Enhanced Gas Recovery
and Geological Storage of CO2 in the Long
Coulee Glauconite F Pool, Alberta. SPE
115789 presented at the SPE annual Technical
Conference and Exhibition, Denver,
September 21-24, 2008.
References :
Bachu, S. 2008a. CO2, Storage and Geological
Media: Role, means, status, and barriers to
deployment. Progress in Energy and
Combustion Science An International
Review Journal, v. 34, p. 254-273.
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Article 14 - Reservoir Simulation
by: Ray Mireault, P. Eng.; Nick Esho; and Lisa Dean, P. Geol.; Fekete Associates Inc.
In Feketes experience, a well performed permeability versus well-test permeability, of development to ensure consistency in the
reservoir simulation represents the ultimate core porosity versus log-derived values) until interpretation and reaffirm that the
integration of geolog y, geophysics, the team has a consistent explanation of the developing model is fit-for-purpose. A very
petrophysics, production data, and reservoir reservoirs pre- through post-depositional detailed geological model may be unable to
engineering. Through simulation, the flow of history. Hydrocarbon reservoirs are too address the question(s) that the simulation
multiple fluids in heterogeneous rock over complex to develop a complete team is attempting to answer.
time can be quantitatively estimated to gain understanding in one afternoon so the
insights into reservoir performance not process should be viewed as a series of The engineers role in the process is to
available by any other means. ongoing discussions. reliably simulate the performance of the
geological model for the production
Initially, reservoir simulation was reserved The next step is to define, test, and prioritize scenario(s) under consideration by history
for large reservoirs requiring large capital the uncertainties to be modeled and their matching a producing field and / or forecasting
investments that justified costly, intensive impact on the overall dimensions of the future performance. While it may seem that
studies such as offshore developments. model. For example, a gridblock height that reservoir simulation would be
However, simulation of more modest-sized is too large to reflect the layering in thin straightforward if we only knew all the
reservoirs has increased as simulation beds will introduce significant errors in the inputs, that perception is incorrect. Limited
software and computer capability have flow net-to-gross pay estimates as well as information unquestionably complicates the
become more readily available. Oilfields flow pathways. It is essential to agree upfront task but the most fundamental (and
under primary production, waterflood, and on the level of resolution and details to be unavoidable) issue is the error introduced
EOR typically qualify for reservoir simulation captured in the model. The appropriate level by approximating overwhelmingly complex
but its usage is not uncommon for gas fields, of detail can be different for each reservoir physical geometries / interactions with
unconventional reservoirs, or pools and is also dependent on the purpose of the simpler but manageable mathematical
undergoing CO 2 injection. simulation, sometimes testing and iterations relationships.
maybe necessary.
In broad terms, the geologist / geophysicist / Of necessity, simulation uses a sequence of
petrophysicists role in reservoir simulation Next comes selecting the appropriate grid three-dimensional gridblocks as a proxy for
is to reliably approximate the (a) stratigraphy, type (regular or faulted) to model the reservoir rock volume (see Figure 1). In
(b) structure, and (c) geometry of the present day structure of the reservoir. order to keep the time, cost, and computing
reservoir flow unit(s) and the initial fluid Components to be modeled include the top requirements of a simulation manageable, the
distributions throughout. The aim of the of structure, faults, internal baffles to flow, total number of gridblocks is generally
exercise is to quantify and manage the and any areal variation in thickness and rock limited to less than 500,000, with a small
subsurface knowledge and uncertainties. In properties. The objective is to replicate the simulation requiring less than 100,000
the practical sense, a good model is the one orientation, geometry, and effect of the gridblocks. For either large or small projects,
that is fit-for-purpose utilizing sound structural imprint as it affects flow within
geological reasoning and at the same time the model. It is imperative to validate the
supports reservoir dynamics (e.g., fluid flow, fault-horizon network to ensure it is
history matching). geologically feasible and to ascertain the
absence of structural distortion and other
Geological data is often characterized by problems.
sparseness, high uncertainty, and uneven
distribution, thus various methods of Facies modeling is the next step in
stochastic simulation of discrete and construction. Where available, the best
continuous variables are usually employed. practice is to integrate core data and outcrop
The final product will be a combination of: analogues to constrain and refine logderived
observation of real data (deterministic facies type and property estimates.
component), Understanding the facies distribution
education, training, and experience provides a tool for predicting reservoir
(geology, geophysics, and quality away from the known datapoints. The
petrophysics), and geometry (length, width, thickness, and
formalized guessing (geostatistics). direction) of each facies body will affect the
way heterogeneities in porosity and
The first step is the geologists conceptual permeability are modeled. Attribute analysis
depositional model which (s)he must be able (inversion/QI) and geobodies extracted from
to sketch and explain to the other members seismic data are also useful to further refine Figure 14.1.Typical reservoir simulation models (a)
of the team. The conceptual model should be the geological model. tank, (b) ID, (c) ID radial, (d) cross-sectional, (e)
broadly compared and tested with each areal, (f) radial cross-sectional, and (g) 3D;
disciplines observations and data (e.g., core It is important to quality check at each step Mattax and Dalton, 1990.
a gridblock may represent a unit rock
volume of one or more acres in areal extent
and several feet thick (Figure 14.2).
volume of a gridblock and rate of fluid flow
(production) both influence the rate of
change in a gridblocks fluid saturations over
time. Limits on the rate of saturation change
that are developed from experience, are
generally used to determine the largest
timestep size that will present apparently
smooth results when mapped or graphed.
This process is done internally by the
simulator to ensure smoothness of results.
Since it is not possible to individually inspect
the millions of calculations that are
performed in a simulation, editing and
graphical presentation of the output is
crucial to assessing the consistency and
reliability of the results. As a minimum, the
output graphs should include:
identify the probable causes of
deviations from forecasted
performance, particularly during the
early life of a reservoir.
Mattax, C.C. and Dalton R.L. 1990. Reservoir
Simulation. Society of Petroleum Engineers, Henry
L. Doherty Series, Monograph Vol. 13.