Article On Fuel Injection
Article On Fuel Injection
Article On Fuel Injection
MAINTENANCE OF THE BENDIX on the fuel servo unit is required at 50 hour intervals. The
RSA FUEL SYSTEM inlet filter requires inspection and cleaning after the first
25 hours of operation and at 50 hour intervals thereafter.
It should be inspected and cleaned at each annual
The following article was sent courtesy of the Allied regardless of accumulated hours since last inspection.
Corporation, Bendix Controls Division. It was the basis Before you start tearing into the fuel system, it might be
for an article which appeared in Sport Aerobatics a good idea to obtain a set of "O" rings that will be
Magazine in 1987. required. You'll need one each of the part numbers
shown in table 1 as determined by the model of injector
THE SERVO INLET FILTER installed on your aircraft. It is best to always replace
Most pilots and mechanics do not realize that maintenance these packings each time the filter is cleaned.
Table 1. Inlet Fitting and Filter "O" Ring Part Numbers. fitting is badly damaged, or corroded, it must be replaced.
Model Fitting Filter Once cleaning and inspection is complete, install new "O"
RS/RSA-5 Series 951789 953541-10 rings on the filter and inlet fitting. Reinstall the filter,
RSA-7 951790 951392 spring end first. Lubricate the packing on the inlet fitting
RS/RSA-10 Series 951790 951392 and install fitting into the servo unit Again, DO NOT use
anything other than Bendix approved "O" rings (packings).
Normally these can be procured from your local Bendix
distributor or any facility that repairs/overhauls Bendix NOTE
servo units. A word of CAUTION here; DO NOT
substitute standard AN or MS "O" rings for the Bendix When AN or MS equivalent parts are approved
part numbers. Using the wrong "O" ring on the inlet for use in a particular application, those
fitting has been known to exert sufficient force to crack equivalents will be listed as the primary part and
the servo unit housing. A few pennies saved is hardly the Bendix part will be shown as the optional
worth the $1,000.00 plus price tag of a new housing. part. This helps you keep costs down while
improving safety by elimination of the "I think
Servicing the filter requires removal of the inlet hose to this will work" syndrome.
the servo unit so you can get at the inlet fitting. A word
of CAUTION here; DO NOT remove the filter from the Inlet fittings or nuts are torqued to values shown in table
side opposite the inlet fitting as any contamination that is 2. Re-connect the inlet hose and tighten to the value
in the filter may be introduced into the servo unit. Inlet specified in the engine maintenance manual. This is not
fittings vary from union-type fittings to 90 degree elbows. a good line to have only finger tight. Should this line
Be careful with these fittings since they are specially decide to loosen by 1 and 1/2 turns from finger tight, the
modified for the filter assembly. Remove the fitting using resultant leak path will (in most cases) exceed the fuel
clean wrenches of the appropriate size. Once the fitting pumps capacity to supply fuel to the engine. If unable to
is removed, it is a simple task to remove the filter. locate torque limits, then refer to torque tables for standard
AN type fittings.
If the filter is permanently attached to the inlet fitting
similar to those shown in figure 1 items a through c, then While you are in the area, inspect all fuel hoses for any
Bendix bulletin RS-48 revision 2 or later revision should signs of deterioration. The line(s) installed between the
be complied with. This changes the filter to a bypassing servo unit and either a flow divider, pressurizing valve, or
type (reference figure 1, item D); the theory being that splitters should be (in most cases) Teflon lines with a
dirty fuel is better than no fuel should the filter ever silicone coated fire sleeve. If you do not have this type of
become plugged. line installed, now is a good time to make the change.
This does three things:
Inspection of the filter is relatively easy. Just looking
down the middle and inspecting for particulate matter is 1. Eliminates the shelf life associated with other types of
not sufficient to tell if it's clean. The best inspection hoses.
method is to first dry the filter with air and tap it, open 2. Eliminates a possible source of fuel system
side down, on a clean piece of paper. You might want to contamination from continued use of deteriorated hoses.
examine any contamination and determine the type and 3. Brings you into compliance with Lycoming Service
source. This could prevent more serious problems in the Instruction 1274.
future. Then look into the center of the filter while
shining a light through the outside. You should be able to Table 2. Torque Values for Inlet Fittings
see light through the weave on most of the surface areas.
Another method is to breathe through the dried filter. Fitting Torque
Very little restriction to air flow should be felt. Model Style (Pound-Inches)
Cleaning can be accomplished using Acetone or M.E.K. RS/RSA-5 Series Union 65-70
followed by a rinse in Stoddard solvent and then air Elbow with nut Nut 65-70
drying the filter. Be certain to comply with all
manufacturer's instructions and warnings while using RSA-7 Series Union 65-70
M.E.K. or Acetone for this cleaning operation. Set the Elbow with nut Nut 90-100
filter aside and inspect the inlet fitting. Inspect the filter
"O" ring sealing surface for corrosion damage, and the RS/RSA-10 Series Union 45-70
cone surface for damage as indicated in figure 2, If the, Elbow with nut Nut 90-100
The next step in maintaining the system is cleaning the SPARK PLUGS OR SPARK PLUG LEADS BE
fuel injection nozzles. Most of the fuel-system-related REMOVED WHEN CLEANING NOZZLES,
engine operational symptoms (as opposed to actual ESPECIALLY NOZZLES WITH THE STEEL INSERT.
problems) are the result of dirty and/or improperly THE LAST THING YOU OR THE OWNER WOULD
maintained fuel nozzles. Fuel nozzles become dirty in the WANT IS TO HAVE THE FUEL RESTRICTOR
same manner that a house becomes dusty. Much of the ACCIDENTALLY DROP THROUGH AN OPEN SPARK
contaminants are airborne dust and dirt, drawn in through PLUG HOLE.
the air bleed hole. There are other contaminants such as
sand, salt, dirt, and other matter in the fuel that may be 3. Use a CLEAN. 6-POINT. 1/2 IN.. DEEP WELL
fine enough to pass through the various fuel filters. With SOCKET to remove nozzles. Twelve-point sockets
time, some of this material sticks to the inner surface of will only increase your vocabulary of four letter words,
2 internal nozzle restrictors. The air bleed is an additional make the nozzles extremely difficult to remove, and in
restrictor formed by the gap between these. An increase most cases damage the soft brass nozzle body. We do
in indicated fuel flow at various power settings is not care about the vocabulary, but your customer may
generally the first indication that nozzles need cleaning. add even more when he gets the bill for a replacement
Engine operational problems due to dirty fuel nozzles will nozzle.
be experienced at some later date when contamination has
reached an extreme. Fuel stains around the nozzle 4. Nozzles may be cleaned using any of the old standbys
indicate cleaning is necessary. During cleaning, any such as M.E.K. or Acetone. Soaking overnight and the
unusual contaminant should be identified and its source use of an ultrasonic cleaner is required for proper
located and corrected. cleaning with these two solutions. Be certain to follow
manufacturer's instructions and warnings for handling
Cleaning the nozzle assemblies is a relatively simple these solutions.
process. This process IS NOT categorized as preventative
maintenance. This means the maintenance must be DESPITE WHAT WAS PUBLISHED IN ONE OR
performed by a person legally and technically qualified to MORE MAGAZINE ARTICLES ON THIS SUBJECT, A
service the equipment. A small reminder: there are many NOZZLE IS NOT CLEAN AND SATISFACTORY FOR
mechanics who have virtually no idea about how to USE WHEN THE CLEANING SOLUTION NO
properly clean, inspect, and reinstall fuel nozzles. LONGER CHANGES COLOR.
The following steps are required to ensure the Bendix fuel The best cleaning solution we have found in recent
injection nozzles are properly cleaned. Most of this years is HOPPES® No. 9 gun cleaning solvent
information is contained in Bendix bulletin RS-77 revision available at almost any local sporting goods store. A
2 (or later) and Lycoming S.I. 1414. 20 to 30 minute soaking is all that is necessary,
following by a Stoddard solvent rinse and air dry prior
1. Disconnect fuel lines from the nozzles using a clean to inspection (which will be covered later).
7/16" open end wrench. It is important to use CLEAN
tools to reduce the possibility of introducing external During cleaning of the two-piece nozzle assemblies,
contamination during reinstallation. ensure each restrictor is kept with its respective body.
This can be accomplished by using separate containers
2. Install a protective cover over the threaded end of the for each nozzle assembly. If you are only cleaning the
nozzle. Tire air valve caps work best for this purpose restrictors, then it is recommended to work with each
and their use is especially important during annual cylinder separately by removing, cleaning,
cleaning of the newer (1980 vintage) two-piece nozzle INSPECTING, reinstalling the restrictor and
assemblies where the fuel restrictor could be easily lost reconnecting the fuel line using torque values listed in
without proper precautions. RS-77 or the latter part of this article.
Refer to Bulletin RS-77, since it is not required to remove If you lose a fuel restrictor, you will have to buy an entire
the entire nozzle body except at annual inspection. new nozzle body assembly. These restrictors are flow
matched to their respective bodies. So do not ask for a
replacement restrictor if you break or lose one because
you will not be allowed to purchase at any cost. diameter to prevent installation into the wrong body.
Always refer to the engine manufacturer's publications
Should restrictors become mixed (normally engine prior to ordering replacement nozzle assemblies.
operation is not affected), the whole set of nozzles should
be sent to a repair station for rematching and flow testing. NOZZLE FUEL LINES
cap) installed until you connect the fuel line. The R'SA series aircraft fuel injection system is over 25
years old. There have been changes to improve overall
Connecting the fuel line is simple, so why cover that here. durability of the system. Other improvements, such as the
You just hook it up, tighten the nut, and you are done! new style (two-piece) nozzle assemblies, were made to
WRONG!!!! Improper line connection is the source of a ease maintenance. All the improvements and
lot of damage, and if you have the newer two-piece modifications made by the manufacturer do not mean as
nozzles, the cost for failing to follow procedures can be a much to the longevity of the system as does proper routine
new set of nozzles. When installing nozzle fuel lines, it maintenance performed by technically and legally qualified
is necessary to install the nut finger-tight (provided all personnel.
threads are clean). At this point you have two options:
dig out the trusty torque wrench plus adapters and torque For persons interested in learning more about the
the nut 25 to 50 inch-pounds, or you can take a standard operation of the Bendix RSA fuel injection systems, two
7/16 inch open end wrench and continue to tighten the nut manuals are available.
from finger-tight to 1/2 to 1 FLAT, then stop. The latter
has proven to give you the 25-50 inch pound torque limit. 1. RSA Training Manual, form 15-812.
DO NOT EXCEED THE 50 INCH-POUND TORQUE 2. Troubleshooting Techniques for the RSA System, form
RUNNING AT IDLE. These books are available at nominal charge from:
Now that you have completed the fuel system Allied Corporation
maintenance, check over your work to ensure something Bendix Energy Controls Division
was not overlooked. Pressure test the system for fuel 717 N. Bendix Drive
leaks; then you are ready for ground run, minor South Bend, IN 46620-1000
adjustment of idle speed and mixture if necessary, and
return to service. Before you fly, make sure you have ATTN: Tech Pubs Dept.
made the appropriate log book entry in accordance with
AC43-12A for owners performing their own preventative
Figure 2. Typical Inlet Fitting
Figure 4.
GLASAIR INSTRUMENT PANELS factory Glasair IIS RG. They are contoured with gauges
and radios angled towards the pilot position. All
Our new pre-wired instrument panels for Glasair aircraft instrumentation and avionics are internally lit and the
panel is designed to be easy to install into your Glasair II,
are designed to help give your finished aircraft a polished,
II-S, or IE. Complete installation instructions and wiring
professional, well thought out appearance. These panels
diagrams for the panel and antennas are included. Also
will save you many of the hours it would take to design
included are antenna cable routing instructions to minimize
a panel, purchase the many components from diverse
system cross talk or RF interference problems.
suppliers, install them, and then sort out the finished
product. Most importantly, these panels will give you a
panel and radio package that will look and work as it
should. Also consider the resale value enhancement of a
Four packages are available: Basic VFR, Standard IFR,
professional instrument panel installation.
Deluxe IFR, and Premium IFR.
By the time most builders get to the panel of their Glasair
Basic VFR Panel Description
they are anxious to get into the air. We often hear that it
seems like the last 10% of the project takes 90% of the
The Basic VFR panel is for those who do not desire IFR
building time. In their hurry to get into the air many
capability and expense. It does not have an artificial
builders skimp on the panel design or execution, thinking
horizon or directional gyro. This panel includes a basic
they'll fix it up later. Often that never happens.
electronic digital Vision Microsystems EPI engine and fuel
Purchasing a complete panel will get you into the air
gauge package including tachometer indicator, manifold
faster with the panel you really want. We estimate that
pressure indicator, cylinder head temperature/exhaust gas
one of these panels will easily save you over 200 hours of
temperature indicator, volt/amp indicator, fuel
planning, shopping, and installation time. An average of
computer/fuel pressure indicator and fuel level indicator.
10-20 weeks of spare time work!
The nav/com radio used in this package is the new King
When looking at panel prices remember to include the cost
KX 125. This is a TSO'd Nav/Com system. This radio
of ALL components, and also the cost of installation.
has it's own LCD course deviation indicator, a 5 watt
King requires that the radio distributor install the radios
com, offers 760 com frequencies in 25 kHz steps, nav and
into the panel so you WILL have such a charge even if
com flip-flop frequency switching and a nav radial/bearing
you do everything else yourself. Getting a full avionics
display. It has a built-in audio amplifier and is used in
package to work properly in a glass airplane is something
our installation without a separate audio panel. Being
of a black art to most radio shops, so ask for customer
such a new product for King, delivery time will range
references if they say they've done it before, and ask those
between 12-14 weeks. Once the current backlog has been
customers how the radios actually work. If you get an
taken care of, this delivery should come down.
attractive quote for radios make sure that it is a firm
price including whatever it takes to get them operating
This panel also includes a King KT 76A Mode C
properly. We have seen quotes for panels like our
transponder with remotely mounted altitude encoder.
Premium IFR panel with installation labor at over $ 7,000,
Loran, GPS, stereo sound system, and autopilot are
and that was for radio installation only; it didn't include
available as options.
installing the Vision system, flight instruments, lighting,
switches, circuit breakers, or any help in antenna cable
Standard IFR Panel Description
routing and antenna installation, etc.
The Standard IFR panel is an entry level IFR panel
There are four standard configurations: one VFR panel
designed to include the panel equipment necessary for
and three IFR panels with varying degrees of
legal IFR operations. It includes vacuum driven artificial
sophistication. All of the panels use our future vision
horizon and directional gyro and an electric turn
instrument panel and the Vision Microsystems EPI engine
and fuel gauges like those you have probably seen in our coordinator. This panel also includes the basic Vision
factory Glasair IIS RG. These panels are of molded Microsystems EPI engine and fuel gauges as included in
fiberglass with detachable aluminum panels for mounting the Basic VFR package.
the instruments and are painted in light grey like our
The radio stack in this panel includes a King KMA 24
Audio Panel with marker beacon receiver, King KX 155 in our factory aircraft.
Nav/Com (10 watt com) with glide slope, a King KI 209
Vor/Loc/GS Indicator, and a King KR 86 ADF with built- Flight instruments are placed directly in front of the pilot.
in indicator. Also included is a King KT 76A Mode C There are (8) 3-1/8" gauges. Clockwise from the upper
transponder with remotely mounted altitude encoder. left they are: airspeed indicator, artificial horizon,
Loran, GPS, stereo sound system, and Autopilot are altimeter, ADF head or VOR head, VOR head, vertical
available as options. speed indicator, directional gyro or HSI, and turn
coordinator. The VFR package does not have all of these
Deluxe IFR Panel Description items and will have only four openings, those for airspeed
indicator, altimeter, vertical speed indicator, and turn
The Deluxe IFR panel is a big step up from the Standard coordinator. The Deluxe IFR Panel has two VOR
IFR panel in features and functionality. A second indicators and the ADF indicator is located on the radio
Nav/Com and the addition of a DME allow full IFR itself. The IFR panels also have a vacuum gauge mounted
operations. This panel includes everything listed in the under the turn coordinator.
Standard IFR panel and adds the Vision Microsystems EPI
Visual and Audio Annunciator System. The Vision Microsystems EPI engine and fuel gauges are
arranged in 2 1/4 inch holes in three locations. To the left
As mentioned above, this panel includes all of the radios of the flight instruments there is a panel with the manifold
included in the Standard IFR panel and adds a second pressure, tachometer, and oil pressure arranged vertically.
King KX 155 with glideslope and a King 62A digital To the right of the radios is a panel with four instruments
DME. The panel has twin KI 204 nav/glideslope arranged in a square pattern, from upper left clockwise
indicators. A cooling fan is also included. Loran, GPS, they are the fuel computer, CHT/EGT monitor, electrical
stereo sound system and Autopilot are available as system monitor, and fuel quantity gauge. The Deluxe and
options. Premium IFR packages also include the Vision
annunciator light system which is mounted on a molded
Premium IFR Panel Description panel above the flight instruments.
The Premium IFR package is very similar to the one in Radios are mounted in a stack to the right of the flight
our Glasair IIS RG. Our pilots are hooked on it and we're instruments. There is additional room to the right of this
sure you will love it too. The panel features an electrical stack for additional radios, autopilot, or stereo if desired.
Century Horizontal Situation Indicator which is slaved to
a compass and makes room in the panel for a remotely Circuit breakers and intercom are mounted on another
located ADF indicator. This panel includes all of the removable panel on the far right.
Vision Microsystems EPI gauges included with the other
panels and the Visual and Audio annunciator system. A console panel is not provided because of the many
custom configurations and material for construction of one
The avionics stack is as follows from top to bottom: King is provided in the aircraft kit. There is space for you to
KMA 24 Audio Panel with marker beacon receiver, King locate your vernier engine controls in the upper portion of
KY 197A Com, King KNS 80 RNav with DME and this panel. Builders of RG models will probably locate
Glideslope, King KX 165 Nav/Com with glideslope and the hydraulic pressure gauge, boost pump switch, mag
digital vortac radial readout, Loran or GPS of your choice switch and gear switch below these controls. In the FT
(optional), and King KR 87 Digital ADF. A King KT 79 models there is room to mount the mag switch and boost
transponder is located at the bottom of the next panel to pump here.
the right of the radio stack. A King KI 206 nav and
glideslope indicator and a KI 227 ADF indicator are ANTENNAS
located to the right of the flight instruments. A cooling
fan for the radio stack is also included. A photo of our ADF antennas are supplied for panels that include an ADF
Glasair II-S RG instrument panel is enclosed. and are accompanied by instructions for installation and
location, as are Loran and GPS antennas, as applicable.
Options for this panel include Loran, GPS, autopilot, and DME and transponder blade antennas and instructions for
stereo sound system. installation are also included with the IFR kits as
appropriate. Antennas for com, nav, and FM
PANEL ARRANGEMENT entertainment are sold separately through the Glasair
Options Catalog and are generally installed inside the
Placement of flight instruments, engine instruments, radios fiberglass aircraft structure. Complete location instructions
and controls has been standardized after extensive testing and wire routing diagrams are included with the panel
package. Antenna installation is extremely important to 4. "Panel mounted FM, CD, or cassette deck,
proper radio operation and we have done a lot of work to manufactured by JVC.
get this right.
Standardization of the panels allows us to offer lower Arlington Avionics Associates, Inc. will install these
prices. On the other hand, we know that we can't please panels in your aircraft or replace the radios or panel you
everyone with four panels. We will be glad to quote the have now if you deliver your panel to their facility at the
following options: Arlington Airport (100 yards north of Stoddard-Hamilton).
They will also sort out any problems with radios you have
1. King Loran and II Morrow and RNAV Loran or GPS installed in your aircraft now. Let us know if you are
systems. interested and we will put you in contact with them for a
2. Century or S-Tec autopilot system with slaving to
radios. NOTE: A complete full-up display of our premium IFR
panel all powered up will be on display at our booth at
3. Stereo intercom system to be used with either portable Sun 'n Fun, Arlington and Oshkosh '92. Come take a
or panel mounted FM, CD or cassette stereo system. look!
To introduce our Glasair Prewired Instrument Panels we are offering the following special prices:
To obtain this special pricing your order must be received by us before April 15,1992. Since this is the first time the panels
have been offered we expect to receive orders from people at many stages of the construction cycle. Because of this we will
have to schedule the people who are further along first. Please indicate your desired month. We will try to comply with your
desired month but reserve the right to put you in the schedule at the place that works best for us. All panels must be
scheduled for delivery prior to July 1, 1992, unless we find that demand is heavy enough to allow a later delivery date.
If you are interested in one of our panels, contact us and we will send you an information packet and order form, complete
with an 8" x 11" color photo of the Premium IFR panel. We also enclose a lot of information about the radios and options.
SOME BASIC AVIONICS INSTALLATION d) All transmission lines should be kept away from
TIPS: computer controlled equipment. Keep every kind of
equipment as isolated as permissible. Equipment location
Composite aircraft do not present any significant requirements are often dictated by C.G. considerations,
disadvantages to avionics and antenna installation, they therefore, if close proximity cannot be avoided, shielding
merely require extra care and planning to insure a problem of transmission lines may be necessary.
free operation.
e) Do not route pulse cables DME transponders next to
First, composite aircraft lack a natural electromagnetic nav equipment lines and keep the cables as short as
shield ("NO-METAL AIRFRAME"). Therefore, special possible, using the manufacturer's recommended pulse
considerations must be taken to compensate and make the antennas. Remember the physics. I*R Loss.
laws of physics work for us. If you can't beat mother
nature then why not make it work for you? In closing, every little bit of gain you get in the right
direction will improve your net operation.
There are three basic methods of dealing with
electromechanical/electrical/electronics generated NOISE Next issue:
in an aircraft:
More specific details of these critical installations will be
1. Eliminate the source of noise. The noise producer if coming in our next newsletter. Stay in touch for more
possible or at least its' intensity. avionics tips for your Glasair.
Refuelers 123.0 Tower (403) 495-4901 border "crossing for this category of aircraft is:
Tower 119.1/283.7 Weather (403)495-6730
VOT 114.9 1) Aircraft make
Dieter reports that weather by mid 2) Aircraft model
May is usually good and averages 75-80 degrees. He 3) Aircraft serial number
welcomes any Glasair builders wishing to visit Edmonton 4) Nationality and registration mark
and attend the show. For more information, contact 5) Name and address of registered owner, pilot's name
Dieter at 403/456-3052. and address if different
6) Purpose of flight (briefly)
CANADIAN/U.S. BORDER CROSSING IN 7) Place departing from
8) Place arriving at
EXPERIMENTAL AIRCRAFT 9) Routing - include fuel stops and border crossing, if
Canadian Air Regulation 210(1C) covers all the particulars 10) If aircraft is IFR equipped
of civilian flight procedures into Canada. 11) How long authorization should remain in effect
(normally 30 days)
Thanks to the efforts of EAA, FA A and Transport Canada, 12) Who should authorization be made out to
civilian flight across the CAN-AM border are much easier 13) Who should authorization be sent to
than they used to be. Listed below are the procedures: 14) Name and telephone number of person to contact
15) State pilot's name and address if different from No. 5
A special flight authorization is required for amateur built NOTE: INSURANCE REQUIRED
aircraft flying either into the United States from Canada or
into Canada from the United States. The following is the Private aircraft visiting Canada has minimum liability
procedure. insurance required. You are required to show evidence of
insurance. Minimum limits are:
Canadian Pilots Flying Into the U.S. Contact Don
Perrault, ANE 180, Manager, Manufacturing Inspection -$300,000 per passenger on aircraft of more than 5,000
Office, 12 New England Executive Park, Burlington, Ibs. take off weight
MA 01803, telephone (617) 273-7108, fax (617) 270- -Public liability (bodily injury and property damage,
excluding passengers)
- 2,300 Ibs. or less __ $ 100,000
United States Pilots Flying Into Canada Contact Roger
- 2,300 thru 5,200 Ibs ................ 500,000
Menard, AARDF, Transport Canada, Transport
- 5,000 thru 12,500 Ibs ...............1,000,000
Canada Building, Place de Ville, Ottawa, Ontario,
-12,500 thru 75,000 Ibs............... 2,000,000
Canada Kl A ON8, telephone (613) 952-4377, fax (613)
EAA Members Flying To The 1992 EAA Convention &
Crossing the Canada-U.S. border you may be advised to
obtain acceptable photo-identification or a passport. Due
EAA members from Canada flying amateur built,
to tightening of security at the border, this situation is
ultralight or warbird aircraft to the Oshkosh Convention,
expected to continue for some time.
write directly to EAA Headquarters, ATTN: Canadian
Coordinator, EAA Aviation Center, Oshkosh, WI 54903-
3086, telephone (414) 426-4800, fax (414) 426-4873. Non CANADIAN TOURISM INFORMATION
EAA members flying amateur built, ultralight or warbird
aircraft to Oshkosh do not write to EAA Headquarters, our Two booklets published by Transport Canada may be of
waiver applies only to EAA members. Address your interest to U.S. pilots planning to visit Canada in 1992.
request to Mr. Richard Porter, Manager, Federal Aviation Both are free from: Aeronautical Information Services.
Administration, Milwaukee Flight Standards District Transport Canada, AANDHD, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Office, 4915 S. Howell Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53207 or K1A ON8. They are: TP 77 IE, Air Tourist Information
fax (414) 747-0244. For this Oshkosh event only--the Canada, and TP 2168E, Flying the Alaska Highway in
only airports of entry are Pembina, ND; Duluth, MN; Canada. A free list of Civil Aviation Publications, TP
Sault Ste. Marie, MI; and Port Huron, MI. 3680E, is also available from the same address. If you
require a copy of the Border Crossing 1992 and Liability
Information required for a special flight authorization for Insurance requirements, please write the EAA Canadian
Council. The February 1991 issue of Sport Aviation.' page magnetic course of zero degrees through 179 degrees, fly
72, lists the U.S. Airports Exempted from Mode C any odd thousand feet MSL altitude plus 500 feet On a
Requirement and may be of interest to Canadians flying in magnetic course of 180 degrees through 359 degrees, fly
the United States. any even thousand feet MSL altitude plus 500 feet.
Emergency frequency is 121.5.
In Canada both VFR and IFR traffic fly the same as U.S.
You must file either a VFR or an IFR flight plan when TOURIST INFORMATION
crossing the border in either direction. NOTE:
Homebuilt experimental aircraft are not allowed to fly For information on Canadian tourism program, contact the
IFR in Canada. Flights are VFR only. No VFR on Canadian Embassy (ANNEX) N.A.B. Building, Suite 200,
top allowed. Also put "AD CUS" in the flight plan 1771 North Street N.W., Washington, DC 20036-1985,
(advise customs). You may be fined if you do not file a telephone (202) 785-1400, extension 324.
flight plan or advise customs that you are coming.
Contacts are: Canadian Customs, P.O. Box 10, Station A, For Canadian pilots, tourism offices are located in each
Manulife Center, 10th Floor, 55 Bloor St. W., Toronto, individual state and you may contact EAA Headquarters
Ontario, Canada M5W 1A3, telephone (416) 973-8022, for the offices of the states you plan to visit.
U.S. Customs, 1301 Constitution Ave. N.W., Washington,
DC 20229, telephone (202) 566-8195. CREDIT CARDS
U.S. pilots flying into Canada are required to have Major U.S. credit cards such as Exxon (SOESSO), Shell,
restricted radio-telephone licenses for themselves and Texaco and Gulf are useable in Canada and the United
Canadian pilots flying into the United States are required States. The Canadian "Imperial" gallon is bigger than the
to have the Canadian equivalent. The six inch fuselage or U.S. gallon.
tail numbers and 20 inch under wing numbers on
Canadian aircraft are acceptable in the United States. Ed.: We called Roger Menard at Transport Canada. He
offered these last few notes:
NOTE: Private aircraft crossing the border into the
United States are required to pay a processing fee of $25 In addition to the above list of 15 items, send or fax a
per calendar year. The fee is charged U.S. citizens copy of your Airworthiness Certificate (Canadians call it
returning to the U.S. as well as Canadians traveling to the the "Flight Authority" with list of operating limitations.
U.S. You may obtain a decal indicating that you have Tell him where you are going and when.
paid the fee in advance. Write for Form 339 from U.S.
Customs Service, Box 198151, Atlanta, GA 30384. If you fax the request, he will usually respond within a
Complete the form and mail with $25 in U.S. funds and few days. Most requests are granted a temporary 90 day
a decal will be sent to you; or have $25 U.S. cash for permission slip to fly into Canada.
your first crossing into the U.S. or Canada in 1992.
Check your Customs Office hours before you depart as MYSTERIOUS CHARGES TO YOUR
there is an overtime change to clear you outside normal CREDIT CARD?
office hours.
We have received a few phone calls from some of our
CHARTS builders inquiring about charge(s) to their credit card
U.S. charts are available from the National Oceanic and account. If you have requested an automatic renewal for
Atmospheric Administration Distribution Branch, N/CG33, the Glasair Newsletter, you will be billed $20.00 (or
National Ocean Service, Riverdale, MD 20737, telephone $30.00 for out of the country) to cover the 1992
(301) 436-6990. Canadian charts are available from the subscription.
Canadian Map Office, Dept. of Energy, Mines &
Resources, 615 Boot St., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A Another type of charge that you may not recall would be
OE9, telephone (613) 952-7000. Approach and departure for builder support. When you request a prompt response
charts are available from the same sources, ask for their by fax, the fax charges are billed to your credit card also.
catalogs. The rates for fax charges are:
This year's annual Glasair builder picnic will be held on Date: Monday, August 3, 1992
Saturday, July 11 at our facility in Arlington, WA. The Location: Pioneer Inn
picnic will be held during the N.W. EAA Fly-In here at Cost: $16.00 per person
Arlington, scheduled to run 5 days, July 8-12. The annual Cocktails/Socializing: 6:30 p.m.
picnic keeps getting bigger each year with more fun, so Dinner: 7:30 p.m.
make 1992 the year you plan to attend!
Prepayment and registration are required either through the
Back by popular demand, we will once again have a Stoddard-Hamilton factory before July 24th or at the
fantastic salmon dinner (prepared by the authentic Indian Glasair tent through Sunday, August 2nd.
method over an open fire) with the same delicious menu,
which includes an appetizer, baked potato, fresh green EAA EAST COAST FLY-IN CORP.
salad, corn on the cob, whole grain bread and strawberry "FALL FESTIVAL OF FLIGHT"
shortcake for dessert.
September 26 and 27, 1992 - New Castle County Airport,
Rental cars are available from American International
Wilmington, Delaware. The EAA East Coast Fall Festival
Rent-A-Car of Everett. They will pick you up in
of Flight. "Milestones in Aviation" theme. Expect 800
Arlington to get the car and, afterwards, you can leave the
aircraft. Award-judging Saturday and Sunday. Forums,
car at Stoddard-Hamilton and they will pick it up here.
parade of flight, fly-bys, exhibits, vendors, aviation
Their phone number is (206) 259-5058.
celebrities, pancake breakfast, fast foods, Saturday dinner.
Mode C waiver and no-radio procedure.
For accommodations we are suggesting four hotels which
are all within a 10 mile radius of the airport. The first
For info packet contact EAA East Coast Fly-In Corp.,
two hotels are priced between $30 and $50, depending on
2002 Elnora St., Wheaton, MD 20902-2706. Phone
the number of people and beds. They are the Smokey
Point Motor Inn (2 miles), 206/659-8561 and the
Arlington Motor Inn (4 miles), 206/652-9595. The hotels
are nothing fancy but very comfortable and within walking For more detailed press release, photos or feature story
distance to restaurants. The Tulalip Inn Best Western, information, please contact Hugh Horning, 1703 N. Scott
206/659-4488 and Village Motor Inn, 206/659-0005 (both Street, Wilmington, DE 19806.
8 miles) are newer, fancier, and run between $46-$55.
(Mention Stoddard-Hamilton and ask for the corporate rate WAUSAU, WISCONSIN FLY-IN
and you may save a few dollars.) We strongly suggest
you call these hotels as soon as possible to make your I am writing this letter to invite all composite aircraft
reservations. They do require a deposit of some kind and owners/builders who live in the Wisconsin, Northern
report they are already starting to receive reservations for Illinois and Minnesota areas to come to our fly-in on June
the fly-in weekend. 28th, 1992. After working with the fly-in committee for
the last few years, I have gone out on my own in
As our fly-in has been growing, we have noticed that there requesting a "composite only" area for our show. We
are two different groups that attend. The first group is have a few brave souls who come here every year, but
those that come in Saturday and just take part in the mostly it has been limited to local low and slow types and
salmon dinner. The second group comes in by Friday and factory built. I guess what I am proposing is a meeting of
spends at least two days if not three. This year we have the composite aircraft here in Wausau well before the big
opted to cater to both groups. The price for the first one in Oshkosh. If you are a manufacturer of components
group, consisting of those people here just for the salmon or materials please let me know if you have some flyers
barbecue, will be $20.00, which includes a t-shirt. The available (or catalogs) so we can show them and hand
price for the second group will be $25.00, which includes them out at the show to qualified pilots and builders.
the above mentioned items plus a Friday night barbecue, Also, we can show any videotapes (VHS) that advertises
donuts, cookies, pop, etc. When making your your aircraft or services if you send them to the address
reservations, please specify banquet only or weekend above by the beginning of June. For you pilots out there
package. Plan to come early and enjoy the Northwest Wausau is NOT CWA!! We have no tower, new runways
summer weather. See you soon! (5200 and 3375 hard surface), and auto fuel is available.
I would appreciate it if you could pass this notice on to
your respective newsletter editors to be included with their not b*e attempted during initial flight testing by
publications, and post at your local FBO the next time you inexperienced Glasair HI owners. Due to the sensitivity
visit. I appreciate your help, and please do not hesitate to of its adjustments, it could do more harm than good to
call me at 715/842-4961 or write to me at the address someone not familiar with the Glasair's flying qualities.
below. Thank you all for listening, and hope we can get It should be set up and tested by someone with experience
some type of association together here and have fun at the and a feel for the particular handling qualities of the
same time! By the way, if you have a computer and the Glasair HI.
Prodigy service I can be reached at MWJJ63A.
An initial adjustment of 40.4 degrees off the firewall
Sincerely, joggle was a good place to start adjustments from.
Thomas LaPointe, Owner
Net Mailorder Advantages:
1106 Gallon 1. Good primary approach indicator (as long as the
Wausau, WI 54401 airspeed indicator collaborates. No one indicator
should be blindly trusted!)
HUNTINGTON LIFT RESERVE 2. Allows for varying landing configurations.
INDICATOR TEST REPORT 3. Could indicate best glide for engine out conditions.
NOTE: Shallow approaches with power seem to give the Pilots can use it as a tool to alert them to potential
same results as steep approaches without power. problems. It is instantaneous in reaction; however using
it as a primary indicator could get pilots into trouble if
Best glide seems to be at final approach reference: 107 they attempt to chase the needle. Pilot induced pitch
knots, 1000 fpm, A/C clean, prop low RPM. oscillation caused by chasing the needle could be
During initial flight tests they experienced difficulty
adjusting for a mush-no-mush per the installation The LRI compensates for flap versus no-flap configuration
instructions. Much better results were obtained using nicely and is useful for maintaining the "reserve lift"
approaches with the flare as a reference. Both Frank and margin under varying conditions such as this.
Phil cautioned that the process of calibration of the LRI
Proper installation is important The final analysis was
summed up in one question we put to Frank Miller of
NorthernAir, Inc.: Would you use one on your1 own G-II BRAKES: RETROFIT KIT
plane? "Yes" was the answer. "When flying a high-
performance plane like the Glasair, it provides one more We have also been working with Parker Hannifin to
important tool to alert the pilot to a potentially imminent develop a new upgrade of the G-II 199-10200 wheel and
problem in managing the speed and angle of the aircraft." brake assemblies to improve their braking ability. The
latest word is that they have now identified the new pad
As a final thought, Frank added that although the LRI (or material, but are waiting on FAA approval to release the
an angle of attack indicator) is an important instrument, it new brake assembly.
is by no means a substitute for proper pilot training, and
experience with high-performance flying characteristics. We expect the additional delay to be about another 30 to
60 days.
It is amazing how many combinations are possible when it comes to True Airspeed Indicators! In our 1991/1992 catalog we
listed eleven different variations and soon discovered that we have three more. We thought that this would be a good time
to update you on all of these units (including the three that were just added!).
Part Number Description Price
1) The "nonlighted units are being discontinued and are limited to the stock on hand.
2) Pricing for the "Knots/MPH Slotted Haps" lighted indicators are lower than the other lighted units because they are ordered
from the factory in this configuration. All the other variations require a dial change that is performed as a separate step by
a local avionics house. This will add about two weeks to your delivery time as well so please plan accordingly.
3) The "Glasair" logo is attractively screened onto all the dials. This attribute was omitted from our catalog description.
LOW PASSES CAN BE COSTLY $200,000 and Hatherill received $40,000, attorney Jan
Baische said Tuesday. A trial in the lawsuit had been set
The following article was clipped from our local paper. to begin today in Portland before U.S. District Judge
Malcolm March.
$500,000 won in suit over spooked horses.
The Stills alleged the jets violated Federal Aviation
PORTLAND - The federal government has agreed to pay Administration rules and said the pilots flew carelessly and
a Prineville couple $500,000 to settle a lawsuit over recklessly.
injuries suffered when two low-flying fighter jets spooked
the couple's horses. A military investigation concluded that the fighter pilots
used poor judgment, but did not violate FAA rules. The
Cole Still, 71, and Charlotte Still, 65, were hurt in July FAA found the jets had violated rules but the agency lacks
1988 as they rode horses with a friend in the Mount jurisdiction over military pilots.
Jefferson Wilderness. The Stills were thrown from their
mounts when a pair of Oregon Air National Guard F-4C Military officials refused to release the names of the
jet fighters made a low pass over the Pacific Crest Trail, pilots.
creating a sonic boom.
"We're just pleased to have the matter completed at this
Cole Still suffered a skull fracture. Charlotte Still suffered point," said Oregon Air National Guard spokesman Lt.
broken ribs, a lower back fracture, a broken collar bone Mike Allegre.
and head injuries. Both were knocked unconscious. A
riding companion, Robert Hatherill, rode 12 miles for
Opelika Road Auburn,
The Avemco Insurance Company has made it official; AL 36830 (205) 821-
they will offer insurance to owners of high-performance 9944 Art Bond
kitplanes. We thank Avemco for their commitment to the
kitplane industry, especially in this higher-risk high Phoenix Composite Technology
performance category. High-performance kitplanes (in 5035 E. Roadrunner Drive
regard to insurance classification) are defined as follows: Mesa, AZ 85205 (602) 345-
9121 Dace Kirk
1. Cruise speed (75% power) in excess of 200 KIAS.
2. Stall speed (Vso) greater than 61 knots or wing These companies are located strategically throughout the
loading greater than 25 pounds per square foot. U.S. to facilitate an inspection in your general area (unless
3. Service ceiling over 25,000 feet. you live in the N.E.). Information concerning price and
scheduling of an appointment for inspection may be
An aircraft possessing any one of these may be classified obtained by contacting one or more of the above.
as high performance; however, if an aircraft has only
items 2 or 3, they may classify it as non-high performance The Pilot: Pilot training by an established flight
until the accident rate indicates a different story. training school in the type aircraft with recurrency training
is also a requirement of Avemco's high performance
The Glasair III, Lancair IV, Questair Venture, Cirrus VK- insurance program. We are in the final stages of detailing
30, SX-300, etc., are examples of aircraft which fall into the flight training program with Professional Instrument
the high-performance classification. Courses, Inc. (P.I.C.). It's a "we" program because P.I.C.
provides the instructors and course syllabus, Stoddard-
Glasair I, II, II-S, Lancair 235, 320, RV-3, 4, 6 and most Hamilton provides the aircraft
other homebuilts are not considered high-performance
unless the accident rate for a particular type indicates a We initially plan to have two training sessions in 1992 -
future re-classification. one in the spring and the fall. The spring session will be
held in Phoenix, AZ from May 15th to (length to be
Avemco has two qualifications for its high performance determined by number of applicants). Phoenix was
category. One applies to the quality of the plane, the selected because of its best assurance of VFR weather and
other to the proficiency and skills of the pilot. based on having a facility at the site (Phoenix Composites)
familiar with the Glasair III and qualified to fix any
The Plane: One Glasair III hull loss was attributed to problems which might otherwise ground the aircraft.
non-repairability due to poor workmanship. Avemco
simply wants to know that the aircraft it insures (high Initial type training will be conducted in the factory
performance are usually the more expensive ones) are Glasair HI N540RG and will consist of a two-day program
meeting a certain level of quality and they will be to include study, ground school, homework, and 10 hours
repairable if damaged. of flight time. Recurrency training will be in the
customer's aircraft at our chosen sites or at the customer's
We've worked together with a company called Loss home base. (P.I.C. specializes in personalizing and
Management Services to devise an inspection checklist customizing its training to the customer in his/her aircraft.)
which will determine a quality point relating score for Recurrency training will be required at an annual
Glasair Ill's. We recently held a two-day course at frequency or biennial frequency depending upon pilot
Stoddard-Hamilton's facilities to familiarize three Glasair experience and how often they operate the aircraft
builder assist and repair firms with the checklist. (currency). Recurrency requirements may be made by
Avemco on a per-customer basis.
The following firms are the only ones recognized by Loss
Management Services, Inc. as being accepted to perform Initial Training: Cost of the initial type training is
the quality inspections to qualify for Avemco Insurance: $2250 for the two-day VFR program or $3125 for the
three-day IFR program. This price covers the instructor,
Northern Air, Inc. 18650 course materials and aircraft costs. It does not include
59th Drive, N.E. Building 2 transportation, meals or lodging.
Arlington, WA 98223
(206) 435-8066 Frank Training slots will be assigned sequentially as they are
sold. A deposit of $500 will be taken to secure a position acceptable for Glasair I, II and II-S operators, a more
on the schedule. Payment in full for the course must be thorough and professional approach is necessary to prepare
made no later than one month before the scheduled operators of Glasair Ill's.
training date. All payments will be non-refundable unless
the customer finds someone else to fill the slot. Avemco Rate Sampling: We asked Avemco to
provide us with a couple of examples of insurance rates
No training program will be conducted unless there are at for a Glasair III. Rates may vary due to aircraft hull
least 5 students scheduled. It would not be practical to value, pilot experience, deductibles, etc. Here are a
bring in either the aircraft or the instructor. couple of examples from Avemco.
As P.I.C. and Stoddard-Hamilton want to optimize the LOW TIME PILOT QUALIFICATIONS
time spent on type training, some minimum prerequisites 1150 TOTAL TIME, 250 R/G, COMPLETION OF
are necessary in determining if the individual is qualified PJ.C. TRAINING SCHOOL
to operate a high performance aircraft. Please recognize
that these criteria will also help improve your chances of LIABILITY LIMIT:
passing the course. Minimum prerequisites for training $100,000 each person $ 590
have been proposed at 150 hours total time and 50 hours $1,000,000 property damage
complex aircraft or 10 hours recent complex aircraft time. $1,000,000 each accident
NOTE: P.I.C. will be directly mailing the details of this $100,000 All risk hull coverage $3116
program to all Glasair III owners by the end of March. $130,000 All risk hull coverage $3762
You should be receiving it at any time if you haven't
already received it prior to this newsletter. Deductibles: $ 500 not-in-motion
5,000 in-motion
Be objective when considering training. Stand
back and look at the big picture: your health and safety The hull rates assume that the aircraft will be hangared.
in operating the Glasair is the main objective. We've
worked to make the cost reasonable so it wouldn't be a
disincentive. Decide first that the training will be a HIGH TIME PILOT QUALIFICATIONS
benefit to you and making the decision to commit the time 4500 TOTAL TIME, 500 R/G, COMPLETION OF
and money will be easier. PJ.C. TRAINING SCHOOL
WHAT TO LOOK FOR ON AN INSURANCE BINDER the revised compliance interval for AD 77-12-06.
Are the limits of liability what you selected when talking We understand that it can be difficult at times to get
to the agent? Are the limits adequate for your needs? through on the customer support dedicated line. There are
peak times such as Mondays and late afternoons which are
HULL COVERAGE the busiest. If you call at other times, you'll experience
less competition getting through.
Is the amount of hull coverage shown on the binder what
you agreed to with the agent? Is the insured value based Simply adding more personnel and phone lines isn't the
on an agreed amount or actual cash value basis? Are the answer as some have suggested. We need to keep our
deductibles what you agreed to? costs in line with our kit revenues, and in maintaining a
balance with all the services and costs we incur, we have
TRAINING REQUIREMENTS/APPROVED PILOTS to keep customer telephone support to a specified
reasonable level.
If training requirements were discussed with the agent
when you bound coverage are they shown on the binder? Our customer base continues to grow with over 1200 kits
Are any requirements shown that were not discussed with delivered to date. Customer support continues to be an
the agent? Ask who is approved to operate the aircraft in ever-increasing demand because it is reduced but doesn't
flight. end with flying Glasairs.
COMPOSITE CONSTRUCTION CLASS to air or in mixing tubs in a breezy environment are
The 1992 workshop will revolve around a Glasair II-S FT particularly subject to styrene loss and subsequent
that will be fitted with a long range fuel system. The thickening. Saturating the cloth is more difficult with
class activities will be useful to anyone contemplating thicker resin. To keep the resin as thin as possible, store
building any type of composite aircraft or anyone seeking it in a tightly sealed container and, when in use, cover the
an interesting aviation related experience. It is also a pot to minimize styrene loss.
great time of fellowship as the class participants study and
work on the aircraft. The class includes a few socials and GLASAIR CANOPIES/ULTRAVIOLET
field trips. RADIATION
by Glen L. Breitsprecher, President
The class will run June 8 through July 3, 1992. Tuition: Gee Bee Canopies, Inc. EAA #35503
$400, Lab fee: $100. For details please contact Dr. John
Riley, Professor at 515/432-6319 or John Vandello, The March issue of Sport Aviation expressed concern over
Coordinator at 800/726-2585, ext. 183 (see page 822). exposure to ultraviolet while flying under plexiglass
canopies. I hope I can put these fears to rest.
Now that both the R&D department of Stoddard-Hamilton I can only speak for myself, but for twenty-five years I
and the customers have had a chance to use the new resin have been forming canopies and windshields from high-
on their kits, some builder questions have arisen. quality cell-cast acrylic sheet. This thermoformable
acrylic has many unique features, one of which is that it
1. COLOR OF RESIN absorbs ultraviolet rays (UVA). Published physical
The new 470-2000 resin has a more golden color (even property data for commercial grade cell-cast acrylic sheet
after promotion) than the earlier resins. The new resin states a 0% transmittance value for UV. This is for clear
does have a green tinge when it is in the "green cure" material.
condition as does the earlier resin.
Tinted acrylic adds other benefits; namely, solar heat,
2. PROMOTION OF NEW RESIN haze, and glare control. The solar gray tint no. 2515 is by
We have found it works best to promote the new resin in far the most popular tint we use. It is the standard tint for
smaller quantities. We have found that the promoted resin all the Glasairs, RV-3, RV-4, and RV-6 kits we produce,
has a tendency to "eat" the CoNap promoter over a period and for about 90% of all other canopies and windshields
of time causing a lengthening of "gel" times. We also. 2515 cuts the solar heat by more than 30%. It also
recommend that the resin be promoted in quantities that cuts glare, and in hazy conditions it helps define clouds
can be used in approximately 30 days to make sure the and other objects better.
resin will act and cure in the manner expected.
For those in the hotter climes where 38% just doesn't cut
3. LONGER GEL TIMES OF NEW RESIN it, there are tinted films available-check with your local
Some builders have reported that the longer gel times automotive glass tinter or if space permits, obtain a piece
experienced with the new resin have caused problems of dark acrylic-say tint no. 2064 or 2074~in .060
maintaining the same building schedule as with previous thickness and stick it overhead with those small clear
resin. If the builder does find that the "gel" time of the suction cups.
new promoted resin is too long for the work being done,
a number of steps are possible to decrease gel time. Not all acrylic is UVA, however. Tanning salons use
ultraviolet transmitting (UVT) acrylic in tanning beds. So,
a. Gel time can be sped up by increasing the MEKP to if you see some guy flying a tanning bed around out there
a maximum of 4 percent. he is the only one in real trouble.
b. If this still does not gel fast enough, the user should
try to increase the CoNap and DMA 10 percent above NUT TIGHTENING TORQUE VALUES
original promotion ratio. Try a sample of this high
promoted resin first with the 1 and 2 percent MEKP Most kitplane assemblers are likely overtorquing 3/16" and
catalyst to check "gel" times. The catalyst ratio can, if 1/4" nuts if installed "by feel" without a torque wrench.
desired, be increased to a maximum of 4 percent. The smaller the nut and bolt, the easier to over tighten by
hand (especially you Arnold Swartzenegger Terminator
4. NEW RESIN VISCOSITY Weight Lifter types). Kidding aside, it is very easy for
Styrene is the thinning agent used with the vinylester anyone to overtorque these size nuts especially the
resins. The new resin seems to lose some of its thinning AN310-32 variety.
styrene easier than the old resin. New style resin exposed
Now that you've been tipped off, it will probably until you find the torque value (when the nut will turn).
influence your results, but try the following test anyway: If you've been uninfluenced by the first sentence of this
Take a couple of AN3 bolts and AN365-1032A nuts and discussion, you may be overtorquing AN364 (or 365)-
hand tighten with a socket and ratchet to your normal feel. 1032A nuts by a factor of two or more times as high as
To check your torque, take a small torque wrench which they should be. Here are the proper torque values as
measures inch-pounds and start on a low setting of 15 listed within FAA Advisory Circular 43.13 Aircraft
inch-pounds and raise it in increments of 5 inch-points Inspection and Repair:
Values are listed for both tension nuts (thick) and shear It is imperative then to build a case history of each engine,
nuts (thin). As one example of locating torque values, wherein a sharp rise in any one metal will indicate
let's examine the combination of a 3/16" AN3 bolt with abnormal engine wear. The analysis can also tell you
an AN364-1032 nut. The bolt is located in the left whether the oil contains other liquid contaminants such as
column (AN3 thru AN20) and the nut is located in the gasoline or water. Gasoline contamination of the oil can
second column from the left under nuts. Following the result from blow-by from the combustion chamber caused
column down under the AN364 nut, the torque value for by poor combustion, bad timing, improper fuel mixture,
a 10-32 fine thread bolt with 364 nut is 12 inch-lb worn rings, and the like. Water contamination is usually
minimum and 15 inch-lb maximum. restricted to condensed vapor, but this vapor combines
with the fuel combustion products to form harmful metal-
NOTE: Torque values for lubed nuts or bolts are 5-10 attacking acids. Water also helps to form sludge, which
inch Ib lower. New hardware (unless exposed to is death to a filter. Based on this contamination in the oil,
lubricants) is considered dry and bolts in service the analysis will be able to pinpoint improper mixture,
(especially in engine compartment) would be considered poor maintenance, etc.
There are five basic types of solid contamination in
With some simple, limited bench torque tests, we found airplane engines-carbon, gums, tars, sand (dirt), and metal.
that AN365-1031A nuts snapped or stripped at 70-100
inch Ibs; however, the yield point is likely much lower Carbon contamination is a product of incomplete
than the point at which you physically feel the nut strip or combustion, high-speed operation, high load, or high
bolt shear off. temperature. Gum in the crankcase is usually a direct
result of raw fuel washing the cylinder walls and getting
If you can't develop a consistent feel for hand tightening into the oil, caused by infrequent and sporadic operation
small hardware, you would be well advised to invest in a of the engine, improper mixture, and bad rings. Tar is
small torque wrench. If you do choose to hand tighten, created when the oil itself starts to decompose, and high
use only a 1/4 inch drive ratchet with a short handle. engine temperature is the prime cause. Sand or dirt is
Practice the feel until you can demonstrate consistency and perhaps the most common contaminant in aircraft engines
accuracy. and can get into the engine much easier than might be
THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES WERE REPRINTED The oil is analyzed on an emission-type direct-reading
FROM THE LYCOMING FLYER. spectrometer. When the machine operator pushes a
button, an electrical spark passes through the specimen to
SPECTROMETRIC OIL ANALYSIS be analyzed. This spark vaporizes a sample of all the
elements present and causes their atoms and ions in the
Much is heard these days about spectrometric oil analysis; spark column to emit light of wavelengths characteristic to
however, little is understood about the subject by the vast iron. If the specimen also contains nickel, chromium, or
majority of the general aviation public. We will attempt other elements, the emitted light will then include these
here to set forth our position on the subject and to point wavelengths also. All this information is instantly
out the advantages and disadvantages of the service. recorded. The machine, or instrument measures 16 key
elements present in normal aviation lubricating oil, thus
Oil analysis is not new to military and commercial airline immediately indicating excessive traces of any one
operation, but it came to general aviation later. The object element or combination of elements.
is to examine oil samples from an engine, and break down
the sample in parts per million in order to determine the Textron Lycoming Service Letter No. L171, entitled
internal health of the engine. This is based on the fact "General Aspects of Spectrometric Oil Analysis", provides
that all lubricated engine parts wear and deposit a certain a guide for the use of oil analysis in measuring engine
amount of metallic particles in the oil. The number of health. The information is in general terms since the
particles per million of each metal determines the wear health of each engine must be determined on its own
pattern for the particular engine being analyzed. It is of merits.
the utmost importance to understand that the results of the
analysis is only pertinent to THE ENGINE BEING Differences in manufacturing processes may cause a
ANALYZED, although accumulation of data on any variation in analysis results for different engine models.
specific engine series is a basis for establishing standards The amount of tin plating, copper plating, nitrating, etc.,
for that series of engine. The fact that is important is a performed during manufacture has a definite relationship
sharp rise of the amount of a particular metal in the oil. to the oil analysis reports. It is not uncommon, for
example, to see what seems to be high copper content b. Avoid closed throttle idle.
early in the life of an engine, only to have this content c. After flight, before shutdown, run engine one
continually decrease as the engine accumulates time and minute at 1200 RPM, increase to 1800 RPM for 15
then disappear altogether. Poor air filter maintenance, to 20 seconds, reduce to 1200 RPM and cut engine
running the aircraft on the ground with carburetor/alternate with mixture control.
air on and holes in the air intake system are all factors d. Check magnetos on fixed pitch direct drive engines
which will allow an engine to ingest dirt and foreign at 1800 RPM to help prevent lead fouling, and
matter. The result of this will show up as high iron generally at 2200 RPM with a constant speed prop.
(cylinder barrels) and chrome (piston rings) content at the e. Avoid abrupt throttle movements on the ground as
next oil analysis. Neither time nor space permits us here it invites spark plug fouling.
to list all of the variables involved (indeed we do not 2. Use efficient fuel management (good leaning
profess to know them all) but it should be obvious to techniques) at cruise power:
everyone that a history of each engine is the only criteria a. Lean at any altitude at the manufacturer's
by which its health can be determined. Remember that recommended cruise power.
several samples must be taken to determine the b. Lean as close to best economy mixture as the
characteristics of an engine, and also remember that the engine will permit by running smoothly, it will help
first few samples on factory fresh engines will read high prevent spark plug fouling and save fuel:
as new parts are wearing in and conforming to each other. (1) With an EGT system, this means operate at peak
EGT at cruise power of 75% or less on the
These traces show up in parts per million on the small direct drive engine.
spectrograph long before detrimental flaking or scoring (2) With a float-type carburetor, it means leaning to
takes place and almost always before any outward roughness at cruise power, then enriching just
indication of trouble. Such an example is illustrated by a enough to remove the roughness.
curve showing a plot of parts/million of silicone, copper, (3) With a fuel injection engine, it means leaning to
aluminum, iron, etc., as obtained on a Lycoming IO-540- the bottom of the percent of power point on the
D4A5 installation in a Piper Comanche airplane operating fuel flow gage, with a smooth engine result.
at a flying school. At 270 and 300 hours, the dirt ingested 3. During descents to the traffic pattern, we recommended
by the engine (as shown by parts/million of silicon) maintaining the mixture at the leaned cruise condition
increased rapidly beyond its normal level of 10, resulting with a gradual richening of the mixture, carrying some
in increased wear to the piston rings and cylinders. This power, and at a sensible air-speed to maintain the most
is clearly shown by the sharp rise in the chrome and iron efficient engine temperatures possible. Avoid low
content. Corrective action by the operator (filter change power-high speed descents which cause sudden cooling,
and better fit) quickly resulted in normal iron levels with severe lead fouling, cracked cylinder heads and warped
resultant good health to the engine. If long TBO's are to exhaust valves.
be achieved, it is MOST IMPORTANT that clean air be 4. If the magneto check before or after flight reveals any
provided to the engines. roughness caused by a fouled spark plug, open the
throttle slowly and smoothly to cruise RPM and lean
Basically, that is the oil analysis story. It is a good tool the mixture as far as possible, (yet with a smooth
IF PROPERLY USED. Like any other tool, it is only one engine). After several seconds leaned, return to the
of many things that must be used to determine engine proper mixture position for takeoff and recheck the
health. magneto. If two such attempts do not clear the fouled
plug, then return to the line and report the problem to
Perhaps it's too cliché to say that using proper operating MINIMIZE SPARK PLUG FOULING
and maintenance procedures will minimize spark plug 1. Rotate spark plugs from top to bottom on a 50-hour
fouling, according to engineers at Textron Lycoming and basis, and service plugs every 100 hours, particularly in
the spark plug manufacturers. However, this is the best an engine certified for 80 octane aviation fuel, but using
known method of coping with the problem. a higher leaded fuel such as 100 LL.
2. Make sure the correct heat range spark plug is being
RECOMMENDATIONS ON OPERATION TO used in your engine if you are experiencing plug
MINIMIZE SPARK PLUG FOULING 1. Use helpful problems. Textron Lycoming Service Instruction No.
ground operating techniques such as: a. Idle engines in 1042 is the basic reference source concerning the
the 1000-1200 RPM range so that the lead scavenger in proper spark plug for the specific engine. Do not
the fuel can operate. simply replace plugs with same model number that
were in the engine. The previous installer may have certified for 80 octane aviation fuel, but which are using
used the wrong plug. Don't be trapped! Use the chart. the higher leaded 100 octane as well. Therefore, the
3. Oil (and filter) should be changed at a maximum of 50 techniques recommended herein for operation and
hours, particularly when using the higher leaded fuels. maintenance apply to all our engines, but with emphasis
Oil filters do not filter the lead sludge which on the 80 octane engine using 100 octane fuel.
accumulates from combustion. Controlled programs
have revealed that the higher leaded fuels build an LEANING TEXTRON LYCOMING
accumulation of lead in the oil from combustion. IF ENGINES
the oil is continued in use beyond 50 hours time, it has
caused sticking exhaust valves. (How to use this outline presentation: All operators
4. If idle mixture is too rich on the ground, have should read the General Introduction and Summary
maintenance adjust it properly. Recommendations, but should carefully study the section
that applies to his or her specific powerplant.)
temperature, oil temperatures and pressures. , The compared to full rich.
airplane pilot's manual will specify this information for c. The EOT offers little improvement in leaning the
these more complex high performance powerplants. float-type carburetor over the procedures outlined
above because of the problem of imperfect
WHY LEAN THE ENGINES? distribution. However, if the EGT is installed, a
good rule of thumb is lean the mixture plus 50° on
In spite of a number of variations in the different models the rich side of peak EGT with this type of fuel
of our powerplants, there are some general metering device.
recommendations on leaning we can offer for all d. With the application of carburetor heat, the mixture
Lycoming piston engines. is richer; check and adjust mixture leaner.
2. Fuel injection.
1. Most carburetors or fuel injectors are set slightly on the a. Because of the varied models of fuel injectors used
rich side - this calls for leaning at any altitude at the with Lycoming engines, the operator must consult
manufacturer's recommended cruise power. the specific Pilot's Operating Handbook for specific
2. Proper leaning means economy of fuel, which results in leaning instructions.
lower cost of operation. b. However, as a basic technique, at the
3. Rich running engines cause roughness - proper leaning manufacturer's recommended cruise power
makes them smooth, which protects engine mounts and limitation, with a manual mixture control, lean
engine accessories from undesirable vibration and initially by reference to the fuel flow (if available)
possible failure. for the percent of cruise power without exceeding
4. An engine properly leaned is a more efficient manufacturer's recommended limits. Then for more
powerplant. precise leaning, if an exhaust gas temperature is
5. Leaning at cruise can extend the range of the aircraft - available, find peak EGT without exceeding limits,
a safety factor. and operate there, or by the rule of thumb of plus
6. Proper leaning means less spark plug fouling and longer 50°F on the rich side of peak EGT.
life for plugs - also a safety factor, as well as lower (1) Monitor cylinder head temperatures.
maintenance cost. (2) The EGT is a helpful instrument for precise
7. Correct leaning means cleaner combustion chambers leaning with fuel injection.
and less likelihood of pre-ignition from undesirable (3) If EGT and fuel flow are not available, then lean
combustion deposits. to just outside roughness, or to a slight airspeed
8. Proper leaning at cruise power results in more normal loss, then as desired by the pilot,
engine temperatures in cool weather or at the cooler
temperatures of altitude. Rich mixtures cause LEANING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR TYPES OF
undesirable cool engine temperatures in cool or cold TEXTRON LYCOMING ENGINES
a. Oil temperatures should be at least 165°F minimum 1. Direct drive normally aspirated engines (carbureted or
in order to reduce moisture forming vapors and fuel injection):
undesirable acids in the engine oil. a. May be leaned at any altitude, at manufacturer's
recommended cruise power (usually 75% or less),
The Three Basic Types of Fuel Metering Devices Used provided there is a manual mixture control.
with Lycoming Engines in General Aviation; and the b. In climb from sea level through 5,000 ft. density
General Procedures for Leaning at Manufacturers' altitude, mixture must be full rich. Continued climb
Recommended Cruise Power: 1. Float type carburetor. above 5,000 ft., mixture may be leaned for smooth
a. Fixed pitch propeller - lean to a maximum increase engine operation. DO NOT confuse the 5,000 ft
in RPM and airspeed - or - just before engine reference for climb with the cruise configuration.
roughness. c. Operation is higher than 75% power without
(1) Engine roughness is not detonation at cruise reference to fuel flow, cylinder head temperatures,
power, but is caused by the leanest cylinder not and without knowledge of specific power, requires
firing due to a very lean fuel-air mixture which full rich mixture.
will not support combustion in that cylinder. (1) Leaning at recommended cruise power does not
b. Controllable propeller - lean the mixture until damage a normally healthy engine, but leaning at higher
roughness encountered, and then enrich slightly until than 75% cruise power in this type of engine can cause
roughness is eliminated and engine is smooth. engine damage when complete engine instrumentation is
There may be a slight increase of airspeed noted in not available (CHT and fuel flow minimum), and
smooth air when properly leaned at cruise when limitations not spelled out in airplane pilot's operating
2. Leaning the turbocharged Lycoming powerplant. this type of engine may be leaned as desired as long
a. The turbine inlet temperature gage (TIT) is a as the engine operates smoothly, and temperatures
required instrument with turbocharging by and pressures are within manufacturer's prescribed
Lycoming. limits.
b. During manual leaning, the maximum allowable TIT
for the particular engine and installation must not be
exceeded. Check the Pilot's Operating Handbook SUMMARY RECOMMENDATIONS
(POH) or The Engine Operator's Manual to
determine this temperature limit. 1. This presentation has merely covered the minimum
c. At cruise power when leaning the mixture, if TIT basics of the various types of Textron Lycoming
reaches the maximum allowable limit before powerplants. For a more detailed description of the
peaking, do not exceed the limit to find peak. leaning procedures, particularly the higher powered
d. Operation may be at peak during cruise provided more complex engines, refer to the Pilot's Operating
TIT does not exceed red line maximum and cylinder Handbook. If the manual is incomplete, refer to
head should not exceed red line maximum and Textron Lycoming Service Instruction No. 1094.
cylinder head should not exceed 435°F (224°C), for 2. For maximum service life, where there is a cylinder
continuous operation. Mixture may be operated head temperature installed, maintain cylinder head
anywhere on the rich side of peak. CHT, fuel flow, temperature (for continuous operation), below
and TIT will decide where the pilot will operate his recommended 435T (224°C). If cylinder head
mixture control as specified in the Pilot's Operating temperature is higher than recommended during flight,
Handbook. in order to complete the flight as safely as possible,
e. Very high altitudes may result in high temperatures reduce head temperature to within recommended
which will require adequate fuel, cowl flaps, or air operating range by enriching the mixture, or by
speed for cooling. adjusting cowl flaps if available, or by reducing power,
f. All takeoffs with turbocharged powerplants (where or by use of any combination of these methods.
turbo is operating) must be at full rich mixture 3. Some leaning during descent to traffic pattern may be
regardless of airport elevation. The turbocharged in order to prevent roughness or sudden engine cooling.
engine needs the extra fuel for cooling because of The before-landing check should prevent overlooking
the high induction air temperatures created by the mixture for landing.
turbocharging, and because the engine is operating 4. Always return mixture to rich before increasing power.
at sea level horsepower. 5. Leaning the mixture in accordance with the engine
g. Always consult the Pilot's Operating Handbook for manufacturer's recommendations is practical and
any variations for the specific aircraft. If leaning by economical.
means of manual mixture is permitted at climb 6. Normally aspirated, direct drive Lycoming engines
power, it will be specified in the Pilot's Operating operated at manufacturer's cruise power (usually 75%
Handbook and will list required ranges for fuel power or less) may be leaned at any altitude. Do not
flow, power settings, and temperature limitations. confuse the 5,000 ft. reference for climb with this type.
If cruise (for example) is 2500 ft., and 75% power or
3. Leaning the supercharged Lycoming powerplants. less is used, then the mixture should be leaned for all
routine cruise operations outside the traffic pattern.
a. All takeoffs with supercharged powerplants must be 7. Leaning techniques vary because of differences in fuel
full rich mixture regardless of the airport elevation. metering devices (carburetor or fuel injector),
The supercharged engine needs the extra fuel for turbocharging or supercharging, fixed pitch or constant
cooling because of the high induction air speed prop, etc. Read the airplane Pilot's Operating
temperatures created by supercharging, and because Handbook and determine the proper operating
it is operating at sea level horsepower. technique. Get a proper check-out in the aircraft.
b. If leaning by means of manual mixture is permitted
at climb power, it will be specified in the Pilot's
Operating Handbook, and will list required ranges PROPER LEANING AT CRUISE AIDS
for fuel flow, power settings, and temperature
c. The exhaust gas temperature gage is a helpful
In previous issues of our Lycoming Flyer, we have always
instrument for leaning the supercharged engine at
emphasized proper leaning at the manufacturer's
cruise power with a manual mixture control.
recommended cruise power at any altitude; however, in
d. Recommended standard cruise power for the
supercharged engine is 65%. At 65% power or less this article we will expand our continuing discussion of
leaning and explain - (1) how it saves dollars, and (2) how
it aids safe flight. In a practical approach to our subject, full rich vs. lean at cruise. In the illustration of the 180
let's look closely at the chart listed below: HP engine there is one additional hour of flight when
properly leaned. This is a very real safety of flight fact.
Leaning the normally aspirated, direct drive
Lycoming engine at cruise vs. full rich at These are some of the more important facts that illustrate
4,000 feet density altitude, 75% power. how proper leaning at cruise power aids safe flight - and
Engine Airplane
saves dollars.
Model Model
Full Best Economy Hours Hours
Rich (Peak EOT) Rich Lean While reading the report of a recent accident that could
19+gals. 15.6 gals. 4.2 hrs. 5.1 hrs. have been prevented, it occurred to us that despite all our
Engine Airplane efforts and those of others to inform people who operate
Model Model our engines, people are still confused or they
250 HP Piper Aztec misunderstand some basic aspects of leaning. In this
Full Best Economy Hours Hours particular accident, it was caused either by lack of
Rich (Peak EOT) Rich Lean understanding, or confusion over the 5,000 ft. reference in
16.2 gals. 13.6 gals. 4.3 hrs. 5.1 hrs. leaning. We will attempt to clarify this area of
misunderstanding; but first let's review the facts
Engine Airplane
concerning the accident to observe how it happened - and
Model Model
then learn how to prevent a similar accident.
180 HP Cessna Cardinal
Full Best Economy Hours Hours The private pilot involved had planned the same VFR 4:30
Rich (Peak EOT) Rich Lean
hour cross-country which he had made several times
11.9 gals. 9.7 gals. 4.1 hrs. 5.1 hrs. previously without refueling enroute. During his training,
the pilot had been told erroneously not to lean his direct
Observe the fuel flows at "Full Rich" vs. "Best Economy",
drive, normally aspirated Lycoming engine below 5,000
and note that the higher horsepowered engine uses almost
feet. Until the day of the accident, all flights to his same
3-1/2 gallons per hour more fuel at full rich cruise power.
destination had been made at 5,000 feet or higher, and as
Now multiply 3-1/2, times the cost of aviation gasoline
a result he had leaned the mixture and always made the
per gallon, and conclude how much unnecessary additional
trip without refueling.
cost per hour of flight time you are incurring by operating
at full rich mixture at cruise power.
On the day of the accident, about half of the return trip
was made at 7,500 feet with the mixture leaned.
While we are on a discussion of unnecessary cost of
However, the rest of the flight was made at 2,300 to 3,000
operation, another important factor is the damage often
feet with the mixture rich. He ran out of fuel and crashed
done to engine accessories by operating at full rich at
a mile short of the airport, killing two passengers and
cruise power. Engines operating at full rich in cruise tend
seriously injuring another passenger and himself.
to be rough, resulting in shaking engine accessories and
engine mounts, thereby considerably reducing their life
We will emphasize here again, as we have in the past, that
and often resulting in expensive early replacement. A
these normally aspirated (not supercharged or
properly leaned engine at cruise power is a smooth engine
turbocharged) direct drive engines with a manual mixture
- and will save money.
control should be leaned at cruise powers of 75% or less
at any altitude while cruising. With this type of
We have been telling all concerned about the benefits to
powerplant, the 5,000 feet reference was only for climb
the spark plug by proper leaning at cruise power in earlier
purposes. The recommendation during climb was to
issues of the Flyer, and it can be repeated in this
maintain full rich in the climb from sea level through
discussion because it well illustrates our point on saving
5,000 ft. density altitude. If the climb was to continue
dollars. Proper leaning at cruise helps prevent spark plug
higher than 5,000 ft., mixture should be leaned for engine
fouling. The maintenance cost to remove and clean spark
efficiency and smoothness.
plugs can be reduced by good leaning techniques.
Frequent cleaning of spark plugs reduces their life and
Damage to a direct drive normally aspirated engine from
requires early replacement. Furthermore, badly fouled
spark plugs could also become a safety of flight problem excessive leaning is done at higher than cruise power, or
too. above 75% on the direct drive engines we have been
discussing, and above 65% power on the geared and
For a very interesting safety of flight item, let's look at supercharged engines. Therefore, the principal
the chart again. Notice the difference in hours of flight at
consideration in leaning is the percent of power at cruise, combustibles and non-combustibles."
and secondly altitude. Even though the pilot of a direct
drive normally aspirated powerplant is only flying 1,000 Pilots be alert to the effect of wet air on the performance
feet above sea level (for example), if he is at 75% power of your engine.
or less he should lean the mixture.
Leaning is not the easiest subject to write about when a Mechanic's Creed
manufacturer has as many varieties of engines and fuel
metering devices as Lycoming offers. Our Service UPON MY HONOR I swear that I shall hold in
Instruction 1094 covers most aspects of leaning our sacred trust the rights and privileges conferred
engines across the board. This discussion has been largely upon me as a certified mechanic. Knowing full
limited to the misunderstood 5,000 ft. reference with well that the safety and lives of others are
normally aspirated direct drive engines with a manual dependent upon my skill and judgment, I shall
mixture control, and limited engine instrumentation, in never knowingly subject others to risks which I
order to help prevent any similar accidents in this type of would not be willing to assume for myself, or
equipment. The more complex engines and aircraft are for those dear to me.
provided with more complete engine instrumentation to
protect the powerplants. DM DISCHARGING this trust, I pledge myself
never to undertake work or approve work which
WET AIR EFFECT ON ENGINE POWER I feel to be beyond the limits of my knowledge;
nor shall I allow any non-certified superior to
The FAA has published a pamphlet entitled "Wet Air", persuade me to approve aircraft or equipment as
which enlightens the pilot concerning this potential danger airworthy against my better judgment; nor shall
to engine power. Scientists state that we can dismiss any I permit my judgment to be influenced by money
appreciable effect of dampness in the air on the efficiency or other personal gain; nor shall I pass as
of the wing in lifting and the propeller in thrusting. But airworthy aircraft or equipment about which I
(they state), the effect of water vapor or high humidity on am in doubt, either as a result of direct
engine power output can be significant, and should be inspection or uncertainty regarding the ability of
taken into consideration when planning takeoffs in muggy others who have worked on it to accomplish
or high humidity weather. their work satisfactorily.
The pamphlet explains the power loss by pointing out the I REALIZE the grave responsibility which is
fact that with water vapor present there is less air entering mine as a certified airman, to exercise my
the engine. Secondly, this creates an excessive enrichment judgment on the airworthiness of aircraft and
because the fuel amount is the same, but the amount of air equipment. I, therefore, pledge unyielding
is less. Furthermore, the water vapor slows the burning adherence to these precepts for the advancement
which slightly affects power, but offers no cooling value of aviation and for the dignity of my vocation.
to the engine.
2. Having a Registration Certificate and a ' valid may continue to be operated.
Airworthiness Certificate appropriately displayed in his
aircraft during all operations. The Federal Aviation Regulation require a presentation
showing the current status of applicable airworthiness
3. Having available in the aircraft an FA A approved flight directives, including the method of compliance, and the
manual, or operational limitations. signature and certificate number of the mechanic or repair
agency who complied with the AD.
4. Assuring that maintenance is properly recorded in the
aircraft records. It is the aircraft owner/operator's mandatory responsibility
to assure compliance with all pertinent AD notes. This
5. Keeping abreast of current regulations concerning the includes those AD's of a recurrent or repetitive nature; for
operation and maintenance of his airplane and engine. example, an AD may require a certain inspection every
100 hours. This means that the particular inspection shall
INSPECTIONS be made and recorded every 100 hours of flight time.
This inspection must be performed within the preceding 12 In addition to service bulletins, Textron Lycoming also
calendar months, by either a certified A&P mechanic publishes service instructions and service letters. A
holding an inspection authorization, an appropriately rated service instruction is product information with which
certified repair station, or the manufacturer of the aircraft. Lycoming definitely recommends compliance. The service
letter at Lycoming is product information which can be
100-HOUR INSPECTION optional to the pilot/owner.
An aircraft used to carry passengers for hire, or for flight PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE Preventative
instruction for hire, must be inspected within each 100 maintenance means simple or minor preservation
hours of time in service by either a certified A&P operations and the replacement of small standard parts
mechanic, an appropriately rated certificated repair station, not involving complex assembly operations. The holder of
or the manufacturer. The annual inspection is acceptable a pilot certificate issued under FAR 61 may perform
as a 100-hour inspection,, but the reverse is not true. preventive maintenance on any aircraft owner or operated
by him that is not used in air carrier or air taxi. All other
DAILY AND PREFLIGHT INSPECTION maintenance, repairs, rebuilding or alterations must be
performed by persons authorized to do so by the FAA.
The owner/operator may conduct a daily inspection, if so
desired, but the pilot must perform a satisfactory preflight Except as noted under "Preventive Maintenance", all
inspection before flight (FAR 91.5). repairs and alterations are classed as either Major or
Minor. Major repairs or alterations must be approved and
AIRWORTHINESS DIRECTIVES returned to service by an appropriately rated certified
repair facility, an A&P mechanic holding an Inspection
Airworthiness Directives, commonly referred to as "AD Authorization, or a representative of the FAA. Minor
Notes", provide aircraft owners with information of unsafe repairs and alterations may be returned to service by an
conditions. The AD's specify the aircraft or component appropriately rated certified A&P mechanic or repair
found to be unsafe by the FAA, and the conditions, facility.
limitations, or inspections, if any, under which the aircraft
PROGRESSIVE MAINTENANCE • and relationship to engine operation was sometimes rather
vague. What do we mean by "hot and cold" spark plugs?
This is a continuous maintenance program whereby the What is the relationship between an engine and spark
required FAA and manufacturer inspections are plugs? How important is it to smooth engine operation?
accomplished during the most convenient time, while These are but a few questions we will try to answer in this
keeping the aircraft in a state of continuous airworthiness. article.
Several General Aviation airframe manufacturers have Both spark plug and engine manufacturer working together
established sound Progressive Maintenance programs with determine the proper type spark plug suitable for each
FAA approval. Owners and operators are reminded that engine model. These plugs can be either fine wire or
certain FAA requirements must be met before a massive electrode type. Before being released for
Progressive Maintenance program can be used. These production, each new type plug is checked in the
requirements are contained in the Federal Aviation laboratory and under actual flight conditions. They are
Regulations, Part 43, "Maintenance, Preventive tested through a wide range of operating conditions and at
Maintenance, Rebuilding and Alteration", and Part 91, different power settings, and only after both engine and
"General Operating and Flight Rules". spark plug manufacturers are completely satisfied with test
data are plugs released for production. To eliminate any
The Progressive Maintenance program has had more possibility of error in spark plug selection both
appeal where planes for hire are involved (i.e., commuter, manufacturers provide spark plug charts as a guide for
air taxi, flight instruction), rather than the private owner. proper plug selection. Final authority concerning proper
plugs for a specific engine is the engine manufacturer.
AIRCRAFT FLIGHT TEST AFTER REPAIR OR When selecting spark plugs, be sure to also consider the
ALTERATION spark plugs' heat range.
The FAA reminds us that whenever a repair or alteration Operating temperature of the spark plug insulator core
has been made to your aircraft or engine, the person nose is one factor which governs formation of troublesome
authorized to return the aircraft to service should decide if combustion deposits. To help overcome this problem,
a flight test is necessary. If the decision is affirmative, the selection of spark plugs with the proper heat range should
aircraft must be flight tested after repair or alteration be made. Spark plugs are susceptible to carbon deposits
before it may be used to carry passengers in accordance when the operating temperature of the core nose insulator
with FAR 91.167. The test pilot must log the findings of is at or below 800°F, but an increase of just 100°F is
the test flight in the aircraft or engine record, or sufficient to eliminate formation of these deposits. Also,
maintenance record. lead deposits form because the bromide scavenger
contained in tetraethyl lead is non-active at low
SPARK PLUGS - I temperatures. At 900°F temperature, the bromide
KEY TO SMOOTH ENGINE OPERATION scavenger is fully activated, disposing of lead deposits
with combustion gases during exhaust cycle. In this case,
an increase of just 100°F was sufficient to make the
difference between a smooth and rough running engine.
(Courtesy: Champion Spark Plug)
To eliminate or keep this problem at a minimum, avoid
prolonged idling at low RPM, avoid power-offlet downs
Today, the term "hot and cold" is commonplace in general
and after flooded starts run engine at medium RPM before
aviation - especially when related to engine spark plugs.
With the introduction of high compression, and high
Deposits formed between 1000°F and 1300°F are low in
horsepower engines, a need for improved spark plugs was
volume and electrical conductivity and are least apt to
imminent. Spark plugs used in low compression, low
cause spark plug fouling. This is the reason for selecting
horsepower engines were not compatible with the new,
a plug that will operate within the aforementioned
more sophisticated powerplants. The non-compatibility
temperature range at all power settings.
factor of existing plugs with new engines resulted in
development of spark plugs capable of operating
Now let's get back to the term "hot and cold" as related
efficiently at high compression ratios and high power
to engine spark plugs. Normally, a hot plug is used in a
cold engine - low horsepower, and a cold plug in a hot
engine - high horsepower. In actuality, these terms refer
Many aircraft operators have come in direct or indirect
to the plugs ability to transfer heat from its firing end to
contact with the term "hot and cold" during the course of
the engine cylinder head. To avoid spark plug overheating
conversation with other pilots or mechanics. Its meaning
where combustion chamber or cylinder head temperatures ' contact spring and the contact gap in the spark plug may
are relatively high, a cold plug is recommended - such as cause the engine to misfire during take-off and climb
in a high compression engine. A cold-running plug has operation and, in extreme cases during low power,
the ability to transfer heat more readily. A hot-running especially with lean mixtures.
plug has a much slower rate of heat transfer and is used
to avoid fouling when combustion chamber and cylinder Cross-firing in the magneto distributor can also produce
head temperatures are relatively low. spark plug insulator failure and piston distress.
From our discussion, it is clear to see that there is more to The bottom of the insulator well around the contact cap
spark plugs than just buying a set and installing them in location should be inspected for the presence of black
your engine. Be sure you know what type of spark plugs contamination on the walls and also at the contact cap.
to use with your engine. Also, good spark plug service Black soot-like deposits usually indicate that the insulation
and maintenance is as important as proper plug selection. of the ignition lead has been exposed to temperatures
Take care in selecting and maintaining your plugs, it can above normal.
result in many additional hours of smooth engine
operation. Additional spark plug information is always Damage From Excessive Temperatures
available from the engine or spark plug manufacturers and
other service organizations. Overheating of the spark plug barrel, sometimes caused by
damaged cylinder baffles or missing cooling air blast
Spark plug tables are available by writing to Product tubes, may seriously deteriorate the ignition leads. Any
Support Department, Textron Lycoming, Williamsport, PA overheating of the spark plug barrel by a defective baffle
17701; Champion Spark Plug Company, Aviation or exhaust gas leakage at the exhaust pipe mounting flange
Department, Toledo, OH 43116; or SGL Auburn Spark can generate temperatures in the insulator tip sufficient to
Plug Company, 89 York Street, Auburn, NY 13021. cause pre-ignition and piston distress.
output. This causes a rapid increase of the insulator tip Electrode Gaps
temperature and prevents the deposit formation from being
vaporized. This type of spark plug fouling is more The size of the electrode gap has a very definite effect on
prevalent in float equipped aircraft. spark plug service life and also on the performance of the
engine. Insufficient gap size will not only cause misfiring
Orange-yellow and glaze appearing deposits on the during idle, but will also misfire during cruise power with
insulator tip usually indicate that the spark plugs have lean fuel/air mixture. This intermittent misfiring during
been exposed to higher than normal temperatures as it cruise lowers the temperature of the insulator tip to such
happens when detonation is experienced. an extent that lead deposits forming on the insulators may
not vaporize sufficiently to keep the tips clean.
An ash-grey colored surface or chalk-white surface on the
insulator tip, and the exposed metal parts, indicates that IS YOUR SPARK PLUG CONNECTOR
the spark plug was exposed to very high combustion OVERTORQUED?
chamber temperatures, usually caused by severe detonation
or pre-ignition. The free end of the side electrodes on fine This is a brief summary of the Champion Spark Plug
wire spark plugs will be of a bluish-gray color and free of instruction for connecting the spark plug to the connector:
any accumulation of deposits. In massive type spark
plugs, evidence of copper run out could be visible.
Terminal sleeves should be handled only with clean, dry
hands. Before installation, wipe off the connector with a
The cylinders from which spark plugs with the above
clean, lint-free cloth moistened in methylethylketone,
conditions were found should be inspected with the aid of
acetone, wood alcohol, naphtha or clean unleaded
a boroscope. It may be desirable to replace the cylinder,
gasoline. Make certain that the inside of the spark plug
especially if backfiring was reported by the flight crew.
shielding barrel is clean and dry. Then, without touching
The reason for this precautionary action is that if the
the connector or spring with the fingers, insert the
engine was operated under some detonation conditions, but
assembly in a straight line with the spark plug. Screw the
not to the extent that it caused a complete piston failure,
connector nut into place finger tight-then tighten an
the piston rings could be broken and a piston failure
additional 1/8 turn with the proper wrench. Damaged
requiring a complete engine change may show up at a
threads or cracked shielding barrels may result if the
later date.
connector nuts are tightened excessively. Avoid excessive
side load while tightening.
A black-colored deposit on the spark plug gasket and the
gasket flange indicates that the spark plug was
insufficiently torqued, allowing combustion chamber gases
to leak past the spark plug threads. In aircraft engines
using helicoil inserts, it may also cause a helicoil burnout.
By comparing the two spark plugs in this picture, you can ADVERSE ADVERSE
see the results of overtorquing at the distorted end of the CENTER ELECTRODE
left spark plug. Since this distortion may make the spark
plug unusable, great care should be taken to tighten the
connector in accordance with the manufacturer's
The policy of rotating spark plugs from top to bottom has To get a polarity change, as well as switching the plugs
been practiced by mechanics and pilots for many years. from top to bottom, the following rotational sequence is
It is common knowledge in the industry that the bottom suggested. First, when removing the spark plugs from the
plugs are always the dirty ones and the top plugs are the engine, keep them in magneto sets. After the plugs have
clean ones. By periodically switching the plugs from top been serviced and are ready to be reinstalled in the engine,
to bottom, you get a self-cleaning action from the engine make the following plug exchange. For six cylinder
whereby the dirty plug placed in the top is cleaned, while engines, switch the plugs from the odd number cylinders
the clean plug replaced in the bottom gradually becomes with the plugs from the even numbered cylinders. For
dirty. Based on this cleaning action, a rotational time example, switch 1 with 2, 3 with 4, 5 with 6, or 1 with 6,
period must be established. 2 with 5, 3 with 4. On four cylinder engines, you must
switch 1 with 4 and 2 with 3. During the following
Due to the ever-increasing cost of aircraft maintenance operating period, each plug will be fired at reverse polarity
and a desire to get the maximum service life from your to the former operating period. This will result in even
spark plugs, the following information is offered on the spark plug wear and longer service life. This rotational
effects of constant polarity and how to rotate plugs to get procedure works equally well on all four and six cylinder
maximum service life. Lycoming engines except four cylinder engines equipped
with the single-unit dual magneto. This is a constant
The polarity of an electrical spark, either positive or polarity magneto and the only benefit to be gained by
negative, and its effects on spark plug electrode erosion rotating the plugs is the reduction of lead deposit build-up
has long been known, but has had little effect on spark on the spark plugs when a rotational time period is
plug life in the relatively low performance engines of the established and followed. Another exception occurs on a
past. However, in the later, high performance, normally few four cylinder engines where one magneto will fire all
aspirated and turbocharged engines where cylinder of the top spark plugs and the other magneto will fire all
temperature and pressure are much higher, the adverse of the bottom spark plugs. If the plugs are rotated as
effects of constant polarity are becoming more prevalent. previously recommended, a polarity change will result but
As you can see in the picture comparing spark plug wear, since the plugs do not get moved from top to bottom, no
when a spark plug is installed in a cylinder that is fired self-cleaning action by the engine will occur. This may
negative and is allowed to remain there for a long period result in the necessity to clean the bottom plugs at regular
of time, more erosion occurs on the center electrode than intervals as these are always the dirtiest For those
on the ground electrode, and when a spark plug is fired engines with magnetos which fire all top or bottom spark
positive, more erosion occurs on the ground electrode than plugs the choice of rotating plugs to change polarity or to
on the center electrode. From this we can see that a obtain bottom to top cleaning action must be made by the
periodic exchange of spark plugs fired positive with those aircraft owner or the A&P mechanic.
fired negative will result in even wear and longer spark
plug service life.
Note: Stoddard-Hamilton Aircraft, Inc. freely shares ideas submitted by other builders. However, inclusion in this newsletter does not
mean the ideas are reviewed or approved by Stoddard-Hamilton. Builders are urged to use their own discretion and judgement when
considering the use of a suggestion submitted by others.
We are satisfied that this will help prevent a situation of
fuel starvation developing while flying with one wing
Dear Stoddard-Hamilton,
down and with less than full fuel on board. We also
If you have wondered what happened to that 15th "Glasair I" kit extended the wing fuel cells to increase fuel capacity.
you turned out many years ago, it's found a home here in
Lynchburg, VA by way of Colorado and Saskatchewan, We have had some problems with the extended cure time
Canada. required with the new resin. Cliff's suggestion of adding
30% more DMA to the resin has helped.
We purchased the kit last August (very little had been done),
have made several changes that has extended our construction Our local airport, New London, has a very active flying
time, but hope to fly it before this year's end. club with lots of taildraggers, ultralights, bi-wings, and
open cockpits. Everyone is excited about our Glasair I
The new rear windows are added and the canopies are hinged to taildragger project and always willing to help with
open full "gull wing" using the Glasair III hinges (this took problems and suggestions.
some doing). We're also adding the large rudder, wing
extensions and slotted flaps. This is our first attempt at building an airplane from a kit.
We're learning and having fun!
Below is a drawing of a change we think is a real improvement
to the fuel cells. A center rib has been added splitting the wing See you at Oshkosh,
tank. Two sumps have been installed with a line from each Buddy Lee
leading to a "Y" fitting. A fill cap will be installed outboard in Jerry Hollandsworth
each wing and tanks vented separately.
Ed.: Thanks for the note, guys, and for finishing up kit #15. In regard to your idea for splitting the fuel tanks, please
consider the following thoughts.
Typically, unporting isn't as much a problem in high-wing aircraft as the fuel feeds by gravity. In an unbalanced turn with
low fuel, one tank may unport but the other can still gravity feed down to the engine via the selector valve. With a low-
wing airplane, the fuel is pumped uphill to the engine. In an unbalanced turn where either fuel sump unports the pump
may cavitate and result in engine starvation.
When splitting the tanks in the Glasair one should determine what the safe useable fuel for the wing should be under worse
case conditions: low fuel, unbalanced skidding turn with wing down. The addition of fuel baffle ribs with flow check valves
at least half the distance from the E-rib locations to the sumps will help considerably. The fuel selector valve switched to
one side or the other when parked on the ground will prevent cross flow of fuel and reduce vent overflow problems. Selecting
to a single tank rather than switching the selector OFF could prevent inadvertent takeoff in the OFF position with fuel
starvation occurring during climbout. Splitting the main tank may simplify the fuel venting system, but add extra weight and
cost to the fuel gauging system.
REAR WINDOWS frames bow out a little from the if you install the
hinges in a straight line on an unloaded canopy, the hinges
If you're going to install rear windows, cut 'em out as won't be straight when the canopy is forced to fit the fuse.
soon as you can, but resist the temptation to install them In other words, pre-load the canopy frames when you
until you're ready to paint. The openings will make it install the hinges.
much easier to glue laminates for seat back, baggage
bulkhead, antenna bracket, etc. Also, the fact that you can FLAP STOPS
breathe when your head is stuck way back in the tail cone
will be greatly appreciated! Borrowed this idea from Roger Heisdorffer: Putting a
small hinge at the flap stop location will prevent the flap
CANOPY HINGE INSTALLATION from bowing when air loaded up, so that all the up stop
forces are on the flap stop bolt and not coupled into the
When you install the canopy hinges: Be aware that the flap drive mechanism.
INSTRUMENT PANEL HINTS After laying out the configuration on cardboard (see photo
Before you drill that first hole in that nice shiny 1), basic mold forms were cut from three inch thick Clark
instrument panel blank, wax it up and make a 2 layer foam. The foam was then sanded to shape and to parallel
mock up of your panel. Do all your first pass work on it. the contour of the mating fuselage surfaces.
It'll keep you from making a mess of your panel (I only
thought of this after botching the pilot side panel.) These mating surfaces were then covered with foil tape
and the foam mold hot melt glued in position. The
For an avionics installation that's going to weigh in big exposed tape was then waxed with mold release and a
time, consider carrying the 1 inch angle aluminum all the three layer laminate applied with about a 3/4 inch flange
way down to the wing. This will require moving the to register the fuselage contour.
fiberglass brackets on the wing 90 degrees, but results in
a very stiff avionics stack (no doubler required at the Once cured, the mold and laminates were removed from
throttle/prop/mix controls). This mod is a must if you're the aircraft, the flange trimmed flush with the console
going to shock mount the pilot side panel. sides, and two more laminates applied.
If you load your panel to the max, and end up bumping After these have cured, the foam core is removed.
the instrument panel up a bit to get all those goodies Unfortunately I have been unable to find an easy way to
installed (for us GI/II builders who want all the do this. I have tried multiple coats of PVA, mold release
instruments in a III panel), you may need to use an RC wax and a lot of swearing, all without any positive result.
Allen Attitude Indicator. Imagine our horror when we A chisel and dye grinder with a carbide burr seem to
discovered the Cessna style unit was too long and hitting provide the most expedient means of removal.
on the windshield bow! The RC Allen unit is about 1-1/2
inches shorter than most others.
Thanks, Mike
Enclosed are photographs of the overhead console I
installed in my Glasair III. It consists of three overlapping
sections extending from the windshield thru the upper
baggage compartment bulkhead. In addition to serving as
a cover for the canopy hinge pins, and a wire chase, the
console includes a mount for the wet compass, a
compartment for a compact disc player, map and cabin
lighting, standard and Bose headset interfaces and a
cigarette lighter receptacle for the operation of 12V
Pre-cured tabs and slots for the forward and aft sections
facilitate the mounting of the entire system without any
visible hardware (see photos 2 and 3). Remaining mounts
consist of rivnuts, 6-32 s.s. socket head capscrews and
ears laminated to accessible portions of the console
Mike Jones
S/N 3117
Special hinge arms fabricated from fiberglass for the cd Ed.: Thanks to another regular contributor.
platform permit a very narrow gap when the compartment
is closed. The aluminum pivots that flank the cd player HINT FOR REMOVING HALF FORKS
serve only to limit the angle of opening. A spring loaded
dual latch engages dogs on the platform to retain it in the
Removing difficult screws - S.B. 105A
closed position while velcro is used to attach the player to
the platform (see photos 5 and 6). Recently I had a need to remove my half forks on my
Glasair RG as per service bulletin 105, rev. A to examine
The compact disc player is a Sony model D-180K, with a the welds on the flange. The AN structural screws were
built in suspension system, and is powered through a 12V connected by using hidden nuts in the forks. Access to
to 9V transformer that is plugged into the aforementioned the nut was not practical. Hence, how could I remove this
cigarette lighter receptacle mounted behind the baggage
highly torqued screw without removing the strut from the My repair was:
aircraft. 1) use an NAS bolt for additional shear strength
2) note in my schedule to replace this bolt every second
annual inspection
This aircraft has 700 hours time over 5 years. I have been
careful not to exceed flap speed and the cusp has been
reworked from flaps and ailerons, further reducing the air
I needed a way to develop a large torque on a recessed Ed.: We appreciate the service report, Jerry. The suggested
screw head without damaging the screw. I chose to switch to an NAS bolt is a good one and replacing the bolt at a
combine a three inch clamp with a short phillips head specified frequency is negligible in cost compared to the
screwdriver tip as shown in the attached photograph. potential problem it could cause. We haven't issued a service
Please note that either a box or open end wrench will bulletin (yet) on this service, but all owners of Glasair I aircraft
work to rotate the screwdriver lip. The clamp is tightened would be well advised to follow Jerry's suggestions.
snug over the screwdriver tip, the screw and nut, and
drawn up tight. The screwdriver tip should be rotated Ted,
with the wrench as required. In the example shown, the I've enclosed a couple of "plenum chamber" air box
wrench is rotated the same direction as the c-clamp photos of my SH-2. Didn't change the upper half, just
threads. Of course, adjustments must be made if the c- bulged out the lower half. Dick Van Grunsven has done
clamp thread is different than the screw thread which you quite a bit of work with this approach as you doubtless
are trying to remove. The main idea is to keep the c- know. This air box has essentially eliminated the engine
clamp snug. These otherwise difficult to remove screws "bugs".
were easy to remove using this technique. Also removing
the wheel may not be necessary if you can get to the four
Don Wall
Name/City Kit # Type/H.P. Date
The shot (see front) over the Golden Gate should make good copy in your newsletter. I now have 20 hours on the bird
with no hitches - it's the most "honest" aircraft I've ever flown in my 50 years of flying!
Stalls mildly at 60 mph and flies solid, dirty at 80 mph. At low altitude it indicates 200 mph using 23" and 2300 rpm.
It goes 170 mph indicated at 20" and 2000 rpm! With 65 gallons (55 in wing and 10 gallons in header) it should have
very long legs.
Engine is 180 hp Lycoming 0-360A1G6 with fuel injection. Constant speed prop. I plan on showing it at Oshkosh '92.
If I do a little extra bragging in your booth, please put up with it! Thanks to Roy and the gang for their support.
His kit number is 510. The postmaster here in Huntsville bought it long ago and I gave him a hand in setting up for
construction. He was then transferred to Orlando, Florida, where he sold the kit to Kevin. Kevin then moved to
Huntsville. (The airplane had a lot of miles before it even flew!) I helped him here and there in final assembly. Kevin
is a good friend of Johnny Murphy from Florida, and so Johnny came up last October 13 to sign it off and do the test
flights. There were some problems with the mags, so we all quit for the day.
After the minor mag problems were fixed, I worked with him from 27 October until he was comfortable with flying it.
Kevin is an amazingly competent pilot for his having less than 80 hours total time when he was checked out
Kevin's Glasair RG has a 150 hp 0-320E2D with a Warnke 72" diameter prop with a pitch of approximately 78". He trues
out at about 210 mph at 8,000 ft. He still has to finish his interior and apply his final paint job, but he is a happy camper.
Ed.: Thanks for the thoughtful letter, Jim, and congratulations to you, Kevin, for the successful completion of your Glasair
RG. Please send us a nice photo when the paint job is complete.
Slotted flaps, Stamm wing lips with Herendeen style extended ailerons. E.W. 1,680 Ibs.
Ed.: As of March 1, Ted reported having made 23 flights and logged 19.2 hours. As a general rule, when the number
of flights exceeds the flight hours, it is a good indication that the owner is conducting flight tests. Short flights with
meticulous monitoring of all critical systems and frequent inspection of the engine, airframe, controls and gear between
flights should be the standard procedure.
When flight test hours exceeds the number of flights by a 'Significant margin, it indicates less attention to frequent
inspections and perhaps more of a program to "fly off the hours". Avoid this for your own health.
Ted informed us that his engine wasn't running quite right on the first few flights. It seemed too mixture sensitive. The
mixture had to be adjusted between power changes to smooth out the engine.
He found that a couple of the injectors were fouled but the engine still wasn't operating quite right. After a thorough
troubleshooting session, Ted found that he had the wrong fuel servo. His engine was overhauled and the servo was shipped
to him at a later date. The servo he received was for a turbocharged engine. Ted cautions other builders not to accept
anything as gospel. You'd expect that the engine overhaul company would send the correct part, but people make mistakes.
Cross check part numbers. Engine manuals with such information are easily obtained from Avco Ly coming.
Lastly, he reported the plane now flies beautifully. With slotted flaps and extended wing, he says it is easier to land than
his Glasair IRG. Ted and Vicky plan to fly the III to Mexico this spring for a vacation. Ted promised a story for the
next issue with a photo of his plane.
Has about 10 hours and required only small changes to control surface trim tabs. All engine operating temperatures good.
All going well.
PRESIDENT'S DAY FLY-IN '92 photographs, but due to technical error, the photos are not
available. We will do better next year.
The Arizona desert was still soggy from heavy rains, and
cold air was moving in from the north. On that Saturday Dace Kirk and his people at Phoenix Composites, (the
morning dark gray clouds blocked the sky in all directions. Glasair Southwest Service Center) did a magnificent job
February 15th, 1992, was slow to awaken. of making everyone feel welcome. They want to say
thanks, again, to everyone who came and participated in
Radios in the tower at Falcon Field in Mesa, began to the FIRST ANNUAL PRESIDENT'S DAY FLY-IN.
crackle with the familiar sound of Glasairs, "Falcon
Tower, Glasair Mike Juliet, 14 miles west, inbound with Phoenix Composites asks that you plan to visit with them
India". this October 2nd on your way to the Copperstate Fly-In at
Prescott, AZ, and put President's Day '93 on your
The first Glasair to arrive was Myron Jenkins in his award calendar to visit with all of us here in Arizona.
winning III. Myron flies out of Parker Arizona and won
Grand Champion at the Copperstate Fly-In and Kerrville, Thanks to all the participants who openly shared their
Texas shows. His Glasair III looks like a thoroughbred knowledge and encouragement with the soon to be Glasair
stallion, with sleek lines and smooth body standing proud pilots.
for all to enjoy.
Jim Osborn
As the clouds began to break up and temperatures settled Glendale, AZ
in the high 60's, more than fifty enthusiasts gathered
around picnic tables for a delicious barbecue. (Someone ROUND THE WORLD IN 1610 DAYS
made brownies which could become world famous, they
were that good!) Dear Ted,
Hi! G-III, S/N 3059, has now returned to the U.S.A.
All who were there went away with a renewed (Houston) after a round the world trip. I'll be closing the
determination and desire to work on their projects. wing in the next several months and look forward to
getting it flying. Please upgrade my address.
Cliff Rosch, from Chandler, AZ (a Glasair taildragger
pilot) made a yeoman's effort to record this event with Kind regards,
Ron Simard
Ed.: This is the world's longest around the world speed attempt in contact as time goes on, we live close enough together
for a Glasair HI! The kit was shipped from Stoddard-Hamilton to make that easy.
on September 3, 1987.
Ted asked me to let him know my thoughts after another
SOUTHERN KITCRAFT GLASAIR builder looked at my project My primary concern was
KITBUILDING COURSE very simply that I wanted to know how well I was doing.
I've built to my own standards all through the project, but
Dear Bill, didn't know how that related to others. Arnie looked the
airplane over for some time and found nothing that he
When you sold me my kit last summer at Oshkosh you would improve upon. His primary suggestion was that I
suggested that I contact Art Bond at Southern Kitcraft study the manual and understand the objective. Then,
about attending his one week "kitbuilder's course". I am without fretting too much over a molded curve that
writing to thank you for the suggestion as I have just doesn't quite fit, or a dimension that is nearly impossible
returned from an excellent week with Art and his crew in to get to within .01 inches, just go ahead and do it.
Auburn, AL, where the hospitality was as warm as the Structurally, the airplane is very strong. The truly minor
weather. details are too easy to correct to worry very much about.
The course was a valuable, "hands on" overview of the 1 am a mathematician by education and if the dimension
entire kitbuilding process from fiberglass to paint and says 1.76 inches, then I'll do my damndest to give it 1.76,
since Art specializes in Glasairs everything pertained! As not 1.75. My problem (or maybe it's a personality flaw)
a result, I feel that not only will I see faster progress on is that I have no feel for how much latitude there is in the
my own project, but I will build a better, safer and more construction process. Arnie does. That is the value in
beautiful Glasair - time and money well spent! I would having someone like him look things over. I get myself
recommend Art's course to any Glasair builder or worked up because the manual says that at one place the
prospective builder. Seeing all those well-built airplanes dimension should be 2 inches when, because of a set in
is as inspiring as the flight line at Oshkosh! the panel, within inches of that location the surface is an
eighth of an inch or so one way or the other out of spec.
Bill, thanks again for your suggestion. I only regret that Arnie assures me that I am being too inflexible. So I'll
I didn't follow up on your advice sooner. chill out a bit, as my son would say. The truly good news
is that where it really counts I am doing well enough to
Sincerely, satisfy an experienced builder's critical review. That
W.H. "Pete" Quorlrup review is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks again
SIN 3241 for the help.
In response to last quarter's accident brief discussion regarding Sincerely, Bill
quality of construction, builder motivation, etc., we received a Knox II-S FT S/N
letter from Glasair builder Bill Knox to have someone come by 2063
and look at his project just to see how he's doing. Since no
other Glasair builders or factory representative had ever seen
his Glasair, he wasn't sure whether the quality standard that he
had set for himself was adequate. As we hear requests like this
from time to time, we felt that printing the following letter of his During the past couple of years I have been doing a
was appropriate: number of first flights on builders' aircraft. Prior to the
flight I do a thorough inspection of the aircraft. What I
Dear Cliff, have found is an alarming amount of nuts, bolts, screws,
fittings and electrical connectors loose. Any one of which
Success at last!!! Thanks to your taking the time to get can lead to an incidence or fatality.
involved and try to do something on my behalf, I finally
had a fellow builder come by and look over my project. The Glasair owner/builder is the manufacturer of this
Please pass my thanks and appreciation on to Ted for his aircraft and should be extremely thorough in checking
help, too. every nut, bolt, screw, fitting, and electrical connection.
Arnie Luters stopped by yesterday and spent several hours Remember when the FAA inspector hands you the
looking at the project and passing on some hints about Airworthiness Certificate you have graduated from Builder
how to make future work go a little easier. He is a true to Test Pilot.
gentleman, and a wealth of information. You need not be
concerned about advice he may give. He and I will stay One problem is the inevitable mad rush prior to the FAA
inspection. It will happen and it is very easy to overlook inspections.
something at this point. I would recommend that when
you consider the aircraft ready for flight testing that you The Torque Seal will only help if used properly: torque
stop, clean up the work area, take the day off to clear your each bolt or nut and apply the witness mark - one at a
head and the next day do an annual (Part 43 Inspection) time. If you tighten all the bolts in an area then go back
on the aircraft with a check list (see Owners Manual). Do and witness mark, you can very easily apply the Torque
not skip anything on the list (oil change, wheel bearing Seal to a unit you did not tighten.
packing, etc.) A good annual will take 2 to 3 days.
Another item we use is a red tag, which we attach to a
Another problem is the tendency to overlook a fastener or unit that is not finished or is considered work in progress.
fitting that is not torqued. Your hands work very well
finding loose fittings but you can't always reach the Below is an article out of FLIGHT PLAN, Volume 14,
fittings once everything is routed. Using a product called Number 3 called "A Price of a Mistake". This article says
Torque Seal can help. Torque Seal has the consistency of it all...
tooth paste and comes in many colors. You apply it to the
edge of a nut or bolt - it dries quickly, leaving a Sincerely,
noticeable mark. If the bolt works loose the Torque Seal Francis P. Miller, President
will break, which you will be able to see during future NorthernAir, Inc.
Gordon Dupont
Technical Investigator
Canadian Aviation
Safety Board/Pacific
. 820
As FAA and National Transportation Safety Board reports can take up to one year to be published, advanced publication of accidents
in this column do not contain all the facts and information necessary to draw definitive conclusions. Rather, these accident briefs are
intended to bring the circumstances to the attention of Glasair builders in the interest of improving safety. They are not intended to
judge the ability or capacity of any person, living or dead, or any aircraft or accessory. We appreciate the willingness of Glasair builders
to share their experiences with others so they may have the opportunity of avoiding similar circumstances.
One accident this past quarter to report which resulted in repairable damage to the Glasair but no injuries. The owner
equested that we not print it in the newsletter. To honor his request, but to offer some educational value to other Glasair
pilots, here's a clue: the mistake made was in missing one of the items on the pre-takeoff checklist.
Most pilots get into the habit of not using a checklist because 1) it takes extra time to go through a checklist as compared
to a mental review, 2) using a checklist in front of the passenger might appear to them that you don't quite know or remember
how to operate the airplane? BE HONEST. People would likely laugh if you used a checklist to operate your automobile.
Does using a checklist mean that you aren't smart enough to remember how to operate a single engine airplane? No, it means
you are smart enough to recognize that all humans forget once in a while, and forgetting in an airplane can have terrible
Another summer flying season is beginning. Fly smart. Fly responsibly, Fly safe!