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In a survey done last month by Ultrakmnmg's (Champion) and Wasarch ::: - , -
publisher Karl Hoagland! many readers asked ed and successful ultrarunn-:-,= , ----
for more indepth training info, and answers be offering you more specific irr.,--.-.:-.
to their specific ultrarunning questions, along tion on running ultramarathons. ::--:t-, : ::-j
with race reports and photos. We're listening. and physical preparation, to plar.rn:i: ..:,;: ::i
We are proud to have three expert and infor- son, to recovery and more.
mative columnists in Sunny Blende Nutrition, Two of our other new columnisl: :,: :
Gary Cantrell - The Open Road, and Gary Dud- changed people's lives around the s'o:-i. ,-:.:
ney - Running Wise, and will focus on each of Trason, world champion and l4-tinte \r';>:::--
them in the coming months. They've got some States 100 winner, set a new standard for',',-:::-.:-.
amazrng experiences and knowledge to share. in sport at a time when women were nor :'.:l
After five years of monthly columns in U& expected to BE in sport. Ann showed us i:.1:
John Morelock has decided to retire. If vou'd is okay to be competitive. To get dirtv ani 1 ..', >:t.. . . .:-:::r'ir-rQ lives and havin$ fu:
still like a regular fix of Rrn C,entltl Out There. hard along with the boys. To be a lvonta: -: -i: . : .:' - -.::i Thar.rksgiving, think abou-
John's book of the same name is now available substance with intellectual AND physical eo:-.. '.,.:.:' . . - :. I :- :lar-i$e just one stranger':
at Amazon.com. Dean Karnazes wrote a book about his o'.',-r: ,, . -: --.= ::-:' :'. :::e end of the month. Year,
With this issue, we're adding Joe Uhan to the life-changing running experience and in -rlt ."r-. :-.::: :r : l::=i1 - an afChaiC term, bui
mix. Jog an ultrarunner, coach and physical thera- process changed thousands of lives for the bei- '.',:--r- : :: - -. : .:,: call heri I have no idea
pist, writes Ihe Sta14 The Cowse column on Bryon ter, inspiring men and women! kids and par- ,'.:-:-4.: :": ,.. :-.::]eles-s Of not - OUtSidg Oi
Powell's popular website, rnmfar.com. Joe will ents. to get off rhe darn couch and get nrorln.. .. - : :'.: : - - -:.- -.i nrv dau$hters' schools. I
be writing in UR about how ultrarunning - and He speaks to people through his writing. bLri >..... r-.:.- ::. ::> ,'..,ent ir"r to pay for filling up
training for same has changed over the years, as also through running, something all of r,rs valrie :r-.'. ::: . ' . -: ::-,: cold dav she was too tired
rvell as talking about physical, mental and physio and can relate to. I'm working my way throuei- :r .,.:-. .--. -. ::-.--:-Ler'. simply sitting on the
logical aspects of training and racing. Joe will also the voluminous catalogue of "books about rur:- _ :-! r-.- :- < -.'. -\1ong with charging mv
be researching and sharing some of the sport's his- ning" and just finished reading Cami Ostman s :-.;:hr sandwiches and coffee
tory. Looking back is a great way to learn how we SecondWmd and, as in a number of other book :=.. rhe sr-nile on her face as I
sot here from the early days of being considered and articles, Cami credits Dean - throush hi: :.=: -.'.hen I left the store.
just a bunch of crazy runners who don't know book and through the runs he does in Ioclriorr. . .. jo sonlething epic. Jusr
\rhen to stop." It's also a good way to analyze the around the world - with helping her to deveiop
rrarecrory of where we're $oing. a new life with a new attitude.
Also on board, beginning with the December Our goal, through all the columns and of
rssue. is Grand Slam of Ultrarunning record- course the race reports and gorgeous photos in
setter Ian Sharman. In addition to his amazino Ultraktnnint, is to help you improve voLlr nut-
'ni:he. at f,our of the most iconic t00-milers ning and have more fun at it, as well as to link Ti;. B..i-:rgiol
\Vestern States (4th), Vermont (ath), Leadville us all together as a community. r-a clli it:ariin n ing.cortt
-- : 3s, race reports and resuts, poetry, Photo submrssions are very we come name of race/runners' names/ course, tne runners are tite most tmportant
-',::, humor, and photos shou d be subm t- Photographs should be avatlable n photographer's name. feature of an ultra, so remember ro lc Lloe
::r . a ema I to er ka @ultrarunning.com. medium- to hrgh-reso ut on f les (at Photos that depict effort, emot on, them in scenic pictures, tool
-.: cted materia s we come, and w I be least 650K8, over 1 N/lB is better). p"'r ctla ly -^ , -dro' di'cu L le ra r , o. Fee free to contact us with quest ons
.-l ;S Space perrnrts. P ease label each photograph wrth: scenic courses, are espectally welcome. Of about submissions.
Kar Hoag and
:C.Box9 Keith Facchino, Mich gan Bluff Photography, Alex Campbe l, Mark Donon, Tera Dube,
:: rfax, CA 94930 MANAGING EDITOR G enn Tach yama, Matt Trappe George Fraziet David Laney, Kevin Langton,
T a Bod ngton PHOTOGRAPHERS .lohn Moe'lre. Va. a> Sa".i, Ange,a Sl-".-.
..-.,A,v. u trarunning.corn
CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Bev Brower, Jayme Burtrs, A ex Campbell, Chris Stores, John Wal ace lll, Dave Zook
Er ka Lindland courtesy Bnghtroom, Jason Eichhorst, Larry CORRESPONDENTS AT LARGF
;-bscriptions@u trarunn ng.com or
, rraRunning Magazine COLUMNISTS
Gassd l, \p v -le.o er. Sleie l loge., 5ea. L sa Henson, John Medinger
It was 9:00 p.m. on Sunday, July
8444 2+ HAL AND CARLY KOERNER have brought .-"
:-:-=: "i-irarunner into our community. Ti.:'
Zlst, as I sat on the floor of nry i:;.:..::. \rla. rvas born September 18, at lC:-;
fiiend Brad's Aunt Deb's basement -:.:: . "r-e:.hing in at 8 pounds, 4 ounces, a.:
bathroom near Elk Horn, Iowa : -: -:::.! tail. Carly notes that Nyla's nu::
after running 87 miles from the - ,-.. ::.:.:erce tends to GU Strawberry-Bana:-,
Missouri River to the daily stop- -.:: :,.: =-,'..rire
trail is the Jabberwocky Tra-
ping point just a few miles away. - -- - ---:..;::j. Oregon watershed, both enjort-
I had just spewed my insides in :'. :-: ::-.--r-': r..'hile trying to induce labor, a::
the toilet, feeling an extreme fever :.- ='.-: . ia;essorv is a newborn-size Rogu.
and chills coming on, and I had ',
= :'. i*:-r::> r'isor - like father, like daughr.:
to run 70 more miles the follow- .:=. .:.'.'^- -:: in Colorado, and is a two-tin-..
ing day in mid-gOs temperatures. ,,:.:.: i ::: \festern States 100 and 20-:
I had just run the first day of :-=:i: .:. - ' ::ampion, along with wins an:
MGBRAI - Register's Annual Great :-: :.=:.:-.':r o\-er 100 ultras. He owns tt-.
Bike Ride Across Iowa - plus 30 ..:. :-:--,.: irtue Valley Runners store::
miles to cut the "optional century .-.:..":.i -.:.'.. oriqinally from Bellingha:,
ride" of too miles down to 70 the '.".'.::,::..--:..:-:.> J\.er 40 ultras on her ru:-
next day. I was going to attempt :rr-= :-:-r-.. ::r:iudin$ Wasatch, Wester,-.
423 miles of MGBRAI (the world's States, The Bea:
largest recreational bike ride that crosses Iowa 1:40 with the biggest grin of the week acros: multiple TNF
each July) my face. Leavint Fairfield on Saturdav at
on foot in seven days to become the Enduranc.
first runner to ever do so. midnight, it was just Brad in his car and nte Challenges
I hit the road running by 4:00 a.m. with running the road. The sun came up. Dr lar: Miwok, ani
friends Dylan and Aaron, and later Brad and and Brad paced me by foot faster and fasrer the Canadiar.
Jodi, driving ahead to hand me more food as my phone spit out each mile split. The Death Race-
and drink every couple of miles. I witnessed weather stayed cool. The bicyclists came She is a grapl:
severe heat, continued loss of appetite, and out. "We've seen it tried before. but can'r ic designer, ani
waited out a thunderstorm for three hours. believe someone is finally going to do irl' created the 201i
My appetite came back with shorter runs of was shouted out from bike after bike that Western State!
50-55 miles each day; my pace got faster; the flew by. I found myself on the bank of, the 100 Program.
encouragement level from passing bicyclists Mississippi River at 12:30 p.n.r., and dipped
grew. I shared 30 miles with the other RAC- my shoe in the river a half-hour later after
BRAI runner, Richard Kresser, and ran into waitinQ mv turn with the bikers.
Fairfield at mile 355 on Fridav afternoon at - Pete Kostelnick
A number of runners were inadvertently left
off of the Dirty Dozen/Half-Dozen finisher list in
the September issue. Our congratulations to the
followinq ultrarunners:
82. Joseph Blackman, 26 26.96
Lisa Edgar, 43 26.96
Janice Lisle, 54 26.96
Gary Sparer, 56 26.96
5.l. Homer Alvarez, 28 26.96
Melissa Madrigal, 33 26.96
Sandy Nguyen, 31 26.96
.lon Paul Ollenberger, 42 26.96
55. Cindy Mudge, 53 26.94
Darcy Zimmerman, 53 26.94
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8e'65: LL-5t1tA0C.
:vMv.Lto Nt 0Hof3H uoocf
ctuoA^ 5135 Nlstc NCi
by Da"te Zook
curing only half the nights. the route had been over my sleeping bag. "lt's freakin' 6'i0. Ian. l n.,'o sn-i* oi self<aught halibut. roasted beets, anci
created via Google Maps, and while the spacing replied, but through bleary eve sliis I san hinr bunen' Oregon rvhite wines. The generosity of up
of towns worked out well, Highway t01 had making yerba mat6 tea and speakine about the tGthen strangers restored my faith in travelling
many windy, hilly and heavilytrafficked sections. chance to travel these awesome distances on foot. without set agendas as well as the sincerity of the
We set off from Florence on a May day with We passed the surf and seafood town of Pa- human race. Some people ARE that nice.
temps in the 70s. We passed by long beaches cific City and stayed with Warrnshowers hosts On day six we took a rest day and reveled in
and chirped with the birds. Jogging in spring Vicky and Bill, a couple in their sixties. "l like to lack of movement. As rehabilitation is paramounr
in the sun? A self-guided adventure? The op- run at around 4:3o a.m. and have Bill follow meto any longdistance athletic feat, Ian improvised
portunity to bound into great shape? Runnin$ in the truck with headlights," said Vicky. Theyan ice bath by filling up a garbage can with hose
Z were offto Bend, ore$on for a fun run the next water and cleaning out the ice out of the freezer
o as vacation would be the next big vacation style,
I was sure of it. morning as we said our goodbyes. (our hosts let us bum around their house for a full
I believed this in my heart and my soul and my We found a route that led us off Highway 101day, while they were out of town, even). We took
mind for all of seven miles. Then the first quad- and onto lonely farm roads. We all agreed that if
turns pushing our limits in the bath, with a feu.
s crunching hill reared up, lactic acid drowned my nips of cheap whiskey to dull the shock.
running was to grow as a transportation form - a
legs, and all of a sudden it wasn't that simple. conclusion the jury was still out on - it would After the break, we pushed f?om Bay City to
The stifhress of my muscles and ankle (bro- happen on roads like these. Wth supple pas- Manzanita. At a skimpy 22 mlles, after a rest, the
ken two years ago) gripped me the next day in tures linking the smallest of country towns, our running had become a bit easier for me, though
Yachats. Scott had discovered some knee pain brains were soothed by the absence of tension unfortunately Scott's knees hadn't improved. At a
pulsing through the outside of both knees. Ian from dodging traffic or breathing exhaust fumes. coffee shop in Garibaldi, our waitress had recent-
admitted exhaustion yet was up early, volun- Running by green fields confirmed the lesson I ly discovered running. Born and raised in Garib-
teering to push the stroller. had been learning since Florence: the act of run- aldi (2010 census:779 people), she had just begun
The second day was covered in clouds, evoking ning is easier than the anticipation of it. Going to jogging on trails she never knew existed. A zest
a more familiar Oregon. At Seal Rock, a few miles sleep dreading the next day's marathon distance for the outdoors and health surfaced when she
north, I gawked at the empty, curling waves. The experienced the therapeutic effects of a trail run.
burden of the distance seemed hear,y so early in In Manzanita, we crammed into a small ho-
the trip but the rhyhm and flow of the succes- tel room. We made a best-effort attempt to each
sive waves instilled a reminder of letting go of an down a half-gallon of Tillamook S'mores ice
analysis of the miles run and the miles left to go. cream, while drinking a few Pale Ales. Our diet
Arriving in Lincoln City, an 8,000-person was filling yet leaned heavily on dairy, tortilla
town, the bleak strip of tired tourist attractions chips, and eggs. Scott Jurek would not approve.
and telltale dilapidated and drab businesses The eighth dar had rhe biggest ascents ofthe
showed prolonged economic floundering. We trip. The hill profile on our lone tattered map
had no accommodations. and darkness was looked like eanhquake n-rarkings on a seismo-
tuof,'s) ll)osxoutl.r p
t:-t.) erJi.
I'peor pastno;drut pue .&\ols 'a;aq dols or.,tddeq se.&\ I 'a]€]S uo]SurqseM olur qlrm 1;ed lsa;og Burlueqrua ue'IJed olels :
eLIl uo suossal olotu uleal pue 'ot palue. eM sso:re Burlool 'pa^losa; eq o] paau plno. teLI] -so o] af,uErlua aL0 palee^ar sllrq aqJ'uorr:.:
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'^r\olaq sllor aq] olur fiurqseus Jrns rqt
Jo s.^
ar^ qir.r,r fe^^qSrq eq] tuog qgo.do.rp .raaqs
bt1 Gary Intdney
-l.eLe are so many well-organized. convenient, DoingaselFsr-rpp..n--t:-.: :i-'i, : - - --. :' ' e" the :ree rvhere r,^,t l : _
For example, say every year there's a race a week later. We visited a1l the sa:r. - : ::, . , - . : -:. establish "windows" of tin .
you'd love to run but it always falls on a date climbed the same ki)ler hill.. pii...: -::-. .\pect to see you, and che-.
that is blacked out for you because of an anni- throu$h the same maze of trails. tti;: -: :.:.'r.-l .::- r-.. \-ou should establish sor:-.
versary, a work commitment or maybe a com- all lre:h and new because we \\ere .,. . ", ... : - for calling help. For er;-
".. -'
peting race where you run or volunteer. So pick making our own way through the cour,rc. : -iran three hours overdue ai ,,
another weekend, use the information about : -. : .'. :houid assume that you a::
the race that's on the web to dial in the route, The most important thing to real- - -i-:r .r some way and need he :
and run the course self-suooorted. ize about a self-supported run in -,. t,' .. :: :: and equipment are cot'
Or maybe you're traveling near the locale of, -.
an established race but not on race day. Noth- a remote area is that you have to -:l
-- , r- '. - -: '.',-or"rld in an organize;
ing's stopping you lrom re-creating the race provide your own safety net,.,there -' . - ' : ::-: al abundant water Sut:-
and doing it alone. You couldn't ask for better is no race director working with the : : - - : -: .-. :.. rlake use of water fron.
training for the actual race than to preview the :- :: '- : - : r :::ation Svstem ortablets. L..-
rvhole course in a self-supported efFort. Another
Forest Service weeks in advance -:. : .'. .. .. .. or supplemental tablei,
possibility is that you know of an area that you to get the word out about flooded :r , ', : : ...::: :ire trip. You'll need to brin.
thought would be perfect for an ultra. Well, you streams, bear activity, rerouted : -:: - , : rq or rain $ear dependini
- -,:,i
can always go test your theory by yourself ,:->. and things like sunblock
I'd like to suggest there are other compelling trails, fires, or other conditions that -.:,:..,-.:-.:. S.rnte things can be cachei
reasons for mounting a big self-supported out- could turn your stay in the woods ':'. :- ;; :J VOLI don't haVe tO Carry e\-
ing beyond just wanting to do a certain course into something permanent.
-. :i -:-::. Oi course. ideally you wil.
on a certain day. A self-supported ultra is a qual- . ,: . :::,,, :r- ar least one other persor.
rtatively different experience from an organized A self-supported run will also ::. : '. : - ..:- '. ,r. '. - ,; ..r: aid sration" at differeni
event. In some ways, it's a purer ultra experience. preciate just how spectacula- 'r :. :'. . . ,:-'.-i; :r.: i,:n ott n'ith another Iullttcl
\! rrrl drrurrrLl runne:
There are no friendly aid stations crowded with show up at an organized er.enr :: ::.r-. i:e ip each orher rvith each other's
helpful volunteers! no fellow runners offering planning, logistics, supplies. r::.r :r-.::i:::.. :.:- j >a-:->.:'J'JO1eC rllIt.
solace or encouragement (or complaints). There safeguards taken care of ior vo'.r. -\ier r''rii,,-e -\ r.,ifi anr ulrra. the uhole enterprise may hang
are no flags guiding the way. no signs at cru- had a shot at pror idine tl'e .uppon crerv. bu-r in the baiance due to one unerpected circumstance
cial iur-rctions. and no reflective markers in the ing all the supplies. rvorking out where everyone Weve all been derailed by a badll' turned ankle
night. You're on your own. lt's qr-rieter, lonelier has to be and when they have to be there, and a wrong turn, an uncooperative stomach, intense
and more intensely all about you and the sheer getting every/thing to the run site and out again heat, or other unforeseen obstacles.
demands of running an ultra distance. when you're done, you'll be thanking race direc- My paftner and I were in the first five hours
Running self-supported highlights just ex- tors and volunteers with a lot more ener$y the of the ultimate in self-supported runs, a 100-miler
actly what you need to get the job done. Since next time you go to an orgarized race. on a very difficult course of a discontinued race
you are only going to have available what you The most important thing to realize about a that we had tried and failed at before. We didn't
brought along yourself. it's going to really drive self-supported run in a remote area is that 1'ou think we'd have any trouble following the trail
z the lesson home if you've forgotten something have to provide your own safety net. If vou get but in the dark we came to a spot in the for
or carried something that is superfluous. In confused about your route. you aren'r goine ro est where the trail disappeared at a campground
= that respect, it's fantastic training, helping you be able to stop and wait for the next runner to area. It looked like the trail might follow a stream
discover what's essential and what's not. what save your bacon. There are no confidence flags bed downward fiom there, and we imagined that
i rvorks and what doesn't. and no striped ribbons to warn you of an im- farther below the trail reemerqed. We'd alreadv
pending critical turn. No ham radio operators backtracked twice and couldn'r fincl any trace of
are standing by to let everyone in the county a turn offso we were just about to commit to the
know that you are an hour late getting to the streambed when my paftner said, "Let's go back
Bear Lake aid station. And finally there is no up the trail one more time."
race director working with the Forest Seruice There it was! Just up ftom the campground the
weeks in advance to get the word out about trail branched right but a tree had fallen over and
flooded streams, bear activity, rerouted trails, it's stilfleafz branches had totally hidden the trail
fires, or other conditions that could turn your junction. We ducked under the branches and saw
stay in the woods into something permanent. that the trail climbed a bank and disaooeared
For course planning and navigation during the off into the forest. lf we'd followed the srreimbecl.
run, a good trail map will suffice in a state or na- we could have been lost for hours, triggered the
tional park with a well-marked trail system. But if Search and Rescue alarm. and turned our self-sup
I you are going to venture into more remote areas, ported ultra into a hu$e, expenstve failure.
1 you need a good topo map or a GPS device that In the event, we prevailed over the course
i can accept a route and keep you on course. Do our old nemesis - in one of the most soectacular
: some research on whether there is the likelihood of and satisfuing adventure: in all my ultiarunning
5 a solid GPS signal in the area belore you head out. career. So there's the mb: rou need to approach
Either way, on run day, you will want to a self-supported run n'ifi Lots of caution and re-
leave word at home and with the office that spect, but the rewards car be an'esome. I
r - .:,-rr iflia #3
REC*WKKY* m& VOU NEED ALU ru{ /:'r -+-
:r;:r jg::=f.5 {" ,
Everl ultlarunner knows how to recover after a j'lSilitf'l rl :-: :. 'rrr.cle elrcogen during er.
race...drir-ik. eat, celebrate, sleep. take some time higher transport oi . -': .. -.rrr".i r:o blood glucose lor fue
olT and build back up to fuIl training slowly. More qlucose. mor( cr'..... - . . : -:.' levels rvaver, your bodv -.
Br-rt if you wish to reach that finish line in a $en. A$ain, not rocket sct.-:-:: ,' : -,lr er.ts protein from ml,,,
time you want to celebrate, you will need to :tl -. - t,r;.. bur not last enough to k..
pay attention to your recovery after each and PO!T-EXallaiti r!E- N'{osr !.r r,. : i- : . . i.r..e. Thi-s result is knor,,t'
every training run. Runners with z+ hours or gested primarily to glr-rcose in-i . . , .: :. bonking." For ultrarLrr.l-.
more between exercise bouts can replenish fuel olllv subslrale the bodr cni, ...- - .'. - r]l,.Lscle glycogen, the lor-...
stores more easily than if they exercise again synthesi.. The availabrlin arrcl ,.:. ..leal pace.
sooner. But how much food do you really need co)e deternrine hon larr \our' - .. -.' - ::.i\sion should help your.
if the workout was an easy one? What if thc will be replaccd. Okar. a bir rrr. .t .- - - ' : - li. iinting and overall amo.-
intensity was mostly in your fat-burning zone If vou're reallv depleted and vou ear :'.:: ' ..-i:d for recovery after th. ,
where you were using mostly vour "on-board'' ple carbs. 1'orr r,vill recover fast. If ll'.: :-. . ' :.r. \rd what about add. _
(see your love handles) lat instead of burning exercised that hard and are not thai .l;r :':_ 1. .': ir help. and if so. hon?
through your carb stores? earinQ a 1or of rrrnple carbr \\ ill .irr.' . ,, .
clothing during your long run so that you'll be- rest so you do not enter races with pre-race mus- dtstwtces. ,\rm\.Nas co-dffector oJ the n'tetratls SO nr
gin to sweat copiously and sweat drops will cle dama$e. Fresh legs are a must. Eramine your notthem Callfurita for 10 UeMs, and has taught sct
crawl into your eyes. Then your eyes will stin$ split times: do you rocket and flame out? For ence at the high school ntd collefeLettels.
and itch miserably and you will forget all about your next race go out slower than you think you
your dry eyes. If you try this approach - my should. Early onset muscle strain, caused by not
tried-and-true heat acclimation technique for pacing yourself, could be the culprit.
Western States - make sure you keep up your Finally, let me throw in an Ann hypothesis.
hvdration. Could it be you are undertrained going into
your events? Stress caused by too few miles
could, and I am just throwing this out there,
could have the same effect as taking it out too
fast. You just do not have the base to $o the dis-
tance that quickly. Your muscles' screaming and
cramping could be a wake-up call to do more
training. Adequately train, taper sufficiently,
pace yourself, monitor your fluids and electro-
lytes and keep EAMC awaY.
uro)'l reJlaprsul t-u ol u6 tsa p1t od s,{.r o1: t,l@r.
aro]s salp]S ure]sa6l 6-to'tesrrr :e.trnbur'sraltelar,{11e :ads 6utuung
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#uJ5 d. I
19N311VH) NVl lovll IH]
After any ultramarathon, the or$anizers solicit this stran$e passion ro: -::-.. -: :. - .. - .- -.:-. r'...11th'suggested that she wal
and receive feedback. Participants weigh in on :..:
on our feet. And, e\:en nr ia,a :-i:.:. - -, r : -:t-..-er- u'ithout a pacer. She was .-
the places a race hit the mark, as well as the we generally found our.elr.. ... .' ,. : .- :-. . -.:t'.'..:i that she must find anori :
places the race was found lacking. For the most Admittedly. human' are .,r!r.'. .1:.::' .-- t't-.t - t-.it. .'.:Iit - even if that runner's p..:
part, the feedback provides direction for the in our nature to congregate ar-rd ;:::.:,'.::. ,:-..- .- -- : - '. :J rhat she would not be alc:-.
improvement of the event. But, sometimes the ever, there has always been value in r1....tj.. - -:--- . .:-::::. ::,.'...'rre have come to be so --
feedback says more about the runners than it isatimetoreflectandrecharge. ltisai:r:-.;: '.-:::-: ::::'..:..:-rle.thatitisconsideredw'o:-
does about the run. Following the recent Vol- get to know ourselves. And it is a tirle ro i:t.::-. -':'. .-::: ,::. -.:: rtr iivoid being alone.
State Road Race, one response far outweighed The world has chan$ed. The interr-ret ar-rci ce-. > ..' -:.. ' .. -.: -1 reent, should be on the.'
all others, "The part of the race I enjoyed the phones... and now cell phones that are the in- j:.:-.=.:.:i .:.:..: -:sr, \\rhat is needed is a ca:':'
most, was the long stretches all by myself" ternet... have put us in constant communicatron. [..:]r :-- .:'.. .,..:l.rCe. before it becomes exti:- -
My first response was to affirm the magic that There is no piace where we are rruly alorre. arrcl .l-.-: -::. - .. :'. :'L--af place lo begin tharr ::
is to be found in long periods of solitude. How- no time that we have only to ourselves. We ale salni-.'.:::::.::::rs oiits natural habitat: 1o:-.
ever, the first response was soon replaced by re- inundated with the trivia of other people s lire.. di.,ari.'r - :' , -
flection on the passing, almost unnoticed, of one and are expected to "share" every moment of \\'e neeci ro leale rhe iPods and smartphon.,
of the central themes of ultradistance running: ours. One would think that, in this new world. at hor-ue. \\'e neej to unplue. to see and hear ti:-
the "loneliness of the long distance runner." In- the ability to disconnect on lon$ runs would be [/orld arorLlrd r-r.. ro regair-i the ability to simp.
deed, the passing, during this age of technologi- more treasured than ever. thrnk. and reflecr. \te need to take the time :
cal wizardry ofany form ofsolitude, anlr,vhere. Nothing could be further from the reality. I see the thinss r','e ilighr have seen, if we we::
Long-distance running was once the bastion see runners out for their daily run with a cell not distracted bv relling the world about wh:-
of solitude. Countless hours were snent enter- phone plugged into their ear, or typing away we could be seerns.
tained only by rhe thoughts that passid through on their miniature keypad. People actually post Our dai11, runs reh.esh us physically. The exe :
our olvn minds. It was a safe retreat from the to facebook during races in remote mountain- cise stretches our r.r-ruscles and warms us up fr:
world. The infrequent races were a treasured op- ous areas, as if the experience itself is second- the day. They can be even rrrore refreshing fc:
portunity to spend a few hours, or days, with ary to telling the world about it. And I mourn our minds, if rve onlr. let then.r. I
the widelv scattered individuals who shared the loss of solitude.
:-aa; !
bt1 Dean Karnazes
I couldn't get out of my sleeping bag. The zipper Easier said than done, righti How do vor-r i:
wasn't locked, but my muscles were. The sce- know when you are dehydrated or experiencing
' .: -.: #'3.
nario was bleak. I could barely crawl out of bed, electrolyte imbalances? I :1
: ,--, ,1-j ii.
how was I possibly going to run a 100K? And One highly unscientific, but very practical. ,1. '. ,1, ' , t,
not .just any 100K but one across the Sahara barometer I use is called the "ring test." This
,t .]_ .t' "i':,'.1:
Desert in shin-deep sand and 100-plus degree is based on the premise that your tissues swell
temperatures. I'd already violated my first rule in response to reduced blood-sodium concen- ---,.,'.,,. i: .i',
of proper rehydration (i.e., never let yourself get trations and shrink in response to increased
--'::i: i i"';;;
,..'f.-.: :- :-ri .Li'..j j"i *ii-iut*ti-
dehydrated to start with). Now what? blood-sodium concentrations.
Day five ofthe Sahara Race ended up being ab- If your ring is stuck to your swollen finger il.,ii.;'.,,, i:,.:,. - Ij#i€":'
solutely glorious, with a first place finish, because I and not easily removed, your sodium levels are
followed some simple trick to help rehydrate my likely low (hyponatremia). In a race situation
i;i ll'-':;$ii.Lr, "
body prior to the start. Let's look at these. you might want to take a sodium capsule or What about if you are prone to GI distre.,
Your ability to maintain proper hydration have some chicken broth to replenish depleted when running long distances and none of th.
is an important factor during a race or while sodium. If your ring fits tight after a training above sound appealing? In this case, you migl-.'
rraining for your first ultra. The more effectively run, tomato juice works wonders to restore bal- want to try Pedialye. Although originally fc:
vou are able to keep your electrolyte and fluid ance. Ifyou're really in dire straights, including mulated for babies and young children, Pedi,.
balance within normal ranges the better you cramping and severe tissue edema, try pickle lyte is an effective electroiyte solution that goe:
n'ill be able to run, the less muscle damage you juice. Yeah, sounds crazy, but I have seen peo- down smoothly and is gentle on the stomach. I.
n'ill incur, and the quicker you will be able to ple at the Badwater ultramarathon with acute you're selfuonscious, pour the solution from th.
recover. So what are the secrets? sodium depletion - people I swore would end bottle it comes in into your own water bottle:
The first is really no secret at all; it's easier up in the hospital all ofa sudden get up and or a hydration bladder so nobody knows the.:
ro properly rehydrate if you don't allow your- run another cramp-free 50 miles after having a you're pounding infant formula.
self to get too dehydrated in the first place. The glass of pickle juice. Physicists have their string theory now \\.
Ceeper the hole you dig the harder it is to crawl Now, what happens if the opposite is true ultrarunners have our ring theory. While picklr
-rut. Starting f?om a state of hydration that is and your finger is thinner than normal allow- juice may not reveal the mysteries of the universe"
:iose to physiological homeostasis leaves less to ing your ring to slide offwith uncommon ease? it's done wonders for unlockin! the muscles o
:hance as opposed to starting from an already What does this mean? Shrunken tissues could many sporty earthly dwellers. Bottoms up! f
iepleted condition. This means staying suffi- be an indication of low potassium levels. Many
:iei'rtly NOT overly - hydrated in the previous of the popular electrolyte capsules, like S! Caps, DeMr Karnazes 1s tlrc 2OO8 w,inner oJ the 4 Desefi!
jav as well as constantly monitoring your fluid Endurolytes or Saltstick contain potassium. Yet, CImILenle ffi1d a. 1o-t1me
finislrcr of the Bafutt'0..
balance 2417, nor just prior to heading out the so does a banana (400mg) or a bottle of coconut ter 135. Needless to sau, he knaws a twng or r,r,c
loor on a traininp run or at the start of a race. water (600m9). about hydration.
On August 24, al rhe 14th running of the Head- cord, but definitell, wasll't sllre ir ','.r'.. :r r-:.:-
lands 50K, ultra rookie Alex Varner took off at nen. since it wa: mv fir.t Lrlrra arr.l - . -.,'.
a torrid pace and never slowed down. Many of go wrong in 31 miles, especiallr- or-er that .orr
us were at the finish line area setting up, and of terrain. I focused my efforts or-r pushine on
not expecting finishers for another 30 minutes rhe parts , .or;6 q[a.ically wherer er rhe .orrr''.
or so, when a runner came bounding down the flattened out or descended for more than half
switchbacks at a very fast pace it looked like a mile), since I figured that was where I could
an elite 5K runner doing speed work. Surely this make up the most time.
wasn't someone in the race? Well, it was the I've learned that everyone goes prett"v slowiy
2S-year-old phenom completing his first ultra on climbs and while you might make up 10-20
ever, breaking the course record by over seven seconds per mile on a climb by busting your
minutes. Alex floated over the finish line in 3 butt up the hill relative to someone else, you
hours 41 minutes and ,19 seconds. The next racer can make up a lot more time on the flats/down-
w*ln subsequentllJ set a ne.w World Indoor loo- hills if you're not dead lrom the climb and can
miLe record see pnge 6, Jon Olsen, appeared at really push those sections. So I pushed where I
the finish and posted a solid second place fin- had planned and took the hills as I felt.
ish over 30 minutes later. He was followed by Honestly, I didn't expect this sort of perfor-
Tahoe fum Trail 100-mi1e champion Bob Shebe- mance. I thought I could break the course record
st and then the flying frenchman, Jean Pommier, if everlzthing went as planned, but I didn't think
almost 50 minutes back. We corralled Alex long it r,vould be by seven minutes.
enough to ark him a few questions:
UR Is there any'thing you wish you had done
UR Was this really your first ultra ever? differently? What did you learn?
ALEX Yes, this was my first ultra. I've run three ALEX I need to get a better handle on the fuel-
marathons but have never run lon$er than 27 ing that's required for this sort of effort. Most of
miles in a day. I generally run a mile warm- my long training runs were done without eating
up for the marathons, so this was my lon$est beforehand (l usually do them in the morning)
day ever by five-plus miles, as I also did a mile and taking one, maybe tlvo energy gels max, even
warm-up before the 50K. if they were over 20 miles on hilly terrain, so I'm
fairly used to running in a fooddeprived state.
UR What was your ramp up and training like lve found I run best on an empty stomach and '1i,,
for this 50K? hesitate to take on a lot of fuel during any sort of run Alex Varner at the f inish line of Headlands 50K
ALEX I signed up for this race in February, because it usually causes more problems than it solves.
thinking that it would be a good way to get in
a final long effort before cross country season.
As a result, I didn't really think about it until a
month before. I ran Boston in April and peaked
again in June for the Dipsea and Double Dip-
fuwrez&re%4ry %ryw
sea. After that, I ran the U.S. Mountain Running Zr= * ***r?:'*r;".ry. '*.2="'* rsz= '4"""22-2134*
Championships in late July, so I didn't really
\f,y'alking l,ras que:tlonable in Jay Danek's rnind as a young boy, running
have a lot of time to prepare specifically for this and athletics rsere dut of the question. His story of overcoming obslacfeg
race. Throughout the summer, however, it was and becoming a gredt runner is compelling and inspjlational following him
20 in the back of my mind. through a rernarkable transforrflatjon. lt's not dnly a ttibute to his fathef
I made an effort to do longer long runs than I but a tribute ts \.'/hat we ali are rapable oi. - fularshall Ulricft
Z ,.-.r,t-! i,: 2t|1t.1:a,.t aa: F:.tti\i!
o had previously done. I was trying to run 20-plus
JayE tribute 10 his fathe!'is both riv4ting
miles on trails at least once every two weeks GOTToLIVE end incpirational, lt capluf€s beautifully
and got up to a long run of 2s miles in early a *on's :trr;ggle to deal with the grief oi
? July, peaking at 102 miles in a week. I kept my his heloveel f?thet a*d the
weekly mileage a bit higher as well, and tried to Irancionrraticnal power that deciding
average 80-90 miles per week. l0 cornmil to a path ha5. Jay weaves
As for specific workouts, I ran a 25K race together ihe lessons his tather tau#ht
three weeks before this race and unfortunately him witfr thB wisdort he g*ine<i running
ultra-marathans in a wzy lhat will
re-aggravated a foot issue that bothered me a bit
exhilarate runners and non-runnets
last year. This confined me to the roads for the ali*e. - Lt?a H6werd. Uwafiatat*iftFt
three weeks immediately preceding Headlands,
which wasn't ideal, but it did result in me do-
in! a 22-mlle long run at a considerably faster
pace than I had been doing on the trails. I think
that may have helped my speed a bit.
""t.t:a..a. :.a;;.',:'l t'
Slfengith is sazd ln be buni t- ntJm:*rE but rrhe. W.ganet a{agedy sr,nkEi tf-
UR What was your race strategy today? Did you ottet Ea\es u5 letl nll alDnt .eve.t'Jally 3ll thai mai!*r5 !5 ,*.t {li*D'...an V{)1"}
expect this sort of performance? tur*:v{'|,}t]elrill itrcEll€I*rrs4ga1X*io$'ala1*vtJDd,*an1totiayDarlek
ALEX My main strategy was to have fun. I it w;s ire u.exr€itrd les rf i:;s tatheT zt?"re ege $ 5E Euffering il-rctrc;-'
depress:ar enxrefr' vJeight gai. End anlpt .iEy :eatni ic ruril ri5 n€-oziiVe
know the course very well for the most part, so ,.itrtgh pcs::;ve erp€;";ef c*s Uv:tlcr:t ntDu aaii)JDn lai liie Jay
I knew what most of the climbs would be like seelg $clai= ln Ltnru*g lo gei closrr :n h,s taifi*r Aiier hs:!'rg iit* l ati:*r a,
and where I could push. I came into the race E-73-2mA Jny sets c-r: tr r'r, -J?3 Etra.ghI 3ay'$ 1c frtr*r t:1s {tad -:s rrllJrlley
with the outside goal of breaking the course re- tzkes ::iH :rcm a ?75 *aund n:n eri,c nEi/e{ ra* a day r3 his lrfe to fufini*g
1AD-a.iE'J,ga'rzralh.n5 l-r5utrh tie mrurtalns
I 'Seluelsrp reuoqs ]e ]uasard ],usr ]eqi E -,teq s,{em1e a;,no,{ a.rns aletu pue arer rno.{ un;
ur sluedrlruEd aL{} ueeM}aq spuoq suJoJ }r^eM
pue 'op ol Surd.ri aJe sjaqlo ]eq^\ ur dn tqFner ta3 'uolsogisod ]urod :,-..
'raue pue aroJaq llej srqt sazru8of,eJ ouodla^e t,uoq 's1eo3 u,r,to ;nod tas 'FuroB deay y31y rq] lE prp I upq] ralleq laaj ,{lattug:p 1 -
'ellln u€ )V ']urod uorlesraluof, +uelsur ue loF 2S.rauunr ',,r,rou 1qfiu JJer Jql tuo{ }no s,{ep ;o :1.:
pue '€r}ln ue luunp paaluerenfi qrnu ped eqr Jo Ireq pue alpprLu ]noqe )eqi\ Un e .{1uo ur.1 'speo; Jrll uo sJIB} {poq rno.. '.
.{l+a;d a:e }eq} SuuaJJns Jo selrru jo eldnor e ut -punod arll Jo asnpreq dldrurs uolllererlr l... .
Morq] )ng 'U Fuunp olF8nrls ,{11ee; l,uptp .{eql de,tr p.req aq] uauo rlol e ureal o1 pa;edE ueLI] rarsea sr x09 [rer] e luo{ Fuua.,---.
Jr alet e inoqe ouoauos o] IIe] o] rapreq qrnul -a.rd aq tng JJnis rairoqs eq] o] Itreq ofi s.{e.tr1e a^,1 trarllrq pue ;apuo1 ;-: .
)erl] plot uaaq
s,ll 'raqlaFo] aydoad sfiur.rq teqr ured pareqs ]eq] uer no.{ '}l alrl },uop no,{;l d-rl e u a^rO XllV alrdsaq 'ino s,{e1d .&enorar aq} Morl ul aq
s,u puv 'af,er aql fiur.rnp alqno.r] Jo slods (lera ierlln ue auop lar{ }.ua^eq oqrvr s.rauunr Funo.{ rrurrqJrp rsaFFrq aqt Iulql | 'r.roddn' p,
-las 1ou 1r) auo qBno.rql saoF euodra^a qFnoqi se 1se1 ;adns .raqto enrfi nof plnor't orr^pe ]eqM Un JO SiOI qU.&\ aSOq] rO Saf,er JrUaf,S ur ra]ta. -
suraas U 'ejlln uE ur seaJaLI,{\ 'salue}srp rauoqs pue ,{oiua o} pur} l }pq} puu pue Srrr
]e arurt aloLI.M aq] lea"rF 1aa3 o1 r{sea d11ea; s,l1 'esoqt jre+le plnol I a>II IaaJ alrq.n sFurpuno:.rns ,{ru wo{ }ol e .{\Erp .
'saruar.radxa ]uoJaJJrp .{.ren'.{.rel LI}rM auol p.l aroJaq u.real ol ]ol e pue ofi o1 ,{etrt fuol e ')0s eq] ut a.rnleu .{q -r. .
uec aldoag 'srerllo roJ .rpper aq] uo dtlq ^e.&\p
e ,{1p;eq o^eq I inq 'Furlsa;alur punos 00I salels uJalsoM -sog ]e sp.^ on eql .{q pa.{onq sem I'FurBEul ,.
pue aldoad aruos loJ roleapua afinq e sr y61 y pue lrerl ruu aorleJ aLI] elrl sflutq1 'aypueq uer l renouarlM 'st1nsa.r ,{tu o1 fiurinqt;iuor Lrr : .
'erlln u€;age paualqpraq sr aluauadxe pareqs e dpoq du iurl.&\ aas o] alrl p,l 'os lurq] I XllV aFnrl e pa,,{e1d qloq puv uoddns Jo trnl.,- .
3o Furlaal dno.rfl a.tr1ca11ol aq) ]er{i.{us uer 1 'saru.r zaluelsrp olqrparlur ue apr.to;d qiog ']uelsuof, Jrp -- ,:
peor pue Jalrolls Furuun.r s;ea[ 1e;a.tas luads
lX X09 aq] puo.{aq arer o} arrsap a,teq no.{ oq gg 'slrer] arlt uo .[rauers aq] pue uo]sog ]E as.;r-,'
tur.Leg gnls rauor{s aq} ur tueredde se a}rnb eq] uo sueJ aqt uaa^ iaq 1a11e;ed e plr- -
'sarlrlrqrssod aq] o] uado raqle; ur,l os '.raqlra 1ed pue dlasuarurur saf,er qtoq pa.{ofua I Xj-;
i.usr ]eq] dlrunruuror Jo asuos e s,araqJ XllV
;saruauadxa Euruun; .raqlo uoqlereru aq] ]no pa.rnpg 1,ua.teq llrls I es.&\oul ZSITET] uo ygg oi aredruol ]eq) plp ,ttoH , .- :
;nod ruorg ]ueraJJrp auars Brlln aql sr .{\oH Un oq^\ ]nq 'x00I uolll 'dals snotlqo ]x3u 3Ll] sI pur.rds 1se1 uolsog paqsnlo nod .mou1 a,11 5 -
salru .{grg 'so)ue}srp }eqm ro seJur }eqd\ erns
'ureFe o] ]uem I Irlun Furce; ;o ino AurIJoM dols ]ou rue ]nq'seriln a.roru FuropJlas.{ru aas I y31y 'ured aqt tnoqe le3;o3 pue slurpi::-
rr:-;- -
1 'areld ]srg eq] ur o] palue,M I ,{qm lno a;nfig ;e;n]ry ;no.{ ur ser}ln aes nod op areqM !n -rns aq] ur ;1as,{ru asol dldurs plnol I
),uel I Jr pue 1r furop ru,1 dq,u ]e Iool preq Jo lods e olur ]oF I reAauaLIA ]eq] lrrau>l J -:-..
'3uo1 e a>1u1 ol gyasdru alroJ I 'sare; Jo slnolJo^ 'arurl srql asoql I slrosear eq] Jo auo s,]ErlJ 'Iryi]:r:r'r _
Jo ljos ]er{} unr o} IroM dressarau aq} op
Furpearp j1as.{Lu pug I uaLlr\\ 'asrorl eqt uo IlEq ot ;yas,{ru arurluoJ pue }no }r }Jos o} s;ea.{ jo os Jle teqt s[lel] uo Furuunr a.r.no.{ uaq.rr -.
]aE pue u xg
rpexu eq uel leql Futqleutos s,)t aldnor e lo$ a^,1 ]nq 'prepuels aqt rduane 11,y poo8 e aneq ol lou Jlqlssodtut s.)t pue r-:
JI 'uaqJ '{,{ lno arnFg pue >1teq dels e alel uaqm ro araq,^ arns ]ou ur,i 's1er-r1 rrdu,{1g 9197 apnq e papr,lo;d qrrqM 'rrer rLI] ]noq6r.
'puner pue Surure;] "rnod Fur.4ofue lou a;,no[;1 aqt roJ Furqrlenb le loqs e eIP] o] aIIl p,I X31V sareJ rEIIIrueJ '&\es I 'alul];L"tl?u'f#J'l=.
']r quo^A ]r saleur f11ea.r leqm s,]erlJ 'ury Fur zuoqleretu aqt -ro3 sleoF a,teq no,{ oq g1
ly impossible
UR What would you advise to otherc considering itz began to liken me to some kind of Supe::: .
mile races then in existence, all in one summer:
Old Dominion, Western States, Leadville' and TOM The idea of runnin$ the four hundreds in the sport. That comparison could not l-.-. :
became, in my case, a personal test of my own been further from the truth. The most ama -
Wasatch. Twenty-seven years later this challenge
that provided the challen$e that I change for me following the Slam was ho','..
still fascinates us, and draws in a handful or making, one
nvo of like-minded individuals. With the recent was seeking at that time. I would advise any- trying to live up to the expectations that ot:=
focus on this event and FKTs, we thought it was one who aspires to achieve a higher goal' be it had of me, I learned to raise the level of ::-
a good time to go to the "source": the Grand Slam or any other goal of their own own performance. Completin$ the Grand S.,--
choosing, to go for it. The rewards for success allowed me to discover my true capabilitie. :',
to run four can have a life'altering effect. cause of the confidence it gave me.
UR What motivated you 1OO-milers
back in the summer of tgeei
TOM The motivation to run four UR What was the aftermath like was your
10O-milers UR What did you do for fueling and hydrai--
back then in lOGmilers?
1n one summer was a combination of a lon$- body fundamentally chan$ed? Your mind?
standing desire to achieve a major endurance TOM The unexpected result of completing the TOM In 1986, the information regarding a-r.
goal coupled with two failures to complete the Slam in 1986 was a total lack of motivation ing and hydration was still in the process - -
Old Dominion 100 Miler (in three tries). The the following year, which I attributed to not being determined. [Editor's note: It still is:
idea came from readin$ an article in ULtrakLl'L- having any goals in my running' It was nearly don't remember any pre-packaged sport b:r
or gels, thou$h there were Gatorade alternatr'...
nmg magazine in late 1985. The article, by O.R a year before i was mentally back in the
by then. It would be years later before I wo; :
Perterson of Colorado, was a race-by-race com-
UR What was the recovery like? discover electrol],te caps. The advancements : -
parison of the four runs. Peterson. to my knowl-
edge, was the first Person to run all TOM My physical recovery was nutrition and related information has beer- .
tremendous improvement over the "go out i
four ofthe hundreds (over a Period a non-issue durin$ the slam. Be-
of several years). The timing of the cause the four hundreds in the wing it" years.
article was perfect lor plantin$ the , slam in 1986 came in Pairs, two
seed, which became my goal in weeks apart, the failure of the UR Are you still runnin$ and enjoyin$ ultras:
1986. A few weeks later, indePen-
TOM Running has been a major part of :'
life for the better part of the last 50 years. ar- -
dently f?om me, Fred Pilon Pub-
running ultras for the last 30. Althou$h injur,.
licly announced. in UltraRunning.
his intention to run all four hun- and age (l'm not getting any younger) have -
pacted my performances, I still enjoy the ultr:-
dreds that summer. One bY one, -ut:}*
as much as I ever have, though the runs nc'
other runners also committed to
?ae are as much social events as competitive evell'
the challenge. Before the first race
Having recently ended an eight-year drought :
was set to be run, wasatch manage-
my hundreds following successful achilles s'--
ment offered "an award" to anyone
gery and recovery, I am considering revisiti:.
who could complete all four of the
the Slam in 2014 for one last time.
hundreds in one summer, namlng
the feat the "Grand Slam." Thus the
UR How has the sport chan$ed since then. i-'
Slam was born.
the positive? And ne$ative changes?
TOM I feel most privileged to have been at tl:.
UR What was your running back-
ground/profile at that time? How right place at the time of ultrarunnin$'s ear-'
years so that I had the opportunity to be d:.
many hundreds comPleted?
Z first to complete the Grand Slam. But my fe.-
o TOM I was running road races when I read an
ings of pride are tempered by the true pionee:,
article in the kLnmng TirrLes about the '82 Old
like Gordy Ainsleigh, who gave birth to the spc:-
Dominion 100-mile, a faction of the sport I nev-
long before I jumped in. Although the techn;
er knew existed. I immediately decided to give
9 ogy associated with our sport has greatly ir-
it a try - and failed miserably. Prior to deciding
proved in the years since Gordy started the 1C'-
to run all four of the hundreds, I had only com-
pleted one hundred, in three attempts.
mile craze, the running has, for the most pa.
stayed the same. It is still the act of puttin$ or-.
foot in front of the other, re$ardless of wh:.-
UR What was your training like leadin$ up to Tom Green in 1985, and 2013
kind of high-tech gear you are using. Within th:.
that summer?
basic simplicity lies the beauty of our sport.
TOM My training was nothing out of my ordi-
nary routine - about 40 miles per week, mostly other 11 or so slammers to survive the Western
States 100 could have been attributable to the UR What are you most proud of about runnirl.
paved bike paths around town.
shorter recovery time between Old Dominion the Grand Slam?
TOM To that I say, it's not that I accomplishe-
UR What was most important in your success at 100 and WS100.
something others felt was too difficult or ever-
being the first to complete the slam?
you in impossible for a person to do, but rather that -
TOM The DNFs of the other 11 or so "slammers" UR How did ultrarunning change for
got my attention that the years after? accomplished something that I felt was too d-l
within the first two races
ficult for me to do. I
this was not going to be easy, but now I was on TOM Prior to my completin$ the Grand
though I had the physical ability to run the hun-
my own. the growing support and encoura$e-
ralau aleq I 'Eurleadde-os-Llo papunos Brrri-: -
pue salnr .&r.trteFau a.raqr,r, sereld Mol ol > :
-ue,l puru ,{ru 'a.raq} dlyea; },uara.u }eLI} sp-
aqi ur s8urql Suraas pue 'qraads Fur.r.rnlr 'L:
sauoler daal ot alqe fiuraq ]ou luo{ preI:i--
e a41 Furlqqo.u 'ayqrssod dlueurnq sr \-. .
plnom auo ueq] aJou $ur1nd ;egy 'slrors:-
aldrllnru uo CNCI o] palue.^ I 'JaAaMoH . '.
-sarau dllerrpeu 3r uorldo ue ,{1uo s,}r Iaa,l ':,
pCNC la^au a.r.eq 1 'FuroB eru tdal ssauuloc:;
,,{ur pue 'ralulueqllaqs ,,{o.r1 '.rared {W l)t._
;qsluU or Suro8 ].ua.re.. .'
aIII no.{ plq zfiulo$ no.{ 1da1 }Erl-\,, -
IaaJ ;ana :
']rperJ U a,refi 1 ueqt purxel a;oru sen\ t. -'
, -
'preq eq plnoM lr lqEnoql I trrors tua.ragrp
surelunoLu ]nq'slllq unr uEf, I'prBMu^^op pel,.
a.re.{aq} ssalun slln-lJo ueJ e uaaq reneu alerl i -
ro3 ]lnrgrp .{11enadsa sp,ln tuels arl} 'paIrl : .
plno.&\ I ueq] uorle;eda-rd ssal pue surelunol..
rllrM 'uoDe ala ]aal 009 ]e Fur.trl '00ISM a.i--..
qluoul auo ]sni Furure;] Ileryslllq pauels I o! :
Jo slllq aF;e1 1.to.u t,uop pue .{l.relnFar slru:r ,
],uop I 'snld 's.ppoM €I0z z{ew ]eqt ;og 3rrr,. ,
LueJl rnoq+Z'S'n Jql ol leas IJeq e loot 3rr:.
Luels oqJ'saf,er urelunoru oojq] oq] ul plp i ,
1 ,{1-rood ,4 orl se.l aru roJ rupls erl} Jo .{\ol a.,
'are"r poofi e puq IIIIs I '00IJA le lsej I1p'-'--
rno flur8reqr atrdsac '00lln re arueu;oj.r::
se,tr q8rq,{u'a}ou leuosrad e uO'parrnmo !::
qe srJr.llo JAETnoJUJ ol ro ]r pJpJJu no.\ . -
uo ueJI oi srJqlo JAeq oI aJru seM ll Ap,
t'auop ]] ]o! 1 lnq 'Alard t,usem 11 'uapop.roj op plnoM ]nq 'ssel ]ol e uer J e
']ol elE I l)vuj Fuole spuarrg ]ear! aperu pue raqlo qrea p:-
Jq lJ^Ju [[rM ]eql Jlut]qll e 1o aluauadxa ue st zsa)er uaa.^ l3q ur re^or3r o1 op no,{ plp }erlM un -dns 11e aM'uo Joqlo qrea paraallJ puE "ra'u-
ll 'Japuelleu e a.re no,{;r sJler ure}unou aq} roJ auo .troul o1 1ofi 11e aM 'sraruwels aq] Jo :...
pa.reda.rd aB 'uEIS aq] op o] r{auou pue eurr} Jo 'soJe; ureluno[r-uou"']e poo$ ue 1 1eq.tr ereLue) aq] se,ry\ tuels aq] Jo qFIq ae.l {)l:_
slol puads oi pa.reda.rd eq oi speau auo (Furluo) ot Irrls llllv\ ]nq'serlln a^ol I 'saJej urels urel zruels aq] Jo s^\ol pue sqFrq aql arer ]€rl,\.. : -
auo leql a3s ],uprp 1) ,{11errs,,{qd ueqt dlleiuaru .re -unour asaLli ul plp I alrl s€rtln ur alqnor] peq
-pleq seM Ir u.u rol '1uLqt no{ ueq} rrpreq qJnl l 'proJar s5 aq] alorq uErueLIS uel pLrE ' -, :
'preq sI ]I ]eq] ]ea^er eL{} q}L&\ plno11\ I lfvul rar-ueq11aq5 tror1 -rad z) a3uluar"red Furqsrug ]seqFlq aq] :;.
ZtUEIS ra:ed q1,u q)]espfin jo pua aql lp oqlel nerl uaaq peq,{1snor,te.rd - sngo a.tg) ;ea.{ e ur i;, , -
aqt trrl o] sraqlo puaruruo)er no.{ pyno14 g11 selEUaJ lsotu aqi peq aM '.read srql lerr:-.
-aqd sem dno;8 rno 'snld 'alels aq] ruo{ a':., :.
'sn spurq ]eq] raqiaFo] aruat.rad ]srU JLll pue tr rialdr-uoJ o] euerpul tuo.U ) '
-xa ue pajnpua aM'f,rlseluej a.ra,{\'spuauJ A\au aa.rql .{1uo3o auo lsnf aq o1 pno;d rue I ')rr::-
.{u e1u 'srarutuels aq1 '>1eads o1 os '.{-royp7s11ns slee3 ]r os 'lr palaldu-ror JaAa aleq uaurc.,. -
-ar IerJSo aLI] Jo auou pue af,Er aLI] Furuunr se ,{1uo's.rea,{ 8Z ul 'lsll tapnq,{rugo SurLrrrrr.:..
llo^ awes or{} Jo Lllnrr q}r.M 'Fur}sneqxa d11er Jo tuels pueJc aq] Ilaql o] aLuosa^ € sr ]l llY: _
-rsdqd pue dlletuau sr ]r pue a.ro;aq pared a.teq ;]lJq lnof rJpun rLJLi.
ir saop -
I 'aru Jo lroddns ur sa^[as[raq] ;o ,{1aa.rg aneF -ruof,le afnq srql a^eq o] IaaJ :
pue qrnur parnpua [aq1 :ma;r ;aq]o pue s.rared ^\oF-
f111 ']srxe ],uplno^\ se;lln 'Luarli ]noqllM'q8noua :eluauadxa aq] ruo{ de.ue 1oo} aLIS }Eq \ sr : . -
utaq] Iueq] ],uer I 'a.reqmtrrarra lea;B a;artr. '.raq .roj arueFyleq au aloq.^ e ssm luels a'!.- -
sroalunlo1 'au Fur.tta;r s.rnoq sseldaals dueru ']seal eql des o] lauuru paqsrldruome LrE sr nr:
pernpua pue 'suorlotua Jo Jalseo3 ralloJ e Luo"U 'pueqsnq raq qlr.{\ s;aFeuaat o . , .'
sflur,trs poow 'purur pue dpoq pa;aneq dur qtr.tl -sler pue lsrderaqr 1errs,{qd uor.ruJA-lJ.rr: .
dn tnd all '.{e,t.t aq} Jo da}s d;a.r.a aru }.roddns ue se qof Jaq Funueleq alrq^\ serlln .ro-l <,
or aral{} se^\ pueqsnq .{w ..19^"^..9^.r:*.1?y}* ne.r1 'sdrqsuordrueq3 ppoM aql ]e spueli: - ..
zdJudlJdu^d JrLl+ aql ur ;ead srq] plro^\ aql ur qirnoJ oIe] cr .:
]noqe ]soru laquaual no.{ 1yr.,rn }EqM Un e[ztluer aqs'el0z de61 ur ureal rnoq-iz s - .
Jo laqwatu e fiuraq o] II0Z raqolJo ur E.u'r-. -
'eFesseu IeuorseJ ;aq Furuun.r uro.r; tl4crnb raarer Erlpr .i:
-lo ue peq osle I 'solEJ aq] Jo jsar aq] salru 0I padrue; rJurJ 'roluluns srq] IUEIS pue"r3 :,.-
pue')aa,M ]xau aql os ro 9i'arEJ e raue IaaA\ -taldLuor oq,n dno:8 p:qsrlduo::e Jqt r.-.
aq] sJlrru qsr-02 uer I '])adsorlar uI ssal uale sl euBrpul LUo.r; oqlei r:e.r1 p1o-rea i :1.
sMol cNV SH9|H - OsrVJ I)VHI
ffi W
Maria Barton high above Lake Superior Bean and Bear Lake
roo mrlrs
'|. John Horns,51, MN 23:21.36
Steve Barge,46, VA
Matthew Menacher,36. lL
Ed Thomas, 54, SD
Shane Punzel, 40. Wl
3. Mike Dietz,39, lL
4. Greg Borzick, 43, MI
10:06 ::
10:28 -
< 2. Aor I cole. 28, Wl 26:03.'14 33. Travis Mccathie,32, MN 33:18:33 64. Ryan Flynn, 33, MN 36:31.26 5. ForrestTracy,34, MN 10:42 -
T : cinett Peltonen,31, Wl 26:11.37 34. Sean Faulk,40, MN 33.25:56 65. Tim Sieh, 53, MN 36:31:51 6. Jay Sykes. 34, MN '10:56
- .
-? q. Andrew Stevens, 36, MN 26:14:14 35. Aaron Harris,39, NE 33:29:16 66. Stephanie Hoff. 33, Wl 36:43.23 7. Nathan Campeau, 34, MN 10:58:-
5. chris Robbins, 28, MN 27:Q6.57 36. Stephanie Suvak,40, lN 33:3'l:34 67. Tim Altmann, 42, MN 36:43.27 8. Kent Keeler, 35, ON 11:1i::
- 6. Joe Fejes,47. GA 28:59'.44 37. Ronald Hendrickson,4T, MN 33:47:07 68. Will Richter, 32, MN 36:45:00 9. Joseph Jameson, 54, Ml 11:30-:
7. Courtney Dauwalter. 28, CO 29:16:09 38. Andrew Featherstone, 41, Wl33:55:13 69. Mike Bunda, 32, MN 36:45:43 '10. Tj Jeannette, 38, MN It:J\ "
8. Robert Edman,32, MN 29:56:58 39. Nicholas Keller, 34, MN 34:03:19 70. Joel Braden, 23, MN 36:58:51 11. Charlie Murray, 32, MN 11:4i '-
9. lason Buffington, 44, MN 30:01:31 40. Sue Lucas.49, MB 34:11:11 71. KazimiezSwistun.6l,lL 37:15:08 12. Timothy Lupfer,33, MN 12:00 :
Wl '13. Matthew Condron, 47, lL 12:02 ::
10. Jason Walsh, 40, AK 30:09:13 41. Scott Huston, 49, MN 34.1'l:21 72. B(uce Ritchart, 51, 37.16:34
1 . Chris Scotch, 36, CA
1 30:1 8: 1 0 42. Nathan Rylander, 24, MN 34.26.38 73. Nathan Jackson,40, Wl 37:17:14 14. Tracy Hoeg, 34, OT 1 2:03 :-
12. Leah Johansen.34. MN 30.22:34 43. Derek Fritze,32, Wl 34:39:01 74. Andrew Grosvenor, 35, Ml 37:18:02 15. Richard Bjork, 50, MN 12.0L _..
Ron Bent,42, lL '16. Scott Rassbach,42, MN
13. Jim Brown, 55, Wl 3Q:46:41 44. Paul Wilkerson.37, lL 34;39:38 75. 37:19:57 12:04::-
14. Alicia Hudelson.29, Wl 30:55:28 45. Maria Barton. 47, MN 34:52:58 76. Rachel Utecht.26, ND 37.20:55 17. Laurie Kocanda.43, MN 12:23 ::
15. Chris Hanson,42, MN 31.12:32 46. Ryan Teegarden,37, MN 34.53.17 77. Anqcb Earbsa, 53, Wl 37:27:24 18. Maranda Lorraine. 28, MN 12:31 -,
16. Grant Maughan,49, FL 31:,16:04 47. Brian Woods,48, MN 34:53:52 78. Timothy 5mith,45, MN 37:28:19 19. Gregory Byrd,43, MN 12:38: - -
17. Justin Youngblom.28, MN 31.18.42 48. Jason Husveth,41, MN 35:00:31 79. Andy Torzewski, 36, MN 37:31:05 20. Robby Davies.29, MN 12:42.::,
18. Christopher Lofgren, 29, MN 3 1:26:23 49. Michael Bland.42, KS 35:06:52 80. Terence O'brien,46, MN 37:41:30 21. Kristin Rognerud.32. MN 12:43 ::
19. Joseph Altendahl, 31, MN 31:39:28 50. Susan Donnelly. 50, TN 35:10:43 81. Jessica Pendleton. 35, lA 37:42:59 22. Andrew Ashton, 33. MN 12:44 :.
20. Aaron Buffington,40. MN 31:42:58 5i. Alex Kretchmer,36, MN 35:30:55 82. Joshua Sun, 27, lA 37:43:12 23. Matt Howard, 35, Wl 12:50 --
2'1. Benjamin Trok, 38, MN 31:54:43 52. Steve English,46. MN 35:40:34 83. Joshua Phillips,32, Wl 31:47:04 24. )osh Brown, 37. MN I z:)t
22. BillGengler.59, MN 32:04:06 53. Alfredo Pedro,44, lL 35:44:09 84. Stuart Johnson, 54, K5 37:48:18 25. Clayton Shotwell,25, lA 12:58 : '
23. .Joseph Hegman, 34, MN 32:07:14 54. Benjamin Welch, 22, MN 35:53:29 85. Scott Kummer,41, lL 37:48.47 26. ShellVt3rccnKc 55, MN 12t59 ::
24. William Abel,40, lL 32:10:03 55. Deb Johnson. 53, KS 35:56:02 86. Linda Wilson.48. ON 37:51:39 27. MarkWise, 58, Wl 13:03 r:
25. Scott Mark,42, MN 32:16.32 56. Dave Schuneman, 36, MN 35:56:54 87. John Hawranik, 60, MB 37:51.41 28. Jeremy Peterson, 35, MN '1 ? )T :
26. Dave Krause, 52, PA 32:18:46 57. Marcus Taintor, 31, MN 36:00:56 88. John Taylor, 51, MN 37:52:12 29. Angela Hill. 37, Wl 13:25 : -
27. Jefty Frost, 57, MO 32:21:18 58. Daryl Saari, 50, MN 36:06:57 30. Christopher Coon, 32, MN 13:30 ' :
28. Matt Bartz, 38. Wl 32:29:13 59. Tim Ulrich, 40, Wl 36:15:00 50 MILES 31. Brad Whitson, 49, MB 13:30:i:
Tina Johnson. 34, Wl 32:29:13 60. Kevin Langton, 43, MN 36.17.14 1. Kevin Ash, 40, CO 9:31:55 32. Tammy Hunter. 50, Wl 13:32., i
Eric Nordgren,29, MN 12lr '-
30. Michael Mcduffie.29. MA 33:03:56 61. Richard Plezia. 55. lL 36.22.42 2. 9:52.14 33. MurrayArnason, 50, MB
tE vuA5416H FRoNr 1oo ;#ry '- i L-
The Wasatch Front 100 Mile Endurance Rurr the names of the finishers and then letting peo- final hours of the race. The last two mile:
starts every year on the Friday of the weekend ple hr-rrry out to find warm clothes and a dry pavemenl allowed for last moving. reminr.. .
after Labor Day. This year, on September 6 at place to lie down. It was reminiscent of the fin- of the 1990's finishes in Midway.
the East Mountain Wilderness Park in Kaysville, ish at Aspen Grove in 1991 when the runners, pac-
Utah,312 eager and nervous starters lined up in ers, crew and families sat in an open amphithe- T'-IE AACE
the dark for the start. By 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, 36 ater in a downpour. Hey, welcome to Wasatch! This year's winner was Nick Clark. with a t:r '
hours later, a total of 205 rllnners had successful- of 20l.24:26. The record is still held by C,eoff R-,
lv finished the rrrn at the Soldier Hollow Pavilion r!".,r ruFw eouRsg F*ft 20'?3 who finished in 2009 in 18:30:55. The men's
at Wasatch State Park in Midway, Utah. Sixty six Veteran runners of the Wasatch 100 are not sur ond place was Ian Sharman, finishing in 21:O-:-
30 percent ofthe runners finished, eight percent less prised by change. The course is a living thing. Rod Bien took third in 2l:01:58. just 2R sqq,
than 2012, no doubt due to the hot weather. Both the works of nature and the hands of hu- behind Ian after 21 hours of running.
6 Oh,yes. It was hot. Way too hot. Just about as mans bring life to the course. Nick was in first place the entire run. Ian ;
. hor as it getc in rhe expo.ed counrry around A' Runners were greeted wirh a gradual down Rod entered the first three aid stations togeir ,
* exander Ridge. By the tin.re the runners got into hill leaving Pot Bottom (mile 92). instead of By Sessions, Ian had pulled ahead enouqh
C Lamb's (mile s3) and Upper Big Water (mile 62), the 800-foot climb up to Lower Old Goat junc- hold second place. while Rod moved into t1::
- they had been through quite an oven. A lot of tion. Early rllnners enjoyed the cool canyon The fourth place finisher was Peter Lindcr.
folks were suffering from heat and dehydration. bottom breeze along Little Deer Creek (which (22:3s:r1) with Erik Storheim in fifth (22:+e =
But, once past these aid stations, the cool of the they crossed several times), while later runners Those two had been in reverse order until .
evening came on and the run into the Briqhton cooled themselves in the creek against the re- Bottom. where Peter moved ahead. Last ,.:
Store proceeded along the crest of the Wasatch cord heat, which had settled across the range (aird the year beforer the posirions of fir.r. .
under starlit skies. The night portion of the run for much of the race. The rough dirt road of the ond and third weren't set until Scott Pas-c. r
was quite pleasant, with temperatures permit- canyon gave way to smooth gravel road on the this year the die was cast from the very stari.
ting shorts and short sleeves. last climb of the race up to the Staton Cutoff The women's winner this year was Sarah .
Then. Saturday afternoon. the rain. came. Not Aid Station (mile 95), a short 300-foot push that ans McCloskey with a time of 24:.3It19. an
little sprinkles, either. About 3:00 p.m., clouds gave everyone's quads a break. provement over her second-place 2OI2 Iint
began rolling in and by ,1:00 p.m. it started to From Staton Cutoff the runners followed a 24l.42:20. Second for the women was Ancl:.
come down with a vengeance. Off and on for very rou{h dirt ATV tracl< that was rocky and Martinez in 26:21:17 and third went to PaLrl.-'
the next two hours, the finish was pounded by tilted left and right as it plummeted to Soldier Zillmer, 27:15:O2.
cold, healy rain. The party at the finish line was Hollow, which tantalizingly filled the view to Sarah started strong and did well in rr:,
a wet one, with everyone crowded under the the right of the runners. Progress seemed inexo taining her first place position all the way fr.;
large pavilion to stay out of the drench. rable toward that finish, but the descent allowed the start to the finish. However, the second p ,,,
The closing ceremonies were drastically cur many to stretch out and ban$ out some decent finisher. Andrea, was in fourth place in the
tailed because wet, cold runners were trying to miles. Others simply survived, with blisters and ginning third of the run, third place during :
stay warm. Many. in fact. had already left. the shot quads mingled with the sensations of heat, middle of the race. and finally worked into :.
festivities were pretty much limited to reading heavy rain, and thunder that dominated the ond place for the finish. Andrea showed a c
'srea,{ taq}o aq} tuo{ uEde u }as II1\\ }eLP saln} papeoydn sr ]eq] aseqelep e oltrr .,{1lca.rrp saofl rsns aJr^\ srq pue ar{ 's}ualuqstldtuorcu :.
-eal anbrun ,{ueru peq 'sread .raq}o Ile ul su 'unu uorlels qlea .{q pa}}rrusue;} uot}eulJoJul aIlJ -unre:lln .{ueru srq qirl\ Fuolv'09 Jo aAE :,r, ,
arue,npug ellw 00r tr-t uil;:"sjffi** 'aurl qsrug aq] slalrlu-66l .{lua.nl Furzerue uE uer eq '00t,:
]e rslrEr] suorlerlunruluol aq] o] Jauunl qf,ea '(sooz pue '€002 '0002) sLLIulS pLIer9 er,ILll ir:
'Fuo"tls turop pue p1o srua.i 5-
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ls€r] aJeJI?M puE qllEell solpuPLl ]Ptl] uollels ag '.rea.{ srt{} r3uun; }saplo lno sEA{ JBLI:: -
'unr oq] palaydwor uorlef,runluruor orper e seq suolleis ple aLI] Jo Jalarq-suEH .taauotd JeLIun;etlln uEILLIr
'LUILl roj
a^eq oLI^A s.{emep1o11 Jo suot}e;aue3 ea;ql sl qlee ']lnsa; e sy's;o1e;ado otpel ,,trteq.. -Ina]eue lryssJJJns \e'M rul '
]eqJ'001 q)]eseM ]srg slrl elaldruor o] pep slq aJ€ oqM raqunu E are ajaq] uollels plE uE olul 1nq '.rea.{ }sEI }eoq etues aLIi ut S€M Je}Iae-:, .
paurof '.raqdotsrrrl] 'uospuert srq :ea,{ srLIJ 'aJeJ auror .{aq} se steuunl oq} q}1.{\ leap oq.^
'qslug aloru auo speall lllls aH ')ou plp :.
eq] paqsrug osle o^eq oq.tt '.{pua1'4 'ralqFnep asoq] oi uorlrppe ul 'sraelunlo^Jo^liJoJIp
dnor! ]ea;! e 'd1a1eun1;ogun ]nq 'llaH pu€ uaAEaH Jo :.:
e pue gaf'uos e sEq 'qJ]eseM ]Llaf,el ]soLu slq aleq o] 00I qlleseM aq] ]e aleunlroJ ,tta.n are a14 000't J\Jql pJqirus rJlrrc-suBH pue )rtsl\
par{srug aq ueq.&\ p1o s.rea.{ 72 ',{e.trep1o11 iue;3 tru3rd:*vn vw vzv* -AV sllql puu 'leeq\5lJM lJlJlC 5ueH i:
5tr*35 th:iillr.inu LvSa* 3&v!'i 53t"llt ,lvJ :rdas g hlv hlcllY:'ru n ni f{03 *' gvu 1;ery :purr -rea,{-61 snorprtsa;d aqt ro3 ;,
JIJM Oqm \rJUUnJ JJrql peq arrt'lea,{.t.,-
'sreuLrnJ aq] roJ 'uoserJ uuy.{q plai{ III}s sI IZ:€Z:62Jo prol *Y|ZV VW=h'81 3t42 *\J1ht)): :
{rages jo arnsealu alqenle^ul ue spp€ pue IIa.{\ -ar s.ualuo.{\ aqJ '8e:6i:69 Jo plolel s.ualu .{\au
alrnb s1.rom ruats.{s aqJ 'd1aq go paau ur pue arJ] sploq oqM 'Lleuleqs uel o] suollElnle;Fuor 'e;uauadra anbtun rtqr p-.
I a1qno.r1 ur a.re .{aq} JI allllura}ap o} a.rnparo.rd atnq puy'rualllJo 1e o] suotielnle"rpuo3 'apua1 aram orlm asoq] JoJ esrnfstp ut Surssalq e -r..
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j .ra.to sr auoaluos ueq,4n .{\ouI o1 aldoad suot}El prq5rus zz llv 'qrleqeM Jo Suruur8rq aqr le -ral uoulnpur arrezrq puE pa^\olleq aq] rl
j -runruruor Jno s.&\olle rua1s.{s fiutpet} stq} 'I\aJ3 peururuar oqlv' ZZ ptte Futunn;etlln Jo IUEIS pue pur^\ rurer aqi o] anc 'slnoq iZ r3p,,ir-.
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3 uosrurr3 aqJ Jo rapro 1e,{og aqJ Jo sraq,. -
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'as;nor aql Buole turnr.rp aqi LII punore puuls slauunl pur,teq ;a auroJJq or pagrlenb slJuunl anla,ui 'rea.{ _
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qJee ]e alur] Ielure aql trrpa.rd o] ere,lauos aq] ]r 'rJAaMoH 'q)]ESeM puB 'allt^pea'I ']uotuls^
'rarilo qlEa Jo salnllIlu ulqll^\ suollEli.
salqeua ]eq] LuLIUIoFIe ue pale.rod-rolul a^eq 'salels LualsaM :slrnr alrtu-00l isaplo aq] Jo lnoj
daql pue uotie;ado srq] uI posn sI ]eq] ale^\Uos qsruu oq,e\ srauunj asoq] aztuForal o] qJieseM 3uuarua uago'r:e1d qunoJ loJ Suttn un.t '..
aq] alorm .{1lentce aLIII qstug aq} }e sroie;ado Jo uorsnlluor eq] ]E plaq .{11eur.rou
st .{uorua Ired puoJJs aql Jo qJnlu tuads arr-uv ptr" ..
'IS..IZ:LZ -
orpel arlJ 'uollels pte qtea ie salul] a.rnlredap -rol premu puruurue;11n Jo tuels puelC aql ur qUU se^\ lrreq){trel8 arluv puE 0!:.: _
pue Ie^rrre rl3q] Jo pe:1 daal pue asooqr .{aqt *F{ti\tNnuvu}]n io il1v15 crlv€9 gHr ur qunoJ joo] Jluorueuag .{auaanQrll .'-, ,
(s)rauun; .{ue .tlo11og o} pllo^\ aq} ul a.raq.tr.{ue 'eerpuv dq tno paFpa Furaq a;ojaq puor:.
ruo{ sJosn s,Molle a}rsqaM rno uo autBua queas isueH uaqac uolqtr.rg o] uels aqt u;og uer 'allalned '.rar;:'
V 'alISqaM qtleseM aq] o] salnulul ,tr,a; .{.ra.ta 'ralrur-O0l LrErulac aqe] Jo slo]f,ellp a)ej alE areld prrql rrer rql rnoqfino.rqr ql3ua.rr. .. :.
Lots of ice needed with the above averaqe temps durinq the race Andy lohnson runs into the top-1 0
We had the most starters in race history: 312. However, last year we had
more finishers with fewer starters. We had a new record-high temperature
of 9s degrees at Lamb's Canyon. The previous record was 93 degrees in
1993. Then, as a conclusion to the hottest Wasatch 100 ever, a very cold
and very wet weather front moved in around 3:30 Saturday afternoon.
Talk about weather extremes.
I am always amazed at the outstanding work that the volunteers do at
the 16 checkpoints on the race course. They work tirelessly helping run-
ners and their crews get in and out of checkpoints; always doing their
best to make sure every runner has the best possible chance of finishing
the race. Our Net Control and Ham Radio volunteers are, I think, the best.
They are constantly improving their skills to find new and better ways to
track runners and to provide us with as much information as possible i:'.!
about runners, their location, and condition. Their state-of:the-art online L:i'::.
runner tracking system is very helpful to everyone. The system crashed 7r;:
t. ':' :
for a while Saturday afternoon. It seems that with everyone using Smart
Phones, usage was up over four-fold at times. They got it fixed and will be 1..t4t
7: .'11:,1 .;
looking for seryers with much greater capacity next year. The perfect mix "i t,t4:il'
of runners, crews, volunteers, radio personnel, and the beautiful Wasatch
Mountains made for another wonderful Wasatch. I
of the rut and the debris slides away beneath you' In other words. he:'
trail you could walk up with difficulty but there is no way I could d:.-
to godown except to hop llom buried rock to buried rock, holdin$ orr
brjnches, or skip from side to side risking disaster with each step' Tl're ::
on your feet is catastrophic. They $o f?om tender and sore to hambtlr=:
But wait, there's more...
The whole race seems just a prelude to an infamous nine-plus-mile . '
betlveen Pole Line Pass (mile a:.+) and Pot Bottom (mile 92.0) that the r' ::'
warns might take four to six hours' "What?" one wonders, "that's barc' -
miles an hour and there's an elevation loss of about 1,500 feet. Surelr"
But in the event, working throu$h "The Dive" and "The Plunge -
particularly nasty stretches of chutes and slides, and encounteri::.
endless false bottoms of this stretch breaks you down like a \\'e: ''
board box. I could feel pieces coming off and things crumblir.rg : '
the veterans I encountered trudging alon$ quiet and resigned n.t:..
realist. When I questior.red how we could keep going uphill in a s;:-
with a net drop, they said, "Wait till we $et to The Plun$e' then 1'o":
wishing for uphill." When I asked if the next downhill led to Pot B:-
they smiled and straightfaced said race management adds a new ca:
every year so you're always $uessin$ when it will end.
Hejt was again a factor on Day 2, making the afternoon fin..:
Soldier's Hollow even more hard-won. The final finishers, howeve:. -
caught in a sudden rain that whipped throu$h the area and danrp'
the awards ceremony.
I caught a ride back to Salt Lake City in a van that happened to irr; - :
Liza Canowitz. a Grand Slammer, and her husband Paul Lincke
Greatly reduces
Muscle Soreness.
NO Fructose. Most
gel on the market.: .:,,4a
Rory Bosio is the new women's course record a ton in the Alps and most of the course. Train- have a ways to go. Sometimes it looks .:. .
holder of the Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc. Not ing on the trails here really helped. Even though doing the windmill with my arms. bur :'.
only did she break the record, she smashed it I live in the Sierras I can't get near the vertical
by over two hours and placed seventh overall that I can over in the Alps. I also fully embraced UR What was the difFerence at UTMB '..'
in a time of 22i37126. At 29 years old, Rory al- the Euro lifestyle. Lots of berry picking during Western States I0O for you this year. ario
ready has many impressive ultra finishes on my runs, stops at refuges, and skinny-dipping in RORY Western States was a suffer fest. T.-'-
her r6sum6, including finishing in the top five glacial lakes. All of that helped. WS required way more effort than I anric :..,
women at the Western States 100 for the past it would, based on what shape I thoueh:
four years, fourth woman at last year's UTMB, UR How did this race compare to last year's in. It was a humbling experience. The :-...-'
and countless other top finishes since 2007. UTMB for you? definitely my nemesis. I was more nen'c-: '
While her running is top-notch, her positive at- RORY It was apples and oranges. I actually had excited before UTMB than I have been fo: :
titude, happy-go-lucky spirit, and the pure joy a great time last year despite the wet weather in a long time. I was really focused on fir .-
she exudes when she races is even more inspir- and darkness. But I was stoked to do the entire running my own race, and trying to enio'. . ,
ing. Here is what Rory had to say about her course this year. The conditions were ideal. Per- thin$ from the spectators to the scenen'.
European adventure: fect temp and dry trails made it easy to enjoy
the scenery and revel in the experience. UTMB UR What was your low point at UTNII ,
UR How does it feel to have a dominant win at is very challenging so when the weather is crap- what got you through itz
the world's largest 100-mile race? py it makes it even harder. RORY The last climb up the Col des \i-'-,
RORY Surprising and probably something I It's pretty technical and there are a fer.. .
shouldn't get accustomed to because the odds of UR What did you do differently in training and summits. I ran it before the race and kr:.
it happening again are slim to none (and slim leading up to this year's race? was going to be a slog up to the top. A11 I ,
just left town, ha ha). My entire European ad- RORY I barely ran anything flat. It was either ed to do was stop and hang my head br- ..
venture was an amazing experience. UTMB was uphill or downhill. Lots and lots of climbing. my lets but there were too many people c--
the cherry on top of an already decadent cake! But that's my favorite type of running anylvay. the trail cheering. I felt like I couldn't stor
Last year all the men bombed by me on the all those people watching! I just kept telii:,. *
UR What was key to your success this year? steep descents so I made a conscious effort to self that it would be over soon and the i:..--'
RORY I came over to Chamonix in Iulv and ran improve my downhill running technique. I still went the faster it would be over.
N c
A joyful Rory Bosio re-sets the women's record ...and thanks the crowd for their applause
103 MTLES 1 17. David Ruttum, 34 USA 30:10:22 488. Kenneth Letterle, 30 USA 36:58:55 1032. Andrea Risi,4l USA 42'- -
1. XavierThevenard FRA 2Q:34:57 134. Nathaniel Couture,33 CAN 30:33:14 519. Bill Geist,42 USA 37:31:52 1 1 1 0. Georganna Quarles, 59 USA 42 .' -
2. Miguel Angel Heras Hernandez ESP 20:54:08 1 63. Steohanie Case, 22 CAN 31:24:15 528. Elliott Nolan, 3 1 USA 37:38:46 1172. wian Culbert, 53 CAN 43 .
3. Javier Dominguez Ledo ESP 21:17:38 175. ChristopherWolff,4l USA 31:40:59 598. Hei Chan, 32 USA 38:21:02 1 196. Susan Donnelly, 50 USA 43 :: -
4. Timothy Olson, 29 USA 21:38:23 222. Meghan Arboqes!, 52 USA 32:55:37 599. Lukas Temer, 33 USA 38:21:02 1233. Patty Bryant,54 USA 43:- *
5. Michael Foote, 25 UsA 21:53:19 233. Joel Meredith, 38 UsA 33:09;32 645. Michael Heath,29 CAN 39:04:03 1241. Robert Gryfe, 26 CAN 43 :' '
6. Julien Chorier, 33 FRA 22:08:11 266. Jocelyn Corbeil,42 CAN 33:37:39 669. Cal Mitchell, 43 CAN 39:21:35 1320. Tim Westaway, 58 CAN M ' a
7. Rory Bosio. 28 USA 22'.37:26 347. Glenn Mackie, 51 USA 35:08:49 831. Bryan Hammer, 24 USA 40:46:11 1418. Daniel Robinson, 39 USA 44 L -
8. Bertrand Collomb Patton FRA 23:14:16 367. Clark Fox,50 USA 35:25:56 878. Mark Nassi,46 USA 41:13:40 1467. Stephen Szoradi, 41 U5A 4L -:
9. Arnaud Lejeune FRA 23:18:05 415. scott Laberge, 56 USA 36:16:17 890. Jay Dobrowalski, 34 USA 41.19:21 1485. Dan Boyle,49 USA 4L.:.'.
1 0. John Tidd, 43 EsP 23:18:27 426. Steve Crane.45 USA 36:22:00 931. stuart Erskine,42 CAN 41.36:22 1645. Diann Boyle, 52 USA 45::.'"
86. Brendan Trimboli,25 USA 28:52:24 438. .lake Jones, 39 USA 36:30:20 985. BrittanLKlmatuez, 28 USA 4'1:58:50 1682. Elaine Stypula,48 USA 46 ,.: .
106. Chris Fisher,45 USA 29:42:34 472. Alexandre Genois, 23 CAN 36:50:13 1029. David Carder, 50 USA 42.17:29
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Cruising through the book Extreme kmnlng I ick Kasiulis, and I took a cable car up to the top of ficulty of the coming week were dispellei :
found myself staring far too long at a photo- the local ski area, Nebelhorn, for a dramatic pan- time we crossed the finish line and were r-.:
graph of runners ascending a trail cut halfivay oramic view of the A1ps. It was a gorgeous sight a bottle of the local beer. After the e'..
up a sheer cliff face in Switzerland's Val d'Uina, and we were looking lorward to climbing over course briefing, dinner out and a comforr..
and the Gore-tex Transalpine Run immediately some of those craggy peaks laid out to the horizon. tel were to be found in the lovely hamlet -
earned a spot on my bucket list. Extreme Rln- The race began on August 31 at a very civilized am Arlberg, Austria. Founded in the 1,lth :.
ning notes that the 162-mile event has a "mind- 11:00 a.m., but the climb of z,ooo feet in just over Lech's more recent claim to fame is that '
boggling" 46,000 feet of ascent and is "one of 21 miles was a rude awakening. The course in- Jones'tharg z was filmed there. Runnitrg ::-.
the most arduous, and in places remote, events cluded sections of trail with handlines set by mountainous storybook scenery past qr;:i
in the world... The trail can be treacherous and alpinists, for security, over some of the more tech- lages and farms became a paft of everu- ci.
there is serious risk of injury." nical sections. Anv doubts we had about the diF Tiny St. Anton, Switzerland, is 1.1 '
Plan B - a German race management com-
pany, Race Director Uta Albrecht, and Course
Designer Wolfgang Pohl have created a remark-
able event that will celebrate its tenth anniver-
sary August 30 - September 7,2071.
The race format requires that runners com-
pete as a two-person team and stay within two
minutes of each other for both safety and team-
work. Teams are either two men, two women,
or mixed (one of each), and placed in groups
based on the sum of the two runners' ages, with
categories from Open to Senior Master. There
are timing mats at each of the aid stations, with
significant time penalties if teams do not ad-
here to the two-minute rule.
Many ultras in the U.S. are structured to t,
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bg Josh Katzman, co-RD
o 2. Padraig Mullins, 31 20:09:05 36. Giles Gregory,45 21:51:04 2. Brian Oestrike, 33, NY 8:09:26 Jb. ueron branvilre,42
3. Glen Radpath,47, NY 20:15.46 37. Cherullvlullel, 53 21:51 18 3. Troy Pruett, 52, TX 8:54:30 37. Adam Jarnagin, 38, NH
4. Daniel Larson, 37 20:52:32 Paula Finestone,45 27:51:18 4. Brian Carrington, 23, CT 9:04:03 Gary Gustafson, 44, NH
5. William Jackson, 3'1 21.46:26 39 Paul Sulva, 43, VT 27 56:2Q 5. Jeremy Bonnett, 40, ME 9:1 1:59 39. Dietmar Bago, 45
6. Jeff Ingalls, 42 21.49:12 40. Seth Otto, 35, NV 21 57:27 Zak Wieluns. 34, ME 9:1 1:59 40. David Lund, 50
9 7. Gary David,43 41. Diane Burch. 36
7. GregSalvesen.26,CO 21.52.19 41. LuauWilson,43 21 .5735 9:17:03
8. Michael Turner, 38, NH 22:07:52 42. Robert Aiguler, 37 28:23:27 8. Vincent Frechette, 36, QC 9:18:20 42. Peter Lawry, 33, NH
9. Eric Ahern, 36 22:O8:17 43 Charles Roche, 33, CT 28:33:10 9. Mark Blakeley.49 9:42:11 43. Brian Walfield, 51
10. Matthew Drury,40 22:23:33 44 HillarLPcabadv 26, VA 28:34:17 10. Michel Caron, , QC 9:50:12 44. Yosef Adiputra, 21, MD
22:31:16 45 GrayWeaver,30, VA 1 1. David Souza, 36 45. Meredith Pinault.36
11. Bob Crowley,56, CA 28:34:18 9:59:52
12. JoeWrobleski,49.ME 2236:28 46. JeremyFuller,31 2847:27 12. Michael Jack,42 10:01:38 46. Laura Bleakley,43, NH
13. Donna Utakis.45 22.37:27 47. Kirstin scott,29 28.47 55 13. Howie Breinan,44, CT 10:10:12 47. Ted Darling, 37, ME
14. Dan Kopcso, 35 23:07.14 48 Brittany Klimowicz. 28, NY 28:48:08 14. Mark Brown, 38 10:17:48 Jonah Fernald,38, NH
'15. John Brown, 55 23:26:Q7 49 Dane Leblanc, 55 28:48:09 15. Jonathan Hahn, 44 10.28.42 49. Melissa Woods, 31, NY
16. Giant Parlin,37, ME 23:26:21 50 Brandyn Lewis,41, NH 28:52:18 16. Lauren Newey.26, OR 10:30:26 50. Cesar Hernandez, 27
17. Michael Schnepp, 29, CT 23.31:14 51. David Ploskonka, 31, MD 29 12:38 17. Broo Leosz.28 10:36:14 51. Glenn Pacheco,49
'18. Nathan Augustine, 39, ME 24j9:42 52. Robin Mancinelli. 51, PA 29 13:52 18. Trevor Burbank,30, ME 10:38:54 52. Mindy 5lovinsky.41, ME
'19. Ron Heerkens Jr, 33, NY '10:43:05 53. Valerie Abradi. 53, ME
19. Eric Veilleux,41, ME 24.30:42 53. John Peabody, 58, Rl 29 17 Q1
20. Mark Tichinel, 52. OH 24:35:55 54. Wayne McDaniel, 50, NC 29:17:09 20. Ken Kirsch. 30, NJ 10:45:26 54. Beth Campbell.44
2'1. Michael Bielik, 34, NY 24:40:5\ 55 George Alexion, 54, ME 29:19:57 21. Dave Will,42 10;51:18 55. James Provenzano, 48
22. Scott Slater, 35, CT 24:51:07 Thomas Glenn, 37, NY 29:19:57 22. Chip Paterson,38, NH 11:06:24 56. Douglas Keady.42
23. Conrado Bermudez,40, NJ 25:19:27 57. Ryan Couto, 28 29:32:13 23. Leah Lawr.v.29, NH 11:10:05 57. George Braun, 59
24. Carsten Quell, 46, ON 25:23:15 58 Joe Galioto, 49, NJ 29 32:14 24. Kristin Lundy.43,VT 11:10;55 58. Jaime Clooston. 36, NH
25. SaraPraoluskiWalsh.34 25:26:37 59. ElaineAcosta.38,NJ 29:35:32 25. Kristy Burns. 38 11:21:44 59. Garry Frizzell,46
26. Michael McDuffie, 29 25.35:47 60. Joseph Laskey,48, CT 29:38:18 26. Thomas Dorr, 38 11:21:50 60. Andrew Bigelow, 30
27. David Snipes, 45, VA 26:13.20 61 Shannon Macgregor, 34, NY 29:40:26 27. Stephane Scaglione, 39, QC '1
1:24:'1 1 61. Aimee Jefferson. 40
28. Dan Ozlanski,37, PA 26:14:18 lames Lampman. 30, NY 29:4Q:26 50
Peter Thorne, 11.24:11 62. Linnea Anderson. 27, Rl
29. Greg Bergeron,43, VT 26:27:58 63. Robert Amatruda, 27 29:42:47 29. Marv Arnold. 34, NY 1 1:25:35 63. Kenny Rogers. 59
30. Katva-]f,1&g!]1 42, NY 26.40:17 64 Robert Campbell.41 29 42:48 30. Patrick Oconnor, 44 11:34:46 64. Bill McCabe,60
31. Otto Lam, 39, NJ 26:45:24 65. Mike Maher,48 29:45:08 3'1. Steven Rowe, 30 11:39:50 65. Emmy Stocker 55, CT
32. Colleen Murohv,29, NH 27:41:45 32. Shawn Burns.45 11:42:45 66. Tracy Gariepy. 35
33. Marcus Wilhelm, 43 27:43:22 33. Tara Deeble. 41 1 1:43:30
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by Jolm Price, co-RD
2013 saw the lsth SOB moved two weeks later it out. Finally, at mile 41, Merrill gained sepa- ish your first 50-mile. Meanwhile, Jeff Bron'r:.: .
in July to avoid the last of the winter snow ration and pulled away to win in 7:07. Merrill, running a very smart tactical race. had pa..-
and the shoveling inevitably involved in clear- relatively unknown since moving to Ashland Olsen and would, eventually, reel in Oln-rstr,- -
ing higher elevation trail. Naturally, Mother recently, was running his first 5O-miler, and to take second.
Nature noticed and obliged by providing the obviously made a great statement about his The women's race was never in doubt r'.. -
driest winter in several years and clear trails a potential going forward. Not a bad way to fin- Klamath's Becky Kirschenmann leading r.,', .
month ahead of normal. We were actually quite
happy to see that our foresight clearly speeded
the snowmelt. Additionally, the beginning of
forest fire season was on us with visible smoke
in the lower elevations of the valleys our race
overlooks. Our high elevation prevented it from
bein$ a problem for runners.
For the uninitiated, the SOB races traverse
the crest of the Siskiyou Mountains, following
the Pacific Crest Trail west from the start at Mt.
Ashland Lodge. The 50-miler undulates between
5,500 and 7,100 feet, traversing into California
before the turnaround at appropriately named
Big Rock. From there it's a return romp through
Donomore Meadows, panoramic Jackson
Gap, and wildflower-covered Red Mountain.
The crux of the course comes seven miles
flom the finish with the tough nvo-mile Long
John climb to the Willamette Meridian Aid Sta-
tion. From there it's a ridgecrest cruise to the finish.
Race day dawned with clear skies on the
crest. Temperatures were warm but not blazing,
which allowed for good race conditions. From
the start, it was John Merrill, Neil Olsen, and
Dan Olmstead taking the 5O-miler out fast, with
Jeff Browning lurking a bit farther back. Just Maria Clementi and Bethanv Lalonde cruisinq the 50K
after the turnaround it was a two-man battle
with Olmstead and newcomer Merrill battling
5. Justin Walker, 33 7:51:43 41. Nathan Olsen,36 10:10:04 77. Alexander Nichols, 30, CA 11:32:00 17. Drew lbarra, 28 4:52' -
6. Gerad Dean,36, CA 7:56:11 42. John Knotts,37 10:15:04 78. Danvalc_]eby, 35, lD 11:34:00 18. Pete Wallstrom, 40 4:52 -'
7. Bryan Hitchcock, 38 8:08:08 43. Thomas Heinzel,45, CA 10:19:00 79. Jeff Mandrell, 27 11:43.04 19. Tom Davies, 47, CA 4:53 :.
8. Brian Frankle, 35 8:09:01 44. Desiree Barnes.31 10:19:05 80. Meredith Plummer, 42 11:44.01 20. Ty Atwater, 27 5:00 :,
5 9. Michael Franklin,40. Hl 8.19:41 David Emerson, 59, lD 10:19:05 Joanne Feinberg. 53 11:44.01 21. Darrin Bolz,46 5:00::-
1n q+a^han Patrptt^ ?? 8:21:30 46. Karolina Wvszvl:ka 35 10:20:03 Dave Molenaat 52, WA 11:44.01 22. Eric Middleton. 53, NV 5:02 , -
1 1. Matthew Fortuna, 31, BC 8:23:31 47. DeniseFleminq:lvjlLiams 51, CA 10:21:00 83. David Oursler, 51 11:48:01 23. Amber Bradlev, 36 5:03 ::
12. Mikio Miyazoe,37, JP 8:26:14 48. Jason Donnell,41, CA 10:23:00 84. Victor Lumbreras,43 11:49:04 24. John Toepke,34 5:04':
13. Lewis Taylot 40 8.27:33 49. Billy Thompson, 42 10:26:00 85. John Bartley, 61, UT 12:06:00 25. Saravanan Mylsamy, 38 5.04 2:
1 4. BeckLK]lsEbj:Imln]], 40 8:31:39 50. Benjamin Baxter,37 10:26:01 86. Ted Goldsmith, 56, CA 12:1Q:Q4 26. Janessa Taylor. 35 5:04 --
'15. Mark McDermott. 5l 8:32:42 51. Jim Wilson,49 10:29:01 87. Dustin Clark.36 12:10:05 27. WiLliam McBride, 31 5.07.a
'16. Omer Kem, 30 8:33:55 52. Keith Levy, 56, AK 10:29:03 88. Ronald Lee, 26 12:21:04 28. Eric Herron, 34 5:08:::
17. Jeff Hou9h, 39 8:35:41 53. Stacy Shelley.49 10:35:01 89. Jeannie Horton. 38 12:23:04 29. Taryn Hand. 26 5:09 C'
18. Scott Becker,30 8:38:40 54. Joel Axler, 46, AZ 10:38:05 90. Harold Kline, 53, AZ 12:31:04 30. Nikki Dinqcr 37 5:0912'
19. Joe Blanchard, 31 8:39:54 55. Jedrick Baures,34 10:39:04 9'1 . Mark Sherbow 54 12:35:05 31. Michael Eller, 30 5:0913:
20. Korey Konga,26 8.41.46 56. Eric McMurtry, 47 10:40:02 Ben Benjamin, 66 12:35:05 32. Kyle Spencet 28 5:1 1:i-
21. Falvey Malarcher, 48, TX 8:5'l:38 57. Lara Moscatelli.46, CO 10:43:02 93. Robert Wilson, 42 12:41:0Q 33. Matt Nahorniak.41 5.12.C-
22. Joseph Chick, 36 8:52:49 58. Derrick Kleiner, 35 10:47:05 OA Scott Millus,31 12:44:01 34. Kevin Ordway, 38, CA 5:14.i-
23. Dean Morris, 39 8:55:19 59. Eric Beach,39 10:48;00 35. Stacie Koehler.31 5:15:1-
24. Mark Moran, 46 8:59:18 Matthew Joseph. 31 10:48;00 50 KM 36. Richard May,46 5:16:0-
25. Dave Latourette, 51, WA 9:01:20 61. DarrenChristiansen,42,fX 10:51:02 '1. Ryan Ghelf i, 24 3:42.38 37. Miles Fletcher,24 5t21t1-
26. Cameron Ramey,26 9:05:25 62. )erry Letendre, 51 10:54:00 2. Aaron Ray, 31 4:08:12 38. Win Goodbody,45 5:23:5:
z/. >ern uuncan, J4 9:'10:55 63. Joseph Postlewait,36 10.54.02 3. Becka Kem, 32 4:11:57 39. Kevin Federline, 39 5:27.AC
28. Justin Rosas,3l 9.16.29 64. Scott Martin,41 10:55:03 4. Nathan stroh,41 4:12:43 40. Josh Owen, 34 5.28.43
29. Co Jones,40 9:16:47 Peter Vrolijk, 55, TX 10:55:03 5. Robert Julian, 45 4:14.29 41. Trevor White, 44 5.29.A'
30. Timothy Duringer, 36 9:19:08 66. Kathleen Birkholz.46 10:58:03 6. Robert Hendrickson, 36 4:14.44 42. loshua Nelson, 35 5:29:49
31. Todd Temple, 44 9:24:01 67. Allan Perez,56, MD 11:01:02 7. Brendan Holmes, 34 4:23:07 43. Peter Brewet 50 5:29:53
32. Takuya Kitano,41, JP 9:26:Q1 68. Doug Metzger. 32, CA 1 1:10:04 8. Christopher Thresher, 31 4:25.07 44. Scott McGreW 33, WA 5:29:58
33. MichaelStringer,39 9:26:08 69. Jim Hosmer.34 1'l:12:05 9. Michael Gullo,33 4:28:50 45. Collin Andrew,35 5:30:13
34. Aaron Buehring, 32, CA 9.26.10 70. MelishaWhite.34 11:21:00 10. Spencer Newell, 33 4:36.43 46. Tim Manship,27, NV 5:30:17
35. Nick Jurgensen, 27 9:38:51 71. Michelle Lines.32, CO 11:21:04 1 1. Susan Barrows. 38 4:37:32 47. Jeffrey Kanyuch, 45 5:31:51
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by JoWt WaLLace III
8. William Emerson, 49, OR 7.50:41 44. Theodore Bachman,40, MT 9.2Q:15 80. Bradley Dutkiewicz,34 9.53:52 116.simonGale,42 10:33--
9. Tim Reardon, 34, OR 7.52:39 45. Paul Turner, 31, OR 9.20.43 81. Brian Palmer, 39, OR 9:54:01 1 7. Kamm Pronoay, 50, OR
1 0:33 :-
10. Matt Zuchetto, 38 8:05:59 46. Graham Johnson, 33 9:20:45 82. Scot Carr, 43 9:56:30 1 18. Jean-Gael Reboul, 37 10:33 j:
11. Ryan Kaiser, 34, OR 8:1 9:1 9 47. Seth Wolpin,41 9.21.25 83. Craig Companion,42 9:56:53 119. Wade Frey, 41, OR 10:36 -'
12. Matt Shechtman. 28. GA 8:19:42 48. Jason Roberts,29, OR 9.22.01 84. Cenia KaceY 37 9.57:44 120. Jean-Michel Fouard. 39 10.31 a.
13. lan Ballentyne,29 8.19:41 49. Curt Mykut.40, OR 9.22.41 85. Leni Karr.42 9:59:39 121. Dan Wolfe,47 10.31 .'
14. Dave Miller, 37 8.26:37 50. Mathew Hong, 36 9.26.46 86. Dana Munari.48, TX 9:59:55 122. WillThomas,35 10:39 i:
15. AshLeyArnold, 26, CO 8:28:03 51. Chris Chamberlin, 3T 9.26.56 87. Benjamin Macaux, 32, lL l0:01:43 123. Daulot Fountain, 57 10:40 al
16. Masazumi Fu jioka, 41 8:28:30 52. Heather Pola. 39, OR 9:27:05 88. Anna Stewart. 34 10:02:33 124. Michael Welch, 31 10:40 :'
17. Greg Norrander, 43, UT 8;29:09 53. Mark Dahl,43, OR 9:29:19 89. Alexander Sebastian, 44, CA 10:04:41 125. Dave Small, 43, BC 10:40 :
18. Trevor Pincock,3T 8:36:45 54. Erik Swordmaker, 47 9:30:11 90. Tomoko Ueno.30 10:05:29 126. Mike schlecht,43 1Q.41 '-
19. Meqh4lvheg!5!,52, OR 8:37:2Q 55. Kyle Davis,34 9:31:00 91. John Liebeskind, 52, OR 10:07:14 127. KellLElIlI, 30 10:43 a:
20. Gilbert Ondusko,44 8:40:34 56. James Madson,27, OR 9:33:07 92. Conrad Young,44, lD 10:07:18 128. Nikolay Anikevich, 30 10:43 ::
21. Jeff Bertot, 40, UT 8:43:38 57. Ben Zuehlsdorf, 30, CA 9:34:29 93. Ben Christly, 36 10:01:24 Andrei Maksimenka,33 10:43 l!
22. Brandon Kern, 35 8:46:39 58. Richard Nelly,55 9.34:44 94. Francis Agboton,40 10:08:02 130. leff Waskowiak, 26, OR 10:45 .1:
23. Adam Braddock, 41 8:46:50 59. Jason Arango,30 9:36:19 95. Brendan Couvreux,3l, CO 10:08:55 131. Chad CaLhoun,41 10.46 "
24. Barry Young,38, BC 8:48:24 60. Daniel Roy, 28 9:36:43 96. Krista I Sager. 38 1 0:09:1 1 132. Arya Farahani, 31 14t46.'
25. Mark Shin, 32 8:49:11 61. Olga Nevtrinos.31 9:36:54 97. Sam Chiu,34, BC 10:09:12 133. Ray Siegrist, 54 10.47 .aa
26. Dave Melanson, 31, BC 8:49:59 62. Shauna Connaughton. 27,8C 9:37:59 98. Elliott l.lolan.31 10:13:07 134. Kevin Karr, 39, OR 10:4811:
Mike Ehredt, 52, lD 8:49:59 63. Luke Distelhorst, 29, BC 9:39:55 99. Paul Burke,32 10:13:30 135. Paul Choi,37, OR 10:48:2.
28. Tim 5troh, 51 8:56.22 64. Kevin Smythe, 32 9:39:58 100. Natalie Thompsa]], 26 10:13:33 136. Adam Janke,33, BC 10:48:29
29. Ather Haleem, 32 8:59:1 5 65. Rod Beckner,47, OR 9:40:41 101. Greg Rosenberg,29, OR 10:15:16 137. Daniel Naylor, 24 10:50:29
30. Malcolm Brown, 34 9:00:08 66. Meredith Terranova. 38, TX 9:40:50 'l02. Jonathan Symmes,47 10:19.52 1 38. Scott Jatczak, 37 10:52:2t
31. Ken Wolters, 43, OR 9.02.48 67. Michael Linscott,42 9:42:21 103. Maria Aiello.42 10:21:10 139. Brian Guiterrez,3S 10:54:1:
32. Jorge Cardenas, 41, TX 9:03:17 68. Christine Mosleu 28 9:44.10 '104. Greg Hanscom,40 10:21:29 ]40. Joe strietzel, 53 10:55:26
33. Alicia Woodside. 25, BC 9:03:20 69. Joel Ballezza.32 9:46:58 105. Ben Wentet 33 10:21:33 141. Todd Jones,36, TX 10:55:3a
34. Babak Rastgoufard,40, MT 9:05:31 70. Paul Banel, 24, NY 9:47:24 106. Michelle Brown. 43 10:22.43 142. David Entz,38 10:58:0-c
35. Cliff Richards, 52 9:05:32 71. Marta Fishel 38, OR 9:47:44 107. Lise Plantier.33, TX 10:24:46 'l43.SuzanneLundberq,29 10:58:38
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The preparation for this year's run was like last year, when she finished just over 24 hours.
WWII hell in the Pacific (on a different level). Having gotten to know her fairly well, I tended
However, the efforts were rewarded with a sol- to believe her. A new women's record by almost
id race by the runners. The 2009 Station Fire 40 minutes didn't seem likely but that is what
recovery area is producin$ a bumper crop of she did, beating Suzanne Bon's 2007 time con-
tall weeds, hear,y brush and falling dead trees, siderably. And, by the way, Angela was fourth
which created a huge amount of work to not overall with her 2l:27 finish. That puts her time
only open the AC100 course trails, but also up there inside the top 100 men's times in the
to clear access roads for our AC100 trail work AC100, 26-year history.
crews and remote aid stations. Likeable Pete Sercel.47. was seventh overall and
On race day, August 3, we were ready to earned the over-4O Rhino trophy. One minute
go one more time from Wrightwood. Having ahead of Pete was Tia Gabilita. 47, with the wom-
moved the run date from October (in the early en's over-3O Cougar trophy, again demonstrating
days), to September, and seeing the race can- that faster, older runners can pull down trophies
celled in 2002 and 2009 for fires, we then moved away from younger competitors. Tia came down
to July last year and early August this year. Co- flom Ore$on where outstandin$ women runners
incidentally, a week after our run, Wrightwood have $raced our event in past years.
had a sizable "sharp" fire on the East side of Another amazing story is Darla Askew (also
town. There were lots of forest fires this year, from Oregon) who placed 13th overall and sec-
with often devastating results but that's natural. ond woman at the recent Hardrock 100 race.
Vegetation grows, dries out and cyclically burns. She still had the ability and endurance to hang
Nature wins in the end. with the top runners at AC all the way and
The run started off as usual with a smalL finish in under 24 hours (which is not at all
group of the faster runners on or near Jir easy here) for the 15th overall position and the
O'brien's 1989 record (tz:rs) pace. Down the line, last sub-2+hour silver buckle. What is it about Women's champ, Angela Shartel, showing he-
eventually, the pace slows considerably - at these oregon women runners? determination and executing her plan
times to a walk or survival pace. Then, depth of All the runners who finish the run deserue
training and pacing oneself become important. credit. Many did not finish. About 50, out of booking their race entries also and eventr-ra '
Dominic Grossman, with a win here befcre, led 170-plus entered this year, did not answer the run out of gas or get injured, which we s..
the frontrunners from the start on a close-to- call for the start line and almost 50 more did more often now.
record pace. All slowed considerably by Chantry not finish the run, a 60-percent finish rate Other noteworthy AC100 finishes were Jar:
Flats (zs miles) while two former winners, Jorge (lower than usual) despite the more moderate Coury (the Javelina Jundred Race Directorr : .
Pacheco and Tom Nielsen, called it a day at temps this year. Explanation is difficult. Pos- third place and two runners from Japan in F.
Shortcut Saddle (se miles). sibly some of it is supply and demand. Ultra- and ttth position. With less of a time windr'
At Chantry Flats, tough and wiry 46-year-old running and racing appears to be busting at 24 to 25:06, only one runner, Matthew Ard::-..
Ruperto Romero came in leading by two min- the seams. Long-term classic 100-mile races fill earned a Second Sunrise buckle. Adalberto ,F .
50 utei. Howeve., Dom regained the lead and was rapidly and in some cases have lotteries/draw- co) Mendoza, 61, with a large "Flaco Team' sh:
moving quickly to Altadena's Loma Alta Park ings. Newtothe-sport runners jump into what crew finished his 10th AC100 and receivei :
fr finish line in a good time on this course: 19:06. is available and since they are not seasoned bronze Elk trophy. And of course, steady Ga:
! fne biggest story coming out of our 26th run- yet, they are less likely to finish difficult hun- Curry and the fabled and filmed Jussi Ha.::'
E nin( of the AC100, however, was the women's re- dreds like the AC100. As to the AC100 being alainen, 67, who won in 1990 and 1991, cc:r.
.l cord-breaking run by 39-year-old Angela Sharter a difficult run, ask anyone who has finished pleted their 26th straight finish this year. Aln:.'. ,
i from San Diego. At one of our required AC100 it and the many, including top runners, who smiling Wally Hesseltine, at age 70 the elcie..
course trail work days, Angela assured me that haven't finished on occasion. The DNF list is finisher, had another good run in his long
she was intent on runninq faster this vear than rather long. Possibly some runners are over- reer. And Andrea Feucht (on the Hardrock I
I by Yic CuLp, RD
The best weather conditions in race history The Dahlgren Railroad was built in 1942 behveen spur in and out ofthe park created a race ofl. '
helped shatter the men's event record in the fifth the main East Cnast North/South rail corridor and nriles. With the land swap in the place, the r. ..
annual Dahlgren Heritage Rail Trail 50K The 6:30 the Dahlgren Naval Base The line was used to re- start was moved to the Route 605 Trailhead ar-:
a.m. race start saw overcast skies, 69 de$rees and plenish supplies for the base Eventually, the rail the far western end of the trail. The race p:,-
6,ldegree dew point with occasional light rain. line was terminated at the Sealston Power Plant ceeded to just past milepost 15.5, on the easte:r'
Alex Hetherington, 46, of Vienna, Vir$inia, and the remaining 15.75-miles were purchased by end, and returned to the Route 605 Trailhead --'
passed defending champion and prior event the Dahlgren Railroad Heritage Trail Association. the finish. Using this courser a true 50K race -'
record holder David Hryvniak, 28, of Charlot- Prior to 2013. the trail terminated at mile- 31.06 miles was created.
tesville, when Hryvniak missed a turn at mile post 14.9 since the rail bed was built through In the women's race, Hannah Page, 31 of Wa.:-
14.9. Hryvniak lost about 30 seconds on the de- the cemetery of the Little Ark Baptist Church. ington, D.C., led from the start and took hor =
tour but he was still within seconds of Heth- In the spring of 20t3, the trail association and the $200 first place prize in a time of 4:56:58.
erington at the midpoint turnaround. Hether- church agreed to a land swap that routed the Four-time finisher Neil Richard, 36 of Kir-:
inSton led the entire second half and won by trail around the cemetery. This allowed a full George, accepted the caboose award as tr-..
just under two minutes, in 3:30:42, breaking runnable length of the trail of ts.zs miles. last finisher in 8:04:29. By the time of his i.:
Hryryniak's event record of 3:39:04 by about The first four editions of the race used Cale- ish. the weather was still a pleasant. overc:..'
eight minutes. don State Park as the start/finish area and the high-zos day. I
50 KM 45. .Jill Puleo,37, Rl 5:49:13 58. John King,42 6:02:53 71. Wayne Rasnake, 50 6:37 -'
1. Alexander Hetherington, 46 3:30:42 46. Christopher Lee, 36, TN 5:49t53 59. Sloan Burns,25 6:14:25 72. Jeremy Lovell, 30 6:42 -:
2. David Hryvniak, 28 3:32:26 47. Steven Yancey, 52 5:50:43 60. Michele Dasch,48 5;1 5:03 73. Jack Evans, 51, AK 6:48 ::
3. Brad Hinton, 37 3:49:46 48. froy Hughes, 43, DC 5:52:20 61. Joseph Dawson,34 6:17:46 74. Rachel Dunai. 32 7:At --
4. Yuichiro Hidaka,34 3:59:1 1 49. Bojan 5imendic, 35, MD 5:5416 62. Mark Breeden.43 6.20:52 75. David Klisz,44 7:Aa :-
5. Johnson C(uz Barrios, 27, fx 4:09:39 50. Jason Mais, 34 5:54:17 63. KelleLE{4lm!n4!5, 32 6:22:31 76. Atsede Aemro-Selassie, 40, NY7:05 : -
6. Karsten Brown, 39 4:09:50 51. Vamsi Valleri,43 5.57.55 64. Steven Kuhn,43, NM 6:24'.02 77. Dave Gluhareff, 36 7:11 ',.
7. John Robinson, 55 4:15:56 52. Anoel Krueq€I 41 5:58:22 65. Michelle Lvbarger, 58 6:26:Q9 78. James Betts,68, GA 7:22 "
8. Seth Jayson,44 4.21.23 53. Liz Whiston-Dean. 45 5:59:01 66. Brian Chiles, 39 6:32:07 79. lonathan White, 44 7.26 :-
9. Darryl Ayers, 39 4:27:12 54. Rachael Burke. 30 6:00:09 67. David Wood, 51, MD 6:32:08 80. Kristin Davis,32 7:36 -.
10. Andrew Simpson, 43 4:27:48 55. Daniel Krueger, 39, PA 6:01:06 68. Charles Feduke, 34 6.35.17 81. Miguel Rivera, 46 7:41 :-
11. Glenn Hrinda, 52 4:29:29 56. Fave Krause.47 6:02:28 69. Susan Lvlgh,47, MD 6:35:28 82. JoveeQrc,63 7:4/- a:
12. Erik Price.30 4:34:52 57. John Sondermann, 59 6:02:30 70. Stephen Lee, 38 6:37:39 83. Neil Richard, 36 8:0, --
13. Steven Desantis, 52, MD 4:37:03
14. Troy Dewitt, 31 4:37:05
15. Chris Walker, 38, ND 4:40:09
16. Aaron 5hapiro,29 4:42:05
17. John Shtogren,39, DC 4.43:29
18. Mike Porter. 45 4:43:36
'19. Dave Herring,42 4.43:46
20. Paul Campbell, 39 4.45:50
21. chris Geliene, 50 4:47:31
22. Andrew Sampson, 31 4.48:16
23. John Sales, 30 4:53:50
24. Hannah Page.31, DC 4:56:58
52 25. Jason Schick, 30 4:57:06
26. JUdLBIBp, 51, MD 4:57:31
27. Brandon Petelin, 3'1, DC 4:58:00
z 28. 5:05:56
o Chris Snyder, 38
29. Dmitry Shonya, 30, NC 5:13.17
30. Renat Fatkulin, 25, NC 5:1 3: 18
31. Jeff Madison, 55 5:15:26
32. David Homa, 37, PA 5:1 6:48
? 33. Tomer Benyait 35, NY 5:19:27
34. Vincent Ma.43, CA 5:26:28
35. Dmitry Charit, 29, NC 5.26:54
36. Caleb sylvester, 33 27:41
37. Donna German.40 28:1 8
38. Michael Knutson.33 34:34
39. Brandon Seale,28 35:1 9
40. Austin Mckune, 32 39:00
41. Jason Bock,37 5:40:1 8
42. Michael Matteson, 55 5:45:01
43. John Chance, 37 5:45:56
44. Stephen Eckberg, 53 5:46:22
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On August 10, 289 participants in Howl At The runner Scott Hathaway. The 2013 Howl field was
Moon were greeted by $ood weather for Au$ust full in your calendar: next
19 days (mark year's
in Illinois - partly cloudy, with a low of e3 de- release date is Earth Day, April 22).
grees and a high of 83. Well over 200 people Seven-time winner Scott Colford led from
camped out right alon$ the start/finish line start to finish and ended with 59.22 miles. Pa-
both Friday and Saturday nights. tricia Schaefer was fourth overall and first for
When the day was done, 240 runnets and the women with st.:s miles. Ten of the top 20
walkers had achieved an ultra distance on the finishers were female. Runners from 19 states
3.29-mile loop through Kennekuk Cove County took part this year. Rob Apple, from Tennessee,
Park. The course is 75-percent trail, 20-percent has 892 total Howl-miles.
fine rock, and just a smidgen of asphalt. The Following the competition, almost everyone
Howl At The Moon 8-Hour Run & Walk, the stayed most or all night to listen to two bands
larlest fixedtime run in the U'S', is held in and eniov the food and drink. f,
memory of Kennekuk Road Runner and ultra-
Tim Burke, 44, MO 38.2 Andrea Odrzuryqlski, 40, Wl 34.4 Alicia Cronkite, 43, lL 3',
Janet Cole, 60, lN 38.2 Benjamin Rice,40, lL 34.4 Tricia Crowder, 43. MO 3-
1. Scott Colford, 42. lN 59.2
Jerry cunningham, 57, IN 38.2 Christy Victor, 42, lN 34.4 Rosemary Evans, 59, KY 3-
2. MikeWendel, 50, lL 55.1
Carol Goslin, 68, Mo
3. Rob Raquet-Schofield, 34, MO 53.6 Chris Delis,4l, lL 38.2 lurel&righl, sz, tr 34.4 3',
4. Patricia Schaefer. 31, lL 51.4 Steve Hammann,58, lA 38.2 1 10. Mike Genslet 37, lL 33.9 Elaine Green, 58, lN
Lauren Kartje,27, lL 38.2 Karen Kramer, 54, OH 33.9 Ronald Howe, 52, lL
5. Tim Collins, 39, Ml 50.4
50.4 Nark Lapa, 53, lN 38.2 Letitia Moffitt, 44, lL 33.9 Michael Hoyt, 46, IN
Linda Keuneke,49, lN
Kyle Nash, 28, lL 38.2 Anna RanqeL, 57, lN 33.9 David Hughes, 67, lN
7. Jen Eichelberq€L 42, lL 49.1
Michael Scott, 40, lN 38.2 Tom Rice, 64, lL 33.9 Svlvia Kenworthy, 51, lN
8. Jill Becker,26, lA 47.1
Dorn Peddy, 55, lL
Steve 5mith, 47, lL 38.2 Don Robinson, 76, OH 33.9
9. Carl Benton,48, lL 46.1
Melissa scott, 38, lN 3"
Arthur Sundry, 55, lL 38.2 John scott, 62. lL 33.9
10. Mark Bowman, 58, lL 45.3
3- .
64. David Ellinger, 57, lL 37 Beth Simpson-Hall, 54. lL 33.9 Sara sheridan, 34, lL
Daphne Donald, 49, lA 3"
44.8 Rebecka Howard, 37, lN 37 Gregory Townsend, 58, lN 33.9 Mark Stanelle,49, OH
12. Laura Benschneider,42, lL Shawn Tegtmeiet 49, lL 3"
Chad Braun, 23, OH 44.8 Paul Knott, 50, lN 31 Lauren WaqreL 49, lL 33.9
Carmen Peterson.37, lL 44.8 james Ping, 47, OH 37 120 Rob Apple, 5'1, TN 33.4 Bill Whipp, 69, OH 3"
Roxane Burrous,53, lN 33.4 carrie witsiepe, 39, lL 3-
colleen Summerlot, 26, lN 44.8 Andrew Rice,42, Hl 37
69. Steve Fanelli,41, lL 37 Darryl Davis, 61, OH Lori Zalewski, 47, lL 3',
16. Juli Aistars. 54, lL 44.3
3C :
43.8 Scott Hendren, 47, lL 37.2 Shad Edwards, 46, lL 33.4 176. Jamie Gensler,35, lL
17. Melissa Gossman. 52, lN
Eric Harold,31, lL 3C:
Mike McCoy, 57, IL 37.2 Mary Fairclough, 57, lL 33.4
18. William Gubbins, 46, lL 43.3
James McGruder, 65, oH 37.2 Daniel Hail,50, lL 33.4 Sandra Henke,59, lL
Larry Hall, 59, lL 43_3
43.3 Tami Moore. 46, IN 37.2 Leah Harold,31, lL 33.4 NancLKrnncv,60, lL 3C
Jeff Harrison, 47, lL
43.3 Christy Odeen.42, lN 37.2 Jeff Riddle, 55, lL 33.4 Bud Stifflet 75, lN 3C a
54 Rob Ulm, 37, lL :
Janet Powell,51, lL 37.2 Bob Spencer, 47, lN 33.4 BillWilham, 66, lN 3C
22. Melissa Raouet-Schofield. 33, MO 42.8
42.8 Ryan Rogiers, 38, lL 37.2 Debra studniarz,49, lL 33.4 182. John Barton.52, OH 3C',
John Zalewski, 48, lL
Z Mollv Schaefer, 33, lL 37.2 Matt Tretet 43, lL Angela Barton, 39, OH 3C-
o 24. Bruce Collins.54, Ml 42.5
Erica Foster, 36, lL 3,0 '
Miles Stucky, 34, lN 42.5 78. Mark Beals,5'1, lN 36 Tifanie Treter, 37, lL
Mike Bordowitz, 52, lN 36 132 Ryan Besse, 36, lN 32.9 Mischelle Frank,42, lN 30.
26. Phil Rozzi, 53, lN 42.0
41.5 David Donald, 46, MO 36 Chris Carroll, 64, lN 32.9 Bonnie Harrison,42, lL 30
27. Greg Bauwens,47, lN 30.
Becky Gillen,39, lL 36 Rob Darr, 44, lL 32.9 Robert Hulett, 48, lL
Meql-r!n]3!lv]I,34, lL 41.5
? 41.5 Jeffrey Haight, 50, lN 36 Carol Earles, 43, AR 32.9 Janna McGi es, 42, lL
Tony Kramer, 67, MO
Bonnie McElwee.73, lL 36 Mike Gossman, 53, lN 32.9 Miranda Skimehorn, 22, lL 30'
Nancy Mccarty. 47, lL
Joel McMillin, 44. IN 36 Amy Herrin, 46, lN 32.9 Gregory Smith, 62, lN 30'
31. Brian Bell,35, lL 41.O
41.0 Rebekah Monroe,33, lN 36.7 Christy Hulett, 1 6, lL 32.9 Gladvs Spencer, 45, lN
Ross Bender, 26, lL :,
Steve Jones, 51. lL 41.O Dennis Ohnstad, 61, lL 36.7 William Jankowski, 53, lN 32.9 192. Kim Anderson, 48, lN 29
Blaine Rada,48, lL 36.7 Terry Miles, 51. lL 32.9 Pamela Carter, 53, lL 29
Yvonne Learmonth. 30, lL 41.O
lL Tim shelton,3'1, lL 36.7 Mukesh Pitroda,4'1, lL 32.9 Cuz' Don Frichtl, 57, lL 29
Christopher Miqotsky, 47, 41.0
36.7 Anqqkr Pa€gc.35, lL 32.9 I rm Janrz, ) r, rL 29
Mark Urban,50. lN 41.0 Mike Smith. 55, lN
41.0 90. Tony Bierman, 57, lL 36.2 Daron Poage, 34, lL 32.9 John Schaap, 66, KY 29
Curtis Wilson, 30, lN
Frankie Fanelli. 15, lL 36.2 Brian Raub,44. lN 32.9 James Schrader,43, lL 294
38. James Faford,49. lL 40.5
Jo An Grane, 58, lL 36.2 Heather Rink,31, lL 32.9 Robin 5hine, 53, lL 29.,
AJ Hacker, 40. lN 40.5
40.5 Ryan Krows, 33, lL 36.2 Deb Robinson. 56, MN 32.9 Bettie Wailes, 68. FL 29.4
John Kiser, 52, lL
Keith Schinkoeth, 33, lL 36.2 Bradley 5mith,47, lL 32.9 Adam Zimmerman, 44, lL 29.4
ll ini Mug,55, lL 40.5
Beth Onines.60, lL 40.5 Tom Stuper, 54, lN 36.2 Eric Smith, 34, lL 32.9 201. Bryan Schroeder, 46. lL
Kathleen Robertson.47, OH 40.5 Dan Woods, 42, lL 36.2 Bill Thornhill,60, lL 32.9 202. Julie Branden, 51, lL 27.a
40.5 97. Josie Siddens. 41. lL 35.4 Timothy Troxel, 34, lN 32.9 Becca Evans,27, lL 27 .E
Steohanie Suvak.40, lN 2l
40.0 IOm )lerDenz, ) l, lL 3 5.4 Kristin Vanderlaan, 31, lL 32.9 Neil Haseman. 58, lL .a
45. Anne Haseman. 51, lL
40.0 99. Thomas Garvin, 58, lL 34.9 152. Ren Bleem, 43, lL 32.1 Jean Neely, 56, lN 27t
Susan Kino. 42, lL
John North, 59, lL 40.0 Janak Pate, 65, lL ?4q Stacy )anIz,22, lL 32.1 E!&ls!giam,66, lN 27 .a
40.0 10'1. Michael Donald, 52, lA 34.4 Timothy Mullady, 66, lL 32.1 207. Sue Finkenbiner, 55, lL 27
Rose Rodriguez. 45, FL
Chad spillman,33, TX 40.0 Leeann Leaks.36, lL 34.4 155. Michele Stucky. 33, lN 3',t.6 Jim Halsey,52, lN 21
39.2 Shel|rNlaeK 46, OK 34.4 1 56. Karla Berra, 54, lL 3'1 .1 Heather Heinrich, 40, lL 21
50 Marc Mills, 41, lL
38.7 Elizabeth May.55, lN 34.4 Larry Blough,66, lL 31 .1 Richard Peete, 53, lL 27
51 Jeff Fago, 53, lL
38.2 Katie McHuqb, 35, lL 34.4 Debbie Colletta, 56. MO 31 .1 Carol Westerman, 75, KY 27
52 Dave Bechtold, 58, lN
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to accomplish the first nvo this year, but the worse off. So this time around I was thrilled and past, focused on what was going well, and e:-
third goal was by far the most challenging. somewhat surprised to get as close as I did, just joyed the ability to run injury-free. Luckily, I e:-
I ran this race in 2008, when Beth Vitalis won missing the mark by two minutes. through aid stations quickly and without a:-,',
with an outstanding time of 4:25. I had plantar I honestly don't think I could have managed unplanned stops along the way. In the end. :-
fasciitis at the time and was suffering dearly. I the time I ran without a bit of competition from all added up to time saved, and fortunatelv r:,.
believe she finished the race while I still had Emilia Demarchis. It's hard to push yourself weather was perfect - cool and foggy.
three miles to go. While I was rehydrating at without someone there to keep you honest and This was my fifth time running Skyline a:-,:
the very last aid station, Stan Jensen mentioned push you beyond your comfort zone. Emilia was definitely the sweetest, with my husbar,:
she had already finished. I felt pretty pathetic was great. We went back and forth several times two daughters, brother, and extended far.n: '
and sorry for myself that day. Definitely a race and chatted a linle bit. I just concentrated on waiting for me at the finish line. Who does:--
I probably shouldn't have started, but I've been runnin( more of the uphills than I had in the love that kind ofsupport? Total bliss. f
1 '16. Arthur Alaniz, 27 5:5'l:11 '148. Gary Peterson, 45 6:14:18 1 80. Amanda Ferguson. 35 6:42:42 Hoano Noo, 46
1'17. Michael Van, 47 5.51:27 149. Hilda Barrv 34 6.14:35 '181
. Barbara Ashe. 64 6:42:59 Bernadette Dayrit, 38 /:tb::
'118. Michael Lee, 65 5:55:01 150. Robert Klein,48 6:14:46 182. Robvn Brown, 33 6:44:16 214. Wanda Kownacki, 59 7:18 :-
1 '19. Gerry Ong, 43 5:55:25 1 5'1. Dwight Brown, 52 6:15:4Q '183. Ellen Troth. 66 6:45:05 215. Brenda Gee Deperalta, 47 7:21 -:
I 20. Jesse Jimenez, 39 5;56:33 152. Nghi Chau,47 6:15:47 184. Kenneth Fong, 51 6:45:06 216. Belinda Aqlmatc,43 7:21 .'.
12'1. Anil Rao, 37 5:56:42 1 53. Tatsuru Tanaka, 48 6:'1 5:50 tdf . Greg Favor, 52 6:46:51 217. Eric Litvin, 44 7:23 ' :
122. G(eg Spiker, 44 5:56:57 1 54. Nate Dunn, 33 6:1 8:54 1 86. Peter Chan, 55 6:47:29 218. Katherine Decarlo. 37
'123. JeffJones, 59 5:57:22 1 55. Starchy Grant, 33 6:19:13 187 . Michael Lennon,48 6:47:39 219. Tehani Thomoson,23
124. Keith Lubliner, 52 5:58:01 156. Brian Ladrillono,3T 6:19:17 1 88. Keli Turner, 34 6:48:52 220. Dan Marinsik,54
125. Michael Sweeney, 58 5:59:22 157. Bill Dodson,78 6:20:10 '189. Clay Van Batenburg, 54 6:50:43 221. Roger Ballelos, 42 7:25..
126. Rebecca Scalfaro, 49 5:59:55 1 58. Sabrina Okada, 49 6:20:17 '190. Christy Bentivoq[9, 42 6:52:58 222. Kat Powell. 62
'127. Jacklyn Gates, 31 6:00:07 159. Tina Bowers, 57 6:2Q:43 Bill Rundle,52 6:52:58 223. Julie Mills,26 7:27..-
128. Tammv Perez,45 6:00:10 160. Jessica Hollister,29 6.20:49 Ellen FIetcher, 46 6:52:58 224. Matt Carvalho,32 7:31 a.
129. Julie Nye, 50 6:00:41 161. Myles Smythe, 34 6:20:53 1 93. William Trang.33 6:54:23 225. Janine Pennev 44
130. Jim Magill, 66 6:01:'19 162. TracvNlel€I1i, 33 6:21:09 104 Robert Cervero, 62 6:54:46 226. Ashlv Millet 32 /:3
'131. Alexandra Dronkers, 61 6:05:14 163. Mark Hauber.45 6:22:49 1 95. Jeffrey Rowe. 39 6:55:30 227. Emmett Rahl, 42 7:32 .:
132. Patrice O'Malley. 48 6:07:55 164. Tawnva Dozier,43 6:24:37 Carlene Olsen, 33 6:55:30 228. Cynthia Moore, 57 7:50 i:
133. KyonLllllun. 58 6:07:58 165. Kate Panepinto, 37 6.25:42 197. Ellen Taylor, 34 6:55:40 229. Jeannie Tsai.40
134. Kelly Haston,42 6:08:07 166. Jamie Tajii, 33 6:26:31 1 98. Karen Tancuan,4l 6:57:16 230. Glen Martin,65 8:00 i:
135. Jessie Mason, 25 6:08:10 167. Diane Kato,57 6:29:14 Miki Hiouchi,42 6:57:16 231. George Clarke.5l 8:02 : -
136. laneth Badaracco. 43 6:09:20 168. Johnny Granado,49 6:31:12 200 Gary Brickley, 60 7:OO:22 232. Melissa Ownby. 38 8:02:l:
137. Tomomi Hoaq,33 6:09:30 169. Rebecca Hoberg.37 6:31:32 201 Michael Li, 47 7:O1:02 233. Chuck Wilson, 64 8:05 - !
'138. Paul Oropallo, 48 6:09:48 170. James Barstad,49 6:33:34 202 Kellv Jovce, 44 7:01:53 234. Allen Scott, 72 8:08
139. Erica Gauuan,41 6:10:01 171. Lisa Danvlchuk,33 6:34:56 203 Todd Wong, 43 7:05.04 235. Honglien Nguven, 52 8:l3 ::
140. Bill Cushard,42, CO 6:10:02 172. David Dreyfuss.53 6:36:1 8 Thomas Harry, 58 7:O5:04 236. David Emerson, 59, ID 8:32 : i
141. Amber Wiofler, 33 6:10:47 173. Elisa Park,33 6:37:4Q 205 Maria Roman, 43 7:05:45 Nancv Emerson, 59, lD 8:32:i
'142. Arnold Ramos, 62 6:11:01 174. Cindv Forni,35 6:38:07 206 Meo Martin, 30 7:Q7 :1 4 238. Jennifer Jimenez, 40 8:37:-
143. Dave Stark, 44 6:11:20 175. Carl Jacob,60 6:39:12 2Q7 Sakura 5uzuki,35 7:07:24 Danni Baird,30 8:31 a-
'144. Llz Nguyen, 33 6:11:26 1 76. Alex Voytov 52 6:39:59 208 John Swisegood, 40 7:10.56 24Q. Paul Alcantra, 62
145. Bob Navarro,42 6:11:30 177. Alexa Bisinoer,3l 6:4Q:57 209 Bob Cowdrey, 69 7:10:59
146. Philip Lee,35 6:12:34 PernillaSchweitzer,29 6:4O:57 21Q sherri Twedt,48, NV 7:l5:09
'147. Cvn!hi!_tG!sq, 48 6:13:59 179. Julia Keevey,42 6:42:40 211 Allison Espejo, 48 7:16:39
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by Meglmt Arbogast, co-RD
9:57:57 32. Clayton Rogers,42 13:04:53 60. Tina Ure, 53 14:27:25 88. 16:30:-
4. Gerad Dean, 36 14.34.11 89. Clem Lacava. 64 16:34:','
5. Andrew Millet 17 10:05:02 33. Nathan Wallace. 35 13:07:54 61. Jason Weekes, 39
57 16:34 L,
10:30;29 34. Daniel Hatrc, 29 13 11:47 bz. Destree lvlareK, JU 14:36.20 90. Steven Greuel,
6. Joe Uhan, 35 14:39:01 9'l. 38
lesse Applegate, 16:37:a-
7. Nate.Jaqua, 31 10:52:28 35. Wendy WheelerJacobs 45 13:14t21 63. Keith Blom, 56
10:55:16 36. Grass,33
Benjamin 13:14.23 64. Colin Cigarran,44 14:39:57 92. Todd Evans,44 16:46 4'
8. Katsutoshi Saijo, 39
14:40:24 93. NancLNbql![!5, 65 17 16 2'
9. Caren Spore,45 1'1:07:15 37. Sundermeier,46
Ronda 13t20:14 65. Meqll Lar€y 30
'10. Robert Julian. 45 '1
1:16:13 38. Michael Hlavacek,41 132020 bb. tflc 6arnes, )/ 14:40:58 94. Brian Holthausen, 54 17:18:d:
1 1:28:05 39. Trevor White, 44 13:21:15 67. Bjorn Flatt, 39 14.42:42 95. Roger N/lcKayjr, 53 17:24:3i
1 1 . Mark Austin, 29
'12. Joelle Vaught. 38 11:28:06 40. Max Kilstofte,24 13:22:01 68. Taylor 5pike, 35 14:45:37 96. Arron Dietet 41 17:29:54
'13. Brian Frankle,35 11:28:50 41. Allison Moore 44 13 27:56 69. Collin Andrew 35 14:50:56 97. Hans Stenfert Kroese, 51 17:36 59
11:39:50 42. )ay Morgan,34 13 27:57 70. Nobuaki Yasunaga, 36 14:54.02 98. Joanne Feinberq, 53 17:38:3e
14. Matt Morrill, 34 14:54:17 99. Rita Van Doren. 47 17:43:59
15. Bryan Mullaney, 26 11:43:33 43. GarYWang,45 13:32.13 71. Pam Everett. 53
2. '14:59;31 100. Chris Thornley, 43 17:45:58
'16. Marc Laveson, 28 11:49:50 44. Jeff Riley,44 13:32:39 / .)Onn Letef, o I
:53: 19 45. Jesse Boisaubin, 33 13:36:45 73. Wendy Barth.41 15:04:31 101. Sharon Rogers.52 17:49:2C
17. John Hoeck, 28 1
15:10:'12 102. David Elsbernd,59 17:55:38
18. Lewis Taylor, 40 1 1:58:56 46. Josh Owen, 35 13:37:24 74. James Oliphant, 50
5:10:53 103. Gregory Spike, 65 18:12:4;
19. Jai Ralls,38 12:00:47 47. Stephen ltano. 54 13:40:33 75. Owen Connell, 49 1
104. Rayna Wilde. 37
12:09:36 48. steve Kirkland, 50 13 47:32 76. Tho Le, 32 15:23:18 18:48;25
20. Daniel Vargo,48 15:24:Q2 105. Jeff West, 29 18:48:35
2'1. Rick Kneedler, 51 12:11:Q4 49. Moises Lucero,33 13:49:16 77. Greg Watson,42
78. KathleenBirkholz.46 15:29:24 106. Melissa Berman,61 19:16:09
22. Matthew Zabriskie, 26 12:11:49 50. Marta Fisher.38 13:54:03
107. Clyde Aker, 61
12:13'.2Q 51. Matthew McClain,32 13:55:55 79. Pete Keating,4l 15:32.56 19:21 :55
23. Jay Danek, 37
5:35:08 108. Kenneth Muller, 53 19:24 33
24. Scott Mills,62 12:24:32 52. Eric Beach, 39 14.00 02 80. Miles Lilly, 46 1
25. leff Pelletier, 32 12:27:37 53. Stephen Petretto, 33 14:03:51 8 1 . Jeff Haak. 26 15:45:23
26. Derrick Carr, 52 12:3Q:49 54. Gregory Shumavon, 38 14:12:40 82. Liz Kelloqs, 64
27. Mark Dahl.43 12:39:25 55. Thomas RileY, 50 14:15:36 EJ. PaUl brove, 5) 15:49:50
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Vishal Sahni from Washington, D.C. finishes the '100-miler X marks the spot - the start of the race
sister race, the Black Hills 100) and Kaci Lickteig Dean Harris claimed second in the men's race by Manitobans, with Melissa Budd of Stonen..
(who demolished the course record in her 100- in 8:3o:OO with Randy Pryor finishing third in finishing firsI in 23:37:20 and Suyin Lum trI::'
mile debut at Black Hills earlier this summer). 8:31:35. Second in the women's race went to of Winnipeg claiming second in 25:01:35. Thi:-
Both Ryan and Kaci set new course records for Joanne Begg in 9:07:54 with third captured by place went to Maggie Beal in 25:35:49.
the Lean Horse 50K, with Ryan claiming the over- ulana Lunov rn 9:55izJ. All told, the 100-mile race had 43 finishers. t:-.
all win in 3:41:00 and Kaci taking the women's The Lean Horse 100 would ultimately become 50-mile had +2, and the 50K had 28. Seventeir.
crown in 3:43:50. Tim Fryer and Miguel Ordorica a duel between fellow Minnesotans Jordan Han- 100-milers, or nearly 40 percent of the finishe:.
were second and third men in 3:57:20 and 415:38. lon of St. Paul and Chris Rubesch from Duiuth. took home sub-24 buckles, bolstering the ract ,
Anita Fromm was second in the women's race In the end, Jordan was able to pull away over fast reputation despite the warm weather.
in 5:09:53 and Lori Leonard was third in 5:10:56. the second half of the race to finish just under With another successful year in the books. t:.
The 50-mile race saw another male/flemale the 16-hour mark and claim his first ultra victory Lean Horse 100 now looks ahead to its lOth ar-'
battle for first overall with reigning 100-mile in 15:59:53. Chris, who was the winner of Ihe 2OI2 niversary in 201,4. As in the past, some thirr..
runner-up John Maas returning to South Dakota Black Hills 5O-mile, finished his first 100-mile will change, others will stay the same but, ntc.-
and coming from behind in the final 2s miles race in an impressive 76'.40:46. Comin$ in third importantly, the race will remain a $athering :.
to outduel Christy Nielsen. John took the win for the men was Timothy Dailey in 19:56:08. The old friends and an opportunity to make ne'.'
in 6:55:42 with Chrisw close behind in 7:o7;o2. toptwo spots in the women's race were claimed ones. And it will probably be a little warm. I
50 MILES 1 9.
AmvEdbarhcrrArdssQn, 44, NE 1 0:1 0:32 Bill Colbert,44, lA 13:07:35 10. Darrel Allen,48, OK 5:3'1::a
1. John Maas, 52, MN 6:55:42 20. Henry Bickerstaff, 59. OK 10:16:46 40. Diana L;ska,38, NE 13:08:40 11. lvlax Austin, 65, lA 5:44.)-
2. Christy Nielsen,38, NE 1:07:02 21. Jerry Riddick, 61, AZ 10.3Q:42 41. Nancy Bauer, 52 13:12:59 12. Walt Prescott, 59, GA 6:22.!
g 3. Dean Harris, 52, MN 8:30:00 22. Nita Jardee,47 10:37:57 42. Bobbie Ruhs, 52, NE '13:36:10 Kendel Prescott, 52, GA 6:22::--
4. Randy Pryol 30 8:31:35 23. MikeThompson, 50 10:42:50 43. Mathew Kahler,28 13:49:42 14. Donna Pepper. 41, FL 6:29.- a
5. David Holmen, MN 52, 8:44:22 24. Mike Ehrenfeucht, 39, CO 1 1:00:54 44. lanice Movct 57, WA 13:55:20 1 5. Kim Long Junq€Is, 31, lA 6:36 '.
6. Robert Peppet 47, FL 9:00:23 25. Kevin Kline, 43, TX 1 1:03:46 45. Patricia Wiercinski, 49, AZ 14:00:20 16. Kim Davidson.52, lD 6;36;.
7. Marcel Thielke,26 9:04:08 26. Karen Gall. 53, MN 11:31:54 46. Lisa Nicholls. 37, CO 14:08:35 17. Duane Grigg, 62, MO 6:39:a-
MB '18. Lance Cannon,27
8. Christopher Burgess, 32, MA 9:04:45 27. Gabrielle Karp. 41, FL 1 1:40:09 47. Jean-Pierre Petit,44, 14:14.52 6:48.L'
'19. Jason Silver,34
9. Joanne Beq!, 31, Ms 9:07:54 28. Joel Lerman, 48, CA 1 1 :41:03 6;58:5a
10. Robert Robertson,43 9:10:43 29. Scotr Miller,51, CO 11:42:50 50 KM 20. Kayla Silver. 24 6:58:5:
1 1. Chris Rodatz, 68, FL 9:11:51 Brian Remington, 48, CO 11.42:50 1. Ryan Phillips, 44 3:41:00 21. Kenneth O'Connor,74, NM 1:03.2-
12. Steven Sjolund,62, MN 9:18:18 31. Wayne Coates, 65, AZ 11:51:58 2. Kaci Lickteig,27, NE 3:43:50 22. Bonita Truitt, 51, KY 7:04:1'
13. NE
Eric Boos,31, 9.29:02 32. Joel Milbrandt,56, NV '12:09:19 3. Tim Fryer, 34. MN 3.57.20 23. Kim Kanaday. 53, CO 7:08:0:
14. CO
.Je{f Chopin, 35, 9.36.26 33. Al Harman,51, BC 12:22:18 4. Miguel Ordorica,41, NE 4:'15:38 Daryl Daniel,58, MO 7:0810:
15. Diana Lundy.59, CA 9:55:23 34. Laura Raeder. 39 12:37.25 5. Josh Helle, 38, MT 5:08:45 25. Rick Bothwell, 52, MN 8:07:19
15. Matthew Searfus,40, TX 9:56.28 Dawn Mace. 29, lL 12:37:25 6. Anita Fromm. 42, CO 5:09:53 26. Mark Stodghill, 65. MN 8:31.4a
17. Mark Sheeran, 54, MA 9:58:35 36. Susan Lvnch,47, MD 12:40:52 7. Lori Leonard.51, NE 5:10:56 27. Louis Joline, 81, MO 10:50:4:
18. David Neumayer, 45, CO 10:'10:00 37. Ed Cromwell, 45 12:54:02 8. Van Dewald,43, NE 5:25:06 28. Craig Haugaard. 56 11:04.29
38. Brett Behrens,39, NE
3:07:3 5 9. Kyle Thompson, 30 5:28:37
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business. The Wolf Ridge climb fiom Tennessee back and forth for the women's lead, with phil- have this course record."
Valley is another stern test. After dropping down lips showing more strength on the ups and Lam- While Varner recovered with a cold beer ar:--
to Rodeo Beach, the course almost immediately beft more speed on the downs. Given the gnarly pizza, Lambert made her final move on Phillic.
resumes its relentless test of will, climbing up and nature of running down Matt Davis Trail into on the steep final descent, finishing in 511:0:
back down to Tennessee Valley. Stinson Beach and Heather Cutoff down to the with Phillips crossing the line two minutes late:
By the second visit to Tennessee Valley at finish, Lambert created a bust-the-downhill strat- Clauson, who set an age-group record fc
11.5 miles, Varner held a lead of nearly 10 min- egy in her quest for a first Headlands'victory. women 15{9, described the scene in Sanrc.
utes over the trailing pack. At the same check- Varner, who later mused that ultrarunning is Meadow: "After crossing the line, you are gree:-
point, Phillips held a minute lead over two-time "a solitary endeavor," reached the top of Cardiac ed with the incredible aroma of pizza and th.
bridesn.raid Lambert. on the Dipsea Trail feeling "pretty spent." After sound of Tim Fitzpatrick's megaphone. Batt..
Varner, an investment analyst with a degree 19.5 miles of hammering, he held a 2Gminute stories are shared the mishaps and triumpl-,
from Davidson and an MBA from North Caroli- lead. uis continuous push left him r,ulnerable to that can now be joked about. The down-horl-r.-
na, was now racing with Mackey's time and not cramps, falls, and other trail-borne tragedies. After friendly vibe that Tim and Diana Fitzpatric.
his distant pursuers: "Once I crested the Miwok his legs came back to life as he cruised nofth on create at the Headlands 50K leaves everybod.
Trail from Tennessee Valley and got onto the the Matt Davis Trail, the steep switchbacks leading satisfied and looking forward to next year."
fire road leading down to Highway 1, I began down to Stinson Beach "crushed" Varnels quads And the final word goes to Varner, "l'd like i:
to push. I knew this was a long stretch of the quads that would immediately have to take him thank the race directorc and volunteers. They all di:
course where I could make up some time and back up 1,400 feet to Pantoll and Cardiac. a tremendous job of making this race go incredibr'.
since I was feeling good, I wanted to run it hard. Now well ahead of Mackefs pace, Varner mo- smoothly. The course was marked brilliantly anc
Looking back, I had pretty much committed to tored through the familiar Moors section of the the aid stations were responsivg fbst, and gracior-r..
going after the course record at this point." Dipsea Trail. He then faced the twisting, rocky, I fear the bar has been set too high for any ultra'
While Varner battled chronographically with and well-named Steep Ravine Trail. A gorgeous I may run in the future. And con$rats to everyon.
the course record, tambert and Phillips jockeyed creekside stretch peppered with stairs and even who was out there running on Saturdal" I
a short ladder, Steep Ravine is considered by
most Marin mountain goats as a beastly trudge.
"Steep Ravine," said Varner, "was rough, to
say the least." Struggling to restart his runnin!
gait after hiking up sections ofstairs, Varner was
ecstatic when he hit the final switchbacks still
ahead of record pace.
In the women's race, Lambert continued
stalking Phillips through Stinson Beach and on
the way back to Cardiac. For Lambert, the key
to victory would be her ability to fly down the
zigzagging, wickedly tricky Heather Cutoff trail
above the finish line at Santos Meadow.
Despite a brief cramp scare near Cardiac, Var-
ner found the finish in a record time of 3:41:49.
He broke the great Mackels record by more
than seven minutes, while averaging 7:01-pace
on a course with 2,300-feet of elevation gain.
I Plopping himself down on the grass near the
! finish line. Varner rested on his back for about
! t0 minutes, feeling completely wiped out. He
] later said, "l'm really happy. Dave Mackey is a
; phenomenal runner and it means a lot to me to
Kelly Akuyz thankful for a great race
112. Josiah Bunting,43 6i44t59 130. Veronica Runyan, 52 7:09:49 148. Kathryl5q[qller, 26, GA 7:30:37 166. Kat Powell,62 8:15:18
1 13. Ken Glover, 48, AB 6:45:46 131. CharlesSavage. 65 7:09:58 149. John Feeney, 53 7:30:40 167. Leslie Besseqhhi, 52 8:'16:5i
1 14. Geoff Albert, 46 6:46t14 132. Erin Wagnet 29 7:10:42 1 50. CeceJia Chagova, 33 7:31:57 168. Rose Repetto,44 8:20:3i
1 1 5. Tracv t!arUi!], 41 6:46.17 133. Steven Schultheis,33 7:13:58 151. Bill Dodson,78 7:32:11 169. AnqcbNllv€5a, 52 8.25.1L
1 15. Jim Ruppert,50 6:46.45 134. Thomas Purnell-Fisher, 35 7:14:26 152. Eri. Braun,41 7:33:1 0 170. Dia n ne Meyers, 50 8.21 .37
117. Molly Leith, 39 6:49.33 135. Max Peney,22 7:14.39 Christopher Sterback, 30 7:33.10 171. Belinda Agamaite,43 8:29:03
18. Jennifer Hamburq, 41 6:50:35 James Watt, 22, CO 7:14:39 154. Carolvn McCarter, 56 7:36:32 172. Michael Muilenburg. 44, NJ 8:40:43
1'19. Breese White, 65 6:52.4'l 137. Theron Hawley,22 7.14.4Q 155. Christy Bentivoglio, 42 7:37.37 173. Shad Edwards, 46, lL 8:47:27
'120. JeffJones,59 6:53:36 38. Scott Vosburg, 43
1 7.17.58 1 56. Carol Shea, 53 7:40.11 174. BeckvtGjllcn 39, lL 8:47.28
12'1. Karrie Hutchins, 30 6:54:03 139. Corinne Meadors,42 7.18:12 1 57. Robert Butsic, 67 7:43:10 175. Jean suvenaga,46 8:49.45
122. Brert Wyker, 36. NY 6:58:38 14Q. La(ry Roberts. 41. lN 7.19:23 1 58. Barbara Ashe, 64 7:45.53 176. Patric;a Koren, 57 8:56:12
123. Vicki Demenno, 53 6:58:52 141. Annette Mensonides, 43 7.19:29 1 59. Carlo Latasa, 46 7:46:41 177. Cvnlhia Maare, 57 9:09:31
124. Luca Rossini, 31 7:01:03 '142. James Reikowsky, 57 7.20:50 160. Ellen Fletcher.46 .45
7:47 1 78. Steve Jaber, 61 9:34:23
125. Kellv Haston,42 7:01:24 143. Charito Bartlett, 36 7:20:57 161. Sandv Bakq, 51 7:52:52 Nathan Travis,36, MD 9:34:23
126. Roger Curtis, 52 7.05.26 144. Jessi Goldstein, 42 7:21:08 162. Janet Portman.64 7:55:34 Roger Cheeks,42, MD 9:34:23
127. Robert Knox.67 7:06:06 '145. Susan Carnicelli,4l, NY 7.28:46 163. Edith Harbauqh,35 7:57.16 181. Mike Webb, 64 9:51:02
'128. Loren Lewis. 41 7:08:10 146. Paula Kindinq€L\ryjkar 48 7:28:51 164. John Blecka, 59 '1
8:'1 :18
129. Alex Voytov 52 7:08:56 147. Bob Cowdrey,69 7:30:10 165. Gus Exarchos,45 8:12:25
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A pack of runners emerge from the trees Cynthia Heady expresses her joy as she completes 100 miles
that grilled cheese, awesome!' and 'Hot soup? and awe of themselves when they had just one Run Woodstock may look like a big ever
- You guys are the best!' and 'Breakfast bur- lap remaining. The experience was unforget- trom the outside but like all ultramarathons.
ritosl Are you kiddingi' There was so much table from beginning to end. I am thoroughly it's about the adventure of each individual ir.-
positivity buzzing through the ultra check-in/ enjoying all of the emails of gratitude from volved, all with stories to tell.
aid tent that you couldn't help but smile. The my Hallucinated 100-milers thanking my crew "They may say we are dreamers, but we're nc
day and night and day and night carried on, and me for taking care of them durin! their the only ones, perhaps someday thelll join us.
bringing some defeat in the form of DNFs and journey. It makes the sleepless night worth- and the world will [run] as one." f
some emotion in the way of runners in shock while. Can't wait for 2014!"
15. Tracv Denbleyker. 42 15:27:36 21. John Leighton,52 19:46:25 27. Linda Pulver, 52 9:45:33 69. Shannon Parker, 46 11.52.2'
Susan Hornbuckle, 50 15:27:39 22. Kenneth Westerman, 55 19:49:36 28. <ar^h \.n77^16 ?4 9:50:35 70. Sean Mccormick, 42 11.54.4:
17. Walter Hengely, 30 15:57:55 23. Johnny Gerard, 25 20:'11:46 29. Mark Robillard, 48 9:53:49 71. Jim Kyle, 49 1 1:56:3t
18. Timothy Kimbrough, 40 '16:11:49 24. Chris Battaglia, 56 20:1 3:08 30. Virgil .Johnson, 54 9:58:44 72. Jen Ryman, 37 1 1:56:39
19. Daniel Bellingec 66 16.12:38 25. Allan Holtz,63 20:1 8:08 3'1 . Tim Schmitt,30 9:58:59 73. Knoop.32
Melissa 12:Q2.5-
20. Amvteruicc, 35 16:25:57 26. Laura Range,47 20:22:08 32. Kirsten Pieper.43 10:00:08 74. Jennifer Desalvo, 31 12:03:44
21. Rob Worobi, 45 16:41:42 27. Heidi Blecick, 28 20:24:58 33. Amanda Tichacek. 39 10:01:16 75. Jill Pollock.50 12:04:21
68 22. Alan Newmeyer, 28 16:50:47 28. Dennis Cantrell, 53 21:16:31 34. Rob Gravell, 47 10:10:23 76. Kazumi Chino,40 12:07:3t
23. Paul Mingo, 63 16:52:43 29. Jean Suycllg!, 46 21:11:59 35. John Knoop, 36 10:13:00 77. Catherine Pinkston, 29 12:07.39
24. Crystal Shinosku 42 16:55:42 30. Ckat Duke. 28 21.43:54 36. Luke Mountjoy, 42 10:21:'15 78. Kevin Kinney,38 12:01:41
z Clay Ramsey, 42 17:52:29 3.l. Tim Patterson,4l 21.58.47 37. Chris Shannon, 22 10:24:58 79. Jacqueline Wilson. 45 12:1Q.4-
o 25.
26. Marc Frost, 54 18:35:57 32. cregory Bachinsky, 52 22:33:03 38. Karyn Weber, 47 10:27:Q1 80. Brahm Windeler, 38 12:14:3
27. Mac Stewart, 24 19:00:46 33. Dennis Miller, 53 25:26:42 39. Pat Shannon, 62 10:27'.46 81. Carrie Malinczak. 38 12:14:38
28. AndreaEisenberq,50 19:01:23 34. Mark Mccaslin, 44 26:'1 3:1 6 40. Mark Norf leet, 56 10:30:06 82. DouglasHollingshead,44 12:17:5a
'10:34:59 83. Joseph Amberik, 38
29. Joseph Kiggins, 51 19:19:22 41. Jeff Jackson, 51 12:52:49
I 30. Lori Fleissner, 50 19:30:59 50 MILES 42. Simon Frey, 31 '10:40:0'1 84. Jesse Vasquez, 37 13;00:11
31. sandy Henke. 59 19.40:2Q '1. Mike Hermanson, 26 7:45:31 43. Carolynn Nauta.31 10:40:11 85. Michael Manetta, 30 13:00:3-
32. Randy Kreill, 51 19:53:16 2. Jesse Scott, 26 7:57:04 44. Leah Harold.31 10:43:30 86. Sarah Johnson. 32 13:03;1C
33. Sandra Woolman. 47 22.15:Q4 3. lsaac Wait, 36 8;00:35 45. Eugene Maetsev 47 1Q:47:30 James Johnson, 38 13:03:1C
34. christa BakeL 37 22.48.38 4. Nicholas Eiben, 19 8:06:'l 3 Donald Ohlsson, 53 10:47:30 88. James Bowers, 35 13:04:36
5. Erin Lumbard, 34 8:26:16 47. Anthony Thibault, 44 1Q:49:24 89. Nicole Hevboer.2T 13:15:01
100 KM* 6. Jeff Vander Kooi, 37 8:28:'18 48. Nick Bryars,3l 10:49:28 90. James Kupras,34 13:19.4t
1. Nick Ventimiglia, 30 14:48:51 7. Peter Cooper, 53 8:32:01 49. Mark Tafelski, 43 10:50:38 91. Elise Hanshew.53 13:20:38
2. Tom Fifer, 50 15.12:26 8. Mark Brandt,36 8:32:29 50. Aoril Brys.48 10:55:36 92. Olivia Green.22 13:28:01
3. Steven Koch, 52 16:58:57 9. Matt Butler, 36 8:43:37 tt, loseph Fisher, 33 10:56:08 93. Emilv Prevo.23 13:29:02
4. Peter Burrill,4T 17:07:16 '10. Adam Casseday,33 8:47:37 52. Thomas Utter, 44 :00:1 2
1 'l 94. Joe Keller, 45 13:36:11
5. Al Durham, 35 17.22:Q2 1 1. Cj Scholl, 22 8:48:01 53. Larry Lobb, 44 1'l:01:55 95. Rachel Keller. 36 13:36:18
6. Sherry Perez, 48 17.24.49 12. Danie Matusik, 40 8:52:06 54. Tara Hoeft-Runde.36 11.02:14 96. Jason Purves, 38 13:42:38
7. Kimberly Durst-Wheeler 30 17:27:54 13. lan Coleman. 33 9:01 :1 8 55. Kathrvlwjllamt 51 11:08:36 97. Rob Putz,48 13:43:33
8. Curtis Hall, 34 17.29:08 14. JessLopez,4T 9:06:24 56. Evan Himes,32 11:17:20 98. Gerald Kemman,70 13:46:42
9. Archie Abatie, 59 '18:13;08 1 5. Joe Ferrick, 25 9:09:49 R^hari rruanpr ?4 11:17:20 99. Jeffweber,50 13:53:56
10. Carl Cox.49 18:15:54 16. Lisa Murohy. 43 9:15:44 58. Daniel Kaplan,55 11:17:44 100. Natashia Robbins. 39 15:06:49
Amy Moffett,42 18:'15:54 '17. David Pepoff,48 9:22:39 59. Anne Coffman. 43 11:17:48 101. Tim Websters, 31 15:26:30
12. Aaron Butlet 31 18:33:32 18. Carolyn Michael.32 9:22:41 60. Ronald Rich. 38 11 .21:37 '102. John Smith, 29 1 5:29:30
13. James Marcella, 57 18:55:00 '19. Brad Polnasek, 27 9:23:56 ot. David Huck, 65 11 :30:1 6
14. Rolf Morck, 57 18:59:31 20. Ruthann Helfrick.46 9:24:41 62. Steve Penkevich. 51 11:30:'17 50 KM
15. Timothy Misiak, 32 19:02:40 21. Greg Hales,47 9:31 :54 63. Brandi Kraus.33 11:36:53 1. Michael Nikkila,31 4:12:5A
16. Martha Childs. 58 '19:25:1Q 22. Chris White, 39 9:34:44 64. Joshua Nichols. 26 1:38:03
2. Vic Ciancetta, 23 4:33:22
17. Behnam Kamrani.38 19:36:02 23. Russell Stratton. 41 9:3 5:38 65. Jay Sattler, 47 11:46:46 Stephen Disanto, 25 4:33.22
18. Bob offman, 5'1 19.39:29 24. Steven Strmen, 35 9:38:45 66. Bill Hall,62 1'l:49:43 4. Blair Layng,49 4:33:58
19. Doug Mackenzie,40 19:41:14 25. Salvatore Wood, 32 9:39:25 67. Jennifer Nichols.42 11:49:46 5. lacob Laubacher, 25 4:44.05
20. Christopher Concannon, 25 19:43:07 26. Bob Huber, 55 9:43:25 68. Rachael Kueter-Lampe. 28 11:50:22 6. Kevin Guthrie, 39 4:48.47
Afterahugandkissfromyourwife, Y*Li LOVI T'*f lvlAiliC lf i!ie ilT EUlii\f lhG, Hl'fl Ye ]iA Darren joins you for pac.'-
Lisa, and a "Got" from Superior f\rCRLii i-tr Vj:ili\ !S fit-,jf [:j:ij ll-jp,l liRCLS *f LiGl-]T The companv is great but vor:-.
100 Race Director Joh.n Storkamp' c:.:1,it conversatton' You:'
you're finally doing rhis. rrrnnind "tJl
ri':. si-jAlc,,i;3 :;g irilvt:ivllru: iF;Atr:. ]"-j.J'!';
-'iL rnr :' i:l inside yourself. focu.ed :'
i-1.'-t,,:. ,', ,,..-,,.,'. ^:.:.'.'., vALL['1T-4:'i:;' each step, eaih breath. what's ; -
under the Highway.i'iii;ii.'rri c*r'" )iSlAi',ir H[;il.,rllP3 l,'ilv[ ACR*33
leaving puu.J ttuil. Excepifor a ? D;t.iPS. lHr ?if, Irl::, f:fr'fl- l.jlci-lT*inil3. ficult now, besides the musc.
couple of highway crossings, you ,-CA A L;j\G ili'i[, ':ti-itifi;
Y*Lf ]-i[Al fAlirjr TRAC:$ f f A ,];llliN crampin$, is the feet, the toes. ir--
*on't rut'r pavement again until Sll.jl'ljc. ll,S L-llVlLy. ilcl;,fl*liil[n if j;3 Slit;l;.j i mangled.bottoms, the bite of r:-.
thefinishisinsight'ofcourse.vou ,=ti,i* i:irflAl'lyiAliFSrT[3ALlrlG::-rL ii'iAir-.Br:l:ga i?:t:?11 rotks'Atober$'am;':.
runtoofastear|y'Andtheheat'.j-.:;-;-"',.-,:..,,l,,..'])'.. AL;:&*t1 *f YCU ltr:"#. water. of courie you accept such
kicks in. you decide to pull back- v;,r-- ,rllViS l"i"li:llcli iil[ *At{i{, .,
the day could get long and your ;H[i\ l,-lt Vll,-1[ CCillilLCT3 it A fAlR i:I iliAijiAl'tlP3, A lovely gift. Like so many here. hr,
goalsaretofinishandtoenjoyit. AUi!l\tR Al!il l-1[:1 ?Af,tft, ]l..]t]f Tl"lrl;i ]ifl;l\C. YCi atrailan$el.Storkampknowshc'
On the exposed sections, lots of 1;,.141,; K Tii[ivi fCF "fl-.1 [ Gli"T. THll lll; ttU Ti-{:y ARtyT to. t]rlng the angels out' the or-.:'
ridgetops and sweeping views, ev- whose only mlssron to help rr';r
ai AL,,',, Ti,llR[, liAT ytll,ilI f"jAi_i-i.ji]lirr.lli.jc. Thr.p
'' 's
eryonementionstheheat.You're l': r-GNTill ,;,--'---':,,^:.:i: ,.--, ..l-,17.n..
BCUfictS :l\ Til[ ]AaK AS YCU COi\Tli1.l LJf lLl the aid stations with them.