EE2024 Program
EE2024 Program
EE2024 Program
William Poundstone
Day 1
19. Feb. 2024
Fortune's Formula: The Kelly
criterion and ergodicity
2:30 PM GMT
- Overview
3:30 PM GMT Chair: Veronica Roberta Cappelli
3:50 PM GMT
- Machine Learning
4:50 PM GMT Chair: Simon Steinkamp
Non-ergodicity in reinforcement
Inferring your way into Kelly Unlearnable games and ``satis cing''
learning: robustness via ergodic
optimality decisions
5:10 PM GMT
- Human Learning
6:10 PM GMT Chair: Oliver Hulme
2:30 PM GMT
- Basic Decisions and Behavior
3:30 PM GMT Chair: Colm Connaughton
3:50 PM GMT
- Cooperative Business
4:50 PM GMT Chair: Veronica Poór
5:10 PM GMT
- Insurance
6:10 PM GMT Chair: Athena Aktipis
6:10 PM GMT
Ole Peters and
Benjamin Skjold
London Mathematical Laboratory
Closing Remarks