Vapa Lesson Plan Format 18

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Grade Level: 1 Lesson Subject: Dance

Name: Alyssa Fisk Date: 5/15/18

ELA Content Standard: ELD Standards:

RL 1.4 Identify words and phrases in stories or poems that
suggest feelings or appeal to the senses. B interpretive
5. Reading closely literary and informational texts and
viewing multimedia to determine how meaning is conveyed
VAPA Content Standard: explicitly and implicitly through language

ELA Language Objective: ELD Language Objective for Grade Level

Students in grade 1 will identify words and phrases in stories or poems that
suggest feelings or appeal to the senses. Students in grade 1 will apply and demonstrate understanding of
specific vocabulary by performing improvisations, composition,
VAPA Content Objective: and performance of dance.

Students in grade 1 will demonstrate their understanding of

the story by performing dance moves that communicate
meaning through improvisation, composition, and
performance of dance.

Cog. Taxonomy/DOK Levels

Blooms taxonomy: Application
DOK level 2: use context clues, show

Learning Focus
Central Focus Statement: What is the big idea or focus question of the lesson?

Use improvisation, composition, and performance to show understanding and meaning of feelings and emotions.

Supporting Literacy Development through VAPA Language – Plan ahead!

Essential Literacy Strategy: Must be for either composing or comprehending text: (Ex. Write an explanation of____ or Analyze
characters or information in content areas). You must teach this strategy in your lessons.

Students will compose a series of movements to express the emotions of the story.

Language Function Statement:

What main communication language function do students need to use to communicate their understanding of this content?

 How does student use language (see Toolkit samples for use of language)
To analyze the context clues to identify relationships, emotions, and patterns.

 Identify a key learning task in your lesson plan that provides opportunities for students to practice the identified language
As students analyze the story they will use cue words such as; examine, determine, and investigate

Language Supports: Describe instructional supports during and prior to your learning task that help your students understand and
successfully use the language function, vocabulary and discourse demands. Be specific and link to standards and students.

Students will be supported with sentence frames such as

 We can interpret…

 Given the evidence..

 Based on the picture we can determine that..

Additional Language Demands in vocabulary, syntax and discourse:

Academic vocabulary/symbols: List vocabulary and explain how it will be used and learned
Vocabulary words used to describe feelings:

Syntax: (Use language frames in Language of … section in Toolkit)

Students will use language of analysis to determine feelings and how to express them.

Discourse: (Use Graphic Organizers in Toolkit to help students learn to speak and write language for this content)

Materials Planned Supports: Explain how strategies Research Based Learning Strategies:
meet strengths/weakness of students so that all (provide text chapters/reference)
students meet the targeted outcome.
Book: My Many Colored Days by Dr.
Seuss  Students will have sentence frames
Move it! (Chapter 4, 99 ideas and
activities for teaching English Learner with
Music CD  We will access prior knowledge and SIOP model)
Sentence Frames
connect new vocabulary prior to
starting the activity
Laptop to play the music
 Music and movement will be used to
connect with kinesthetic learners
White board

White board markers

Pre-Assessment: How will you determine Motivation Strategy: How will you catch Personal/Cultural/Community Assets:
prior knowledge? attention of students and focus their minds What assets will be utilized to support
and attention on the learning goals? learning these standards with these
Have a little talk about emotions. Before each students?
exploration, brainstorm words that describe “Okay my friends! Today with our reading No matter what language you speak, most
the same feeling. After each exploration, have we are going to have to get up and move! emotions look the same. This lesson is
them think about what makes them feel that Have you ever been so happy that you just universal and connects to everyone.
way. Pick a verb to go with each page. Use want to dance? Does anyone want to show
complete sentences.
me your happy dance?”

Students will show their happy dance, then

Misconceptions: Identify common
misconceptions regarding concepts addressed in
we will talk about other moods. I will write
this lesson different words for different moods on the
Since we are dancing and talking about feelings, board and talk about what it means and
it will be important to explain that it is okay to looks like to feel that way.
express other feelings than just happy or mad.
Also, that dancing can ne for everyone and for
every feeling, not just for when we are happy.

List/explain lesson steps/strategies clearly so a substitute teacher could teach your lesson.
Learning Learning Strategies and Activities
Lesson Activate and build on background knowledge -Strategies/steps
Introduction:  State objective/provide purpose for learning
 Check for background knowledge
Before  Motivate for learning
Teaching - Today we are going to Identify words and phrases in our story that suggest feelings and show what those moods
Setting the would look like by performing dance moves that communicate meaning through improvisation, composition,
and performance of dance.
“Okay my friends! Today with our reading we are going to have to get up and move! Have you ever been so happy that
you just want to dance? Does anyone want to show me your happy dance?”

Students will show their happy dance, then we will talk about other moods. I will write different words for different
moods on the board and talk about what it means and looks like to feel that way.

Lesson Body: Explain Strategies/Lesson steps:

 Engage students in active meaning making of key concepts
 Model strategy/skill by using examples or demonstrations
During/active  Guided practice
engagement  Independent practice: students use the strategy or skill independently
in learning  Planned supports for whole class. Individuals, special needs

Warm up:

Page 1 Yellow:
Verb: skip.
Feeling: Content, happy, glad, joyful Music: Gongs and Drums


Page 2 Blue:
Verb: walk backwards
Feeling: sad, unhappy, depressed, miserable, wretched, desolate Music: Castle on a Cloud

Page 3 Red:
Verb: Kick, stump, punch
Feeling: mad, angry, furious, outraged Music: He Is A Pirate

Page 4 Busy Bees

Verb: buzz, shake, run Feeling: busy, hectic, frantic Music: Flight of the Bumble

Page 5 Gray
Verb: hold
Feeling: calm, tranquil, serene, peace Music: All Tucked In

Page 6 Orange
Verb: Perform
Feeling: confident, buoyant, assertive Music: Circus on Parade

Closure/After Strategy for restating key points, extend ideas, check for understanding/other
Teaching Explain:
Lesson  How you will restate key point of learning objective?
I love how we all were able to identify the words in the story that suggested feelings and showed me what they
would look like by performing amazing dances for me!
 How will students share learning?
Analyze: Ask students to find a partner. Look at your partner’s eyes and tell them what makes you happy, sad, still, etc. Talk about the
importance of sharing our feelings and what to do when you are very mad.
 How you will check for understanding?

I will be checking for understanding by observing the students dance performances and determining if they were
able to portray the correct feelings.

Monitoring Student Learning - Review and Assessment: What Monitoring Student Learning - Student Voice: How will you
specific assessment tools are being used for at least two types of provide for student voice during instruction on their learning
assessment? (strategies, skills, knowledge) relative to learning target?

Observing as students perform the different parts of the story as a This activity gives students voices as they are able to perform and
whole class and with partners. use improvisational dance skills to express emotions. Students also
have the opportunity to choose two of their favorite to perform in
Formal: front of the class.

Student will Perform: Pick two of your favorite pages. Perform

them when it is your turn. I will be looking for full movement as
well as a clear emotion being demonstrated.

Feedback: Explain how you will provide feedback to 2 students

needing intervention. It must be in writing and using assessment
tool (i.e., list, rubric/ other) and within 24 hours of instruction.

Feedback will be given immediately through verbal feedback.

Evidence and Formative Assessment of Student Learning: How will you know whether students are making progress toward your learning goal(s)
and/or how will you assess the extent to which they have met your goal(s)? Use the chart below to describe and justify at least 2 formal or informal
assessment strategies that occur in your detailed plan above.
Assessment Strategy #1: VAPA Objective Alignment with Objectives:
Describe how this assessment is aligned to your stated objectives. Which objective(s) is it
Students will pick two of their favorite pages. Students in grade 1 will demonstrate their understanding of the story by
Perform them when it is their turn. I will be performing dance moves that communicate meaning through improvisation,
looking for full movement as well as a clear composition, and performance of dance.
emotion being demonstrated.
Evidence of Student Understanding:
Describe how this assessment strategy provides evidence of student understanding of the
concepts being taught.

Students use full movements through space, connecting their quality and choice of
movement appropriately to the emotion of choice.

Student Feedback:
Describe how you will provide feedback to students on this assessment.

Students will receive immediate verbal feedback following their performances.

Assessment Strategy #2: ELD Language Objective Alignment with Objectives:

Describe how this assessment is aligned to your stated objectives. Which objective(s) is
Ask students to find a partner. Look at your it assessing?
partner’s eyes and tell them what makes you
happy, sad, still, etc. Talk about the importance Students in grade 1 will apply and demonstrate understanding of specific
of sharing our feelings and what to do when you vocabulary by performing improvisations, composition, and performance of
are very mad. dance.

Evidence of Student Understanding:

Describe how this assessment strategy provides evidence of student understanding of the
concepts being taught.

Students show understanding by performing the movements that directly connect with
the emotion of choice.
Student Feedback:
Describe how you will provide feedback to students on this assessment.

Students will receive immediate verbal feedback following their performances.

Note: Add more assessment strategy boxes here if needed. Also, add rubric or assessment tool.

Utilizing Knowledge about Students to Plan and Implement Effective Instruction

Building on Personal/Cultural/Community Assets:
Explain how your plans linked student’s prior academic learning and personal/cultural/community assets to new learning
No matter what language you speak, most emotions look the same. This lesson is universal and connects to everyone.

Grouping Strategies:
Describe how and why students will be divided into groups, if applicable (random, ability, interest, social purposes, etc.).
Students will think pair share with their rug partner, which is pre-determined by placement on the rug.

Planned Supports:
Describe the instructional supports during your lesson that address diverse learning needs in order for all students to successfully meet lesson
objectives. This can include possible accommodations and differentiation strategies.
Students will be supplied with sentence frames
We will access prior knowledge and connect new vocabulary prior to starting the activity
Music and movement will be used to connect with kinesthetic learners

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