Chapter 5 Test Chem

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Chapter 5: Metals


Time: 30 minutes

Total: 50 marks



a) What are native metals? Give one example.



(2 marks)

b) What is a metal ore? Give two examples.




(3 marks)

c) What are alloys? Give two examples.




(3 marks

d) Name an alloy that

i) Has a low melting point………………………………………………………

ii) Has an attractive silver colour………………………………………………..

(2 marks)

e) Which metals are used to make

i) Bronze?……………………………………………………………………………

ii) Brass?.....................................................................................................................

(4 marks)

2) a) Draw a diagram of the blast furnace. Show clearly on your diagram,

i. Where air is ‘blasted’ in

ii. Where the molten iron is removed

iii. Where the second liquid is removed

(5 marks)
b) i. Name the three raw materials added at the top of the blast furnace.




(3 marks)

ii. What is the purpose of each material?




(3 marks)

c) i. What is the second liquid removed from the bottom of the furnace called?


(1 mark)

ii. Does it have a use when the second liquid solidifies? If so, name it.


(1 mark)

d) Write a balanced chemical equation for the formation of iron from iron ore.


(2 marks)
3) The electrolysis of molten lead bromide can be investigated using the following


a) What must be done to the lead bromide before the bulb turns on?



(2 marks)

b) What would be seen at the positive electrode?



(1 mark)
c) What is formed at the negative electrode?


(1 mark)

d) Write an equation for the reaction that happen at each electrode.

At the positive electrode………………………………………………………………..

At the negative electrode……………………………………………………………….

(2 marks)

e) i) Which substance is oxidized?


ii) Which substance is reduced?


(2 marks)

4) The diagram shows an apparatus that can be used to purify impure copper by electrolysis.
a) Describe what you would see during the electrolysis.




(3 marks)

b) What name is given to the copper(ii) sulfate solution in this apparatus?


(1 mark)

c) Write a half equation for the reactions that happen at each electrode.

At the positive electrode………………………………………………………………..

At the negative electrode……………………………………………………………….

(2 marks)

d) Name one use for highly purified copper.


(1 mark)

5) In an experiment to investigate the corrosion of iron, a nails are placed in three kinds of

a) I) Which tubes would contain the nails that would rust, X, Y or Z?


(1 mark)

ii) Why won’t the nails in the other two tubes rust?



(2 marks)

iii) Why did the nail rust in the tube you chose?



(1 mark)

b) Another nail was put in a test tube of water. Which of these metals could be put with

the nail to prevent it from rusting? Why?

Silver, Lead, Magnesium



(2 marks)

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