AC Pro Trip Unit
AC Pro Trip Unit
AC Pro Trip Unit
instruction manual
State of the art technology for low
voltage circuit breaker retrofitting
Section: Page
1.0 Introduction ............................................................1 12.0 Secondary Injection Testing .................................. 17
2.0 UL/ULC Classification & CE Mark .........................1 12.1 AC-PRO Secondary Injection Test Set ........ 17
3.0 Trip Unit Power ......................................................1 12.2 Standard Relay Test Set ............................... 17
3.1 Current Transformer (CT) Power ...................1 12.3 LT Delay Testing Chart ................................. 18
3.2 Battery Power ................................................1 13.0 Ratings .................................................................. 19
3.3 PT Module Power ..........................................2 14.0 Warranty ................................................................ 19
3.4 Auxiliary Power ..............................................2 15.0 Time-Current Curves ............................................. 19
4.0 External Connections .............................................2 15.1 LT Trip Time .................................................. 20
4.1 Breaker Wiring Harness .................................2 15.2 ST Trip Time.................................................. 20
4.2 Security Key ...................................................2 15.3 GF Trip Time ................................................. 21
5.0 AC-PRO Front View .............................................3 15.4 U/B Trip Time ................................................ 21
5.1 16 Character Display .....................................4 16.0 Error Message Summary ...................................... 21
5.2 Pick-Up LED ..................................................4 16.1 Actuator Not Connected ................................ 21
5.3 Self Test LED .................................................4 16.2 Memory Error ................................................ 21
5.4 Display Contrast ............................................4 17.0 Battery Replacement ............................................. 22
5.5 UP Push Button .............................................4
5.6 DOWN Push Button .......................................4
5.7 SAVE Push Button .........................................4 Figure: Page
5.8 REVIEW Push Button ....................................4 4.1 AC-PRO Top View ............................................... 2
6.0 QUICK-TRIP System ...........................................5 4.2 Push Button “Key” ................................................. 2
® ®
6.1 QUICK-TRIP Basics .....................................5 5.1 AC-PRO Horizontal Front View ........................... 3
® ®
6.2 QUICK-TRIP Installation ..............................6 5.2 AC-PRO Vertical Left Front View......................... 3
® ®
6.3 QUICK-TRIP & Pro-Display Operation.........7 6.1 QUICK-TRIP Connections ................................... 5
® ®
7.0 Commissioning the AC-PRO ................................7 6.2 QUICK-TRIP Drilling Plan .................................... 6
7.1 Powering-Up the Trip Unit .............................7 6.3 Pro-Display Mounting ............................................ 6
7.1.1 Internal Battery ....................................7 11.1 Phase A & B, CT Phasing Test ............................. 15
7.1.2 External Power ....................................7 11.2 Phase B & C, CT Phasing Test ............................. 15
7.2 Security Key ...................................................7 11.3 U/B Test ................................................................ 16
7.3 CT Rating .......................................................8 12.1 AC-PRO Secondary Injection Test Set ................ 17
7.4 Long Time (LT) Pick-Up Setting ....................8 17.1 Battery Replacement ............................................. 22
7.5 Long Time (LT) Delay Setting ........................8 18.1 Typical Wiring Diagram ......................................... 23
7.6 Short Time (ST) Pick-Up Setting ...................8 18.2 Overload TCC ....................................................... 25
7.7 Short-Time (ST) Delay Setting.......................8 18.3 U/B & GF TCC ....................................................... 27
2 ®
7.8 Short Time (ST) I T ........................................8 18.4 QUICK-TRIP GF & I TCC .................................... 29
7.9 Instantaneous (I) Pick-Up Setting ..................9
7.10 Ground Fault (GF) Pick-Up Setting................9 Firmware Revision: 5.25
7.11 Ground Fault (GF) Delay Setting ...................9
7.12 Ground Fault (GF) I T ....................................9
7.13 Phase Unbalance (U/B) Pick-Up ...................9
7.14 Phase Unbalance (U/B) Delay .......................10
7.15 Address ..........................................................10
7.16 Reply Delay ...................................................10
7.17 QUICK-TRIP Ground Fault (QT GF) ............10
7.18 QUICK-TRIP Instantaneous (QT I) ..............10
7.19 Thermal Memory ............................................11
7.20 Exit Procedure ...............................................11
8.0 Changing Settings..................................................12
9.0 Last Trip Data Recall .............................................13
10.0 Normal Operation...................................................14
11.0 Testing ...................................................................14
11.1 Commission the Trip Unit ..............................14
11.2 LT Trip Test ...................................................14
11.3 ST Trip Test ...................................................15
11.4 I Trip Test .......................................................15
11.5 GF Trip Test ...................................................15
11.6 QT GF Trip Test .............................................15
11.7 CT Phasing Test for GF .................................15
11.8 QT I Trip Test .................................................16
11.9 U/B Trip Test ..................................................16
11.10 Erase Last Trip Data ....................................16
AC-PRO® With QUICK-TRIP® Instruction Manual
1.0 Introduction
UL and ULC classification is in accordance with UL1066,
CSA C22.2, IEEE C37.59-1991 as well as appropriate
The AC-PRO is a state of the art, micro-controller based trip sections of ANSI C37.17-1979 and C37.50-1989.
unit for use on three phase, 600 Volt class, AC circuit
breakers. Models are available for use on 60 Hz, 50 Hz, The AC-PRO has the CE Mark.
40 Hz, and 25 Hz systems.
AC-PRO was tested by an independent laboratory and found
The AC-PRO is a digital trip unit that uses a micro-controller in compliance with the following tests:
and a 16-character liquid crystal display (LCD).
IEEE C37.90.2-2004, RF Susceptibility
The trip unit provides over-current, as well as short time and IEEE C37.90.1-2002, Surge Withstand
instantaneous fault protection. All of the phase protection 15KV Electro-Static Discharge
functions use the true RMS currents including the Accuracy @ -20°C & +65°C
instantaneous trip function.
The AC-PRO measures the true RMS current through each 3.0 Trip Unit Power
of the breaker’s three poles. For ground fault current, the
trip unit also does a vector sum of the three phase currents
The AC-PRO can be powered in 4 different ways: CTs,
(and neutral current if applicable) and determines the
internal battery, PT module, or auxiliary power pack.
fundamental frequency component.
The trip unit also offers ground fault and phase unbalance (U/B)
tripping functions as user selectable options. The fundamental 3.1 Current Transformer (CT) Power
value of the ground fault current is used for the ground
fault trip function to eliminate nuisance ground fault trips The AC-PRO derives both signal and power from the
due to multiples of the 3 harmonic. breaker phase CTs. The trip unit will power-up with less
than 10% of the rated CT tap current through a single CT
The AC-PRO uses a unique algorithm to determine if (20% for the 1/2 Amp version). This current is below the
currents greater than 12 times the CT rating have caused CT lowest pick-up setting.
saturation. The AC-PRO then corrects the effect of CT
saturation on the Short Time and Instantaneous trip
functions. 3.2 Battery Power
The AC-PRO also has two additional QUICK-TRIP protective
A 9-volt, 750 mAh, long life, lithium battery is used in the trip
settings that are intended to minimize Arc Flash Hazard. The
unit. This battery has less than 2 grams of lithium. There are
QUICK-TRIP ground fault and instantaneous trip functions are
no restrictions on transport and no special methods of
turned ON or OFF using the QUICK-TRIP Display. See Section
disposal required with this battery.
6.0 for complete details.
The battery is designed to provide two functions:
The trip unit stores the last trip data and the trip log data in a
1) Allow the user to commission (program) the trip unit
non-volatile FRAM memory for later recall. All the settings
without using the auxiliary power pack.
are stored in non-volatile EEPROM memory. Battery backup
is not required.
2) Allow the user to recall the last trip data even if the
breaker is open and without using the auxiliary power
The trip unit does not require external power to operate. Power
is derived from the current transformers (CTs). An internal
battery provides power to review and change protection
Press the “REVIEW” push button to turn the trip unit on
settings when CT power is unavailable.
under battery power.
All settings are made directly in amps or in seconds. A
When on battery power, the trip unit will automatically turn
security system reduces the risk of unauthorized tampering
off 30 seconds after the last button is pushed to conserve
with the trip unit settings.
battery energy.
The AC-PRO trip unit is manufactured under one or more of
the following patents:
**** NOTE ****
US 7,646,575 The battery is NOT involved in the protective functions of
US 7,889,472 the trip unit. The trip unit will provide protection even if the
battery is removed.
Other patents may be pending.
The battery is NOT required for the trip unit to maintain
any of its memory including the user programmed pick-up
and delay settings and the last trip data.
2.0 UL/ULC Classification & CE Mark
AC-PRO is UL and ULC classified for use on the following See Section 17.0 for battery data and instructions on
low voltage AC power circuit breakers: replacing the battery.
Westinghouse DB-50
Square D/Westinghouse DS-206, DS-416, DS-632
General Electric AK-50, AK-75
ITE KB Steel Back
ITE K-600, K-800, K-1600
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Utility Relay Company
The AC-PRO trip unit is available with a communication The AC-PRO trip unit contains a security feature that only
option that has a connection for a PT module. allows someone familiar with the operation of the trip unit to
commission the trip unit or make changes to the settings. A
The PT module provides breaker 3-Phase voltage security key is required to change any of the settings.
information and also provides power for the trip unit
independently from the CTs. See the Communication The "Key" is simply a short jumper wire that is connected
Instruction Manual for more information. between the two terminals marked “KEY” on the top of the
trip unit.
3.4 Auxiliary Power Refer to Figure 4.0-1 AC-PRO top view.
Auxiliary power is optional. It can be used to change or To turn the security Key "ON":
review the trip unit settings without using the internal battery. Jumper the two terminals labeled “KEY” on the top of
the trip unit.
Plug the 24-VAC auxiliary power pack into the auxiliary
power jack on the top of the trip unit. To turn the security Key "OFF":
Remove the jumper wire.
The power pack is available from Utility Relay Company as
part number T-390. The key allows the user to commission the trip unit or to
change the settings on a trip unit by performing the steps as
outlined in Sections 7.0 and 8.0.
4.0 External Connections The “CT Rating” also has an additional security feature as
explained in Section 7.3.
The external connections are made to the top of the
AC-PRO trip unit (or the left or right side for the vertical
Battery Cover
Breaker Wiring Harness See Section 3.2 & 17.0
See Section 4.1 QT Display Jack
Security Key See Section 6.0 BATTERY
See Section 4.2
DISPLAY Use only 9V
Lithium Battery
Breaker Escutcheon
DISPLAY Use only 9V
Page 2
AC-PRO® With QUICK-TRIP® Instruction Manual
CE Mark Display
9V -Lif
W ithiu atte
ith m ry
L eB
PC 01168
1A 0 CT 60Hz
Serial Number
UL Label (on end)
Up Review
Save Down
UL Label
CE Mark
9V -Lif
W th iu a tte
ith m ry
Li e B
Self Test
1A 0 CT 60Hz AC-PRO
1A N CT H490F524 B-521L
PC 01180
Up Save Down
Wiring Harness
Option Part Number
Serial Number Label
(on end)
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A 16-character dot matrix liquid crystal display (LCD) Use this push button to decrease the setting values during
provides information to the user. commissioning. When the “DOWN” push button is held
longer than one second, the settings are decreased in fast
The LCD is used for the following purposes: mode.
1) Entering the CT rating and making the pick-up and time When the minimum setting value is reached, the “DOWN”
delay settings with prompts from the display. push button will have no further effect on the setting value.
2) Displaying, on demand, the CT rating and the various
pick-up and delay settings.
5.7 SAVE Push Button
3) Displaying, on demand, the reason for the last trip and
the currents at the time of trip.
Use this push button to step though the settings when in the
4) Continuously displaying the actual 3-phase AC currents
commissioning mode.
on the breaker.
Holding this push button has no effect.
5.2 Pick-Up LED
5.8 REVIEW Push Button
The Pick-Up LED is normally off. It will turn on whenever the
breaker current is above the LT Pick-up setting.
Use this push button to step though the settings in the
settings review mode. Also use this push button to turn the
5.3 Self Test LED trip unit on using battery power.
Hold this push button down to review trip counts during the
settings review.
The Self Test LED is normally on. It will turn off under the
following conditions:
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AC-PRO® With QUICK-TRIP® Instruction Manual
QT-Display 2
on cubicle door 2 Pole Plug into
back of Pro-Display
16 Character
Plug into Jack
in back of R
QT-DISPLAY Padlocking
Red LED is "ON" Quick-Trip ON-OFF
with Quick-Trip turned ON selector switch
8/C Cable, shielded Plug into
with modular connectors "QT Display"
(100 foot maximum) jack Quick-Trip
9V -Lif
W hiu atte
ith m ry
Lit e B
Indication Contacts
NO for Customer Use
To QT-Display
PC 01168
1A 0 CT 60Hz
On-Off Contact
Figure 6.0-1
QUICK-TRIP® Connections
The QUICK-TRIP system is a manually controlled Zone When QUICK-TRIP is on, the following settings are enabled:
Selective Interlock (ZSI) system. It can reduce trip times • GF QUICK-TRIP (GF QT)
when turned on and allows selective coordination between • I QUICK-TRIP (I QT)
circuit breakers when turned off. All other settings remain in effect.
If maintenance personnel must work on energized The “QUICK-TRIP ON LED” provides positive indication that
equipment, they will first turn the QUICK-TRIP system on at the QUICK-TRIP settings are active if the LED is on.
the breaker feeding the equipment. If a fault now occurs, the
upstream breaker will trip quickly based on the QUICK-TRIP The extra contact block on the QUICK-TRIP selector switch
settings reducing the Arc Flash Hazard to personnel. can be used for local or remote indication of the QUICK-TRIP
selector switch setting.
When the work is done, the QUICK-TRIP system is turned off
and the original selective coordination is back in effect.
**** IMPORTANT ****
A qualified engineer must determine the QUICK-TRIP
The QUICK-TRIP system consists of the following
settings, calculate the incident energy levels and
determine the Hazard Risk Categories (HRC).
1. AC-PRO trip unit with QUICK-TRIP.
2. QUICK-TRIP Display with a “QUICK-TRIP ON“ LED.
If an older Pro-Display without the “QUICK-TRIP ON”
3. Padlocking selector switch mounted near the
LED is plugged into an AC-PRO with QUICK-TRIP, the
QUICK-TRIP Display that is used to turn QUICK-TRIP
QUICK-TRIP settings will always be on.
on and off.
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Utility Relay Company
Outline of
QT-Display R Use 22mm switch knockout punch
Locate near QT-Display
1 1/4" 1 1/4"
Drill (2) 13/64"
diameter holes
Figure 6.2-1
QUICK-TRIP® Drilling Plan
The QUICK-TRIP system is easy to install on the front of the 4. Attach the QUICK-TRIP Display to the front of the
breaker cubicle door. cubicle door using two (2) 10-32 hex nuts, flat washers
and lock washers.
To install the QUICK-TRIP Display: 5. Connect the QUICK-TRIP Display to the AC-PRO trip
unit by plugging one end of the shielded modular
1. Find a suitable location on the cubicle door and mark cable provided into the jack on the back of the QUICK-
the location of the three (3) holes using the TRIP Display. Plug the other end of the cable into the
dimensions in Figure 6.2-1. “QT Display” jack on the top of the AC-PRO.
2. Drill two (2) 13/64” mounting holes. 6. Route the cable so it does not interfere with the
3. For the center hole, cut a 1-11/16” diameter hole using opening or closing of the cubical door or with the
a hole saw or alternately, use a 1-1/4” conduit racking of the breaker between connect and
knockout punch. disconnect positions. Use cable ties and holders to
hold the cable in position.
Breaker Cubicle Door
To install the on/off selector switch:
QT-Display R
side view
Figure 6.2-2
QUICK-TRIP Display Mounting
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AC-PRO® With QUICK-TRIP® Instruction Manual
The QUICK-TRIP Display will display the same messages as Press the “SAVE” push button. The following will be
the display on the AC-PRO. It provides the capability of displayed:
viewing the breaker currents and reviewing the settings and
the last trip data without opening the breaker cubicle PROD: H4.90F5.26
Press the “SAVE” push button to begin the commissioning
For security reasons, it is not possible to change any process.
settings from the QUICK-TRIP Display.
3) Enter the appropriate CT tap, pick-up and delay
When the display on the QUICK-TRIP Display is off, push settings using the "UP", "DOWN" and "SAVE" push
the “REVIEW” button to power the QUICK-TRIP Display buttons.
from the internal battery in the AC-PRO. The following
information will be available: 4) Remove the security key (see Section 4.2).
• Last trip data including the type of trip and the currents
• Pushing the “REVIEW” button will display the trip log Sections 7.1 through 7.20 go over the commissioning
• Continuing to push the “REVIEW” button will step process in greater detail.
through the settings
• The “SELF TEST OK” LED will indicate proper operation
• The “QUICK-TRIP ON” LED will indicate the on/off status
An additional security feature is provided to avoid
of the QUICK-TRIP settings
accidentally changing the CT tap setting. See Section 7.3.
When the display on the QUICK-TRIP Display is on, the
phase currents will be displayed (if greater than 10% of the
CT tap). The following information will also be available:
• The “PICK-UP” LED will indicate if phase currents are
7.1 Powering-Up the Trip Unit
above the Long Time pick-up setting
In normal service, the AC-PRO trip unit is powered directly
• The “SELF TEST OK” LED will indicate proper operation from the breaker mounted CTs.
• The “QUICK-TRIP ON” LED will indicate the on/off status
of the QUICK-TRIP settings For commissioning, the AC-PRO trip unit can be powered-up
Pushing the “REVIEW” button will display: in either of the following two ways.
• Last trip data including the type of trip and the currents
• Pushing the “REVIEW” button will display the trip log
• Continuing to push the “REVIEW” button will step 7.1.1 Internal Battery
through the settings
Press the "REVIEW" button to power-up the trip unit using
the internal battery.
7.0 Commissioning the AC-PRO® The trip unit is designed to shut off automatically if none of
the 4 lower push buttons on the face of the unit are pressed
Before the AC-PRO trip unit is put into service, it must first for 30 seconds. It is best to have all the desired settings
be commissioned so it will function. This requires the user to readily available before commissioning the unit when using
enter all of the pick-up and delay settings into the unit. the battery.
The commissioning process normally takes less than a few If the unit shuts down before the commissioning process is
minutes to complete. completed, the process must be started again from the
**** IMPORTANT ****
The trip unit will NOT FUNCTION as it is shipped from 7.1.2 External Power
the factory. The user must first COMMISSION the unit as
outlined in this Section to make it functional.
Apply 24 VAC to the "auxiliary power" jack located on the top
of the trip unit using the Utility Relay auxiliary power pack.
After the AC-PRO is installed on the breaker, it must be
(Utility Relay Company part number T-390).
commissioned as follows:
By applying external power, the unit will stay energized as
1)Connect the security key (see Section 4.2)
long as necessary to complete the commissioning process.
2)Push the "REVIEW" push button to power-up the trip
unit. The trip unit will alternately display the following: 7.2 Security Key
ENTER DATA The following will be displayed if the security key is not
already connected:
Connect the security key to continue the commissioning
process (See Section 4.2).
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7.3 CT Rating
current 6 times the LT Pick-Up setting is applied. See the
time-current curves in Figure 18.2.
After the security key is connected, the following will be
displayed: Press and hold the "UP" or "DOWN" push button as required
until the correct LT Delay setting is displayed.
Press the "SAVE" push button to continue.
Where "XXXX" represents the CT rating in amps. The CT
rating can range from 50 amps to 5,000 amps in 25 amp 7.6 Short Time (ST) Pick-Up Setting
steps and 5250 amps to 6000 amps in 250 amp steps.
The CT rating entered into the trip unit must correspond to The following will be displayed:
the actual rating of the phase and neutral CT tap that the trip
unit is connected to. ST PICK-UP OFF
A security feature is provided so the CT rating will not be If the ST function is not desired, press the "SAVE" push
accidentally changed later. button and go to Step 7.9.
The CT security feature must be used to enter the initial CT If the ST function is desired, press the "UP" push button and
rating or to change the CT rating. the following will be displayed:
LT DELAY XX.XS If the ST function is not off, then the following will be
Where "XX.X" represents the LT Delay band. The LT Delay
band is labeled by the number of seconds to trip at 6 times ST I SQ T XXX
the LT Pick-Up setting.
Where "XXX" represents ON or OFF.
The LT Delay setting ranges from 2.0 to 30.0 seconds in
steps of 0.5 seconds. This provides 57 LT Delay bands.
If the ST I²T ramp is desired, press the "UP" push button. If
the ST I²T ramp is not desired, press the "DOWN" push
Please note that the LT trip time is not a constant value, but
is a function of breaker current. For lower currents the trip
time is longer, and for higher currents the trip time is shorter.
Press the "SAVE” push button to continue.
The trip time is only equal to the LT Delay setting when a
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AC-PRO® With QUICK-TRIP® Instruction Manual
Press and hold the "UP" or "DOWN" push button as required
7.9 Instantaneous (I) Pick-Up Setting until the correct GF Delay setting is displayed.
The following will be displayed: Press the "SAVE” push button to continue.
Where ".XX" represents the GF Delay.
The GF Delay settings are .10, .20, .30, .40 and .50
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7.14 Phase Unbalance (U/B) Delay 7.17 Quick-Trip® Ground Fault (QT GF)
If the U/B function is not off, then the following will be This setting applies only if the QUICK-TRIP Display and
displayed: selector switch are installed. See Section 6.0 for details.
UB DELAY XXS If the QT GF function is not desired, then press the "DOWN"
push button until the following is displayed:
Where "XX" represents the U/B Delay. The U/B Delay setting
ranges from 1 to 60 seconds in steps of 1 second. GF QT PICK-UP OFF
Press and hold the "UP" or "DOWN" push button as required If the QT GF function is desired, press the "UP" push button
until the correct U/B Delay setting is displayed. and the following will be displayed:
7.16 Reply Delay
Where "XXXXX" represents the QT I Pick-Up in amps.
This setting applies only to AC-PRO trip units with the The QT I Pick-Up setting ranges from 150% to 1200% of the
communication option and will not be displayed on non- LT Pick-Up setting in 100 amp steps (1000 amp steps for
communicating trip units. 5250 to 6000 amp CTs and 10 amp steps for 50 to 200 amp
The reply delay set point is the minimum delay between the
trip unit’s receipt of a MODBUS packet and its reply. Press and hold the "UP" or "DOWN" push button as required
until the correct QT I Pick-Up setting is displayed.
The reply delay can be either 5 or 10 milliseconds. The
factory default is 5 milliseconds. The QT I function does not have an off setting. It is turned on
or off using the QUICK-TRIP ON-OFF selector switch. If the
REPLY DELAY XXMS Pro-Display with QUICK-TRIP is not installed, then this
function is always off.
Where "XXMS" represents either 5 or 10 milliseconds. Press
the "UP" or "DOWN" push button as required until the Press the "SAVE" push button to continue.
desired delay setting is displayed.
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AC-PRO® With QUICK-TRIP® Instruction Manual
The AC-PRO trip unit has a Thermal Memory feature for the The following will be displayed:
following protective functions:
Long Time (LT)
Short Time (ST)
Ground Fault (GF)
Thermal Memory can be turned on or off for the LT and ST REVIEW TO REVIEW
protective functions only.
If it is desired to review the setting, push the “REVIEW” push
Thermal Memory for the GF function is always on and button. Make any changes necessary using the “UP” or
cannot be turned off. The GF Thermal Memory feature “DOWN” push buttons. As before, use the “SAVE” push
provides protection against “sputtering” ground faults. button to move to each new setting.
Except for unusual conditions, it is recommended that If the settings are as desired, push the “SAVE” push button.
the Thermal Memory feature for LT and ST should be
turned on. The following will be displayed:
Cycling overloads that are not above the LT Pick-Up long REMOVE KEY TO
enough to cause a trip can still lead to thermal damage to
wiring and equipment. With Thermal Memory turned on a
cycling overload can still produce a LT trip to protect cables COMMISSION UNIT
and equipment even if any individual overload event did not
persist long enough to directly cause a LT trip. Remove the “key” (See section 4.2). The settings will be
saved in the non-volatile EEPROM memory.
With Thermal Memory turned off, an overload that drops
below the LT Pick-Up will reset the LT trip register. If the If the commissioning process was performed using the
current goes above the LT Pick-Up again, the LT trip register internal battery, the unit will turn itself off.
starts from zero.
If external power was used to power the trip unit during the
The above is also true for the ST function. commissioning process, the following will be displayed:
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Press the "SAVE” push button.
If it is desired to review the setting, push the "REVIEW" push
button. Make any changes necessary using the "UP" or
"DOWN" push buttons. As before, use the "SAVE" push
button to move to each new setting.
Remove the security key (See Section 4.2). The settings will
be saved in the non-volatile EEPROM memory.
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AC-PRO® With QUICK-TRIP® Instruction Manual
The text “XXXX” is the type of tripping event (i.e. LT, ST, I, **** NOTE ****
GF, U/B, GF QT or I QT as applicable) and “XXXXX” is the Pushing the "SAVE", "UP" or "DOWN" push buttons
magnitude of the current at the time of trip for each phase. during last trip data recall has no effect because the key is
The text “YY” is the percentage of unbalance at trip. not installed.
Press the “REVIEW” push button again to view the following When pushing "REVIEW” after the last setting, the trip unit
message: will turn itself off.
HOLD <REVIEW> TO If the "REVIEW" push button is not pressed for about 30
seconds, the trip unit will also turn off.
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Breaker Current Less than about 8% of CT Rating: A "primary injection" test is recommended as the final test of
the AC-PRO retrofit.
With all phase currents less than about 8%, the trip unit is
not receiving enough energy from the CTs to operate and It is not necessary to turn off the Unbalance (U/B) function
the display will be blank (except for the communication when doing a single-phase primary injection test.
version with a PT module).
If used, GF must be temporarily turned off when testing the
Breaker Current Less than 12.5% of CT Rating: other trip functions.
When the currents are greater than about 8% but less than
about 12.5% of the CT rating, the display will show the 11.1 Commission the Trip Unit
Before proceeding with the normal primary injection tests,
LOW CURRENT the trip unit must be commissioned to make it functional. See
Section 7.0 for the commissioning procedure.
Breaker Current Greater than 12.5% of CT Rating:
It is best to use the final pick-up and time delay settings if
If the breaker current is greater than about 12.5% of the CT they are known. If not, use typical settings for the primary
rating but less than the LT pick-up value, the following will be injection test.
alternately displayed on the LCD at one second intervals:
Make sure GF is temporarily turned off. The U/B function can
be left on if desired.
GF XXXXA To test the LT Pick-Up, increase the current until the “Pick-
Up” LED illuminates.
Where "XXXX" is the current in amps for that phase or
ground fault current. The injected current should correspond to the programmed
LT Pick-Up setting. Verify that the correct phase is indicated
Only those currents above 12.5% will be displayed. The GF on the LCD display.
current will only be displayed if the GF function is on.
To test the LT trip time, first calculate the trip time based on
Breaker Current Greater than the LT pick-up: the value of the test current that will be applied. Use the
formula in Section 15.1 or the chart in Section 12.3..
When the trip unit detects a phase overload situation, the
“PICK-UP” LED on the front of the trip unit will go on, and the **** NOTE ****
following will alternately be displayed on the LCD at one A simple shortcut is to note that the trip time (center
second intervals: of the curve) at 3 times the LT pick-up current is 4
times the LT Delay setting.
OVERLOAD For example:
If LT Pick-Up is 1600A and Delay is 10.0S, then the
PHASE A XXXXA trip time at 4800A (3 times 1600A) is 40 sec. (4 times
10 sec).
Where "XXXX" is the current in amps for that phase or
ground fault current.
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AC-PRO® With QUICK-TRIP® Instruction Manual
The trip time should fall within the time band shown on the "A" "B" "C" If Phase A & B phasing match,
Time-Current curves. a GF trip will not occur.
11.5 GF Trip Test "A" "B" "C" If Phase B & C phasing match,
a GF trip will not occur.
With GF Pick-Up and Delay set to the required values,
testing any one of the three poles will provide a GF trip.
To test QT GF the QUICK-TRIP Display must be connected Jumper load side of Phase B & C poles
to the AC-PRO trip unit and the QUICK-TRIP ON-OFF
selector switch must also be connected as shown in
Figure 6.0-1. Figure 11.7-2 Phase B & C, CT Phasing Test
With QT GF Pick-Up set to the required value and the If a GF trip does occur, determine which CT has the
QUICK-TRIP selector switch turned to the on position, testing reversed polarity. Reverse the secondary connections at the
any one of the three poles will provide a QT GF trip. CT to correct the reversed polarity.
Test the QT GF Pick-Up and trip time in the same manner as The breakers shown in Figures 11.7-1 & 11.7-2 have the
the normal GF function. CTs on the load side. Use exactly the same method if the
CTs are on the breaker line side or if they are staggered.
11.7 CT Phasing Test for GF If a neutral CT is used, its polarity must match the polarity of
the breaker mounted CTs. Testing for proper neutral CT
The breaker CT phasing is only important for the GF function polarity is more difficult because it is mounted remote from
and the QT GF function. If one of the breaker mounted CTs the breaker.
has reversed polarity, a nuisance GF or QT GF trip will most
likely occur. With the breaker in service on a 3-phase
system, the last trip data with a reversed polarity CT will
show the GF current as approximately two times the
phase currents.
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11.9 U/B Trip Test To erase the memory in the trip unit after completing the
primary or secondary injection tests, use the following
The U/B trip function is not easy to test with a single phase,
high current test set. 1) The trip unit can be either off or powered-up.
Figure 11.9-1 illustrates a method to test the U/B trip 2) Push the "REVIEW" button to display the last trip data.
function. It requires using cable or bus to jumper the breaker
poles as shown. This generates an unbalanced current of 3) While the last trip data is flashing, push and hold both
50% or slightly more depending on how equally the current the "UP" and "DOWN" push buttons.
is split between the two poles.
4) Continue to hold the "UP" and "DOWN" buttons and
It is only necessary to inject a current equal to 20% or 30% push the "SAVE" button. Release all buttons. The
of the CT rating for this test. It is only possible to test the U/B following will be displayed:
trip time and not the U/B Pick-Up with this method.
50% Current
50% Current
Unbalance = 50%
Jumper 3 poles
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AC-PRO® With QUICK-TRIP® Instruction Manual
Although primary injection testing is the preferred method to Most standard relay test sets can also be used to secondary
test an AC-PRO installation, secondary injection testing can injection test the AC-PRO trip unit.
also be used.
The following are required:
• 24Vac Power supply to power up the AC-PRO trip unit
12.1 AC-PRO Secondary Injection Test so that it will accept current (URC Part # T-390)
• Relay test set with a 0 to 12 Amp range
• True RMS ammeter in the test set or externally
• Method to stop the relay test set and test set timer when
the breaker trips
Test procedure:
1. Power up the AC-PRO trip unit with the 24Vac power
supply so it will except current
2. Temporarily turn off GF if on
3. Connect the output leads from the relay test set to the
Phase “A” CT terminals (it is not necessary to disconnect
the CT)
4. Proceed with pick-up and time testing of Phase “A”
5. When finished, similarly test Phase “B” & “C”
6. Turn GF on (if desired) and test by injecting current on
any one of the Phases
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LT Delay Trip Time Test Current LT Delay Trip Time Test Current LT Delay Trip Time Test Current
Setting Range 3.0X 4.0X 6.0X Setting Range 3.0X 4.0X 6.0X Setting Range 3.0X 4.0X 6.0X
Max 9.88 5.56 2.47 Max 56.79 31.94 14.20 Max 103.70 58.33 25.93
2.0 Nominal 8.00 4.50 2.00 11.5 Nominal 46.00 25.88 11.50 21.0 Nominal 84.00 47.25 21.00
Min 6.61 3.72 1.65 Min 38.02 21.38 9.50 Min 69.42 39.05 17.36
Max 12.35 6.94 3.09 Max 59.26 33.33 14.81 Max 106.17 59.72 26.54
2.5 Nominal 10.00 5.63 2.50 12.0 Nominal 48.00 27.00 12.00 21.5 Nominal 86.00 48.38 21.50
Min 8.26 4.65 2.07 Min 39.67 22.31 9.92 Min 71.07 39.98 17.77
Max 14.81 8.33 3.70 Max 61.73 34.72 15.43 Max 108.64 61.11 27.16
3.0 Nominal 12.00 6.75 3.00 12.5 Nominal 50.00 28.13 12.50 22.0 Nominal 88.00 49.50 22.00
Min 9.92 5.58 2.48 Min 41.32 23.24 10.33 Min 72.73 40.91 18.18
Max 17.28 9.72 4.32 Max 64.20 36.11 16.05 Max 111.11 62.50 27.78
3.5 Nominal 14.00 7.88 3.50 13.0 Nominal 52.00 29.25 13.00 22.5 Nominal 90.00 50.63 22.50
Min 11.57 6.51 2.89 Min 42.98 24.17 10.74 Min 74.38 41.84 18.60
Max 19.75 11.11 4.94 Max 66.67 37.50 16.67 Max 113.58 63.89 28.40
4.0 Nominal 16.00 9.00 4.00 13.5 Nominal 54.00 30.38 13.50 23.0 Nominal 92.00 51.75 23.00
Min 13.22 7.44 3.31 Min 44.63 25.10 11.16 Min 76.03 42.77 19.01
Max 22.22 12.50 5.56 Max 69.14 38.89 17.28 Max 116.05 65.28 29.01
4.5 Nominal 18.00 10.13 4.50 14.0 Nominal 56.00 31.50 14.00 23.5 Nominal 94.00 52.88 23.50
Min 14.88 8.37 3.72 Min 46.28 26.03 11.57 Min 77.69 43.70 19.42
Max 24.69 13.89 6.17 Max 71.60 40.28 17.90 Max 118.52 66.67 29.63
5.0 Nominal 20.00 11.25 5.00 14.5 Nominal 58.00 32.63 14.50 24.0 Nominal 96.00 54.00 24.00
Min 16.53 9.30 4.13 Min 47.93 26.96 11.98 Min 79.34 44.63 19.83
Max 27.16 15.28 6.79 Max 74.07 41.67 18.52 Max 120.99 68.06 30.25
5.5 Nominal 22.00 12.38 5.50 15.0 Nominal 60.00 33.75 15.00 24.5 Nominal 98.00 55.13 24.50
Min 18.18 10.23 4.55 Min 49.59 27.89 12.40 Min 80.99 45.56 20.25
Max 29.63 16.67 7.41 Max 76.54 43.06 19.14 Max 123.46 69.44 30.86
6.0 Nominal 24.00 13.50 6.00 15.5 Nominal 62.00 34.88 15.50 25.0 Nominal 100.00 56.25 25.00
Min 19.83 11.16 4.96 Min 51.24 28.82 12.81 Min 82.64 46.49 20.66
Max 32.10 18.06 8.02 Max 79.01 44.44 19.75 Max 125.93 70.83 31.48
6.5 Nominal 26.00 14.63 6.50 16.0 Nominal 64.00 36.00 16.00 25.5 Nominal 102.00 57.38 25.50
Min 21.49 12.09 5.37 Min 52.89 29.75 13.22 Min 84.30 47.42 21.07
Max 34.57 19.44 8.64 Max 81.48 45.83 20.37 Max 128.40 72.22 32.10
7.0 Nominal 28.00 15.75 7.00 16.5 Nominal 66.00 37.13 16.50 26.0 Nominal 104.00 58.50 26.00
Min 23.14 13.02 5.79 Min 54.55 30.68 13.64 Min 85.95 48.35 21.49
Max 37.04 20.83 9.26 Max 83.95 47.22 20.99 Max 130.86 73.61 32.72
7.5 Nominal 30.00 16.88 7.50 17.0 Nominal 68.00 38.25 17.00 26.5 Nominal 106.00 59.63 26.50
Min 24.79 13.95 6.20 Min 56.20 31.61 14.05 Min 87.60 49.28 21.90
Max 39.51 22.22 9.88 Max 86.42 48.61 21.60 Max 133.33 75.00 33.33
8.0 Nominal 32.00 18.00 8.00 17.5 Nominal 70.00 39.38 17.50 27.0 Nominal 108.00 60.75 27.00
Min 26.45 14.88 6.61 Min 57.85 32.54 14.46 Min 89.26 50.21 22.31
Max 41.98 23.61 10.49 Max 88.89 50.00 22.22 Max 135.80 76.39 33.95
8.5 Nominal 34.00 19.13 8.50 18.0 Nominal 72.00 40.50 18.00 27.5 Nominal 110.00 61.88 27.50
Min 28.10 15.81 7.02 Min 59.50 33.47 14.88 Min 90.91 51.14 22.73
Max 44.44 25.00 11.11 Max 91.36 51.39 22.84 Max 138.27 77.78 34.57
9.0 Nominal 36.00 20.25 9.00 18.5 Nominal 74.00 41.63 18.50 28.0 Nominal 112.00 63.00 28.00
Min 29.75 16.74 7.44 Min 61.16 34.40 15.29 Min 92.56 52.07 23.14
Max 46.91 26.39 11.73 Max 93.83 52.78 23.46 Max 140.74 79.17 35.19
9.5 Nominal 38.00 21.38 9.50 19.0 Nominal 76.00 42.75 19.00 28.5 Nominal 114.00 64.13 28.50
Min 31.40 17.67 7.85 Min 62.81 35.33 15.70 Min 94.21 53.00 23.55
Max 49.38 27.78 12.35 Max 96.30 54.17 24.07 Max 143.21 80.56 35.80
10.0 Nominal 40.00 22.50 10.00 19.5 Nominal 78.00 43.88 19.50 29.0 Nominal 116.00 65.25 29.00
Min 33.06 18.60 8.26 Min 64.46 36.26 16.12 Min 95.87 53.93 23.97
Max 51.85 29.17 12.96 Max 98.77 55.56 24.69 Max 145.68 81.94 36.42
10.5 Nominal 42.00 23.63 10.50 20.0 Nominal 80.00 45.00 20.00 29.5 Nominal 118.00 66.38 29.50
Min 34.71 19.52 8.68 Min 66.12 37.19 16.53 Min 97.52 54.86 24.38
Max 54.32 30.56 13.58 Max 101.23 56.94 25.31 Max 148.15 83.33 37.04
11.0 Nominal 44.00 24.75 11.00 20.5 Nominal 82.00 46.13 20.50 30.0 Nominal 120.00 67.50 30.00
Min 36.36 20.45 9.09 Min 67.77 38.12 16.94 Min 99.17 55.79 24.79
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**** NOTE **** Where: T = time to trip in seconds (center of the band)
The LT Time Band Constant (TBCLT) is by definition 36 X = current in multiples of the LT pick-up
times the LT Time Band Setting in seconds. TBCST = the ST Time Band Constant
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AC-PRO® With QUICK-TRIP® Instruction Manual
With I T off or for ground fault currents greater than 2 times U/B is calculated as follows:
the CT rating, the GF trip time is a constant equal to the GF
Time Band setting. U/B = (INL - INS) X 100%
With I T on and for currents less than 2 times the CT rating,
the GF trip time is determined by the following equation: Where:
INL = Largest Phase current
T = TBCGF INS = Smallest Phase current
The U/B function is defeated if any two phase currents are
Where: T = time to trip in seconds (center of the band) less than 10% of the CT rating.
XGF = ground fault current
CT rating The tolerance for the U/B Pick-Up is ± 10 percentage points.
TBCGF = the GF Time Band Constant A U/B Pick-Up of 20% would have a tolerance of 10% to
30% unbalance. A U/B Pick-Up of 50% would have a
tolerance of 40% to 60% unbalance.
**** NOTE ****
The GF Time Band Constant (TBCGF) = The U/B trip time is a definite time as shown on the U/B TCC
2.0 for the .50S Time Band in Figure 18.3
1.6 for the .40S Time Band
1.2 for the .30S Time Band The tolerance for the U/B trip time is ± 10% of the setting.
0.8 for the .20S Time Band
0.4 for the .10S Time Band
16.0 Error Message Summary
CT Rating 1600A The following is a summary of the possible error messages
LT pick-up 1200A and what action is necessary to correct the problem.
GF pick-up 640A
GF time band .20S I²T ON
Ground Fault Current 800A 16.1 Actuator Not Connected
TBCGF = 0.8 When the actuator is not connected or is open circuited, the
following message will be displayed:
and XGF = ground fault current = 800A
CT Rating 1600A
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DISPLAY Use only 9V
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AC-PRO® With QUICK-TRIP® Instruction Manual
Neutral CT
Only for 4-Wire system
Phase CTs with GF "ON"
To QT Display
Manual reset,
Mechanical -Auto reset or
Electric-Auto reset actuator COLOR CODE
R = Red
B = Black
Red & black actuator W = White
wires in Vinyl Y = Yellow
sleeving R B L W YW N W G W L = Blue
N = Brown
G = Green
10-Pole harness plug
with hold-down screws
Top view
Figure 18.1
Typical Wiring Diagram
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AC-PRO® With QUICK-TRIP® Instruction Manual
LT Delay
Long Time (LT) Pick−Up 0.5 sec. steps
5A steps 2.0 to 30.0 sec.
20% to 100% of CT Rating @ 600% LT Pick−Up
(50A steps for CTs > 5000A)
(0.5A steps for CTs < 225A)
100 100
600% LT Pick−Up
1200% ST Pick−Up
(1000A steps for CTs > 5000A)
(10A steps for CTs < 250A)
s I 30s I 20s I 15s I 10s I 07s I
TO 2 TO 2 TO 2 TO 2 TO 2 TO
1 1
ST Delay with
& without I 2 T
.5 .5
.1 .1
Figure 18.2
Overload TCC
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AC-PRO® With QUICK-TRIP® Instruction Manual
20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 20% 40% 60% 100% 200%
1000 1000
10 10
U/B Delay
1 Sec steps from
. 50
1 Sec to 60 Sec 200% GF
1 Sec GF Delay
U/B Delay with &
without I 2 T
1 1
. 40
TO 2
. 30
GF I 2 T ON s
U/B = (I NL− I NS ) X 100%
I NL .30sec
I NL= Largest phase current
I NS = Smallest phase current
U/B is defeated if any
two phase currents are
less than 10% of the CT rating .10sec
.1 .1
.01 .01
20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 20% 40% 60% 100% 200%
Current Unbalance in Percent Current in Percent of CT Rating
Unbalance Time Current Curve Ground Fault Time Current Curve
Figure 18.3
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AC-PRO® With QUICK-TRIP® Instruction Manual
20% 40% 60% 100% 200% 20% 40% 60% 100% 200%
Minimum possible
Instantaneous (I) Pick−Up
Quick−Trip Instantaneous
(QT I) Pick−Up
Allowance for 3−Phase
.1 power−up time
20% QT GF
Quick−Trip Ground Fault Pick−Up
(QT GF Pick−Up)
OFF & 10A steps
20% to 200% of
CT Rating (1200A Max)
(100A steps for CTs > 5000A)
(1A steps for CTs < 225A) .01
20% 40% 60% 100% 200%
Current in Percent of CT Rating
Instantaneous Allowance for 3−Phase Power−Up Time
For Very Low QT−I Settings
1X 2X 4X 6X 10X 20X
200% QT GF
Pick−Up Quick−Trip Instantaneous
(QT I) Pick−Up
100A steps
150% to 1200% of
1 1 LT Pick−Up
(1000A steps for CTs > 5000A)
(10A steps for CTs < 225A)
.5 150%
QT I Pick−Up
Allowance for
1−Phase 1200%
.1 .1
.01 .01
20% 40% 60% 100% 200% 1X 2X 4X 6X 10X 20X
Current in Percent of CT Rating Current in Multiples of Long Time Pick−Up
Quick−Trip Ground Fault Time Current Curve Quick−Trip Instantaneous Time Current Curve
Figure 18.4
QUICK-TRIP ® Ground Fault & Instantaneous TCC
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