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5 – 6.

Please also repair the seizure in the cylinder by flex-hone. Please make sure not to grind inside of the
cylinder by flex-hone more than 10 secs. (Make sure the size of Flex-hone is appropriate size to repair.)


Model Model Size (in./mm)
TNB-08M (1) BC-45 1.69-1.89/43 - 48
(2) BC-41 1.49-1.69/38 - 43
TNB-1M (1) BC-57 2.08-2.28/53 - 58 (2) (1)
(2) BC-51 1.89-2.04/48 - 52
TNB-2M (1) BC-64 2.44-2.56/62 - 65
(2) BC-60 2.28-2.40/58 - 61
TNB-3M (1) BC-76 2.83-3.07/72 - 78
TNB-4M (2) BC-70 2.60-2.80/66 - 71
TNB-5M (1) GB-83 3.0-3.26/76 - 83
TNB-6M (2) BC-76 2.83-3.07/72 - 78
TNB-6E (1) GB-95 3.50-3.74/89 - 95
(2) GB-89 3.22-3.50/82 - 89
TNB-6.5E (1) GB-105 3.74-4.13/95 - 105
(2) GB-89 3.22-3.50/82 - 89
TNB-7E (1) GBD-114 4.33-4.56/110 - 116 (2) (1)
(2) GBD-114 4.33-4.56/110 - 116
TNB-100 (1) GBD-140 5.11-5.51/130 - 140
(2) GBD-127 4.72-5.51/120 - 130 Flex-hone
TNB-141LU (1) GBD-140 5.11-5.51/130 - 140
TNB-151LU (2) GBD-140 5.11-5.51/130 - 140
TNB-190LU (1) GBD-165 6.30-6.70/160 - 170
(2) GBD-152 5.51-6.70/140 - 160
TNB-220LU (1) GBD-165 6.30-6.70/160 - 170
TNB-230LU (2) GBD-152 5.51-6.70/140 - 160
TNB-310LU (1) GBD-190 7.08-7.48/180 - 190 Marking color is “black”
(2) GBD-165 6.30-6.70/160 - 170
TNB-400LU (1) GBD-203 7.48-8.07/190 - 205
#120 AO (aluminum oxide)
(2) GBD-190 7.08-7.48/180 - 190
(Particle size & Material)

* When performing a flex-hone operation, always use a grinding fluid.

When the grinding balls wear on the flex-hone and the fiber thread
begin to appear, replace with a new one.


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