Dry Pipe Valve 359
Dry Pipe Valve 359
Dry Pipe Valve 359
• Low air or nitrogen pressure, 8 to 28 psi (0.6 to 1.9 bar)
• Lightweight ductile iron body with compact trim
• External reset reduces setup and commissioning time
• Does not require priming water
• Available fully assembled, with or without control valve
Product Description
The Reliable Model EX Low Pressure Dry Pipe Valve is a
hydraulically operated, mechanical latching clapper-type
valve designed for use as a primary control valve in a dry
pipe system. The pneumatic system pressure when using the
Model EX valve can be set substantially less than conventional
differential style dry valves. The following benefits are a direct
result of lower pneumatic pressure:
2” (50mm), 2-1/2” (65mm), & 3” (80mm) Groove/Groove 250 psi (17,2 bar) cULus, FM, CE, VdS, LPCB
EX Valve Dimensions Figure 1
The Model EX Dry Pipe Valve must be installed in a readily For other static water pressures, the differential trip ratio may
visible and accessible location where a minimum temperature be calculated using the following equations:
of 40°F (4°C) or above must be maintained. Heat tracing
of the Model EX Dry Pipe Valve and trim is not permitted. • [psi] Differential Trip Ratio = 0.056 x Static Water Supply
Heat tracing can result in the formation of hardened mineral Pressure in PSI + 4
deposits that can prevent proper operation of the dry pipe • [bar] Differential Trip Ratio = 0.811 x Static Water Supply
valve. Pressure in BAR + 4
Whenever ambient temperature conditions are high, the water For a valve with a Model B-1 mechanical accelerator, use a
temperature in the Model EX Dry Pipe Valve pushrod chamber differential trip ratio of 0 and a time delay of 10 seconds for the
may rise, thereby increasing the pressure in the chamber to valve to trip.
values exceeding the rated pressure of the system. Where
normal temperature and pressure is exceeded, a pressure For a valve with an electronic accelerator, use a differential
relief kit (P/N 6503050003; ordered separately) can be trip ratio of 0 and a time delay of 5 seconds for the valve to
installed into the pushrod chamber release line to limit the trip when the supervisory pressure is more than 15 psi, and 15
pressure to 250 psi (17.2 bar). seconds when the supervisory pressure is 15 psi and less.
The valve and trim kit has been tested, approved and listed in
accordance with UL and FM standards. Hydrostatically testing
the valve and trim to pressures higher than their rating is
limited to the hydrostatic test as referenced by NFPA 13. The
clapper can remain in the closed position and the trim kit need
not be isolated.
• This procedure should only be performed by persons who are experienced and trained in the installation and operation of
water-based fire protection systems.
• The fire protection system served by the dry pipe valve will be out of service until the reset procedure is completed.
• Notify any necessary authorities having jurisdiction and other affected personnel prior to placing the fire protection system out
of service.
• Failure to follow this reset procedure can cause failure of the dry pipe valve, resulting in serious personal injury and property
Please contact Reliable Technical Services at 1-800-557-2726 with any questions regarding this reset procedure.
Open the Main Drain Valve and fully drain the system.
Note: If resetting the system as a result of fire, now is the time to inspect and replace any portion of the system subject to fire
Bulletin 359 Page 6 of 12
December 2019 www.reliablesprinkler.com
STEP 5 Model EX Dry Pipe Valve Setup Procedure (cont.)
Open the Alarm Line Valve. Note that water may initially
drain from the ball drip, but this will cease if the clapper
is properly sealed.
Fully open the Main Water Control Valve. Verify that the
main valve is fully open and properly monitored.
Alternate Set-up Instructions: Push Rod Chamber Supply Valve below Main Water Control Valve
Open the Main Drain Valve two turns. Then partially open Main Water
Control Valve until water flows through the Main Drain.
Slowly open the Main Water Control Valve. Verify that the
main valve is fully open and properly monitored.
The Reliable Model EX Low Pressure Dry Pipe Valve 300 (20.7) 24 (1.7)
shall periodically be given a thorough inspection and Notes:
test. NFPA 25, “Inspection, Testing and Maintenance 1. Supervisory air or nitrogen pressure should be set to no more
of Water Based Fire Protection Systems,” provides than 40 psi (2,8 bar)
minimum maintenance requirements. Replace any 2. Fastest valve operation is achieved with lower supervisory air
components found to be corroded, damaged, worn or or nitrogen pressure; however, the supervisory air or nitrogen
non-operable. Increase the frequency of inspections pressure must be at least the minimum specified in Table F.
when the valve is exposed to corrosive conditions or 3. Air maintenance devices that maintain a constant pressure are
recommended; however, if a tankless compressor is used, the
chemicals that could impact materials and/or operation
“compressor on” setting of the pressure switch must comply with
of the assembly. the minimum pressure in the table above.
1. Notify the owner and monitoring company that Listings & Approvals
maintenance is being performed on the system.
(Only when used with Reliable’s Trim Sets.)
2. Close the main water control valve.
1. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. and UL certified
3. Open the Main Drain Valve. for Canada (cULus).
2. Certified by Factory Mutual Approvals (FM).
4. Open the Condensate Drain Valve until all water has 3. Loss Prevention Certification Board (LPCB)
drained. Close Condensate Drain Valve immediately 4. VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH (VdS) (DN50, DN65, DN80,
when the flow of water has stopped. Note: DO NOT to
DN100, DN150, and DN200 sizes only).
keep the Condensate Drain Valve open for an extended
period as this may result in operation of the dry pipe 5. EN Certificates (CE) per EN 12259-3:2000 + A1:2001 +
valve. A2:2005
DN50: 0786-CPR-40300
5. Allow pneumatic pressure to return to normal pressure DN65: 0786-CPR-40301
(refer to Table F). DN80: 0786-CPR-40302
DN100: 0786-CPR-40303
6. Partially open the Main Water Control Valve. DN150: 0786-CPR-40304
DN200: 0786-CPR-40305
7. Slowly close the Main Drain Valve.
• Model B-1 Accelerator (P/N 6516000013)
• Pushrod Chamber Pressure Relief Kit (P/N 6503050001)
Replacement Parts
• Pneumatic Actuator Sensing Diaphragm Kit (P/N 6501200052)
• Pushrod Chamber Diaphragm (P/N 95276006)
• Cover Gasket
- 2”, 2-1/2”, and 3” valve: P/N 93706003
- 4” valve: P/N 93706004
- 6” valve: P/N 93706006
- 8” valve: P/N 93706008
• Clapper Seal Assembly
- 2”, 2-1/2”, and 3” valve: P/N 93416003
- 4” valve: P/N 93416014
- 6” valve: P/N 93416016
- 8” valve: P/N 93416008
P/N 9999970427