Unit 1 Background To RC Design - Lecture Slides
Unit 1 Background To RC Design - Lecture Slides
Unit 1 Background To RC Design - Lecture Slides
Dr A Fried
• The module is designed to provide an understanding of
concrete AND the methods of analysis and design of
reinforced concrete building structures in accordance with
BS EN 1992.
Background to reinforced
concrete design, RC buildings,
materials, how concrete
structures behave and
innovations in concrete.
1. Principles and aims of the design of reinforced concrete structures
2. To give background to the design of reinforced concrete structures.
powder Cement
Water Mortar
Sand Concrete
Cheap and very Admixtures Reinforcing
strong glue can be added rods
Reinforced concrete
Reinforced concrete structures.
Links Reinforced
concrete beam
Longitudinal bars
Reinforcement cage
Reinforcement cage for a beam
under construction
Formwork for
casting slab
supported on the
floor below
Typical two-way spanning floor
slab reinforcement.
Concentration of reinforcement at a
column head in flat slab construction
Pouring concrete
Concrete being
delivered by pump.
Tension Tension
Compression Compression
Beam under udl
A typical reinforcement cage
Main tension reinforcement
Continuity reinforcement
Stage 2.
• Beam load increased steadily.
• Cracks along the lower soffit lengthen upwards and
increase in number.
• Tension effects of concrete negligible in resisting loads
• Concrete in the top part of the beam (Compression) and
reinforcement in the bottom (tension) will still behave
nearly elastically until the strains (deformations) reach a
critical value.
• This stage of a beam’s behaviour actually extends
beyond the normal serviceability conditions expected of
a beam in use
elastic behaviour
Assumed limit of
Load Serviceability
Cracking load
Stage 3.
• Increasing the load further… EITHER
• Steel in tension zone yields and becomes
plastic at the position of maximum bending
moment in the beam.
• OR Concrete in the top of the beam may
develop longitudinal cracks and crush
• OR A combination of both may occur.
Stage 3.
elastic behaviour
Assumed limit of
Cracking load
Stage 4.
• After plastic failure beam continues to
deform at same load until :-
– It fails by tensile failure of the reinforcement
– Or through concrete crushing.
Stage 4
Ultimate load
Failure –
Failure – Conc
elastic behaviour
Assumed limit to
Load crushing
Cracking load
Over and under reinforced concrete
• Under reinforced beams reach the limit of their
service loading capability and fail when the
reinforcement yields.
• Concrete in compression is stronger than the
tensile strength of the steel at this load.
• Failure is not catastrophic as once it is reached,
the steel yields until it fails.
• In practice this gives occupants time to evacuate
• Strain hardening of the reinforcement occurs so
there may be a temporary strengthening of the
Over reinforced beams
• With over reinforced beams failure of the beam
occurs when the concrete in compression
• Beam is designed so the reinforcement is
stronger than the concrete.
• Because concrete is brittle, failure is
• Catastrophic failure occurs –
• Avoid
Post yield loading Plastic failure
Gives time
Over reinforced
Load Range of
Cracking load service
Post yield loading Plastic failure
Over reinforced
Load Range of
Cracking load service
Crack formation in concrete beams.
Cracks in tested beams indicate the direction of the principal
compressive and tensile stresses in concrete
(Crack direction & location - show where reinf. is needed)
Compression cracks
Tension crack
Web shear UDL Compression cracks
Consider a
beam under Flex cracks
uniformly Flexural
distributed load shear cracks
Principal tensile stresses
Principal comp stresses
• Compressive stresses take the form of an arch
• Tensile stresses are shaped as a catenary.
• Compressive cracks parallel to arches
• Mid span top – beam is in compression – cracks parallel to top face of beam
• Tensile (Flexural) cracks normal to catenaries.
• Mid span beam base - beam is in tension - cracks are perpendicular to the
• Nearer supports - cracks inclined towards the centre of the span due to the
relationship between the principal stresses at this location .
• Cracks are parallel to compression forces and perpendicular to tensile
• Flexural shear cracks and
• web shear cracks form
Bridge beam tested under flexure
cracks Flexural shear
Principal tensile stresses
Principal compressive stresses
Close up of :
1. Compression cracks at beam top
2. Flexural and flexural-shear cracks at bottom
Limit states.
• Limit states are used in many countries as an aid to
the design procedure.
• In reinforced concrete design we usually consider
ultimate and serviceability limit states
• A limit state is defined as that state beyond which the
structure no longer satisfies the performance
requirements of the design.
• Include:
– Strength failure – yielding, rupture, buckling.
– Transformation of structure or any part into
– Fatigue or other time dependant effects.
– Excessive deformation (Tacoma bridge)
How do we apply ULS in design
• ULS should ensure a design which
transmits ultimate dead, imposed and wind
loads safely from the highest support to
the foundations. OK
• SLS’s include :-
– deformations affecting the appearance, user’s comfort or
effective use of the structure.
– vibrations limiting the effective use of the structure or affecting
user’s comfort.
– cracking of the concrete affecting adversely the appearance,
durability or water tightness of the structure.
Durability – Is it ULS or SLS?
Chloride Chloride
profile. profile. Concentrations in excess of
Chlorides Ingress Can cause corrosion
included from the
at mixing surface
Comparing effect of Carbonation &
chlorides on concrete corrosion
Require a building
C35 with a 50 year
C30 design life. So
C40 onset of corrosion
C45 C25 acceptable at 50
Chlorides years. Using
Age of 90 40N/mm2 concrete
corrosion 80 C50
activation 70 C45
(years) 60 C40 Cover to resist
50 chloride ingress
40 C35 = 100mm
30 Cover to resist C30
Chlorides are 20 carbonation = 15mm
a more 10
severe risk 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
than Minimum cover (mm)
Carbonation and chloride ingress
Design in practice
• AIM is to arrest corrosion for a given period of
time (design life of building) : -
– A relationship between concrete strength, concrete
age and cover to reinforcement has been established
through testing.
– For example and with some loss of accuracy,
stronger concrete and less cover has the same effect
as weaker concrete and more cover.
• Cover affects the effective depth
– Used in the design of concrete elements
– Overall size of elements
Durability is also affected by
the environment in which concrete exists.
(Includes chemicals included and those surrounding concrete)
• Airborne sulphates
– Air pollution can contain sulphates.
– Rain washes these over concrete over a long period of time.
• Bond
• Fire
And as a corollary
• If aims achieved, limit state design is reliable.
Concrete framed buildings.
• Until the Credit Crunch
• Rises in reinforcement and steel prices have
increased steel frame costs.
• Difference between steel and concrete frame
costs were insignificant.
• Cost on it own should not dictate choice of frame
• Optimum structural solution is desired.
Costs are for the 2nd quarter of
Concrete Steel
• Acoustics
• Fire
• Vibration
• Thermal mass
• Safe working platform
• Programme
• Foundations
Concrete Frames
Whole life value
• Benefits as listed
• Response of Concrete :
– Hybrid construction
– Tilt-up construction
– High strength concrete
– Tunnel forms of construction
– Increased use of prefabrication
Tunnel form of concrete
construction Pre-cast concrete
Tilt up
Tunnel form of construction
• How should designers approach each of the bullet points below at the three locations.
• Intended use of the structure. Designers need to view a nuclear power station differently
from a garden path. Consider a situation where many heavy metal fans are dancing on a
balcony in a purpose built venue and a car parking garage. Different needs exist in the different
situations and design will be influenced by these.
• Required performance criteria. Using nuclear power station and garden path example again..
Clearly very high performance criteria are consistently needed in the former as a failure will be
catastrophic whilst in the garden path failure will be unlikely to affect anyone’s life.
• Expected environmental conditions. Concrete protection will vary, depending on the
environment. A sea wall exposed to splash will need greater protection than say the internal
beam in a department store.
• Composition, properties and performance of materials. Durability is affected by the aggregate
and cement type and in some instances by the water used in the concrete. These factors need
to be considered at the design stage.
• Shape of members and structural detailing. Designers have the ability to influence the
architectural details to some extent. Good detailing is essential to reduce maintenance costs.
• Quality of workmanship and level of supervision. This is obvious but sometimes difficult to
implement. The construction phase is very pressured and quality control is important. A well
built structure will always be more durable than a poorly built one.
• Particular protective measures. Designers can reduce degradation of reinforced concrete by
including targeted protective measures. For example, waterproof membranes can be included
to prevent groundwater from saturating concrete. Good detailing can prevent concrete from
being periodically wetted.
• Likely maintenance during the intended life. Clients will want the best of both worlds. Low build
and zero maintenance costs. There ia always a cost implication in the long term if construction
costs are cut.
Learning outcomes.
• At the end of this unit you should be conversant with :
– The basic constituents of reinforced concrete.
– The fundamental aims of design and how various participants
react to these.
– The behaviour of reinforced concrete beams from initial load to
– The different behaviours of over and under reinforced beams.
– Ultimate and Serviceability limit states.
– Robustness requirements.
– Preventing chloride and carbonation ingress from corroding
– The damage sulphate attack can inflict on concrete and how to
abrogate this.
– Cover requirements for reinforcement in concrete with respect to
environmental factors, fire resistance, bonding reinforcement into
concrete and other deviations.
– The relative benefits of steel and reinforced concrete frames.
– Hybrid and tunnel forms of construction.