Nursing Assessment

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Checking patient details

Reading 1 Reaa these patient details and answer the questions.

GP (general
practitioner) = General Hospital
family doctor Patient details
$4r First name(s)t KLJI.S Surname: t.{eQpgald

Gender:E tvt tr F Marital status: gitqlo

DOB: 13..93,118L. Occupationi .aa.\$+.l4e-!.ip,I A.erlel.
Add ress: . .5 Q.att iS QJpe*., No-tt i r4hau..Nqt..1Q.e.

rer (aob.i.le) 1.7.71. Q9.? 5llll . Email: Vagd.enal.dQtejeep.ce'uV

GP: Q.Cfa*4a t4i.l!at
Next of kin: .S^uzAw.*.5 Relationship to patient: fla!.hA.f..

1 Is the patient a man or a woman?

2 When is the patient's birthday?
3 What is the patient's job?
4 Is the patient married?
5 Who is the patient's family doctor?
6 Who is Suzanne McDonald?
Listening 2 Listen to two conversations and tick / the information the person
asks for.
1 The adviser asks for the patient's
! name and surname. ! telephone number.
! date of birth. ! email address.
! address. ! next of kin.
2 The nurse asks for the patient's
! name and surname. ! telephone number.
! date of birth. ! email address.
! address. ! marital status.
3 Listen again and complete these tables.

I 2

Patient name James (1) Patient name Amir (4)

Next of kin | (2) DOB (5) _
Telephone (3) _ Address
(6) 81 Avenue Mahmoud
- Email I 0)

:1uer1ed o1 d;qsuo;1e1ag tuoi
:ull lo lxaN
:raqu.rnu euoqdelal
:urbr,ro ;o{l1uno3
zlvw"J :lapuoc
HD sllelap lualled
'proJal tualled srql elelduor o] suorlsonb
g luepnls IsV ']uallEd e sl g luapnts pu€ esrnu eql are no^ 'selor derv\S Z
J"vl+ow :guerled ol dlqsuollBleH
zcmaPboA v?1y :utl lo lxaN
' rssolppv
1zcod' JZg bg/ qg oboqsrtoTvrnol' y
!vo"' v (rt r lo l
oz? t,o1vboL' boLb :lteuf
vli?nvo (tvlsoJvP :dc
YLU-Vb t-YAA-Yn - tp :iaqunu auoqdelel
P\vlod :urbr,ro ;o {llunoC
blbl L0'97 :goo
zcmapboV ztoboLx :gu,tPN
HC sl!elep luelled
'suorlsenb s,B luapnls Jo1(suv 'pJocal luaped Jnod sl sHl pue luarled e no^ i ,/g]eof Ul S€ c
v luapnls qoq )ol e
'suollJutrsul eql olloc '69 a8ed uo uo.rlEruroJul eq]
^ eLll uo puel$opu-
le >lool 'g luepnts 'a8ed slql uo uolleturoJul aq] le {ool 'v tuapnls 'srpd ul >uo A 9 ol llnculp aiE
'qog rcJ g s,u :g leql eeDel )cau:
ol sou.leu asr
zauDtq ur sD Q Jo qog u! sD g lDql sl ;v
uec sos.,|n\
'Eu111eds aqt Eulpeqe aslleerd uaql 'nof .roJ llnJgJlp
ere leql sJallal pu€]srepun nod dlaq llrlv\ leq] sarupu Jo >lulqJ 'srpd ur >1ro16 6uHeedS
lnof o1 d1qsuo11e1er raq/s1q s, L
Zupl Jo lxau .rnod s(- g
al$ ;nod s(- I
aqulq Jo elep.rnod s,- v
iJaqunu auoqd ayrqou/ssarppe lprue/ssarppe ;nod s.- t
ee^rl no^ op z
eotueu 1py/aueu lsrg/aureu;ns;nod s.- I
suorlsanb aq1 Eur.ra.nsue pue Eu14se
astlee;d ueqJ 'orlo? to anllm'pqm q11n suorlsenb asaql a1a1duo3 's.tpd
- ul >lJo A V
'eldoed ro uosred e lnoqp lse ol or//r esn eM
ceNl eqs seop ato.lll 'socplq lnoqE )se oI aFqM esn oM
149 nol p )eqwnu euotldelel eLil s! p.llt1 'Ourqleuos lnoqe Mou)1 ol lueM eM ueqm leqlu esn oM
'uolleurolur tuelled rol lse ol oqln pue orci'lw'te.rr qirm suorlsenb esn uec eM
suoglsanb -q41
Describing symptoms
Vocabulary 1 tvlatctr illustrations A-N to symptoms r-t4.

1 cough 8 runny nose

2 dizzy 9 skin rash
3 earache l0 sore throat
4 fever ll stomachache
5 headache 12 sweaty
6 itchy 13 swollen glands
7 nauseous 14 tired
Pronunciation 2 Listen and check your answers in 1. Then listen again and repeat.

Speaking 3 Work in small groups. What do

you think are the top five reasons
for visiting a GP in the UK? Put the
Top 5 reasons for visiting the GP
symptoms in the correct order
(1-5), beginning with the most in the UK
common. Then check the answers at n earache n cough
the bottom of the page. n stomachache n backache
n sore throat
4 What do you think are the top five
oqceqceuols I
reasons for visiting a GP in your
eqceree t oqce)ceq g q6noc 7 leorql aros L
country? Discuss.
l,lDotql atos
D aaDq not oO zanluadaal D aaDq no{ oQ a{opo1 laa! no[ op moq 'oilaH
'seq eqs/eq
stuoldlurts aql ,/ >lJIl pue sluoldtu,ts raq/s;q lnoq" g luepnls >1sy 'salor dervrg Z
'slsou8Blp alqlssod e nod eArB
IIr^ g luapnlg 'stuoldtufs rnod Eulupldxa 'suotlsanb s,g luepnls .Ie^\suv
'G"00t/ rena; lq811s e e'req
dtearvrs are .'
'eqJ€pEaq e eA€q .
'qwl upls € eABq .
'suoldu^s rno.{ e;e eseql pue III aJe no I
v luapnls
'suollJnrlsur eql '69 a8ed uo uolletutoJul eqt
^\olloC 6u11eedg
t€ >lool 'g luapnts 'a8ed sgql uo uolleurroJur eqt te {ool 'v tuepnts 'srpd u1 1.to16 I
'ou 'suoldru.r(s ;aq1o o1q :g :v9
'.9'l€ s,]l 'se^ :g :vv
'aqJBqJBlUols peq € seq eH :g :vt
'aeJql s,oH :g :vz f
'sreqrueqJ IneS sl atueu s,uos {l l :g :VI
,^--^--^^..L^ ^
)uul+>drru >,usJou oql allJl 'uos slq lnoqe arre8 aq sJalv\sue eqt peau
'es.rnu eJrlJerd eql ol qeads puB s,rolrop eql slleJ JaqleJ snolxu€ uv L
larnle;edural (a u eneq no,( oq g
lsu.roldtuds raqlo (p ere leql V
lsruoldurds rnor{ (c due aneq nod oq t
lasou duunr e aneq (q nod oP rvrog Z
idepol 1ea; (e nod oq I
'suorlsanb e{etu o} a-€ o} g-I qJlelAI g
'auo qlea ol lxeu (V+y) unou + azrtltelpe
.ro '(,V) unou '(y) anrlealpe ellr..v\ pue 1 ur stuoldur,,{s aq} le
{ooT 'srted ut 1ro16 I
aleoJLll etos e aLeq oq saoo
'leuql qos e seq eH unou (+ enrlcelpe) + e^eq
a,Iqq1 peljl saog 'Izztp qael eqg enrlcelpe + leel
4 Snoesneu eLl sl
'perll w.l enrlcelpe + aq
sruoldruAs lnoqe 6uusv stuoldtu{s 6ulqycseq
suroldrufis lnoqe 6u;11e1
Assessing common childhood diseases
Vocabulary 1 Work in small groups. Match photos A-C to the childhood diseases l-3.

E q

1 rubella 2 measles 3 mumps

2 Work in pairs. Match the symptoms in the box to the childhood diseases
in 1. Write I ior rubella, 2 f.or measles or 3 for mumps above each word. Some
symptoms can appear in more than one disease.

cough fever headache nausea rash runny nose sore throat swollen glands

Reading 3 Read this patient education leaflet and check your answers in 2.

MMR information leaflet

What is MMR?
The MMR vaccine protects your child against these highly infectious childhood diseases:
measles, mumps and rubella.

What are the syrnptorns?

. measles: cough, fever, rash, runny nose and sore throat
. mumps: fever, headache, nausea and swollen glands
. rubella:fever, headache, rash (red-pink colour), runny nose, sore throat and swollen glands

When to give the vaccine

. When your baby is l3 months old, mal<e an appointment with your family doctor or
public health nurse for the first MMR vaccine.
. At 4-5 years your child will receive the second vaccine (or booster) at schoor.
+ The vaccines are free of charge.
What happens after the vaccination?
Does your child have a feverl ls the injection area sore, swollen or redl lf yes, give your
child paracetamol or ibuprofen.

4 Work in pairs. Read the leaflet in 3 again and answer these questions.
I Who is this leaflet for?
2 What do the letters MMR stand for?
3 How old are children when they receive the MMR vaccine? (2 answers)
4 Some children have symptoms after the vaccine. What are they?
5 How much does the MMR vaccine cost?
6 What is the treatment for these svmptoms?

'}ueurl€arl ur8eq laqr .rer1e (9) or oB tou plnoLls uarplrrl3's)rlorqnu€ sl
(g) lluo eq1 ueedde sr.uoldruls a-ro;aq slep rq31e or G)
uerplrq3'uro;3 eq] ur .ro (g) ,(;;ensn sr qrr.l/v\ qse; e re8 os;e laql
'enSuot lurd e pue (7) eseas;p srrlt qlter oq^ ueJplrqJ'plro^
Surdo;aaap aqr u1 (t) tttrr sr '(r-u.rer ;erlpau) €urlolJe)s ro !a^a; telr€ls
w)e )no( I ilaLll )epun re^ol louecs ol / Jot luor,ulEatl
slep 1 lep oAU rol looLlcs eerql Jol snorpalur ele / s!
leorql oros e 're^ol e e^eq I seq eseeslp uilpltlc / pootlptltlc uor,Ilr.uoc e
's)!lDl! ur spJor\ lJerro) oql asooqJ 'xoq eql
ur suorssa.rdxe eql qllrw Ja^eJ ]alJeJS ]noqe leueel e uoJJ ]f,?Jlxe s1q1 e1e1duro3
's;eedde qs€r aql a-ro;eq slep MoJ e ro; (g) a;e xoduallrqr qt!/v\ uarplrLl3
'8urqrrl aql (1) or uorrol aulur€lef, asn uEf, no ' (9) sr xodueprqc
ro1 tuor.ltearl lseq eqf 'Jo8t tnoqp 1o a;nle;edual e eAEq pu€ (S)
l"re,r 1aa;
ualo uarplrq3'srnoq tZ tsru aql Sur.rnp s.reedde l; ' (y) pue pe.r
(;) uor-uLuoc Jaqloup sr '(r.u"ral ;ecrpeu) €lle)rr€^ -ro 'xoduelrrq3
uioldru^s dols lser qser ,itlc1 snorpolur loq osposlp
'xoq aql ur spro^\ eql qlla xodualcrqc ]noqe leueel ? uoJJ lJeJXe s1q1 a1e1duro3 g 6ul1rm
(r{1pnsn) 'sreadde qser eq} te}J€ snor}JeJul lou selseeur qll,t/\ slual}ed V
(sarurleuos) 'aulJJen Untrhl eql .ra1;e sruoldrufs arreq serqpg t
(ra,rau) 'eJuo ueql oJour seseaslp pooqpllqD qtlee aldoed 1so141 Z
(ueqo) 'eulJJeA e relJe qslJo^oJ s1 uos ^{6i I
'lootps lo aw)JDa AWW puuas Jraqt aaa)al [11onsn uaqltqJ
(dlpnsn) 'looqrs le aulr)el UWW puores rleqt elreJer uarpllqJ
'uorlrsod lJarror aq1 u1 dcuanbar;;o qJelpe eql qll,t seJualues eseql ollJr\e5 L
'\to/A Jeue petq AteA u"ao w,l 'oq qJo^ oql re1e o6 Icuenberl lo sqre^p\
'qsu e e^eq fi1ensn 1,uop sdwnw L,lll/ sluelled 'qre^ ureu oql oroleq o0 Icuenberl lo sqre^pb
%001 .O
slierye fi1ensn uego saur.rleuos Jaiau
's0u;q1 op oM uego anoq Ies ol elduls lueserd eql qll/r^ fcuanber; lo sqJa^pe esn eAl
Acuenbar; lo sqJe^py
'ellaqesl pue,{11141 'easleqJ ;o srsou8erp e e>lel4 's.rpd ur >1ro16 g
spue16 lPoJrll esou
qseH eosneN aqcepeeH JAAeI qOno3
uollo/'AS oJos {uung
'suroldruds s,luolled rlJee / >lJIl pue suollps.reAuoJ aa.rql ol uelsl'l g 6u;ue1s;1
Taking a blood sample
Vocabulary 1 Wort< in pairs. Match l-7 in the illustrations to words a-g.


a) antiseptic wipe
b) cotton ball -
c) needle -
d) plaster -
e) specimen- tube
f) syringe -
g) tourniquet
Reading 2 Complete these- instructions for taking a blood sample with the words in 1.
DI I Put a(n) over the cotton ball and check the patient feels OK.
ii) I I Pull out the needle and put a(n) onto the wound. Press hard.
iiD I I Ask the patient to roll up their sleeve and use a(n) to clean
the patient's arm.
i") E E Write the patient's full name and DOB on the
v) f] I Tie the -
tightly around the patient's upper arm and insert the
into the vein.
vi) I f] Use the to fill the tube with blood.
3 Match the instructions (i-vi) in 2 to the illustrations (A-F) in l. Then put the
instructions in the correct order (l-6).

Speaking 4 Work in pairs. Put the words in 1-6 in the correct order to make sentences.
I for me / your sleeve / please / roll up
2 disinfect I first I let me / your arm
3 the tourniquet / let me / round your arm / tie
4 a small pin prick I will I feel / you
5 to your arm / cotton ball / hold / this
6 for a minute and / your arm / press hard / bend

'poolq sees aq uoqlvr sluleJ eH 'JISnu s08 oJler Eu{e1d 'uo11e1s
olper aulluo ue uo fC arull-lred pu" luepnts s)lruouoJe ue '61 s1 d;reg V aql
';aq1a8o1 1116
Eu{e1d anol ,taq} pue be1 sl pualrJ lseq reH 'qs118ug seteq tnq sqleu
1e poo8 .,{rarr s,aqg 'salpaeu o{ll }(useop aqs pue p1o sread 1q81a s1 eqsly t
.JIOE ar-ll ua{
s,{e1d eg 'sJolJe snoueJ s}eetu ue4o eq pue rellrp lxel e s.aH 'poo1q sarrf
oq uaql/\ snoesneu slae; sdeAp eq puB salpaeu a{ll }rusaop sl1oE;e61 JIJg Jhtr z
'lol e - ueql ]noqe {le} o} se{II eqs pue uaJpllqJpuer8 aarql ueelJ
'pJPq ss
seq eqs dzzlp slee; sorulletuos eqs pu€ poolq e{ll }.usoop npIBN elluv sJI tr I
')o sla
,tlrrrrlce aql leade; pue selor der*s uaql 'aldues poolq e Eu11e1 deldelor
ol uossal slql ul suolsserdxa pue sarnlcld eql esn 'asJnu e are nod'g luepnlg
'r\.olaq y-1 u1 aldoad eql yo ouo oJe nod eur8erur 'V luepnls 's;red ur 4ro16 g1 buryeedg
'uolleuolul aql ol uopuette Suded '1eada; pue ure8e uelsrl uaqJ
'I I ul Q.J) ou .ro (,1) sa,{ e1c.r13 l8ulrnssear punos osJnu oql seoq 'up8e ua}sl'I zl
ft / A) 'eur IIet ' Iea1no,,t 11 y
fu / I) ',nou>1 aru 1a1 ' laay nod y1 g
0{ / D 'etu IIet ' Iaay no,{ y 7
ft / ,1) /v\oDI eur lel ' laay no,t y1 1
'saJuelues asaql elalduoJ pue ualsl'I uollelcunuold
'f,zz1p pue parpJs 1ae; nod pue 1ue11ed eql erc no
g luapnls
req/u1q xeler ot lualled eql o] {1el o1 la8ro; l,uoq 'nod dlaq o1 t ul seJuelues
aq] esn 'g luepnls uror; aydures poolq E Eu11e1 eJe no1 'esrnu eql eJ" no1
v luapnls
,tlrnrlce aql leadar pu€ seloJ dervrs ueql 'aldues poolq p Euqel deldalog 0t L
no(/tDp no[/qo[ no,( goqo au nal
'aldures poolq
e a>1e1 no.,{ a1gq,u;aq/ulq xeleJ ot luel}ed e o1 Euqpl suJn} e>lBI 's;pd u1 4;o16 6
']sa] poolq
e Eulrnp arreq deur aldoed suroldurfs ruJolsulerg 'sdnor8 lpurs ul >po A I
'g u! 7 pue 7 suorlsanb Jaasuv 'sdnor8 lleurs ul {JolA
L 6ul1eedg
i'\r17,7y'aagot p dnc o I at4oot o f ann[ auos oJpu€sselv sant8 es.rnu aq1 V
'pa4l I ,tzztp l.p1ot sleeJ orpuesselv t
LLqM'DlDm auos 4uttp
I moputm aqlJo tno 4oo1 I 4ooq D pDar ol oJpuBSSalV $lse esJnu eqJ Z
'utod I poon I salpaau a{ll },useop orpuessely I
ul sprolv\ ]JorJoJ eql asooqJ pue ute8e uolslT 9
't ur sJer\sue ;nod 4eeqr pue aldures poolq Eup1e1 esJnu p o] uelsl'I I 6u;ue1s;1

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