2007 July 15 To Judge Johnson - Safe Visit

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Kuehne FaIIIil3'YMCA YMCA Safe Visit -fr k.
Satellite Office
2JJS6NWT.)'lC1 Thycb., K&:za~6)6(JtS (785)234-467/ fn (185) 234-5466
et\~' !ll'ofl\\-i,[email protected]

TIle Honor&ble Joseph Johnson

Shawnee Co District Co~r1 Div 4
200 SE 7th
Topeka, KS. 66803

C8M11.96D217: Claus:Unft Da'nbl"m'Wk1 & HeJ Rtchardson

Child: Rikld DombrDYtSki DOIl1:1.1Z.94

Ju••••15, 2001

Oe".r Judge Johnson:

This letter is to update the court on Itle _rvations made bv sluff <AItle
parenVchlkl oonta~1.

Rikki contln\lQS in th9 Safe Vi&lt F"rognlm hRVIng f:UparvicQ'd vhait-,Iol'\ wfth her
mother, Claudine, an a \veaI~ basts; Sunday from 4-5p:m. Sinoo the pr4"YtOU6
report of SepternbM 21, 2006 the';e have been 39 visits. TlTJ~ vieitz: ¥Nffl
cancelled; one by Claudina on 1-14-07, one by Hel on 2.1H)7 "" RIl<kiW8$ &ick.
a m;;k:e up vlsft was hB~ on 2-14U?, and one- by the program on 4-29-07 due to
91S1'f IRnesI1.

Rikki 8rrivvo proJTljl1fylor lhe vlallallo1l time, She contlrr.Je& to be Ial1<allveand

friendly towards etaff Blld often shares per.scnat information about her weekJy
••diva;",;. Hoc commenlS rcmaJn upbeat and 0.., ""proprta!... Claudine arrives
for all vtRItS on time \YIth r.nack.G .:I.,d drfrJ~&. Portier. usually exchange hugs, and
I 5o..e you comments as they be1:Itn and end their eonta=t.

On 64-07, concerns re9llfdir'2 P'J~,b~ inapprcprit1:~ beMvlor occ.urrin9 during

!toe vts~ on 6.3 07 \""'" "'potted to staff by the GAL and 'M l:>fl'ltlr, Hal
Domb<owslU. Staff reviewed !IlG alIRgGd ""ncarns with tnc CAl. and ~.hccke<!
wlth the _ wile dl,edl,! """"rvlood 1M _, ""d ,he 8l3CUrity 'fmO handl"" lho
chock in proCf)S$ on ths d8Y in quastion. Siaff \!m.~unable to confirm or deny the
sllegRtion that ClIs:udine had a tripe lfl,cm"Der VJ;~"hr-rr i" ~l9-'"pItTS!"';, ft.lf nftha
evenls leading up to Ure incident curre:spood to U~ notes ;;rro rcoollsctkm of the
wO\1«lf!ll!\voI.'Ie<l btrt no one ""<I d!r""1 infomaU<IlI rc:gerdln\l Cleudine
oonC"_'?n1ma In hor purr,.c :'I ~.po rocor~r f()f personal U:;Q. St8fi ~gested dle
GAl COloe and clJ~Elrve tm
vi<>itfirst hand to Vljtn~s th0 interaction between

11Iu~ftu'Ja4ftptftb7 ~1'OItn ~ ir;-dreU.r;r.: t!;~

.:i.~~Cr~ 0'1)' r,,~1ili~.s hlt:( 11M filDl.!Oti1J!~./:Nl
l~ c~ ~ lllllilf= FcdndJ~A=alfll:u",i •••
~h'Q~ 4'1tJ T1H~_cfr.tI7U"'t.
.un6r.f"'~cr.;dIryr.ar.=.zA~>r.W)' C.c.r....-.d
0" &-1~.lhO GAL -•••- ••••
••••t:> RlI:l<i.JO Dy1<es.come to obserie I!lOvI,tt.
Sl9fI..as -" o1lt11s per; bul OVl!<1oCI<od•.••• ylng """ messllll" lD Cloud,""
poor to tn9 'ftslt. 1llB '4tsll 0CCU1T6d ~ no program YIoiDfiarlO. How&vor, RJJW
continuosto appear am:iousand hyper~ to the cant:Jtet
with her
mather; her toM and prcsemstlon int9nSlfles dur1rl1 the visit wah Claudlne. Rikki
and h9f mortmr talk abaU! a vartety a: Isl;ueS btJ1nc~ RDlkf nor CRnn:fme is
_Io"hem'" Drrcopond lo tho cann"""""Lonbolng _Ilzud. Cl!nJdJmt
m'- postiVe "'''1><'"''"'' 10 RIId4 end the ocliYities CTr__ - I. Irwolvod
in .nd 0't8f prst50s her n «he "bast oneS gt8Rtest IOcr.
AJ.the et'td of the 'ibtts. Ri1dd &eem& dr.tlned from the oontact aM
CClf'I"munication; her behavior nwMtB to 8 calmer ilHo and tII'kB rorm of
communicattcn wi'ttl sutf.
At ttmes Rlldd has told .laf! !lhc _h3d _, pIsns lInIl conflict wi1h the v!lIn
6ehoduJe. She has 8180 vented to stafl1hat she wi:shes &he d\dl"l't have to miss
001 on adMlial; with friendsduoto tho parenIlng Urne _u".

Saf!t VISIt ~ am avaiJabf<) to RJd:ffor aafe pmunt oorataet as tong as h

Court d"""", ft apJr.OIllla"" _ nolllY _ regRTding ony modili<zUon of lito
\0'\111-=11\ on2c'r&.

RnPOCfTuDy Submllllod.

~£--- sanche%. LMSW. S8f8 Vmil Ad,,,I"'so1Jel.Or


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