B. Intrinsic Element
The intrinsic elements in literature usually consist of several types,
namely those related to themes, characters, settings, storylines, and points of
view. The story is presented with a focus on intrinsic elements. They are story
building elements that cannot stand alone because each element has a role in
building a story. They must be related to one another in order to build a good
story from these important elements. Here the author focuses on one form
element, which is plot or storyline.
As previously known, the plot is a message to the reader that is
conveyed through a story line by presenting content. With the addition of
causality, internal and external struggle conflicts between the main character
and opposing forces make a plot or story line. Conflict divides two types.
Internal conflicts are conflicts between the main character and himself.
External conflicts occur between the main character with other characters,
society, or natural forces that are included in fate. (Kuehner, 1999: 2)
It has been defined as a writer who meticulously arranges incidents in
the narrative to achieve the effect of desire. (Kuehner 1999: 1), There are
events and actions to present artistic and emotional effects. (Abram, 1999:
In order for the reader to understand the situation in the story, the plot
usually begins with the exposition as explanatory information. Starting an
accident in the plot consists of exposition, explanatory information to the
reader about the setting or situation, increased action, and finally
complications. Then the action rises to the top as the desire for the most
stories. Climax has been defined as the biggest point of conflict, the high
emotional point, the turning point in the plot, or the point where one of the
opposing forces gains. In addition, it comes down to resolution as a way out
of action and the resolution of the climax falls. Sharpness, the plot has six
structural elements: exposition, accident start, upward action, climax,
downfall and resolution. (Kuehner, 1999: 5)
An important plot for a story as a chronological path to share ideas or
messages from the author.
C. Conflict in The Literature
Conflict is struggle between the opposing forces on which the action in
a work of literature depends. Conflict is what drives story. It is a clash of
actions, ideas, desires, will or goods in the plot of a story and drama. As
Perrine has remarked, “conflict is a clash of action, ideas, desires, will or
goods in the plot of a story and drama” (Perrine,1988: 1408).
Conflict is one element of a very important plot like being an important
organ a story that must be displayed in it, so the story will be interesting. In
fiction, conflicts can occur in the character itself, characters with other
characters or even characters with social factors. In everyday life when we
communicate with other individuals, often we cannot always get our desires
and hopes, because of differences in ideas, social status or social situations.
The influence of these differences will make conflict. As Crow said "
opposing desires sometimes set up tensions that often are incompatible with a
repressed, unsatisfied drive or need" (1972: 181).
In everyday life when we communicate with other individuals, often we
cannot always get our desires and hopes, because of differences in ideas,
social status or social situations. The influence of these differences will make
conflict. As humans, we cannot avoid conflict, even though we do not want it,
but the good side is that conflict can make us more mature after facing the
conflict, moreover understanding how to overcome it. Such as conflict in
character Ben experiences various kinds of conflicts, both with himself,
others and surrounding communities which will be discussed in this study
based on Perrine's theory where conflicts in works of fiction must be divided
into four types of conflicts:
C. 1. Man versus Himself
The conflict is that humans struggle with themselves (man versus
himself), for example when the main character is faced with two difficult
choices such as choosing between life and death or feeling like feeling
happy but then disappointed at the same time. This conflict emerges
between the character and himself and this conflict emerges because it is
caused by physical, mental, emotional or moral problems themselves.
Ben himself is a unique character, a main character who has many
questions, a strong desire in his mind, of course it makes more and more
conflicts that arise by themselves that contrast his conscience with his
selfishness, but this is what makes the conflict interesting to study. It is
supported with Perrine (1959:44), he said that dilemma is condition when
protagonist must choose two course of action.
and the surrounding community, at least it has been illustrated in the
sample explanations in chapter 4.
based on researchers thinking that every conflict in a novel reflects conflict as
well as real conflicts in our lives. So, in this study, the researcher showed the
conflict experienced by the main characters in the novel. The purpose of this
study is to explain the external and internal conflicts of the main characters.
Thirdly, Priadi (2010) in his thesis “An analysis of the Main Characters
‘conflict in Mitch Album Teusday with Mornie‖”. In his research, he found
many internal and external conflicts of character experienced by the main
characters. He also discovered how the main characters solve their conflicts.
The purpose of this study is to show internal and external conflicts and
describe how characters resolve their conflicts.
Fourthly, Nuri Subekti (2005) a student in Stated Islamic University of
Malang. She conduct the research entitled “An analysis conflict Faced by
Anne in Jane Austen’s Persuasion”. She did analysis by using structural
approach because she analyzed one of the intrinsic elements of literary work
and she found several problems of studies. They are what conflicts that are
face by Anne as the main characters, and then the causes and effects of those
conflicts are Anne and other character. From these research problems she
found the result of her analysis that conflicts came from two sides, internally
and externally. The internal conflict in which Anne faced were her family
wanted to move to bath and she felt in love with a man who had no fortune.
The external conflict happened when she faced the conflict with characters.
Fifthly, the researcher who has name Lia Febriani (2011) in her thesis
“An Analysis on the Main Character Conflict in The First Series of Harry
Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone”. This study discusses the main character
conflicts that appear in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone Novel in the
first series. As a reason the researcher found that the result of the study were
based on the main character facing conflict. The purpose of this study is to
explain the physical conflicts of the main characters, psychological,
sociological, and to explain how the main character conflicts build a novel
plot. The researcher design is qualitative which is taken from primary and
secondary data. The researcher uses documentation collect data.
Sixth, Ahmad Syaufan Muttaqi (2016) a student in Maulana Malik
Ibrahim State Islamic University Malang. His research entitled “Analysis of
Conflicts Faced By Two Characters The Virgin Suicide’s Jeffrey Eugenides“
In his research, he discusses the conflicts that occur in some characters and it
is a complex conflict. Like the main character's conflict with the people
around her like her own parents because of the rules that apply in her family
and even to her society, and also explained how the main character's way of
struggling from the conflicts that occur to her.
Meanwhile, in this research is discussed how the conflict aspect affirm
the importance of this element in building and supporting its story. in this
research problem will be divided into two main discussions, that is about
conflict and the struggle to overcome the conflict. The conflict will deal with
how the character in the novel becomes the trigger and its influence, and how
the novel reflects my ideology. However, in my research, I will connect the
conflict in "Mistress" to the current conditions?