Teaching Methodologies in The 21st Century

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Teaching Methodologies in the 21st century

Eunice S. Otara
Teacher Applicant

The best education comes from providing not only the greatest knowledge that you
can share as a teacher but also a perspective of a big picture such as providing
effective strategies or techniques that may help to increase the retention of learning
to the students. Through the years, teaching methodologies have improved a lot
drifting itself away from the traditional ones. These methods of teaching changed
the educational environment around the world that aims to provide the quality
education that students need in the modern world and we, as 21st century teachers,
should be acquainted with.

Teaching methodologies are diverse pedagogies and general principles that are being
used in classroom instructions. It starts with the assessment of students’ capabilities-
cognitively and physically and ends with choosing the most productive method that
can be implemented to improve and enhance the learners’ potentials. Accompanied
with this are various strategies that a teacher may use to achieve a more effective
and collaborative classroom activities for students learning.

Originally, teaching methodology is only divided into 2 general categories: the

teacher-centered and the student- centered approach in learning. As technology
changes the dynamics of education, two another general approach have been added:
the high-tech material use and the low-tech material use. These four categories may
be executed individually or simultaneously.

Teacher-centered approach in learning has been the commonly used method in the
previous years. But the new curriculum in education seeks more of the creativity,
resourcefulness, skills development, and academic capability of the child that made
the said method no longer advisable. Today, almost all of the curriculum all over the
world already practices the second category which is the student- centered approach
in learning. In this method, the teacher only serves as the facilitator of learning and
gives the students the opportunity to showcase their skills and excellence
academically by their own.

Until technology took place inside the room of learning. The traditional chalk-and-
talk and use of chalkboards have been replaced by projectors and smart televisions.
Hence, it improved the quality of education all over the world. With the use of the
high-tech material use method, the learners were inspired to be more creative and
innovative. It also helps the teachers to make every classroom activity more
meaningful and exciting.

Regardless of the various teaching methodologies that are being applied in the
educational system in each country, it will still be the teachers who will play the vital
role in the four corners of the classroom. There is no technology, tools, or methods
that can replace the heart of the education- the teacher.

Teaching Make a Difference https://teach.com/what/teachers-know/teaching-methods/§

Wikipedia (2019)

Research Gate

Embedding Intrinsic Knowledge through Hands- on activities

Eunice S. Otara
Teacher Applicant
In each classroom, no student is alike. Each of them varies in their cognitive
capabilities, skills,and behavior. These learners even establish learning in their
own ways. They can learn by reading, writing, memorizing, and even through
mere listening. Thus, learning by doing is considered as one of the most
substantial way of acquiring knowledge. That is the reason why the new
curriculum in the country highlighted different school activities that cultivates
students’ skills especially in senior high school.

The scope of subjects under the new curriculum definitely differ from each
other. But these subjects are similar in a certain function- these are meant to
provide students experiences that they can add on their schema. The subjects
that they are mastering aims to give them the opportunity to decide innovatively
on their own, boost their self-esteem, and showcase their creativity and talents.
Unlike the traditional way of learning that is more on reading books and
lectures, The education today involves students through collaborative activities.

In today’s education, our system believes that learning is beyond memorizations

and written examinations so teachers were advised to conduct a performance check
after every main topics to let the learner experience the lesson and not just to know
the theories and concepts. In senior high school, the acquiring of knowledge will
come on its end and will be evaluated through Work Immersions where they can
practice what they learned throughout their senior high school studies.

‘For the students to be globally competitive’, this was the goal of the newly
implemented curriculum in our country. It doesn’t only aim the Filipino learners to
be academically intelligent but to also become kinesthetically capable of different
skills. We cannot deny the statement of Albert Bandura that “ Students learn from
observation”. But based on various proofs and studies, we really cannot agree more
with John Dewy’s ‘ Learning by Doing’.


The power of classroom management

The classroom is a setting that yields vigorous environment for teaching and
learning process. As for the students, they already consider it as their second
home where they acquire knowledge, skills, and values. Being the acting parent
in the learners’ second home, teachers were anticipated to be the one who will
neutralize the differences of the students in a classroom environment to meet the
corresponding needs of each learner.

Attaining the proper classroom management is a must in a learning setting.

It is very important for the facilitator, the teacher, to maintain the organization
of the classroom from the cleanliness up to the noise control to provide the
students a conducive place for learning. But what do we really mean by
‘classroom management’? Is it just all about giving commands to students and
constantly reminding them to be responsible of their own workplace?

Classroom management is beyond giving commands and reminders. It is

more considered as an effective technique in giving instructions being used to
keep the learners attentive, focused, and with controlled behavior. Imagine
yourself inside a classroom with 40 rowdy students. Would you be able to save
your throat in stopping them continuously in creating some noise? Would you be
able to survive your last nerve of patience in a day? No. That is just some of the
main reasons on why we should establish classroom management at least from
our very first meeting with our students.

With a well-organized classroom, the learners tend to be more productive

and well-mannered. Because of the constant reminders of their teacher, they are
eventually practicing the sense of obedience and responsiblity in a day-to-day
basis that makes it a habit for them.

doesn't only takes place in a physical classroom b


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