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JULY, 2021










I hereby declare that this dissertation has been written by me and it is my research work.
It has not been presented in any previous application for Master of Science (M.Sc)
Degree in Computer Science (Database and Information Systems). All quotations are
indicated and sources of information specifically acknowledged by means of references.





he Dissertation (Development of a Web Based National Agricultural Inputs

Distribution System) meets the regulations governing the award of Master of Science
(M.Sc) Degree in Computer Science (Database and Information Systems), of the School
of Postgraduate Studies, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, and is approved for its
contribution to knowledge.

Dr. Samaila Musa Date


_________________________ ______________________
Dr. Binyamin A. Ajayi Date
Member, Supervisory Committee

Dr. G. I.O. Aimufua
Head of Department
Dr Morufu Olalere Date
Internal Examiner

__________________________ Date
Prof. U. M. Gurku
Dean of Faculty
Prof Oludele Awodele
External Examiner


__________________________ Date
Prof. J. M. Ayuba
Dean, School of Postgraduate Studies


his dissertation is dedicated to my lovely husband Mr. Ugonna I. Onunkwo, my

children Tochi Ugonna-Onunkwo, Adaugo Ugonna-Onunkwo, Chibuikem Ugonna-
Onunkwo and Chinonyerem Ugonna-Onunkwo whose love and care inspire me a lot.



he highest thanks and praise go to the Almighty God for His guidance in the
completion of this work. My profound gratitude goes to my Head of Department Dr.
G.I.O. Aimufua to my able supervisor Dr. Samaila Musa, Dr. Binyamin A. Ajayi, the
former Head of Department Prof David O. Adewumi Dr Uche M, Mbanaso, Dr. Kene T.
Anyachebelu and other lecturers and staff of the Computer Science department of the
Nasarawa State University too many to mention for their kind support and painstaking
efforts to this dissertation. My special appreciation goes to my late parents Sir Aloysius
A. Ekwujuru and Lady Felicia N. Ekwujuru who laid the background for my education.
My father-inlaw Sir Anselm E. Onunkwo cannot be forgotten for his continuous
encouragement, love and care. I also wish to appreciate my classmates for the team
spirit exhibited in the process of this dissertation. May the good Lord bless each and
every one of you.


Some personnel in the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the general
public and even farmers (who are the major beneficiaries of the government subsidy
programme) are aware of the existence of an online system of distribution known as”
Electronicwallet” carried out by Cellulant an information technology company. This
existing system doesn’t allow proper accounting of subsidized inputs thereby giving
room for diversion of inputs and other corrupt practices hence the need for a more
robust and easier to use system. While carrying out this research work, the waterfall
methodology was used and the farmers were administered well-structured questionnaire
while the other stakeholders were interviewed. This research developed a web-based
national agricultural inputs distribution system using PHP language and MySql.
However, from the analysis (which was carried out using the SPSS software package
and the Chi-Square analytical tool) it showed that the existing platform had flaws as it
did not meet with the expected impact in the society as regards service delivery. The
farm support software can be launched on the web or mobile device, it will go a long
way in eliminating fake farmers and taking care of irregularities and corrupt practices in
the old system. Also, the issue of marginalization of certain categories of farmers has
been taken care of by this new system.


Declaration ........................................................................................................................
Certification .....................................................................................................................
Dedication ........................................................................................................................
Acknowledgement ............................................................................................................
Abstract ............................................................................................................................
List of Figures ..................................................................................................................
List of Tables ....................................................................................................................

1.1 Background to the Study........................................................................................ 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem ....................................................................................... 3
1.3 Research Questions ................................................................................................ 3
1.4 Objectives of the Study .......................................................................................... 4
1.5 Significance of the Study ....................................................................................... 4
1.6 Scope of the Study ................................................................................................. 4
1.7 Definition of Operational Terms ............................................................................ 5
2.1 Conceptual Framework .......................................................................................... 6
2.2 Empirical Review ................................................................................................ 10
2.2.1 Diversion between Products ..................................................................... 10
2.2.2 Diversion from Intended Beneficiaries .................................................... 11
2.2.3 Cross-Border Leakages ............................................................................ 11
2.2.4 Existing System ........................................................................................ 11
2.3 Theoretical Framework ........................................................................................ 14
2.4 Summary of the Gap ............................................................................................ 16
3.1 Research Design .................................................................................................. 17
3.1.1 Review of Methodology ........................................................................... 17
3.1.2 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) ................................................ 18
3.2 Population, Sample and Sampling Techniques.................................................... 19
3.3 Methods of Data Collection ................................................................................. 19
3.3.1 Discussion of findings .............................................................................. 20
3.4 Techniques of Data Analysis ............................................................................... 21
3.4.1 Design of Framework to Aid Distribution of Farm Inputs ....................... 21
3.4.2 Design of an Algorithm to Aid Distribution of Farm Inputs .................... 22
3.4.3 Use-Case Diagram .................................................................................... 25 3.4.4 Data
Structures ......................................................................................... 25

3.4.5 Entity Relationship Diagram .................................................................... 28
3.4.6 System Flowchart ..................................................................................... 29
3.5 Justification of Method ........................................................................................
4.1 Data Presentation ................................................................................................. 33
4.1.1 System Implementation ............................................................................ 33
4.1.2 The Landing Page ..................................................................................... 34
4.1.2 System Login Page ................................................................................... 35
4.1.3 The Administrator .................................................................................... 36
4.1.4 Famers’ Registration ................................................................................ 37
4.1.5 Agro Dealers Registration ........................................................................ 38
4.1.6 Supply-Chain Managers ........................................................................... 39
4.1.7 Dealers Dashboard ................................................................................... 39
4.1.8 Stock Issues to farmers ............................................................................. 40
4.2 Data Analysis and Results ................................................................................... 41
4.2.1 System Requirements ............................................................................... 43
5.1 Summary .............................................................................................................. 44
5.2 Conclusion ........................................................................................................... 45
5.3 Recommendations ................................................................................................ 45
5.4 Contribution to Knowledge ................................................................................. 46
5.5 Limitations of the Study ...................................................................................... 46

References .......................................................................................................................
Appendices ......................................................................................................................

Stakeholders of GES Scheme 13
Figure 2.1

Figure 2.2 National Agricultural Input Distribution Software 18

Figure 3.1 New System Framework 22

Figure 3.2 Use-Case Description of System Design 27

Figure 3.3 The Entity-Relationship Diagram of the System 31

Figure 3.4 System flowchart for the Farm Support System 32

Figure 4.1 Landing Page 36

Figure 4.2 System Login Page 37

Figure 4.3 Set of Records in the Login Table. 38

Figure 4.4 The Administrator Page 38

Figure 4.5 Farmers’ Registration Form 39

Figure 4.6 Agro Dealers’ Registration Form 40

Figure 4.7 Supply Chain Managers 41

Figure 4.8 Dealers Dashboard 42

Figure 4.9 Stock Issues to Farmers 43

Table 3.1 Datasupport 27

Table 3.2 The Agro Dealers Table 28

Table 3.3 The farmers Table 28

Table 3.4 Farm-Inputs Table 29

Table 3.5 The Warehouse Table 29

Table 3.6 Stock Issues 30



1.1 Background to the Study

Emphasis on agriculture as a critical sector for development has fluctuated over the last

50 years or so. At independence, most developing country governments saw agriculture

as either a driver of growth in their economies or as a foreign exchange earner, with a

large reserve of unutilized labour to be taxed to support industrial development for a

modern economy. With a weak and or mistrusted private sector, this led to large public

investments in agricultural development. In many African countries these large

investments were either ineffective or, where they were effective, very expensive and in

the context of over extension of government budgets and activities unsustainable

without donor support.

Discussions on agriculture was further undermined by empirical studies that revealed

the widespread importance of non-farm incomes in the livelihoods of rural farming

households. With time, however, the pendulum began to swing back as a result of

further empirical work showing the importance of the agricultural sector to poor rural

economies and to the livelihoods of poor people within those economies (Datt &

Ravallion, 1996). This coincided with growing concern among governments and donors

about the lack of growth in African agriculture (particularly in staple crop production).

In 2008 the World Development Report made a powerful case for the importance of

agriculture in poverty reduction (World Bank, 2007) and this was brought home by the

2008 global food price spike and recognition that the era of low and stable food prices

was over, if it ever existed (Dorward, 2011).

Wiggins and Leturque (2010) provide a helpful summary of different explanations for

sub-Saharan Africa’s poor agricultural performance, while pointing to considerable

variation in performance between regions within Africa. They identify core problems as

limited production potential (due to geography, environmental degradation, and fertility

decline which they link to lack of technical innovation), unfavourable external

conditions, and government and market failures (the former involving a policy that

deters investors and too little investment, the latter failing to deliver credit and input

services and overcome poverty traps). These difficulties are of course interrelated.

However, the lack of technical innovation is arguably the proximate cause of the lack of

land and labour productivity growth in African agriculture and is the outcome of other

difficulties which reduce benefits, raise costs, or in other ways inhibit technical change

particularly on poor, small-scale farms. The major challenge faced by the Farm Input

Support Services Department of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural

Development has always been the issue of continuous capturing of farmer’s data,

getting the right farm inputs across to the farmers at subsidized rate, ensuring

accountability and at the same time making sure the whole information is properly

managed for easy feedback to the stakeholders. Though there is an existing platform

-the E-wallet system by Cellulant an ICT company, there’s a need for an alternative

system for less cumbersome experience. A software known as FARMSUPPORT was

designed and

implemented to effectively manage the information relating to farmers, agro dealers and

all the input distribution data.

This research work was carried out using the waterfall model as a research

methodology. The data have various access privileges and restrictions and will be input

by a variety of sources, ranging from the ministry staff, farmers, Agro dealers (who are

the middlemen between the government and the farmers). There’s going to be an initial

registration for all the users of the system with a unique user name and password.

Queries can be carried out and statistical reports generated for decision making.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

There is lack of emphasis on improving programme effectiveness and efficiency and

inadequate attention is paid to integration with complementary policies and programmes

for improving achievement of both direct and indirect benefits of input subsidy

programmes (Dorward, 2009). However, the researchers point out that unclear

programme objectives and serious implementation problems prevented most of these

programmes from being effective.

The major problem with most efforts made by the government in the area of farm input

support has been monitoring and evaluation of resources already in place (Kamiljon,

2009). While this is a typical case of farm support projects in some countries, at the

Trade Organisation's Doha Round in 2001, many developing nations, including Brazil,

China and India, opposed agricultural subsidies in the US and EU. They do this, with

the argument that the high subsidies were artificially driving down global crop prices,

unfairly undermining small farmers and maintaining poverty in many developing

countries (Jason, 2013). With the current situation, the major problems are:

i. Issue of continuous capturing of farmer’s data

ii. Getting the right farm inputs across to the farmers at subsidized rate

iii. Ensuring accountability iv. Information is properly managed for

easy feedback to the stakeholders.

Hence, the development of a web based national agricultural inputs distribution system.

1.3 Research Questions

This research work answers the following questions:

i. How effective is the existing system towards service delivery?

ii. What is the level of interaction between farmers and Agro

dealers? iii. Does the cost of internet connection affect the usability

of the existing system?

1.4 Objectives of the Study

The aim of this research is to design and implement a web based national agricultural

inputs distribution system. In order to achieve the main aim, the research objectives are:

i. Analyse the existing platform to ascertain the level of service delivery using

the SPSS package and chi-square analysis technique.

ii. Design a framework for the web based national agricultural inputs

distribution system.

iii. Design an algorithm that would aid proper accountability of subsidized

inputs distributed to farmers through the right channel and technique iv.

Develop a web-based open-source application (using PHP and MySQL for

the data-capturing and reporting platform) that will properly eliminate

diversion of inputs and the issue of fake farmers.

1.5 Significance of the Study

The country seeks to become a leading economy in Africa and a major player in the

world’s economic and political affairs and their 20-20-20 plan is their guideline. This

research will provide a meeting point for both farmers and policy makers to interact and

also act as a decision support system for government.

1.6 Scope of the Study

The research on the role of government and agro-dealers in distribution of farm input

like fertilizer which requires a thorough analysis of the development of a web-based

national agricultural inputs distribution system for farm input distribution.

1.7 Definition of Operational Terms

IFDC – International Fertilizer Development Centre

DAIMINA -Developing Agricultural Inputs Markets in Nigeria

MySQL – is an open-source relational database management system.

PHP – Originally derived from Personal Home Page Tools. It is a script language and

interpreter that is freely available. Hypertext Pre-processor is a general-purpose

programming language originally designed for web development.

Subsidy – a sum of money granted by the federal body to help agro-dealer keep the

price of a commodity or service low.

EAS – Electronics Authentication Service

OECD - Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

SPLIFA-Sustaining Productive Livelihoods through Inputs for Assets

Judgemental or Purposeful Sampling Technique - is a non-probability sampling

technique where the researchers select units to be sampled based on their knowledge

and professional judgment.

GES- Growth Enhancement Scheme



2.1 Conceptual Framework

A subsidy, as a policy instrument has been used by governments worldwide to pursue

different sectoral objectives. This review therefore would not be limited to subsidy as it

affects production in the fertilizer industry alone but also review production subsidies in

fertilizer. The findings of the study concerning the subsiding year seemed to confirm the

submission of (Lingard, 2002) that subsidies will increase the use of variable production

inputs. When discussing the issue of fertilizer production subsidy around the world; two

eras stand out the era of monopoly in production, purchase and distribution of fertilizers

in the 1970s and the very early 1980s and the era of deregulation and liberation which

started in the end 1980s. Considering the era of monopoly, subsidization to producers of

fertilizers can be of two types: Direct Payment based on the per unit of fertilizer

produced or Input Price Support. The latter has been widely adopted by governments

albeit with varying degrees of modifications.

Subsidies to fertilizer producers have been used to stimulate domestic fertilizer

production to ensure adequate and timely supply. This also allow for a save foreign

exchange, and promote economic development especially in countries with high energy

cost or dependence on imported raw materials like Nigeria. The financing of this level

of subsidization usually requires a huge budgetary outlay. For the developed world,

financing subsidy schemes does not pose much problems. For instance, in 1998, net

transfer to agriculture in Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

(OECD) countries amounted to $362 billion, approximately three quarters of which

were in forms of producer support (Lingard, 2002).

However, for many developing countries with many developmental needs, such outlays

had an adverse impact on national, state and local government budgets. For example, in

Nigeria, between 1991 and 1992, the fertilizer subsidy cost, as a percentage of the

national budget, ranged from 16.8% in 1991 to a high of 42.7% in 1992 (IFDC, 2005).

Existing literature on the best framework to adopt for an efficient fertilizer procurement

and distribution tend to emphasise the need to reduce transaction costs (supply side

approach) involved in fertilizer distribution (IFDC, 2003). Conventional arguments for

subsidies in agricultural development focused on promoting agricultural productivity by

making adoption of new technologies more attractive to smallholder farmers (Ellis,

1992). The reduced costs of subsidized inputs increase their profitability and reduce the

risks perceived by farmers with a limited knowledge of input benefits and of correct

usage. With credit and extension services, input subsidies were supposed to help

farmers implement, benefit from, and with later subsidy withdrawal, they buy and use

inputs on their own: rapid learning about input use and benefits would mean that

subsidies should be needed for only a short time and could be rapidly phased out.

There has also been considerable interest in the development of new instruments and

approaches in designing and delivering input subsidies referred to as smart subsidies.

Morris, Kelly, Kopicki and Byerlee (2007) describe 10 features of smart subsidies:

promoting fertiliser as part of a wider strategy. These include favouring market-based

solutions input supply, promoting competition in input supply, paying attention to

demand, insisting on economic efficiency, empowering farmers, involving an exit

strategy, pursuing regional integration, ensuring sustainability, and promoting pro-poor

economic growth. They recognise that in exceptional circumstances, poverty reduction

or food security objectives may even be given precedence over efficiency and

sustainability goals. Instruments proposed for implementing smart subsidies include

demonstration packs, vouchers, matching grants and loan guarantees. For all of these the

details of instrument design and implementation are critical to their success.

However, subsidies were often subsequently implemented more widely with pan

territorial pricing to support agricultural development in more remote areas, and to

counteract taxes on agriculture through export tariffs, managed exchange rates, and

controls on domestic prices.

We now build on the integration of conventional and newer thinking in this study to

identify key issues that need to be considered in designing, implementing, and

evaluating agricultural input subsidy programmes. The success of an input subsidy

programme has to be judged against the objectives of that programme. As we have seen,

input subsidy programmes can and do have a wide range of different possible

objectives. Most of these objectives are mutually complementary but there may be

incompatibilities between some objectives (for example, there are some trade-offs

between consumer and producer objectives, and between efficiency objectives and some

rents—even allowing for some rents being necessary for political economy purposes to

allow a subsidy to be implemented). It is also important to note that stated formal

programme objectives may differ from the objectives of individual stakeholders.

The balance of programme objectives should then determine the key design and

implementation elements of input subsidy programmes—their focus and scale, the

inputs to be subsidized, targeting and rationing systems, procurement and delivery

systems, private and public sector roles, entitlement systems, graduation systems, and

complementary policies and investments. These elements suggest that input subsidies

will generally (but not always) yield the greatest social and economic returns where


i. Focus on consumer benefits and on indirect gains to pro-poor economic growth

from increased food staple productivity;

ii. Operate at a large enough scale (in terms of the number of beneficiaries, the

subsidy per beneficiary and the total subsidized volumes) to lower staple

produce prices and/or raise the productivity of substantial amounts of land and

labour; iii. Have rationing and targeting criteria and methods with entitlement

and distribution systems which direct subsidized inputs to producers whose

productive input use is constrained by market failures which can be overcome or

substantially reduced through the subsidy; and iv. Include graduation processes

and criteria which encourage the achievement of structural changes which then

allow the scaling down and phasing out of subsidies. (Ephraim & Dorward,


Rationing and targeting will normally be best achieved by various forms of voucher

systems which enable cost-effective and timely input distribution, which support

sustainable unsubsidized (commercial) input supply system development, and which

limit secondary market development and leakages. Effective implementation of these

various elements will normally require coordinated complementary investments and

policies supporting infrastructural development, agricultural research and development,

and efficient output markets offering lower and more stable staple prices to consumers.

However, these elements are also highly inter-related, with many synergies and

tradeoffs. These interactions are most easily identified around the themes of scale and

scope: large-scale subsidy programmes offer wider supply-side benefits (in input supply

system development, in consumer and dynamic pro-poor growth impacts) but make

effective, timely, and efficient programme management more difficult and can crowd

out complementary investments needed for higher productivity of input use. Different

entitlement, targeting, and rationing systems are effectively attempting to control the

scale of subsidy programmes by directing limited resources to their most productive

uses—but these are themselves often difficult and costly to implement. Indeed, there is

something of a paradox here, that it is in the application of targeted subsidies to input

use on staple foods in poor rural areas that such subsidies both offer the greatest

potential benefits and pose the greatest implementation, resourcing and coordination


(Ephraim & Dorward, 2009).

2.2 Empirical Review

The Developing Agricultural Inputs Markets in Nigeria (DAIMINA) project, also

implemented by IFDC, also used vouchers to pursue twin objectives of agro-dealer

development and increased producer access to and use of inputs (Gregory, 2006). Like

the Malawi SPLIFA project, this was relatively small scale, but instead of providing free

inputs to poor food insecure households it tested the use of vouchers within a much

larger national fertiliser subsidy programme. The standard national programme

purchased fertiliser from importers and then distributed to state level blenders and

agricultural development programmes. This national programme, however, undermined

the development of private sector, commercial sales, and suffered from substantial

leakages and non-payments from states to the federal government. DAIMINA trialled

the use of vouchers to allow small agro-dealers to deliver subsidised fertiliser to

farmers. The concern with input subsides relates to the extent of leakages and diversion

of subsidized inputs away from their intended use. This can be considered in three ways:

2.2.1 Diversion between Products

Farmers are likely to apply inputs to the use with the greatest expected return.

Fertilizers, for example, may be applied to a variety of crops. Even if subsidies are

intended to expand production of the food staples consumed by poor people with

inelastic demand (and benefit poor consumers with low deadweight losses), farmers

may apply subsidized fertilizers to (cash) crops with more price elastic demand if these

offer higher returns.

Direct switching of inputs between crops or products may not be so easy for subsidized

seeds, although some indirect switching may happen due to wider capital fungibility.

2.2.2 Diversion from Intended Beneficiaries

Input subsidies in developing countries have commonly been intended for smallholders

rather than commercial farmers. With a general subsidy it is difficult to channel

subsidized inputs to smallholders unless there are a limited number of tightly controlled

supply chains, clear ways of identifying intended beneficiaries, and control of private

fertilizer transactions. Use of subsidized inputs by larger scale commercial farms is

likely to increase the diversion from staple food to cash crops and to less-poor producers

less constrained by market failures. Similar issues arise in subsidy access between richer

and poorer smallholders.

2.2.3 Cross-Border Leakages

These arise when subsidized inputs are sold outside the country at a discount. The value

of the discount represents a straight loss from the transfer of resources outside the

country, with the loss of any chance of consumer benefit or economic gain from

increased input use.

2.2.4 Existing System

In a bid to revamp the agricultural sector and ensure food security, diversified economy

and enhanced foreign exchange earnings, the Nigerian government implemented the

Agricultural Transformation Agenda (ATA) programme (Federal Ministry of

Agriculture and Rural Development, 2011, 2016). The central objectives of the

programme are to boost agricultural output, encourage private sector engagement, and

create 3.5 million new jobs in the farming sector.

Also, ATA aims to improve farmers’ incomes through increased productivity, securing

greater market access, and strengthening value chains (International Food Policy

Research Institute (IFPRI, 2012). The Agricultural Transformation Agenda and the

Growth Enhancement Support Scheme (GESS) were initiated by the Nigerian

government to boost agricultural production through the provision of ‘smart subsidies’

on some farm inputs to small‒scale farmers. The Scheme was able to deliver subsidised

agricultural inputs to small‒scale farmers with relative ease and at an affordable rate

which was able to boost farm output. It is recommended that adequate synergy should

be established between all collaborating agencies of the government participating in the

scheme to ensure adequate release of funds, timely disbursement of farm inputs and the

provision of suitable support services to farmers (Michael, Tashikalma & Maurice

2018). The objectives of the GES scheme were to; remove the usual complexities

associated with farm input (especially fertilizer) distribution by extending inputs

delivery notification via mobile phones to 20 million farmers in four years by targeting

5 million persons annually; encourage critical actors in the fertilizer value chain to work

together to improve productivity, provide direct support to farmers to enable them to

procure agricultural inputs at affordable prices, at the right time and place, and enhance

farmers’ income and promote food security (Oyediran, 2014; Alabi & Adams, 2015;

Grow Africa, 2016;

Nwaobiala & Ubor, 2016). GESS was introduced in May, 2012, as a pilot project in the

36 states of the country and the Federal Capital Territory. The scheme is also known as

the e-wallet scheme as shown in figure 2.1. An e-wallet has thus been defined as an

ancient and transparent electronic device system that makes use of vouchers for the

purchase and distribution of agricultural inputs (Fadairo, Olutegbe & Tijani, 2015).

Figure 2.1: Stakeholders of GES Scheme (Oredipe, 2015)

Despite the appreciable progress recorded in the implementation of the GES scheme,

there are still some challenges limiting the scheme from achieving its set objectives in

totality. These challenges are associated with all the key actors of the scheme,

especially, the federal or state government, agro-dealers and the farmers. They include:

i. Low level of awareness by the farmers which stems from restriction of

information from supposed beneficiaries; ii. Irregularities with farmer’s

registration which gives room for corruption and fake farmers

iii. Failure on the part of agro dealers to restock which in turn results to

insufficient inputs in supply iv. Complex procedure of assessing the system.

v. Poor telephone network; vi. Lack of proper

monitoring of the process by the Ministry.

Hence the need for an alternative system for distribution, to fill in the gaps.

2.3 Theoretical Framework

This framework draws on the analysis and issues addressed in this study to identify the

key variables and relationships affecting input subsidy programme impacts. It details

how implementation (and its various elements) impact directly on rural households,

input supply systems, and the macro-economy. Impacts on rural households can be

separated into direct impacts on subsidy recipients or beneficiaries and indirect impacts

on other households through the effects on the rural economy of changes in beneficiary

behaviour and market activities. Direct and indirect rural economy effects, input supply

system effects, and macro-economic effects all interact with and affect each other, and

are also affected by and may affect other policies and processes. The figure may most

easily be interpreted as an examination of short-term (say annual) effects, but longer-

term impacts will also arise, and may be conceptualized with a similar framework.

Emphasis on agriculture as a critical sector for development has fluctuated over the last

50 years or so. At independence, most developing country governments saw agriculture

as either a driver of growth in their economies or as a foreign exchange earner, with a

large reserve of unutilized labour to be taxed to support industrial development for a

modern economy. With a weak and/or mistrusted private sector, this led to large public

investments in agricultural development.

In many African countries these large investments were either ineffective or, where they

were effective, very expensive and in the context of over extension of government

budgets and activities unsustainable without donor support.

Discussions on agriculture were further undermined by empirical studies that revealed

the widespread importance of non-farm incomes in the livelihoods of rural farming

households (Haggblade, Hazell, & Reardon,2007). With time, however, the pendulum

began to swing back as a result of further empirical work showing the importance of the

agricultural sector to poor rural economies and to the livelihoods of poor people within

those economies (Datt & Ravallion, 1996). This coincided with growing concern among

governments and donors about the lack of growth in African agriculture (particularly in

staple crop production).

In 2008 the World Development Report made a powerful case for the importance of

agriculture in poverty reduction (World Bank, 2007) and this was brought home by the

2008 global food price spike and recognition that the era of low and stable food prices

was over, if it ever existed. (Wiggins & Leturque 2010) provide a helpful summary of

different explanations for sub-Saharan Africa’s poor agricultural performance, while

pointing to considerable variation in performance between regions within Africa. They

identify core problems as limited production potential (due to geography, environmental

degradation, and fertility decline which they link to lack of technical innovation),

unfavourable external conditions, and government and market failures (the former

involving a policy that deters investors and too little investment, the latter failing to

deliver credit and input services and overcome poverty traps). These difficulties are of

course interrelated.

However, the lack of technical innovation is arguably the proximate cause of the lack of

land and labour productivity growth in African agriculture and is the outcome of other

difficulties which reduce benefits, raise costs, or in other ways inhibit technical change

particularly on poor, small-scale farms.

Agricultural inputs subsidies have been a major feature of agricultural development

policies in rural economies from the 1960s to date. For agricultural subsidies, the

theoretical case is based on their promotion of agricultural productivity by making

investment in new technologies more attractive to smallholder farmers. (Ephraim &

Andrew, 2013). The primary responsibility of the Farm Input Support Services division

is to make accessible satisfactory amounts of superb manures (inorganic and natural),

Agro Chemicals, Seeds and Machines to Nigerian farmers to increase rural creation,

agricultural production, ensure food and cash crop self-sufficiency and also increase

farmer’s income and overall well-being.

Agriculture sector in Nigeria is presently facing several challenges as a result of

insufficient and wastefully expensive costs of procurement, stocking and distribution of

agricultural inputs. Thus, socio-economic growth has greatly been undermined hence it

constitutes a threat to the Federal Government of Nigeria’s “Vision 2020”.

2.4 Summary of the Gap

The various agricultural information system highlighted does not have functionality for

storing information of the farmers, government cannot interact with the farms

concerned, whenever want subsidize the farm inputs. This existing system doesn’t allow

proper accounting of subsidized inputs thereby giving room for diversion of inputs and

other corrupt practices hence the need for a more robust and easier to use system. There

is lack of emphasis on improving programme effectiveness and efficiency and

inadequate attention is paid to integration with complementary policies and programmes

for improving achievement of both direct and indirect benefits of input subsidy




3.1 Research Design

Since a development of this magnitude is all-encompassing, involving inputs from

various departments, this research focused on a comprehensive study of the needs of

both farmers and policy makers by capturing the feedbacks of the various stake-holders

and analysing them, designing a system framework and an algorithm that would aid

proper accountability of subsidized inputs distributed to farmers through the right

channel; and also designing a system using workflow diagrams, flowchart and

corresponding modules using the code igniter framework. The adoption of the use of

this framework is to ensure software quality assurance and inbuilt security procedures

and processes inherent in the framework.

3.1.1 Review of Methodology

Of all the models, the Waterfall Model was used for the following reasons:

i. It allows for departmentalization and control. A schedule can be set with

deadlines for each stage of development and a product can proceed through the

development process model phases one by one. ii. The waterfall model

progresses through easily understandable and

explainable phases and thus it is easy to use.

iii. It is easy to manage due to the rigidity of the model–each phase has specific

deliverables and a review process.

iv. In this model, phases are processed and completed one at a time and they do

not overlap. Waterfall model works well for smaller projects where

requirements are very well understood.

3.1.2 System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

Software development is the process of creating, designing, programming, processing,

testing, and managing applications, features, or other software. It includes all the related

features of the software required until the final product or version is accomplished. This

might sometimes involve the use of frameworks and prototyping. A process involving

detection, innovation, modification, refining, entry, maintenance, and many others may

be necessary to bring the final product to use. Software may be created for many

purposes, the three most common being to meet specific needs of a specific

client/business, to meet a perceived need of potential users, or for personal use.

The researchers used the framework presented in Figure 3.1 to define the tasks

performed at each step in the software development process. The planning and

requirement analysis stage which is the most important stage, was properly carried out;

the defining requirements stage followed where proper survey which involved most of

the stakeholders was carried out. The application being designed is described using the

National Agricultural Input Distribution System Framework, use-case diagram, data

structures, entity relation diagram, the algorithms and the system flowchart which

covers the third stage known as the designing the product architecture also a very

important stage.

Figure 3. 1 National Agricultural Input Distribution Software (Farmsupport)

Development Life Cycle

This research involves the development of a web-enabled open-source application using

PHP whereby the code runs between the requested page and the web server, because of

that we used a database MySQL for the data-capturing and reporting platform –this

takes care of the fourth stage Building or developing the product was well carried out as

shown in chapter 4. The product was tested and reported as shown in Appendix C to

Appendix E.

3.2 Population, Sample and Sampling Techniques

To achieve the first objective which is to analyse the existing platform to ascertain the

level of service delivery, a population size of about 300 respondents (200 farmers, 50

Agro dealers and 50 Supply chain managers) were purposively selected. The

judgemental or purposively sampling technique was used to save time and cost. (Black,


3.3 Methods of Data Collection

Feedback from stakeholders was captured through:

i. Structured questionnaires (as shown in Appendix B) ii. Document and records

(GES External Monitoring Group, 2015) iii. Case stories reflecting personal

experiences of farmers under the GES

(Growth Enhancement Scheme).

All the questionnaires returned were encoded and recorded using the SPSS package as

presented in Appendix B. The statistical package was used to compute simple statistics

and the test of hypothesis. The data obtained from the questionnaires administered are

presented, analysed and described in Appendix B.

3.3.1 Discussion of findings

The researchers made use of the Chi-Square test as a technique to analyse the data

collected. In this research, the null and the alternate hypotheses were used to form an

opinion depending on the outcome of the analysed data. The null hypothesis Ho was

being accepted if the calculated chi-square lies within the acceptance region and in

effect draw major conclusions. However, where the calculated chi-square falls outside

the region, the null hypothesis was rejected and the alternate Hi accepted. That implies

that deployment into the market and maintenance is subject to approval by the relevant

stakeholders. Having analysed the data, this research shows that there is a low level of

ICT awareness and utilization in various organizations involved in the distribution of

government supplements. A value of 10.6% of organizations having web presence and

12.2% literacy level is very low especially when compared to other developing nations

around the world. About 77.5% of the farmers are not aware that a web-based system

exists where they can interact with Agro dealers and government agents. Even the other

14.2% who have an idea of the existence of the system may not be using it for anything

due to their level of ICT knowledge or their location. It is revealing that only about

5.8% of the farmers check the system before approaching Agro dealers. This calls for

reorientation of the users and the development of a user-friendly system that can cater

for the peculiar needs of the farmers and Agro dealers. It should be that simple rather

than a complex system that the users find difficult to use. Such a system should ensure

maximum support for user needs and at the same time, provide government with the

needed reports for decision making.

3.4 Techniques of Data Analysis

The technique deployed in the data analysis is hereby presented. This includes the

suggestive framework that is to aid the objective of the study is analysed. This is

followed by the algorithms that were developed to aid the distribution and the diagrams

to explain the structure of the systems. Subsections 3.4.1, 3.4.2 and 3.4.3 present this


3.4.1 Design of Framework to Aid Distribution of Farm Inputs

In this subsection, the framework of the proposed system is presented. The framework

as shown in Figure 3.1 indicates what a farmer, Agro-dealer and government can do.

Figure 3. 2 New System Framework

3.4.2 Design of an Algorithm to Aid Distribution of Farm Inputs

Three algorithms were used for the design of this system: Algorithms 1, 2 and 3. The algorithms

are FarmerDashboard, DealerDashboard, and StaffDashboard for the design of farmers, dealers

and staff dashboards.

Algorithm 1: Farmer Dashboard

FarmerDashboard( ) Begin if farmer not registered Then //
contact the ministry admin

Signup to register your data

elseif login details are forgotten or lost Then // reset password
Contact the ministry admin for password reset else //
Input the user details
login with username and password
if login is successful Then // Farmer exist
Output: farmer name, email address and role

Display farmer dashboard

Select option (1 to 4)
Case 1:’check available items’
Select a dealer to check his shop
Submit the form
View the report
Case 2:
Complete starting and stopping dates’view my collections’

Submit the form

View your collections within the selected period
Case 3:’place an order’
Select a dealer to place order from his shop
Select the item
Enter the quantity
The price is displayed automatically
Place order
Case 4: logout

Algorithm 2: Dealer Dashboard

DealerDashboard( )

if dealer not registered Then // contact the ministry admin

Signup to register your data
elseif login details are forgotten or lostThen // reset password
Contact the ministry admin for password reset else //
Input the user details
login with username and password end

if login is successful Then // Dealer exist

Output: dealer name, email address and center
displaydealer dashboard end
Select option (1 to 5) Case 1:’
Update My Stock’
Select a stock item to update
The approved cost comes up automatically
Enter the qty to update
Submit the form

Case 2:’ Issue Product to Farmer’

Select the input
The cost and qty-in-stock appear automatically
Input the farmer id
The farmer’s name appears automatically
Input the Qty to issue

Submit the form

Case 3:’ Stock Issue Report’
Input a starting and stopping date (Report range)
Submit the form
The report is displayed
Case 4: ‘My Stock Balances’
The balances of all the stock items in store are generated
Case 5: Logout

Algorithm 3: Ministry Dashboard

MinistryDashboard( )
If Ministry Staff not registered Then // contact the portal admin
Signup to register your data
elseif login details are forgotten or lost Then // reset password
Contact the portal admin for password reset else // Input the
user details
login with username and password
if login is successful Then // Staff exist
Output: staff name, email address and role
Display staff dashboard
Select option (1 to 5)
Case 1: ‘Farmer Registration’ Assign
ID to the farmer Enter farmer’s personal details
Enter State, LGA, Email and default password
The approved cost comes up automatically
Submit the form
Case 2: ‘Agro Dealer Registration’
Enter dealer center code
Centre details are automatically displayed (State, LGA,
Center name)
Enter a dealer code
Enter other personal details of the dealer
Assign a default password
Submit the form
Case 3:’Maintain Inputs’ Enter an input
Enter description of the input
Enter maximum qty of input that can be given to a farmer at
one time
Enter the recommended unit cost per input
Submit the form
Case 4:’Export Data to Excel’
Farmers, Agro dealers, Ministry Staff, Stock Issues,
Warehouse tables are displayed for export
Foreach table
Enter the data range of the data to be exported
Submit the form
Report is downloaded in an Excel format
Case 5: Logout

3.4.3 Use-Case Diagram

Figure 3.3 is a representation of the users´ (the Administrator, the farmer, the agro

dealers, the touring companies, interaction with the system that shows the relationship

between them and the use cases in which they are involved.

Figure 3.3: Use-Case Description of System Design

3.4.4 Data Structures

The data structures are well presented using the Entity Relationship diagram presented

in section 3.4.5 and Table 3.1 to Table 3.6.

Table 3. 1: Data Support

S/N List of Tables
1 Agrodearlers
2 Farminputs
3 Farmers
4 Stockissues
5 Tbllogindetails
6 Warehouse

Table 3.1 shows the first step after the creation of the “Datasupport database” with lists

of tables/sub-databases (agrodealers, farminputs, farmers, stockissues, tblogindetails,

warehouse) created for subsequent use. These tables are more like sub-databases to be

populated by the users of the system.

Table 3. 2: The Agro Dealers Table

S/N Column Name Type Size

1 dealercode Varchar 10
2 dealername Varchar 50
3 dearlercentre Varchar 5
4 dealerphone Varchar 11

Table 3.2 shows the Agro dealer’s information. It is used to register and update the

records of enrolled Agro dealers. Every dealer is attached to a centre, while the dealer’s

name and phone number is captured in the system.

Table 3. 3: The Farmers Details

S/N Column Name Type Size

1 Farid Varchar 10

2 farname Varchar 40

3 faraddr Varchar 100

4 farphone Varchar 11

5 farstate Varchar 30

6 farlga Varchar 30

Table 3.3 is used to capture all the registered farmers in the country. The famer’s details

are supplied into the system with all the relevant details needed in the event of having

any need to contact the farmer for fact finding. Each farmer is assigned a unique ‘farid’

which identifies the farmer and all transactions made by him. ‘farname’ as an attribute

represents the farmer’s name. ‘faraddr’ and ‘farphone’ has to do with farmer’s address

and phone number respectively. While ‘farstate’ refers to the farmer’s state, ‘farlga’

represents his/her local government area.

Table 3. 4: Farm-Inputs

S/N Column Name Type Size

1 inpcode Varchar 10
2 inpdesc Varchar 50
3 inpqty Varchar 20
4 inpcost Float -

Table 3.4 shows the information about the farm inputs available for purchase and for the


Table 3.5: The Warehouse

S/N Column Name Type Size

1 tid Int 10
2 cencode Varchar 10
3 dcode Varchar 10
4 inpcode Varchar 10
5 inpdesc Varchar 50
6 inpqty Varchar 20
7 inpcost Float -

Table 3.5 helps the user update information relating to the warehouse. ‘cencode’ aids

the user update information about the warehouse centre, ‘inpcode’is about the code

assigned to input in question, ‘inpdesc’ is for description and ‘inpqty’ is for quantity of

input and

‘inpcost’ refers to the cost of input.

Table 3.6 describes the stock issues-the available stock, tid helps update the stock

identity with a unique pin. with regards to updating information too, while cencode is to

identify each stock centre, inpcode is used to assign value to the input in question. farqty

helps to update the quantity of stock a farmer is requesting.

Table 3. 6: Stock Issues

S/N Column Name Type Size

1 tid Int 10
2 cencode Varchar 10
3 dcode Varchar 10
4 inpcode Varchar 10
5 inpdesc Varchar 50
6 farid Varchar 10
7 farqty Varchar 20
8 trandate Date -

3.4.5 Entity Relationship Diagram

The Entity Relation diagram is used to show the structural relationship between the

entities making up the entire database. Figure 3.4 linked together the tables presented in

section 3.4.4 using primary keys to their index. These primary keys uniquely identify

records stored in each table to ensure proper data normalization and minimization of

data duplication.

Figure 3.4: The Entity-Relationship Diagram of the system

3.4.6 System Flowchart

The system flowchart specifies the entire process presented in Figure 3.5. Each user is

expected to belong to a class. It is either the user is a farmer, an Agro dealer or a

ministry staff. On creation of users, the admin places him/her in a class and that class

determines what the user can do in the system. This is specified in the application using


Figure 3.5: System Flowchart for the Farm Support System

3.5 Justification of Method

A research work of this magnitude has to adopt the right method and techniques, the

methods are validated thus, firstly, the waterfall model was used because it provides an

ideal framework for keeping the research team organized and on track, makes use of

clearer and simple structures, determines the end goal early and transfers information


The adoption of the use of code igniter framework is to ensure software quality

assurance and inbuilt security procedures and processes inherent in the framework.

Below are some of the compelling reasons why PHP was chosen as a language for this


i. PHP is open source and free.

ii. Short learning curve compared to other languages such as JSP, ASP. iii.

Large community document.

iv. Most web hosting servers support PHP by default unlike other languages such as

ASP (Active Server Pages) that need Internet Information Services (IIS). This

makes PHP a cost-effective choice.

v. PHP is regularly updated to keep abreast with the latest technology trends.

vi. The last benefit of using PHP in this kind of robust application is that is that it’s

a server-side scripting language; this means the programmer only need to install

it on the server and client computers requesting for resources from the server do

not need to have PHP installed; only a web browser would be enough.

In addition to the benefits listed above, PHP has in built support for working hand in

hand with MySQL; this doesn’t mean you can’t use PHP with other database

management systems. Some of these DBMS include:

i. Postgresql

ii. Oracle iii. MS

SQL Server iv.


PHP is cross platform; this means you can deploy your application on a number of

different operating systems such as windows, Linux, Mac OS. In conjunction with PHP

MySql was also used as a database management system of choice for the application

developed. MySQL is a relational database management system based on SQL–

Structured Query Language. The application is used for a wide range of purposes,

including data warehousing, e-commerce, and logging applications.

The most common use for mySQL however, is for the purpose of a web database. It can

be used to store anything from a single record of information to an entire inventory of

available products for an online store. Judgemental sampling was used because it
allowed the researchers to approach the target audience- the farmers’ association within

the Federal Capital Territory, agro dealers and other stakeholders directly to produce

desired result. The questionnaire data collection method was used because it enabled the

researchers to relatively reach a large number of people, that is the stakeholders easily

and economically.

The Chi square test technique for data analysis was also used by the researchers because

of its robustness with respect to distribution of data, its ease of computations and the

detailed information that can be derived from the test.



4.1 Data Presentation

This chapter presents the data and the analysis that the researchers engaged with in a bid

to make interpretation. The way the software was developed and for the use of the

context are reported in details. The analysis of the system and how its usage have been

taken by the farmers also form part of the report. The chapter ends with the minimum

requirement for the operation of the system software

4.1.1 System Implementation

Software implementation encompasses all the processes involved in ensuring that a

software developed for an organization or purpose, is deployed and made to fulfil

objectives. These processes may include: analysing requirements, installation,

configuration, customization, running, testing, systems integrations, user training,

delivery and making necessary changes. The word "deployment" is sometimes used to

mean the same thing.

For an implementation process to be successful, many tasks between different

departments need to be accomplished in sequence. Companies strive to use proven

methodologies and enlist professional help to guide them through the implementation of

a system but the failure of many implementation processes often stems from the lack of

accurate planning in the beginning stages of the project due to inadequate resources or

unforeseen problems that arise. The system was implemented using the Code Igniter

framework based on PHP as the frontend and MYSQL database at the backend to create

full featured web applications as shown in Appendix A. This framework being an

opensource based framework was chosen to ensure easy integration of forms and pages

in addition to some of the inherent built-in security and optimization facilities in the

The application was tested with sample data from the ministry which includes:

i. Sample list of registered farmers in

FCT ii. Sample list of Agro-dealers in the FCT

iii. Farm inputs being subsidised iv. A list of

some ministry staff and their roles

All the modules and database were hosted on a local host on a development computer

with the expectation that when it is adopted, it will be moved to the ministry web-portal

from where all relevant users can access it locally or remotely.

4.1.2 The Landing Page

Upon launching the application, this is the index page that is displayed. This page

enables the various categories of users to login and perform the tasks that are authorised

for such users as shown in Figure 4.1.

Figure 4. 1: Landing Page

The users are categorised as, Supply-Chain Managers; Farmers; Agro dealers; Admin.

The admin has a super or level zero access credentials, allowing him/her to have an

overall privilege over and above all other users. Presently, the system is running from a

local host primarily because it has not been uploaded to the ministry cloud server. When

all the tests have been concluded, it will be launched on the cloud and all the concerned

staff and users will be trained to ensure a smooth take-off.

4.1.2 System Login Page

Despite the category of the user, he/she is expected to login with his/her unique

username and password, before access is granted to the respective modules as shown in

Figure 4.2. When a user logs into the system, the specific responsibilities assigned to

that user appears on his/her side menu and those are the specific tasks that have been

assigned to that particular user.

Figure 4. 2: System Login Page

To ensure that adequate security measure have been taken, the user’s passwords are

encrypted when stored in the database to ensure that external attacks are not launched to

cripple the system as shown Figure 4.3.

Figure 4. 3: Set of Records in Login Table

This a sample set of records in the login table showing users, their roles, encrypted

passwords and other relevant details about the users.

4.1.3 The Administrator

The administrator is in the core of the system. His/her responsibilities involve the entire

management and maintenance of the system, creation of various categories of users,

assignment of tasks and the production of various reports that may be required by the


Figure 4. 4: The Administrator Page

Figure 4.4 shows a sample of the page that appears once the right username and

password are fed into the system login form of the administrator.

4.1.4 Famers’ Registration

Figure 4.5 is the form used to register famers in the system. The farmer is assigned a

unique identity. This identifies the farmer all over the system. He or she has to quote

this unique identity number while trying to access supplements. It is this number that

tells the management who the farmer is and where he or she is located.

Figure 4. 5: Farmers’ Registration Form

Other relevant information collected from the farmer as shown in Figure 4.5 include:

i. Name

ii. Address iii. Phone iv. State

v. Local Government/Area Council

vi. Email and Password

With this information, the farmer and the management are in close contact as the

management can reach the farmer either through phone or email to get first had


4.1.5 Agro Dealers Registration

All Agro-dealers participating in the distribution of farm-support supplements are duly

registered. The Agro-dealers source the inputs and stock them in their various locations

after duly making their availability known to both the famers and the management

through proper registration in their various virtual warehouses in the system as shown in

Figure 4.6.

Figure 4. 6: Agro Dealers’ Registration Form

The farmer is expected to search through various dealers’ warehouses looking for inputs

and upon availability, they can place order and schedule for collection. Every Agro

dealer belongs to a specific centre which is located in various states and local

governments. The dealer is assigned a dealer code which identifies the company and

used while making claims to the government for reimbursements.

4.1.6 Supply-Chain Managers

The supply-chain managers are responsible for the management of the centres. There

may be a number of dealers in a centre depending on the size of the centre and the

number of farmers. It is the responsibility of the supply-chain managers to ensure that

dealers do not short-change the farmers or that the dealers do not liaise with the farmers

to cheat the government or to cut-corners.

Figure 4. 7: Supply Chain Managers

Figure 4.7 shows the form that all the required fields for the supply chain managers

information are filled.

4.1.7 Dealers Dashboard

Dealers are expected to render services to the farmers. They stock the input supplements

and distribute to farmers at government approved rates. Once dealers acquire new stock,

they have provision on the dashboard to update their stock so farmers and management

can see those stock items from wherever they are. Figure 4.8 shows the dealers

dashboard where these updates are done.

Figure 4. 8 Dealers Dashboard

They also issue those stock items to farmers upon request and at the end of every month,

they generate a report of all items issued to farmers and submit to the supply-chain

managers who verify the submission and send it to the ministry for payment.

4.1.8 Stock Issues to farmers

The primary aim of the government is to ensure that inputs get to farmers at a subsidised

rate. These inputs are distributed to the farmers via the Agro-dealers. The famers are

expected to get to the dealers, book for products and schedule for collection after paying

a specified percentage to the dealers.

Figure 4.9 is used by Agro-dealers to issue inputs to farmers. The dealer simply selects

the input to issue, the farmer code and the quantity to issue. This is automatically issued

to the farmer who in turn pays the dealer any amount agreed and prescribed by the

government. Once this is done, the dealer’s stock position is automatically recalculated

in the central warehouse.

Figure 4. 9: Stock Issues to Farmers

4.2 Data Analysis and Results

The Farm Support system has provision for a wide variety of reports depending on the

category of the user that is logged in. While the Agro dealers can query the system and

get reports on their stock balances in the central warehouse as seen in Appendix C,

farmers can also use the report functions to seek for availability of inputs from dealers

before knowing which dealer to approach for input requests, as presented in Appendix

D. The Ministry has the privilege to generate and download various reports that inform

them on the performance of dealers and the inputs given to farmers at any given time as

seen in Appendix E.

The aim of this research as stated in Chapter One, was to design and implement a robust

decision support system for the farm input support services capable of providing up-

tothe minute information to decision makers. The software designed and implemented

in this research has been able to meet its aims as the system is well equipped to meet

both the immediate needs of the users in addition to having the ability to incorporate

future modules to meet any other challenges that may be deemed fit by management.

This level of flexibility and interoperability built into the system makes it an ideal

decision support system that will help both management and the government at large to

meet the vision of the ministry in the area of farm input support. The analysis carried

out on the existing system was able to reveal some of the lapses and areas of adjustment

which management has to make to ensure the new system meets its aim. This was

carried out using SPSS package with the chi square test showing a high p-value which

made the researcher accept the hypothesis that there is need for a better solution.

In the course of the study, loopholes were discovered in the process of distributing

inputs to farmers. This is largely as a result of the information breakdown between

farmers and the ministry as regards the activities of the Agro dealers. This research was

able to make room for free flow of information between various levels of users making

it possible for farmers and ministry staff to regularly communicate and collaborate.

Agro dealers can no longer block farmers from the ministry while supplying

management with fictitious figures on distribution of inputs.

This new system has also made it possible for the ministry to properly account for all

inputs distributed to dealers. The problem of accountability has remained a serious

challenge to the management as farmers kept complaining of poor distribution of inputs.

With this new system, the ministry management can at the click of a button, view how

inputs are distributed and which famer gets what. This will not only solve the problem

of marginalization of certain categories of farmers as have being earlier claimed, but

also help management in knowing the areas of need and making appropriate budgets for

the subsequent batches.

The web-enabled open-source application makes it easier for information and data

access from any part of the world. The advantage of this system has over the previous

(which is proprietary) in this area is the use of an open-source software. The cost of

license renewals has been totally eliminated, while at the same time, providing a system

with a robust database in a Linux environment that is very difficult for viruses and

hackers to penetrate unlike the old system which runs on a windows server. This system

has made it almost impossible for inputs to be diverted through the monitoring channels

built into the system right from the point of design.

4.2.1 System Requirements

To efficiently implement a system of this magnitude, a set of minimum software and

hardware requirements are presented. This is to ensure that all aspects of the system

work effectively to comply with user requirement and management expectations:

Minimum Hardware Requirements

i. Core i3 CPU or higher for the intranet server and any web-enabled system

for users

ii. 4GB RAM or more

iii. 100GB disk space for the intranet server iv. 17inch monitor

v. Keyboard and mouse

Minimum Software Requirements

i. Linux Based Server for the intranet ii. Any

Web-browser but preferably Mozilla Firefox iii.

Windows or Linux Clients iv. Spreadsheet application

v. PDF Writer


5.1 Summary

Internet penetration is also at a very low level with only about 10.6% of the staff of the

ministry regularly connecting to the internet for any form of research. Most of the

respondents accepted that they mostly use the internet for social media and news. This

undermines the aim behind the development of the internet and places the populace in a

disadvantaged position in a world where information is power. This might not however

be connected to the fact that most internet users connect via modems and individual

routers with associated data connection costs. The cost of data connectivity and internet

illiteracy is seen as a major impediment towards exploration of the benefits of the World

Wide Web. About 64.2% of the respondents attributed this cost as their major

limitation. As shown in section Appendix B, usability of the system is rated at 1.6%.

This may be as a result of lack of training or the level of user-friendliness of the system.

This factor is seen to affect the opinion of the users as only 7.3% are of the view that the

system is serving its designed objectives. The response of the consultants when issues

arise is also a major factor that cannot easily be ignored. The study reveals that over

90% of the sample are not comfortable with the response of the consultants, even when

only about 2.4% undergo regular training.

The data obtained from this research shows that farmers are not aware of the existence

of a computerized system of distribution and monitoring of products. This might be

attributed to the low level of ICT literacy especially where most of the farmers live in

the rural areas. However, 8.3% of the farmers sampled are aware of such system but,

only about 5.8% check online for both availability of product and cost of such a product.

About 60% of the famers are in close relationship with the Agro dealers. This is evident

in the

62.5% high rating seen in the performance of the Agro dealers. Though the Agro dealers

are averagely rated high, it is shown that about 35% of the population seem to be

charged extra fees sometimes. This is a high level of corruption and is highly against the

ethics of being given the privilege to be an Agro dealer.

The system developed has been able to take care of most of the problems and

observations made in the existing system. All the user complaints and expectations have

been incorporated and are expected to serve both the users and the ministry better,

making their job easier and ensuring efficient utilization of resources.

5.2 Conclusion

Quite a number of personnel of the ministry and Agro-dealers are aware of the existence

of an online system of distribution and evaluation of the distribution channels but their

level of proficiency in the use of the portal is considerably low. About 90% of the staff

are in the know that such online system of interaction and monitoring exists but only

about 15.4% are proficient in the use of the system. This may either be as a result of

inadequate training or deliberate denial of access to the people concerned.

A system that will serve the organization such as this is therefore needed at a time like

this when efficiency of service delivery and effectiveness of organs of government is of

paramount importance to the present administration.

5.3 Recommendations

Having studied the work-process of the ministry and the farm-input support unit in

particular, the researchers were able to come up with a web application that has taken

the user requirements into serious consideration. The procedures and processes followed

by the ministry and Agro-dealers have also been incorporated to ensure the smooth

running of the system. The following are therefore recommended:

i. The system should be allowed to run without interference or breach in


ii. Users at all levels need to be sensitized on their roles in the system.Training

of all users is mandatory to ensure everyone understands his or her role. iii.

There is need for frequent turn-around maintenance of the system to ensure

flaws are fixed and new innovations are added as the system progresses.

iv. The need for security of user’s access credentials must be emphasised to

forestall breach of use.

v. All supervising organs should from time to time, appraise the system and

access the effectiveness of the users under them.

vi. Farmers must be continually educated on their rights and their roles in the

efficient running of the system and the expectation of government.

5.4 Contribution to Knowledge

In this research, a platform was provided that serves as meeting point for both farmers

and policy makers to interact and also act as a decision support system for government.

The framework and the algorithms can be used as guide to other researchers that want to

implement this work.

5.5 Limitations of the Study

In the course of carrying out this research work, the researcher utilized the existence of

some limiting factors which are not encouraging thereby frustrating the researches

regarding the provision of the Farm support software as an alternative platform for farm

input distribution to farmers.

i. Biases also contributed as most respondents although aware of the

intention/purpose of the research refused to give the researchers the needed

cooperation hence the need for persuasion before information can be gotten.

ii. Administrative constraints where bureaucracy was at play before the tiniest

information can be given.

iii. There is issue of Internet connectivity in the local areas. Therefore, the need

for government to connect every rural area with dedicated Internet for the

easy access to the portal by the farmers.


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Source Code
* Description of farmsupport Model
* @author chioma
* This model comprises all the functions that are used to insert and update all the records on individual
tables in the database
class farmsupport_m extends CI_Model
{ var
var $hash;

function SaveCentre()
/** This function is used to save the collection centre **/
$this->cencode = $this->input->post('cencode');
$this->cenname = $this->input->post('cenname');
$this->censtate = $this->input->post('censtate');
$this->cenlga = $this->input->post('cenlga');

$_SESSION['CenCode'] = $this->cencode;
$_SESSION['CenName'] = $this->cenname;
$_SESSION['CenState'] = $this->censtate;
$_SESSION['CenLga'] = $this->cenlga;

$cCode = $this->cencode;
$trans_data = array(
'cencode' => $_SESSION['CenCode'],
'cenname' => $_SESSION['CenName'],
'censtate' => $_SESSION['CenState'],
'cenlga' => $_SESSION['CenLga'],
if (!$this->db->insert('redcentres', $trans_data))
$this->db->where('cencode', $cCode);
$this->db->update('redcentres', $trans_data);

function SaveDealer()
/** This function is used to insert/update a delear’s record in the database **/
$this->dealercode = $this->input->post('dealercode');
$this->dealername = $this->input->post('dealername');
$this->dealerphone = $this->input->post('dealerphone');
$this->dealercentre = $this->input->post('cencode');
$_SESSION['DealerCode'] = $this->dealercode;
$_SESSION['DealerName'] = $this->dealername;
$_SESSION['DealerPhone'] = $this->dealerphone;
$_SESSION['DealerCentre'] = $this->dealercentre;

$this->sysid = $this->input->post('sysid');
$this->dealermail = $this->input->post('dealermail');
$this->dealerpass = MD5($this->input->post('dealerpass'));
$_SESSION['DealerPass'] = $this->dealerpass;

$_SESSION['DealerMail'] = $this->dealermail;
$_SESSION['Sysid'] = $this->sysid;
$cCode = $this->dealercode;
$trans_data = array(
'dealercode' => $_SESSION['DealerCode'],
'dealername' => $_SESSION['DealerName'],
'dealerphone' => $_SESSION['DealerPhone'],
'dealercentre' => $_SESSION['DealerCentre'],
if (!$this->db->insert('agrodealers', $trans_data))
$this->db->where('dealercode', $cCode);
$this->db->update('agrodealers', $trans_data);

$trans_data2 = array(
'loginid' => $_SESSION['DealerCode'],
'regdate' => date('Y-m-d'),
'role_id' => 'Dealer',
'username' => $_SESSION['DealerName'],
'password' => $_SESSION['DealerPass'],
'email' => $_SESSION['DealerMail'],
'sysid' => $_SESSION['Sysid'],
if (!$this->db->insert('tbllogindetails', $trans_data2))
$this->db->where('loginame', $cCode);
$this->db->update('tbllogindetails', $trans_data2);

function SaveManager()
/** This function is used to insert/update the record of Supply-Chain-Managers **/
$this->managercode = $this->input->post('managercode');
$this->managername = $this->input->post('managername');
$this->managerphone = $this->input->post('managerphone');
$this->managercentre = $this->input->post('cencode');

$_SESSION['ManagerCode'] = $this->managercode;
$_SESSION['ManagerName'] = $this->managername;
$_SESSION['ManagerPhone'] = $this->managerphone;
$_SESSION['ManagerCentre'] = $this->managercentre;

$mCode = $this->managercode;
$cCode = $this->managercentre;

$trans_data = array(
'managercode' => $_SESSION['ManagerCode'],
'managername' => $_SESSION['ManagerName'],
'managerphone' => $_SESSION['ManagerPhone'],
'managercentre' => $_SESSION['ManagerCentre'],
if (!$this->db->insert('managers', $trans_data))
$this->db->where('managercode', $mCode);
$this->db->where('managercentre', $cCode);
$this->db->update('managers', $trans_data);
$trans_data2 = array(
'loginid' => $_SESSION['ManagerCode'],
'regdate' => date('Y-m-d'),
'role_id' => 'Dealer',
'username' => $_SESSION['ManagerName'],
'password' => $_SESSION['ManagerPass'],
'email' => $_SESSION['ManagerMail'],
'sysid' => $_SESSION['Sysid'],

if (!$this->db->insert('tbllogindetails', $trans_data2))
$this->db->where('loginame', $cCode);
$this->db->update('tbllogindetails', $trans_data2);

function SaveFarmer()
/** This function is used to insert/update famers’ records. **/
$this->farid = $this->input->post('farid');
$this->farrname = $this->input->post('farname');
$this->farphone = $this->input->post('farphone');
$this->faraddr = $this->input->post('faraddr');
$this->farstate = $this->input->post('farstate');
$this->farlga = $this->input->post('farlga');

$this->sysid = $this->input->post('sysid');
$this->farmail = $this->input->post('farmail');
$this->farpass = MD5($this->input->post('farpass'));

$_SESSION['FarId'] = $this->farid;
$_SESSION['FarName'] = $this->farname;
$_SESSION['FarPhone'] = $this->farphone;
$_SESSION['FarAddr'] = $this->faraddr;
$_SESSION['FarState'] = $this->farstate;
$_SESSION['FarLga'] = $this->farlga;

$_SESSION['FarPass'] = $this->farpass;
$_SESSION['FarMail'] = $this->farmail;
$_SESSION['Sysid'] = $this->sysid;

$cCode = $this->farid;
$trans_data = array(
'farid' => $_SESSION['FarId'],
'farname' => $_SESSION['FarName'],
'farphone' => $_SESSION['FarPhone'],
'faraddr' => $_SESSION['FarAddr'],
'farstate' => $_SESSION['FarState'],
'farlga' => $_SESSION['FarLga'],

if (!$this->db->insert('farmers', $trans_data))
$this->db->where('farid', $cCode);
$this->db->update('farmers', $trans_data);

$trans_data2 = array(
'loginid' => $_SESSION['FarId'],
'regdate' => date('Y-m-d'),
'role_id' => 'Farmer',
'username' => $_SESSION['FarName'],
'password' => $_SESSION['FarPass'],
'email' => $_SESSION['FarMail'],
'sysid' => $_SESSION['Sysid'],

if (!$this->db->insert('tbllogindetails', $trans_data2))
$this->db->where('loginame', $cCode);
$this->db->update('tbllogindetails', $trans_data2);

function SaveInput()
/** This function is used to create/update inputs that are being supported in the programme**/
$this->inpcode= $this->input->post('inpcode');
$this->inpdesc = $this->input->post('inpdesc');
$this->inpqty = $this->input->post('inpqty');
$this->inpcost = $this->input->post('inpcost');

$_SESSION['InpCode'] = $this->inpcode;
$_SESSION['InpDesc'] = $this->inpdesc;
$_SESSION['InpQty'] = $this->inpqty;
$_SESSION['InpCost'] = $this->inpcost;
$cCode = $this->inpcode;
$trans_data = array(
'inpcode' => $_SESSION['InpCode'],
'inpdesc' => $_SESSION['InpDesc'],
'inpqty' => $_SESSION['InpQty'],
'inpcost' => $_SESSION['InpCost'],

if (!$this->db->insert('farminputs', $trans_data))
$this->db->where('inpcode', $cCode);
$this->db->update('farminputs', $trans_data);

function SaveWarehouse()
/** When supplements are purchased or acquired by dealers, the details of the input
supplements are posted into the system and recorded through this function
$this->inpcode= $this->input->post('inpcode');
$this->inpqty = $this->input->post('inpqty');
$this->inpcost = $this->input->post('inpcost');

$_SESSION['InpCode'] = $this->inpcode;
$_SESSION['InpQty'] = $this->inpqty;
$_SESSION['InpCost'] = $this->inpcost;
$cCode = $this->inpcode;

$sql = "SELECT * FROM farminputs WHERE inpcode ='" . $cCode . "'";

$query = $this->db->query($sql);
$row = $query->row_array();

if (isset($row))
$InpDesc = $row['inpdesc'];

$trans_data = array(
'tid' => mt_rand(),
'dcode' => $_SESSION['username'],
'inpcode' => $_SESSION['InpCode'],
'inpdesc' => $InpDesc,
'inpqty' => $_SESSION['InpQty'],
'inpcost' => $_SESSION['InpCost'],
'cencode' => $_SESSION['centre'],

$sql = "SELECT * FROM warehouse WHERE inpcode ='" . $cCode . "' and dcode =
$query = $this->db->query($sql);
$row = $query->row_array();
if (isset($row))
$rec = $row['tid'];
$this->db->where('tid', $rec);
$this->db->update('warehouse', $trans_data);
$this->db->insert('warehouse', $trans_data);

function UpdateWarehouse()
/** this function is used to update the warehouse database each time a dealer issues his/her
input supplement to a farmer. The updating is done automatically in realtime so the exact
number of suppliments remaining in the dealer’s record is reflected.
$this->inpcode= $this->input->post('inpcode');
$this->farqty = $this->input->post('farqty');
$this->farid = $this->input->post('farid');

$_SESSION['InpCode'] = $this->inpcode;
$_SESSION['FarQty'] = $this->farqty;
$_SESSION['FarId'] = $this->farid;
$cCode = $this->inpcode;

$sql = "SELECT * FROM farminputs WHERE inpcode ='" . $cCode . "'";

$query = $this->db->query($sql);
$row = $query->row_array();
if (isset($row))
$InpDesc = $row['inpdesc'];
$maxQty = $row['inpqty'];

if ($this->farqty > $maxQty)

//qty too much to issue at a time
$msg = "Hello! You Cannot Issue More Than ".$maxQty." To A Farmer"; redirect('Failedc',
$sql = "SELECT * FROM warehouse WHERE inpcode ='" . $cCode . "' and dcode = '".$
$query = $this->db->query($sql);
$row = $query->row_array();
if (isset($row))
$myQty = (int)$row['inpqty'];

if ($fQty > $myQty)
// stock balance not enough
redirect('Failedc', 'refresh');
$trans_data = array(
'tid' => mt_rand(),
'dcode' => $_SESSION['userid'],
'inpcode' => $_SESSION['InpCode'],
'cencode' => $_SESSION['centre'],
'inpqty' => $Qty

$sql = "SELECT * FROM warehouse WHERE inpcode ='" . $cCode . "' and dcode = '".$
$query = $this->db->query($sql);
$row = $query->row_array();
if (isset($row))
$rec = $row['tid'];
$this->db->where('tid', $rec);
$this->db->update('warehouse', $trans_data);

$trans_data = array(
'tid' => mt_rand(),
'dcode' => $_SESSION['userid'],
'inpcode' => $_SESSION['InpCode'],
'inpdesc' => $InpDesc,
'farqty' => $_SESSION['FarQty'],
'farid' => $_SESSION['FarId'],
'cencode' => $_SESSION['centre'],
'trandate' => date("Y-m-d"),
$this->db->insert('stockissues', $trans_data);
class Loginc extends CI_Controller
* This is the login controller. It calls the login view which displays the interface for users to log into the
system. Upon submitting the login form, this controller validates the entries based on the credentials

public function __construct() { parent::__construct();

$this->load->helper(array('form', 'url')); $this->load-

//put your code here

public function index() {

$this->form_validation->set_error_delimiters('<div class="errormessage">', '</div>'); $this-
>form_validation->set_rules('password', 'Password', 'trim|required|min_length[3]|
$this->form_validation->set_rules('username', 'Username', 'trim|required|min_length[3]|max_l

if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE) { $this->load-

} else {
$this->password = $this->input->post('password');
$this->username = $this->input->post('username');
$query = $this->db->get_where('tbllogindetails', array('loginid' => $this->username, 'role_id' =>
$role_id, 'password' => MD5($this->password)));
//print "Wit";die;

if ($query->num_rows() > 0) {
$row = $query->row_array();
$_SESSION['username'] = $row['username'];
$_SESSION['userid'] = $row['loginid'];
$_SESSION['password'] = $row['password'];
$_SESSION['roleid'] = $row['role_id'];
$_SESSION['regdate'] = $row['regdate'];
$_SESSION['sysid'] = $row['sysid'];
$_SESSION['email'] = $row['email'];
return TRUE;
} else
return FALSE;

public function password_check()

$this->password = $this->input->post('password');
$query = $this->db->get_where('tbllogindetails', array('password' => MD5($this->password)));
if ($query->num_rows() > 0) {
return TRUE;
} else {
$this->form_validation->set_message('password_check', 'Invalid Password submitted access
DENIED!!!'); return FALSE;
public function username_check() {
$this->username = $this->input->post('username');
$query = $this->db->get_where('tbllogindetails', array('loginid' => $this->username));
if ($query->num_rows() > 0) {
return TRUE;
} else {
$this->form_validation->set_message('username_check', 'Invalid Username submitted access
return FALSE;
Name: login.php
Function: This is the login.php view. It is the webpage that is displayed for the user to enter his/her
credentials for authentication into the system.
**/ <?php
defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
<title>user login</title>
<div class="container-fluid text-center">
<div class="row content">
<div class="col-sm-2 sidenav">
<p><?php echo anchor('', 'Back to Main'); ?></p>
<!-- main content -->
<div class="col-sm-8 text-center">
<div class="table-responsive">
<h5><strong>Portal Login</strong></h5>
<?php echo form_open('admin/Loginc'); ?>
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="table table-sm table-hover table -striped
<?php echo validation_errors(); ?>
<p align="left">
if ($this->session->flashdata('shout')) {
echo "<br/> " . $this->session->flashdata('message_display');
<td width="">Username:</td>
<td width=""><input name="username" type="text" id="username" size="40" /></td> </tr>
<td><input name="password" type="password" id="password" size="40" /></td> </tr>
<td colspan="2">
<div align="center">
<button type="submit" name="submitButton">
<img src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>assets/images/b_search.png" width="16"
height="16" />
<?php echo form_close(); ?>
<div class="col-sm-2 sidenav">
<?php ?>

Name: StockUpdatec.php
Function: This is the Stock Update controller. It is the controller that is responsible for the registration and
update of stocks into the system.
class StockUpdatec extends CI_Controller {

//put your code here

function __construct() { //
Call the Model constructor

public function index()

$this->form_validation->set_error_delimiters('<div class="errormessage">', '</div>');
$this->form_validation->set_rules('inpcode', 'Code', 'trim|required'); $this->form_validation-
>set_rules('inpqty', 'Qty', 'trim|required');

if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE)
$this->form_validation->set_message('rule', 'Error Message');
} else
$this->inpcode = $this->input->post('inpcode');
$this->inpdesc = $this->input->post('inpdesc'); $this-
>inpqty = $this->input->post('inpqty');
if (isset($this->inpcode))
$this->farmsupport_m->SaveWarehouse(); redirect('admin/Successc',
} else
$msg = "Hello! You have not ENTERED Vald Details !!! ";
$_SESSION['paymsg'] = $msg;
$this->session->mark_as_flash('paymsg'); redirect('StockUpdatec',

public function getInput()

$q = $this->input->get('q');
$this->return_arr = array();
$sql = "SELECT * FROM farminputs WHERE inpcode ='" . $q . "'";
$query = $this->db->query($sql);
$row = $query->row_array();
$InpCost = 0;
if (isset($row))
$InpCost = $row['inpcost'];
$sql = "SELECT * FROM warehouse WHERE inpcode ='" . $q . "'and dcode =
$query = $this->db->query($sql);
$row = $query->row_array();
if ($query->num_rows() > 0)
foreach ($query->result() as $row)
$data['inpcost'] = $row->inpcost;
$data['inpqty'] = $row->inpqty;
array_push($this->return_arr, $data);
} else

$data['inpcost'] = $InpCost;
$data['inpqty'] = '0';
array_push($this->return_arr, $data);
echo json_encode($this->return_arr);

Name: Stockupdate.php
Function: This is the Stock Update view. It is the webpage that is displayed when the dealer wants to
update the stock in the warehouse.

defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');

<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.12.4.js"></script>
<div class="container-fluid text-center">
<div class="row content">
<div class="col-sm-2 sidenav">
<?php $this->load->view('menu/dealers'); ?>
<!-- main content -->
<div class="col-sm-8 text-center">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-user">

Create/Update Stock
<?php echo "(Welcome : " . $_SESSION['surname'] . ")"; ?>
<div class="table-responsive">
$attributes = array('id' => 'StockUpdatec', 'class' => 'form-horizontal','role' => 'form',
'name' => 'StockUpdatec'); echo
form_open('dealers/StockUpdatec', $attributes);
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="table table-sm table -responsive">
<tr><legend><img src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>assets/images/farmers.png" /></legend></tr>
<tr><legend><?php if (isset($_SESSION['paymsg'])) {
echo $_SESSION['paymsg'];
} ?></legend></tr>
<font color="red">
<?php echo validation_errors(); ?>
<td align="right"><label class="control-label">Input:</label></td> <td>
<select class="form-control" title="Input" name="inpcode" id="inpcode"
placeholder="inpcode" onblur="ShowInput(this.value)">
<option value="0000">----------Select Input------------</option>
$query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM farminputs ORDER BY
inpdesc ASC"); foreach ($query->result() as $row) {
echo "<option VALUE=" . $row->inpcode . ">" . $row->inpdesc"</option>";

<td align="right"><label class="control-label">Cost:</label></td>
<td align="left"><input class="form-control" name="inpcost" id="inpcost"
value="" placeholder="inpcost" type="text" readonly/></td>
<td align="right"><label class="control-label">Qty:</label></td>
<td align="left"><input class="form-control" name="inpqty" id="inpqty" value="" placeholder="inpqty"
type="text" /></td>
<td colspan="4">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-success btn-sm" name="submitButton"
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-cog"></span>
<b>Submit This Form</b></button>
<?php echo form_close(); ?>

<div class="col-sm-2 sidenav">


<script type="text/javascript">
function ShowInput(str) {
var post_data = {"<?php echo $this->security->get_csrf_token_name(); ?>": "<?php echo
$this->security->get_csrf_hash(); ?>"}; jQuery.ajax({type: "GET", data:
post_data, url: "<?php echo base_url(); ?>" + "index.php/ dealers/StockUpdatec/getInput?q=" +
str, dataType: "json", success: function (res) { if (res) {
document.getElementById("inpcost").value = res[0].inpcost;
document.getElementById("inpqty").value = res[0].inpqty;
Name: StockIssuec.php
Function: This is the Stock Issue controller. It is the controller that is responsible for the issue of
stock by dealers.

class StockIssuec extends CI_Controller

function __construct()

public function index()

$this->form_validation->set_error_delimiters('<div class="errormessage">', '</div>');
$this->form_validation->set_rules('inpcode', 'Code', 'trim|required');
$this->form_validation->set_rules('inpqty', 'Qty', 'trim|required');

if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE)
$this->form_validation->set_message('rule', 'Error Message');
} else
$this->inpcode = $this->input->post('inpcode');
$this->inpdesc = $this->input->post('inpdesc'); $this-
>inpqty = $this->input->post('inpqty');
if (isset($this->inpcode))
$this->farmsupport_m->UpdateWarehouse(); redirect('admin/Successc',
} else
$msg = "Hello! You have not ENTERED Vald Details !!! ";

$_SESSION['paymsg'] = $msg;
$this->session->mark_as_flash('paymsg'); redirect('StockIssuec',

public function getInput()

$q = $this->input->get('q');
$this->return_arr = array();
$sql = "SELECT * FROM warehouse WHERE inpcode ='" . $q . "'and dcode = '".$_SESSION
$query = $this->db->query($sql);
$row = $query->row_array();
if ($query->num_rows() > 0)
foreach ($query->result() as $row)
$data['inpcost'] = $row->inpcost;
$data['inpqty'] = $row->inpqty;
array_push($this->return_arr, $data);
} else

$msg = "Hello! Item Not Available !!! ";

$_SESSION['paymsg'] = $msg;
$this->session->mark_as_flash('paymsg'); redirect('StockIssuec',
echo json_encode($this->return_arr);

public function getName()

$q = $this->input->get('q'); $this-
>return_arr = array();
$sql = "SELECT * FROM farmers WHERE farid ='" . $q . "'";
$query = $this->db->query($sql);
$row = $query->row_array();
if (isset($row))
$data['farname'] = $row['farname'];
array_push($this->return_arr, $data);
echo json_encode($this->return_arr);


Name: StockIssue.php
Function: This is the Stock Issue view. It is the webpage that is responsible for the issue of stock by


defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');


<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.12.4.js"></script>

<div class="container-fluid text-center">
<div class="row content">
<div class="col-sm-2 sidenav">
<?php $this->load->view('menu/dealers'); ?>
<!-- main content -->
<div class="col-sm-8 text-center">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-user">
Create/Update Stock
<?php echo "(Welcome : " . $_SESSION['surname'] . ")"; ?>
<div class="table-responsive">
$attributes = array('id' => 'StockIssuec', 'class' => 'form-horizontal','role' => 'form', 'name' =>
echo form_open('dealers/StockIssuec', $attributes);
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="table table-sm table-responsive">
<tr><legend><img src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>assets/images/farmers.png"/></legend></tr>
<tr><legend><?php if (isset($_SESSION['paymsg'])) {
echo $_SESSION['paymsg'];
} ?></legend></tr>
<font color="red">
<?php echo validation_errors(); ?>
<td align="right"><label class="control-label">Input</label></td>
<select class="form-control" title="Input" name="inpcode" id="inpcode" placeholder="inpcode"
<option value="0000">------------------------------------Select Input------------------------------</option> <?
$query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM farminputs ORDER BY inpdesc
foreach ($query->result() as $row) {
echo "<option VALUE=" . $row->inpcode . ">" . $row->inpdesc . "</option>";

<td align="right"><label class="control-label">Cost</label></td>
<td align="left"><input class="form-control" name="inpcost" id="inpcost" value=""
placeholder="inpcost" type="text" readonly/></td>
<td align="right"><label class="control-label">Qty-In-Stock</label></td>

<td align="left"><input class="form-control" name="inpqty" id="inpqty" value="" placeholder="inpqty"
type="text" readonly/></td>

<td align="right"><label class="control-label">Famer</label></td>
<td align="left"><input class="form-control" name="farid" id="farid" value="" placeholder="farid"
type="text" onblur="ShowName(this.value)"/></td>

<td align="right"><label class="control-label">Famer's Name</label></td> <td
align="left"><input class="form-control" name="farname" id="farname" value=""
placeholder="farname" type="text" readonly/></td>
<td align="right"><label class="control-label">Qty-Issued</label></td>
<td align="left"><input class="form-control" name="farqty" id="farqty" value="" placeholder="farqty"
type="text" /></td>

<td colspan="4">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-success btn-sm" name="submitButton" id="submit_enquiry">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-cog"></span>
<b>Submit This Form</b></button>
<?php echo form_close(); ?>

<div class="col-sm-2 sidenav">


<script type="text/javascript">

function ShowInput(str) {
var post_data = {"<?php echo $this->security->get_csrf_token_name(); ?>": "<?php echo $this-
>security->get_csrf_hash(); ?>"};
jQuery.ajax({type: "GET", data: post_data, url: "<?php echo base_url(); ?>" +
"index.php/dealers/StockIssuec/getInput?q=" + str,
dataType: "json", success: function (res) {
if (res) {
document.getElementById("inpcost").value = res[0].inpcost;
document.getElementById("inpqty").value = res[0].inpqty;

function ShowName(str) {
var post_data = {"<?php echo $this->security->get_csrf_token_name(); ?>": "<?php echo $this-
>security->get_csrf_hash(); ?>"};
jQuery.ajax({type: "GET", data: post_data, url: "<?php echo base_url(); ?>" +
"index.php/dealers/StockIssuec/getName?q=" + str,

dataType: "json", success: function (res) {
if (res) {
document.getElementById("farname").value = res[0].farname;


The Various Questionnaires Used for The Analysis

Use of Internet
Does your organization have web presence? [UoIQ1] No Yes Somehow
Can you rate yourself as being computer literate? [UoIQ2] No Yes Somehow
Apart from social media, how often do you make use of the internet Rarely Often Not at all
How do you connect to the internet? [UoIQ4] None Modem Broadband
Barriers on use of Internet
Security concerns (e.g., hacking, viruses) [BoIQ1] No Yes Uncertain

Technology too complicated [BoIQ2] No Yes Uncertain

Data communication expenses too high [BoIQ3] No Yes Uncertain

Use of Existing System

Are you aware of the existence of the current system? [UeSQ1] No Yes Somehow
How proficient are you in the use of the current system? [UeSQ2] Not Very Somehow
How can you rate the usability of the system [UeSQ3] Low Medium High
Do you think the system is serving its desired purpose? [UeSQ4] No Yes Somehow
Which aspects of the system do you think needs improvement [UeSQ5] None All User
How can you rate the response of the consultants when issues arise Not Responsi Fair
[UeSQ6] Good ve
How often do you undergo trainings on use of the system [UeSQ7] Rarely Often Occasional
Rate how much you trust the validity of the information from your system Not Very Average
[UeSQ8] reliable reliable

Use of Internet
Can you rate yourself as being computer literate? No Yes Somehow

How do you connect to the internet? None Modem Broadband

Barriers on use of Internet

No internet coverage around my area True False Somehow

Technology too complicated No Yes Uncertain

Data communication expenses too high No Yes Uncertain

Use of Existing System

Are you aware of the existence of the current system? No Yes Somehow

Do you check for product availability online No Yes Sometimes

How can you rate the usability of the system Low Medium High

Do you think the system is serving its desired purpose? No Yes Somehow

How easy do you think the system is in terms of usage Not Very Fair

Do you think there is need for a change or improvement? No Yes Not really

Relationship with Agro-dealers

Are you in close relationship with dealers? No Yes Somehow

How can you rate their performance Low High Fair

How far is your nearest agro-dealer Very Close Still Ok

Are products readily available as shown online No Yes Somehow

Are you often asked to pay some hidden charges? No Yes Sometimes

Do you often notice any sign of favouritism during collections? No Yes Not really

The data collected are presented and analysed with corresponding outcome well
described in Table 4.1 to Table 4.22

Table 4.1 Does Your Organization Have Any Web Presence? (UoIQ1)
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Yes 13 10.6 10.6 10.6
No 53 43.1 43.1 53.7
Somehow 57 46.3 46.3 100.0
Total 123 100.0 100.0

The result from data gathered as seen in Table 4.1 shows a clear indication of the low
level of ICT presence by most of the organizations under study. The value of 10.6% of
the organizations having a clear web presence is an indication that drastic actions have
to be taken by the government to ensure that adequate information management is
available to all stakeholders.

Table4.2 Are you computer literate? (UoIQ2)

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Yes 15 12.2 12.2 12.2
No 43 35.0 35.0 47.2
Somehow 65 52.8 52.8 100.0
Total 123 100.0 100.0

Table 4.2 tends to find out the perception of the computer literacy of the respondents. In
this case, the researchers only attempt to know how the users see themselves without
properly subjecting them to their literacy levels. It is found from the analysis that only
12.2% of the respondents are able to fully convinced that they are computer literate

while over half of the people are not sure whether to call themselves computer literate or
not as shown in Table 4.2

TABLE 4.3 Apart from social media, How Often Do You Make Use of the Internet (UoIQ3)

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Often 13 10.6 10.6 10.6
Valid None 41 33.3 33.3 43.9
Rarely 69 56.1 56.1 100.0
Total 123 100.0 100.0

Table 4.3 is an attempt to study the level of internet usage among the users. This rate
excludes the use of social media, as it is a known factor now that a great percentage of
educated adults make use of social media. The researchers are interested in finding out
what other services users patronize on the internet. It is clearly shown in Table 4.3 that
only 10.6% of users often use the internet for other services, while a great number
representing 33.3% only make use of social media.

Table 4.4 How Do You Connect to The Internet? (UoIQ4)

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

None 12 9.8 9.8 9.8
Valid Broadband 30 24.4 24.4 34.1
Modem 81 65.9 65.9 100.0
Total 123 100.0 100.0

Table 4.4 captures the method deployed by the respondent in connecting to the internet.
It is shown that only 24.4% of the respondents have one form of broadband access or
the other. 65.9% of them make use of modems and routers which attract high cost of

Table 4.5 Data Communication Expenses Too High (BoIQ3)

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

No 15 12.2 12.2 12.2
Valid Uncertain 29 23.6 23.6 35.8
Yes 79 64.2 64.2 100.0
Total 123 100.0 100.0

Table 4.5 shows the perception of users as regards the cost of internet usage among the
staff of the ministry and other users in related agricultural industries. Out of a total of
123 respondents, only fifteen (15) users represented by 12.2% are not bordered about
the cost of data. About 87.8% of the users have one issue or the other with connectivity
Table 4.6 Are you aware of the existence of the current system? (UeSQ1)

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

No 11 8.9 8.9 8.9
Valid Yes 51 41.5 41.5 50.4
Somehow 61 49.6 49.6 100.0
Total 123 100.0 100.0

Table 4.6 shows the level of awareness of the existence on a web-based system for the
administration and distribution of products. Only about 8.9% of the sample is unaware
of the system in use while a vast majority have some knowledge of the system. 49.6%
of the respondents having ‘somehow’ knowledge implies that they neither directly make
any input to the system, nor use the report obtained from the system for their schedules.

Table 4.7 How proficient are you in the use of the current system? (UeSQ1)

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Medium 18 14.6 14.6 14.6
Valid High 19 15.4 15.4 30.1
Low 86 69.9 69.9 100.0
Total 123 100.0 100.0

Proficiency in this study is used to find out users who can confidently say that they
know the system inside-out. For this to happen, the users are expected to be actively
using the system for their day-to-day operations especially during peak farming seasons.
Table 4.7 indicates that 69.9% of the users are either ignorant of the existence of a
system or can barely understand what the system stands to deliver.

Table 4.8 How Can you rate the usability of the system? (UeSQ3)

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

High 2 1.6 1.6 1.6
Valid Medium 45 36.6 36.6 38.2
Low 76 61.8 61.8 100.0
Total 123 100.0 100.0

Table 4.8 captures and analyses the ease-of-use of the current system. Since it is
primarily the responsibility of the users to administer the system, manage and
checkmate the Agrodealers, it becomes imperative that the system have to be user-
friendly and easy to use. From the table above, only 1.6% of the sample rated the system
as highly usable. It is in the view of the researchers that it is either the remaining
population are not trained or they do not have a proper understanding of how the system
is supposed to function.

Table 4.9 Do you think the system is serving its desired purpose? (UeSQ4)

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Yes 9 7.3 7.3 7.3
Valid Somehow 12 9.8 9.8 17.1
No 102 82.9 82.9 100.0
Total 123 100.0 100.0

Table 4.9 captures the heart of the users as regards the extent to which the system serves
its desired purpose. It must have been deployed to meet peculiar objectives but from the
data shown above, only 9 users representing 7.3% are of the opinion that the system is
able to meet defined objectives. Over 90% of the users are either totally ignorant of the
objectives of the system or are expecting so much from it as shown in Table 4.9.

Table 4.10 How can you rate the response of the consultants when issues arise? (UeSQ1)

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

High 9 7.3 7.3 7.3

Valid Fair 48 39.0 39.0 46.3

Low 66 53.7 53.7 100.0
Total 123 100.0 100.0

The response of support team to any software project has a major impact and plays a
vital role in the acceptability and usability of the system. From Table 4.10, only 7.3% of
the sample rated this service as ‘high’, leaving a large population of over 90%.
Table 4.11 How often do you undergo trainings on use of the system [UeSQ7]?

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Often 3 2.4 2.4 2.4
Valid Rarely 53 43.1 43.1 45.5
None 67 54.5 54.5 100.0
Total 123 100.0 100.0
Table 4.11 shows a frequency table seeking to find out how the users are being trained
on the system. It is found that only 2.4% of the entire sample are often trained. More
than half of the remaining population (54.5%) have not received any form of training.
This will definitely have a negative impact on the usability and acceptability of the

Table 4.16 Are you aware of the existence of the current system? {Farmers}(UeSQ1)

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

No 93 77.5 77.5 77.5
Valid Somehow 17 14.2 14.2 91.7
Yes 10 8.3 8.3 100.0
Total 120 100.0 100.0

Table 4.16 shows the level of awareness of farmers on the existence of an online
system. It is shown here that about 77.5% of the respondents are not aware that a web-
based system exists. Even the other 14.2% who have an idea of the existence of the
system may not be using it for anything due to their level of ICT knowledge or their

Table 4.17 Do you check for product availability online {Farmers}? (UeSQ2)

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

No 105 87.5 87.5 87.5
Valid Somehow 8 6.7 6.7 94.2
Yes 7 5.8 5.8 100.0
Total 120 100.0 100.0

Table 4.17 captures the level of ICT usage among farmers. The researchers attempt to
find out how farmers utilize the online system to check availability of products even
before knowing where they can be found and collected. It is revealing here that only
about 5.8% of the farmers checks the system before approaching agro dealers. A vast
majority simply checks the agro dealer closest to them and draw conclusions even when
such products may be available elsewhere.

Table 4.18 Are you in close relationship with dealers? {Farmers}Relation1

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Fair 18 15.0 15.0 15.0

Valid High 72 60.0 60.0 75.0

Low 30 25.0 25.0 100.0
Total 120 100.0 100.0
The relationship between the farmers and the Agro dealers is what guarantees the level
of awareness of the farmers to product availability especially when most are in the
remote areas and may not have access to the internet. In Table 4.18, a vast majority of
about 75% of the farmers have average to high level of close relationship. The
remaining 25% may possibly comprise those who don’t even have access to telephones
or whose locations are very far from the nearest Agro dealer.

Table 4.19 How can you rate the performance of Agro dealers {Farmers}? Performance

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

Fair 21 17.5 17.5 17.5

High 75 62.5 62.5 80.0
Valid Low 24 20.0 20.0 100.0
Total 120 100.0 100.0

Farmers are expected to be in close relationship with Agro dealers not just to enable
them know available products, but also to enlighten them on new developments in the
industry and communicate government decisions and incentives towards agriculture. In
4.19, the researchers attempt to access the performance of the Agro dealers from
farmers’ perspective. It is shown that 80% of the farmers are of the opinion that the
Agro dealers are above board.

Table 4.20 Are you often asked to pay some hidden charges? {Farmers}Extra

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

No 78 65.0 65.0 65.0
Valid Sometimes 34 28.3 28.3 93.3
Yes 8 6.7 6.7 100.0
Total 120 100.0 100.0

Table 4.20 investigates how often the farmers are exploited by Agro dealers while trying
to collect products. From the response gathered, majority of the farmers (65%) declared
that they don’t pay anything extra, while about 28.3% accepted that they are asked to
pay some extra fees before being given products. This needs to be further investigated to
ensure that the aim of the government is not being sabotaged.

Table 4.12 below is a comparative analysis of the cross-tabulation of respondents using

the internet for other purposes other than social media vis-à-vis the cost of data
connection. Table 4.12 shows that 61.5% of those who often use the internet for other
purposes are of the opinion that data connection cost remains a great challenge. This
argument is supported by a total of about 65.2% who rarely use the internet for other
purposes also arguing that the cost of connection is a major drawback.

Table 4.12 Use of Internet other than for social media Vs cost of data connection challenges (UoIQ3 *
BoIQ3 Cross tabulation)

How challenging is data connection Total

cost (BoIQ3)
No Uncertain Yes
% within 12.2% 24.4% 63.4% 100.0%
None % within 33.3% 34.5% 32.9% 33.3%
Use of internet for other purpose % of Total 4.1% 8.1% 21.1% 33.3%
other than social media. (UoIQ3) % within 23.1% 15.4% 61.5% 100.0%
Often % within 20.0% 6.9% 10.1% 10.6%
% of Total 2.4% 1.6% 6.5% 10.6%

% within 10.1% 24.6% 65.2% 100.0%
Rarely % within 46.7% 58.6% 57.0% 56.1%
% of Total 5.7% 13.8% 36.6% 56.1%
% within 12.2% 23.6% 64.2% 100.0%
Total % within 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
% of Total 12.2% 23.6% 64.2% 100.0%

Table 4.13 Chi-Square Tests

Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 1.944a 4 .746
Likelihood Ratio 1.746 4 .782
N of Valid Cases 123

We can see from the Pearson Chi-Square that Χ2 = 1.944, p = 0.746 as shown in Table
4.13. This implies that there is no statistically significant association between internet
usage and cost of data communication among farmers testing for 5% level of

The cross-tabulation as shown in Table 4.14 shows the perception of the users towards
the system serving its desired purpose viz-a-viz the response of the consultants when
contacted. It is clearly shown that about 82.9% of the respondents are opposed to the
system accomplishing desired objectives. Even the few 7.3% who are of the opinion that
the system is serving the users well, showed that the level of response of the consultants
cannot be highly rated as shown in Table 4.14

Table 4.14 System meeting desired objectives Vs consultant’s response rate (UeSQ4 * UeSQ6 Cross-

How do you rate the response of the Total

consultants? (UeSQ6)
Fair High Low

% within 39.2% 6.9% 53.9% 100.0%

No % within 83.3% 77.8% 83.3% 82.9%
Is the system serving its
desired objective? (UeSQ4)
% of Total 32.5% 5.7% 44.7% 82.9%
% within 25.0% 16.7% 58.3% 100.0%

UeSQ4 6.3% 22.2% 10.6% 9.8%
Somehow % within
% of Total 2.4% 1.6% 5.7% 9.8%
% within 55.6% 0.0% 44.4% 100.0%
Yes % within 10.4% 0.0% 6.1% 7.3%
% of Total 4.1% 0.0% 3.3% 7.3%
% within 39.0% 7.3% 53.7% 100.0%
Total % within 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
% of Total 39.0% 7.3% 53.7% 100.0%

Table 4.15 (Chi-Square Tests)

Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 3.550a 4 .470
Likelihood Ratio 3.847 4 .427
N of Valid Cases 123

The Chi-Square test shows that Χ2 = 3.550, p = 0.470 as shown in Table 4.15. The
value (p > 0.05) considering 5% level of significance, strongly implies that there no
relationship between the acceptability of the system and the response rate of the

Table 4.21 shows that 60% of the farmers have very good relationship with the agro
dealers while 60.8% rated the performance level to be high. The 25% who do not have a
cordial relationship with the dealers calls for more investigation especially when
considering the fact that 22.5% of the farmers who rated the performance of these
dealers’ low cannot be considered negligible.

Table 4.21 Cross-Tabulation of Famers’ Relationship with Agro dealers Vs Assessment of the
Performance of Agro dealers. Relation1 * Performance Cross-tabulation

Performance Total

Fair High Low

% within Relation1 44.4% 38.9% 16.7% 100.0%
Fair % within Performance 40.0% 9.6% 11.1% 15.0%
Relation1 % of Total 6.7% 5.8% 2.5% 15.0%
% within Relation1 9.7% 87.5% 2.8% 100.0%
% within Performance 35.0% 86.3% 7.4% 60.0%
% of Total 5.8% 52.5% 1.7% 60.0%
% within Relation1 16.7% 10.0% 73.3% 100.0%
Low % within Performance 25.0% 4.1% 81.5% 25.0%
% of Total 4.2% 2.5% 18.3% 25.0%
% within Relation1 16.7% 60.8% 22.5% 100.0%
Total % within Performance 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
% of Total 16.7% 60.8% 22.5% 100.0%

Table 4.22 Chi-Square Tests

Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 80.174a 4 .000
Likelihood Ratio 78.669 4 .000
N of Valid Cases 120

The Chi-Square test above investigates the relationship between farmers and Agro
dealers compared to the rating of the performance of the Agro dealers 0by farmers. The
test shows that X2 = 80.174 while p< 0.05 as shown in Table 4.22. This result shows
that there is a significant association between their cordial relationship and rating.
Farmers are in a better position to rate the performance of these Agro dealers when they
are working closely with each other.

User Interfaces

farid farname faraddr farphone farstat farlga
Isa Dobi Street, Gidan Mangoro
FCT3333 Alh Adamu Mai Doya Gwagwalada, Abuja 905958594 FCT ABAJI
FCT1111 Musa Bello Kado Fish Market, Abuja 708569856 FCT ABUA
FCT2222 Adamu Aliyu Tunga-maje 809854875 FCT ABUJA
F007 Idris Ado Apo village 908765434 FCT ABUJA
GMB000 Saidu Lamaru Jongiri Talassse 806755791 FCT JAKUSKO
5 0
GMB000 Sulaiman U. Samaila Nasarawo Talassse 806568015 FCT NASSARAW

8 9 A
GMB000 Nasiru Musa Nasarawo Talassse 803841034 FCT NASSARAW
6 1 A
GMB000 Abdulhamid Musa 811657945
9 TBC Ung Kudu Talassse 4 FCT UNGOGO
GMB001 Mohammed Aliyu Ung Kudu Talassse 803947080 FCT UNGOGO
0 6
GMB000 Buba Umaru Ardo Wurodole Talassse 816668624 FCT WURNO
2 2
GMB000 Baba Muhammed Talasse, Nasarawo 803827655 FCT WURNO
1 1
GMB000 Lutu Tatus Wurodole Talassse 708746380 FCT WURNO
4 4
GMB000 Ali Mai-Kifi Wurodole Talassse 816069909 FCT WURNO
3 2
GMB007 Hauwa Musa Zango Talassse 703123210 FCT ZANGO
GMB001 ACHIMUGU U. 705831452
6 3
5 3
4 8
2 5
1 3
10 Obasanjo Street, Ebutte-Metta,
4444 Haruna Mai Doya Lagos 805821457 FCT IKORODU
NAS0030 Yakubu Adamu Bagaji/Agada 813031635 FCT KARU
NAS0029 Hassan Adamu Bagaji/Agada 814486313 FCT KARU
NAS0026 Mohammed Saidu Angwan Zakara 803239138 FCT KARU
NAS0025 Idris Musa Angwan Zakara 703898238 FCT KARU
NAS0024 Dauda Yakubu Angwan Zakara 909453306 FCT KARU
NAS0023 Jibrin Yakubu Angwan Zakara 906400069 FCT KARU
NAS0022 Mai-AngwaDogara Angwan Zakara 803239738 FCT KARU
NAS0021 Yusuf Yakubu Angwan Zakara 803239738 FCT KARU
NAS 0028 Gambo Yusuf Angwan Zakara 806586388 FCT KARU
DANTANI T. 806914297

cencode Cenname cenofficer censtate cenlga

cen200 Abaji Central Market Musa FCT Abaji

cen100 Abuja Distribution Obi Okoye FCT ADO

cen007 Apo Fish Market FCT AMAC

cen002 Apo Mechanic FCT AMAC

cen010 Bazango Square FCT BWARI

cen009 Dutse Market FCT BWARI

cen005 Gaduwa Market FCT AMAC

cen006 Galadimawa Market FCT AMAC

cen003 Garki Market FCT AMAC

cen004 Kabusa Market FCT AMAC

cen008 Kubwa Market FCT BWARI

cen013 Dutse Alhaji FCT BWARI

cen012 Karshi Market FCT AMAC

cen015 Jikwoyi Market FCT AMAC

cen011 Nyanya Market FCT AMAC

cen014 Garki Market FCT AMAC

cen500 Galadimawa Market FCT AMAC

cen300 Gudu Market Mal Aminu Tunji FCT AMAC


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