Capstone Paper
Capstone Paper
Capstone Paper
A Capstone Project
Presented to the
Faculty of the Department of Information Technology
In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Course ITCAP 3200
IT Capstone Project 1
February 2022
This is to certify that the undersigned has reviewed and edited the manuscript of
Tamayo, Ivy Joice V., Guibone, Rumzell C., Mateo, Jolyn E., entitled “AUTOMATED
CLSU FRESHWATER AQUACULTURE”. This further certifies that the scope of
editing is for proper English language, grammar, punctuation, spelling, and overall
writing style.
“This Capstone Project is submitted to the Department of Information Technology,
College of Engineering, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Bachelor
of Science in Information Technology at the Central Luzon State University, Science City
of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija. It is a product of our own work except where indicated in the
text. The project report or any portion thereof including the source code or any section
may be freely copied and distributed provided that the source is acknowledged.”
Title Page ……………………………………………………….………….………….… i
Disclaimer……………………………………………...….…….…………………….… vi
Objectives ……………………………….…………………….……….…………………2
ALTERNATIVES ………………………………………..……………….....………….. 6
Portable Tilapia Fingerlings Counter using Digital Image Processing System ..... 8
Processing …………………………………………...….….…………...……….. 8
fish : a review……………………………………………………………………. 9
Google Play Store Application: Count Things ……....………………………….. 9
Synthesis ……………………………………...………….…………………………… 13
C. Implementation …………….….….….….….….….….….…...………………………21
APPENDICES ………………………………………………………………………… 28
A. Prototype ….…………….…………….…………….…………….…………….……27
Table 1: Comparison Between Existing Alternatives and the Proposed System in Terms
traditional farming such as natural ponds is used to produce fish. Open-air earthen ponds
are widely popular and used by local farmers for they have wide farmlands that contain
water reservoirs like dams and irrigation. Using this method, it is also possible to produce
Tilapia is the second most important farmed species in the Philippines with a total
production of 281,111 metric tonnes in 2021 (ISPs, 2022). This industry provides
valuable income and an affordable source of animal protein for the growing population,
particularly those that depend on agriculture and fishing for livelihood (Mirasol, 2021).
tilapia, and tilapia fingerlings then sold to a nearby town. Fingerlings were lighter to sell
in mass produce than the grown tilapia. Traditional methods of counting using straining
tools and manually hand-counting the population of fingerlings was implemented for
more than a decade in Aquaculture. Too many assumptions on population could cost
fingerlings in production, it is important to count and weigh this in the most efficient way
lessen the time and effort of the people in the Freshwater Aquaculture Center. The time
they’ve consumed before in manual counting and weighing can now be spent on other
This automated counting and weighing aim to count the population of fingerlings in
the most practical way. The application will record the fingerling’s size and weight on a
During the harvest season, hatchery production managers manually count the sample
population of tilapia fingerlings by this traditional step. They use a strainer tool such as a
skimmer to transfer the fingerlings from the pond and place it in a plastic bag. They
weigh each batch by batch equally to the first batch for reference and count the first batch
of tilapia fingerlings manually. Assuming that the total population of the fingerlings in
the first batch is the same as the rest of the batch. After getting the assumed number of
tilapia fingerlings, this process will be repeated. Hatchery production managers track the
records of the tilapia fingerlings every harvesting season by writing down their product
by size and the total population of tilapia fingerlings every time there are buyers. This
traditional step consumes a lot of labor and may lead to human errors when counting.
Counting and Weighing Application for tilapia fingerlings that can be used by the Tilapia
This study's specific objectives are as follows:
● To lessen the amount of labor used when counting and weighing tilapia
tilapia fingerlings’ data only. It can be used for any type of Tilapia fingerlings only and it
is not applicable to other fish like milkfish. The study uses tilapia fingerlings for
implementation and testing. The implementation and testing were conducted at the
The interface of the application has four modules: the Scan Module, History Module,
Scan Module
The Scan module is the scanner of the application. When the button is clicked, it will
directly open the camera. It has a Capture button at the bottom and is now ready to
capture fingerlings.
History Module
The History module will show the previous data gathered from the scanner. History will
include the date and the records of the previous image taken such as the total number and
the size of the tilapia fingerlings. Users can also delete and save data into the application.
Fingerlings Module
The Fingerlings module will show the standard size chart of the tilapia fingerlings. It will
also include some facts about the tilapia fingerlings that the user may need.
Exit Module
The Exit module will show the exit option if the user wants to exit the application.
This application aims to provide accurate and effective Automated Counting and
Weighing Application, to count and provide the weight of Tilapia Fingerlings for the
individual lifestyles, especially for hatchery production managers who count fingerlings
manually. This application will be helpful because it can optimize the counting method
To the BSIT Students: This project will provide additional knowledge on the
new technology and enhance the skills of the Information Technology and Fisheries
To the Teachers: This project will assist the teachers in imparting knowledge to
the students/learners and in showing them how to utilize advanced technology that can be
To the Fish Farmers: This project will help them count and weigh fingerlings
To the Researchers: This project will help the researchers improve their
programming skills even on offline applications. This project may also let them innovate
more and enhance their logical thinking skills in solving problems by using advanced
To the future Researchers: This project can inspire future researchers to learn
more and to innovate more advanced technology that can be used in the future.
Several studies have been explored to determine the content of the Tilapia. One of
these is the study conducted by Eguia, et al. (2020). They conclude that among the most
the Philippines, tilapia is second only to milkfish in terms of the fish production volume
from aquaculture. Based on data from the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
(BFAR), the country produced a total of 277,006 metric tons of tilapia in 2018. That year,
Tilapia Fingerlings
Fingerling is a young or small fish, a broad term applied to a juvenile fish that is
about the size of a finger. The definition of what length classifies a fish as a fingerling
varies between species, but the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) generally
industry in the United States. Farms are widely dispersed among the states and territories
and no region has enough output for any one farm to specialize in the production of
rapidly growing food-producing industry in the world. Aquaculture provides 44.14% of
Digital image processing, also known as computer image processing, refers to the
process of converting an image signal into a digital signal and processing it with a
1960s, image processing technology began to be applied more scientifically, and people
used this technology to perform idealized processing of output images. After years of
development, the current electronic image processing technology has the following
processing, digital image processing will not be due to storage, copying, or transmission
in image processing. Causes the change of image quality; The occupied frequency band is
wider: this is relative to the language information, the image information is several orders
of magnitude larger than the frequency band of the language information, so the image
information is more difficult in the process of operation; Applicable width: data sources
Digital Images Processing is an integral part of our digital life. Digital images are
used in every aspect of our daily life. Digital image processing is concerned with
techniques to perform processing on an image, to get an enhanced image, or to extract
some useful information from it to make some decisions based on it (Tyagi, 2018).
fingerlings counter that operates through the use of digital image processing. Using the
Blob detection and Haar cascade techniques. An image of the pool of fingerlings captured
inside the counting chamber specially designed for this project will undergo grey-scaling
and dilation and several image processing to count the fingerlings. Sub-images containing
the image of the fingerlings are set to be the XML file, which will then match the subject
image for the Haar method for dead fingerlings and deduct it from the counted fingerlings
A study by Le, J., & Xu, L. (2017) discusses a new algorithm based on the
endpoints of the skeleton to efficiently get the number of fish in this paper. Considering
the complexity of the underwater environment like the lack of light, this paper presents
an improved adaptive thresholding method to segment the fish image better. In addition,
the object of our research is free-swimming fish. The overlapped fish in the image makes
the counting result inaccurate often. So after segmentation and morphological processing,
this paper adopts the image thinning method to extract the skeleton of fish. After that, we
get the fish number according to the number of corresponding endpoints in the image.
The experimental results show that the method can accurately count the fish population
a review
According to Li, D. et al. (2020) fish biomass estimation is one of the most
common and important practices in aquaculture. The regular acquisition of fish biomass
information has been identified as an urgent need for managers to optimize daily feeding,
control stocking densities, and ultimately determine the optimal time for harvesting.
fishes are sensitive and move freely in an environment where visibility, lighting, and
counting. Manual counting takes too long and creates too many errors. Switch to
automatic counting, it is fast and accurate and used in many industries. The app uses
rate of the fry. His result shows that as the initial number of fry weighed increases, the
more accurate the fry count is. The machine's mean capacity is 52 fry per minute with a
counting accuracy of 98% and a mortality rate of 0%. He concluded that the constructed
automated fry counter is advantageous and profitable for economic analysis resulting in
method for creating a fish counting algorithm. Quantitative counting of fry is required for
multiple reasons, including breeding, transportation, and sales. The thinning and the
connected area algorithms were then independently adopted to count the fish fry within
the image. The advantages and the disadvantages of the two algorithms under different
densities were also compared, revealing that the fish fry pictures with a clear contrast
between the foreground and background resulted in higher accuracy. Their main purpose
was to solve the problem of fry counting in the case of high density and high overlap.
counting and presents a new image dataset to evaluate fish counting systems that provide
combining information from blob detection, a mixture of Gaussians, and a Kalman filter.
The dataset is composed of a series of videos partially annotated at the frame level, which
include approximately a thousand fish in high-resolution images. Their work shows that
the proposed method is a feasible approach for automatic fish counting, reducing costs
and boosting production, as it increases labor availability. Their approach is efficient for
Automatic Fish Population Counting by Machine Vision and a Hybrid Deep Neural
Network Model
study by Zhang, et al. (2020), propose an automatic fish counting method based
on a hybrid neural network model to realize the real-time, accurate, objective, and
lossless counting of fish population in far offshore salmon mariculture. They use a
multi-column convolutional neural network (MCNN) as the front end to capture the
different sizes to adapt to the changes in angle, shape, and size caused by the motion of
fish. Simultaneously, a wider and deeper dilated convolution neural network (DCNN) is
used as the back end to reduce the loss of spatial structure information during network
results show that the counting accuracy of the proposed hybrid neural network model is
up to 95.06%, and the Pearson correlation coefficient between the estimation and the
ground truth is 0.99. Compared with CNN- and MCNN-based methods, the accuracy, and
other evaluation indices are also improved. Therefore, the proposed method can provide
Digital Ligh Edge Biom Comput Mobile Data Online Offline
Image ting Detecti ass er Applica base with
Processing on Program tion Payment
Portable Tilapia ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Counter using
Digital Image
An Automated ✓ ✓ ✓
Fish Counting
Algorithm in
Based on Image
Nonintrusive ✓ ✓ ✓
methods for
estimation in
aquaculture with
emphasis on fish:
a review
CountThings ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Automated Tilapia ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Counter and
Application for
CLSU Freshwater
Table 1: Comparison Between Existing Alternatives and the Proposed System in Terms
of Features and Functionalities
The existing alternatives included in this chapter allow the developer to express a
simple and portable application such studies included a bulky desktop system into
portable creating an idea for the developer to make a comfortable usage of technology in
materials that are connected to digital weighing machines. The microcontroller will serve
as the brain of the automated fry counter. The counter will be constructed after getting the
average weight of the fry to its size. (Bagasbas, 2020). Other existing project designs
consist of light yet durable materials that enable the user to carry the machine from the
hatchery to the farm where the fingerlings will be delivered (Sulit, 2019). Some projects
machine vision, and resistivity counters all provide the potential to create non-intrusive,
faster, and less expensive techniques for the situational assessment of fish biomass (Li et
al., 2019). However, these machines can be bulky and can be operated by only one
software application that can be installed on any android mobile phone and it has an
offline feature used in off-data areas, especially in the FAC. This application can be used
by not only one user as long as the user has an android phone. It can be carried out to
other places, unlike other bulky devices that are settled in one place. This application is
In addition, for hatchery production managers who have experience putting a lot
of effort into counting and weighing tilapia fingerlings, this application will make them
count, weigh and generate data accurately without human errors, unlike manual counting.
computer programming Java and the software Android Studio to create an application
that will provide counting, weighing, and generating records of the tilapia fingerlings to
This chapter covers the project's construction methods and plans using the SDLC
waterfall model. Starting with the Requirement Definition and analysis, System Design,
A. Requirements Definition
The developers must specify the project requirements during this phase. It is a
specification, requirements and details. Goals, expectations, timeframes, and budgets are
all included.
a. Data Gathering
The data collected by the developers from the Freshwater Aquaculture (FAC)
from Dr. Hazel Monica Peralta will serve as the framework or projection for the creation
of the application.
The following questions will be asked to the person in charge of monitoring the
tilapia fingerlings:
2. What are the factors you need to consider when counting tilapia fingerlings?
● This inquiry identifies the factors to take into consideration when counting
● This question estimates the population of fingerlings in each container. To
The developers must record the vital data after gathering it to complete the
project's functionality. The developers must also create a Gantt chart to keep track
b. Gantt Chart
The developers will create a Gantt chart to illustrate work completed over
a period of time in relation to the time planned for the job. Work should be
planned around deadlines. It will help the development team stay on track by
depicting the relationship between task start and end dates, milestones, and
c. Feasibility Study
relevant factors for the project, including economic, technical, and operational
Economic Feasibility
Researchers will conduct an economic feasibility study to
determine the costs and benefits of the proposed system. Tangible and
Technical Feasibility
whether the client has the necessary tools and equipment for the proposed
Operational Feasibility
determine whether the project has addressed the issues raised by the FAC.
It will also determine how easily the application will be used by the client
or user.
B. System Design
Java will be used by the developers in an Android Studio with image processing.
The goal is to construct an application that uses image processing to weigh and count
the university using object detection. An android phone must be used to capture the
necessary images of the fingerlings. To test the system and determine which camera angle
is best for spotting the fingerlings, many angles from which to take the photos must be
The application has image processing that teaches the program to learn the
structure of the fingerlings. At first, photos on the website will be gathered to teach the
program about tilapia fingerlings. This information will be put on the program to
recognize an individual and count as a singular fingerling. This is the result of the
recognize the fingerlings. After detecting the fingerlings, the developers will write a
program that counts the fingerlings using the images captured during sampling.
a. Hardware Requirements
The glass aquarium (40 cm long and 30 cm wide) will serve as the background;
whereas the foreground objects to be extracted are tilapia fingerlings. The mobile phone
will be placed 35 cm above the container to capture images of the tilapia fingerlings. A
batch of tilapia fingerlings provided by the FAC is placed inside the container, which has
a shallow water level of 2.5 cm to reduce overlaps between fishes, which can lead to
occlusion. The images will be processed on an Android phone with the app installed.
b. Software Requirements
Software Specification
devices, with a Java language that programs a command on each part of the module.
Since the application was offline, data stored in the application will be placed in SQLite
which builds to all mobile devices. YoloV5 is an algorithm created by Ultralytics that is
composed of three convolution layers that predict the location of the bounding boxes (x,y,
height, width), the scores, and the objects classes. This helps the application recognize
C. Implementation
In this phase, application coding and turning the system design into a functional
model all take place. Clients will provide detailed feedback during this phase, offering
testing at the CLSU FAC, developers must compile all client input and suggestions before
There will be two sets of testing that developers will test. The first test will be in
an aquarium. Developers will put the tilapia fingerlings in an aquarium containing 2.5 cm
of water to avoid the overlapping of the fingerlings. The aquarium will be placed at a spot
where there is enough balanced lighting. The place must be flat and settled so the water
will balance. After the aquarium is settled, developers will scan the fingerlings on top of
the aquarium using an android phone where there is an installed application at an exact
The second test will be on the basin. The basin will also contain 2.5 cm of water,
the same as the aquarium. The same lighting and the same white flat tile beneath the
plastic bag. The camera that will be used will be put on the same angle as the aquarium.
After the first and second testing, developers will compare each test to see what is the
E. Operation and Maintenance
Developers may now move on to finalizing and executing the application after
submitting a prototype. Developers will install the application on an android phone and
use it for tilapia production at the FAC during the implementation phase so that any
The application will count and estimate the weight of the tilapia fingerlings
accurately. The photos that the developers will gather from the FAC will be used as data
to teach the application about the fingerling's structure. This illustrates the data of each
fingerling from the FAC indicating the size, resulting in the accurate population and
This table shown above is the standard sizes of the tilapia fingerlings from the fish
farmers at the FAC including their standard length in centimeters, age in days, weight in
grams, and price per piece. The size of the fingerlings is based on how many days the
fingerlings are.
To get the total population of tilapia fingerlings, the application will capture the
fingerlings from the two testing sets that are given. After capturing it, the application will
process the image once it detected the tilapia fingerlings. The application will count the
detected fingerlings one by one until it gets the total number of them.
To get the total population weight of tilapia fingerlings, after getting the total
number of the fingerlings, the application will multiply the population or the total number
To generate the reports of the tilapia fingerlings, the application will have the
history of previous data gathered for documentation purposes. After the application gets
the total number and total population weight of fingerlings, the data will be saved to the
history. The facts about the fingerlings for the user to understand some of the information
about the tilapia. Before confidently providing the FAC with a finished product,
completing all of these steps, the FAC is now able to use the finished product or
application that is suitable for the fishing industry at the CLSU FAC.
vision system for measurement of zebrafish length using low-cost orthogonal web
COSTA, C., SCARDI, M., VITALINI, V., CATAUDELLA, S. (2009). A dual camera
system for counting and sizing Northern Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus thynnus;
Divino, A. M. (2021, June 24). Volume of Fisheries Production in Central Luzon First
Quarter 2021.
automatic counting system for transparent pelagic fish eggs based on computer
Dynamic Ventures, Inc. d/b/a (2017). CountThings.
FAN, L., LIU, Y. (2013). Automate fry counting using computer vision and multi-class
Guerrero, R.D. III, "Eco-Friendly Fish Farm Management and Production of Safe
Aquaculture Foods in the Philippines", Philippine Council for Aquatic and Marine
Research and Development. Retrieved January 26, 2011, from Food and Fertilizer
Technology Center
Industry Strategic Science and Technology Plans (ISPs) Platform. (n.d.). Retrieved
Le, J., & Xu, L. (2017, March). An automated fish counting algorithm in aquaculture
Li, D., Hao, Y., & Duan, Y. (2019). Nonintrusive methods for biomass estimation in
Mirasol, P. B. (2021, January 21). Tilapia is the ideal pandemic food — DoST.
Sulit, J. R., Flores, G. A., Asuncion, J. A. B., & Atilio, J. M. D. (2019) Portable Tilapia
Fingerlings Counter using Digital Image Processing System. Red, 53, 74-4681.
A. Prototype
Figure 3. Scan Module
Figure 3. History Module
Figure 3. Fingerlings Module
Figure 3. Exit Module
B. Evaluation Tool
Evaluation Tool for User Acceptability (IT Experts)
(Adapted from ISO 25010)
Respondent’s Profile:
Name: _____________________________________________
Position: _____________________________________________
Company: _____________________________________________
Please indicate a check mark (√) under the column that best describes your responses for each
item about the Automated Tilapia Fingerlings Counter and Weighing Application for CLSU
Freshwater Aquaculture.
5 – Beyond Acceptable
4 – Acceptable
3 – Slightly Acceptable
2 – Slightly Unacceptable
1 – Unacceptable
Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
Functional Completeness - Functionality covers the
required tasks
Functional Correctness - System provides the appropriate
results with accuracy
Functional Appropriateness – System functions
accomplishes the desired tasks and objectives
Time Behavior - Response and processing time is at
acceptable rate when performing specific functionality
Resource Utilization - Amounts and types of resources
used by the system, when performing its functions, meet
requirements of the user
Capacity – Limitations like internet speed, size of database
and processing time do not affect the overall performance
of the system
Co-existence – The system performs its required functions
efficiently while sharing a common environment and
resources with other products, without detrimental impact
on any other product
Interoperability – System works well when exchanging
information with different units of the organization
Appropriateness Recognizability – Usefulness of the
software/hardware to the intended users. Presence of the
basic or expected functions of the system
Learnability – Use of the system is easily learned by the
intended users
Operability – Functions of system are designed to be
easily adaptable for users
User Error Protection - System protects users against
making errors
Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
User Interface Aesthetics – User interface like its colors
and icons enables pleasing and satisfying interaction for the
Accessibility – System can be used by people with the
widest range of characteristics and capabilities to achieve a
specified goal in a specified context of use.
Maturity – System component meet the needs for
reliability under normal operation
Availability – System component is operational and
accessible when required for use
Fault Tolerance – System component operates as intended
despite the presence of hardware or software faults
Recoverability - In the event of an interruption or a failure,
the system can recover the data directly affected and
re-establish its normal state
Confidentiality – System ensures that data are accessible
only to those authorized users
Integrity – System prevents unauthorized access to, or
modification of, computer programs or data
Modularity – System failure of one component has
minimal impact to another part of the computer program
Reusability – Data from another part of the system are
easily shared with other units or entities
Analyzability – Errors or failures of the system is easily
diagnosed and mechanism to determine cause of failures is
easily identified.
Modifiability – System can be effectively and efficiently
modified without introducing defects or degrading existing
Testability – Effectiveness and efficiency with which test
criteria can be established for the system and tests can be
performed to determine whether those criteria have been
Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
Adaptability – Appropriate interface for novice/ new user.
Appropriate interface for the user’s device display or
screen. System was designed to perform even in mobile
Installability – Effectiveness and efficiency with which the
system can be successfully installed and/or uninstalled in a
specified environment
Replaceability – System can replace another software for
the same purpose in the same environment
Signature over printed name of Respondent