Pracre1 Lec9 Defining and Measuring Variables
Pracre1 Lec9 Defining and Measuring Variables
Pracre1 Lec9 Defining and Measuring Variables
When different versions of the instrument are used for the test and the retest, the reliability measure is
often called parallel-forms reliability.
Simultaneous Measurements
When measurements are obtained by direct observation of behaviors, it is common to use two or
more separate observers who simultaneously record measurements.
For example, two psychologists may watch a group of preschool children and observe social
behaviors. Each individual records (measures) what he or she observes, and the degree of
agreement between the two observers is called inter-rater reliability.
Internal Consistency
Often, a complex construct such as intelligence or personality is measured using a test or
questionnaire consisting of multiple items.
The idea is that no single item or question is sufficient to provide a complete measure of the
A common example is the use of exams that consist of multiple items (questions or problems) to
measure performance in an academic course.
The final measurement for each individual is then determined by adding or averaging the
responses across the full set of items.
A basic assumption in this process is that each item (or group of items) measures a part of the
total construct.
If this is true, then there should be some consistency between the scores for different items or
different groups of items.
To measure the degree of consistency, researchers commonly split the set of items in half and
compute a separate score for each half.
Relationship Between Reliability and Validity
Although reliability and validity are both criteria for evaluating the quality of a measurement
procedure, these two factors are partially related and partially independent.
They are related to each other in that reliability is a prerequisite for validity; that is, a
measurement procedure cannot be valid unless it is reliable.
It is not necessary for a measurement to be valid for it to be reliable.
Scales of Measurement
1. Nominal Scale
The categories that make up a nominal scale simply represent qualitative (not quantitative)
differences in the variable measured.
The categories have different names but are not related to each other in any systematic way.
For example, if you were measuring academic majors for a group of college students, the
categories would be art, chemistry, English, history, psychology, and so on. Each student would
be placed in a category according to his or her major.
Measurements from a nominal scale allow us to determine whether two individuals are the same
or different, but they do not permit any quantitative comparison.
2. Ordinal Scale
The categories that make up an ordinal scale have different names and are organized in an
ordered series.
Often, an ordinal scale consists of a series of ranks (first, second, third, and so on) like the order
of finish in a horse race.
Occasionally, the categories are identified by verbal labels such as small, medium, and large
drink sizes at a fast-food restaurant.
In either case, the fact that the categories form an ordered sequence means that there is a
directional relationship between the categories.
With measurements from an ordinal scale, we can determine whether two individuals are
different, and we can determine the direction of difference.
However, ordinal measurements do not allow us to determine the magnitude of the difference
between the two individuals.
3. Interval and ratio Scales
The categories on interval and ratio scales are organized sequentially, and all categories are the same size.
Thus, the scale of measurement consists of a series of equal intervals like the inches on a ruler. Other
common examples of interval or ratio scales are the measures of time in seconds, weight in pounds, and
temperature in degrees Fahrenheit.
Notice that in each case, one interval (1 inch, 1 second, 1 pound, and 1 degree) is the same size, no matter
where it is located on the scale.
The fact that the categories are all the same size makes it possible to determine the distance between two
points on the scale. For example, you know that a measurement of 70 degrees Fahrenheit is higher than a
measurement of 55 degrees, and you know that it is exactly 15 degrees higher.
The characteristic that differentiates interval and ratio scales is the zero point. The distinguishing
characteristic of an interval scale is that it has an arbitrary zero point.
That is, the value 0 is assigned to a particular location on the scale simply as a matter of convenience or
reference. Specifically, a value of 0 does not indicate the total absence of the variable being measured.
A ratio scale, on the other hand, is characterized by a zero point that is not an arbitrary location.
Instead, the value 0 on a ratio scale is a meaningful point representing none (a complete absence) of the
variable being measured.
The existence of an absolute, non-arbitrary zero point means that we can measure the absolute amount of
the variable; that is, we can measure the distance from 0.
This makes it possible to compare measurements in terms of ratios.
Modalities of Measurement
Self-report Measures
One option for measuring, or operationalizing, the fear of flying is to ask participants to describe
or to quantify their own fear. The researcher could simply ask, “Are you afraid to fly?” Or
participants could be asked to rate the amount of fear they are experiencing on a scale from 1 to
10. Or they could be given a comprehensive questionnaire about airline travel, and the researcher
could use the set of responses to obtain an overall score measuring fear of flying. The primary
advantage of a self-report measure is that it is probably the most direct way to assess a construct.
Each individual is in a unique position of self-knowledge and self-awareness; presumably, no one
knows more about the individual’s fear than the individual. Also, a direct question and its answer
have more face validity than measuring some other response that theoretically is influenced by
fear. On the negative side, however, it is very easy for participants to distort self-report measures.
A participant may deliberately lie to create a better self-image, or a response may be influenced
subtly by the presence of a researcher, the wording of the questions, or other aspects of the
research situation. When a participant distorts self-report responses, the validity of the
measurement is undermined.
Physiological Measures
A second option for measuring a construct is to look at the physiological manifestations of the
underlying construct. Fear, for example, reveals itself by increased heart rate and perspiration
(measured by galvanic skin response, GSR). A researcher measuring “fear of flying” could attach
electrodes to participants and monitor heart rates as they board a plane and during the flight. Or a
researcher could ask participants to imagine a flight experience while GSR and heart rate are
monitored in a laboratory setting. Other physiological measures involve brain-imaging techniques
such as positron emission tomography (PET) scanning and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
These techniques allow researchers to monitor activity levels in specific areas of the brain during
different kinds of activity.
Behavioral Measures
Constructs often reveal themselves in overt behaviors that can be observed and measured. The
behaviors may be completely natural events such as laughing, playing, eating, sleeping, arguing,
or speaking. Or the behaviors may be structured, as when a researcher measures performance on a
designated task.
Other Aspects of Measurement
Multiple Measures
One method of obtaining a more complete measure of a construct is to use two (or more) different
procedures to measure the same variable.
Sensitivity and Range Effects
Typically, a researcher begins a study with some expectation of how the variables will behave,
specifically the direction and magnitude of changes that are likely to be observed.
An important concern for any measurement procedure is that the measurements are sensitive
enough to respond to the type and magnitude of the changes that are expected.
Experimenter Bias
Typically, a researcher knows the predicted outcome of a research study and is in a position to
influence the results, either intentionally or unintentionally.
Rosenthal and Fode (1963) identified a variety of ways that an experimenter can influence a
participant’s behavior:
By paralinguistic cues (variations in tone of voice) that influence the participants to give the
expected or desired responses
By kinesthetic cues (body posture or facial expressions)
By verbal reinforcement of expected or desired responses
By misjudgment of participants’ responses in the direction of the expected results
By not recording participants’ responses accurately (errors in recording of data) in the direction
of the expected or desired results.
One option for limiting experimenter bias is to standardize or automate the experiment.
Another strategy for reducing experimenter bias is to use a “blind” experiment. If the research
study is conducted by an experimenter (assistant) who does not know the expected results, the
experimenter should not be able to influence the participants.
This technique is called single-blind research. An alternative is to set up a study in which neither
the experimenter nor the participant knows the expected result.
Demand Characteristics and Participant Reactivity
The fact that research studies involve living organisms, particularly humans, introduces another
factor that can affect the validity and reliability of the measurements.
Specifically, living organisms are active and responsive, and their actions and responses can
distort the results.
If we observe or measure an inanimate object such as a table or a block of wood, we do not
expect the object to have any response, such as, “Whoa! I’m being watched. I had better be on my
best behavior.”
Unfortunately this kind of reactivity can happen with human participants. Participants who are
aware they are being observed and measured may react in unpredictable ways.
In addition, the research setting often creates a set of cues or demand characteristics that suggests
what kinds of behavior are appropriate or expected.
The combination of demand characteristics and participant reactivity can change participants’
normal behavior and thereby influence the measurements they produce.
Selecting a Measurement Procedure
As seen in the preceding sections, the choice of a measurement procedure involves several
Because each decision has implications for the results of the study, it is important to consider all
the options before deciding on a scheme for measurement for your own study or when critically
reading a report of results from another research study.
The best starting point for selecting a measurement procedure is to review past research reports
involving the variables or constructs to be examined.
Most commonly used procedures have been evaluated for reliability and validity. In addition,
using an established measurement procedure means that results can be compared directly to the
previous literature in the area.
If more than one procedure exists for defining and measuring a particular variable, examine the
options and determine which method is best suited for the specific research question.
In particular, consider which measure has a level of sensitivity appropriate for detecting the
individual differences and group differences that you expect to observe. Also decide whether the
scale of measurement (nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio) is appropriate for the kind of
conclusion you would like to make.
Choose 5 questions.
1. Hypothetical concepts, such as honesty, are variables that cannot be observed or measured directly and,
therefore, require operational definitions. a. Describe one procedure that might be used to measure
honesty. b. Use the procedure you described in (a) to explain why there may not be a one-to-one
relationship between the actual variable and the measurement produced by the operational definition of
the variable.
2. Briefly explain what an operational definition is and why operational definitions are sometimes
3. A researcher evaluates a new cholesterol medication by measuring cholesterol levels for a group of
patients before they begin taking the medication and after they have been taking the medication for 8
weeks. A second researcher measures quality of life for a group of 40-year-old men who have been
married for at least 5 years and a group of 40-year-old men who are still single. Explain why the first
researcher is probably not concerned about the validity of measurement, whereas the second researcher
probably is. (Hint: What variable is each researcher measuring and how will it be measured?)
4. A clinical researcher has developed a new test for measuring impulsiveness and would like to
determine the validity of the test. The new test and an established measure of impulsiveness are both
administered to a sample of participants. Describe the pattern of results that would establish concurrent
validity for the new test.
5. Suppose that a social scientist has developed a questionnaire intended to measure the quality of
romantic relationships. Describe how you could evaluate the reliability of the questionnaire.
6. Explain how inter-rater reliability is established.
7. A researcher claims that intelligence can be measured by measuring the length of a person’s right-hand
ring finger. Explain why this procedure is very reliable but probably not valid.
8. For each of the following operational definitions, decide whether you consider it to be a valid measure.
Explain why or why not. Decide whether you consider it to be a reliable measure. Explain why or why
not. a. A researcher defines social anxiety in terms of the number of minutes before a child begins to
interact with adults other than his or her parents. b. A professor classifies students as either introverted or
extroverted based on the number of questions each individual asks during one week of class. c. A sports
psychologist measures physical fitness by measuring how high each person can jump. d. Reasoning that
bigger brains require bigger heads, a researcher measures intelligence by measuring the circumference of
each person’s head (just above the ears).
9. In this chapter we identified four scales of measurement: nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio. a. What
additional information is obtained from measurements on an ordinal scale compared to measurements
from a nominal scale? b. What additional information is obtained from measurements on an interval scale
compared to measurements from an ordinal scale? c. What additional information is obtained from
measurements on a ratio scale compared to measurements from an interval scale?
10. Select one construct from the following list: happiness, hunger, exhaustion, motivation, creativity and
fear. Briefly describe how it might be measured using: a. an operational definition based on self-report
(e.g., a questionnaire). b. an operational definition based on behavior (e.g., what kinds of behavior would
you expect to see from an individual with high self-esteem?)
11. Describe the relative strengths and weaknesses of self-report measures compared to behavioral
12. What is a ceiling effect, and how can it be a problem?
13. Explain how an artifact can limit the validity and reliability of a measurement.
14. What are demand characteristics, and how do they limit the validity of the measurements obtained in
a research study?
15. Describe how the concept of participant reactivity might explain why a person’s behavior in a group
of strangers is different from a person’s behavior with friends.
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