MNO2603-101 2017 3 B
MNO2603-101 2017 3 B
MNO2603-101 2017 3 B
Semesters 1 and 2
Please activate your myUnisa and myLife email addresses and ensure that you
have regular access to the myUnisa module site MNO2603-2017, as well as your
group site.
Note: This is an online module; therefore, it is available on myUnisa. However, to support you in
your learning process, you will also receive some study material in printed format.
1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 To get started................................................................................................................................ 3
2 OVERVIEW OF THIS MODULE ................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................ 4
2.2 Outcomes of the module ............................................................................................................... 6
3 LECTURER AND CONTACT DETAILS ..................................................................................... 11
3.1 Lecturer ...................................................................................................................................... 11
3.2 Department ................................................................................................................................. 12
3.3 University .................................................................................................................................... 12
4 RESOURCES ............................................................................................................................. 12
4.1 Joining myUnisa ......................................................................................................................... 12
4.2 Other resources: printed support materials ................................................................................. 13
5 HOW TO STUDY THIS MODULE ONLINE ................................................................................ 14
5.1 What it means to study fully online .............................................................................................. 14
5.2 The myUnisa tools you will use ................................................................................................... 14
6 ASSESSMENT ........................................................................................................................... 17
6.1 Assessment plan ........................................................................................................................ 17
6.2 Year mark and final examination ................................................................................................. 18
7 COMPULSORY ASSIGNMENTS – SEMESTER 1 ..................................................................... 22
8 COMPULSORY ASSIGNMENTS – SEMESTER 2 ..................................................................... 30
9 SELF-ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS ........................................................................................... 38
10 ANSWERS TO SELF-ASSESSMENT ........................................................................................ 40
11 CONCLUSION............................................................................................................................ 44
Dear Student
Greetings to you and welcome to Safety Management IIA. This exciting field of study will be
useful in both your personal life and in the workplace. I trust that you will enjoy your studies and
make the most of this opportunity.
As an adult student in distance education, you have to take full responsibility for your studies.
Whether you succeed or fail is up to you – and it depends on the amount of work you put in. We
suggest that you keep to the study programme in this tutorial letter diligently. In the study
programme you will notice that the study material must be covered in sequence and by certain
target dates. The programme includes two compulsory assignments and one self-assessment
Because this is a fully online module, you need to use myUnisa to study and complete the
learning activities for this course. You should therefore visit the websites on myUnisa for
MNO2603 frequently.
As already mentioned, this module is a fully online. You need to go online to see your study
material and read what to do for the module. Go to the website at: and
login with your student number and password. You will see MNO2603 in the row of modules in
the orange blocks across the top of the webpage. Remember to also check under the More tab
if you cannot find it in the orange blocks and to click on the module you want to open.
In addition, you will receive this tutorial letter and a printed copy of the online study material of
your module. Although the printed material may appear to be different from the online study
material, it is exactly the same since it has been copied from the online myUnisa website.
2.1 Purpose
Students who successfully complete this module will be able to understand the
multidisciplinary nature of safety management. They will also be able to understand and
apply safety management; they will be able to analyse the structure and functioning;
judge the appropriateness of the safety management control measures and programmes
needed to meet efficacy requirements in the day-to-day management of business
operations and deal with disasters.
The module is delivered by means of myUnisa, the internet and peer group interaction,
as well as community engagement in some activities. Your lecturers will interact with you
on myUnisa and via email.
For this module, there are several outcomes we hope you will be able to accomplish by
the end of the course:
The outcomes for each of the units you have to study are given below. They are broad-
based knowledge you should have acquired by the end of the module.
• Differentiate between the structural parts of an organisation and their basic functions.
• Structure and explain the different elements of operations management in an
• Relate and explain the role of safety management to each of the structural elements of
operations management.
• Explain the interdependent nature of the roles of operations and safety management in
an organisation.
• Explain the role and function of the International Organisation for Standardisation.
• Understand and explain the nature and function of ISO 9000.
• Understand and explain the nature and function of ISO 14000.
• Understand and explain the nature and function of OHSAS 18001.
• Define the term “system safety” and clarify the nature thereof.
• List and explain the basic fundamentals of system safety.
• Indicate the application of system safety within the context of safety management.
Study unit 11: Safety system analysis techniques
• Define the term ‘system safety analysis’ and stipulate the reason for utilising system
safety analysis techniques.
• Explain the fact that system safety analysis techniques cover a wide range.
• Explain the change analysis technique.
• Explain the event and casual factor chart technique.
The basics of occupational safety: a guide for safety management. Compiled by:
Esterhuyzen, E & Louw, LB. 2014. 1st edition. Cape Town: Pearson Education
South Africa. ISBN 9781784340896.
3.1 Lecturer
The secondary lecturer who assists Mrs Esterhuyzen on this module is Ms Leonie Louw.
She can be contacted at 012 429 4799 or by e-mail at [email protected].
Address: Room 4-57 AJH van der Walt Building
Muckleneuk campus
3.2 Department
Tsholofelo Raseroka
Departmental Secretary
012 429 3176
[email protected]
3.3 University
To contact the university, you should follow the instructions in the Study@ Unisa brochure.
Tutorial Letter 301 (MNALLEQ/301) also contains relevant contact information for the university.
Remember to always have your student number available when contacting the university.
When you contact the lecturer, please do not forget to provide your student number. This will
help the lecturers to assist you.
If you have access to a computer that is linked to the internet, you can quickly access resources
and information at the university. The myUnisa learning management system is Unisa's online
campus that will help you communicate with your lecturers; other students and the
administrative departments at Unisa – all through the computer and the internet.
You can start at the main Unisa website,, and then click on the myUnisa
orange block. This will take you to the myUnisa website. To go to the myUnisa website directly,
go to When you are on the myUnisa website, click on the “Claim UNISA
Login” at the right-hand side of the screen. You will then be prompted to give your student
number to claim your initial myUnisa as well as myLife login details.
Please consult the publication Study @ Unisa which you received with your study material for
more information on myUnisa.
Because we want you to be successful in this online module, we also provide you with some
study material in printed format. This will allow you to read the study material, even if you are
not online.
• The printed study material will be sent to you at the beginning of the semester, but you
do not have to wait to receive it to start studying – you can go online as soon as you
have registered and all your study material will be there.
• Therefore, the printed material is not something you need to wait for before you start with
the module. It is only an offline copy of the formal content for the online module.
• This will give you the chance to do a lot of the studying for this module WITHOUT having
to go to the internet or an internet café; and it will save you money. You will be able to
take as much time as you need to read, and to re-read, the materials and do the
It is therefore very important that you log into myUnisa regularly. We recommend that you check
for the following at least every week or every ten days
• Check for new announcements. You can also set up your myLife email so that you
receive the announcement emails on your cell phone.
• Do the discussion forum activities. For every unit in this module, we want you to
discuss the activities with the other people in your group.
• Do other online activities. For some unit activities, you may need to take a quiz or
complete a survey under Self-assessment. Do not skip these activities because they will
help you complete the assignments and the other activities for the module.
We hope that this system will help you succeed in this online module by giving you extra ways
to study the materials and practise, by applying theory. At the same time, you MUST go online
to complete the activities and assignments on time and to get the most from the online course.
Remember, the printed support material is a back-up to everything that is found online on
myUnisa. It does not contain anything extra. In other words, you should NOT wait for the
printed support material to arrive before you start studying.
These modules are taught fully online – this means that it is totally different from some of your
other modules at Unisa and has of the following implications:
• All your study material and learning activities have been designed for online
delivery on myUnisa. Despite the fact that we give you a printed copy to support your
studies, the module is designed for online delivery.
• All your assignments must be submitted online. This means that you must do all the
activities and submit all the assignments on myUnisa.
• All the communication between you and the university also happens online – by
email, in discussions and through questions and answers. You can use all these ways to
ask questions and contact your lecturers and they will be able to communicate with you
in the same way – through emails and using the Announcements, Discussions and
Questions and Answers tools.
All the information about myUnisa tools is located on the myUnisa website for this module, in
unit 0.
In this module, there are three different types of assessments, using different myUnisa tools:
• Discussions. This tool is the place for online discussion forums, where you share your
ideas and insights with the other students in your small groups. Under the Discussions
tool, there may be several other discussion forums where you can share ideas and post
your discussions online. We also give you a place just to chat socially with the other
students who are also doing the course – we call this the "Student Lounge".
• Assignments. The assignments for this module consist of two compulsory multiple-
choice assignments. These assignments must be submitted, using the online
Assignments tool on myUnisa.
• Self-assessment. You can use the Self-assessment tool to test your knowledge. It will
give you access to a selection of questions to help you prepare for the examination.
5.3 Suggested study programme
A proposed study programme is provided in the box below to help you plan your academic year.
Complete the column with due dates according to your own planning.
1 Register on myUnisa
06 March 2017
Try to submit by
27 February
25 August 2017
Try to submit by
18 August 2017
Try to submit by
27 March 2017
22 September
Try to submit by
15 September
Note: The golden rule is to set regular study sessions and keep to them. Remember to
include all your subjects in the programme!
With regular study you will be able to identify your problems in good time for discussion
with the lecturer. You should spend no less than six hours per week on Safety
We will make use of two types of assessments in this module. The first is a formative
assessment. The formative assessment consists of two compulsory assignments. You
need to complete both assignments in order to get admission to the examination. The
second type of assessment is a summative assessment. The summative assessment is
the examination paper you will write at the end of the semester.
The two compulsory assignments must be submitted for assessment. The mark you
obtain for these assignments will make up your year mark for Safety Management.
Therefore, it is of utmost importance that you submit the assignments.
Semester 1 Semester 1
Compulsory Assignment 01 Compulsory Assignment 02
Unique number: 776067 Unique number: 747955
Semester 2 Semester 2
Compulsory Assignment 01 Compulsory Assignment 02
Unique number: 678745 Unique number: 781849
There are thousands of assignments that need to be processed by Unisa on the due
dates. In order to avoid system problems that might occur, try to submit your
assignments a week or two in advance.
You will be allocated a mark for both Assignments 01 and 02. This mark will be combined with
your examination mark to determine your final mark.
Your final assessment mark for this module will be a combination of the assignment
marks and the examination mark. Your assignments count 20% towards your final mark
and your examination 80%.
Students who do not submit assignments for assessment purposes or do not obtain a pass
mark in the compulsory assignments but write the examination must still obtain a minimum of
50% for the assignment marks and the examination mark combined ( for the final assessment
mark). Please note that irrespective of the year mark obtained, you must obtain a subminimum
of 40% in the examination. You will therefore not pass the module if your examination mark is
less than 40%.
Please study the following example of how the assignment mark will contribute to the final
assessment mark:
Assignment 01 = 80%
Assignment 02 = 70%
Examination = 60%
Total: 24 + 49 = 75
Since the assignments account for 20% of the final mark, the marks obtained for your
assignments will be:
Since the examination counts 80% towards your final mark, your examination mark will be
calculated as follows:
The results of these two calculations will be added to each other in order to calculate the final
mark for the module.
15% + 48% = 63%
The higher your year mark, the more it will contribute to your final marks.
You will automatically receive the correct answers to Assignments 01 and 02. Feedback on the
self-assessment questions will be available on myUnisa for all students registered for this
module. As soon as you receive the feedback, please check your answers. The assignments
and feedback constitute an important part of your learning and should help you to be better
prepared for the examination.
Please note that feedback will only be sent after the due date of the assignment and the
lecturer will not provide any answers on the assignment question before that date.
The examination for this module will be written in May/June 2017 for first semester students
and October/November 2017 for second semester students. You will receive adequate
guidelines during the course of the year as to what you should study and how you should
The paper will count 70 marks and the duration of the examination will be two hours.
The exact time and date of the examination will be forwarded to you by the Examination
Department later during the year.
• If your final mark (as calculated according to the method shown above) is 50% or
more, you will have passed Safety Management II.
• If your final mark is below 50%, and your examination mark is between 40% and
49%, you fail, but will be registered for the supplementary examination.
• If your examination mark is below 40%, you will not be allowed to write the
supplementary examination and you must re-register in the next registration period.
Indicate which of the following statements are correct by entering the correct answer on myUnisa.
4. In terms of Section 8(1) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993 (OHS Act)
______ is/are responsible for establishing and maintaining a workplace that guarantees the
safety of employees.
(1) the employer
(2) employees
(3) safety officers
(4) health and safety representatives
5. Safety management has ______ responsibility with regard to the nature and quality of the
safety programme in business operations.
(1) a line
(2) an overall
(3) no
(4) an advisory staff
6. Companies that are committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace employ a safety
and health manager at ______ in the corporate hierarchy.
(1) the highest level
(2) the lowest level
(3) an appropriate level
(4) any level
9. Using materials that are less dangerous to control inherent risk associated with the
operations process is referred to as …
(1) intensification.
(2) attenuation.
(3) simplification.
(4) substitution.
10. To which part of the organisation does workers belong that perform the work that directly
relates to the primary objectives of the organisation?
(1) strategic apex
(2) operative core
(3) middle line
(4) support staff
14. The implementation of the policy plan must be monitored consistently. Specific issues to
consider with regard to monitoring include …
(1) measurement must focus on quantitative data only.
(2) measurement must focus on qualitative data only.
(3) measurement must focus on quantitative and qualitative data.
(4) measurement must focus on specific accidents.
16. Which of the following types of notice, served by inspectors, indicate that the employer is
compliant, but there is room for improvement?
(1) improvement notice
(2) contravention notice
(3) prohibition notice
(4) warning notice
17. Which section of the OHS Act indicates that every employee must be made aware of the
hazards that are present and with precautionary measures?
(1) Section 8
(2) Section 9
(3) Section 13
(4) Section 14
18. The formal recognition or confirmation of professional people who possess certain
qualifications and qualities that meet certain standards of professional service delivery is
referred to as …
(1) qualification.
(2) accreditation.
(3) benchmarking.
(4) competence.
19. One of the benefits that are associated with the certification of safety practitioners that go
with the accreditation of safety management comprise …
(1) structure and responsibility.
(2) less satisfied customers.
(3) professional networking.
(4) less productive employees.
[TOTAL: 20]
Indicate which of the following statements are correct by entering the correct answer on myUnisa.
1. A _____ comprises a group of components that are interrelated and that regularly
interrelates with one another within the context of a unified and integrated whole.
(1) department
(2) team
(3) system
(4) working environment
(4) strategic
3. The first control to consider during the system safety precedence sequence comprises …
(1) accepting residual safety risk.
(2) providing warning devices.
(3) providing safety devices.
(4) designing for minimum safety risk.
4. _____ depicts the safety risk level associated with specific safety hazards in a given
(1) Safety systems
(2) Risk assessment
(3) Safety risk assessment codes
(4) Risk analysis
5. “Human factors” are important in system safety analysis and safety risk assessment
because …
(1) humans are less engaged in failure modes.
(2) humans are less predictable than machines.
(3) human reliability is easy to judge.
(4) humans are consistent.
7. Training forms part of the _____ tasks during the life cycle of a project.
(1) planning
(2) primary system
(3) support
(4) operational
9. The purpose of _____ is to list and analyse all the changes in a system systematically to
determine the effects of the changes and their impacts on the system and to make
recommendations for preventing or correcting any adverse effects.
(2) FTA
(3) FEMA
(4) CAT
10. Sequentially listing the events as well as the conditions that led to the accident is depicted
by …
(1) ECFCT.
(2) FEMA.
(3) MORT.
(4) ETBA.
11. Once all the causal factors have been listed and placed in the storyline of the ECFCT, the
identification of root causes commences. The test of _____ is/are applied in this regard.
(1) root cause and change
(2) original condition
(3) sufficiency and necessity
(4) necessity and root cause
12. The design process is a plan of action for reaching a goal. This design process proceeds in
five sequential steps. The first step in this process comprises …
(1) analysis and evaluation
(2) synthesis
(3) problem identification
(4) documentation and communication
13. The hierarchy of controls for dealing with safety in the workplace indicate that safety control
measures must be executed according to hierarchical steps. Personal protective equipment
(PPE) should be the ______ resort for protecting people.
(1) first
(2) second
(3) third
(4) last
14. The specific study field of making human behaviour safe in the workplace is referred to as
(1) CEA
(2) BBS
(3) FTA
(4) PHA
17. Emergency plans should be customised plans to meet local needs. Keeping this is mind,
emergency plans …
(1) should be location-specific.
(2) should not include a chain of command.
(3) should not include coordination information.
(4) should include off-site training and practice drills.
18. The ______ has ultimate responsibility and authority for disaster recovery.
(1) employer
(2) safety manager
(3) recovery coordinator
(4) police department
19. Lifesaving measures taken to assist an injured person until medical help arrives is referred
to as ...
(1) risk assessment.
(2) first aid.
(3) CPR.
(4) risk management.
20. After a disaster in the workplace, a comprehensive ______ should be completed before
business is resumed.
(1) hazard analysis
(2) hazard assessment
(3) risk analysis
(4) risk assessment
[TOTAL: 20]
Indicate which of the following statements are correct by entering the correct answer on myUnisa.
1. The practice of taking notice of and dealing with injuries is the workplace was introduced by
2. ______ held that employers were not liable for workplace injuries that resulted from the
actions of employees that led to their own injuries.
(1) The fellow servant rule
(2) Contributory negligence
(3) Assumption of risk
(4) Organised labour
3. A broad focus basis for modern safety management, including the encouragement of
accident prevention and making employee health and safety a priority in organisations was
proposed by …
(1) the Bhopal tragedy
(2) the Hawk’s Nest tragedy
(3) the asbestos menace
(4) Dyktor
7. Productivity, cost, response time, service, image and quality are essential ingredients of …
(1) competitiveness.
(2) engineering.
(3) multidisciplinary teams.
(4) safety management.
8. ______ are concerned with the recognition of environmental factors and to understand their
effect on humans and their well-being.
(1) Occupational physicians
(2) Industrial engineers
(3) Health physicists
(4) Industrial hygienists
10. Using smaller quantities of dangerous materials to control inherent risk associated with the
operations process is called …
(1) intensification.
(2) substitution.
(3) attenuation.
(4) limiting effects.
11. It is the responsibility of ______ to innovate and tomanage change on a consistent basis.
(1) advisory staff
(2) safety management
(3) operations management
(4) line management
13. Facets related to the enhancement of ______ are need for the product, design of the
product, meeting product design standardsand product support.
(1) production
(2) product safety
(3) product quality
(4) operations
14. A company’s health and safety policy must be developed under the direction of senior
management. The policy must be characterised by:
(1) compliance with legal requirements.
(2) focus on once-off improvement.
(3) continuous policy review.
(4) employer awareness and competency.
16. A ______ is an action involving a failure to exercise reasonable care that as a result may
lead to civil litigation.
(1) liability
(2) proximate cause
(3) foreseeability
(4) tort
17. The Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993 made safety the responsibility of …
(1) the factory engineer.
(2) the Chief Executive Officer (CEO).
(3) everyone.
(4) the safety manager.
18. Safety practitioners in South Africa can be certified for accreditation on three different levels
based on …
(1) education and experience.
(2) education and personal characteristics.
(3) experience and willingness.
(4) experience and management criteria.
20. Establishing professional credentials for safety practitioners in the safety profession by
means of professional certification is …
(1) required by law.
(2) an important way to ensure qualitative safety practice.
(3) an important way to prevent incidents and accidents in the workplace.
(4) not a worldwide phenomenon.
[TOTAL: 20]
Indicate which of the following statements are correct by entering the correct answer on myUnisa.
2. Safety risk severity, safety risk likelihood and safety risk assessment matrix comprise the
three ______ criteria
(1) system safety
(2) system risk
(4) safety
(5) production
5. The purpose of ______ is to equip people with the necessary knowledge, attitudes and
skills to perform specific tasks.
(1) management
(2) education and training
(3) development
(4) human factors
6. It is important that ______ make an explicit decision about implementing a system safety
8. It is important that the ______ must monitor the implementation of termination procedures
that were developed during the preceding design and development phases.
(1) safety manager
(2) workers
(3) person who is responsible for the system safety elements
(4) person who is responsible for quality
9. The significant change analysis of any system requires that the system must be effectively
understood ______ changes in the system have occurred.
(1) before
(2) after
(3) before and after
(4) before significant
10. ______ indicate the actions or activities that occurred during the accident.
(1) Events
(2) Impacts
(3) Sequences
(4) Inputs
11. ______ implies that if any of the listed conditions were not present, the event(s) that it/they
relate to would not occur.
(1) Sufficiency
(2) Necessity
(3) Synthesis
(4) Root cause
12. Documentation and communication is the ______ step in the design process.
(1) first
(2) second
(3) third
(4) fourth
13. Designing for safety as part of the hierarchy of controls for dealing with safety in the
workplace is associated with …
(1) designing software.
(2) designing workstations.
(3) designing hardware and work processes.
(4) designing control measures.
14. The only and best way to ensure that appropriate and effective safety control measures are
developed and implemented in the workplace is to follow …
(1) an integrated holistic approach
(2) a safety management approach
(3) a benchmarking approach
(4) a competitive approach
17. A company’s ______ should clearly identify the different personnel and groups that respond
to various types of emergencies and who isin charge.
(1) emergency recovery plan
(2) emergency response plan
(3) safety plan
(4) operational plan
18. The ______ consists of key personnel to whom the disaster coordinator can delegate
specific responsibilities.
(1) recovery team
(2) safety committee
(3) health team
19. Planning to give employees opportunities to participate in personal actions taken on behalf
of fatally injured employees and their families, forms part of …
(1) recovery communications.
(2) damage assessment and salvage.
(3) recovery analysis and planning.
(4) employee assistance.
20. ______ is the process of quantifying the level of risk associated with a particular hazard;
and should be a structured and systematic process.
(1) Risk assessment
(2) Risk reduction
(3) Risk transference
(4) Risk management
[TOTAL: 20]
Answer the following questions. When you have completed this assignment, compare your
answers to the model answers provided.
1.1 To design implies implementing action within a problem-solving strategy in order to affect
specific goals. With this statement in mind, write down the steps in the design process, in
sequential order. (5)
1.2 Historically, there were three (3) laws that employers relied upon to defend themselves in
the case of employees sustaining occupational injuries. Explain what each of these
common law defences entailed. (6)
1.3 Identify the advisory responsibilities of safety management and provide a brief
explanation of each of these responsibilities. (12)
1.4 Safety management and operations management go hand in hand and are integrated
parts of an organisation. To which part of an organisation does safety management
belong? Why does it belong to that part of the organisation? (2)
2.1 The scope of the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) comprises two (2)
elements. Describe the two (2) elements. (4)
2.2 The Occupational Health and Safety Act is one of the vital pieces of information any
safety manager needs to be aware of. Explain section 13 of the Occupational Health and
Safety Act (OHS Act). (6)
2.3 List any five (5) common benefits of the certification of safety practitioners that go with
the accreditation of safety management. (5)
3.1 System safety comprises five (5) basic points of departure. What are these points? (5)
3.3 The term “life cycle” implies that every system has a beginning (cradle) and an end
(grave). How would you summarise the phases in the life cycle of a safety programme.
3.4 Illustrate the process of listing and analysing change on a comparable basis by making
use of a diagram. (6)
4.2 Risk assessment is the process of quantifying the level of risk associated with a particular
hazard. It should be a structured and systematic process. What four (4) questions should
be answered during the risk assessment process? (4)
TOTAL: [70]
1.1 To design implies implementing action within a problem-solving strategy in order to
affect specific goals. With this statement in mind, write down the steps in the design
process, in sequential order. (5)
(See page 64 in the prescribed book.)
1) problem identification
2) synthesis
3) analysis and evaluation
4) document and communicate
5) produce and deliver
1.2 Historically, there were three (3) laws that employers relied upon to defend
themselves in the case of employees sustaining occupational injuries. Explain
what each of these common law defences entailed. (6)
1.3 Identify the advisory responsibilities of safety management and provide a brief
explanation of each of these responsibilities. (12)
4) Assist in evaluating the success of control measures – safety practitioners must play
an active role in determining the efficacy of existing and new safety processes for work.
They should advise line managers and consider audit objectives, audit procedures, the
audit team, the audit report and the implementation of audit report recommendations.
5) Assist in the analysis of safety incidents and implementation of recommendations –
analysis should be done to reveal and understand flaws or deficiencies in safety
management control measures and programmes (root causes should be determined).
Safety practitioners are responsible for assisting (advising and facilitating) the process of
analysis and the implementation of recommendations resulting from incident analysis.
6) Research on and advice in maintaining the process of continual improvement – the
safety practitioner should provide line management with advice on the newest theory,
practices and technology as it applies to the organisation.
1.4 Safety management and operations management go hand in hand and are
integrated parts of an organisation. To which part of an organisation does safety
management belong? Why does it belong to that part of the organisation?
The techno structure – safety practitioners are specialists who influence and affect the work of
all the other parts of the organisation.
2.1 The scope of the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) comprises
two (2) elements. Describe the two (2) elements. (4)
2.2 The Occupational Health and Safety Act is one of the vital pieces of information
any safety manager needs to be aware of. Explain section 13 of the Occupational
Health and Safety Act (OHS Act). (6)
Section 13 comprises the duty to inform. Employers must make sure that:
1) Employees should be aware of the hazards that are present, as well as with the
necessary precautionary measures.
2) Health and safety representatives should be informed of inspections, investigations and
formal inquiries by inspectors.
3) Safety representatives should be informed of incidents in the workplace or their area of
2.3 List any five (5) common benefits of the certification of safety practitioners that go
with the accreditation of safety management. (5)
3.1 System safety comprises five (5) basic points of departure. What are these points?
1) It depicts the safety risk level associated with specific safety hazards in a given system.
2) It serves as the basis for determining the system safety effort.
3) It is the basis for determining alternative design approaches as early as in the design
3.3 The term “life cycle” implies that every system has a beginning (cradle) and an end
(grave). How would you summarise the phases in the life cycle of a safety
programme. (5)
3.4 Illustrate the process of listing and analysing change on a comparable basis by
making use of a diagram. (6)
(Stephan 2004:212)
1) planning
2) practising
3) evaluating
4) adjusting
4.2 Risk assessment is the process of quantifying the level of risk associated with a
particular hazard. It should be a structured and systematic process. What four (4)
questions should be answered during the risk assessment process. (4)
TOTAL: [70]
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content of this tutorial letter or any other aspect of the module.
We wish you a fascinating and satisfying journey through the learning material and trust that
you will complete the module successfully.
UNISA 2016