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Reinforced Concrete Frame Example Building: Appendix B

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Appendix B

Reinforced Concrete Frame

Example Building
This publication is available free of charge from: https://doi.org/10.6028/NIST.GCR.17-917-46v3

B.1 Introduction

The following example documents the development of a computer model and a series
of analyses to ascertain building behavior by implementing this Guidelines document
and Part I Guidelines. The simple and discrete nonlinearity modeled is intentional
and reflects the modeling a practicing engineer may select as part of their ASCE/SEI
7-16, Minimum Loads for Buildings and Other Structures (ASCE, 2017a), design to
satisfy requirements of Chapter 16. As a simplification for this example, foundations
are modeled with pinned supports and rotational springs to represent the mat
foundation. For soil-structure interaction guidance refer to NIST 12-917-21, Soil-
Structure Interaction for Building Structures (NIST, 2012).

B.2 Building Description

The example building is a five-story concrete office building located in San

Francisco, California. The first three stories have overall plan dimensions of 120 feet
by 80 feet as depicted in Figure B-1. Above the fourth floor, the floor plate setbacks
a single bay for an overall plan dimension of 85 feet by 80 feet. A roof top garden is
located at this fourth floor setback. Mechanical equipment is located on the roof.
The fourth and fifth floor plans are shown in Figures B-2 and B-3, respectively.
During the design development phase, a new project requirement for a large
conference space in the first story at the south-east corner of the building necessitated
the removal of a column at grid lines B4.

The seismic force-resisting system consists of two concrete moment–resisting frames

in both the N-S direction and the E-W direction. It should be noted that one of the
concrete moment-resisting frames in E-W direction has an out-of-plane offset where
the concrete moment-resisting frame on Grid 5 at lower levels shifts to Grid 4 at level
4 to accommodate the building setback at that level. These frames are detailed as
special moment-resisting frames due to the high seismicity and high demand for
system ductility as required by ASCE/SEI 7-16.

Floor construction consists of 12 in. normal weight concrete flat plate with perimeter
beams. The perimeter beams have a width of 24 inches and a depth below slab of 18
inches. A 12-inch-thick reinforced concrete slab is used in lieu of a post-tensioned

GCR 17-917-46v3 B: Reinforced Concrete Frame B-1

Example Building
slab to avoid the inclusion of post-tensioning effects in the perimeter beams. A 2’-6”
mat at grade supports superstructure loads and transfers them to the soil below.

The site is located on Soil Type D and per ASCE/SEI 7-16 the building is designed
for Seismic Design Category D. The site’s location in San Francisco is outside the
near-fault zone and within the deterministic cap.
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Figure B-1 Example building.

B-2 B: Reinforced Concrete Frame GCR 17-917-46v3

Example Building
B: Reinforced Concrete Frame
Example Building
Level 4 plan.

GCR 17-917-46v3
Figure B-2
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GCR 17-917-46v3
B: Reinforced Concrete Frame
Example Building
Level 5 plan.
Figure B-3

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B.3 Linear Structural Analysis and Design of Building
The example building is proportioned and designed under elastic analysis per
prescriptive requirements of ASCE/SEI 7-16 and ACI 318-14, Building Code
Requirements for Reinforced Concrete (ACI, 2014). The elastic analysis and design
process is not documented in its entirety as the interest of this guideline is focused on
the nonlinear analysis and design. However, some important elastic modeling
assumptions, analysis results, and structural designs are provided below.
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B.3.1 Modeling Criteria

A three-dimensional mathematical model using ETABS (CSI, 2015) software is

created for the linear elastic analysis. Of most significance in a concrete building is
modeling realistic stiffness properties of the structural elements considering cracked
sections in accordance with ASCE/SEI 7-16 Section 12.7.3, Item a. This example
utilizes the following effective stiffnesses per ACI 318-14 Table

Ieff = 0.35Igross for beams

Ieff = 0.70Igross for columns

Ieff = 0.25Igross for slabs

B.3.2 Fundamental Periods

The computed periods and the modal response characteristics of the building for the
first six modes are presented in Table B-1.

Table B-1 Computed Periods and Modal Response Characteristics

Period Effective Mass Ratio

Mode (sec) E-W N-S Description
1 1.26 0% 80% First Mode N-S
2 1.02 83% 0% First Mode E-W
3 0.72 0% 0% First Mode Torsion
4 0.40 0% 12% Second Mode N-S
5 0.31 9% 0% Second Mode E-W
6 0.24 0% 0% Second Mode Torsion

B.3.3 Modal Analysis

The building is analyzed using the Modal Response Spectrum Analysis (MRSA)
procedure of ASCE/SEI 7-16 § 12.9.1 and ETABS software. In accordance with
ASCE/SEI 7-16 Section, the results of the MRSA are scaled such that the
base shear of MRSA is no less than that of the Equivalent Lateral Force (ELF)

GCR 17-917-46v3 B: Reinforced Concrete Frame B-5

Example Building
procedure. The computed seismic story shears and overturning moments for the
building are shown graphically in Figure B-4.
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Figure B-4 Seismic story shears and overturning moments.

B.3.4 Drift Check

The Story drifts are computed in accordance with ASCE/SEI 7-16 Section
and then checked for acceptance based on Section 12.12.1. According to ASCE/SEI
7-16 Table 12.12-1, the story drift limit for this Occupancy Category II building is 2
percent of the story height. The story drifts are taken directly from the modal
combinations in ETABS. A plot of the total deflection in both the N-S and E-W
directions is shown in Figure B-5 and a plot of story drifts is in Figure B-6.

B-6 B: Reinforced Concrete Frame GCR 17-917-46v3

Example Building
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Figure B-5 Maximum story displacement.

GCR 17-917-46v3 B: Reinforced Concrete Frame B-7

Example Building
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Figure B-6 Maximum story drift.

B.3.5 Structural Design of Primary Moment-Resisting Members

Based on the elastic analysis results, the design and detailing of the primary moment
frame members, perimeter beams and columns, are representatively presented in this
section. The design of these members are of interest as the reinforcing in beams and
columns determines the backbone curves of the plastic hinges of beams and the fiber
cross section of the columns. The beam and column reinforcing design for MF-D
along grid D and MF-1 along grid 1 are scheduled in Table B-2 and Table B-3. The
primary beams and columns of MF-D and MF-1 are identified in Figures B-7 and

B-8 B: Reinforced Concrete Frame GCR 17-917-46v3

Example Building
Table B-2 Beam Design Schedule
Mark Size Bars Top Bars
BM01 24×30 (4)-#6 (5)-#7
BM02 24×30 (4)-#7 (5)-#7
BM03 24×30 (4)-#7 (5)-#8
BM04 24×30 (5)-#7 (6)-#9
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BM05 24×30 (5)-#7 (7)-#9

BM06 24×30 (5)-#8 (5)-#9
BM07 24×30 (5)-#8 (7)-#9
BM08 24×30 (5)-#8 (6)-#11

Table B-3 Column Design Schedule

Mark Size Reinf
C01 24×36 (12)-#8
C02 24×36 (12)-#10

Figure B-7 MF-D beam and column marks.

GCR 17-917-46v3 B: Reinforced Concrete Frame B-9

Example Building
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Figure B-8 MF-1 beam marks.

B.3.6 Structural Design of Secondary Moment-Resisting Members

As discussed in Section 3.6, the “gravity” system of the building also participates in
resisting earthquake demands and contributes to the overall building stiffness.
Therefore, the reinforcing design for floor slab is required to be modeled as a
secondary slab-beam frame system with nonlinear hinges. The design of the top and
bottom bars only at the column strips are of interest as the middle strips are generally
considered not engaged in the moment frame action. The following describes the
typical slab design over columns for the example building:
Top Bars: #7 @ 10” o.c.
Bottom Bars #5 @ 12” o.c.

Note that the design is given in the rebar intensity as the width of the slab-beam is
determined later in Section B.4.5.

B-10 B: Reinforced Concrete Frame GCR 17-917-46v3

Example Building
B.4 Nonlinear Modeling

B.4.1 Material Models for Fiber Hinges

The material stress-strain models for concrete and steel are developed for the
implementation of fiber-section hinges. The stress-strain model for steel is based on
a simple parametric definition. The parameters used to define the steel stress-strain
model are as follows and the resulting curve is illustrated in Figure B-9.
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Fye = expected yield stress

= 66 ksi

Fue = expected tensile stress

= 99 ksi

sh = strain at onset of hardening

= 0.015

u = ultimate strain capacity

= 0.090

Figure B-9 Simple steel stress-strain curve.

The stress-strain model for confined concrete is based on the Mander parametric
definition. The parameters used to define the concrete stress-strain model are as
followed and the resulting curve is illustrated in Figure B-10.
Expected confined compressive strength: 7.8 ksi

GCR 17-917-46v3 B: Reinforced Concrete Frame B-11

Example Building
Strain at confined compressive strength: 0.0022
Ultimate confined strain capacity: 0.005
Confinement bar yield stress: 66 ksi
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Figure B-10 Mander confined concrete stress-strain curve.

B.4.2 Beam

The primary moment frame beams are modeled using elastic line elements and zero-
length rotational hinges to capture both the elastic deformation over the member
length and inelastic deformations near the ends of the members. The discrete
concentrated hinges are generally located at about 10% of the member length from
the ends, but the additional distance needs to be considered as the software typically
considers the analytical length, or center-to-center length, not the clear span length.
In this example, to account for the software using center-to-center element lengths, a
relative length factor of 0.20 is used instead of 0.10, so that the beam concentrated
hinges are all properly located to approximately account for the joint panel zone area.

B.4.2.1 Beam Line Element

The effective stiffness of the line-element, which captures both the flexural rigidity of
the beam outside the plastic hinges and the bar-slip effects, is determined using
Equations 4-2 and 4-3.

B-12 B: Reinforced Concrete Frame GCR 17-917-46v3

Example Building
A drift value of 0.008 was assumed, which results in an effective stiffness up to the
approximate yield point of the beam component. Based on the equation above, an
effective stiffness ratio in the range of 0.15 to 0.27 is determined. A few values
larger than 0.30 are observed for the highly-reinforced beams at the transfer column
region, but the single value of 0.21 is chosen and assigned to all moment frame
beams to reasonably capture the effective stiffness reduction in all moment frame
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B.4.2.2 Beam Concentrated M3- Hinge

The concentrated nonlinear moment-rotation hinges for the beams are defined per
Section 4.2.3. Four parameters, cap,pl, pc, My, and Mc, are required to define the
idealized tri-linear backbone curve. Figure B-11 illustrates a sample T-beam section
B24×30×62 with (5)-#8 top and (5)-#7 bottom reinforcing.

Figure B-11 Beam section: B24×30×62 with 5#8 on top and

5#7 at bottom.

The corresponding calculated backbone curve parameters are:

p = 0.046

pc = 0.096 0.10

To account for the cyclic behavior, the backbone curve is modified with 0.7 and 0.5
factors applied to p, and pc, respectively (in accordance with Section 4.2.3).

p,cyclic = 0.033

pc,cyclic = 0.048

My + = 6100k-in

My – = 7400k-in

GCR 17-917-46v3 B: Reinforced Concrete Frame B-13

Example Building
The resulting idealized backbone curve of the moment-rotation is illustrated in Figure
B-12. Note that this backbone curve shape does not match what is illustrated in
Figure 4-2. The strength loss in the backbone relationship is modeled as an
instantaneous drop, where the unloading happens as a single event, instead of the
more gradual linear descent, where unloading is achieved through a series of multiple
events. This is expected to be a conservative approach to modeling and was done
simply due to the numerical constraints of the commercial software being used for
this example. In this software, the modeling of gradual strength loss often causes
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numerical difficulties because the multiple events from one hinge could be
intertwined with the events from other hinges as multiple hinges are competing to
incrementally redistribute the loads to each other. This causes the nonlinear analysis
to become unstable as the program tries to reduce time steps to an unreasonable
minimal number to capture all these redistribution events. Based on this, the
presumably-conservative backbone approach of Figure B-12 was used in place of the
recommended approach of Figure 4-2.

Figure B-12 Primary beam moment-rotation backbone curve.

B.4.3 Column

Similar to the beam assembly, columns are modeled using elastic line elements and
zero-length plastic hinges to capture both the elastic deformation over the member
length and inelastic deformations near the ends of the members. The discrete hinges
are located at 0.20 relative length from the ends (with the rationale being consistent

B-14 B: Reinforced Concrete Frame GCR 17-917-46v3

Example Building
with the previous discussion of beam), but unlike the beams, the columns employ
concentrated fiber-section hinges in order to capture the P-M-M interaction.

B.4.3.1 Column Line Element

The effective stiffness of the line-element, which captures both the flexural rigidity of
the column outside the plastic hinges and the bar-slip effects, is determined using
Equations 4-2 and 4-3. Similar to beams, this equation assumes the drift ratio of
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0.008. Based on the equation above and the assumption of 1.0% reinforcing and
axial load ratio of 0.25, the effective stiffness factor of approximately 0.40 is

B.4.3.2 Column Concentrated Fiber Hinge

The fiber section of a column concentrated hinge is defined using its rebar layout
with concrete lumped into a reasonable number of fibers distributed within the
section geometry. A given concrete section with a rebar layout is automatically
converted to fiber-section in SAP2000 (CSI, 2016a). The original section definition
input and the resulting fiber-section are illustrated in Figure B-13 and B-14,

Figure B-13 Column geometry section input (CSI, 2015).

GCR 17-917-46v3 B: Reinforced Concrete Frame B-15

Example Building
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Figure B-14 Column fiber-section (CSI, 2015).

B.4.4 Beam-Column Panel Zone

In accordance with ASCE/SEI 41-13 Section, the beam-column panel zone
is defined without explicitly modeling joint stiffness, but rather using the line
elements extending from the beams and columns into the panel zone. The implicit
modeling of the joint stiffness has the column offsets as rigid and beam offsets as
flexible as new construction of moment frames have strong column-weak beam
conditioned as prescribed by ACI 318-14.

B.4.5 Slab-Beam

The slab-beam elements represent the secondary moment frame composed of the
“gravity” system. Similar to the primary beams, slab-beams are modeled using
elastic line elements and zero-length rotational hinges to capture both the elastic
deformation over the member length and inelastic deformations near the ends of the

B-16 B: Reinforced Concrete Frame GCR 17-917-46v3

Example Building
members. Section 4.3 refers to ASCE/SEI 41-13 for nonlinear modeling of slab-
beam line elements and concentrated moment hinges.

B.4.5.1 Slab-Beam Line Element

The effective beam width calculated per ASCE/SEI 41-13, as referenced in Section
3.6.2, for the slab-beams ranges from 105 to 210 inches. To simplify modeling, four
representative slab-beam sections are defined with the widths of 105”, 125”, 160”,
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and 210”. The effective stiffness factor, eff, calculated per ASCE/SEI 41-13 (Eq.
C10-4) is 1/3 for all slab-beams in the model.

B.4.5.2 Slab-Beam Concentrated M3- Hinge

Condition i with Vg/Vo = 0.2 is assumed in determining the “a”, “b”, and “c”
modeling parameters in ASCE/SEI 41-13 Table 10-15. The resulting parameters are
as follows and the backbone curve is shown in Figure B-15.

a = 0.03

b = 0.04

c = 0.20

Figure B-15 Secondary slab-beam moment-rotation backbone curve.

GCR 17-917-46v3 B: Reinforced Concrete Frame B-17

Example Building
B.4.6 Slab-Column Panel Zone

A rigid-plastic torsional spring, as recommended Section, is used to model the

slab-column connection. From the slab design from the elastic analysis, the strength
of the torsional spring is known based on the following parameters:
Positive moment capacity = 1,530 k-in
Negative moment capacity = 3,280 k-in
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= 0.6 for interior 1.0 for exterior

The resulting rigid-plastic backbone curve for the interior slab-column connection
torsional spring is illustrated in Figure B-16.

Figure B-16 Slab-column connection joint moment-rotation backbone curve.

B.4.7 Damping

Rayleigh damping is employed for the nonlinear direct integration analysis in

SAP2000 (CSI, 2016a). The alpha and beta coefficients are chosen such that the
damping ratio at periods equal to 1.5 and 0.25 times the first fundamental mode
period is 2.5%. This represents the inherent damping typically provided for a
concrete structure.

B-18 B: Reinforced Concrete Frame GCR 17-917-46v3

Example Building
B.4.8 Ground Motions

Ground motions are developed based on the risk-targeted Maximum Considered

Earthquake (MCER). The target response spectrum was developed per the Section Method 1 of ASCE/SEI 7-16. Eleven horizontal ground motion pairs were
selected. Vertical ground motion components were excluded from the analysis.
Ground motions were selected from events within the same general tectonic regime
and have generally consistent magnitudes and fault distances as those controlling
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MCER ground motion. The building site in San Francisco is located outside the
near-fault zone and within the deterministic cap. Ground motions were scaled
between the period range of 3.20 s and 0.10 s per and Figure B-17
shows the target and ground motion response spectra developed for this building site
and Table B-4 lists the ground motion properties and scale factors.

Figure B-17 Ground motion response spectra.

GCR 17-917-46v3 B: Reinforced Concrete Frame B-19

Example Building
Table B-4 Ground Motion Set
Site Distance PGA PGV Tpulse Scale
Index Event Mw Station Class (km) (g) (cm/s) (s) Factor
1 7.0 Petrolia C 8.2 0.71 97 3.0 1.12
2 7.0 Beach, Naval C 18.3 0.50 55 2.0 1.54
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3 7.6 CHY029 C 11.0 0.27 38 -- 2.24
4 7.6 TCU060 C 8.5 0.20 46 -- 3.53
Darfield, New
5 7.0 HORC D 7.3 0.47 105 9.9 1.14
Darfield, New
6 7.0 Cashmere High E 17.6 0.25 49 -- 2.03
7 Duzce, Turkey 7.1 Duzce D 6.6 0.53 86 -- 1.07
El Mayor- El Centro Array
8 7.2 D 11.3 0.39 74 8.7 1.7
Cucapah #12
El Mayor- Michoacan De
9 7.2 D 15.9 0.48 72 -- 1.39
Cucapah Ocampo
10 7.5 Duzce D 15.4 0.34 60 -- 1.46
11 Landers 7.3 Joshua Tree C 11.0 0.30 33 -- 1.87

B-20 B: Reinforced Concrete Frame GCR 17-917-46v3

Example Building
B.5 Nonlinear Response History Analysis
The example building is analyzed per requirements of Chapter 16 in ASCE/SEI 7-16.
Table B-5 includes items required per Section 16.1.2. Formal design criteria are not
explicitly included as part of this example however, the sections in this example
provide a useful guide of relevant information to include in design criteria.

Table B-5 ASCE/SEI 7-16 Chapter 16 Analysis Requirements

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Modeled Behavior: Elastic

Item Action Category Criteria Capacity
Diaphragms Force-Controlled Ordinary Vn 1.5Vu ACI 318
Transfer Diaphragms Force-Controlled Critical Vn 2.0Vu ACI 318
Geotechnical Report &
Mat Foundation Force-Controlled Ordinary qn 1.5qu ASCE/SEI 41-13 Chapter 8
Modeled Behavior: Inelastic
Item Action Category Criteria Capacity
Deformation- ASCE/SEI 41-13 Table 10-7 &
Beam Hinges Controlled Ordinary u CP NIST GCR 17-917-45
Deformation- ASCE/SEI 41-13 Table 10-8 &
Column Hinges Controlled Ordinary u CP NIST GCR 17-917-45
Deformation- ASCE/SEI 41-13 Table 10-10 &
Panel Zone Controlled Ordinary u CP NIST GCR 17-917-45

B.5.1 Nonlinear Model Fundamental Periods

The computed periods and the modal response characteristics of the nonlinear
building model for the first six modes are presented in Table B-6. It is of interest to
note that the building periods are elongated compared to the elastic building model,
even though the nonlinear model has additional elements to contribute in lateral
stiffness. This is mainly because of the difference in the stiffness modifiers for the
beam and column elements used in the nonlinear model versus the elastic model.
The stiffness modifiers for beams and columns in the elastic model are 0.35 and 0.70,
respectively, while those in the nonlinear model are 0.21 and 0.40 (based on a
simplified approximation of stiffness modifiers, for a secant stiffness to the yield
point, not fully exercising the equations of Section

GCR 17-917-46v3 B: Reinforced Concrete Frame B-21

Example Building
Table B-6 Computed Periods and Modal Response Characteristics –
Nonlinear Model

Period Effective Mass Ratio

Mode (s) E-W N-S Description
1 1.42 0% 82% First Mode N-S
2 1.21 84% 0% First Mode E-W
3 0.85 0% 0% First Mode Torsion
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4 0.45 0% 11% Second Mode N-S

5 0.37 9% 0% Second Mode E-W
6 0.32 0% 0% Second Mode Torsion

B.5.2 Story Drift Check

In accordance with ASCE/SEI 7-16 Section, the mean story drift ratio is
checked as a part of the global acceptance criteria. The allowable story drift limit is
two times the limit employed for the elastic analysis. For the example building,
which is Risk Category II and masonry-free, the allowable story drift ratio under
nonlinear response history analysis is 4%. The mean story drift ratios in E-W and
N-S directions are illustrated in Figures B-18 and B-19, respectively. It is observed
that the building meets the drift criterion as the mean peak drifts at all levels and
directions are less than 4%.

Figure B-18 Maximum peak story drift in east-west direction.

B-22 B: Reinforced Concrete Frame GCR 17-917-46v3

Example Building
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Figure B-19 Maximum peak story drift in north-south direction.

B.5.3 Story Shears and Overturning Moments

Mean peak building responses in story shears and overturning moments in each
direction are illustrated in Figures B-20, B-21, B-22, and B-23.

Figure B-20 Maximum peak story shear in east-west direction.

GCR 17-917-46v3 B: Reinforced Concrete Frame B-23

Example Building
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Figure B-21 Maximum peak story shear in north-south direction.

Figure B-22 Maximum peak story overturning moment about north-south axis.

B-24 B: Reinforced Concrete Frame GCR 17-917-46v3

Example Building
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Figure B-23 Maximum peak story overturning moment about east-west axis.

B.5.4 Deformation-Controlled Action

For each beam or column element, there are two hinges associated to account for
both ends of the line element.

B.5.4.1 Beam Hinge Rotation

The acceptable plastic rotation for the primary beams of the example building is
determined based on the backbone curve of the beam hinges. Consistent with Table
10-7 of ASCE/SEI 41-13, the acceptable plastic rotations for beams at the
performance level of collapse prevention is equal to the rotation at the onset of the
strength loss, or cap,pl. The acceptable plastic rotation for the beams of the example
building is equal to 0.033.

The plastic rotations for the beam hinges in MF-D and MF-1 are illustrated in Figures
B-24 and B-25. It is observed that all beam hinges experience mean plastic rotations
(shown with orange rectangles in Figures B-24 and B-25) less than 0.033, therefore
the beam proportioning and design are all acceptable.

GCR 17-917-46v3 B: Reinforced Concrete Frame B-25

Example Building
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Figure B-24 MF-D: beam hinge rotations.

B-26 B: Reinforced Concrete Frame GCR 17-917-46v3

Example Building
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Figure B-25 MF-1: beam hinge rotations.

GCR 17-917-46v3 B: Reinforced Concrete Frame B-27

Example Building
B.5.4.2 Column Hinge Rotation

The acceptable plastic rotation for the primary columns of the example building is
determined from Table 10-8 of ASCE/SEI 41-13. The following parameters are
assumed to determine the acceptance criteria:
Condition =i
Axial ratio = 0.25
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Confinement ratio 0.006

The resulting acceptable plastic rotation at the performance level of collapse

prevention is 0.045.

Figure B-26 MF-D: column hinge rotations.

B-28 B: Reinforced Concrete Frame GCR 17-917-46v3

Example Building
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Figure B-27 MF-1: column hinge rotations.

GCR 17-917-46v3 B: Reinforced Concrete Frame B-29

Example Building
B.5.4.3 Secondary Slab-Beam Hinge Rotation

The acceptable plastic rotation for the secondary slab-beams of the example building
is determined from Table 10-15 of ASCE/SEI 41-13. The consistent parameters used
to determine the backbone curve are assumed to determine the acceptance criteria:
Condition =i
Vg/Vo = 0.2
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Continuity reinforcement = Yes

The resulting acceptable plastic rotation at the performance level of collapse

prevention is 0.040.

The plastic rotations for the slab-beam hinges around the columns at B3 and C3, as
shown in Figure B-28, are illustrated in Figure B-29 and B-30. It is observed that all
slab-beam hinges experience mean plastic rotations less than 0.040, therefore the slab
proportioning and design are all acceptable.

Figure B-28 Slab-beam hinges at column B3 and C3.

B-30 B: Reinforced Concrete Frame GCR 17-917-46v3

Example Building
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Figure B-29 Slab-beam hinge rotations at column B3.

Figure B-30 Slab-beam hinge rotations at column C3.

GCR 17-917-46v3 B: Reinforced Concrete Frame B-31

Example Building
B.5.5 Force-Controlled Action

Force-controlled actions typically found in a moment-resisting frame structure are

beam and column shears. Beam shear actions are, however, typically capacity-
designed against the shear corresponding to the maximum probable moment, since
the beams are the main source of ductility in a moment-resisting frame structure. The
same procedure is applicable to the columns, but the shear design value is often
unrealistic as the column is designed against P-M-M, not just against major-axis
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moment. Therefore, it is recommended that, when nonlinear analysis is available, the

demand from the analysis is used, in lieu of capacity-based approach, to design
columns against the shear demand. It should be noted that the same design approach
may be used for the beam shears, but it is not recommended as the capacity-design
approach is less susceptible to the uncertainties associated with the ground motions.
Refer to Section B.5.5.1 for the representative column shear design values for the
example building.

Other elements that need to be designed as force-controlled actions are those

expected to remain essentially elastic throughout the ground motion history. In the
example building, the part of the moment frame that is also acting as a column
transfer system is considered to remain elastic (and designed to remain that way
under applied MCER ground motions) and therefore all its internal forces are
considered force-controlled. Refer to Section B.5.5.2 for the representative transfer
system design values for the example building.

B.5.5.1 Column Shear

The shear demand along the column B1 is representatively investigated to determine

the adequateness of the column size and to design shear reinforcing. The peak shears
for the column B1 are illustrated in Figure B-31.

B-32 B: Reinforced Concrete Frame GCR 17-917-46v3

Example Building
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Figure B-31 Peak shears for column B1.

The design shear demand for the column is the observed mean peak shear multiplied
by the critical load factor, = 2.0, and the importance factor, Ie = 1.0. The shear
capacity calculation and check of the column is not shown in this section. However,
it is observed that the B1 column and other columns at level 1 are not adequate
against the design shear, therefore re-proportioning and re-iterations may be required.

B.5.5.2 Column Transfer

A beam transfer system is required as the column at grid intersection B4 is

discontinued at level 1. This is illustrated in Figure B-32. The transfer system is
assumed to remain elastic during an earthquake event and therefore modeled as such
and designed as force-controlled elements.

GCR 17-917-46v3 B: Reinforced Concrete Frame B-33

Example Building
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Figure B-32 Transfer system at grid 4.

Transfer Beam

The internal forces, shear and moment, along the transfer beam are illustrated in
Figure B-33 and B-34. The design forces are the observed forces multiplied by the
load factor and importance factor. The resulting design forces for the transfer beam
are as follows. These transfer beams were then designed to remain elastic in
accordance with the requirements of Section 6.3.1 of the Part I Guidelines.
600 × 2 = 1,200k for shear (Critical element)
4,350 × 1.5 = 6,500k-ft for positive moment (Ordinary element)
6,800 × 1.5 = 10,000k-ft for negative moment (Ordinary element)

B-34 B: Reinforced Concrete Frame GCR 17-917-46v3

Example Building
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Figure B-33 Max and min peak shears for transfer beam on grid 4.

Figure B-34 Max and min peak moments for transfer beam on grid 4.

GCR 17-917-46v3 B: Reinforced Concrete Frame B-35

Example Building
Transfer Columns

Because the column design against the simultaneous application of peak axial, peak
moments is very conservative, the P-M-M check of the column is evaluated with
internal forces corresponding to each time step. This results in DCR values for each
step and the peak DCR is observed for each ground motion cases. The mean of the
peak DCR values is then used to determine whether the column is adequate.

Before the DCR values are calculated for each time step, the internal forces due to
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the ground motion accelerations are amplified by the load and importance factors.
This is done by subtracting the initial internal forces, which are purely due to gravity
loadings corresponding to time step zero, from each time step and multiplying the
results with the appropriate factors and then adding back the previously subtracted
gravity induced forces.

The DCR check is evaluated using the column section design software spColumn by
StructurePoint. The resulting DCR of all 11 ground motions for the transfer column
at grid intersection of B.7 and 4 is plotted versus time in Figure B-35. The peak
values for each ground motion and the mean DCR are also determined as shown in
Table B-7 (which is the maximum DCR from each of the 11 ground motions, and
acceptance criteria is then based on the average value of these maximum individual

Table B-7 Mean DCR

CBF 1.04
CHY 0.88
CMH 0.87
DZC1 0.86
E12 1.22
HOR 0.82
JOS 1.25
MDO 1.02
PET 0.87
TCU 0.96
DZC2 0.83
MEAN 0.97

B-36 B: Reinforced Concrete Frame GCR 17-917-46v3

Example Building
DCR vs time for transfer column at grid B.7&4. Figure B-35

B: Reinforced Concrete Frame

Example Building
GCR 17-917-46v3
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B.6 Conclusion
Nonlinear response history analysis is an improvement from simplified, elastic
analysis methods as it is considered more rational and realistic. It should be noted
though that with a more complex analysis, there are more opportunities to make
errors and more parameters to be aware of. Before embarking on the task of
nonlinear analysis of a building, a designer must identify/designate all elements
expected to behave nonlinearly and also understand the characteristics of the
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nonlinearity in order to properly model the structure. Nonlinear analysis is time-

consuming in both modeling and analysis often requires multiple iterations. To
employ nonlinear analysis efficiently and effectively, the designer must start with a
good baseline model and reasonable modeling of the nonlinear elements in order to
avoid a large number of re-iterations and unmanageable analysis computing time due
to overly complicated analysis. The following are some of tips and tricks discovered
that may help engineers avoid the potential pitfalls.
Proportioning. In order to take advantage of the ductility of the moment frame
system, the designer should be careful not to over-design the elements that may
delay the onset of yielding while limiting the drift ratio well below the acceptable
range. This often results in a stiff building that develops high base shear and
therefore high force demands in the lateral elements. It should be reminded that
a high capacity structure does not necessarily mean a high performing structure.
Transfer System. Lateral system that also holds significant gravity loads often
require the system to remain elastic due to its force-controlled actions. This can
yield an inefficient design and can also contribute to unnecessarily stiffening the
building, so should be avoided in the design if possible.
Axial Ratcheting. It should be noted that the column hinges that experience
yielding in both sides of extreme fibers, grows taller as the residual tensile strain
accumulates faster than that of compression strain. This is a real phenomenon
and should not be considered as an analysis error.
Backbone Curve. When defining the backbone curves of hinges or material
stress-strain curves, designer should be aware of how the analysis method treats
the unloading of internal forces. When a hinge experiences strength loss, the
internal force it developed must be redistributed. It is observed from the example
analysis that when redistribution is required, SAP2000 introduces temporary
internal forces to unload the hinge, and then reverses that force to transfer the
unloaded to the neighboring elements and hinges. This is an expensive event that
requires large number of substeps when multiple hinges are experiencing strength
loss simultaneously. This problem is exasperated when the strength loss for each
hinge is a multi-event (i.e., progressive strength loss instead of sudden strength
loss), because the complete unloading event requires a significant strain

B-38 B: Reinforced Concrete Frame GCR 17-917-46v3

Example Building
development when progressive strength loss is employed, the analysis is required
to perform the unloading event in small increments. During these small
increments, however, the hinges are constantly competing to unload themselves
and load others. This back-and-forth event is reduced when sudden strength loss
is employed because the number of events required to unload a hinge is limited.
It is understood that, as general rule, the designer should avoid modeling sudden
strength loss in backbone curves as it is a rare event, and employ progressive
strength loss, but analysis may never finish running if the hinges try to remain on
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the descending slope. It should be perhaps considered, depending on the

unloading method used, that the strength loss be modeled with multiple sudden
drops. This is illustrated in Figure B-36.

Figure B-36 Illustration of backbone curve and effects that

negative stiffness have on some commercial
software solution algorithms.

GCR 17-917-46v3 B: Reinforced Concrete Frame B-39

Example Building
Finally, it should be emphasized that these observations are based on the one
example building and software and that the observations and conclusions are not
meant to generally apply to other buildings. Indeed, the intent of this Guidelines
document is to facilitate the use of nonlinear analysis to investigate the specific
characteristics of any building, and the purpose of this appendix is to illustrate
application of the guidelines.
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B-40 B: Reinforced Concrete Frame GCR 17-917-46v3

Example Building

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This publication is available free of charge from: https://doi.org/10.6028/NIST.GCR.17-917-46v3

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Project Participants

National Institute of Standards and Technology

This publication is available free of charge from: https://doi.org/10.6028/NIST.GCR.17-917-46v3

Steven L. McCabe Matthew S. Speicher

Engineering Laboratory (MS8604) Engineering Laboratory (MS8604)
National Institute of Standards and Technology National Institute of Standards and Technology
100 Bureau Drive 100 Bureau Drive
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899 Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899

Jay Harris Kevin K. F. Wong

Engineering Laboratory (MS8604) Engineering Laboratory (MS8604)
National Institute of Standards and Technology National Institute of Standards and Technology
100 Bureau Drive 100 Bureau Drive
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899 Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899

Siamak Sattar
Engineering Laboratory (MS8604)
National Institute of Standards and Technology
100 Bureau Drive
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899

Applied Technology Council

Jon A. Heintz (Program Manager) Veronica Cedillos (Associate Project Manager)
Applied Technology Council Applied Technology Council
201 Redwood Shores Parkway, Suite 240 201 Redwood Shores Parkway, Suite 240
Redwood City, California 94065 Redwood City, California 94065

Ayse Hortacsu (Associate Program Manager)

Applied Technology Council
201 Redwood Shores Parkway, Suite 240
Redwood City, California 94065

Program Committee on Seismic Engineering

Jon A. Heintz (Chair) James R. Harris
Applied Technology Council J.R. Harris & Company
201 Redwood Shores Parkway, Suite 240 1775 Sherman Street, Suite 1525
Redwood City, California 94065 Denver, Colorado 80203

Michael Cochran James Jirsa

Thornton Tomasetti Department of Civil, Architectural and
4551 Glencoe Avenue, Suite 350 Environmental Engineering
Marina del Rey, California 90292 University of Texas at Austin
301 E. Dean Keeton Street, Stop C1700
Austin, Texas 78712

GCR 17-917-46v3 Project Participants D-1

Roberto Leon Donald Scott
Department of Civil and Environmental PCS Structural Solutions
Engineering 811 First Avenue, Suite 620
Virginia Tech Seattle, Washington 98104
102-D Patton Hall
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061 Andrew Whittaker
Department of Civil, Structural and
Stephen Mahin Environmental Engineering
This publication is available free of charge from: https://doi.org/10.6028/NIST.GCR.17-917-46v3

Department of Civil and Environmental University at Buffalo

Engineering 230 Ketter Hall
University of California, Berkeley Buffalo, New York 14260
721 Davis Hall
Berkeley, California 94720

James O. Malley
Degenkolb Engineers
375 Beale Street, Suite 500
San Francisco, California 94105

Project Technical Committee

Curt Haselton (Project Director) John D. Hooper
Haselton Baker Risk Group, LLC Magnusson Klemencic Associates
120 W 2nd Street, Suite 3 1301 Fifth Avenue, Suite 3200
Chico, California 95928 Seattle, Washington 98101

Wassim Ghannoum Santiago Pujol

Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering Bowen Laboratory
The University of Texas at San Antonio Purdue University
Building: BSE Room 1.328 1040 South River Road
One UTSA Circle West Lafayette, Indiana 47907
San Antonio, Texas 78249

Mahmoud Hachem
Degenkolb Engineers
1300 Clay Street, Suite 900
Oakland, California 94612

Project Review Panel

Tony Ghodsi Michael Mehrain
Englekirk Institutional Mehrain Naeim International, Inc.
888 South Figueroa Street, 18th Floor 100 Spectrum Center Drive, Suite 900
Los Angeles, California 90017 Irvine, California 92618

Yuli Huang Farzad Naeim

Arup Farzad Naeim, Inc.
560 Mission Street, Suite 700 100 Spectrum Center Drive, Suite 900
San Francisco California 94105 Irvine, California 92618

D-2 Project Participants GCR 17-917-46v3

John Wallace Kent Yu (ATC Board Contact)
5731C Boelter Hall SEFT Consulting Group
Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering 4800 SW Griffith Drive, Suite 100
University of California, Los Angeles Beaverton, Oregon 97005
Los Angeles, California 90095

Working Group Members

Dustin Cook Hee Jae Yang
This publication is available free of charge from: https://doi.org/10.6028/NIST.GCR.17-917-46v3

Haselton Baker Risk Group, LLC Magnusson Klemencic Associates

120 W 2nd Street, Suite 3 1301 Fifth Avenue, Suite 3200
Chico, California 95928 Seattle, Washington 98101

Ian McFarlane
Magnusson Klemencic Associates
1301 Fifth Avenue, Suite 3200
Seattle, Washington 98101

GCR 17-917-46v3 Project Participants D-3

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