What Is Chinese Boxes
What Is Chinese Boxes
What Is Chinese Boxes
Chinese box is the explanation unit of analyzing by mean of sentences formation in larger
unit proposed by Nelson Francis
Chineese boxes are constructed of rectangles in such a way as to show the relationship of
formation by box formation. The formation of one element in another (a constituent) and
the formation by one element of another (a constituent) are shown as the formation of
areas in box.
The basic and simplest noun phrase structure contain only a noun (usually a proper noun, pronoun,
mass noun or plural noun).
NP → N
Example : box
NP → box
Other than basic noun phrase structure, there are many kind of noun phrase structre that are more
complex than basic one.
1. Noun phrase is optionally added by determiner, this will generate a rules like
NP → (D)N
To indicate the optionally we need to bracket in the rules, meanwhile noun in anoun phrase
structure is a obligation so we don’t need to put bracket in the rules.
Example : the box
NP →
The box
2. A noun is optionally by adjective, this will generate rules and a Chinese box like :
NP → (D) (Adj) N
Example : The big box
D AdjP N
3. Other than two rules, noun phrase also takes prepositional phrase modifiers, that will
generate rules and Chinese box like this :
NP → (D) (AdjP) N (PP)
Example : The big box of crayons.
NP →
D AdjP N
Prepositional Phrase
Prepositional functions :
1. as an adverb
2. as an adjective