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Perucho, Evrian E.


18-56299 ME 419 – Solar Energy & Wind Energy



Renewable Energy

Renewables, this term is widely known around the world as one of the energy sources that

never run out, an abundant source of energy in our surroundings waiting to be harness for it

will become useful for the society. Significance and advantages renewable energy offers a

promising and better way of living shortly when the world adapts and aids to the call of the

renewable energy advocates. However, harnessing those renewables requires the construction

of specific structures and instruments wherein the initial cost is quite high compared to the

other sources of energy, though the running cost of these renewables is way too small

compared to the operational cost of fossil fuels. Disregarding the disadvantages of these

renewables, and consider renewable energy systems as the primary source of energy, what

would be the face of the world in the future? Would this case affect society’s approach to a

better standard of living?

In my perspectives and initial understandings, there are two possible cases which are in terms

of transition. First are the gradually changing sources of energy from conventional to

renewable, and second is that there is only a small period in transition. On the other hand, it is

common sense that the world can’t afford it. Therefore, we focus on the renewables that are

gradually proving themselves as a sustainable source of energy and possible to be the primary

source of energy, it is safe to say that society could eventually cope up and benefit from the

changes the world has done. What is society’s definition of better standard living in the

conventional energy source (fossil fuels)? In our daily lifestyle today, we are depending on
the energy production by fossil fuels, from the electricity in our home, transportation to work,

up to the business place, and what we wanted is the continuous supply of that energy for us to

keep on moving and to keep on living a good life. Society views a better world that has; no

pollution; have clean air; safe surroundings; a greener environment: and a sustainable source

of income, that is the definition of the society to a better standard of living in the world that

the fossil fuels are the primary source of energy. What if the main source of the energy that

we are using will be renewables? wherein the world is running into clean energy, less

pollution, a stable supply of electricity, efficient transportation, a safe environment, and a

stable source of income. What would be the approach of the society?

In a world that renewables are the primary source of energy, society will be experienced less

global warming and eventually resolved the problem, this is because society will be less

dependent on the produced energy of different powerplant that depends on burning fossil

fuels which emit harmful gases that causes the climate change. The world of renewables will

make the cost of life way much cheaper compared to the life we are in right now, it provides

a lot of work and opportunities in terms of construction, manufacturing, operation and

maintenance, transports and logistics, financials, and legal consent that makes the society to

have a sustainable source of income. Renewables as the primary source of energy, lessen the

harmful chemicals being dump in the bodies of water and even buried inside the earth, this

movement will transform the environment we live in into a balanced and greener that can

support the needs of billion people living in the planet.

In analyzing the situation and the fact that society has no ending desires, even we achieve

what we define as a better standard of living, there are still problems that exist and need to be

resolve in our society. Take, for example, the industrial revolution before it began, society’s

approach to a better standard of living is that they wanted to make their work much easier, to

have a sustainable source of electricity, to travel faster in the land, water, and air. Those have
been achieved but society has never been satisfied. Therefore, I can conclude that society will

continue to find answers, and what will they find is the problems that will exist in the life of

renewable energy. -A new way of living starts a new way of dreaming: A society’s approach

to a better standard of living under renewable energy as the primary source.

Rotating Equipment Engineering

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