Zero Sequence Diagram

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Sequence Networks of Power Systems (Contd.)

Zero-sequence equivalent networks of D -connected load

The zero-sequence equivalent circuits of three-phase transformers deserve specia
l attention. The different possible combinations of the primary and the secondar
y windings in Y and D alter the zero-sequence network. The possible connections
of two-winding transformers and their equivalent zero-sequence networks are show
n in the above figure. The networks are drawn remembering that there will be no
primary current when there is no secondary current, neglecting the no-load compo
nent. The arrows on the connection diagram show the possible paths for the zerosequence current. Absence of an arrow indicates that the connection is such that
zero-sequence currents cannot flow. The letters P and Q identify the correspond
ing points on the connection diagram and equivalent circuit.
Case 1: Y-Y Bank with one neutral grounded: If either one of the neutrals of
a Y-Y bank is ungrounded, zero-sequence current cannot flow in either winding (
as the absence of a path through one winding prevents current in the other). An
open circuit exists for zero-sequence current between two parts of the system c
onnected by the transformer bank.
Case 2: Y-Y Bank with both neutral grounded: In this case, a path through tr
ansformer exists for the zero-sequence current. Hence zero-sequence current can
flow in both sides of the transformer provided there is closed path for it to fl
ow. Hence the points on the two sides of the transformer are connected by the ze
ro-sequence impedance of the transformer.
Case 3: Y- D Bank with grounded Y: In this case, there is path for zero-seq
uence current to ground through the Y as the corresponding induced current can c
irculate in the D. The equivalent circuit must provide for a path from lines on
the Y side through zero-sequence impedance of the transformer to the reference b
us. However, an open circuit must exist between line and the reference bus on th
e D side. If there is an impedance Zn between neutral and ground, then the zerosequence impedance must include 3Zn along with zero-sequence impedance of the tr
Case 4: Y- D Bank with ungrounded Y:
In this case, there is no path f
or zero-sequence current. The zero-sequence impedance is infinite and is shown b
y an open circuit.
Case 5: D-D Bank: In this case, there is no return path for zero-sequence cu
rrent. The zero-sequence current cannot flow in lines although it can circulate
in the D windings.

Zero-sequence equivalent networks of three-phase

transformer banks for various combinations
The zero-sequence equivalent circuits determined for the individual parts separa

tely are connected according to the SLD to form the complete zero-sequence netwo
Sequence Networks of Power Systems (Contd.)

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