10 Types of Power in Leadership
10 Types of Power in Leadership
10 Types of Power in Leadership
A leader's influence can determine how well common goals are met in the
workplace. This power is a fundamental tool used by great leaders. The type of
power used varies from person to person based on environment, personality and
skill. In this article, we define what leadership power is and the 10 types of power in
Power and authority are often used interchangeably but their meanings have
nuanced differences. Power is the influence someone has over another. It refers to
the ability to accomplish a goal with the help of others. Authority is the right to
exercise that influence.
Supervisors have authority because of their position in the workplace. They possess
a type of power because of this, but a staff member can also have power if they are
well-liked by colleagues. The staff member has no authority, but colleagues are
willing to follow them because of their relationship.
1. Legitimate
2. Coercive
3. Referent
4. Charisma
5. Expert
6. Information
7. Reward
8. Moral
9. Connection
10. Founder
1. Legitimate
You gain legitimate power in an organization by showing you have what it takes to
be a supervisor, executive or partner. Working as a supervisor lets potential
employers know you can handle the responsibility. Use legitimate power together
with other types of power to be a successful leader.
2. Coercive
3. Referent
Referent power is the power that role models hold. It occurs when a leader has
strong interpersonal skills and others follow them because of a deep admiration. For
example, an employee tries to solve a conflict and refers to what his mentor would
do and follows that model to resolve the issue.
This power is not one leader can bestow on themselves. The admiring party gives
the leader the designation of role model.
Develop your interpersonal skills by taking an interest in others. Listen when they
speak and respond appropriately. Well-liked people inspire loyalty and a willingness
to work together on common goals.
4. Charisma
Charisma is a natural byproduct of an outgoing personality. It works best when felt
honestly. Learn to be charismatic by developing confidence in your unique abilities. If
you feel more comfortable connecting with people one-on-one rather than in large
groups, this may be your way of displaying charm. Embrace your strengths and use
them to your advantage.
5. Expert
Expert power exists in an organization when one member possesses a set of skills
others don't have. This leads others to defer to the expert. Employees typically
assume managers or executives possess some skill or knowledge the others don't.
Anyone in the organization can hold expertise power.
To use expert power in your career, pursue expertise in your field. When you
demonstrate a high level of competence, people may begin to defer to you or follow
your advice because of your experience.
6. Information
Power based on information lasts as long as the information is not known to others.
This puts the person in possession of the information in a unique position to leverage
this power however they choose.
While having information power can be a one-time occurrence, you can become a
person who is known to have key information on the industry, products or market. By
developing a curiosity for important news and innovations in your field, you may
become a valued resource to your colleagues.
7. Reward
Gifts can give someone a strong influence on the behavior of others. Reward power
exists when a manager has the power to offer incentives to employees who perform
well. For example, offering a raise to employees with the highest sales numbers
signifies reward power.
As a workplace leader, reward power works best when the reward is something
relevant to the employees. Having something they desire can encourage boosts in
productivity. The incentives must also be attainable to keep morale high.
8. Moral
A leader with moral power inspires action based on their beliefs and behavior. Moral
leaders live by a principle that others can see and decide to follow. Employees are
inspired by these leaders because the leader builds trust through their ethics. They
become a role model for setting personal standards.
To use moral power in your career, establish a personal mission statement and
philosophy to live by. When you make this statement known to others and
consistently live by your principles, they come to trust your example.
9. Connection
Leaders have connection power when their alliance with influential people is admired
and desired by others. The connection gives people the sense that the leader
possesses or has access to the same power that the influential person has. This is
beneficial in cases where the leader has connections to possible business investors.
10. Founder