CHP4 - Low Res
CHP4 - Low Res
CHP4 - Low Res
Corporate Social
Responsibility and Business
CSR: The managerial obligation to take action
that protects and improves both, the welfare of
society as a whole and the interests of the
of them depend
on farming
Urbanization is causing
more human labor increasing labor scarcity
is needed
Business Ethics
The capacity to reflect on values in the corporate decision-
making process, to determine how these values and
decisions affect various stakeholder groups, and to
establish how managers can use these observations in
day-to-day company management.
• Ackers: A company which is not ethical cannot be
competitive in either national or international markets
• Productivity: Ethical practices towards stakeholders =
happier employees
• Stakeholder Relations (outside stakeholders)
• Government Regulations (Co.s acting unethically=
greater demand by public for legislation)
Code of Ethics:
A formal statement that acts as a guide for the
ethics of how people within a particular
organization should act and make decisions.
Address issues such as conflict of interest,
competitors, privacy of information, gift giving,
forbidding bribery, etc.
Encourages ethical practices within an