Preventive Therapy Compliance in Pediatric Tuberculosis - A Single Center Experience
Preventive Therapy Compliance in Pediatric Tuberculosis - A Single Center Experience
Preventive Therapy Compliance in Pediatric Tuberculosis - A Single Center Experience
Pediatrics Department, Vila Nova de Gaia/Espinho Hospital Center, Rua Dr. Francisco Sá Carneiro, 4400-129 Vila Nova de Gaia,
Pediatric Tuberculosis, Pneumologic Diagnosis Center, Rua do Conselheiro Veloso da Cruz 383, 4400-088 Vila Nova de Gaia,
Allergy and Pulmonology Pediatrics Unit of Pediatrics Department, Vila Nova de Gaia/Espinho Hospital Center, Rua Dr. Francisco
Sá Carneiro, 4400-129 Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal
Tuberculosis; Introduction: Despite its importance, there are some barriers to patient compliance in preven-
Chemoprophylaxis; tive therapy (PT) of tuberculosis (TB). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the compliance
Children; to appointments, PT and follow-up in a pediatric population after TB exposure, followed in a
Compliance; single TB outpatient center, and the subsequent identification of compliance determinants.
Latent tuberculosis Methods: Retrospective analysis of all pediatric patients who underwent PT in Gaia TB outpa-
infection; tient center from January 2015 to June 2016. Patients were divided into two groups: compliant
Isoniazid and non-compliant, according to adherence to screening, visits and medication. The data col-
lection was based on review of medical records.
Results: A total of 72 patients were enrolled, 33 (45.8%) on chemoprophylaxis and 39 (54.2%) on
latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) treatment. The majority of patients were compliant (63.9%,
n = 46). Non-compliance was found in 36.1% (n = 26): in 12 patients to contact screening, in 11
patients to PT and 22 patients did not attend medical appointments in the first place. In 10
patients, non-compliance was related to social problems/family dysfunction (low socioeconomic
status and parent’s unemployment). After putting in place several strategies, such as telephone
contact, activating social services and direct observation of therapy, a compliance of 98.6% was
achieved. Isoniazid was the main drug used (91.7%), during 9 months for LBTI.
∗ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (J.C. Santos).
2531-0437/© 2019 Sociedade Portuguesa de Pneumologia. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license (
Preventive therapy compliance in pediatric tuberculosis 79
Conclusion: PT compliance in TB can be challenging, probably related to the lack of risk percep-
tion and caregiver’s reluctance to undergo a prolonged treatment to an asymptomatic condition.
We conclude that implementing interventions can considerably improve treatment compli-
ance and reduce the risk of future tuberculosis development. We emphasize the success in
compliance to a 9 month regimen of isoniazid in the vast majority of patients with LTBI.
© 2019 Sociedade Portuguesa de Pneumologia. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. This is an
open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
and continuous variables as means and standard deviation related with medication such as nausea, vomiting or other
or medians and interquartile ranges, respectively. Differ- gastrointestinal symptoms, side effects and intolerance to
ences between compliant and non-compliant were tested treatment. Non-compliance to contact screening was found
using 2 test or Fisher exact test for categorical variables in 12 patients and in 11 patients (15.3%) to PT. In 10 patients,
and Student’s t-test or Mann---Whitney test for independent non-compliance was related to family dysfunction/social
samples, as appropriate. problems. Medication side effects were seen in 3 patients
(4.2%), with one patient needing to change isoniazid to
rifampicin (9.1%), with subsequent compliance to treat-
Results ment. Oral intolerance to medication was seen in 1 patient
(9.1%). For 2 patients there was no explanation found to non-
A total of 72 patients were enrolled, 33 (45.8%) on CP and 39 compliance to treatment. Follow-up of patients was monthly
(54.2%) on LTBI. The overall results are synthesized in Fig. 1. until treatment was complete.
Sociodemographic data are described in Table 1. The When non-compliance of any kind was noticed, some
median age was 5.5 years, and it was significantly lower in strategies were implemented (Fig 2): all parents/caregivers
the CP group comparing with LTBI group (2.9 vs. 7.7 years, were contacted by phone and encouraged to return to
respectively; p < 0.001). Globally there was a male predomi- the appointments and take the medication, rescheduling
nance. Patients were referred to our center mostly by public a new appointment (n = 26; 100%); social service was acti-
health services, especially after exposure to tuberculosis vated in order to help the return of these families to the
(n = 63). The index case was intrafamilial in the majority appointments (n = 2; 7.7%); directly observed treatment was
of patients (79.2%), with a predominance of grandparents implemented (n = 1; 3.8%); change in medication (3.8%) and
(n = 20); with a daily contact (n = 35). Mt of the index case shortening of the time of prescription ensuring regular and
was susceptible to all drugs in 90% of cases. There were 4 closer monitoring of drug supply (7.7%). With the implemen-
patients referred to screening for immune mediated inflam- tation of these strategies, a final compliance rate of 98.6%
matory diseases candidates for biologic therapy or other was achieved (n = 71). There was 1 case of loss of follow-up.
immunosuppressive agents. Patients were vaccinated with Isoniazid was the main drug used (n = 66; 91.7%), in 31 cases
BCG-vaccine (100%, n = 68; 4 missing values), according to of CP with a median duration of 9 (IQR 8:12) weeks and in 35
the universal BCG vaccination standard in practice at that cases of LTBI for 9 months, with a compliance of 97.1% to 9-
time. At the time of the first medical consultation, 17 month regimen with isoniazid. Rifampicin was used for four
patients (23.6%) had symptoms (cough and/or fever). Ison- months in 8.3% (n = 6), one for side effects to isoniazid and
azid was started in 67 patients (93.1%) and rifampicin in 5 for resistance to isoniazid in the index case. There was no
5 patients (6.9%, for isoniazid-resistant Mt of the index statistical significant difference in PT compliance between
case). In case of CP, treatment was continued for a mean rifampicin and isoniazid (83.3% vs 62.7%; p = 0.658).
of 9.7 ± 3.1 weeks and till a second screening ruled out
LTBI. The second screening was preformed 9.7 weeks after
the first one and included TST and IGRA. Complete blood Discussion
count and liver function tests were performed in 33.4% of
patients (n = 24) after the initiation of treatment, with nor- Tuberculosis in childhood represents a missed opportunity
mal results. for TB screening and establishment of PT.12 PT has the aim of
There was compliance to screening, visits and treatment precluding occurrence of disease in those already infected
in 63.9% (n = 46) and non-compliance in 36.1% (n = 26; Fig or exposed to TB. Despite its importance, there are some
1). A stratified analysis of the results according to the type barriers, usually related with long PT courses and the lack
of treatment (CP vs. LTBI) revealed a compliance of 75.8% of perception of the risk of TB development by the par-
(n = 25) in CP group and 53.8% (n = 21) in LTBI, p = 0.054. ents/caregivers in the asymptomatic child.2 The compliance
Patient age was significantly higher in non-compliant group to prolonged regimens is another difficult issue. In our study,
(6.9 ± 4.7 years-old vs. to 4.8 ± 3.8 in compliance group, initial compliance to PT was 63.9%, which was slightly infe-
p = 0.046). Social problems/family dysfunction were present rior to another study that reported 72.8% of compliance
in 38.5% (n = 10) patients, all non-compliant ones. to CP ant LTBI treatment in pediatric age.13 There was
Missing appointments were registered in 30.6% (n = 22) no statistical significant differences in the PT compliance
and were related with age ≥6 years old (46.2% vs. between CP and LTBI patients (75.8% vs 53.8%, p = 0.054),
21.9% in children <6 years old; p = 0.031). Of those who as also reported by Guix-Comellas et al.,13 which described
missed appointments, 36.4% (n = 8) failed to complete an adherence of 24.3% by CP patients and 35.1% by LTBI
the treatment. There was an association between missing patients, p = 0.08, although with shorter regimens, young
appointments and failure in treatment (p = 0.002). A group children on CP usually depend on their parents and are
of 14 patients maintained treatment despite missing medi- likely to adhere better to medical therapies. Older age was
cal appointments (19.4%) and this group was significantly associated with non-compliance (p = 0.046), consistent with
older (mean age 8.9 ± 4.0 vs. 4.8 ± 3.8 years old; p = 0.003) another study that reported adolescence as a risk factor for
and mostly on LTBI treatment (n = 12; 85.7%). Patients in CP non-compliance.13 Another study about treatment comple-
had a median of 4 (IQR 3---6) medical appointments and LTBI tion for LTBI reported 65.7% of treatment compliance, with
patients a median of 7 (IQR 4:8). significant higher adherence with 4-month rifampicin (85%)
The reasons found for non-compliance are described in compared to isoniazid (52%).8 However, in our study no sig-
Fig. 2, and included social problems/family dysfunction nificant differences were found in the compliance between
and medication problems, which consisted of symptoms isoniazid and rifampicin (83.3% vs 62.7%; p = 0.658), although
Preventive therapy compliance in pediatric tuberculosis 81
n= 60 (83.3%)
n= (63.9%)
n= 50 )
n= 2 Strategies
2 (3
0.6% implemented to
n= 61 (8
n=26 (36.1%) COMPLIANCE
n= 11 (15.3%) n=1 (1.4%)
the small number of patients on rifampicin may have limited Drug-related adverse effects were low, with just one
the conclusions. In our population, isoniazid for 9 months patient needing to change medication. Routine liver func-
was the chosen regimen, with 90% efficacy described in the tion monitoring is not necessary for children unless they have
literature.6,7,14 In cases in which Mt strains of the index liver disease10 and in our population they were performed in
case were resistant to isoniazid or intolerance to isoniazid 33.4% of cases once during the treatment course. Household
was observed, a 4-month regimen with rifampicin was used, contacts were the most frequent source of infection, as also
as described in the literature.6 Some studies suggest other described by others.8,13
shorter regimens with higher completion rates, such as 6- The implementation of several strategies was successful
month therapy with isoniazid, with an efficacy of 69%,5 3---4 in the compliance improvement, achieving a final compli-
month of daily isoniazid plus rifampicin6 or twelve doses ance of 98.6%. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first
once-weekly with isoniazid and rifapentine, although this study in Portugal about PT compliance.
last regimen is not recommended for children younger than 2 Our study has some limitations. First, its retrospective
years of age but has an estimated efficacy of 90%, equivalent design and sample size limit the strength of the conclu-
to 9-months of isoniazid.6 sions. Second, although this study considers a recruitment of
The main barriers to PT implementation identified in participants at a community center, we cannot exclude the
different studies16,17 are, lack of awareness, lack of risk possibility of a selection bias. This may occur because some
perception among parents, inadequate knowledge among patients may not have been identified by public health ser-
healthcare providers and poor programmatic monitoring. vices as tuberculosis contact patients and therefore were
However, in our study, social problems/family dysfunction not included in our sample. Considering that this should
and medication problems were the main reasons identified represent a small number of patients, this bias is expected
for non-compliance. We believe that our community-based to have a minimal effect on the results. Finally, some fac-
approach with collaboration of pediatricians with expe- tors found in other studies as determinants of compliance,
rience in tuberculosis, with closer contact with families such as parents’ education15 and cultural beliefs were not
and regular scheduled appointments was responsible for assessed in this study.
an increased awareness of the health care providers to TB
PT importance, reducing this non-compliance determinant
reported in other studies. Another study in Ethiopia17 about Conclusions
compliance to isonazid CP reported poor compliance (12%)
with the main reason being the perception that drugs were PT compliance was largely increased after implemen-
not necessary when the child was healthy. tation of improvement strategies. Non-compliance was
82 J.C. Santos et al.
associated with older age of patients. There was no treatment. Compliance can be greatly improved by close
significant difference in treatment compliance between monitoring and strategies to reconnect families with
rifampicin and isoniazid. A 9-month regimen with iso- the PT, rather than shortening of treatment regimens.
niazid continues to be the preferred modality for LTBI We emphasize the importance of health facilities inside
Preventive therapy compliance in pediatric tuberculosis 83
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