Education Department Project
Education Department Project
Education Department Project
LOT Names of targeted Counties and LOT Names of targeted Counties and Sub-
Sub-counties to be covered per counties to be covered per Region
Region 1 Names of the Number of the Region 2 Names of the Number of the
Counties Sub-counties Counties Sub-counties
Bungoma 3 Muranga 3
Busia 7 Elgeyo Marakwet 2
1. Background
The Ministry of Education in partnership with the World Bank has designed a six year
project to increase completion of a full cycle of quality basic education focusing on
Upper Primary and and transition to Secondary Education for children living in
vulnerable and Marginalized areas. This project will contribute to the Government
goal of producing skilled manpower necessary to transform Kenya into a newly
industrializing, middle income country by the year 2030.The preliminary target
beneficiaries of the project will include: (i) children, particularly living in vulnerable
areas, girls and children with special needs; (ii) teachers; (iii) parents and community
members; and (iv) About 2,147 secondary schools and 7,852 primary schools (total
about 9,999 schools) in 110 Sub-counties in 30 out of total 47 Counties in Kenya are
included in the project.
The priority focus of the project will be to improve the school environment that includes
school infrastructure in order to create an enabling learning environment and to improve
quality of teaching learning, particularly science, mathematics, and English. To create
enabling learning environment, the proposed Project intends to create new
infrastructure facilities and/or rehabilitate the existing facilities such as classrooms,
dormitories, science laboratories, IT laboratories, libraries, and toilets for girls and boys,
water facilities and electricity supply, and play grounds, as required in the secondary
schools. In order to increase transition from primary to secondary, the project will
finance, depending on the need, construction of classrooms. Again depending on need,
the project may consider development of overall school infrastructure that will include
science and computer laboratories, smart class and multi-purpose rooms, provision of
drinking water, and other related infrastructure. The project will also fund construction
of an ultra-Modern Training facility which is ICT enabled, provide furniture and
equipment etc.
5. Selection and suitability of consultants
The MoE proposes to shortlist up to four national Design Construction and
Supervision Consultants to undertake the following activities :
i. Needs Assessment: Survey the status of existing infrastructure in all schools;
optimize the use of existing facilities; recommend rehabilitation / additional
construction as per the Project Development Objectives; prepare and agree a
work-plan with MoE for the number of schools to be funded from the project.
ii. Design of buildings and procurement of contractors: Design the new structures
and rehabilitation of existing structures in the agreed number of schools; prepare
technical specifications and bid documents; procure contractors; and do the
same for furniture for the schools.
iii. Construction supervision: supervise construction; certify payments for works
undertaken by contractors to the satisfaction of the client.
e) Review the Ministry of Education, State Department of Education
guidelines, for school infrastructure planning, development and
f) Assess the current status of the available infrastructure determining the
need for rehabilitation, renovation and refurbishments.
g) Assess the adequacy of existing classrooms based on enrolment growth
h) Find out the sources of funding used for the existing infrastructure
development, rehabilitation, renovation and refurbishments; the amount of
funds available per year;e.g. NCDF, community contribution, etc.
i) Collect data about the titles of land ownership and record carefully if there
are any encroachments of any type including squatters on the land
designated for the school.
j) Based on the above findings, make recommendations on;
1. Additional infrastructure (classrooms, science labs, dormitories,
toilets, kitchen etc.) required at each school
2. To what extent rehabilitation, renovation and refurbishments are
required and need to be carried out;
3. Cost estimates for the above based on the prevalent cost of
construction in the respective Counties.
k) Based on the above, prioritize the schools and the facilities to be provided
in those schools with the MoE to support the PDO’s, and finalize the work
plan and phasing to implement the agreed number of schools.
l) Conduct topographical survey of each school.
m) Collect GPS coordinates of each school and map them in the country.
n) Prepare a report on the entire needs assessment
The bid document will include detailed technical specifications and
measurement methods for payment of each item.
f) Support MOE to organize and conduct a pre-bid conference at an agreed
conference facility. The MOE will work with the
g) consultant to make all the necessary reservations and invitations for the
conference, conduct the proceedings of the conference, clarify issues and
answer questions raised on any matter at the conference, prepare and
distribute a record of the conference proceedings.
h) Assist in preparing clarifications to bidders during the tendering process
and shall prepare and issue any addendum required during the period of
i) Evaluation of bids received shall be based on both the GOK and the Bank
procedures. The evaluation committee will be appointed by the Principal
Secretary; State Department of Basic Education The Consultant will be part
of the evaluation committee as in attendance. MOE will be responsible for
the awarding of the contract(s) and for issuing notice(s) of the award.
j) Prepare the relevant contract documents to be approved by the MoE for
signing of the contract and coordinate and assist the parties in signing the
h) Attending consultative meetings convened by the MoE to deliberate on the
execution of the works. In such meetings, the consultant will be required to
make presentations on the project progress.
i) The consultant should make provision for the employment of a clerk of
works in concurrence with the MoE for the day-to-day supervision of
construction and measurement of works.
j) Retain sufficient manpower dedicated to the project for the duration of the
defects liability period.
k) Ensure that contractors adhere to the provisions of The National Policy on
Child protection and safety
l) Carry out a post-project evaluation of the project technical work, its
achievements, lessons learnt from the project processes and the
management of the project and prepare and submit a final report.
8. Architectural design
The consultant will ensure that all the applicable social and environmental
safeguards policies of the World Bank are strictly complied with. Proper
Resettlement Action Plans (RAP’s) will be prepared for the sites with any kind
of encroachment and squatters and submitted to MoE for Bank’s approval.
10. Environmental / Sustainable design
The consultant will be appointed for the duration of the entire infrastructure
phase and the MoE will evaluate their performance each year.
13. Implementation schedule
The four (4) consulting firms will commence operations immediately after signing of
the contract.
The estimated duration of the services is thirty six (36) months. The target timelines for
undertaking the assignment are as follows:
14. Staff requirements
The work requires three (3) multi – disciplinary consulting firms or three(3) consortia
of firms with teams comprising of different disciplines depending on phase of
consultancy; at the minimum the consulting firm matrix will be composed of the
following:- Architects, Quantity Surveyors, Electrical Engineers, Water Engineers,
Mechanical Engineers, Civil/ Structural Engineers, Land Surveyors, EIA Experts,
construction supervisors, and Education professionals. In case of a consortium of firms,
one of the firms will be the Lead. The minimum staff requirement is indicated below;
it is incumbent upon the consulting firms to ensure that they provide adequate
manpower to implement the project at its different stages.
Expertise Responsibility Qualification and Experience
specifications necessary registration relevant working
for the preparation of experience and registered by the
tender bills and for relevant professional registering
construction. bodies.
Mechanical Will prepare the Minimum qualification required is a
Engineer mechanical engineering Degree in Mechanical Engineering
services drawings and with at least Ten (10) years of post-
specifications necessary registration relevant working
for the preparation of experience and registered by the
tender bills and for relevant professional registering
construction. bodies.
Civil/Struct Will prepare the structural Minimum qualification required is a
ural / civil engineering Degree in Civil Engineering with at
Engineer drawings and least Ten (10) years of post-
specifications necessary registration relevant working
for the preparation of experience and registered by the
tender bills and for relevant professional registering
construction. bodies.
Water and Will prepare the A Degree in Civil Engineering with at
Sanitation requirements for WASH least 10 years’ experience in design
Engineer facilities of water and sanitation facilities.
Land Will prepare the cadastral Minimum qualification required is
Surveyor and topographical Bachelor’s Degree in Land surveying
drawings for the site to be and Photogrammetry with valid
used by the design team. practicing license with over five (5)
years’ experience in the field of
computerized database development
and Geographical Information
EIA Expert Will prepare the Registered EIA Expert with NEMA,
necessary environmental 5 years of professional experience
impact assessment report and registered with Environmental
and follow up on approval Institute of Kenya.
by NEMA; this will be
used during the
implementation of the
Educational Will work at the need Minimum master’s degree in
Professional assessment stages to education/social science/economic
ensure that the existing with at least 10 years of professional
infrastructure is optimally experience in the area of education.
utilized and the proposal
of expansion is as per the
educational requirements
of each school.
15. Requirements for eligible potential consulting firms:
1. Reporting Obligation.
i. The consulting firms and the MoE will agree on the dates for regular
meetings. It is estimated that at least one such meeting per month will
take place throughout the assignment. . The firms will work closely with
the DPCAD and report to the Director Projects, Coordination and
ii. The firms will submit reports and documents to the MoE at the relevant
stage for the necessary review, comments and approval of the MoE.
3. The DPCAD
i. The Ministry of Education, State Department of Basic Education is the
Executing Agency for the project. The DPCAD is responsible for the
technical, administrative and financial control of the project including
reporting to the Bank. It is responsible for the day to day activities on
the implementation of the project that comprises the procurement of
goods, works and services as outlined in the Project Appraisal
17. Professional fees
The shortlisted consulting firms will be invited to bid for the project against a Request
for Proposal (RFP) and will be required to quote their man-month rates and
reimbursable charges for different phases.
18. Methodology
i. The consulting firms must provide, in the EOI, a clear detailed description of
the methodology to be employed in undertaking the assignment for the three
a. Infrastructural needs assessment.
b. Design of drawings and tender documentation for procurement of
c. Supervision of the construction works and
ii. The matrix of personnel in each phase that will be required to complete the
assignment in the specified time.
19. Equipment
The consulting firms will install computers equipped with GIS and othersoftware
and any other installations, rendering interphase capabilities and other necessary
linkages between all the construction sites and the DPCAD to enable the Project
management have real time information on the works.
20. REOIs accompanied with detailed CVs and copies of relevant documents and
testimonials should be submitted in plain sealed envelope clearly marked with the
contract reference number and title of the consultancy in two sets and addressed
The Principal Secretary,
Ministry of Education
State Department of Basic Education,
Attn: Head of Supply Chain Management
Postal Address: P.O. Box 30040, Nairobi, Kenya
Code: 00100
City: Nairobi
Zip code: +254
Tel: (0)20 318581 Ext.30413
Fax: 254-020-318581
Email: [email protected]
and be deposited in the tender box located at the reception area of Jogoo House
‘B’ Harambee Avenue, on or before Wednesday, 9th August, 2017 at 5.00 P.M.
Annex 1
Figure 1: Target Project Counties
Annex 2: Targeted 110 Sub Counties in 30 Counties under SEQIP