Vegetation of Surat

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4, The Vegetation of Surat and environs

The area covered is mainly Surat city and its outskirts,

including the neighbouring coastal regions of the Chorasi tsluka,
The natural vegetation is seen along the banks of river Tapi and
Mindhola. The estuarine tracts, adjoining the coastal-line,
support strand vegetation. There are number of ponds, puddles,
tf-c ' /C
roadside ditches^ which exhibit aquatic vegetation. The river
banks show typical zonations of vegetation on elevated banks.
The herbaceous forms are found more or less throughout the area,
however, within the city area they have been confined to some
extent during monsoon period in well guarded private and public
premises of the city. Otherwise most of the land in and around
city is either brought under (Ihe) cultivation or used for the

construction of roads, houses etc. The natural vegetation is

disturbed by such human activities.

The vegetation shows'the seasonal variations. During the

dry months of summer, one can find dried remnants of plants or
stunted forms of drought resisting species. The soil is devoid
of any ground cover, but a marked change is induced by the
monsoon. The entire area becomes verdant and covered by a vivid
green carpet composed of different grasses and herbaceous forms.
The dried hedges, along with climbers and twiners, resume their
growths^and vegetation again attains a luxuriant monsoon aspect.

Due to permanent irrigation system by the net-work of

canals, the ’weed flora attains a position of prime importance.

A number of Kharif and R'abi weeds are recorded along with

different crop plants.

The perennial trees and shrubs form a permanent vegetation,

They grow on the upper belt of river Tapi, planted in gardens,
along roadsides and in the hedges or boundaries of fields but
they never form a natural vegetation.

To facilitate the systematic floristic study, the vegetation

of Surat and environs is divided into following groups :

1. The Coastal vegetation,

2. The Riparian vegetation,
3. The Aquatic vegetation,
4. The Ruderal vegetation,
5. The'Vegetation along the roadsides and hedges,

6. The Wall flora,

7. Weed flora of cultivated fields,
8. The Cultural plant communities,
9. Introduced urban flora,
10. Escapes.

4,1, The Coastal Vegetation

The adjoining coastal areas of Dumas, Bhimpor, Abhava, and

Hajira, are occupied by coastal vegetation. Dumas and Hajira are

about 18 km and 26 km respectively from Surat, situated on the
riverine mouth of Tapi, where the river enters the Arabian sea.

They are opposite to each other, isolated by a vast belt of

creek, leaving small deltoid islands between the two, Bhimpor

is about 4 km in south-west direction of Dumas, There is a

place, in between the two villages, known as Chowpatti, from

where creek and Arabian sea are visible. The river Mindhola

flows in an east-west direction, passing about 4 km south of

Abhava. It terminates near Bhimpor in Arabian sea and separates

the districts Surat and Vais ad.

The northern banks of Mindhola and the creek are occupied

by the coastal vegetation. One can visualise a continuous green

belt of vegetation, parallel to river Mindhola, right from

southwards of Abhava to Bhimpor (Plates 3 A and B). The coastal

fringe of about 5 km in length, and has the maritime strand

which runs more or less parallel to the coastline. It has a

characteristic scenery dominated by a smooth coastline, estuarine

tracts, tidal creeks, silted river mouth with alluvial islands,

muddy coast, tidal marshes and sand-dunes, stretching well into

the Interior.The entire belt lying in between the prevailing ;

high tide limit and the upper limits of the back shore sandy

relief. Near the coastline two distinct zones can be recognised.

They‘are (a) submersible and (b) non-submersible.

4.1. (a) Submersible zone ; It supports very poor vegetation

of few individuals of Scirpus maritimus, Aeluropus laqopoides,

and Soorobolus virqinicus. They are 'visible during low ebb.

4.1. (b) Non-submersible zone : It is a maritime region

adjoining the coastal line and supports strand vegetation. The


maritime climate on the coastal biosphere has direct effect

on the vegetation and is influenced by tides, wave action, salt
spray, saline water and the nature of substratum. Under the
influence of all these factors, the strand flora represented
by distinct plants of ecological interest. The vegetation of
this zone can be categorised into following types :

(1) Open herbaceous zone,

(2) Middle mixed zone, and
(3) Inner wood-land zone.

4.1.{b). 1. Open Herbaceous Zone : .It is characterised by dense

and gregarious growth of succulent herbs in varying proportions
dispersed on a relief lying under constant influence of tidal
waters. The pioneer plant is Spinifex littoreus (Plate 4 A),

which dominates on a large tract and mixed occasionally with

Aeluropus laqopoides and Urochondra setulosa. Further interior,
towards the landward fringe, the soil is somewhat hard and more
or less sandy-saline. The vegetal cover is replaced by a few
salt tolerant species. Arthrocnemum indicuro occupies saline mud
flats (Plate 4 B) while Suaeda fruticosa and S. nudiflora
(Plates 5 A - B) growing on hard saline soils, bordering the
herbaceous and middle mixed zones. The other important plants
are Salicornia brachiat a. Sesuvium portul a cast rum and Perotis


The distribution pattern of various taxa on coastal region

of Hajira, is somewhat different. The absence of Spinifex
littoreus and Arthrocnemum indicum is noticeable. They are
replaced by the gregarious growth of Sesuviurn portulacastrum and
often interrupted by a few individuals of Avicennia alba
(Plates 6 A - B). On the drier soils, one can visualise, the

patchy growth of Su aeda f ruticosa and S. nudlf lor a along with few
individuals of Aeluropus laqopoides. The overall vegetation is
scanty as compared to that of Abhava-Bhimpor tract.

4.1.(b), 2. Middle Mixed Zone : The distribution pattern of this

zone can be sorted out under two types : (i) plants showing
;tr , T
complete fidelity to salinity and (ii) plants under the maritime /
influence but spread from strand to inland.

Under the first category, one can find strand shrubs and
undershrubs. Towards the sea-side, the soil is more saline and
muddy due-to continuous action of tide waves. It is often flooded
during high-tides but when the water recedes, the loose soil
particles are eroded, leaving the small gullies. During the
high-tide, they fill with tidal waters and cut their banks. Some
of the gullies are connected with sea and they form small islets.
This is the ideal situation for the growth of bushy mangroves
like Acanthus ilicifolius (Plates 7 A - B). As the estuarine

water is available in plenty, Sesuvium portulacastrum and

Soinifex littoreus .gradually migrate with their diffusely
spreading branches. In the interior sheltered muddy areas,
Avicennia alba dominates (plates 8 A - B) along with Acanthus

iiicifolius and their thicket forming feature is seldom observed.


At ^ timers tu nt e d forms of Salvadora persica and Prosopis

chilensis are visible. Along.the sea-coast of Hajira, Acanthus

ilicifolius being^jto;tally absent and Avicennia alba does not '• '/
form a continuous belt. During summer, the hard substrate
t ' 1
of soils supports characteristic vegetation of their own.
The plants like Alhaqi pseudalhaqi, Cress a cretic a. Eraarostis
ciliaris and Aiternanthera sessilis are observed on dried soils.
Blumea obliqua and Opuntia elatior are seldom observed . ■
gregariously (plate 9),

Under the second category, the sandy coastal strip is

composed of the herbaceous forms like Cyperus arenarius,
Cyperus difformis, Euphorbia microphylla, Euphorbia hirta and
Cressa eretica. They thrive on the soil where little moisture
is available. They are not true halophytes or psammophytes but
i^he_y) are the inland plants adapted to xeric conditions. They 9
are always under the influence of shore-winds and thus they
show xeric features. They help in binding sand-particles to some
extent. To check wind velocity and blowing sand particles, the
State Forest Department has introduced plant like loomoea
pes-caprae (Plate 10 a) along the sea-coast of Hajira. They
cover large areas and stabilize the sand particles. The salt
tolerant, fast growing species of Casuarina equisetifolia and
Prosopis chilensis, show their luxuriant growth and entire belt ^

looks like a thick forest. Other plants noted here are Polycarpaea
corymbosa, Borreria ousilla, Evolvulus alsinoides, Launae a
procumbens, Heliotropium mari folium, Boerhavia diffusa, Indio,of era

cordifolia and Indiqofera linnaei.

4.1. (b). 3. inner Woodland Zone ; It is man-made zone, where
------ _ iRrfe..
most of the perennial species (being) planted in hedges, along I

the boundary of fields or around residential premises. The

woodland zone of Bhimpor and Dumas is more thick and.composed
of a variety of tree species than that of Hajira. Some notable
trees are Ail anthus excelsa, A1bizia lebbeck. Perries indica,
Sapindus emarqinatus. Thespesia populnea and Ficus benqhalensis.
Near human habitation one can find Morinqa oleifera. Ficus
reliqiosa, pelonix elata and Azadiracjita indica. Along the
boundary; of fields Annona aquamosa,/ Maytenus emarqinata are
k S)(
J A./
invariably seen along with Prosopis chilensis. Salvadora persica.el,

Occasionally Cassia auricuiata, Prosopis chilensis and Acacia

nilotica ssp. indica occupy the large tract^ip'-Uetween the shore
land and arable land. (Plate 10 B). A noticeable community of

Acacia nilotica ssp. indica near Hajira is more attractive even

during hot summer months (Plate 11 A). Another community of tall

Borassus flabellifer is significant among the coastal woodland

zone, occupies very large tract and frequently shows strangling
growth of Ficus amplissima (Plate 11 B),

There are number of fruit orchards at Dumas, Bhimpor and

Hajira. A variety-of fruit trees is being planted in the premises
of bunglows, sanatoria and in fields. The thick green canopy of
these plants Interrupted with the luxuriant growth of tall
Cocos nucifera enhances the beauty of these holiday resorts
and make them pleasant to the eyes.
4.2. The Riparian Vegetation

The vegetation along the banks of the river Tapi has been
studied along with the seasonal changes. The river Tapi flows
through the area in an east-west direction in a zig-zag fashion
and terminates into the Arabian sea. The vegetation along the
banks of the river Tapi has seasonal and permanent aspect in
addition to an ephemeral aspect.

The lowlying riverine tracts get flooded during monsoon. The

ephemeral vegetation is totally destroyed by the rising water

level. Occasionally, however, the floods are very severe,

accompanied by heavy rain, being strong enough to blow down large
tree^(Plate 12 ). After the monsoon, the water level goes down,
exposing the banks throughout. In the month of October, the banks
are muddy, showing a sparse vegetation, but during November to
April, ephemeral and the permanent vegetation of the banks could
be studied simultaneously. During these months one can find three
belts of vegetation, parallel to the river. These are
(1) the lower-most belt,
(2) the middle belt, and
(3) the upper-most belt,

4.2,1 The Lower-Most Belt : It comprises the area between the

water current and the base of sloping banks. The width of this

belt differs from place to place. The vast river bed can be seen
at Variav, Ved, Singanpor and opposite to Rander. The vegetation
can be studied under two different aspects (a) post-monsoon flora
and (b) the Summer flora.

4.2.1 (a) The Post-monsoon Flora < The vegetation of the lower­

most storey is ephemeral in the sense that it is totally

destroyed by the rising water level during the mensuon. The

river is usually in spate and the banks are flooded. Only in the

month of October, when the water level goes down, exposing the
banks throughout, a spay vegetation in the form of seedlings ^

can be noted. As months advance^ one can find tl>e'plants

like Bacopa mcnnieri , Caesulia axillaris, Eel ip t a ’ and
Phyla nodiflora. The river bed near Singanpor and Ved," is being

dug for the sand which is. used for construction purposes. The

small ditches are left in the river beds. They contain shallow

water and more moisture. They support the growth of Ammannia

baccif era, Amm annia solicit olia. Berqia ammannioides , Den tel la

repens, Glinus oppositifolius, Granqea maderaspatana, Cyperus

exaltatus, Fimbristylis dichotoma and Lindernja crustacea. Some

rare plants recorded from this area are Bistella diqyna, Sutera

dissects, Torenia cordifolia and Veronica snagallis-aquatica.

At some places, during pre-summer, the following associations

can be recognised :

(i) Polygonum association : which comprises mainly Polygonum

qlabrum and Polygonum barbatum var. qracile along with few

individuals of Cyperus exaltatus, Fimbristylis dichotoma and

Bacopa monnieri (plates 13 A - B). It is comparatively short zone

extended to few meters, (ii) Blumea lacera and Sphaeranthus

indicus association;in addition'to some scattered plants like

Argemone mexicana (Plate 14 ;}, A1ternanthera paronychioides,


Amaranthus spinosus and Solanum surattense occupy a huge tract

from Fulpada to Ashwanikumar and often extends upto the railway
bridge. Gradually it merges into more xerophytic species towards
the eastern direction.

The rare sedges, Lipocarpha chinensis and Rhynchospora

qlauca were collected from the muddy wet soils of river bed near

4.2.1.(b) The Summer Flora : As the water in the river decreases

on the advent of dry months after the winter, mud flats are left
exposed, which support the vegetation consisting the plants like
Aqeratum cohyzojdes, Altern anthera sessilis, Cenchrus ciliaris,

Cvathocline purpurea, Diqitaria adscendens, Eraqrostis viscosa,

Eriqeron asteroides and Gnaphalium indicum. Some rare plants
noted during summer months are Mo Hugo cervi ana, Rum ex dentatu s
and Spilanthes paniculate.

4,2.2. The Middle Belt : It corresponds to the sloping banks of

river and covers a width of few meters. Under the central
Government Flood Control Scheme, the huge embankments are
constructed to prevent the entry of flood waters and erosion.
These embankments have affected the natural vegetation but some
areas still remain exposed, where pattern of vegetation can be
studied under the following aspects.

4.2,2. (a) The Monsoon and Post-monsoon Flora : With a few heavy
showers' in the month of July, the herbaceous species comeJLn to -

their own. As the rains commence^ the middle belt is gradually


.covered with green vegetation^by5 t'he seedlings o’f different

plants. Although, at the time of high flood, the part of/s S ’w

, !

vegetation is completely submerged by the raging waters.: During

the monsoon, there is fluctuation in the water level and the
plants present th§#§ are subjected to periodic flooding. Except f.
the monsoon months, most of the time the tract is left exposed.
The vegetation attains (£oth in its) luxuriance and diversity

between September and December. During this -tenure ,)the middle-

belt is covered by post-monsoon plants like Bidens biternata,
B1ainvillea acmella, Indiqofera linifolia, Sida acuta, Tephrosia
senticos a and Setaria verticillata. The shady wet places are
occupied by Canscora diffusa, Cyathocline purpurea, Granqea
maderaspatana, Indiqofera cordif olia, Leucas urticaefolia and
Salvia plebeia. The drier slopes have been occupied by the
scattered plants like Acanthospermum hispidum, Achyranthes asoera
var. porphyristachya, Triumfetta pentandra and Xanthium strumariura.
.. ^
Some rare taxa(nave be erf) reported from this belt are -—

Canscora concanensis, Cleome simplicifolia, FIaveria trinervia,

Leucas biflora and Hackelochloa qranularis.

4.2,2.(b) The Summer Flora : In between March and first week of

June, most of the herbaceous plants disappear but moist and shady
places support the plants like Canscora diffusa, Cyathocline
purpurea, Exacum bicolor and Leucas lonqifolia. The drought
’resistant species (make their way‘arid flourish as the summer ‘■st°
advances. They are Amaranthus soinosus, Arqemone mexicana, ”

Blepharis maderaspatensis, Oliqochaeta ramosa and Xanthium


strumarium, At Sinqanpor and Dabholi the larqe sandy river bed

gradually elevated without forming an elevated slope. At this >

junction Si da cordifolia along with few individuals of Datura

inoxia and Solanum surattense were noted (Plate 15 A). The dry
X Crd t"(r. C ■"
sandy river bed towards western side of Singanoor, '"the patefiy
growth of Calotropis p r o c e ra((Xs—s-ee'njwhich acted as a sand-

stabilizer (Plate 15 B),

4.2.3. The Upper-Most Belt : It is occupied by the ephemeral and

permanent types of vegetation.

4.2.3. (a) Ephemeral Vegetation : It is composed of'herbaceous

plants which appear during monsoon, persist upto the beginning of

summer and .then gradually vanish. The vegetation is edaphically Q,

controlled and the water current has no effect on it whatsoever

as it is beyond the reach of water except in the years of
excessive rainfall. The important components of ephemeral
vegetation are Alysicarpus vaginalis. Alysicarpus lonqifolius.
Cassia tora, Cassi a occidentalis, Cor chorus olitorius, Si da acuta,
'b' fi l r '

Si da alba. t-,Triumf etta pent an dr a .7 The important grasses noted on

the wet banks are Cenchrus pennisetiformis, Eraqrostis ciliarls,

Iseilema laxum and Themeda quadrivalvis.

4.2.3, (b) Permanent Vegetation : The permanent vegetation of the

elevated banks is dominated by trees like Azadiracht a in dice,

Acacia nilotica ssp. indica, Cordia dichot'oma. Perris indlca,
Ficus hispida, Limonia acidissima, Prosopis cineraria, salvadora

persica, Tamarindus indica, Thespesia populnea and Zizyphus

mauritiana. Moringa concanensis and Morinqa oleifera are
extensively planted near habitation for their edible fruits.

The huge tract near Variav is occupied by the most popular

palms of this area - Borassus flabellifer and Phoenix sylvestris
(plates 16 A - B). They have been planted for 'toddy' and 'nira'.

Some shrubs and low trees noted from this belt are Annona
squamosa, Aeqle marmelos. Clerodendrum phlomidis, Balanites
aegyptiaca, Lantana camara var, aculeata and Tamarix troupii.

A few plants such as Clerodendrum phlomidis, Kirqanelia

reticulata, salvadora persica and Woodfordia fruticosa were found
growing lithophytically in the crevices of the walls -of the
/temples )near Ashwanikumar,

4.3, The Aquatic Vegetation

The aquatic plants are the denizens of ponds, puddlej

ditches and other lowlying areas which exhibit fluctuations in
water level. These fluctuations determine the succession of
vegetation occupying the sloping banks, water fringes and also
water surface. However, the floristic composition of the aquatic
vegetation is subject to change due to various biotic and edaphic


There are numerous such habitats in and around Surat. The

area has no natural lake but is well supplied with reservoirs in
the form of ponds, puddles and tanks. Almost every village
has a small pond. Most of the area has a net-work of canals.
The ditches and puddles along the sides of canals remain
water-logged and support number of aquatic forms. Even the
coastal regions of Duma,s, Bhimpor and Hajira where the main
canals terminate into the permanent reservoirs, exhibit a wide
variety of aquatic flora. Most of the roadside ditches and
ponds hold water during rains and show the seasonal changes in
the floristic composition as the summer advances. Some of the
ponds, due to excessive biotic interference, do not support any
vegetation but show the wetland species occupying the banks.
The aquatic habitats which have comparatively less of biotic
interference show interesting, zonation of vegetation.

For the study of aquatic communities, the following ponds

have been investigated. The number given in the bracket indicates
the number of ponds included in each area ; Bhimpor (2), Dumas (3),
Piplod (1), Althan (1), Abhava (1), Katargam (2), Ved (1),
Rander (2), Variav (l), Adajan (2), Bhatha (1), Ichhapor (1),
Bhestan {!}, Hajira (2). The Gopi talav of Surat does not

support good aquatic vegetation.


The aquatic habitats so far studied are grouped into the

following communities :

4.3.1. Free floating communities :

(a) PIankton ; Abundantly found in steady or slowly; € fh

flowing waters. c
(b) Higher plants : Occur in still waters of p*a»ds,
puddles or ditches. These are Lemna qibba. Soirodela

polyrhiza. Ceratophyllum demersuro and Utricularia


4.3.2. Submerged rooted communities : They occur in fairly deep

or sometimes in shallow waters, on soft, muddy substrata. Common

plant species observed are Hydrilla verticil lata. Na.jas minor.

Nechamandra alternifolia, Qttelia alismoides, Potamogeton

pectinatus, Potamogeton perfoliatus, Vallisneria spiralis.

Species of Chara and Nitella are fairly common. Some of these

plants can also be seen in small ditches along the roadsides.

4.3.3, Submerged and rooted communities with floating leaves

(Plate 17 A)

They are usually found in shallow waters. During post­

monsoon period Nymphaea nouchali and Nymphaea pubescens are

associated with Eichhornia erassipes but as the water goes down,

Nymphaea is replaced by Eichhornia. which is so aggressive that

within few days they cover most of the water surface (Plate 17 B).
It has become a nuisance in the ditches within the limits of
the city. The Municipal Corporation has a hard time to remove V!1

from the water bodies very frequently. Nelumbo nucifera and

Trapa natans var. bispinosa are cultivated at Dumas, Bhimpor

and Katargam (Plate 18 A). Other important plants are

Aponogeton natans, Nymphoides cristatum, Nymphoides indicum,

Limnophyton obtusifolium, Sagittaria sagittifolia, P-istia

stratiotes, Potamogeton nodosus and Ipomoea aquatica. Marsilea


guadrifolia and Marsilea tninuta are also found in shallow

waters near margins.

4.3.4. Marsh communities :

These plants are always rooted in water or water-logged

soils. They occupy the fringes of ponds, puddles aid are
commonly known as amphibious hydrophytes. Some important plants
are Typha anqustata {Plate 18 B), Scirpus articulatus. Coix

lacryma-iobi. Hyqrophila auriculata. Ammannia baccifera,

Eleocharis atropurpurea and Fimbristylis dichotoma. At Rander
and Dumas, the ditches along the sides of canals, remain filled
with the discharged waters of canals^ support the growth of
ground orchid Zeuxine strateumatica. The damp water-logged soils
of canals in and around Udhana are occupied by the important
plants like Ludwiqia perennis, Ludwiqia octovalvis and Berqia

The various aquatic communities listed above are present

on the surface of water or near the banks especially when the
ponds.are flooded. Ihen the water level recedes, the wet banks
are exposed which then exhibit plants like Bacopa monnieri.
Cassia mimosoides, pentella repens. Eclipta prostrata. Glinus
oppositifolius. Neptunia triquetra. Phyla nodiflora and
Echinochloa colonum.

Some aquatics are cultivated in the artificial ponds in

the Science College for ornamentation and study purposes. They

are Cyperus alternifolius, Equlsetum debile, fspecies of -■»

Salvinia sp« and Azolla sp.

The following table indicates the relative range of

distribution of aquatic species. On close study of the table

it could be concluded that the aquatic plants are at their best

at Dumas, Ichhapor, Ved and Udhana in quality and quantity as

compared to the rest of the areas.

4.3.5. Distribution of the aquatic plants in and around Surat.

Sr. Species I II III IV V VI


1. Aeschynomene indica L. 0 C F 0 C F
2. Alternanthera sessilis DC. 0 0 0 C F C
3. Ammannia baccifera L. C C F C F C
4. Ammannia multiflora Roxb. 0 0 R R R
5. Ammannia salicifolia Monti. R R
6. Aponoqeton natans {L,) Engl. F F
7. Bacopa monnieri (L.) Wettsl. C F C F F F
8. Berqia ammannioides Roxb. ex R. F F *“ R C
9. Caesulia axillaris Roxb. F 0 F F F F
10. Ceratophyllum demersum L. 0 F F 0 R F
ll» Coix lacryma-.jobi L. F' 0 F R F F
12. Cyperus difformis L. 0 F 0 0 R F
13. Cyperus exaltatus Retz. 0 F F 0 F
14. Cyperus laeviqatus L, 0 F F 0 - F
15. Pop atrium .junceum {Roxb.} R
16. Eclipta alba (L.) Hassk. 0 F 0 F 0 0
17. Eichhornia crassipes(Mart.} A C A OFF
18. Eleocharis atropurpurea Kunth. - F 0 F F 0
19. Eriocaulon cinereum R. Br. R - -
20. Fimbristylis dichotoma (l.) O 0 F 0
var. dichotoma

No. Species I 11 Ill IV V VI

21. Fimbristylis ovata (Burra.f .}Kern. F R

- - - -
22. Hydrilla verticillata (L.f.)Royle F F 0 F 0 • 0
23. Hyqroohila auriculata (Sch.)Heine 0 F C 0 F
24. iDomoea aauatica Forsk. • 0 0 F F F 0
25. Lemna qibba L. 0 F - 0 F F
26. Limnopbila indica fL .) Druce - 0 R
- - -
27. Limnoohyton obtusifolium (l.) Miq. R R
- - - -
28. Ludwiqia octovalvis (jacq.)Enum. "* 0 0 0
29. Ludwiqia qerennis L. F mm
30. Nadias minor All. - R - F F F
31. Nechamandra alternifolia (Roxb.)Thw.- R R
_ - -
32. Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. - A R R R -
33. Nymohaea nouchali Burm. f. 0 F F 0 0 F
34. Nymohaea oubescens Willd. 0 F 0 0 F F
35, Nymohoides cristatum (Roxb.) O.K. 0 F
- - - -
36. Nymohoides indicum (L.} O.K. 0 R
- - - -
37. Oryza nivara Sharma & Shas. - R -
- - F
38. Ottelia alismoides (L.) Pers. - F F -
- -
39. Phyla nodiflora (L.) Green. 0 F F 0 0 0
40. Pistia stratio'tes L. R - - 0 - F
41. Polvqonum barbatum L. var.qracile St. 0 R - -
- -
42. Polyqonum qlabrum Willd. F 0 0 - - 0
43. Potamoqeton nodosus Poir. - 0 R - - -
44. Potamoqeton oectinatus L. - R R - - -
45. Potamoqeton oerfoliatus L. -
- - - 0 -
■** *"-*"*■*" _ — —-
cx .Species

46. Rotala serpyllifolia (Roth) Bremek. 0 R

- - - -
47, Rumex dentatus L. - - - 0 - -
48. Saqittaria saqittifolia L. - 0 - 0 - -
49. Scirpus affinis Roth. F F R _ - 0
50. Scirpus articulatus L. 0 F F - 0 -
51. Scirpus littoralis auct, - 0 F - 0 F
var. subulatus (Vahl) Chi.
52. Soirodela polyrhiza (L.) Schl. R R -
- R -
53. Trapa natans L. var. bispinosa R F -
- - -
(Roxb,) Makino
54. Typha anqustata Bory & Chaub. F A C A c -c
55. Utricularia stellaris L. f. - R -
- -
56. Vallisneria spiralis L. F F 0 0 F F
57. Veronica anaqalis-aquatica L. -
- R -
- -
58, Zeuxine strateumatica (L.)Schltr. 0 - 0 -
- _

Localities symbolised :
I = City area - including Nana Varachha, Ashwanikumar, Piplod.
II = Dumas, Bhimpor, Magdalla and Abhava.
Ill - Adajan, Ichhapor, Bhatha and Hajira,
IV = Rander, Variav,
V = Ved, Katargam,
VI = Udhana, Bhestan, Althan etc.

Explaination of abbreviations :
- = absent, R = Rare, F = Frequent, 0 = Occasional,
C = Common, A = Abundant.

4.3.6. Key to the Aquatic Plants :

Plants free floating....................................... .. Key I

Plants submerged and rooted ............................ Key II

Plants submerged, rooted with

floating leaves and flowers..................... .. Key III

Plants growing on marshy soils ..................... Key IV

Key I

1, Plants thalloid :

2. Thalloid with single root ....................... .Lemna gibba

2. Thalloid with several roots..................... Soirodela polyrhiza

1. Plants not thalloid :

3. Plants always with bladders..................... Utricularia stellaris

3. Plants without bladders.............................. Ceratophyllum


Key II

Leaves entire :
2. Leaves radical ;

3. Leaves broadly ovate-oblong or

sub-orbicular and petiolate.............. Qttelia alismoides

3. Leaves linear, sessile ......................Vallisneria spiralis

2, Leaves cauline :
4. Leaves whorled................................ Hy drill a verticil lata

4. Leaves not whorled :

5. Leaves ovate................................ Potanoqeton perfoliatus

5. Leaves elliptic-1anceolate.Potamoqeton nodosus

1* Leaves filiform, not entire :

6. Stems dichotomously branched..........Na.jas minor

6. stems not as above :

7. Flowers solitary *..........................Meehan an dr a al ternif olia

7. Flowers in spike ..................... ... .Potamoqeton pectinatus


1. Flowers large, more than 5 cm. in

diam.f perianth lobes many :

2. Leaves floating :

3. Leaves glabrous on both

the surfaces ..................................... Nymphaea nouchali

3. Leaves pubescent on the

lower surf ace................................ .Nymphaea pubes cens

2. Leaves raised above the water

surface ........................................................ Nelumbo nucifera

i. Flowers small,, less than 3 cm. in

diam., Perianth lobes definite ; |> /

4. Petioles swollen j

5. Leaves dimorphic (submerged leaves

filiform and segmented)...... ....Trapa natans

var. bispinosa

5. Leaves broadly ovate, rhomboid,

but not dimorphic ............... Eichhornia crassipes

4. Petioles not swollen :

6. Leaves elliptic or ovate, deeply

cordate :

7. Corolla lobes entire........ .. Nymph oi de s cri s t a turn

7. Corolla lobes fimbriate........ Nymphoides indicum

6. Leaves not as above j

8, Plants with heterophyllous

leaves ........................ Limnophila indica

8. Plants with uniform leaves :

9. Flowers large, corolla

funnel-shaped .......... ..Iporooea aquatica

9. Flowers small* than above: —
corolla not funnel-shaped j

10. Leaves sessile.rosette..Pistia stratiotes

10. Leaves petiolate, not

rosette ;

11. Leaves sagittate ;

12. Carpels crowded

on a minute


achenes swollen................Linmophyton obtusifolium

12. Carpels inserted on a

large globular or oblong
receptacle, achenes
compressed........................... Sagittaria saqittifolia

11. Leaves not sagittate .............Aponoqeton natans

Key IV

1. Flowers in heads or head-like

spikes ;

2. Flowers in heads j..

.3. Leaves linear, grass-like. .Eriocaulon cinereum

3. Leaves not as above ;

4. Heads axillary, sessile. .Caesulia axillaris

4. Heads pedunculate...............Eclipta alba

2, Flowers in head-like spikes :

5. Leaves obovate, coarsely

serrate toward apex ........Phyla nodiflora

5. Leaves lanceolate or linear

oblong not serrate................... Alternanthera sessilis

1. Flowers other than heads or head­

like spikes :

6. perianth of 2 whoils i

7. Flowers regular :

8. Ovary superior ;

9. Flowers in axillary, solitary or

fascicled cymes ;

10. Erect herbs :

11. Leaves sharply serrulate,

capsule septicidal .................Bergia ammannioides

11, Leaves entire, capsule

circumscissile j

12. Calyx striate with

8 vertical lines .......... Ammannia multiflora

12. Calyx not striate with

vertical lines :

13. Leaves rounded or

cordate at base...Ammannia salicifolia

13. Leaves narrowed at

the base................ .Ammannia baccifera

10. Prostrate or sub-erect herb...Bacopa monnieri

9. Flowers in dense terminal spikes,.Rotala serpyllifolia

8. Ovary inferior :

14. Capsule glabrous, ribbed ........Ludwiqja octovalvis

14. Capsule hairy, not ribbed.............. Ludwiqia perennis

7. Flowers irregular :

15. Plants spiny ...............................................Hyqrophila auriculata

15. Plants not spiny :


16. Ovary superior :

17. Flowers in lax slender

racemes..................... ...Veronica anagallis-

17. Flowers not as above ;

18. Corolla papilionaceous,

leaves compound............... Aeschynomene indica

18. Corolla bilabiate;

leaves simple................. .Popatrium .junceum

16. Ovary inferior .................................Zeuxine strateumatica

6. Perianth of 1 whorl or none or .

rudimentary or of scales or bristles ;

19. Perianth of 1 whorl :

20. Flowers in axillary clusters..Ruroex dentatus

20. Flowers in spiciform racemes ;

21. Stipules ciliate on the

margins............. ...Polygonum barbatum
var. qracile

21. Stipules glabrous............. .Polygonum qlabrum

19. Perianth rudimentary or of scales

or bristles or none :

22. Flowers in dense terminal

cylindrical spikes ....................... Typha anqustata

22. Flowers not as above ;

23. Leaves without ligules; fruits
trigonous nuts :

24. Glumes distichously arranged :

25. Spikelets in heads :

26. Stigmas 2.............................. .Cyperus laevigatus

26. Stigmas 3............................ ....Cyperus difformis

25. Spikelets in umbels...................Cyperus exaltatus

24. Glumes spirally arranged :

27. Kypogynous bristles absent :

28. Spikelet solitary.............Fimbristylis ovata

28. Spikelets many i

29. Spikelets terminal

umbellate ....................... Fimbristylis dichotoma

29. Spikelets in the lower

half; in clusters . ..Scirpus articulatus

27* Hypogynous bristles present :

30. Inflorescence terminal umbels :

31. Bristles more or less

scabrid............................ Scirpus affinis

31. Bristles plumose.....Scirpus littoralis

var. subulatus

30. Inflorescence always solitary..Eleocharis atropurpurea

23. Leaves with ligules, fruits

caryopsis ;

32. Fruit case spherical bead-like.Coix lacryma-jobi

32. Fruit case compressed chaffy.. .Qryz a nivara

4,4, The Ruderal Vegetation

A characteristic type of vegetation seen in places which

are subjected to change from time to time and always under the
influence of biotic factors - is referred to as ruderal
vegetation. The ruderal flora occurs in open places or waste
areas along roadsides, railway tracks, waste places around
habitation, old garden sites, fallow fields and waste dumps.

4,4.1. Roadside weeds ; Along roadsides a number of weeds

are found. The most common weeds are Amaranthus spinosus. Solanum
surattense and Xanthium strumarium. Near human habitation, one
can find Cassia tora and Cassia occidentalis in patches along
with scattered individuals of Vernonia cinerea. Acalypha ciliata.
Peristrophe bicalyculata and Ocimum canum. At Dumas, Bhimpor and
Hajira the roadside weeds include Pedalium murex, Achyranthes
aspera var. porphyristachya. Tephrosia hamiltonii and Crotalaria
medicaqinea, Aristolochia bracteolata and Tribulus terrestris are
occasionally seen along the road leading to Magdalla port.
Sarcostemma secamone twines upon the spiny plants of Prosopis
chilensis and Mimosa hamata. Along the roadsides of Surat-Ved
and Surat-Katargam, noteworthy weeds are Croton bonplandianum
and Rauvolfia tetraphylla, frequently found with Triurofetta
pentandra and Martynia annua. Along Surat-Althan and Udhana-
Magdalla road Malachra capitata and Psoralea corylifolia were
seen on the wet soils* Acacia fame si ana is confined to this
area. Near Hajira, the road is elevated from the surrounding
plain. The slope and the areas slightly away from the actual
ro*ad are occupied by the scattered individuals of Cassia
auriculata (Plate 19 A). During summer Echinops echinatus
(Plate 19 B) is the main occupant along with Arqemone mexicana,
Solanum surattense, Chrozophora■rottleri and Sphaeranthus indicus.

4.4.2. Plants along the Railway-track : The railway track

between surat ap.ct.jfoestan is rich in vegetation as compared to
northern track«\On set Jof monsoon, the barren rail track
: ^
gradually greening up and between August and December, it

supports a fairly good vegetation. This luxuriance of vegetation

is probably due to the near absence of biotic interferences and the
> \

protection, that is provided to the rail tracks.

The ephemeral, prostrate or sub-erect herbaceous taxa

growing along the sides of rails through the gravel pieces and
(in) between the rails are Gonioqyna hirta. Indiqofera cordifolia.
Zornia qibbosa. Corchorus aestuans. Borreria articularis. Cassia
pumila. Portulaca oleracea and Hybanthus enneaspermus.

A slope of railway track is occupied by Anisomeles indica.

Hibiscus vitifolius, Alysicarpus lonqifolius. Crotalaria albida

and Indiqofera qlandulosa. At some places Xanthium strumarium

covered the entire slope along with stunted forms of Ficus
hispida.{Plate 20). some of the grasses are ehionachne koeniqii.
Cyrobopoqon martini!, Chioris virqata and Desmostachya bipinnata.
Few stunted perennial shrubs are often seen on the slope. To
mention a few of them, they are Balanites aeqyptiaca. Maytenus J

emarginata, Zizyphus nummular!a, Kirqanelia reticulata. Mimosa

hamata, Calotropis procera and Securineqa virosa.

A fallow land parallel to railway track has crooked or

mutilated forms of many trees which are due to indiscriminate
cutting of plants by hut-dwellers for fuel. A few of them are
Salvadora persica. Adansonia digitata. Azadirachta indica.
Ail an thus excelsa. Cordia dichotoma and Limoni a acidissima.

Some noteworthy plants observed in this area are Laqascea

mollis. Hyptis suaveolens. Orthosiphon pallidus. Qperculina
turpethum. Taverniera cuneifolia. Tephrosia jamnagarensis.
Indiqofera astraqallina. Tephrosia hirta. Smithia conferta.
Atylosia scarabaeoides and Traqia cannabina.

4,4.3. Plants on waste dumps : There are number of small

nullahs and Khadis, located in and around Surat. Municipal
Corporation has started a massive programme to close all the
nullahs and Khadis by the dumping of solid waste along with
soil. Such newly formed soil supports a very poor vegetation.
Some common plants are Boerhavia diffusa. Citrullus colocynthis.
Centella asiatica. Ecliptu alba „ cj- ■-, Tri anthem a p ortu 1 a ca s trum.

Tridax procumbens and Viqna trilobata represent the pioneer
stage, then followed by sparsely scattered plants like
Martynia annua. Amaranthus spinosus. Alternanthera par onychioides.
Datura metel. Solanum surattense and Calotropis orocera.

4.4.4. Plants on playgrounds j The playgrounds are constantly

used for variety of games. On such playgrounds, prostrate plants
like Evolvulus alsinoides, Tephrosia senticosa. Indiqofera
cordifolia. Indiqofera linnaei are of common occurrence. Cyperus
compressus, Cynodon dactyl on and Echinochloa colonum are the
main sedges and grasses, seen on the playgrounds.

4.4.5. Weeds of Gardens : Beside number of cultivated plants,

gardens support the growth of some weeds. On moist soils, the
occurrence of different taxa like Portulaca quadrifida.

Alysicarpus vaginalis, Trianthema portu1acastruro. Lindernia

Crustacea are noted. During the monsoon Striqa densiflora,
'7 ■ ■

Ammannia baccifera, Glinus lotoides. Phyla nodiflora and

Commelina diffusa make their growth with some garden escapes
like Zephyranthes rosea. Taqetes patula and Zinnia eleqans.
The occurrence of Parthenium hysterophorus from the corner of
the Nehru Garden - as a garden weed is interesting.

4.5. The Vegetation along the roadsides and hedges :

The growth of population along with industrialization is

a common phenomenon of Surat like other cities of Gujarat,
Most of the land in and around city has. been brought under the
construction of houses, roads, factories etc. Therefore, the
arable land used for cultivation of crops, has been reduced.
As a result, natural vegetation is confined outside the city
in the form of roadside trees and hedges,

4.5.1. Roadside trees : The connecting roads of Surat with

different villages, support a number of trees, both wild and
cultivated. The common wayside - avenue trees are Albizia
lebbeck. Azadirachta indica. Perris pinnata. Caesalpinia
pulcherrima, Polyalthia lonqifolia. Ficus benqhalensis and
Tamarindus indica. The Municipal Corporation has recently
introduced the plantation of Sesbania gran diflora. Soathodea
campanulata, Erythrina variegata var, orientalis and Kiqelia

pinnata as ^ roadside tree^ The state Forest Department has I'j

planted Eucalyptus sp., Casuarina equisetifolia. Dal bergia
sissoo. Acacia auriculiformis and Prosopis chilensis - along
the roads connecting to Udhana-Magdalla, Surat-Bum as and
Surat-Hajira. One can find the luxiriant growth of Prosopis
chilensis along the road connecting Surat and Hajira (plate 21 A),
Jhe huge belt occupied by Phoenix sylvestris. along the roadsidesj
connecting Surat-Adajan and Rander, making room for housing ? /'
Vv j_ un-Li» Uiicr uy jl jLiii-t-oo* jl y ai mvi.xuuo vuihcii uuoaj vpw

% ,
ulmifolia. Melia azedarach. Ail an thus excelsa. Adansonia p""
digitata, Salmalia malabarica, Mitragyna parvifolia, Holoptelea
inteqrifolia and Millinqtonia hortensis
4.5.2. Roadside hedges : The hedges are planted either for

the protection of fields or for demarcating the boundaries of

fields or residential areas. A number of perennialrshrubs or
even small trees have been used for this purpose one can find
„ , . L
a net-work of hedges near human habitation,' while the fields
away from population or around the fields in which paddy is
cultivated, exhibit poor hedge flora. The commonest components
of hedges are Euphorbia neriifolia. Euphorbia tirucalli.
Lawsonia inermis. Clerodendrum inerme and Caesalpinia crista.
Pedilanthus tithymaloides can be also used as a hedge plant in
gardens and in residential premises. The hedge plants of the
coastal regions are Prosopis chilensis. Agave atnericaha.
Sansevieria zeylanica. Aloe barbadensis and Jatropha.curcas.
At Rander, Variav and Ichhapor, Ioomoea fistulosa {Plate 22 A)
is the most popular hedge plant. Lan tana camara var. aculeata.
Capparis sepiaria. Zizyphus nummularia and Caesalpinia crista
are also planted in hedges. In the city areas, the plants with
attractive flowers, can be used for hedging purposes. The
common ones are Bougainvillea spectabilis. Clerodendrum inerme.
Duranta repens. Casuarina eguisetifolia. Adhatoda zeylanica,
Lawsonia inermis. [Even thoughjsome garden plants like Galphinia /}
gracilis. Nerium indicum, Thevetia peruviana. Murraya paniculate/

have been cultivated for this purpose in many private premises

and gardens.

Some notable trees are found growing along/hedge plants.

They are Presopis cineraria. Limonia acidissima. Crataeva

adansonii ssp. odora. Cordia gharaf and Morinda tomentosa.

A rare tree Diospyros chloroxylon occurs along the hedges near

Ichhapor, Delonix elata is planted along with other hedge

plants (Plate 22 B).

Sometimes an attractive combination of different hedge

plants like Delonix elata, Borassus flabellifer, Azadirachta
indica along with shrubby Ipomoea fistulosa can be seen in
one of the hedge^on the way to Bhatha (plate 23 A). The

important shrubs found in the hedges are Ann on a squamosa,

Maytenus emarginata, Qpuntia elatior, Jatropha qossypifolia
and Carissa car an das.

The most important components of hedge flora are the

climbers, twiners, undershrubs and herbs. They form a close
association along with hedge plants. They can be listed as
Cissampelos pareira, var. hirsute. Tinospora cordifolia.
Celastrus paniculatus. Cayratia carnosa, Abrus precatoriusj
Coccinia qrandis. Teramnus labialis. Leptadenia reticulata, 1)
Antiqonon leptopus and Dioscorea bulbifera.TThe hedge flora \
9 !
of Ved, Singanpor, Dabholi, Dumas and Katargam composed a"number^/
- ■ ■■ l
of plants, because it has less human disturbance and constant } tj
( */

vigilance over the browsing animals^JThe noteworthy plants cf.J

these areas are pioscorea pentaphylla, Merremia hederacea,

Merremia quinguefolia. One can see the beautiful blooming of

Perris timoriensis during monsoon period near Nana-Bahucharaji -

a place on the way to Ved. The hedges around Udhana, Bhestan and
Althan support interesting plants like Ipomoea triloba.
Operculina turpethum. Rive a hypocrateriformis, Celastrus
paniculata. Telosma pallida. Anpelocissus latifolia and
Combretum ovalifolium.

Some cultivated plants like Basella rubra, Vallaris

solanacea, Ipomoea pescaprae, Ipomoea cairica and Ipomoea
quamoclit certainly addy*the beauty of hedges. One can see the
charming scarlet flowers of Ipomoea hederifolia (Plate 23 B)

on the hedges near Nana-Varachha,

The important herbaceous forms are Achyranthes aspera var.

porphyristachya, Barleria prionitis, Pupalia lappacea.
Anisomeles indica, Gloriosa superba. Basilicum polystachyon and
Comroelina benqhalensis. At times plants of Plumbago zeylanica
(Plate 24 ) beautify the hedges. Other important plants are
Waltheria americana. Boer ha via chinensis and Indiqofera trita.

4.6. The Wall Flora

There are number of sites like dilapidated or abandoned

buildings, deserted wells and even newly constructed buildings
which support a characteristic flora in the cracks and crevices.
The development of the wall flora is controlled by the nature of
the exposed surface which generally consists of disintegrated
bricks and mortar, decayed remnants of plant material and also
all kinds of debris. Water is an important factor, which has
great influence on the wall flora. The seasonal rainfall during
monsoon or dew during the -winter are the real sources of water
it is always the water retention capacity of the substratum


which influences the vegetation of such places. Temperature

has an important role to play while the biotic factors are
much less important, although the renovation of old houses or
changes in construction do affect the vegetal set-up of the walls,
gv '^/) c > ■ c< |
In this work, the wall flora studied byt thj? visiting the (< jj

L '
various localities round the year and their floristic composition
has been recorded. The floristic composition of the old walls
displays remarkable change with the change in the season. During
the dry summer days excepting the hardy, woody perennials,
vegetation on the exposed walls perished! The surviving

perennials also present unhealthy, depauperate appearance. The

common woody perennials are Ficus benqhalensis. Ficus religiose,
Kirqanelia reticulata. Capparis sepiaria. Cadaba fruticosa,
Azadirachta indica and Lantana canara var. aculeata. Seedlings
of Tamarindus indica. Clerodendrum phlomidis and Woodfordia
fruticosa are also occasionally seen. At a number of places,
especially in shade, Tridax procumbens. Launaea procumbens.
Peristrophe bicalyculata and Vernonia cinerea are observed in
a dry, fruiting stage.

With the onset of monsoon, the woody perennials start

fresh vegetative activity, A number of herbaceous annuals make
their appearance. They are Glinus oppositif olius. Aq era turn
conyzoides, Lindenberqia muraria, Kickxia ramosissima. Acalypha

ciliata, Gonioqyna hirta, Indigofera cordifolia and Alvsicarpus

vaginalis. Very old buildings at Dumas support the growth of

Qcimum canum. Laportea interrupta (Plate 25), Phyllanthus

X , J
virgatus, Euphorbia microphylla and Peperomi,al pellucida'. Some
escape^from cultivation like Sesamum indicuiCATurnera ulmifolia.
^ ~A~ — T ■ l y~
* & ^v'’

Impatiens balsamina and Viqna aconitifolia are- seep '•at

some places. Some notable climbers are Coccinia grand!s,
Luff a acutanqula. Passiflora foetida. Cayratia carnosa. Cissus
guadranqularis, Antigonon leptopus, Cryptosteqia grandiflora
and Telosma pallida. Few sedges and grasses are Cyperus
compressus. Cyperus -difformis. Cynodon dactylon. Chloris
virqata, Eraqrostis ciliaris. Dactyloctenium aeqyptium.
Setaria tomentosa and Chionachne koeniqii.

4.7. Weed Flora of Cultivated Fields

In the floristic composition of Surat aid environs, the

weed flora attains a position of prime importance. Except
residential and industrial land, most of the land has been
brought under cultivation and is permanently irrigated by the
net-work of canals. Most of the land is fertile. To get maximum
crop-yields, the farmers give very high dose of fertilizers.
All these conditions lead to the luxuriant growth of a
variety of weeds.

4.7.1. Khar if and Rabi Weeds j

Depending upon the season in which they grow along with

crop-plants, the weeds are classified into i) Kharif and
ii) Rabi weeds. Most prominent annual Kharif weeds are
Aeschynomene indica. Caesulia axillaris. Cyperus iria, Cyperus

difformis, C. rotundus, Eclipta .alba1- l~, Qryza nivara and

Sesbania bispinosa. Some weeds like Euphorbia qeniculata.
Molluqo pentaphylla, Crotalaria albida, Malachra capitata and
Dig era muricata 'bre prefer irrigated soils, while Alysicarpus
‘ */
■ r
lonqifolius, Euphorbia hirta, Euphorbia dracunculoides
(Plate 26 A), Celosia arqentea (Plate 26 B) and Vernonia
cinerea ^jx^grov^rp on dry localities. The few important rabi
k( s' •• ... - -
weeds are'Cichorium intybus, Goniocaulon indicum, Oliqochaeta

ramosa, Polyqala erioptera. Sonchus asper. Sonchus oleraceus

and Vaccari a pyr ami data.

For complete list of Kharif and Rabi weeds and their

identification, please refer to the following keys which are
based on simple macroscopic characters. Members of the
Cyperaceae and the Poaceae have not been included in the keys9
because the identification of the members of these groups is
not possible with the help of macroscopic characters only.

4.7.2. An artificial key to the identification of Sharif*

and ’Rabi* Weeds :

Plants with yellow flowers .................. .. Key I

Plants with white flowers....................... Key II

Plants with pink, rose or red flowers.Key III

Plants with blue, purple or

violet flowers .................................................. Key IV

Plants with green or greenish-

white flowers ........Key V

Plants, which could not be placed
in any one of the above groups .................Key VI

Key I

1. Flowers'in heads or in umbels or

in clusters :

2. Flowers in heads :

3. Plants erect :

4. Plants with milky juice j

5. Leaves sharply toothed;

auricles appressed to stem . ..Sonchus asper

5. Leaves minutely toothed;

auricles spreading ....................... Sonchus oleraceus

4. Plants without juice ......................... Vico a indica

3. Plants prostrate or ascending :

6. Leaves simple :

7. Leaves radical; heads sub-

racemosely arranged on the
peduncle.............................. ...Launaea pro cum bens

7, Leaves mainly cauline,

alternate or opposite :

8. Leaves alternate; heads

usually solitary;
peduncles short.....................Granqea maderaspatana

8. Leaves opposite; heads

on long peduncles ........Tridax procurnbens

6. Leaves compound..................... ...Neptunia triquetra

2. Flowers in umbels or in clusters ;

9* Flowers in umbels ........................Biophytum sensitivum

9* Flowers in clusters ............Malachra capitata

1. Flowers other than heads; umbels

or clusters ;

10, Flowers in racemes :

11, Flowers regular or almost regular :

12, Leaves simple :

13. Flowers bisexual :

14. petals free :

15. Flowers large,

1-2 cm. in diam,

16. Calyx spathaceous :

17. Involucral
bracts 4-6...
......Abelmoschus manihot

17, Involucral bracts

more than 6 ..
......Abelmoschus moschatus

16. Calyx not spathaceous..

...........Hibiscus panduraeformis

15. Flowers small, less than

5 mm. in diam.. .Triumfetta rotundifolia

14. Petals united............Verb a scum chinensis

13. Flowers unisexual :

180 Plants erect .......Chrozophora rottleri

18. Plants prostrate....Chrozophora prostrata

12. Leaves palmately compound...Cleome viscosa

11. Flowers irregular s

19. Leaves simple ;

20, Pods glabrous *

21. Corolla exserted....Crotalaria retusa

21. Corolla not exserted.Crotalaria albida

19. Leaves compound :

22. Leaves pinnately

3-foliolate ............Melilotus indica

22. Leaves more than 3-foliolate :

23. Plants glabrous;

pods jointed...............Aeschynomene indica

23, Plants prickly; pods

not jointed.................Sesbania bispinosa

10. Flowers solitary or few ;

24. Flowers bisexual :

25. Flowers irregular....................... Gonioqyna hirta

25. Flowers regular ;

26. Stamens definite ;

r --
27. Plants prostrate^rooting or v. :
/hot rooting at nodes :

28, Plants succulent,; leaves

obovate or spathulate j

-29. Nodal hairy appendages

present .................................... Portulaca quadrifida

29. Nodal hairy appendages

absent ............. . Portulaca oleracea
^8. Plants not succulent; leaves

reniform ........................................... Merremia qanqetica

27, Plants usually erect ;

30. Corolla free; petals with

purple veins................................. Sruca vesicaria

30. Corolla united; petals without

purple veins......... ......................... Physalis minima

26. Stamens indefinite ;

31, Stamens free :

32. Plants prickly or spiny ........... Arqemone mexicana

32. Plants not prickly or spiny •

33. Capsule globose, without

beak Corchorus capsularis

33, Capsule longer than broad;

angular or cylindrical;
beaked ;

34. Capsule angular :

35, Capsule winged, beak trifid..Corchorus aestuans

35. Capsule not winged,

beak entire............. .Corchorus trilocularis

34. Capsule cylindrical :

36, Capsule 10-ribbed.......... .Corchorus olitorius

36. Capsule not ribbed .... ....Corchorus fascicularis

31. Stamens monadelphous :

37. Carpels less than 10 :

38. Petioles spiny atthe base..Sida alba

38. petioles not as above ... .Sida acuta

37, Carpels more than 10 ........... AbutiIon indicum

24. Flowers unisexual :

39. Stipules peltate :

40. Leaves oblong-rounded, closely

set on the branches ........... Phyllanthus virqatus

40. Leaves obovate, scattered

on the branches...... ...... . .Phyllanthus


39. Stipules not peltate .............. Phyllanthus fraternus

Key II

1. Plants parasitic Orobanche cernua

var. nepalensis

1. Plants not parasitic

2. Leaves compound :
/ i 58
3. Flants tendrilar; climber....................Cardiospermum halicacabum
% ■ f.U y, 0x3 e.k-t.. c ') . . .

4. Leaves 3-foliolate;
flowers irregular ..................... .....Melilotus alba

4, Leaves 5-foliolate;
flowers regular ................................ Cleome gynandra

2. Leaves simple :

5. Corolla bilabiate.............................. ...Leucas aspera

5. Corolla not bilabiate :

[ 6. )Leaves opposite or in whorls :

7. Leaves usually opposite :

8, Flowers in capitula ;

9. Heads axillary i

10. Heads sessile ....Caesulia axillaris

10. Heads pedunculate.Bclipta alba

9. Heads in corymbs or
panicles ....................... ..Aqeratum conyzoides

8. Flowers not in capitula •

11. Flowers in condensed spikes ;

12. Plants rooting

at the nodes :

13. Condensed spikes

sessile .....Alternanthera sessilis

13. Condensed spikes on

a long axillary
peduncle.....Phyla nodiflora
12. Plants not rooting at the nodes.,Gomphrena celosioides

11. Flowers not in condensed spikes :

14. Flowers usually solitary ;

15. Flowers sessile, deeply

sunken.............. ...................... .. .-Trianthema

15. Flowers pedunculate,

not sunken ....................................... Berqia suffruticosa

14, Flowers in cymes..................... .............Polycarpaea corymbosa

Leaves in whorls :

/ 16. Leaves more than 2 mm broad;

/ erect herb ......................................................... Mo Hugo pentaphylla

i 'J

16. Leaves less than 2 mm broad;

\ wiry herb..................................................... .... .Mollugo cerviana

6 Leaves alternate ;

17. Leaves cauline ;

18. Flowers with epicalyx ....................... Abelmoschus ficulneus

18. Flowers without epicalyx ;

19. Plants erect j

20. Flowers white woolly..........Aerva lanata

20. Flowers not woolly............Cressa cretica

19. Plants prostrate or

ascending ;

21. Leaves hastate .................... Convolvulus


21. Leaves not hastate ....Convolvulus


17. Leaves radical, cylindrical

and fistular...................... Asphodelus tenuifolius


1. Leaves pinnately compound...........India of era linnaei

1. Leaves simple :

2. Leaves dissected......... ......Sopubia delphinifolia

2. Leaves not as above :

3. Leaves alternate :

4. Flowers in capitula or heads :

5, Plants armed ..... .Oligochaeta ramosa

5. Plants unarmed....... Goniocaulon indicum

4. Flowers not In capitula or

heads :
6.Flowers in spikes :
7, Spike loose, cylindric..Celosia arqentea

7. Spike lax ............. .Diqera muricata

6.Flowers solitary or few,

axillary or in clusters :

8. Flowers irregular :

9. Corolla papilionaceous;
leaves broadlyj'ovate ^

to obovate Indig ofera cordif olia

9. Corolla not papilionaceous;
leaves narrowly-linear......... Polyqala erioptera

8. Flowers regular :

10,.• Leaves hastate at the base..,./«Convolvulus arvensis

10. Leaves not hastate : c.

, i . •,
w' F' ■
_ ■

11. Flowers in clusters in the

upper axils......... ...................... Cressa cretica

11. Flowers solitary or few,

axillary; stems flower-bearing
from near the base.............. .Convolvulus microphyllus

3. Leaves opposite :

12. Flowers irregular, in globose or

elongate condensed spikes .............. .Phyla nodiflora

12. Flowers regular ;

13. Flowers solitary or few,

axillary; or dichotomous cymes ;
14. Flowers solitary or few,
axillary ;

15. Flowers pedunculate....Berqia suffruticosa

15. Flowers sessile,

almost sunken..................Trianthema portulacastrum

14. Flowers in dichotomous

cymes ..............................................Vaccaria pyramidata

13. Flowers in umbels arranged in

corymbose panicles ....................... .Boerhavia diffusa
Key IV

1, Flowers regular :

2, Flowers in head or capitula ;

3. Leaves opposite ........... , ..Aqeratum conyzoides

3„ Leaves alternate :

4, Heads many ;

5. Heads in terminal

' corymbs ................ Vernonia cinerea

5* Heads in terminal

spiciform cymes ....... Blumea mollis

4.Heads 1 or 2, axillary......Cichorium intybus

(Plate 27 a)
2. Flowers other than head or capitula 5

6. Leaves opposite .............. Anaqallis arvensis

6, Leaves alternate :

7. Plants prostrate; diffuse

or creeping :

8. Flowers 1 or 2, not

enclosed in a spathaceous
bracts/ ...... .......... Evolvulus alsinoides

8. Flowers enclosed in a

spathaceous bracts ;

9. Perfect stamens 3 ....Commelina diffusa

9, Perfect stamens 6.....Cyanotis cristata


7. Plants erect :

10. Prickly herb............ ...........................Solanum surattense

10. Plants not prickly :

11. Calyx rounded at the base. .Trichodestna zeylanicum

11. Calyx cordate or hastate.. .Trichodestna jndicum

var. amplexicaule

1. Flowers irregular :

12. Pods moniliform; veinless................ Alysicarpus monilifer

12. Pods not moniliform; veined.......Alysicarpus lonqifolius

Kev V

1. Leaves opposite; flowers in spikes....Achyranthes aspera

var. porphyristachya
1. Leaves alternate ;

2. Flowers in racemosely arranged

whorls; stipules ochreate.................. Rumex dentatus

2. Flowers in axillary and terminal

spikes ;

3. Plants spiny......................................... Amaranthus spinosus

3. Plants not -spiny j

4, .Flowers bisexual; leaves

. thick and fleshy :

5. Plants with foetid smell;

seeds rugose..............................Chenopodium murale

5. Plants odourless;seeds smooth..Chenopodium album

4. Flowers unisexu'al or polygamous;

leaves not thick or fleshy ........... Amaranthus viridus

Key VI

1. Flowers in cyathia ;

2. Stems zig-zag; leaves broadly


elliptic or obovate........................ Euphorbia qeniculata

(Plate 27 B)
2. Stems and leaves not as above :

3. Leaves opposite :

4, Leaves more than 1 cm long ....Euphorbia hirta

4. Leaves less than 1 cm long •

5. Stems and capsules hairy :

6. Capsules hairy all over..Euphorbia thymifolia

6., Capsules hairy on

angles only..............................Euphorbia prostrata

5. Stems and capsules glabrous.Euphorbia heyneana

3. Leaves alternate ....................... -Euphorbia


1. Flowers not in cyathia :

7. Bracts fimbriate;capsule glabrous..........Acajypha ciliata

7. Bracts toothed; capsule hairy............ ».Acalypha indica


4,8. The Cultural Plant Communities ; The plants cultivated in

the fields or orchards for various purposes, are included
under this heading. The cultural plants are of two types :
(1) Crop Plants, (2): Fruit Plants.

4.8.1. Crop Plants j They are cultivated during Kharif, Rabi

or Hot weather seasons.

4.8.1. a. Kharif season crops i The crops cultivated during

Kharif (June to October) season are Oryza sativa. Gossypium
herbaceum, Sorghum vulqare, Ca.ianus cajan and Zea mays. They
are extensively cultivated throughout the area. The crops
cultivated in a very few hectares are Arachis hypoqea.
Pennisetum typhoides. Viqna aconitifolia. Viqna rounqo and
Viqna radiata,

4.8,1. b. Rabi season crops : The crops cultivated during Rabi

(November to March) season are Triticum aestivum, Lablab

purpurea and Sorghum vulqare. Am ar an thus hybridus ssp. cruentus

is often cultivated along with wheat (Plate 28 A). Ricinus
communis and Nicotiana tabacum (Plate 28 B) are cultivated in

a small area during the Kharif season but the crops are harvested
by the last week of March. Cicer arietinum is cultivated for its
unripe seeds, which are used as vegetable.

A short season between rabi and kharif, which commences from

the last week of March and ends before the arrival of the monsoon,
is known as'hot weather season. During this short spell,
vegetables and fodder jowar are sown in the irrigated fields.
Cotton is the chief non-food crop of the area. Other non­
food crops are Saccharum off icinarum. Musa paradisiaca (Plate 29),
Arachis hypoqea and Sesatnutn indicum.

The following vegetables are grown during various seasons :

Brassica oleracea var. botrytis. Brass!ca oleracea var, capitata.
Raphanus caudatus. Abe Imps chus esculentus. Cyamopsis
tetraqonoloba. paucus carota. Lycopersicon esculentum,
Solanum melonqena. Amorphophallus campanulatus. Dioscorea alata,
Ipomoea batatas. Allium cepa. Colocasia esculenta and Spinacia


The following cucurbits are grown on a large scale :

Coccinia qrandis. Cucumis melo var. momordica. Cucumis melo
var. utilissjmus. Cucumis sativus. Cucurbita maxima. Laqenaria
siceraria. Luffa acutanqula. Luffa cylindrica. Momordica
charantia, Momordica dioica and Trichosanthes dioica.

The following condiments and spices are cultivated :

Capsicum annum. Zingiber officinale. Curcuma domestica. Curcuma
amada. Allium sativum. Coriandruro sativum. Trig onella foenuro-
qraecum. Anethum graveolens. Foeniculum vulqare. Brassica
iuncea and Brassica nigra.

4.8.2. Fruit Plants : Dumas, Bhimpor, Ved, Katargam and Rander

are famous for their orchards. The various fruits are cultivated
on a large scale, especially in the fields or on a small scale
around houses. The following fruits may be mentioned.

Manqifera indica (the principal commercial local varieties like

Alphanso, Rajapuri, Jamadar, Karanj, Totapuri, Dadamiyo,

Vanaraj, Sardar, Payri are cultivated. Recently well known
variety 'kesar1 has been introduced by some growers), Musa
paradisiaca, Manilkara achras. Manilkara hexandra. Psidium
quaj ava. Annon a squamosa, Annona reticulata. Cocos nucifera.
Grewia asiatica. Syzyqium cumini. Punica qranaturn, Artocarpus
heterophyllus. Artocarpus lakoocha, Morus alba. Ficus carica,
Anacardium occidentale, Terminalia catappa, Syzyglum malaccensis.

Among the winter season fruits,/may be mentioned :

Carica papaya, Averrhoa carambola, Cicca acida, Emblica

officinalis. Citrus limon. Citrus maxima. Pithecellobium dulce

and Tamarindus indica,

Zizyphus mauritiana is planted throughout the area. The

local variety Randeri Bor is famous in the district (Plate 30),

4.9, Introduced Urban Flora

The present study has revealed a number of plants, which

are introduced from different places. They are cultivated in
private and public gardens. Some noteworthy plants are mentioned
under the following headings :

4.9.1. Gardens and Parks

Besides two major gardens - Gandhi Baag and Nehru Baag -

Surat has several small gardens and parks. They are Lala Lajpatrai,
Kasturba, Lokmanya Tilak, Sardar Patel and Dayalji Baag , A
century-old Gandhi Baag has many noteworthy plants. In addition

to these there are ,number of small gardens attached to public

and private organisations. Some(worthvto mention are, Baroda [

Rayon Corporation (BRC), Adarsh Fertilizer - at Udhana, Sumal

dairy, the gardens of some colleges like M.T.B., Medical,

P.T.Science, Navywg and South Gujarat University. The botanical
garden of P.T. Science College has many interesting plants. The
Hari Nursery and Swami Atman and Saraswati Pharmacy has many
rare plants. Some precious garden wealth is as follows :

4.9.1. a. Trees and Shrubs : Adenanthera pavonia. Alstonia

scholaris. Bauhinia acuminata. Butea monosperma. Callophyllum
inophyllum. Couroupita quianensis (Plate 31 A), Santalum album.

Hardwick!a binata. Jacaranda mimosifolia. Drypetes roxburghii.

Terminalia ariuna, Terminalia bellirica. Terminalia chebula.
Parkinsonia aculeata. Sterculia foetida and Guaiacum officinale
pi ate 31 B ),

4.9.1. b. Climbers and Creepers : They are either grown as

screens or along walls and pergolas or as twiners around pillars.
Some of the wild climbers can be also introduced in the gardens.
Some important climbers and creepers are :
Aqnosma caryophyllata. Ar^ stolochia eleqans. Asparagus racemosus.
Basella rubra. Bougainvillea spectabilis. Clerodendrum splendens,
Jasminum officinale. Ipomoea quamoclit. Ipomoea cairica. Petrea
volubilis and Vallaris solanacea. Recently Thunberqia
qrandiflora, Biqnonia magnifica and Arqyreia nervosa are
cultivated at many gardens.
, \ 69
The following wild climbers noted from this area can be

introduced : Cryptosteqia qrandiflora. Ipomoea hederifolia.

Operculina turpethum. perris timoriensis. Abrus precatorius,

Clitoria ternatea, Ipomoea nil, Ipomoea hederifolia, Rivea

hypocrateriformis and Antiqonon leptopus.

4.9.2. The Botanical Gardens

The Botanical gardens of P. T, Science College has a good

collection of curious and rare plants of academic utility. To

. -- r
mention few interesting plants ,-’are;. Clematis qouriana, Michelia

champaka. Helicteres isora, Qchna squarrosa. swietenia mahaqoni.

Lannea coromandelica, Caesalpinia decapetala. Mimosa pudica,

Mussaenda frondosa, Madhuca lonqifolia, Ardisia solanacea.

Chrysophylluro cainito. Gymnema sylvestre. Tabebuia pentaphylla,

Holmskioldia sanquinea. Tectona qrandis. Ficus elastica. Ruscus

aculeatus and Snilax zeylanica.

4.9.3. Recently Introduced Plants

Among recent introduction on the public landscape, the

following deserve mention: Cleome spinosa, Cassia alata.

Calliandra tweedii. Vitis vinifera. Begonia pieta, Turnera

ulmifolia, Solanum seaforthianum (plate 32 A), Polianthes

tuberosa (plate 32 0 ), Dahlia- variabilis and Eschscholtzia

californica. Manihot esculenta, Anacardium occidentalae and

Ficus carica are also cultivated at few places. Recently, Hari

Nursery has started the cultivation of orchids and succeeded

to grow Vanilla planifolia and Cypripedium sps:. upto the
fruiting stage (Plates 33 A and B),

Surat is rich in palm flora. -The different palms are

cultivated in gardens and vat the front of buildings. Some, worth'
to mention are : Areca catechu, Caryota urens. Thrinax
parviflora. Roystonea regia. Trachycarpus martiana. Livistona
chinensis, Washinqtonia filifera (Plate 34} and Pritchardia
filifera. Hyphaene indica, locally known as Ravan Tad, was -
planted at many places in Surat as could be inferred from
Ravan Tad Falia; now has completely disappeared from the land-
scape of SJrat except few saplings grown in Gandhi Baag.

4.10. Escapes

There are number of plants, originally under cultivation

for various purposes, foimd in ruderal areas. They are Brassica
juncea. Brassica nigra. Abelmoschus esculentus, Impatlens,
balsamina. Cyamopsis tetraqonoloba. Medicaqo sativa. Viqna
aconitifolia. Triqonella foenum-qraecum. Turnera ulmifolia.
Momordica charantia. Anethum qraveolens. Taqetes erecta,
Lycopersicon esculentum, Sesamum indicum. Ocimum sanctum.
Gomphrena qlobosa and Zephyranthes rosea.


Key to the Families of Angiospermic plants of Surat and

environs. The numbers given in brackets refer to the relevant

figures in plates. ...35 A, B, C, D*


1. Seeds with; two cotyledons; leaves usually

/'with reticulate-veined; flowers tetra or id
""" i

pentamerous .................................. P.-r nun fi

! (Dicotyledons)
; ( 1 to 4 ) ''

•^2. perianth biseriate or multiseriate: ( 5, 6)

3. Petals [free; sepals free or united : (7,8,9)

4. Ovary superior : (13)

’ i

5. Stamens more than twice as

many as petals ...................... Group A I (10,11)

5. Stamens twice as many as

petals or fewer...... y............. Group A II (12)


4. Ovary' inferior or half inferior...... Group A 111(14.15)

3, Petals united at least at base,_

sepals 'united............................ Group A IV

2. Perianth uni-seriate or absent......... .. .Group A V (16)

1. Seeds with one cotyledon^/ leaves mostly parallel

veined; flowers predominantly tri-merous ..... Group B , ■

! (Monocotyle done's)
I (17 - 20) r



1* Perianth multiseriate ;

2. Aquatics; placentation superficial : (23)

3. Leaves floating; carpels connate
in to a many celled ovary ....................... 5. NYMPHAEACEAE
; (21 a)

3. Leaves raised above the. surface of water;

carpels sunk in to the torus ’................ 6. NELUMBCNACEAE
■ (21 b & 22)

2, Terrestrials; placentation not as above :

4. Plants herbaceous; prickly .................... 42,ROSACEAE (24)

4. Plartts woody; not prickly ....................... 2.MAGN0LIACEAE


1, Perianth 2-3-seriate :

5. Herbs o;r under shrubs :

6. Flowers regular :

7. Sepals 2;'plants succulent................ 14, PORTULACACEAE

7, (Sepals more than 2} plants not succulent : : .

*! = ^/ 9 ”""

8. Sepals 2-3; plants with prickles.7. PAPAVERACEAE

j (25)

8:. Sepals 5; plants not as above .. .21, TILIACEAE


6, Flowers irregular.............................................. 1. RANUNCULACEAE

! (26)

5, Shrubs or trees :

9. Perianth 3-seriate ...........................................3* ANNONACEAE (27)

9. Perianth 2-seriate: (5)

10, Stamens united : (28, 31)

11*| Stamens monadelphous : (28)

: 12. Anthers 1-celled'.....................18 MALVACEAE (29)

; 12. Anthers 2-celled.....................20. STERCULIACEAE (30)


11.! Stamens polyadelphous : (31)

! 13. Leaves compound......................19. BCMBACACEAE (32)

j 13. Leaves simple............................17. GUTTIFERAE


10. Stdmens free : (10, 11, 35)

14.| Leaves simple : (33, 34)


; 15. Leaves opposite (33);

fruits capsule ..................... .48, LYTHRACEAE
. - V

! 15. Leaves alternate : (34)

! 16. Ovary on gynophore,

: placentation parietal., 10. CAPPARACEAE (35,36)

16. Ovary sessile;

; placentation axile ,...31 OCHNACEAE (37)

14j Leaves compound : (38, 39)

I 17. Plants armed.......................... .28 RUTACEAE (38)

I 17. plants unarmed..................... ..10 CAPPARACEAE (39)




Ovary unilocular :
2.‘Leaves simple :

3, Flowers 3-merous.................................................. 4, MENISPERMACEAE

3. Flowers 4-5-merous :..................... ..

4. placentation free-central : (40)

5. Sepals 2; stems and leaves

succulent...................................................14, PORTULACACEAE

5, Sepals 5; stems and leaves

not succulent ...................................13. CARYOPHYLLACEAE

4. Placentation other than free-central

6. Placentation marginal .................... 39. FABACEAE (41)

6. Placentation parietal : (36)

7. Plants with tendrils..............53. PASSIFLORACEAE

7. Plants without tendrils :

8. Ovary on a gynophore ; (35)

9. Shrubs.......................... 10. CAPPARACEAE

9. Herbs ................................ . . 9. CLEGMACEAE

8. Ovary sub-sessile :

10.Flowers irregular ...11. VIOLACEAE

10.Flowers regular :

11. Herbs; flowers

yellow .........,52. TURNERACEAE


11. Trees; flowers not yellow ;

12.! Soft wooded; leaves large............54. CARICACEAE

12.s Wooded; leaves scaly....................... 15. TAMARICACEAE


2. Leaves jcompound :

13, Ovary on a gyhophore.................................. 9. CLECMACEAE {35)

13. Ovary sessile :

14#l Flowers regular; unisexual

or polygamous ......................................... 37.ANACARDIACEAE
14.! Flowers irregular; bisexual :

! 15. Corolla papilionaceous;

I stamens diadelphous .........39. FABACEAE (42)

| 15. Corolla not as above;

! stamens free....................................40.CAESALPINIACEAE
j (H)

1. Ovary 2-mdre-locular ;

16. Herbs !:

17. Flowers regular :

18. Stamens tetradynamous.......................8.BRASSICACEAE (43)

18. Stamens not as above :

' 19. Leaves simple :

! 20. Leaves opposite :
i *

! 21. Style 1;ovules axile.48.LYTHRACEAE (37)

• |
; 21. Styles 5; ovules
I not axile ....................... 16.ELATINACEAE (44)

20, Leave's alternate :

22. F;lowers unisexual :

23. Pistil 1 ........................................................108 EUPHORBIACEAE
, j
, 23. Pistils 3-6 ................................................ 4 MENISPERMACEAE

22. Flowers bisexual ;

24. Stamens basally connate.......................20 STERCULIACE AE

2?4. Stamens free ....................... 21
19, Leaves compound : -

25. Tendrilar climbers ................................................... 35 VITACEAE

25. Plants without tendrils :

26. Eruit spiny ....................................................... 23 2Y GOPHYLL ACEAE

26. Eruit not spiny .................................................. 26 OXALIDACEAE

17. Flowers irregular :

27. Leavps simple :

28. iieaves peltate ........................ ......................... 27 TROPAEOLACEAE’


28. Leaves not peltate :

29. Small herbs?!ovary 2-locular;

ovule 1 per locule ........................ 12 POLYGALACEAE

29. Herbs or undershrubs; ovary

! 5-locular, with many ovules

i per locule .......................................... .. 24 BALSAMINACEAE


27. Leaves biternate 36. SAP INDACE AE


l6. Woody plants :

30. Leaves simple :


31. Plants armed :


32. Armed with spines fruits drupes..34. RHAMNACEAE

-32. Armed with thorns fruits capsules.33. CELASTRACEAE


31. Plants unarmed :


33. Twining shrubs or shrubs :


! 34.- Petals clawed . . .............................. 22.MALPIGHIACEAE


: 34. Petals sessil .................. '............ 33. CELASTRACEAE

33. Trees or shrubs ;

35. Stamens united below .. ..........20.STERCULIACEAE


35. Stamens free ..........................


30. Leaves compound :

36. Leaves gladular-punctate......... ...28.RUTACEAE

36. Leaves not glandular : '

37. Leaves 2-foliolate ................................ 30. BALANITACEAE

' (50)

37. Leaves pinnate :

j 38. Stamens free :

i 39. Fruits berry :

40, Leaflets 4-8,large;

flowers dull white...36. SAP1NDACEAE

40, Leaflets more than 8, small;

flowers pink-purple *...............................25. AVERRH OACE AE

39, Fruitis other than berry :

41. fruits capsule :


42. Capsule much elongated...............38. MORINGACEAE

42. Capsule short...................................... 23. ZYGOPHYLLACEAE

41. Fruits samara................................................. 29. SIMARCUBACEAE


38. Stamens united..............................................................32. MELIACEAE (52)

_t .....................

1. Aquatic herbs :

2. Leaves floating, petiole spongy,

fruit with lateral horns ...................................51. TRAPACEAE (54)

2. Leaves land petioles not as above; .

fruit without horns .........................50. ONAGRACEAE

1. Terrestrials :

3. Stamens few ;

4. Plants always tendril bearing.......55. CUCURBITACEAE

4. Plants devoid ('tendril :
‘ Ks
5. Herbs or undershrubs :

6. Herbs with sticky glands;

j flowers in pair................. .......43. VAHLIACEAE

6. Plants without sticky glands;

1 flowers in umbels ........................ 60. APIACEAE

(55 A - 55 B)

5. Twining shrubs .................................................45. CCMBRETACEAE

3. Stamens many :
7. Succulent plants............................................ 56. BEGONIACEAE

7. Non-succulent plants :

8. Leaves opposite, glandular-


- punctate; ovary many-celled ............46. MYRTACEAE

8. Leaves not opposite and glandular-


punctate; ovary 1-5-celled ;

9. Qvary 1-celled; flowers


dreamy-white .......................................61. ALANGIACEAE

9. Ovary 5-celled :

10, Flowers regular, red-orange;

! fruits berry ................... . ,49. PUNICACEAE
10. Flowers irregular, reddish-
: white; fruits fibrous drupes.47. LECYTHIDACEAE


1. Flowers regular ;

2. Ovary inferior ;

3. Stamens many .................................. 57. CACTACEAE

3. Stamens as many as the corolla

lobes or fewer ;

4.. Plants tendril bearing .... 55. CUCURBITACEAE

4. Plants without tendril :
5. Flowers in involucrate heads; anthers
syngenesious; ovary 1-celled .............64. ASTERACEAE (56-57)

5. Flowers other than heads; anthers not

syngenesious; ovary more than 1-celled:

6. Leaves stipulate.............. ......................63. PUBIACEAE (58A-58B)

6. Leaves exstipulate................................62. CAPRIFOLIACEAE

2. Ovary superior ;

7. Ovary with 1 c-arpel ....................................41. MIMOSACEAE ,

7. Ovary with 2-more-r-carpels :

8. Ovary with 2 carpels :

9. Plants aquatic ................................ .78. MENYANTHACEAE

9. Plants terrestrial :

10. Plants with latex or

greenish-yellow sap ;

11. Pollens free; style 1..72. APOCYNACEAE

11. Pollens aggregated;

styles 2 ;

12. Pollens aggregated

in pollinia;
filaments united. . .73. ASCLEPI ADACE AE (59)

12. Pollens in tetrads;

filaments free..........74. PERIPLOCACEAE

10. Plants without latex or sap :

13. Stamens 2 ;
14, Fruit a berry or woody pyriform
capsule ,................................................ .. 70. OLEACEAE

14. Fruit a compressed capsule ................ 75. NYCTANTHACEAE

13. Stamens 4 or 5 :

15. Plants leaf-less, stem parasites... 83. CUSCUTACEAE

15. Plants leafy-green, not parasites :

16. Leaves alternate :

17. Flowers in one or two sided

cymes : (63 A - 63 B)

18. Trees or shrubs; style

once forked or styles 2..80. EHRETIACEAE

18. Herbs or under shrubs;

style entire or shortly

2-1 o be d.............. ......................81. BOP. AG IN ACE A
(60 A - 60

17. Flowers not as above :

19. Twining or trailing herbs;

flowers bracteate............... 82. CONVQLVULACEAE

19. Herbs or shrubs, often

trailing; flowers ebracteate
....................................................... 84. SOL AN ACE AE

16. Leaves opposite :

20. Herbs; flowers in dichotomous

or axillary, solitary cymes;rarely
in clusters; fruits capsule :

21, Corolla greenish-white; capsule


wejdge-shaped ..............................................76. SPJGELIACEAE

■ ' (65)

21. Corolla white. o-r> capsules oblong- l;°


.ellipsoidal or globose, never

wejdge-shaped :
22. Ovary 1-celled; placentation free
j central or parietal :
~ i
| 23. Placentation free central;

; stamens opoosite the petals. .66..PR3MULACEAE

I (66)

j 23. Placentation parietal;:stamens

1 alternate the petals................ 77. GEN TI AN ACE AE
; ' (67)
22. Ovary 2-celled; placentation
! axile................................................................. 85. SCRQPHULARIACEAE

20. Trees; flowers in panicle;


fruit; drupe..................... ........................................... 71. SALVADORACEAE

j, (68)
j Uv ’-V Vi

8. Ovary usually more than 2 carpels :

24. Flowers unisexual; corolla urceolate..........69.EBENACEAE

i (69)

24. Flowers bisexual; corolla hypocrateriform (70)

or rotate (71) but not urceolate ;

25. Plants with milky-latex; corolla lobes

in 2 or 3 series ............................................68. SAPOTACEAE

25. Plants without latex; corolla lobes

unlike the above ;

26, Calyx with stalked glands 65. PLUMBAGINACEAE


26. Calyx without glands :

27. Stamens opposite the corolla

lobes; flowers in racemes....67. MYRSINACEAE

(65) '

27. Stamens alternate the corolla

lobes; flowers in paniculate

cymose clusters.............. 79. P OL BA ON I ACE AE (67)

^Flowers irregular ; (i.e. corolla personate

bilabiate or dissimilar) (72 A - 72 B)

28. Plants aquatics :

29. Plants with bladders....... ..87.LENTIBULARIACEAE (73)

29. Plants without bladders......85. SCRQPHULARIACEAE

28. Plants terrestrials :

30. Plants root-parasites ;

31, Leaf-less, scapigerous...86.OROBANCHACEAE (74)

31, Leafy-green, not

scapigerous ..............85. SCRQPHULARI ACEAE

30. Plants not parasitic :

32. Leaves compound; fruits

elongated capsules;

■ seeds winged............ 88.BIGNONIACEAE (75)

32. Leaves simple; fruits and

seeds not as above :

33, Bracts conspicuous: (76)


34. Twining shrubs; calyx minute .....91. THUMBERGIACEAE

34. Herbs,'shrubs or undershrubs;

never twining ............................................92. ACANTKACEAE

33. Bracts inconspicuous, minute or absent :

35. Flowers with extra-floral glands at

the base of pedicels (78) ;

36. Fruits with 2 large hooks..........90. MARTYNIACEAE (77)

36. Fruits without hooks ...................89. PEDALIACEAE (78)

35. Flowers without extra floral glands :

37. Plants with pneumatophores.. .. 94. AVICENNIACEAE (79)

37. Plants not as above :

38. Ovules 1 or 2 in each cell ;

39. Ovary entire;

style terminal .............. 93.VERBENACEAE (60 A)

39. Ovary deeply 4-lobed;

style gynobasic.............. 95. LAM I ACE AE (80)

38. Ovules many in each cell :

40. Corolla tubular;

placentation parietal..77.GENTIANACEAE

40. Corolla 2-lipped or

person ate,placentation
axile ...................................85.SCR0PHULARIACEAE
(72 - 73).


1. Perianth absent :

2. Flowers in spike............................ .......................103. PIPERACEAE

; (81)
2. Flowers in cyathia................................................108. EUPHORBIACEAE
i ' (82)

1. Perianth present :

3. Ovary superior :

4. Perianth sepaloid, scarious or rudimentary :


5. Terrestrials :
6. Stem parasite........................................ 106.LAURACEAE

6. Plants not parasite :

7. Ovary 1-locular :

8. Plants twining ....................... 4.MENISPEFMACEAE

:i 8. Plants not twining :

i 9. Herbs or undershrubs :

1 10. Stipules ochreate.101.P0LYG0NACEAE (83)


! 10. Stipules absent or

'! present but never

ochreate :

: 11.Perianth and bracts

' scarious; stamens

I connate below..98. AM ARANTHACEAE


11. Perianth and bracts not as above;

stamens free :

12. Styles undivided; flowers

unisexual ............... 110. URTICACEAE

12. Styles divided; flowers

bisexual ............... . 99. CHENOPODIACEAE

9. Woody plants :<

13, Leaves simple :

'14. Leaves reduced to scales..112.CASUARINACEAE

14, Leaves not reduced :

15, Styles branched :

16. Anthers inflexed

in bud ........... 111.MORACEAE (84)

16. Anthers erect in

bud .............109.ULMACEAE

15. Styles unbranched.... 111.MORACEAE

13, ^Leaves compound........... . 40.CAESALPINIACEAE

7. Ovary 2-5 locular :

' 17, Ovules many per locule ...... . 59.MOLLUGINACEAE

17. Ovules 1-3 per locule :

18. Ovule s axile ........... . 108. HJPHORBIACEAE

18. Ovules basal ................ 58.AIZ0ACEAE

4. Perianth petaloid :

19. Herbs, shrubs or twiners :


20. Climbing or twining :

21. Tendrilar climbers':

22. Stipules absent................................................ 1. ranunculaceae

22. Stipules sheathing .........................................101. POLYGONACEAE

21. Twiners, not tendrilar :


23. Woody twiners, bracts petaloid,


riot succulent..................................................... 97, NYCTAGINACEAE

23. Herbaceous twiners, bracts none,

succulent ............•*■»«».......100, BASELLACEAE

20. Herbs or;undershrubs^not climbing or twining :

24. Ovary 1-1ocular :


25. Stipules present :

26. Stipules ochreate, persistent..101, POLYGONACEAE


26. Stipules minute, caducous ..... 96, PHYTOLACACEAE

25. Stipules absent :


27. Bracts and bracteoles scarious; -

i flowers in soike or head.............. 98. AM AR ANTH ACEAE

! *
27. Bracts and bracteoles not scarious;

; flowers in cyme, umbel or head..97. NYCTAGINACEAE

24. Ovary 2-5-locular :

28. Ovules many per locule ................................ 59. MOLLUGINACEAE

28. Ovules 2-3 per locule ;

29. Ovules axile 108 EUPH0RB1ACEAE


29. jOvules basal ................ .. 58, AIZOACEAH

19.- Trees : j .

30, Leaves digitate .......................20. STERCULIACEAE

30, Leaves pinnate :

31. Leaves deeply pinnatif'id,.. . 104. PROTEACEAE

31. Leaflets entire .......................... 40. CAESALPINIACEAE


3. Ovary inferior : -

32. Ovary inferior or apparently so :

33. Herts ;
34.!Leaves alternate; flowers
lunisexual .................................... 56. BEGONIACEAE

34,'Leaves opposite; flowers

, i
ibisexual ....................................... 48. LYTHRACEAE

33. Wooty :

35. ! Stem parasite ......................... ,105. LORANTHACEAE

35.!Plants not parasite :

!36. Small tree; flowers

regular ................................. 107. SANTALACEAE

;36.'Shrub; flowers irregular.48.LYTHRACEAE

32. Ovary truly inferior :


37. Plants herbaceous .............................. 102.ARISTOLOCHIACEAE

37. Plants woody ......................................... 45.CCMBRETACEAE.



1. Plants veiy small, thalloid............................131, LEMNACEAE

1. Plants neither very small nor thalloid :

2. Carpel^ 1 or more, usually distinct :

3. Inflorescence a true spadix :

4. Leaves plicate in bud;

spadix compound *................................. 127. ARECACEAE


4. Leaves not plicate in bud;

spadix simple ........................................130, ARACEAE (88)

3, Inflorescence not a true spadix ; /

5. Perianth none, or when-present,


bristle-like or scale-like,

endosperm present :

6. Rhizomatous herbs; flowers in ■

| dense, terminal spikes............ 129. TYPHACEAE

6. Woody plants; flowers often

I crowded on the axis .....................128. PANDANACEAE

5. Perianth;sepaloid or petaloidi)

or none; endosperm absent or

yery little : A
\ '
j ,
7. Ovary sup'erior ;
’ l

; 8. pistils' 1-ovuled :
: ' /
! 9. Perianth composed of y-7

I 1 calyx and corolla . 132. ALISMATACEAE


9. Perianth inconspicuous or none :

10. Flowers crowded in spikes ....134. P OT AMOGET ON ACE AE

10. Flowers solitary or

few together ................. 135. NAJADACEAE

8. Pistils 2-manyrovuled................................ 133.APONOGETONA

7. Ovary inferior......... 114. HYDROCHARITACEAE

2. Carpels united into a syncarpous ovary :

11. Leaves pinnately or palmately divided..127. ARECACEAE

11. Leaves entire :


12. Inflorescence of heads or spikelets

of florets in the axils of

glum ace ous bracts :

13. Perianth of 2 whorls; inflorescence

a solitary head...............136. ERIOCAUL ACE AE

13. Perianth nonVor much reduced :

14. Stem solid, triangular;

fruit an achene; ligules

absent (present in Fuirena). 137.CYPERACEAE

(85 A - 85 B)

14. Stem hollow, cylindrical;

fruit a caryopsis; leaves

ligulate .................. 138. POACEAE (86-87)

12. Inflorescence other than heads or spike-

lets of florets, not in the axil of dry

chaffy scales ;

15. Ovary superior :

16. Outer segments of- perianth sepaloid and

inner petaloid; flowers enclosed in
soathe-like bracts ....................................... 126. COW. EL IN ACEAE

16. Outer ahd inner segments of perianth

essentially alike, either all
sepaloid or petaloid ;

>'17. Plants aquatic ....................................... 125.PONTEDERIACEAE


17. iiants terrestrial :

18. Plants herbaceous; leaves
! succulent or membranous............123.LILIACEAE
18. Plants woody; leaves coriaceous:
! 19. Plants climbing.................,124. SMILACACEAE
! ' 19. Plants not climbing..........121. AGAVACEAE

*15. Ovary inferior :


20, Flowers more or less regular-:


21. Leaves large, fan-shaped with

long petioles ............................. 119. STRELITZI ACEAE

21. Leaves not as above :

22. Twining herbs .................................122.DIOSCOREACEAE ■-

22. plants not twiner :


! 23. Flowers umbellate .............. 120.AMARYLLIDACEAE

23. Flowers not umbellate, but

in panicles or racemes,..121.AGAVACEAE

20. Flowers very irregular :

24. Gynostemium present; one of the inner

perianths,.'' forming the labellum.... 115.QRCHIDACEAE


24. Gynostemium absent :

25. Fertile stamens 1-2, the rest

often becoming petaloid staminodes

or forming the labellum :

26. Anthers 2-cel led .......... 116. ZINGIBER ACE AE

26. Anthers 1-celled........... 117.CAMNACEAE

25. Fertile stamens 5 118.MUSACEAE

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