Assessment in Learning Answer Module 2

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Our Lady of Lourdes College Foundation

Daet, Camarines Norte

1st Semester SY 2021-2022

Assessment in Learning
Module 2

Katherine A. Natino_________ Methods 1___

Explain in your own understanding the characteristics of OBE

Answer: OBE basically formulates content around activities that leads to specific outcomes. It means
starting with a clear picture of what is important for students to be able to do. It directly leads to
increase in the proficiency of a particular skill, knowledge, or behavior of the student by organizing the
curriculum, instruction and assessment to make sure this learning ultimately happens.


Differentiate each of the following pairs by explaining the meaning of each and giving example for
further clarification.

1. Educational Objective and Learning Outcome

2. Immediate Outcome and Deferred Outcome
3. Content and Learning Outcome
4. Institutional and Program Outcome
5. Program Outcome and Course Outcome
6. Student – Centered Instruction and Content – Centered Instructions
7. “To develop communication skills” and “can communicate orally and in writing


1. Educational Objective and Learning Outcome

Educational Objective is the expected goals of an educational activity. It describes what the
learner will know or be able to do as a result of having attended an educational program or
activity. It is why the teacher is creating a learning activity.

Example: The teacher will discuss about the reproductive system.

Learning Outcomes - are the evidence that the goals or objectives were achieved. It answers
that question what learners will gain from the learning activity.

Example: The learner will fully understand the reproductive system.

2. Immediate Outcome and Deferred Outcome

Immediate Outcomes – this is the competencies or skills acquired if you completed a subject,a
grade level, a segment of the program or the program itself.

Ability to produce artistic or literary works
Ability to do research and write the results
Ability to present an investigative science project
Skill in story-telling
Promotion to a higher grade level

Deferred Outcomes - refer to the ability to apply cognitive, psychomotor, and affective or
degree skills/competencies in various situations many years after completion of a subject; grade
level program.

Success in professional practice or a job
Job Promotion

3. Content and Learning Outcome

Content - It is the topics, themes, beliefs, behaviors, concepts and facts, often grouped within
each subject or learning area under knowledge, skills, values and attitudes, that are expected to
be learned and form the basis of teaching and learning


Overview of the topic to be discuss

Learning outcomes are statements that describe the knowledge or skills students should
acquire by the end of a particular assignment, class, course, or program, and help students
understand why that knowledge and those skills will be useful to them.


By the end of this course, students will be able to:

Analyze the lecture that they learned from the teacher.

Identify and describe the political, religious, economic, and social uses of art in Italy during the

4. Institutional and Program Outcome

Institutional - are the knowledge, skills, abilities, and attitudes that students are expected to
develop as a result of their overall experiences with any aspect of the college, including courses,
programs, and student services.


The graduates of Our lady of Lourdes will able to Communicate ideas, opinions, perspectives,
aspirations, and knowledge, evaluate and judge universal and demonstrate zeal and passion to
improve and uplift their life, Manifest strong will and determination to face the tasks and
responsibilities in dealing with complex life realities to make lives better for others and
themselves and by using the knowledge, skills, competencies and strong values and virtues
they’ve learned, with God at the center

Program outcomes examine what a program or process is to do, achieve, or accomplish for its
own improvement or in support of institutional or divisional goals: generally, numbers, needs, or
satisfaction driven. They can address quality, quantity, fiscal sustainability, facilities and
infrastructure, or growth. It is design by the faculty members.It should be student-centered
(they focus on the knowledge and skills that graduates of the program should be able to


Assignments and tests, Choice of instructional mode, Choice of course content, Assessment and
feedback, Accreditation or program assessment, Curriculum development.

5. Program and Course Outcome

Course outcomes identify “the ingredients” that make up the program
Incremental knowledge and skills that students develop bit by bit throughout the program
Subjects and other activities related to the course
On the job training

Program outcomes characterize “the salad” – what individual ingredients make once they are
prepared and integrated. It examines what a program or process is to do, achieve, or accomplish
for its own improvement or in support of institutional or divisional goals: generally, numbers,
needs, or satisfaction driven.
Students’ cumulative learning across courses at the end of the program

6. Student – Centered Instruction and Content – Centered Instructions

Student Learning Instruction - engages students in their own success and incorporates their
interests and skills into the learning process. Focuses on skills and practices that enable lifelong
learning and independent problem-solving.
The teaching style that places the focus of teaching on students rather than on the instructor.

Content – Centered Instructions - focuses on content rather than language. However, the goal is
language instruction. Simply stated, the language becomes a tool for learning new things instead
of the topic.

Learners use authentic materials to practice language

7. “To develop communication skills” and “can communicate orally and in writing.
To develop communication skills is a process or steps on where it allows you to understand and
be understood by others. These can include but are not limited to effectively communicating
ideas to others, actively listening in conversations, giving and receiving critical feedback and
public speaking. It requires several important skills that work in tandem with each other. Some
of these skills involve the way you speak or hold your body, and others are more emotionally
based interpersonal skills.


Study or Practice active listening. Effective communicators are always good listeners
Focus on nonverbal communication.
Practice public speaking.

Can Communicate orally and in writing – It is when your communication skills are developed. In
this case you can speak talk communicate to others and even communicate to others via written

Share ideas
Communicate thoughts
Exchange information
Give orders
Persuade people
Text messaging
Cards and letters

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