Characteristics of A Good Performance Assessment - 112036
Characteristics of A Good Performance Assessment - 112036
Characteristics of A Good Performance Assessment - 112036
3. Allows students to be involved in the process of evaluating their own and their peers’
performance and output
Performance assessment should allow students to be involved in the process of evaluating
themselves and their peers.
It should give students the opportunity for self- reflection or self-assessment, as well as to be
involved in evaluating their classmates' performance.
Self-assessment allows students to make judgment about their learning process and products
of learning, track their progress, and identify the areas where to focus or improve on.
For example, in a Language Arts class, students can partner up to review and provide
feedback on each others' writing assignments. They can use checklists or rubrics provided by
the teacher to evaluate elements such as grammar, punctuation, organization, and creativity.
5. Explains the task, required elements and scoring criteria to the students before the start of
the activity and the assessment
At the start of the class, it is important that the requirements of the subject are presented and
explained to the students.
These include the required tasks, activities or projects, the expected quality and level
performance or output, the criteria to be included for assessment, and the rubric to be used.
Students should be actively engaged in the assessment process from the beginning, by providing
them assessment options, getting them involved in discussions and decision-making on
performance standards and criteria, allowing them opportunity to give feedback on teacher-made
rubrics and to revise them, and training them on how to apply rubric for self- and peer-
For instance, before starting an art project, students are told they will be creating a collage using
recycled materials. Students can suggest any material to be used in making collage. Required
elements include incorporating at least three different types of recycled materials and expressing
a theme or message through their artwork. Scoring criteria could include creativity, use of
materials, and adherence to the theme.
Mueller, J. (2008). The authentic assessment toolbox: Enhancing student learning through
online faculty development. Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 1, 1-7.
Group 1
Domiong, Jezebel
Pawil, Priscilla S.
Vicente, Cynthia