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National Competency Based Teachers D.

None of the above

Standards 7. Teachers play this role, they create situations that help
students learn by actively involving students in learning,
1. What is an informal way for a teacher to assess the rather then just presenting information.
quality of their lessons? A. Lifelong Learners
A. Review standardized test scores B. Ethics
B. Looking at students' reading levels C. Mediator
C. Being able to complete all the goals in their D. Facilitator
lesson plan 8. This domain focuses on teachers’ efforts directed at
D. Observe level of students' attention strengthening the links between schools and
2. Effective teaching is the non-negotiable core that communities to help in the attainment of the curricular
ensures that all students learn at high levels. goals.
A. True A. Domain 4 : Curriculum
B. False B. Domain 5 : Planning, Assessing and
3. Teaching strategies in which the teacher acts as a Reporting
facilitator, or guide, but students are actively involved in C. Domain 6 : Community Linkages
directing and achieving their own learning D. Domain 7 : Personal and Professional
A. Individual accountability Growth
B. Closure 9. Teacher demonstrates mastery of the subject specific.
C. Learner-centered methods A. Domain 2 : Learning Environment
D. Wait time B. Domain 4 : Curriculum
4. A teacher's attitude toward students plays an obvious C. Domain 5 : Planning, Assessing and
role in influencing teacher behavior. Which other attitude Reporting
also plays an important role? D. Domain 6 : Community Linkages
A. A teacher's attitude toward his or her
teacher 10. Emphasizes the ideal that teachers can facilitate the
education program learning process in diverse types of learners.
B. A teacher's attitude toward his or her A. Domain 5 : Planning, Assessing and
colleagues Reporting
C. A teacher's attitude toward professional B. Domain 4 : Curriculum
associations C. Domain 7 : Personal and Professional
D. A teacher's attitude toward his or her own Growth
parents D. Domain 3 : Diversity of the Learners
5. How does recognizing one's own feelings of anxiety
help a teacher? 11. Teachers provide social and physical
A. A teacher cannot rid her/himself of environment
unhealthy emotions if she/he doesn't
accept them. A. Domain 2 : Learning Environment
B. It can help the teacher understand how a B. Domain 1 : Social Regard Learning
student's anxiety can affect his or her C. Domain 3 : Diversity of the Learners
C. It enables the teacher to control the feelings of D. Domain 5 : Planning, Assessing and
her/his students. Reporting
D. The teacher can draw on them for energy
and inspiration in her/his work with 12. What is the first domain of the NCBTS?
A. Diversity of Learners
6. Are teachers born or made? B. Social Regard for Learning
C. Content Knowledge and Pedagogy
A. Born
B. Made 13. How many Domains does NCBTS have?
C. Born and made
A. 270
B. 27
C. 7

14. What does NCBTS stands for?

A. National Competent-Based Teachers
B. National Competency Teachers Standards
C. National Competency Based Teachers
made his requirement for teachers.
4th LET Drill Questions.. A. Master's degree
B. Bachelor's degree
C. Professional license
1. When the department of Education implemented
D. Continuing professional education
the Mother Tongue Based Multilingual Education
nationwide. This is the number of language used.
7. This person serves as the head of the governing
bodies of government-run higher education
A. 12
B. 3
C. 6
A. Philippine President
D. 9
B. Chancellor
C. Commission on higher education Chair
2. Republict Act 7796 created this agency, which is
D. University President
now a partner of the Department of Education in
the Senior High School program?
8. This role of teacher complements that of the
discipline coordinators and guidance counselor's.
A. Bureau of Senior High School
B. Commission on Higher Education
A. Values formator
C. Technical Education and Skills Development
B. Disciplinarian
C. Counselor
D. Philippine Textbook Board
D. Facilitator
3. The traditional view of the teacher as "Fountain of
9. If multilateral/multi country parties agree on how
knowledge" is the best suited for this role.
to provide education, they have reached
A. Facilitator
B. Values Formator
A. Conflict
C. Lecturer
B. Consensus
D. Planner
C. Deadlock
D. Understanding
4. Principal Jomar wants to continuously train his
teachers. What must he institutionalize in school?
10. What does PPST mean ?
A. Pre-service training
A. Philippine Professional Standards for
B. Induction program
C. Seminars, conferences and workshops
B. Professional Philippine Standards for
D. In-service training
C. Philippine Professionalization Standards for
5. Who are the participants in a teacher induction
D. Professionalized Philippine Standards for
I. Newly hired teachers
II. retiring teachers
III. administrators
11. On which were PPST based ?
IV. support personnel
A. I
C. The Code of Ethics for Teachers in the
D. R.A. 7836
6. The professionalization of teacher education
12. Which is TRUE of the PPST ?
19. Teacher Ruben wanted his students to rate
A. A revision of the NCBTS their work using the scoring rubric which he
B. A continuation of the NCBTS explained to the class before the students began
C. Entirely new version of teacher with their task. Based on revised Bloom’s
standards to ensure quality taxonomy, in which level of cognitive processing
D. Standards for good teaching-learning are the students?
A. Evaluating
13.Primarily , for whom are the PPST ? B. Synthesizing
C. Applying
A. Teachers D. Analyzing
B. School heads
C. Learners 20. Are you a person, someone can lean on? Are
D. Parents and Communities you honest and sincere in words and action? Are
you consistent in your actions and responses to
14. How many career stages do the PPST have ? different situations? What personal quality do you
A. Four possess?
B. Three
C. Two A. Innovativeness
D. One B. Intelligence
C. Bouyancy
15. How many strands does the PPST have ? D. Reliability

A. 37
B. 35 21. As required, all teachers should eat lunch at
C. C36 exactly 12:00 noon because it’s their noon break.
D. D. 34
A. This statement is true.
16. The PPST are written from broad to B. This statement is false.
specific strokes . Which are most broad ? C. This statement is doubtful.
D. This statement is a rule.
A. Domains
B. Strands 22. A classroom teacher comes to school early in
C. Indicators the morning and goes home late. Officially, the
D. Behaviors number of hours spent in school should be
17. The PPST are written from broad to
specific strokes . Which are most specific ? A. 6 hours
B. 8 hours
A. Indicators C. 4 hours
B. Strands D. 3 hours
C. Domains
D. Behaviors 23. As observed, all teachers in the whole school

18. If a child was raised by authoritative parents, A. Begin classes at the same time at 8:00 AM
how will most likely will he / she behave in class? B. End classes at the same time at 5:30 PM
C. Wear the same school uniform
A. Relates well to classmates D. Live in the same village
B. Is suspicious of others
C. Quarrels often with classmates 24. Natural resources like rivers, lakes, mountains
D. Has low level of independence and hills found in the community can be used best
as resources in teaching __________.
A. In three or more learning areas
A. Mathematics B. In 2 learning areas
B. Science C. In four learning areas
C. English D. As shown in the general average
D. Physical Science
31. In the implementation of the curriculum at the
25. The most challenging components of teaching classroom level, ineffective strategies are called
in another country is __________. “ Red” Which of the following belongs to the red
A. Mastery of the subject matter
B. Making instructional materials A. Integration of problem solving
C. Adjusting to cultural differences B. Content applied to real life
D. Constructing assessment tool C. Available enrichment activities
D. Over emphasis on drill and practice
26.“If you are an excellent teacher here in the
Philippines, you can very well teach in any ASEAN 32. A negative discrimination index means:
country”. This statement ________________.
A. More from the lower group answer the test
A. Is false item correctly
B. Is true B. More from the upper group answered the
C. An overstatement test correctly
D. Cannot be determined C. The test item could not discriminate
27. The curriculuarist uses unique and out of the the upper and the lower group
box strategies to make his/her class highly D. The test item has low reliability
engaging. He/She is a/an ____________.
33.Which organization advanced insights of
A. Knower “ Learning to treasure within” 21st century
B. Innovator education?
C. Writer
D. Implementer A. Geneva International Conference
B. Education for all Initiative
28. Which of the following processes usually C. International Commission for the 21st
comes first in developing curriculum? Century
D. Asia Pacific Regional Bureau
A. Selection of educational content
B. Evaluating educational experiences 34. What dependent variable is apt for the
C. Identifying learning goals and objectives hypothesis : The more the teacher knows the
D. Organization of learning experiences subject matter the better she can teach it?

29. These stakeholders are at the core of the A. Personality trait of teachers
curriculum. They are primary beneficiaries of the B. Teacher’s annual performance rating
curriculum. C. Motivation by school head
D. Incentives given to teachers
A. Teachers
B. Learners 35. This is NOT among the official big ideas of pre-
C. Community school education.
D. Parents
A. Toddling to walk
30. Who is retained in the same grade level for B. Change in physical growth
Grades 1 to 10? Any students who did not meet C. Artistic expression like drawing
expectations __________. D. Acquisition of gross and fine motor skills
36. Through what are the vision - mission-goals of
school concretized in the day to day life in the

A. Instructional activities
B. Modes of assessment
C. Instructional materials
D. Support services

37. Vgotsky's Zone of proximal Development is the ____

between what the child can learn on his/her own
and what is accomplished with the others.

A. Divisor
B. Multiplier
C. Difference
D. Equivalent

38. What was the main characteristic of education

during the years of Hispanic Colonization in the

A. Adequate
B. Religious-oriented
C. Free
D. Secular

39. Which is understood by an eye wink, simple

nodding of a head, or wave of a hand?

A. Facial expression
B. Gesture
C. Verbal communication
D. Body language

40. What is the criteria for the selection and use of

instructional materials.

A. Alignment with intended outcomes

C. Varied
D. In the three domains.

Answer key.

31-40. DACBA- ACBBA 1. For quality professional development, teachers must
consider the NCBTS, which are the established standards
for good teaching in the Philippines. What is meant by A. I and Ⅱ
the acronym NCBTS? B. Ⅱ only
C. Ⅰ only
A. National Competency-Based Teacher D. Ⅱ and Ⅲ
Standards 6. Societal change requires continually deep- seated
B. National Competency-Based Teaching questions about “good” living. Which of these did
Standards Socrates recognize as the greatest of the human virtues?
C. National Competency-Basic Teacher
Standards A. Moral wisdom
D. National Competency-Basic Teaching B. Fair justice
Standards C. Courage
D. Piety
2. You are very much interested in quality professional
development program for teachers. What characteristic 7. Which competencies are expected of BEEd and BSEd
should you look for? graduates?
Ⅰ. Higher level literacy and critical thinking
A. Depends on the availability of founds Ⅱ. Principled understanding of the learning processes
B. Prescribed by top educational leaders Ⅲ. Assuming the responsibility to sustain professional
C. Responsive to identified teachers’ needs growth.
D. Required for renewal of professional Ⅳ. Acting as an agent of change
A. Ⅲ and Ⅳ
3. How do you know a program for teachers’ professional B. Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ
development that meets high standard form one that C. Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ
does not? Quality professional development helps D. Ⅰ and Ⅲ
teachers to ________. gets promoted
8. Which of the following is BEST implied by quality and
A. Gets intrinsically motivated to grow relevant teacher development initiatives?
B. Earns MA units for ranking purposes A. Lifelong learning
C. Put themselves far above their students B. Focus on the non-performers
C. Capacity building of educational
4. “Once a teacher, forever a student.” What does the community
statement imply about quality personal and professional D. Mentoring of who share the latest ideas
development for teacher? about teaching and learning

A. The teacher is able to teach his/her 9. Teachers are required to make an individual plan for
students. professional Development (IPPD). This is based on the
B. The teacher learns from his/her students philosophy that the teacher is a “lifelong learner. “The
C. It is continuing NCBTS provides the steps for ___________ assessment
D. Personal and professional development in making the IPPD.
calls for teacher’s exposure to students.
A. need
5. To ensure high standards of teachers’ personal and B. collegial
professional development, which measure must be C. self
implemented? D. peer
Ⅰ. A school head plans the professional development of
his/her teachers. 10 to ensure high standards of the teacher’s personal and
Ⅱ. Every teacher formulates his/her own professional professional development, what tool/instrument was
development plan. developed by the DepED for self-assessment?
Ⅲ. The implementation of what is learned in training must
be monitored. A. TSNA
C. KSP 16. which are the job-embedded requirements for
D. TPDI teachers and so must continuously develop themselves in
these aspects?
11. This self-assessment tool which is used nationwide is Ⅰ. Maintains update pupils/student school records.
one of the bases in planning the _______ training of Ⅱ. Conducts action research
teachers. Ⅲ. Maintains harmonious relationship with stakeholders
Ⅳ. Channels and guide learners
A. preservice
B. post-service A. Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ
C. school-based B. Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ
D. division-based C. Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ
D. Ⅰ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ
12. The results of the LET revealed the low performance
of future teachers. In April 2010 only 15% of the BEEd and 17. The teacher performance results provide continual
25% of BSEd graduates passed. What do the results ___ to professional development.
A. support
A. More training be given to BEEd students B. feedback
B. Review existing teacher education C. guidance
curriculum vis-à-vis TOS D. assessment
C. Determent selective admission in TEIS
18. Which two competencies are demonstrated and
13. The Domain on Social Regard for Learning in the practiced during the Field Study and Practice Teaching
NCBTS focuses on teacher ‘s actions and demonstrating Courses?
value for learning for learning. Which are the indicators Ⅰ. Teaching Assistance
for these actions? Ⅱ. Grading learner’s performance
Ⅰ. Model the value of punctuality Ⅲ. Interpersonal relationship
Ⅱ. Consider the influence of teacher’s behavior on Ⅳ. Materials development
Ⅲ. Use cooperative learning activities A. Ⅱ and Ⅲ
Ⅳ. Communicate higher expectations B. Ⅲ and Ⅳ
C. Ⅰand Ⅳ
A. Ⅲ and Ⅳ D. Ⅱ and Ⅳ
B. Ⅰ and Ⅱ
C. Ⅰ and Ⅲ 19. Which of these skills must a teacher develop that will
D. Ⅱ and Ⅳ enable him/her to look at problems as opportunities?
Ⅰ. Addressing problems as fast as possible
14. The new Performance Appraisal System for Teachers Ⅱ. Remaining alert to the possibility
(PAST) is ________. Ⅲ.Foster sense of accomplishment
Ⅳ.Promote sense of belonging
A. knowledge-based
B. practice-based A. Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ
C. competency-based B. Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ
D. skill-based C. Ⅰ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ
D. Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅳ
15. What characterizes the formative developmental
nature of PAST? 20. As a professional teacher you must be good at
interactive communication. What does interactive
A. non-supportive communication include?
B. innovative Ⅰ. Person-to-person e-mail correspondence
C. rewarding Ⅱ. Interaction through simulations and models
D. self-directed Ⅲ. Electronic mailing list, video conferencing, chat rooms
Ⅳ. Group interaction in virtual learning space or audio

A. Ⅰ and Ⅱ
B. Ⅱ and Ⅲ
C. Ⅰ,Ⅱ and Ⅲ
D. Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ and Ⅳ
PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION (Elementary and Secondary) 5. Teacher S, a Science teacher has been accused of
Coverage Teaching Profession, Social Dimensions of sexual harassment by one of her students. What should
Education the school principal do?
Principles of Teaching, Educational Technology,
Curriculum Development Facilitating Learning, Child and A. Tell the teacher to stop reporting to
Adolescent Development Assessment of Student school.
Learning, Developmental Reading Field Study, Practice B. Ask the teacher to surrender to the
Teaching Start Practice Exam Test Questions Part 1 of the police.
Series Choose the letter of the best answer in each C. Create a committee to investigate the
questions. accusation.
D. Advice the teacher to transfer to another
1. Which of the following is NOT in the norms of conduct school.
under RA 6713?

A. Professionalism 6. To ensure high standards of teachers’ personal and

B. Commitment to the public interest professional development, which measure must be
C. Justness and sincerity implemented?
D. Responsiveness to the private I. A school head plans the professional development of
his/her teachers.
2. Mr. Santos is a holder of a valid certificate of eligibility II. Every teacher formulates his/her own professional
as a teacher issued by the Civil Service Commissioner and development plan.
the DECS, while Mr. Cruz is a registered professional. III. The implementation of what is learned in training
Who is allowed to practice the teaching profession in the must be monitored.
A. II and III
A. Mr. Santos, because of his CSC eligibility B. II only
certificate C. I and III
B. Both of them, because their credentials D. I only
are both recognized by law.
C. Neither of the two because they did not 7. The results of the LET revealed the low performance of
take and pass the LET. future teachers. In April 2010 only 15% of the BEED and
D. Mr. Cruz, because his credentials are 25% of the BSED graduates passed. What do the results
recognized by law. imply?

3. Is membership in the accredited professional A. More training to be given to BEED

organization for teachers mandatory for all LET passers? students.
B. Determine the specialization of BSE
A. Yes, when the teacher is already graduates
teaching. C. Implement selective admission in TEIS.
B. No. D. Review existing teacher education
C. Only for LET passers who are not curriculum vis-a-vis TOS.
D. Yes 8. What norm of conduct is manifested by being loyal to
the republic and the Filipino people?
4. Teacher Rochelle affirms that being a teacher is a task
entrusted by this world. Does she, therefore, believe that A. Professionalism
teaching is a _______? B. Honesty
C. Nationalism and Patriotism
A. Profession D. Responsiveness to the public
B. Mission
C. Bread butter 9. Which are the job-embedded requirements for
D. Vocation teachers and so must continuously develop themselves in
these aspects?
I. Maintains updated pupil/student school records.
II. Conducts action research. A. No at all times
III. Maintains harmonious relationship with stakeholders B. Yes, provided that Teacher Toni should
IV. Channels and guides learners. exercise utmost professional discretion to avoid
scandal, gossip, and preferential treatment of
A. II, III, IV the learner.
B. I, III, IV C. Yes, they should be proud of their
C. I, II, III relationship by revealing to the entire class their
D. I, II, III, IV real status.
D. No, unless principal allowed.:
10. For quality professional development, teachers must
consider the NCBTS, which are the established standards 15. Teacher M suffers from hypertension and experiences
for good teaching in the Philippines. What is meant by difficulty in speech. Which would be affected if he
the acronym NCBTS? continues teaching?

A. National Competency-Basic Teacher A. Punctuality

Standards B. Personality
B. National Competency-Based Teaching C. Devotion to duty
Standards D. Effectiveness
C. National Competency-Basic Teaching
Standards 16. Ms. Sanchez, a BSE graduate, has not passed the LET
D. National Competency-Based Teacher yet. In what capacity can she be hired?
A. Permanent status
11. Which of the following manifests “Commitment to B. Emergency status
democracy” as explained in RA 6713? C. Provisional for not less than six months
D. Provisional for not less than one year
A. Committing to democratic values and
ways of life. 17. “Once a teacher, forever a student.” What does this
B. Maintaining the principle of statement imply about quality personal and professional
accountability. development for teachers?
C. Manifesting by deeds the supremacy of
civilian authority over the military. A. The teacher learns from his/her students.
D. All of these B. It is continuing
C. The teacher is able to teach his/her
12. Which is the most appropriate characteristics of a student.
globally competent individual? D. Personal and professional development
call for teachers’ exposure to students.
A. open-mindedness to a new culture
B. foreign-language policy 18. Which of these skills must a teacher develop that will
C. adaptability to a new work environment enable him/her to look at problems as opportunities?
D. familiarity with the new culture I. Addressing problems as fast as possible
13. Teacher H contracted an illness that required rest for II. Remaining alert to the possibility
more than one year. Which leave should she apply for? III. Foster a sense of accomplishment
IV. Promote a sense of belonging
A. Personal leave
B. Sick leave A. I, III, IV
C. Vacation leave B. I, II, IV
D. Indefinite leave C. I, II, III

14. Teacher Toni is in a relationship with his student. Is 19. For relevance to business and industry, what did the
this allowed? First Biennial National Education on Education (2008)
impose for updating the Licensure Examination for than six hours and not more than eight hours of
teachers? actual classroom teaching a day.
B. Yes, the situation demands that she
A. Vocational skills render longer teaching hours.
B. Upgraded laboratory facilities C. Yes, as long as she signs a conformed
C. Technical and scientific competencies letter to that effect.
D. Moral and ethical values D. No, rendering longer teaching hours
would make the teacher tired and exhausted.
20. Principal B acted on the letter of complaint received
by his office 30 days after saying he was preoccupied with
more important things in the past days. Is his reason
acceptable? 24. How do you know a program for teachers’
professional development that meets a high standard
A. Yes, because he has to prioritize things. from one that does not? Quality professional
B. No, RA 6713 states that public officials development helps teachers to ______.
and employees must act promptly on letters and
requests within 15 working days from receipt A. get intrinsically motivated to grow
thereof. continuously
C. Yes, because the letter of complaint can B. put themselves far above their student
wait and is of no urgency. C. get promoted
D. No, the reason is simply unacceptable. D. earn MA units for ranking purposes

21. What is RA 6713 also called?

25. Mr. Salazar, a school superintendent, filed his
A. Ethical standards for public Employees statement of assets and liabilities upon assuming office.
B. Code of Ethical Standards and Conduct of Under what ethical standard does this practice fall?
Government Officials and Employees
C. Code of Ethical Standards for A. Divestment
Government Officials and Employees
D. Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards B. System of Incentives
for Public Officials and Employees. C. Prohibited Acts and Transactions
D. Statement of Assets and Liabilities
22. Teacher Uy was ordered by her principal to come to
school on four consecutive Saturdays for the training of 26. A school’s academic coordinator has been found to
students’ editorial staff of their school paper. Is this have engaged in gambling which has caused him to be
allowed under RA 4670? absent most of the time. Can his certificate of registration
as a teacher be revoked?
A. Yes, because it’s part of the teacher’s
other duties A. Yes, because habitual gambling is
B. Yes, provided the teacher is compensated dishonorable conduct and is against the practice
C. No, because it’s not clearly indicated in of teaching.
the law. B. No, because he’s protected by his rights
D. No, because it is not within the regular as a teacher.
functions of the classroom teacher. C. No, unless he’s proven guilty
D. Yes, because yes incompetent
23. Teacher K teaches in a public school in her locality.
Due to teacher shortage, her classroom teaching starts at 27. Which of the following BEST implied by quality and
6:00 am and ends at 3:00 pm. Is the assignment given to relevant teacher development initiatives?
her just?
A. Capacity building of educational
A. No, Magna Carta for Public School community
Teachers states that in the exigencies of service, B. Focus on the non-performers
any teacher may be required to render more C. Lifelong learning
D. Mentoring experts who share the latest C. Secondary level
ideas about teaching and learning. D. Elementary and Secondary level

33. An Education graduate without a license is accepted

28. To whom does the word TEACHER refer? to teach in a private school? Is this in violation of RA
I. Full-time teachers 7836?
II. Part time teachers
III. Guidance counselors A. Yes, No one may teach without a license
IV. Librarians B. Yes
C. No
A. I, II, and III D. No provided he has taught for at least 3
B. I, II, III, and IV years
C. I and III
D. III and IV 34. You are very much interested in the quality
development program for teachers. What characteristics
29. Can Manny Pacquiao be given a special permit to should you look for?
teach boxing in a special school?
A. Prescribed by top educational leaders
A. No, he is not a teacher education B. Responsive to identified teachers’ needs
graduate. C. Required for renewal of professional
B. Yes, he has excelled and gained license
international recognition. D. Depends on the availability of funds
C. No, he has not passed the LET
D. Yes, he is a graduate of ALS. 35. Teacher Kevin has not practiced his profession for the
past five years. Can he go back to teaching immediately?
30. What is the core of the Teacher Education
Development Program? A. Yes
B. No, unless he enrolled in a refreshers
A. Technology integration in instruction course of 12 units
B. Student-centered learning C. No
C. High order thinking skills or HOTS D. Yes, if nobody can take his place
D. National Competency-Based Teaching
Standards 36. It is professional for teachers to receive gifts from the
students and parents?
31. Teacher Audrey tutors her students, who have
difficulty coping with Math, after class hours. Is her act A. No, especially if done in exchange for
ethical? requested concessions
B. Yes, in-season and out-season gifts
A. Yes, provided she receives just C. Yes, if deserved
compensation. D. Not at all
B. No, that is unfair to other students.
C. Yes, provided she does not require a fee 37. The teacher performance results provide continual
from the parents _____ to professional development.
D. No, she should be free after her official
time. A. guidance
B. assessment
C. support
32. Which educational level/s provides for free and D. feedback
compulsory education as stipulated in Article IV, Section 2
of the Philippine Constitution? 38. Societal change requires continually deep-seated
questions about “good” living. Which of these did
A. Tertiary level Socrates recognize as the greatest of human virtues?
B. Elementary level
A. Fair justice A. Court the student at home
B. Piety B. Wait till the student is no longer under
C. Courage his/her tutelage
D. Moral wisdom C. Propose and marry the student
D. Act normally as if nothing happens and
39. Teacher Pedro, the English coordinator, was assisted the student does not exist
by teacher Elena throughout the celebration of English
Week. What could teacher Pedro do to acknowledge 44. Dr. Velasco, a school division superintendent acted on
teacher Elena’s assistance? the complaint filed by a group of parents against the
alleged misconduct of a particular teacher. She issued a
A. Mention formally to the principal the memorandum requiring her to take a leave of absence for
assistance received a week while the complaint is being heard yet. Was the
B. Keep quiet about the assistance received action of the superintendent legal?
C. Make an announcement giving due
recognition of the assistance received. A. Yes, because she is the superintendent.
D. Buy her gift B. No, because the complaint has not been
heard yet.
40. This self-assessment tool is used nationwide and is C. Yes, the superintendent has disciplinary
one of the bases in planning the _____ training of authority over the teachers.
teachers. D. No, the superintendent has no
disciplinary authority over teachers.
A. Division-based
B. Pre-service
C. Post-service
D. School-based

41. Which is ethical for teachers to do in a situation

where he/she falls in love with the students or when a
student falls in love with his/her teacher?

A. The teacher resigns from his/her job.

B. The teacher avoids the learner.
C. The teacher advises the student to
discontinue his/her studies.
D. The teacher exercise discretion to avoid
scandal and gossip about preferential treatment.

42. Which competencies are expected of BEED and BSED

I. Higher level literacy and critical thinking
II. principled understanding of the learning process
III. Assuming the responsibility to sustain professional
IV. Acting as an agent of change

A. II and IV
D. I and III

43. What should a teacher do when he/she falls in love

with his/her student?

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