NEA Engineering Company (MODI Report)

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NEA Engineering Company

Topographic Survey Report

Additional study of 132 kV Transmission line of Upper
Modi Hydroelectric Project

Topographic Survey Report (Final)

Submitted to: Prepared by:

NEA Engineering Company Limited

Modi Jalvidhyut Company Ltd
Trade Tower,

United World Trade Center,

Kathmandu, Nepal

November, 2021
General Information

Additional study of 132 kV Transmission line of Upper Modi

Project Name
Hydroelectric Project
Project Number
Client’s Name Modi Jalvidhyut Company Ltd.

Report Topographic Survey

Remarks Contract No.:

Preparation, Review and Authorization

Revision Approved for Issue

Date Prepared by Reviewed by
# by

Niroj Karmacharya
20th Nov, Sunil Bogati
00 Bibek Rai Shyam Kumar Bohora
2021 Bhuwan Sapkota
Shahadev Oli

Issue Register

Distribution List Date Issued Number of Copies

NEC Staff
NEC Board
MJCL Nov, 2021 1 Copy


NEA Engineering Company Limited, Modi Jalvidhyut Company Ltd

2nd Floor, Trade Tower, Thapathali, United World Trade Centre,

Kathmandu, Nepal Kathmandu, Nepal

Table of Contents

1 INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................................1

1.1. General..................................................................................................................................1

1.2. Objectives and Scope of Work...............................................................................................1

1.3. Survey Team..........................................................................................................................2

2. METHODOLOGY........................................................................................................................2

2.1. Desk Study.............................................................................................................................3

2.1.1. Route Selection Criteria.................................................................................................3

2.2. Reconnaissance and Planning................................................................................................3

2.3. Monumentation......................................................................................................................4

2.4. Primary Control Survey using Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS)...................4

2.1.2. Instruments Used...........................................................................................................6

2.1.3. Surveying Method..........................................................................................................7

2.5. Detail Topographical Survey.................................................................................................8

2.5.1. Detail Topographic Survey Using Total Station............................................................8

2.6. Land Cover and Major Crossings..........................................................................................9

2.7. Deflection Angle (Substation side)......................................................................................10

2.8. Deflection Angle (Powerhouse side)....................................................................................10

2.9. Major Characteristics of Route............................................................................................10

2.10. Longitudinal Plan and Profile..........................................................................................11

3. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION...........................................................................12



Table 1 Survey Team.................................................................................................................2

Table 2 Coordinates of Benchmark............................................................................................8

Table 3 Land cover and Major Crossing at Substation side.......................................................9

Table 4 Land cover and Major crossing at Powerhouse side.....................................................9

Table 5 Deflection angle at substation side..............................................................................10

Table 6 Deflection angle at powerhouse side..........................................................................10


Figure 1 Framework of Methodology........................................................................................2

Figure 2 Working Principle of DGPS........................................................................................5

Figure 3 Total Station.................................................................................................................6


Abbreviation Definition
AP Angle point
BM Benchmark
CAD Computer Aided Design
CSV Comma Separated Value
DGPS Differential Global Positioning System
DOS Department of Survey
DTM Digital Terrain Model
GCP Ground Control Point
GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System
GPS Global Positioning System
HEP Hydroelectric Project
HFL High Flood Level
IGS International GNSS Service
ITRF International Terrestrial Reference System
MW Megawatt
NEA Nepal Electricity Authority
NEC NEA Engineering Company
OPUS Online Positioning User Service
PPP Precise Point Positioning
RTX Real Time Extended
S/S Substation
SV Space Vehicle
TBC Trimble Business Center
TOE Team of Experts
TS Total Station
TSG Technical Support Group
USB Universal Serial Bus
WGS World Geographic System

1.1. General

The project name is additional study of 132 kV Transmission line of Upper Modi Hydroelectric
Project which lies in kaski district of Gandaki province. It was commenced to re-align the existing
transmission line alignment at powerhouse section as well as substation section of Upper Modi
Hydroelectric Project at patichaur. At power house side the additional Angle Points were added and
re-join to previous alignment whereas at substation side additional Angle point were added and join to
special Tower near substation.
1.2. Objectives and Scope of Work

The main objective of this project assigned for survey are:

 To established the control points using DGPS to aid in Detail survey

 To prepare the detail topographical maps of given two sections of alignment (At powerhouse
and At Substation)
 To fix the Position of required angle point to realign the Transmission line.
 To create plan and profiles of final alignment of Transmission line.
1.3. Survey Team

The survey team with the appropriate experience and technical background along with
the broad idea and knowledge about the technical requirements of survey information typically
required for transmission line survey conducted transmission line survey.

The personnel involved and their expertise for the detailed topographical survey are listed on Table

Table 1 Survey Team

S.N. Name Position Qualification
1 Niroj Karmacharya Group Leader Bachelor in Geomatics Engineering
2 Bhuwan Sapkota Surveyor Diploma in Geomatics Engineering
3. Shahadev Oli Civil Diploma in civil Engineering
The framework of the methodology used in the survey for TL is shown in Error: Reference source not
found. The procedural steps of the methodology are also described in the following sections.

DGPS Survey for

Reconnaissance and
Desk Study Monumentation Control Point

Drawing and Report Detail Survey(DGPS Processing and
Preparation and Total Station) Coordinate

Figure 1 Framework of Methodology

2.1. Desk Study

Prior to the field mobilization, a comprehensive study of the proposed location was carried out and
reconnaissance survey plan was prepared using recent topographical maps, satellite images, land use
maps, etc.

Based on the resources, three alternative TL alignments were identified for the project taking into
consideration the topography, route lengths and other basic technical requirements.

2.1.1. Route Selection Criteria

While selecting the routes for transmission lines, a basic set of criteria was employed which are
mentioned below:

a. Minimize dense forest as far as possible

b. Avoid conservation area and national park area
c. Avoid potentially expensive right of way such as settlement areasas well as highly productive
agricultural land
d. Minimize number of river and road crossings
e. Minimum number of angle point towers
f. Avoid difficult terrain, swampy areas, low lands, geologically unstable areas, and expansive river
crossings as far as possible
g. Shortest route alignment
h. Easily accessible road track for construction, operation and maintenance work year-round

The selected alignment is a trade-off between these idealized criteria and the actual site conditions with
due consideration for technical and economic aspects.

2.2. Reconnaissance and Planning

After studying the available maps relevant to the proposed survey area diligently, the survey team
developed a comprehensive plan to carry out the survey activities. Recce was done to have a overall
ground condition of Alignment of Transmission line. The reccee team also finalized the locations for
Angle Points.

2.3. Monumentation

Monumentation was done by marking enamel with cross mark at the centre for precise positioning of the
total station/DGPS. A total of 6 were established covering the entire alignment of the transmission line.
The benchmarks were selected based on the proximity of their location with the APs.

2.4. Primary Control Survey using Differential Global Positioning

System (DGPS)

The control survey was performed by implementing continuous DGPS observation for at least 8 hours at
base station and at least of 1-hour observation for establishing a pair of control points near to angle point

GNSS technology has been adopted for control point establishment which works on radio signal
transmitted by navigation satellites. At least four of them are to be tracked simultaneously, but, higher the
number of satellites tracked, better will be the data recorded by the receiver. Moreover, the establishment
of base for long hours helps in fixating known position to adjust real time GPS signals to eliminate
pseudo-range errors: the errors are generated when GPS signals coming from satellites down to the
ground have to travel through layers of the earth’s atmosphere, thus, they are subjected to delays. The
errors contributing the most to the total error budget are Ionospheric Delay, Tropospheric Delay,
Multipath and the Satellite Clock Error.

The WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_45N co-ordinate system used is the UTM system with following

Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)

Spheroid :WGS 1984

Unit of Measurement : Metre
Central Meridian : 87 0 East
Latitude of Origin : 00 North
Scale factor at origin : 0.9996
False coordinates at origin : Zero metre at Equator
: 500,000 metres at 870 East
Height : MSL

Datum : D_WGS_1984

Spheroid : WGS_1984
Semimajor Axis : 6378137.0
Semi minor Axis : 6356752.314245179
Inverse Flattening : 298.257223563

During the field works, following limiting parameters were used for the observations:

• Data recording interval : 1 second

• Elevation mask : 15 degrees
• Minimum satellites number :4

Figure 2 Working Principle of DGPS


2.1.2. Instruments Used

Trimble R9s GNSS Receiver was used for establishing the control points at various locations. 3 No’s of
Trimble R9s GNSS Receiver was used for this survey, 1 was used as base station and other 2 were used
as a rover station.

Figure 3 DGPS

2.1.3. Surveying Method Static

Static GPS survey was carried out to establish the angle points and benchmarks. This procedure allows
various systematic errors to be resolved when high-accuracy positioning is required. Static procedures are
used to produce baselines between stationary GPS units by recording data over an extended period of

It uses a network of fixed, ground-based reference stations to broadcast the difference between the
positions indicated by the satellite systems and the known fixed positions. These stations broadcast the
difference between the measured satellite pseudo ranges and actual (internally computed) pseudo ranges,
and receiver stations may correct their pseudo ranges by the same amount. The digital correction signal is
typically broadcast locally over ground-based transmitters of shorter range.

For our purpose, Trimble R9s DGPS receiver was used which has the following signal configuration:

The following approaches are adopted for DGPS survey:

a. Determination of precise WGS84 coordinates of Base station at the beginning of the project with
5-8 hours of observation.
b. Checking the accuracy of processing with various online PPP (Precise Point Positioning)
processing services (CSRS Canada, AUSPOS Australia, OPUS USA and RTX Trimble).
c. Processing of the other control points with respect to base point through network adjustment.

Upon completing the static GPS survey, the daily GPS raw data files were downloaded into the project
created in DGPS and converted to RINEX format for post-processing. Post Processing

The post processing of the observed data was carried out in Trimble Business Center (TBC). TBC has a
range of tools for processing control, and uses robust calculations including least square adjustments
within the processing engine so that the network is as accurate as it can be. During post processing the
base station data was sent to the RTX-PP for online processing of base station data and all the data was
post processed using the base station data as control station.

Also, the coordinates of bench marks are shown.

Table 2 Coordinates of Benchmark

ID Easting (Meter) Northing (Meter) Elevation (Meter) Remarks
1 768960.287 3131054.785 1087.609 Base 1
2 768967.618 3131642.565 1086.56 Modi 1
3 770007.720 3131151.775 1141.038 D1
4 770018.424 3131134.579 1144.711 Modi_CP

2.5. Detail Topographical Survey

For this very project, Trimble Total Station was used to record the coordinates (X, Y and Z) of the details/
objects/ features along the 20-m RoW on both sides along the transmission line alignment.

2.5.1. Detail Topographic Survey Using Total Station

For this purpose, the total station was placed over a known survey station and the back sight was taken on
a reflector placed over another known point for orientation process which aligned the instrument in proper
position for detail surveying on the ground.
The physical and manmade features such as road, footpath, house, wall, gabion wall, temple, bridges,
culverts, drainages, electric poles, telephone poles (communication line), foot trail, river/streams,
riverbanks, etc available in the project site were taken for detail topographical survey. This survey also
collected definite land use information such as forest area, cultivation land, public land and governmental
During the detailed topographical survey, the station was set up at one of the permanent benchmarks near
angle points established during Control Survey using DGPS and the other benchmark was used for back-
sighting. This was used to initiate the works. Firstly, the co-ordinates of the angle points were recorded by
placing prism mounted on a rod on the previously monumented point. Then the required data inside right
of way of 40-meter strip (20meters at each side) of alignment was recorded.

2.6. Land Cover and Major Crossings

The major crossings along the alignment route of Substation Side are mentioned Below:

Table 3 Land cover and Major Crossing at Substation side
AP No. Land Cover Type Major Crossing
From To
Existing Tower 0+000 Forest
New Tower 1 0+097 Forest
New Tower 2 0+642 0+844 Forest
0+844 0+853 Road
0+853 0+874 River Bank
0+874 0+910 River
0+910 1+176 Forest
Special Tower 1+176

The major crossings along the alignment route of Powerhouse Side are mentioned Below:

Table 4 Land cover and Major crossing at Powerhouse side

AP No. Land Cover Type Major Crossing
From To
0+000 0+70 Cultivation
AP 2 0+70 0+150 Cultivation
0+150 0+350 River
0+350 0+484 Forest
AP 3 0+484 0+666 Forest
0+666 0+743 River
0+743 0+837 Cultivation
New Tower 0+837 0+887 Cultivation
0+887 0+894 Road
0+894 1+000 Forest
AP 4 Relocation 1+000

2.7. Deflection Angle (Substation side)

Table 5 Deflection angle at substation side

S.N. Line Deflection Angle

17 Degree 44 Minutes 45 Second
1 Existing Tower-New Tower 1-New tower 2
2 New Tower 1-New tower 2-Special Tower 21 Degree 18 Minutes (Right)

2.8. Deflection Angle (Powerhouse side)

Table 6 Deflection angle at powerhouse side

S.N. Line Deflection Angle

1 AP 1-AP 2- AP 3 41 Degree 19 Minutes (Left)
2 AP 2-AP 3- New Tower 26 Degree 42 Minutes (Right)
3 AP 3- New Tower-AP 4 Relocation 17 Degree 36 Minutes (Right)

2.9. Major Characteristics of Route

The final route alignment of the transmission line has number of important characteristics, which makes it
technically, economically and environmentally attractive. These characteristics are listed below:

 As far as possible, the alignment has kept near to existing road/foot-trails. The angle points have
been fixed close to the road/foot-trails to facilitate transport of materials during construction.
 Wherever possible, the transmission line has been aligning over barren and cultivated lands in
order to avoid major settlement areas.
 The selected alignment does not have large angles of deviation. The deviation angles at angle
point have been kept well below the permissible of 60°.

2.10. Longitudinal Plan and Profile

Civil 3D AutoCAD software was used for data analysis and generation of plan and profile. Finally, a plan
and profile of the entire alignment was prepared with all the relevant details collected at site within 40
meters’ corridor in required scale. The plan and profile drawings are generated under the following
format and scale required for tower spotting and sag calculation of each tower.

Profile Scale : Vertical : 1:1

Horizontal : 1:2000
Plan Scale : Horizontal : 1:2000
Plan & Profile drawing size : A3

The topographical mapping of transmission route was carried out in the appropriate map scale at 1:2000
scales. The contour was generated at 1m minor and 5m major contour interval. The topographical map is
shown in ANNEX.


Based on the observations made during detail survey work, it is concluded that the selected transmission
line alignment satisfies the practical requirements of high voltage transmission line routing. This study
also indicates least impact on political, physical, biological, and social environments while fulfilling the
demand of quality electrical power in the region.

It is recommended that the transmission line route selected is feasible to proceed for project development
by fulfilling statutory requirements. The information provided in this report is adequate to proceed
environmental study and preliminary design for project development. This report is adequate to determine
tower types and tower optimization.

In order to utilize optimized design considerations of the towers, the uneconomic spans can be modified
by altering some angle points which might require modifications for optimum use of tower structures and
minimization of the road and river crossings. Such minor modification may be considered during
construction period.

All the maps, plan, profiles, and photographs taken during the detailed survey are included in ANNEX.

Annex A: Plan and Profile Drawings

Annex B: Field Photographs


Annex A

Annex B


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