3D Game in Unreal Engine 4: Department of Computer Science COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus

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3D Game in Unreal Engine 4

Final Year Project

Session 2016-2020

A project submitted in partial fulfilment of the

COMSATS University Degree
BS in Computer Science / Software Engineering (CUI)

Department of Computer Science

COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus
31 July 2020
Project Detail

Type (Nature of project) [✓ ] Development [ ] Research [ ] R&D

Area of specialization Game Development

Project Group Members

Sr.# Reg. # Student Name Email ID *Signature

(i) FA16-BCS-325 Muneeb Hamza [email protected]

(ii) FA16-BCS-329 Waleed Ahmad [email protected]

M. Bilal Aslam
(iii) FA16-BCS-328 [email protected]

*The candidates confirm that the work submitted is their own and appropriate credit has
been given where reference has been made to work of others

Plagiarism Free Certificate

This is to certify that, I am Muneeb Hamza S/D/o Amjad Saeed, group leader of FYP under registration no
CIIT/FA16-BCS-325/LHR at Computer Science Department, COMSATS Institute of Information
Technology, Lahore. I declare that my FYP proposal is checked by my supervisor and the similarity index is
19% that is less than 20%, an acceptable limit by HEC. Report is attached herewith as Appendix A.

Date: 31 July 2020 Name of Group Leader: Muneeb Hamza Signature: _____________

Name of Supervisor: Zaheer Ahmed Gondal Co-Supervisor (if any): ____________________

Designation: Lecture Designation: _____________________
Signature: _____________________ Signature: _____________________

HoD: _____________________
Signature: _____________________
This project is a Third person melee combat action game which has combat emphasizing
on mix and match strategy to use both magic and sword to fight enemies. The combat is to
be challenging and tactical which will focus more in tactics and strategy than combo. Game
takes place in fantasy world with no apparent inspiration from any time period. The
Development of game will focus on using the industry standard tools and techniques to
develop an engaging, challenging and visually appealing game.

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Table of Content

Chapter 1: Introduction ……………………………………………………….…… 08

 Introduction ………………………………………………………….…… 08
 Objectives ……………………………………………………………….... 09
 Problem statement ………………………………………….…………….. 10
 Assumptions & constraints ……………………….……………………… 11
 Project scope ………………………………………….………………….. 11

Chapter 2: Requirements Analysis ………………………………………………… 12

 Existing system study …………………………………………………….. 12

 Stakeholders list (Actors) ………………………………………………… 12
 Requirements elicitation ………………………………………………….. 12
o Functional requirements ………………………………………….. 12
o Non-functional requirements ……………………………………... 14
o Requirements traceability matric …………………………………. 15
 Use case descriptions ……………………………………………………... 17
 Software development life cycle model …………………………………... 23
o Phases ……………………………………………………………... 24

Chapter 3: System Design ……………………………………………………….….. 26

 Work breakdown structure (WBS) ………………….…………..…...…… 26

 Sequence diagram ………………………………………………………… 27
 Network diagram …………………………………………………………. 28
o Data for Gantt Chart ……………………………………………… 28
o Gantt Chart ………………...………………………………...…… 29

Chapter 4: System Testing …………………………………………………………. 30

 Test cases ………………………………………………………………… 30

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Chapter 5: Conclusion ……………………………………………………………….. 33

 Problems Faced and Lessons Learned……………………………………... 33

 Project Summary ………………………….……………………………….. 33
 Future Work ………………………………………………………………. .33

References ………………………………………………………………………...….. 34

Appendices ………………………………………………………………………….... 35

 Game Design Document ………………………………………………….. 35

 Turnitin Report ……………………………………………………………. 44

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List of Tables

Table 1: Funtional Requirements (Player) .................................................................................. 11

Table 2: Funtional Requirements (AI Enemy) ............................................................................ 13
Table 3: Requirement Traceability Matrix ................................................................................. 14
Table 4: Use Case (Start New Game) …………………………………………………………… 16

Table 5: Use Case (Load Game) ………………………………………………………………… 17

Table 6: Use Case (Change Settings) …………………………………………………………… 18

Table 7: Use Case (Edit Control) …………………………………………………….………….. 19

Table 8: Use Case (Player Movement) ………………………………………………………….. 20

Table 9: Use Case (Exit Game) …………………………………………………………………. 21

Table 10: Test Case (New Game) ………………………………………………………….……. 29

Table 11: Test Case (Load Game) …………………………………………………………….… 29

Table 12: Test Case (Change Settings) ……………………………………………………….… 30

Table 13: Test Case (Edit Control) …………………………………………………….……….. 30

Table 14: Test Case (Player Movement) ………………………………………………….……. 31

Table 15: Test Case (Exit Game) ………………………………………………………….……. 31

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List of Figures

Figure 1: Iterative Model Design ............................................................................................. 23

Figure 2: Work Breakdown Structure …………………………………………………………... 25

Figure 3: Sequence Diagram ……………………………………………………………………. 26

Figure 4: Gantt Chart Data ……………………………………………………………………… 27

Figure 5: Gantt Chart ……………………………………………………………………………. 28

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Chapter 1: Introduction

1. Introduction

1.1 Game Title

1.1.1 Game Name:
The Realms (Working Title). The title represents the main areas that our game will
take us to. These are the mysterious lands that our hero must go to break the spell
binding the prince.

1.2 Game Overview

1.2.1 Game Concept:

The game is thought as a Third person melee combat action game which has combat
emphasizing on mix and match strategy to use both magic and sword to fight
enemies. The combat is to be challenging and tactical which will focus more in
tactics and strategy than combo. Game takes place in fantasy world with no
apparent inspiration from any time period.

1.2.2 Genre:
Third person action-adventure.

1.2.3 Target Audience:

The game is to be designed with dedicated gamers and non-casual gamers who
don’t run away from challenging games that can halt their progress. The game is
not initially planned to have many difficult options but only one difficulty.

1.2.4 Game Flow Summary:

The game will not have any in-depth traversal abilities and the levels are very linear
and can only be progressed by completing moment to moment combat scenarios.
Player won’t be able to skip any combat scenario.

The game will also have some calm moment that will have gameplay sections that
will focus on letting players know some background information about the
character and story through environmental story telling.

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1.2.5 Look and Feel:
The game is a fantasy game but still it will have a very grounded feeling and
combat. The game will not cross the line into high fantasy. The environments and
art will not be stylized and will rather lean towards realistic feel. Think of it as
something like in-between Lord of the Rings and God of War and The Witcher 3.

Don’t expect the game to go full on anime style or final fantasy. The game is to
have a rather serious and dark tone but not as dark as Witcher or game of thrones,
but it is to be kind of a middle ground between these. The only aspect of the game
that will remind the player that it is a fantasy game is the magic abilities and
enemies the players will face.

1.2 Objectives

The main objective of the project of the project to is to turn a promising idea into a great
feature and produce a game that is: -

 Challenging
 Engaging
 Fun to Play
 Action Oriented
 Has Tactical Combat
 Visually good looking game
 Un-confusing for the player to play and traverse.
 Feels Coherent and no part of the game takes place out of place
 Rewarding for the player

The main goal at the end of completing the project is to have good skills required in game
development and to be able to produce high quality results in unreal engine 4 and all the
other tools.

The final product that project will strive for is a full-fledged 3d game that has around 2
hours of unique content. The project will focus on making PC standard game that can
engage users to download it if it was to be released publicly.

The purpose of this project is to develop a game that has following features

 High Quality Graphics

 Fluid Animations

 Responsive Combat

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 Bug Free Experience

 Detailed Environment

 Detailed Character Models

 Challenging Gameplay

 Fluid and responsive Combat

This project also aims to implement modern real time graphical technologies and features
such as:

 Physics Base Lighting and Rendering

 Global Illumination

 Physically Based Materials

 Real Time Shadows

 Real Time Physics Simulations

 Real Time Particles

 High Quality Skin Shading for the Characters

 High Fidelity Animations

1.3 Problem Statement

Game development is a complex and very different development process as compared to
other software development processes of applications on any platform. This project will
allow us to get our foot in this complex area and develop necessary team management and
technical skills required to achieve a high-quality result that fulfils the initial vision of the
project and successfully convert ideas into gameplay features.

This project is meant to be used a prototype as full-fledged project for release on PC as

game development requires much larger team and more experience to successfully develop
a consumer level experience.

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1.4 Assumptions & Constraints
This project is not meant to be released publicly and is rather a high quality and highly
detailed prototype for a full-fledged large-scale project that can be released publicly and
be successful.

This project will require a modern PC with good graphics capability to run.

1.5 Project Scope

Motivation for this project is to develop a full-fledged 3d game that can serve as a mean to
develop skills as game developer and game designer. It will enable us to be proficient
professional in the gaming market which is one of the largest growing market and one of
the most profitable areas. The project is also meant to engage in less developed field in our
country, i.e. game development.

Scope of the project will cover all the aspects of game development from creating 3d assets
to level design, particles, physics, AI, Animation. The scope of the project is aimed at
exploring almost all mandatory aspects that go into making a game. The project will also
help to develop to skills that can be easily translated to other fields like AR, VR and making
interactive experiences.

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Chapter 2: Requirement Analysis

2.1 Existing System Study

Established game development follows a cycle which starts with pre-production that
includes concepts, prototypes and gameplay mock-ups. The result of this phase provides a
clear outline and solid ideas and foundations for gameplay. These are the systems that will
be worked through the entire development cycle.

Next the production phase start where animations, assets and all other assets start getting
produced while the programmers can develop the gameplay functionality where unfinished
or placeholder assets are increased. During this any changes required are communicated
early so the team does not waste on assets that won’t be used or will be discarded.

During the next phase assets and features are locked and polished to the highest quality

Then the game is published, and development team then focuses on post-release support
for the game.

2.2 Stake Holder’s list (Actors)

 Player
 Game Developers

2.3 Requirement Elicitation

2.3.1 Functional Requirements:
FR-1: Player

FR 1-1 Player should have clear interface for changing

audio, visual settings and other gameplay

FR 1-2 Player should have option to start a new game

or continue from last checkpoint.

FR 1-3 Player should have controls clearly

communicated to him/her.

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FR 1-4 Player should be able to control the character
with minimal input lag.

FR 1-5 Player should be able to see output of a correct

input in some way.

FR 1-6 Player should be guided as to where to go next.

FR 1-7 Player should see his Health and Stamina bar


FR 1-8 Player should be able to deal damage to AI

enemy if he successfully hits him.

FR 1-9 Player should have a clear knowledge that

game is on loading screen and not stuck on a
black screen.

FR 1-8 Player should be able to unlock new moves and


FR 1-9 Player should feel challenged.

FR 1-10 Player should be rewarded based on his

performance after every combat scenario.

FR 1-11 Player’ progress should be saved at certain

points in game.

Table 1: Functional Requirements (Player)

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FR-2: AI Enemy

FR 2-1 Enemy should be spawned at the correct time.

FR 2-2 Enemy should be properly programmed to be

controlled by AI.

FR 2-3 Enemy should be able to deal damage to player

upon successful hit.

FR 2-4 Enemy should be Destroyed Upon reaching

zero health.

FR 2-5 Enemy should be able to locate and track

player so it can always stay engaged in combat.

FR 2-6 Enemy must have its attack pattern interrupted

after being successfully hit by player.

Table 2: Functional Requirements (AI Enemy)

2.3.2 Non-Functional Requirements:

 After each combat scenario player should be awarded XP or experience points after
 How Much player got hit?
 How many times player Parried an attack?
 How much variety of abilities did Player use?
 How fast did the player complete the Fight?

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2.3.3 Requirement Traceability Matrix:

Business Requirements Functional Requirements

Document Document
Business Business Functional Functional
Requirement Requirement/Use Requirement Requirement/Use Priority
ID# Case ID# Case
Player should be have
clear interface for
FR-1-1 changing audio, visual Medium
settings and other
gameplay options.
Player should have
option to start a new
FR-1-2 High
game or continue
from last checkpoint.
Player should have
controls clearly
FR-1-3 Medium
communicated to
BR-1 Player Player should be able
to control the
FR-1-4 High
character with
minimal input lag.
Player should be able
to see output of a
FR-1-5 High
correct input in some
Player should be
FR-1-6 guided as to where to Medium
go next.
Player should see his
FR-1-7 Health and Stamina High
bar concisely.
Player should be able
FR-1-8 to unlock new moves Medium
BR-1 Player and abilities.
Player should feel
FR-1-9 High

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Player should be
rewarded based on his
FR-1-10 performance after High
every combat
Player’ progress
FR-1-11 should be saved at High
certain points in game.
Enemy should be
FR-2-1 spawned at the correct High
Enemy should be
FR-2-2 properly programmed Medium
to be controlled by AI.
Enemy should be able
to deal damage to
FR-2-3 Medium
player upon successful
Enemy should be
BR-2 AI Enemy FR-2-4 destroyed upon High
reaching zero health.
Enemy should be able
to locate and track
FR-2-5 player so it can always High
stay engaged in
Enemy must have its
attack pattern Medium
FR-2-6 interrupted after being
successfully hit by

Table 3: Requirement Traceability Matrix

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2.4 Use Case Description

Use Case ID: 01 Use Case Name: Start New Game

Priority: High

Actors: Player

Use Case Summary User will be able to Start New Game.


Normal Course of Events Alternate Path

1. User will click on the New

Game button from Main Menu.
2. User will confirm to start the
2.1 User can also start new Game
New Game. during a game.

2.2 User will have confirmed that

he/she want to start new game and lose
the existing progress.

3. On clicking Yes, the New game

will start.

Post Conditions

User will successfully start the new game.

Table 4: Use Case (Start New Game)

Table 5: Use Case (Load Game)

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Use Case ID: 02 Use Case Name: Load Game

Priority: High

Actors: Player

Use Case Summary User will be able to continue the Saved Game from
previous check point.

Pre-condition: User should be on the Main Menu screen.

Normal Course of Events Alternate Path

1. User will click on the Continue


2. User will confirm that he/she

want to continue the game from
last saved check point.

3. By clicking Yes, he/she will be

able to play saved game.

Post Conditions

User will successfully continue the saved game.

Table 6: Use Case (Change Settings)

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Use Case ID: 03 Use Case Name: Change Settings

Priority: Medium

Actors: Player

Use Case Summary User will be able to access the settings and change it.

Pre-condition: User should be on main menu screen or on pause screen.

Normal Course of Events Alternate Path

1. User will click on the settings

2. User will change the settings if 2.1 Change settings and click on Save
he/she want to. and Resume.

3. To save changes click on Save

button and then exit settings.

Post Conditions

User will successfully change the setting.

Table 7: Use Case (Edit Control)

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Use Case ID: 04 Use Case Name: Edit Controls

Priority: Medium

Actors: Player

Use Case Summary User will be able to edit the Game Controls.


Normal Course of Events Alternate Path

1. User will click on the Controls

2. User will change the Control 2.1 User can also edit the control
settings if he/she want to. during the game.
2.2 By going to pause main user can
edit the game controls.

3. To save changes click on Save

button and then exit Control
Post Conditions

User will successfully Edit the Control Settings.

Table 8: Use Case (Player Movement)

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Use Case ID: 05 Use Case Name: Player Movement

Priority: High

Actors: Player

Use Case Summary User will be able to Move the character.

Pre-condition: User should be in game play.

Normal Course of Events Alternate Path

1. User will use specified keyboard

buttons for the character’s
2. User can move the character by
pressing the specified keyboard
Post Conditions

User will successfully make the character move.

Table 9: Use Case (Exit Game)

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Use Case ID: 06 Use Case Name: Exit Game

Priority: Medium

Actors: Player

Use Case Summary User will be able to exit the game.

Pre-condition: User should be on main menu screen or in game.

Normal Course of Events Alternate Path

1. If user is on main menu screen, 1.1 If user is on game screen, then by

then click on exit button or by pressing ESC button user can save and
pressing ESC button user can exit exit the game.
the game.
2. Then select from YES or NO to 2.1 By clicking on SAVE AND EXIT
exit the game or not. user will exit the game.

3. By clicking on YES button, the

game will be exited.

Post Conditions

User will successfully exit the game.

2.5 System Development Life Cycle

Software development life cycle models are used in improving software quality and
architecture etc. SDLC provides a terrific structure to developers or development team. It
includes detail plan which describe the all steps while developing and maintaining any
software. Agile, Waterfall, V-Shaped, Iterative, Spiral these are the model exist and many
organizations use these software development life cycle methodologies with the aim to

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improve the complete development process from conception through implementation to
We will use Iterative Model for this project. As this model will allow us to come back to
earlier stage and add more complex features. We will apply this model as we will be using
different versions of assets throughout the developments and come back with better assets
and features that will improve the game.

The reasons for choosing this SDLC model are:

 Inherent Versioning: With this model it’s easier to implement the update that are
done in the previous iterations. Also, we can easily rollback any iteration with
minimal losses.

 Rapid Turnaround: This model will effectively reduce the time frames. Every
new iteration will be faster.

 Agile Organization: With the help of iterative model it is easier to work small and
agile teams.

 Easy Adaptability: Working with iterative model it is quite easy to adapt the
frequently changing iterations and the changing needs of the project.

Figure 1: Iterative Model Design

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2.5.1 Phases:
Iterative model consists of five phases:

1. Planning and Requirements

2. Analysis and Design
3. Implementation
4. Testing
5. Evaluation

 Planning & Requirements:

In the planning phase, the first step is going through an initial planning stage to map
out the game specification documents, establish game building software or
hardware requirements, and generally prepare for the upcoming stages of the game
while moving with the follow of the cycle.

 Analysis & Design:

Once planning is complete, an analysis is performed to nail down the appropriate
game plan, game levels, and the game designs that will be required at this stage in
the project. The design stage also occurs here, establishing any technical
requirements (modules, data layers, services, etc) that will be utilized in order to
meet the needs of the analysis stage.

 Implementation:
With the arranging and investigation off the beaten path, the real usage and building
procedure would now be able to start. All arranging, determination, and structure
docs yet are incorporate and actualized with this underlying emphasis of the

 Testing:
When this present form cycle of the game has been coded and executed, the
subsequent stage is to experience a progression of testing methods to recognize and
find any potential bugs or issues through all the level and phases of the game that
have sprung up.

 Evaluation:
When every single earlier stage has been finished, it is the ideal opportunity for a
careful assessment of improvement up to this stage. This permits the whole group,
just as customers or other outside gatherings, to analyse where the game is at, where
it should be, what can or should change, etc.

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This is the finished iterative model of the game, whereby the most as of late assembled
emphasis of the undertaking, just as all input from the assessment procedure, is taken back
to the arranging; advancement organize at the highest priority on the rundown, and the
procedure rehashes itself everywhere.

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Chapter 3: System Design

3.1 Work Breakdown Structure

Figure 2: Work Breakdown Structure

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3.2 Sequence Diagram

Figure 3: Sequence Diagram

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3.3 Network Diagram
3.3.1 Data Picture of Gantt Chart:

Table 10: Gantt Chart Data

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3.3.2 Gantt Chart:

Figure 4: Gantt Chart

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Chapter 4: System Testing

4.1 Test Cases

4.1.1 New Game:

Test Test Test Case Pre- Test Steps Test Data Expected Results
Case Case Condition
TC-01 New To start new User 1. User will start the Select New User will start
Game game. should be game. Game New Game.
on main option.
menu 2. User will select the
screen. New Game option
from the main menu.

3. New game will start.

Table 11: Test Case (New Game)

4.1.2 Load Game:

Test Test Test Case Pre- Test Steps Test Data Expected Results
Case Case Condition
TC-02 Load To load User 1. User will Load Game. Select User will load
Game saved game. should be Load Game saved game.
on main 1. User will select the option.
menu Load Game option
screen. from the main menu.

2. New game will start.

Table 12: Test Case (Load Game)

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4.1.3 Change Setting:

Test Test Test Case Pre- Test Steps Test Data Expected Results
Case Case Condition
TC-03 Change To change the User 1. User will select Select User will able to
Settings game settings. should be Setting option from Setting change game
on main main menu. option. settings.
menu or in
game play. 2. User will Press Esc
button if in game
play and select
Setting option from
pause menu.

3. User will enter

Setting menu.

Table 13: Test Case (Change Setting)

4.1.4 Edit Control:

Test Test Test Case Pre- Test Steps Test Data Expected Results
Case Case Condition
TC-04 Edit To change the User 1. User will select Select User will able to
control. game control should be Control option from Control change game
settings. on main main menu. option. control settings.
menu or in
game play. 2. User will Press Esc
button if in game
play and select
Control option from
pause menu.

3. User will enter

Control menu.

Table 14: Test Case (Edit Control)

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4.1.5 Player Movement:

Test Test Case Test Case Pre- Test Steps Test Data Expected Results
Case Condition
TC-05 Player To test the User 1. User will press Press User will able to
Movement player’s should be specified keyboard keyboard move the player
movement in in game buttons for player’s buttons while in game
the game. play. movement on the while in play.
screen. game play.

2. Also press other

random buttons to
test player’s

3. Player will only

move when
specified buttons are

Table 15: Test Case (Player Movement)

4.1.6 Exit Game:

Test Test Case Test Case Pre- Test Steps Test Data Expected Results
Case Condition
TC-06 Exit To exit the User 1. User will click on Click on User will able to
Game game. should be Exit option from Exit exit the game.
on main main menu. Button.
menu or in
game play. 2. User will Press Esc
button if in game
play and click on
Save and Exit from
pause menu.

3. User will exit the

game by confirming
YES/NO before

Table 16: Test Case (Exit Game)

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Chapter 5: Conclusion

5.1 Problem Faced and Lessons Learned

1. Working on a platform like Unreal Engine 4, taught us a lot of new skills and
we came to about many new technologies.
2. While working on UE4 we learned about Blueprint Visual Scripting.
3. We learned that while doing any kind of project, planning and work according
to schedule is the key. Do not push the deadlines otherwise it will cost you.
4. Building the AI enemy was a difficult task to handle.
5. Animation Cancelling is a feature that we added in game and it was tough
feature to build.

5.2 Project Summary

In this documentation we have explained about our project with details and
diagrams. Every step was a challenging one than the previous, but it cleared our
ambiguities. Despite of the fact that there are already many games in the market,
but we have focused on quality of the game. Our game will provide high quality
modelling, character’s build quality and 3d Environments.

5.3 Future work

1. The game will be vastly expanded upon in the future with much larger and
scope to fully realize the vision for the narrative, gameplay and game design.
2. The game will expand to feature all three realms as in the narrative with the
game expanding the already developed levels by a big margin.
3. Expanded skill set and gameplay options for the player.
4. Total content of about Twelve to Fifteen hours.
5. After FYP, we will upgrade this game to multiplayer.
6. Further Next-Gen features will be added in future mainly ray-tracing and
whatever new features next-gen will bring including the ability to handle much
larger poly-count.

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 Iterative Model:

 Sequence Diagram:

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Game Design Document

1. Title
1.1 Game Name:
The Realms (Working Title). The title represents the main areas that our game will
take us to. These are the mysterious lands that our hero must go to break the spell
binding the prince.

2. Game Overview

2.1 Game Concept:

The game is thought as a Third person melee combat action game which has combat
emphasizing on mix and match strategy to use both magic and sword to fight
enemies. The combat is to be challenging and tactical which will focus more in
tactics and strategy than combo. Game takes place in fantasy world with no
apparent inspiration from any time period.

2.2 Genre:
Third person action-adventure.

2.3 Target Audience:

The game is to be designed with dedicated gamers and non-casual gamers who
don’t run away from challenging games that can halt their progress. The game is
not initially planned to have many difficult options but only one difficulty.

2.4 Game Flow Summary:

The game will not have any in-depth traversal abilities and the levels are very linear
and can only be progressed by completing moment to moment combat scenarios.
Player won’t be able to skip any combat scenario.

The game will also have some calm moment that will have gameplay sections that
will focus on letting players know some background information about the
character and story through environmental story telling.

2.5 Look and Feel:

The game is a fantasy game but still it will have a very grounded feeling and
combat. The game will not cross the line into high fantasy. The environments and

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art will not be stylized and will rather lean towards realistic feel. Think of it as
something like in-between Lord of the Rings and God of War and The Witcher 3.

Don’t expect the game to go full on anime style or final fantasy. The game is to
have a rather serious and dark tone but not as dark as Witcher or game of thrones,
but it is to be kind of a middle ground between these. The only aspect of the game
that will remind the player that it is a fantasy game is the magic abilities and
enemies the players will face.

3. Gameplay and Mechanics

3.1 Gameplay
3.1.1 Game Progression:
The game will progress in a linear manner and player will be awarded skill points
as he/she progresses. The better the player performs, the faster he will earn skill
points. However, there is base for how much the player will earn at-least so at-least
he has some abilities unlocked. These abilities will also be considered while
designing enemies so having more abilities and utilizing them will give the player
the edge in battles.

3.1.2 Mission/Challenge Structure:

Player will be challenge completely through combat as the player will need to
carefully manage his weak and strong parry stamina and make sure that he does not
overuses one parry as the player will have to carefully parry after reading the attack
of the enemy as using strong parry will result in player losing stamina fast and will
not be able to parry the next attacks correctly. Combat will be completely described
in its own section.

As already described the mission structure will be linear and will be mostly locked
behind combat scenarios.

3.1.3 Objectives – What are the objectives of the game:

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The game aims to throw players in the midst of an emotional and fantastical journey
that will let them have an insight into the main protagonists emotional burdens and
what it means to balance the responsibilities in life and when you lean towards only
one thing in life how it can cost you.

The gameplay wants the player to be careful while being aggressive as not being
aggressive will cost the players by running out of parry stamina and will be forced
to dodge as he/she waits for the enemy to stop barraging attacks.

3.2 Game Mechanics

3.2.1 Actions:
The player will be able to perform the following Actions

 Move Left
 Move Right
 Move Forward
 Move Backward
 Sprint
 Control the camera
 Lock on To Enemy
 Attack
 Dodge
 Magic Attack
 Weak Parry
 Strong Parry
 Ultimate Attack

Player won’t be able to jump in the game and will only be able to jump over
obstacles while traversing. Moreover, when the player will lock onto enemy the
movement of player will switch to strafing which will allow the player to keep the
enemy always in sight no matter the movement.

3.2.2 Combat:

The game will feature melee combat with focus on mixing and matching sword and
magic attacks while using weak and strong parry to parry attacks or alternatively
use dodge to avoid attacks. There is no blocking in the game.

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The player will have two parry meters one for weak parry and one for strong parry.
Dodging will not have any stamina or any kind of meter that player will have to
wait for to refill.

Player will be rewarded more generously for parrying as the player will get greater
window to counterattack as opposed to dodging. There will also be unblock able attacks
that player can only dodge.

As for the enemies, the enemies will have gradually increasing difficulty level as
the game progresses and will have more complex attack patterns as the game

The enemies will have some or all following actions during combat depending on
the enemy type:

 Basic Attack
 Magic Attack
 Heavy Attack
 Unlockable Attack
 Parrying
 Dodging
 All these mechanics are subject to change or removal or being simplified
after play testing.

3.3 Replaying and Saving:

Game will have auto save after every combat scenario or at some certain points
there will be no manual saving option in the game. New game plus is planned that
will allow the player to play the game at a higher difficulty level with all of combat
upgrades right from the beginning.

Player will be able to reload last checkpoint and will be able to start a new campaign
from the main menu while saving their old campaign in a different slot so they can
play whichever campaign they like.

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4. Story, Setting and Character

4.1 Story and Narrative

The story takes place in a fictional kingdom where an ignorant king sparks hate of
the public who are suffering from poverty but king has luxurious priorities and is
having a grand party for his son where an angry and mysterious man casts a
powerful spell on the prince and now our protagonist will journey to mysterious
lands where he must break 3 seals to break the spell.

The game will not have cut-scenes as they are simply out of scope of project for
now and will have story told through subtitled dialogues and environmental story

4.2 Game World

4.2.1 Game Look and Feel:

 General look and feel of world have a medieval feeling but not inspired by
any era. Most of the areas in the game will have a dark and desolate feel as
the game takes place in a mysterious place called the realms.

 Areas, including the general description and physical characteristics as well

as how it relates to the rest of the world (what levels use it, how it connects to
other areas). The game had originally planned three realms but for now we
will only focus on one area to ensure the best quality. Following are the areas
to be featured in the game:

o Throne room which will be the starting area, and this is where the first
boss fight will occur. It is a luxurious looking huge hall with two
thrones one for king and one for prince. The throne room has large
windows on sides and two large Sigel hung behind the throne. The
room is fully marbles and shiny with glorious chandelier hanging from
the roof. The player should get the feeling that this throne room only
belongs in a very rich king’ castle.

o After the throne room sequence the camera will cut and players will
start from a graveyard in a place which looks like the kingdom from
the future but is mostly destroyed and old like no one has been alive
at the place for decades. Player will fight dead common people from
here and go through the city streets that has small but destroyed houses
as the whole kingdom.

o Then the player will reach the main gate of the palace that is the same
palace as in the real world but is desolate and destroyed and devoid of
all its glory and looks like it has been like this for decades.

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o The next area is the whole palace that the player will explore and fight
and make their way fighting to the throne room again. But this palace
is the palace from the future which is huge but is very old and dark
and devoid of life.

4.2.2 Characters:

The Game will feature the following characters:

 The main protagonist of the game who is in his early 20s and is part of the
royal guard and is very close to king and prince and loves them like his own
family. He is born with powerful magical abilities. The Protagonist is tall
and muscular and wears a sleeveless light armour and uses a light sword
that can be used with one hand while he can cast magic spells with other
hand. The protagonist has been trained since boyhood to be able to use magic and
swordsmanship in combat efficiently for getting recruited into royal guard who are
the closest security of king and his family. He has a troubled past and thinks that
he accidently killed his parents as a kid because he has always heard rumours that
have followed him for all his life. He knows he has these powers but thinks king
is just selfishly using these protect his own family and if he accidently killed his
parents then He has no way of knowing that he won’t do it again and is also scared
of his powers and is emotionally conflicted.

 The mysterious man. He is a middle-aged man who casts a spell on prince

and is the first boss of the game. He wears a hooded dress and has metal
cane and is a bit taller than the Protagonists.

 Dead Peasants. The Dead spirits of people who died because of the ongoing
famine and were angry with their king for not helping his people. They are
common looking people armed with knives or pitch forks or maybe only

 Dead Royal Guards. Highly skilled guards of palace that also died in the
ongoing famine. They are armoured with heavy weapons and are highly

 Final Boss. The final boss is an unknown man who was also a highly skilled
swordsman. He is almost in his 30s and is the toughest enemy in all of game.
He is also heavily armoured wearing the insignia of royal guard.

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5. Levels
5.1 Game Levels:

Each level should include a synopsis, the required introductory material (and
how it is provided), the objectives, and the details of what happens in the level.
Depending on the game, this may include the physical description of the map,
the critical path that the player needs to take, and what encounters are important
or incidental.

 The starting level of the game is throne room where a mysterious man
appears and casts a spell on prince. This level is basically meant as a stage
for the boss fight that the game starts with. This level is meant to be
representative of what the situation of kingdom and this is a rich kingdom
of an extravagant king. This room is spacious enough, so the player has
enough room during boss fight especially considering that it’s the first boss
fight of game.
 Next level is basically a huge area that consists of multiple sections starting
from a graveyard which is in the city and then includes a little section of
residential homes which leads to the palace. Rest of the level is the interior
of palace which is in a bad situation is basically a ruin. This level will lead
the player back to throne room eventually and where a second boss fight
will take place which will serve as the closure for game and is one way the
end of episode 1 of story. The level will start with less tactical but still
aggressive enemies and the player will eventually face more tactical
enemies as they get closer to the palace and starting with palace entrance
enemies will change drastically. The whole palace will not be explore-able
but some major parts of it.

5.2 Training Level:

The game will have a training level which player can always access from the
menu and will be recommended to complete so that player can learn the basics of
combat because the game will put the player in combat from the start.

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6. Interface

6.1 Visual System

 HUD:
The HUD will have Health Bar, Magic Bar, Left, Right Parry Stamina
bar displayed. HUD will be visible only during combat.

 Camera:
Camera in-game will be third person over the shoulder camera controlled
by player. Camera can be locked on to enemy during combat.

6.2 Control System

Player will control the game using keyboard and mouse. Game will have no
support for controllers.

6.3 Audio, Music and Sound Effects

The game will use unreal’ audio technologies to implement 3d audio. The sound
effects used in the game will be from unreal marketplace.

7. Artificial Intelligence
Opponent and Enemy AI:
The dynamic adversary that plays against the game player and in this manner
requires vital basic leadership the foe AI will be fairly not mind boggling.
Computer based intelligence will consistently follow the player and will continue
assaulting or avoiding or dodging the assaults as indicated by foe and will be
adjusted in the wake of playtesting, so it feels forceful and testing without being

The AI will likewise speak with other adversary AIs, so the AI doesn't assault in
an out of line way where player is left overpowered in unreasonably way.

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8. Technical

8.1 Target Hardware:

The game will target PC platform.

8.2 Development Hardware and Software, Including Game

Engine Software:
The game will be powered by unreal engine 4. For modelling blender will be used and
MAYA will be used for animations. Z-Brush will be used for creating characters.
Substance tools will be used for texturing assets.

8.3 Hardware:
The game will be developed using a PC with the following hardware. The same
hardware will be used for testing and will work as reference for performance
testing and optimization. Optimization will target 60 FPS on HD resolution.

 Processor: AMD Ryzen R5 1400 3.2 GHz (4 Cores,8 Threads)

 GPU: AMD Radeon R9 270X 2GB OC Edition
 RAM: 8GB DDR4 2666 MHz

9. Game Art – Key Assets, How They are Being Developed.

Intended Style

The Assets will have a mostly realistic style and will not be highly stylized or
cartoony. Assets will not be targeted for achieving a photorealistic quality either.

For environment props and architectural props, blender is being used while Z-Brush
will be used for organic modelling like characters. Texturing will be done using
substance tools.

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