Mgn231 Report Community Development Project

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MGN231 report - community development project

Community development (Lovely Professional University)

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MGN:231 Community Development

Title of the Project:
Cleaning the local area

Submitted by

Registration Number

In partial fulfillment for the requirements of the award of the

degree of “B.Tech (Hons.) CSE”

“School of Computer Science and Engineering”

Lovely Professional University

Phagwara, Punjab.

Downloaded by Harsha Reddy ([email protected])



As observed that even the educated people throw garbage and litter in
their surrounding without understanding the harms of unhygenic
conditions. The project is done to create consciousness among people
that cleaning is next to patriotism.
The main action taken are cleaning the parks, roads of my locality. I had
taken shows with people walking on the road and I am aware my
neighbor, friends and family kept the city and locality clean. I also
explain them the importance of cleaning the surrounding and personal
The Location of this project is xxxxxxx , punjab and nearby areas of my
locality like parks.
I support this cause for better environment and always participate in
the activities related to cleaning in our location.
We are taught from our childhood that the cleaning is next to
patriotism ,Even this the key mantra of swachh bharat abhiyan. And it
not only bring prosperity in our lives but also keeps us aware from all
kinds of diseases.
A small step from an individual can contribute a lot to make our
environment clean. I believe that small steps and initiatives taken by us
will dramatically change the life style to standard ones.
During my project I suggested my neighbor, family and friends to avoid
use of plastic and polythene bags .so that amount of garbage will be
reduced .Instead I recommend them to use jute bags which are
biodegradable and eco-friendly

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Problem identification

Firstly, I found that rats, pigeons and flies all generate off a garbage,
When you let your parks, roads and surrounding dirty. The plastic
container may can store little rain water and generates the diseases
causing mosquitoes which ultimately harm to the local residents.
secondly, left packets of eatables may spread rotten smell which is
harmful to the street walkers especially if a beautiful park now smell’s
like a rotten garbage. Furthermore, permanent residents face problems
when they want to sell property because no one want to buy property
in the place near to garbage land. Somehow it means that municipal
corporation is not active in that region or not doing work properly
hence, problem is faced by local people and they throw garbage in
streets and parks which is not the right solution.

Objective to be achieved

I wanted to achieve the goal that local parks must be cleaned for the
welfare of society.
The key purpose of my project is to clean the park and spread the
awareness among people local to the parks, park walkers and the
children whosoever come across me. This can be done by wearing globs

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and a jute polythene bag (not using plastic bags because they are non-
biodegradable substances) and putting plastic garbage into the jute
bag ,this is the simple procedure to complete my project and
whosoever interact with me ,I will enlighten them about my works and
motivate them to do so with me. I will try that they too understand
their responsibility towards the society and ultimately for the nation
and then whatever response got from them if it is good then praise
worthy else where I will satisfy and move to my work.

Various steps taken to achieve the


Firstly, it is ensure that their must be proper arrangement of dustbins of

different colors in the park so that properly the garbage can be disposed
and it is found that the park has good number of dustbins i.e. proper
disposal system Hence next step of cleaning can be started for garbage
Before collecting the plastic garbage globs must be wear for hygiene
and a jute bag is carried to collect the plastic garbage. This is important
to ensure to save ourselves from insects and garbage pollutants.
Now I started the cleaning project. I firstly walk through to the park and
analyze where most of the waste in the park is located and then clean
realize which area require more efforts and started cleaning the park
providing service to the park. Basically I found mostly wrapper of ice-
cream and plastic bottles and snacks packet of chips and chips and I
collected all the waste plastic material and put it in a jute bag at last I
put the garbage into the red dustbin to ensure its proper disposal (red is
generally used for wet plastic waste material)

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I found that these plastic substances collected on the sewage opening

and thus cause sewage blockage which further leads to water retention
on ground during rain as rainy water wash these garbage to the sewage
opening and at last these get stuck into the opening and cause water
retention on ground. Hence, it causes problem to children and park
walkers so cleaning the park with wrappers of chips packet and ice-
cream is to help full to the local men who regularly come to the park.
In my cleaning process I contacted the owner of the park and told about
placing the sign boards like “please do not throw garbage in the park” it
can be helpful for future purpose to make the park clean. Further I
contacted to a old man ,a park walker who regularly came to the park
for peace He told me that at evening time many children came in the
park for playing he buy some eatables like chips ice-cream and at last
throw the wrappers in the park .He try to scold children for this un
reasonable action. however, some listen and realize his/her mistake
while other ignore him as a old man. I praise that uncle for his work I
have to If I did not then who will do so. I encourage the old man for his
work and motivated him.
There is little rotten smell in the park perhaps because in the wrapper
some eatables are left which after decomposing create rotten smell
.Hence taking off all wrappers of plastic substances help to clear off
such smell and let the natural smell of soil and rain to spread in the
Perhaps the most useful thing which can be done in cleaning the park is
proper disposal of plastic waste and thus providing ample recycling and
trash dustbins throughout the park. there are three different colour of
bins in the park green is for green waste which can be decomposed by
the nature easily in one month like paper and jute bag. Blue is used for
harmful trash like glass and last one red is used for not decomposable
waste like plastic wrappers and putting all the trash of plastic in the bin

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of red, It makes me ensure that it will be going to recycling of trash by

municipal corporation companion and thus solving the issue of
The last which can only be taken by the local men of near by parks is
that they have to report problem in municipal corporation of not taking
trash by their workers. I have observed that no cleaner come to take off
the trash from the dustbins. It is only the fault of municipal corporation.
I encourage local men to do something i this case since I cannot put
report of other region in which i am not living and thus i encourage
people to solve this issue.

These are all the steps that we took in order to solve the problems.

Effectiveness of the project

The result of my project I found is tremendously good. The waste

material like plastic polythene ,chips packets ice-cream packets all our
cleared from the park this leads to good environment in the park .The
park walkers seems to be very happy and this praise worthy for me . In
cleaning the park first of all it benefits to street cows and dogs which try
to eat things contaminated with this plastic substances. Furthermore,
the rotten smell caused by the left eatables is reduced and thus makes
park smell naturally like of natural smell of soil .The last thing is that in
rainy season park is filled with water because of blockage of sewage, In
rain this garbage washed with water and get collected at sewage
opening and hence causing blockage but due to cleaning of the park
and removal of most plastic substances no such problem is arisen.

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It is beneficial to the children whosoever was playing in the park and

may be it became inspiration for them to not throw garbage in the park.


There are many such policies like the ‘Pradhaan Mantri AawasYojna’, the
‘Jan DhanYojna’, the ‘Sukanya SmriddhiYojna’ which are there for the
benefit of everyone but unfortunately there are not enough means to
convey the complete information about these programs to people
residing in the rural areas. Even if they hear about such programs, they
won’t know the procedures and the requirements to enrol or to even
find if they are eligible for the programs. This situation really puts them
at a position of inevitable loss.
With the new policies and governance, India is steadily moving forward
on the path of modernisation and development but there’s still an un-
ignorable fraction of people still living in the remote locations where it
is still hard for the administrative bodies to reach and ignorant to the
existence of the various policies and programs carried out by the

So, it is at times like these when the responsibility falls on the local
organisations like the panchayats and the NGOs to bring the people
living at such places up to the speed with the new policies by the
government so that they can get the benefits which they are currently
missing out on. Apart from the information related help, the local
organisations must also provide material help to the financially
incapable people through donations and such.

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It is exactly as our honourable Prime Minister says, “Sabkesaath,

sabkavikaas!”. Which can be interpreted as, ‘true development can only
happen when everyone is involved in the upliftment of everyone’. It’s
the harmony between everyone that will bring about the paradigm shift
in the situation of living of everyone and eventually the image and the
position of the country.

Downloaded by Harsha Reddy ([email protected])

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