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1 Main Report Vol. I

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(Ministry of Road Transport & Highways)

Project :Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and
Feeder Routes to Improve the efficiency of freight
movement in India Under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Package
3/Lot-4): Bhopal – Raisen – Vidisha - Sagar


Priority I
SAGAR LINK ROAD (FROM Ch. 134+736.795 to 163+253.471)

Submitted by:

STUP Consultants Pvt. Ltd.

Ishram Signature, Plot No.5,
Pocket, B-10 , Sector-13,
Dwarka , New Delhi – 110058
Tel: 011-45616200/300
Fax: 011-25507017, 25556081
Report : Final Detailed Project Report
Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report

STUP Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Ishram Signature,Plot No.: 5, Pocket B-10,Sector-13,

Dwarka. New Delhi – 110078
E-mail :[email protected]



PROJECT: Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for development of Economic

Corridors and Feeder Routes to improve the efficiency of freight movement in India
under Bharatmala Pariyojona Lot :4 , Package – 3 in the state of Gujarat and
Madhya Pradesh - Bhopal Raisen Vidisha Sagar (Priority I)



Main Report (Volume 1)


No. Details Initials Signature Initials Signature Initials Signature

Sept. 2021 R0 P.S.B A.C S.C

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
Routes to Improve the efficiency of freight movement in India
Under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Package 3/Lot-4): Bhopal –Raisen- Vidisha - Sagar (Priority-1) Page 1
Report : Final Detailed Project Report
Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report

Chapter 0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ....................................................................................................................... 13
0.1 GENERAL ......................................................................................................................................... 13
0.2 PROJECT HIGHWAY ......................................................................................................................... 15
0.3 EXISTING CARRIAGEWAY AND PAVEMENT ..................................................................................... 15
0.4 EXISTING ROW ................................................................................................................................ 15
0.5 EXISTING ALIGNMENT ..................................................................................................................... 15
0.6 SETTLEMENT ................................................................................................................................... 15
0.7 MAJOR AND MINOR INTERSECTION ............................................................................................... 15
0.8 EXISTING MAJOR AND MINOR BRIDGES AND CULVERTS ............................................................... 15
0.9 UNDERPASSES / OVERPASSES ......................................................................................................... 15
0.10 RAILWAY CROSSINGS ...................................................................................................................... 15
0.11 TRAFFIC SURVEY .............................................................................................................................. 15
0.12 CLASSIFIED TRAFFIC VOLUME COUNT (CVC)................................................................................... 16
0.13 AXLE LOAD SURVEY ......................................................................................................................... 17
0.14 GROWTH RATE ................................................................................................................................ 17
0.15 CAPACITY ANALYSIS ........................................................................................................................ 17
0.16 IMPROVEMENT PROPOSAL ............................................................................................................. 18
0.17 BRIDGES........................................................................................................................................... 19
0.18 SOCIAL ASSESSMENTS ..................................................................................................................... 21
0.19 ENVIRONMENTAL SCREENING AND PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT .................................................. 23
0.20 ESTIMATED COST OF THE PROJECT:................................................................................................ 24
Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................. 25
1.1 BACKGROUND: ................................................................................................................................ 25
1.2 OBJECTIVES OF THE CONSULTANCY SERVICES................................................................................ 26
1.3 SCOPE OF WORK ............................................................................................................................. 26

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
Routes to Improve the efficiency of freight movement in India
Under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Package 3/Lot-4): Bhopal –Raisen- Vidisha - Sagar (Priority-1) Page 2
Report : Final Detailed Project Report
Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report

1.4 STAGES OF SUBMISSION ................................................................................................................. 27

1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN (QAP) .................................................................................................. 28
1.6 PACKAGING ..................................................................................................................................... 28
MECHANISM ....................................................................................................................................................... 31
2.1 ESTABLISHMENT.............................................................................................................................. 31
2.2 ORGANIZATION ............................................................................................................................... 31
2.3 FUNCTIONS...................................................................................................................................... 32
2.4 MANDATE ........................................................................................................................................ 32
2.5 FINANCING MECHANISMS .............................................................................................................. 34
2.6 COST RECOVERY MECHANISM ........................................................................................................ 36
TECHNICAL/ENGINEERING ALTERNATIVES ......................................................................................................... 38
3.1 PROJECT DISCRIPTION ..................................................................................................................... 38
3.2 SAGAR DISTRICT .............................................................................................................................. 45
3.3 PACKAGES DETAILS ......................................................................................................................... 46
3.4 ENVIRONMENT STUDIES ................................................................................................................. 53
3.5 SOCIAL ASSESSMENTS ..................................................................................................................... 54
3.6 NEED FOR PROPOSED GREEN FIELD/VIRGIN ALIGNMENT .............................................................. 55
3.7 OPTIONS STUDY .............................................................................................................................. 56
Chapter 4 METHODOLOGY ADOPTED ................................................................................................................. 59
4.1 GENERAL ......................................................................................................................................... 59
4.2 INVENTORY AND CONDITION SURVEY OF ROAD ANDPAVEMENT ................................................. 60
4.3 TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY ............................................................................................................... 65
4.4 BRIEF INTRODUCTION OF MOBILE LIDAR TECHNOLOGY: ............................................................... 68
4.5 TRAFFIC SURVEYS ............................................................................................................................ 70

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
Routes to Improve the efficiency of freight movement in India
Under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Package 3/Lot-4): Bhopal –Raisen- Vidisha - Sagar (Priority-1) Page 3
Report : Final Detailed Project Report
Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report

4.6 INVENTORY AND CONDITION SURVEY OF CULVERTS AND BRIDGES .............................................. 71

4.7 HYDROLOGICAL AND HYDRAULIC STUDY........................................................................................ 72
Chapter 5 SOCIO-ECONOMIC PROFILE OF THE PROJECT ROAD.......................................................................... 73
5.1 THE PROJECT ROAD ......................................................................................................................... 73
5.2 SOCIO-ECONOMIC PROFILE OF THE STATE AND DISTRICTS............................................................ 73
5.3 BHOPAL ........................................................................................................................................... 77
5.4 RAISEN ............................................................................................................................................. 79
5.5 VIDISHA ........................................................................................................................................... 81
5.6 SAGAR ............................................................................................................................................. 83
Chapter 6 INDICATIVE DESIGN STANDARDS, METHODOLOGIES AND SPECIFICATION....................................... 86
6.1 GENERAL ......................................................................................................................................... 86
6.2 HIGHWAY GEOMETRIC DESIGN STANDARDS .................................................................................. 86
6.3 HORIZONTAL ALIGNMENT .............................................................................................................. 88
6.4 VERTICAL ALIGNMENT .................................................................................................................... 94
6.5 LATERAL AND VERTICAL CLEARANCES AT UNDERPASSES............................................................... 96
6.6 CROSS SECTIONAL ELEMENTS ......................................................................................................... 97
6.7 PAVEMENT DESIGN CRITERIA / STANDARDS ................................................................................ 107
6.8 ENGINEERING SURVEY AND INVESTIGATION................................................................................ 111
6.9 PRINCIPLES OF FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT DESIGN ............................................................................... 116
6.10 EMBANKMENT .............................................................................................................................. 121
6.11 CAPACITY STANDARDS .................................................................................................................. 121
6.12 STANDARDS FOR INTERSECTIONS AND GRADE SEPARATORS ...................................................... 122
6.13 TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES / ROAD SAFETY DEVICES / ROAD FURNITURE.................................. 124
6.14 PROJECT FACILITIES ....................................................................................................................... 125
6.15 SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................................................................ 127
6.16 STANDARDS AND METHODOLOGY FOR DESIGN OF STRUCTURES ............................................... 127

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
Routes to Improve the efficiency of freight movement in India
Under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Package 3/Lot-4): Bhopal –Raisen- Vidisha - Sagar (Priority-1) Page 4
Report : Final Detailed Project Report
Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report

6.17 TYPE OF BRIDGES .......................................................................................................................... 129

6.18 TYPE OF CULVERTS ........................................................................................................................ 132
6.19 RETAINING WALLS......................................................................................................................... 133
6.20 HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC STUDIES....................................................................................... 134
6.21 CROSS –SECTIONS AND LONGITUDINAL SECTIONS ...................................................................... 135
6.23 DESIGN METHODOLOGY AND DESIGN STANDARD FOR STRUCTURES ......................................... 137
6.24 LOAD COMBINATIONS .................................................................................................................. 140
Chapter 7 TRAFFIC STUDIES REPORT ................................................................................................................ 150
7.1 GENERAL ....................................................................................................................................... 150
7.2 SCOPE OF WORK ........................................................................................................................... 150
7.3 DELIVERABLES ............................................................................................................................... 150
7.4 RECONNAISSANCE ......................................................................................................................... 150
7.5 SECONDARY DATA COLLECTION ................................................................................................... 151
7.6 PRIMARY SURVEYS ........................................................................................................................ 151
7.7 TRAFFIC VOLUME COUNT AT MID BLOCK LOCATION .................................................................. 154
7.8 TRIP CHARACTERISTICS ................................................................................................................. 171
7.9 TRAVEL CHARACTERISTICS OF PASSENGER VEHICLES .................................................................. 180
7.10 TRAVEL CHARACTERISTICS OF GOODS VEHICLES.......................................................................... 183
7.11 AXLE LOAD DATA ANALYSIS .......................................................................................................... 186
7.12 TRAFFIC FORECAST ........................................................................................................................ 189
7.13 METHODOLOGY FOR TRAFFIC GROWTH RATE ESTIMATION ........................................................ 189
7.14 ECONOMIC DATA ANALYSIS .......................................................................................................... 190
7.15 REGISTERED VEHICLES................................................................................................................... 191
7.16 ELASTICITY OF TRANSPORT DEMAND ........................................................................................... 191
7.17 ESTIMATE OF ELASTICITY .............................................................................................................. 192

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
Routes to Improve the efficiency of freight movement in India
Under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Package 3/Lot-4): Bhopal –Raisen- Vidisha - Sagar (Priority-1) Page 5
Report : Final Detailed Project Report
Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report

7.18 LONG VIEW OF GLOBAL ECONOMIES BY 2050 ............................................................................. 193

7.19 PERSPECTIVE GROWTH: STATE’S AND NATIONAL ECONOMY ...................................................... 194
7.20 FUTURE TRAFFIC GROWTH RATES AND SENSTIVITY ANALYSIS .................................................... 195
7.21 SHARE OF TRIPS WITHIN INFLUENCING STATES AND ENTIRE COUNTRY...................................... 196
7.22 GROWTH OF NON-MOTORISED VEHICLES .................................................................................... 196
7.23 WEIGHTAGE GROWTH RATE FOR PROJECT ROAD ........................................................................ 196
7.24 TRAFFIC FORECAST ALONG PROJECT ROAD.................................................................................. 197
7.25 CAPACITY ANALYSIS ...................................................................................................................... 204
8.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 206
8.2 PURPOSE OF THE PROJECT............................................................................................................ 206
8.3 THE PROJECT HIGHWAY. ............................................................................................................... 206
8.4 SALIENT FEATURE OF THE PROJECT ROAD.................................................................................... 207
8.6 PUBLIC CONSULTATION AND DISCLOSURE ................................................................................... 210
8.8 ACT AND RULES ............................................................................................................................. 218
8.9 REQUIREMENT OF VARIOUS OTHER CLEARANCES AND PERMISSIONS ........................................ 220
8.10 MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL FEATURES ALONG THE PROJECT ROAD .............................................. 221
8.11 CLIMATE/RAINFALL ....................................................................................................................... 223
8.12 WATER RESOURCES:...................................................................................................................... 224
8.13 FOREST COVER .............................................................................................................................. 224
8.14 SCOPING OF ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS .................................................................................... 227
9.2 INITIAL SOCIAL ASSESSMENT ........................................................................................................ 230

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
Routes to Improve the efficiency of freight movement in India
Under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Package 3/Lot-4): Bhopal –Raisen- Vidisha - Sagar (Priority-1) Page 6
Report : Final Detailed Project Report
Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report

9.3 THE PROJECT ROAD ....................................................................................................................... 230

9.4 EXPECTED SOCIO-ECONOMIC BENEFIT OF THEPROJECT............................................................... 231
9.5 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY ........................................................................................................... 231
9.6 METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................................ 232
9.7 THE PROJECT AFFECTED VILLAGES ................................................................................................ 234
9.8 ASSESSMENT OF KEY POTENTIAL IMPACTS .................................................................................. 235
9.9 STAKEHOLDERS CONSULTATION................................................................................................... 235
9.10 INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK....................................................................................................... 236
9.11 POLICY AND LEGAL FRAME WORK FOR THE PROJECT .................................................................. 240
9.12 RESETTLEMENT BUDGET ............................................................................................................... 245
9.13 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION....................................................................................... 246
Chapter 10 COST ESTIMATE .............................................................................................................................. 247
10.1 GENERAL ....................................................................................................................................... 247
10.2 METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................................ 247
10.3 CONSTRUCTION QUANTITIES ........................................................................................................ 247
10.4 PAVEMENT DESIGN OPTIONS ....................................................................................................... 247
10.5 BRIDGES......................................................................................................................................... 248
10.6 CULVERTS ...................................................................................................................................... 248
10.7 DRAINAGE AND PROTECTION WORKS .......................................................................................... 248
10.8 JUNCTIONS .................................................................................................................................... 248
10.9 TRAFFIC SAFETY FEATURES, ROAD FURNITURE AND ROAD MARKINGS ....................................... 248
10.10 MISCELLANEOUS ....................................................................................................................... 248
10.11 MAINTENANCE DURING CONSTRUCTION................................................................................. 248
10.12 PROJECT COST ........................................................................................................................... 248
Chapter 11 USE OF NEW MATERIAL / SPECIFICATION IN ROAD CONSTRUCTION ............................................ 250

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
Routes to Improve the efficiency of freight movement in India
Under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Package 3/Lot-4): Bhopal –Raisen- Vidisha - Sagar (Priority-1) Page 7
Report : Final Detailed Project Report
Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report

11.2 MICRO – SURFACING..................................................................................................................... 253

11.3 WARM MIX ASPHALT TECHNOLOGY ............................................................................................. 255
11.4 CHOICE OF AN APPROPRIATE WARM MIX ASPHALT TECHNOLOGY ............................................. 259
11.5 CONSTRUCTION OPERATION ........................................................................................................ 264
Chapter 12 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ...................................................................................... 266
12.1 PROPOSED LANE CONFIGURATION............................................................................................... 266
12.2 TYPE OF PAVEMENT: ..................................................................................................................... 266
12.3 ESTIMATED COST OF THE PROJECT:.............................................................................................. 266

TABLE 0-1: TRAFFIC SURVEY LOCATION .............................................................................................................. 16
TABLE: 0-3 : VDF VALUES .................................................................................................................................... 17
TABLE: 0-4 : ESTIMATED TRAFFIC GROWTH RATES ............................................................................................ 17
TABLE : 0-5 DESIGN SERVICE VOLUME AND CAPACITY STANDARD .................................................................... 18
TABLE :0-6 IMPROVEMENT PROPOSAL FOR BRIDGES ....................................................................................... 19
TABLE 1-1 : LENGTHWISE PACKAGE DISTRIBUTION............................................................................................ 28
TABLE 3-1 : LENGTHWISE PACKAGE DISTRIBUTION............................................................................................ 46
TABLE 5-1 : LENGTHWISE PACKAGE DISTRIBUTION............................................................................................ 73
TABLE 5-2 : DEMOGRAPHY PROFILE OF PROJECT INFLUENCED STATE .............................................................. 75
TABLE 6-1 : DESIGN SPEED (FROM TABLE 2.1 OF IRC: SP: 84 – 2019)................................................................ 87
TABLE 6-2 : SIGHT DISTANCE FOR VARIOUS SPEEDS ( FROM TABLE 2.7 OF IRC – SP : 84 – 2019) ..................... 88
TABLE 6-3 : MINIMUM RADII OF HORIZONTAL CURVES (FROM IRC: SP: 84 – 2019, TABLE 2.6) ........................ 89
TABLE 6-4 : RADII BEYOND WHICH SUPER ELEVATION NOT REQUIRED ............................................................. 90
TABLE 6-6 : EXTRA WIDTH OF PAVEMENT AND ROADWAY IN EACH CARRIAGEWAY ........................................ 92
TABLE 6-7 : HORIZONTALL CURVE DETAILS........................................................................................................ 94
TABLE 6-8 : RECOMMENDED GRADIENTS (FROM IRC: SP: 84-2019 TABLE 2.8) ................................................. 94
TABLE 6-9 : ADOPTED ‘K’ VALUES FOR VERTICAL CURVES.................................................................................. 96
TABLE 6-10 : TCS Schedule for Priority – 1 (Km 134+737 to Km 163+253)....................................................... 105
TABLE 6-11 : HOMOGENOUS SECTIONS ........................................................................................................... 107

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
Routes to Improve the efficiency of freight movement in India
Under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Package 3/Lot-4): Bhopal –Raisen- Vidisha - Sagar (Priority-1) Page 8
Report : Final Detailed Project Report
Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report

TABLE 6-12 : TRAFFIC GROWTH RATE FOR SECTION -1 .................................................................................... 108

TABLE 6-13 : VDF AT AXLE LOAD SURVEY LOCATIONS ...................................................................................... 108
TABLE 6-14 : AVERAGE ANNUAL DAILY TRAFFIC ............................................................................................... 109
TABLE 6-15 : PROJECTED TRAFFIC VOLUME WITH MSA AT SECTION-1 ............................................................ 110
TABLE 6-16 : TRIAL PIT TEST RESULTS ............................................................................................................... 111
TABLE 6-18 (A) : ADOPTED CRUST THICKNESS .................................................................................................. 120
TABLE 6-19 : DESIGN SERVICE VOLUME FOR 6-LANE HIGHWAYS .................................................................... 122
TABLE 7-1 SURVEY LOCATIONS ALONG PROJECT ROAD ................................................................................... 152
TABLE 7-2: PASSENGER CAR UNITS FOR THE PROJECT AS PER IRC 64-1990 .................................................... 154
TABLE 7-3 TRAFFIC CHARACTERISTICS (ADT) AT MID BLOCK LOCATION .......................................................... 155
TABLE 7-4 : DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION OF AVERAGE DAY TRAFFIC ............................................................. 156
TABLE 7-5 DAYWISE VARIATION OF TRAFFIC AT MID BLOCK LOCATION ....................................................... 158
TABLE 7-6 A : MODE WISE AND DAY WISE TRAFFIC AT TVC-01 ...................................................................... 160
TABLE 7-7 B MODE WISE AND DAY WISE TRAFFIC AT TVC-02 ......................................................................... 161
TABLE 7-8 C : MODE WISE AND DAY WISE TRAFFIC AT TVC-03 ...................................................................... 162
TABLE 7-9 –D : MODE WISE AND DAY WISE TRAFFIC AT TVC-04 ..................................................................... 163
TABLE 7-10 -E MODE WISE AND DAY WISE TRAFFIC AT TVC-05 ...................................................................... 164
TABLE 7-11 SHARE OF PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC ..................................................................................................... 165
TABLE 7-12 MONTHLY FUEL CONSUMPTION DATA FOR INDIA ........................................................................ 168
TABLE 7-13 ESTIMATION OF SEASONAL CORRECTION FACTOR (SCF) ............................................................. 169
TABLE 7-14 : ANNUAL AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC (AADT) .................................................................................. 170
TABLE 7-15 : TOLL ABLE AND NON TOLLABLE TRAFFIC (AADT) ...................................................................... 171
TABLE 7-16 MODEWISE SAMPLE SIZE ACHIEVED.............................................................................................. 172
TABLE 7-17 ZONING SCHEME............................................................................................................................ 172
TABLE 7-18 : TRIP CHARACTERISTICS OF PASSENGER VEHICLES...................................................................... 175
Table 7-19 : TRIP CHARACTERISTICS OF GOODS VEHICLES ............................................................................... 176
TABLE 7-20 : ZONE INFLUENCE FACTOR AT OD-01(DEEWANGANJ) ................................................................ 179
TABLE 7-21 : ZONE INFLUENCE FACTOR AT OD-02(GYARASPUR) .................................................................... 179
TABLE 7-22 ZONE INFLUENCE FACTOR AT OD-03(SIHORA) ............................................................................. 179
TABLE7-23: TRIP PURPOSE OF PASSENGER VEHICLES ...................................................................................... 180
TABLE 7-24: TRAVEL FREQUENCY OF PASSENGER VEHICLES ............................................................................ 181
TABLE 7-25: WEIGHT AVERAGE TRIP LENGTH FOR PASSENGER VEHICLES (KMS.) .......................................... 182

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
Routes to Improve the efficiency of freight movement in India
Under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Package 3/Lot-4): Bhopal –Raisen- Vidisha - Sagar (Priority-1) Page 9
Report : Final Detailed Project Report
Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report

TABLE 7-26: COMMODITY CARRIED BY GOODS VEHICLES................................................................................ 183

TABLE7-27: TRAVEL FREQUENCY OF GOODS VEHICLES .................................................................................... 184
TABLE 7-28: WEIGHTED AVERAGE TRIP LENGTH FOR GOODS VEHICLES (IN KMS.) ......................................... 185
TABLE 7-29 SAMPLE SIZE ACHIEVED AT AXL-01 (NEAR DEEWANGANJ) ........................................................... 187
TABLE 7-30 SAMPLE SIZE ACHIEVED AT AXL-02 (NEAR GYARASPUR) ............................................................... 187
TABLE 7-31 SAMPLE SIZE ACHIEVED AT AXLE-03 (NEAR SIHORA) .................................................................... 187
TABLE 7-32 : ESTIMATION OF VEHICLE DAMAGE AT AXL-01 (NEAR DEEWANGANJ) ...................................... 188
TABLE 7-33 : ESTIMATION OF VEHICLE DAMAGE AT AXL-02 (NEAR GYARASPUR) ........................................... 188
TABLE 7-34 : ESTIMATION OF VEHICLE DAMAGE AT AXL-03 (NEAR SIHORA) .................................................. 188
TABLE 7-35 : GDP GROWTH TREND OF INDIA (BASE YEAR 2011-12 AT CONSTANT PRICES)............................ 190
........................................................................................................................................................................... 190
TABLE 7-37 : GROWTH OF REGISTERED VEHICLES IN MADHYA PRADESH ...................................................... 191
TABLE 7-38 : REGISTERED VEHICLES (TRUCKS) REST OF INDIA ......................................................................... 191
TABLE7-39 : RESULTS OF REGRESSION ANALYSIS ............................................................................................. 192
TABLE 7-40 : RECOMMENDED ELASTICITY FOR DIFFERENT HORIZON YEARS .................................................. 193
TABLE 7-41 : PROJECTED ECONOMIC INDICATORS........................................................................................... 195
TABLE 7-42: REALISTIC TRAFFIC GROWTH RATES FOR MOTORIZED VEHICLES (%) .......................................... 195
DEEWANGANJ) .................................................................................................................................................. 199
SANCHI) ............................................................................................................................................................. 200
GYARASPUR) ..................................................................................................................................................... 201
BAHADURPUR) .................................................................................................................................................. 202
SIHORA) ............................................................................................................................................................. 203
TABLE 7-50: DESIGN SERVICE VOLUME AND CAPACITY STANDARD................................................................. 204
Table 7-51: CAPACITY ANALYSIS OF PROJECT ROAD ........................................................................................ 204
TABLE 8-1 : SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROJECT ............................................................................................. 207

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
Routes to Improve the efficiency of freight movement in India
Under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Package 3/Lot-4): Bhopal –Raisen- Vidisha - Sagar (Priority-1) Page 10
Report : Final Detailed Project Report
Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report

APPLICABLE DURING DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION PHASES. ..................................................... 214
TABLE 8-3 : REQUIREMENT OF CLEARANCE ...................................................................................................... 220
TABLE 9-1 : LISTS OF HABITATION ALONG WITH PROJECT ROAD (PACKAGE –I) .............................................. 234
TABLE 9-2: TENTATIVE R&R BUDGET (STRUCTURE)......................................................................................... 245
LAYERS............................................................................................................................................................... 251
TABLE 11-2: TYPES OF MICRO-SURFACING AND RATE OF APPLICATION ......................................................... 253
TABLE 11-3: MIX DESIGN CRITERIA FOR MICRO-SURFACING MIX .................................................................... 254
TABLE 11-4: MIXING LAYING AND ROLLING TEMPERATURES FOR WMA* ....................................................... 264


FIGURE: 1-1 KEY MAP FOR BHOPAL – SAGAR .................................................................................................... 29

FIGURE: 1-2: KEY MAP FOR BERKHERI – SAGAR ................................................................................................. 30
FIGURE 2-1 : ORGANIZATION CHART OF NHAI .................................................................................................. 37
FIGURE 3-1 : ECONOMIC CORRIDOR (BHOPAL-KANPUR) ................................................................................... 38
FIGURE 3-2: BHOPAL – RAISEN – VIDISHA - SAGAR ............................................................................................ 39
FIGURE 3-3 : START POINT OF THE PROJECT (NEAR BERKHERI) ......................................................................... 48
FIGURE 3-4 : MERGING POINT OF SAGAR LINK ROAD WITH NH-26 NEAR RANIPURA ....................................... 49
FIGURE: 3-5 END POINT OF THE PROJECT (CH. 28+540) ..................................................................................... 51
FIGURE 6-1: ELEMENTSOF A COMBINED CIRCULAR AND TRANSITION CURVE .................................................. 89
FIGURE 6-3 : CRITICAL POINTS OF PAVEMENT................................................................................................. 116
FIGURE : 7-1 SURVEY LOCATION MAP FOR BHOPAL-VIDISHA – SAGAR CORRIDOR ......................................... 153
FIGURE 7-2 : HOURLY VARIATION OFTRAFFIC AT MID BLOCK LOCATIONS .................................................... 166
FIGURE 7-3: ZONING SCHEME........................................................................................................................... 174
FIGURE 7-4 : TRIP CHARACTERISTICS AT OD-01 (DEEWANGANJ) ..................................................................... 177
FIGURE 7-5 : TRIP CHARACTERISTICS AT OD-02(GYARASPUR) ......................................................................... 177
FIGURE 7-6 TRIP CHARACTERISTICS AT OD-03 (SIHORA) .................................................................................. 178
FIGURE 7-7: DISTRIBUTION OF TRIPS BY TRIP PURPOSE FOR PASSENGER VEHICLES ....................................... 180
FIGURE 7-8: DISTRIBUTION OF TRIP FREQUENCY OF PASSENGER VEHICLES .................................................. 181
FIGURE 7-9: AVERAGE TRIP LENGTH OF PASSENGER VEHICLES ....................................................................... 182

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
Routes to Improve the efficiency of freight movement in India
Under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Package 3/Lot-4): Bhopal –Raisen- Vidisha - Sagar (Priority-1) Page 11
Report : Final Detailed Project Report
Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report

FIGURE7-10: DISTRIBUTION OF TRIPS BY COMMODITIES BY GOODS VEHICLES .............................................. 184

FIGURE7-11: DISTRIBUTION OF GOODS TRIPS BY FREQUENCY OF TRAVEL ..................................................... 185
FIGURE7-12: AVERAGE TRIP LENGTH OF GOODS VEHICLES ............................................................................. 186
FIGURE 7-13 PROJECTED GROWTH PROFILES FOR LARGER ECONOMIES ........................................................ 194
FIGURE 8-1: SAGAR DISTRICT ............................................................................................................................ 221
FIGURE 8-2: RESERVED AND PROTECTED FOREST ............................................................................................ 226
FIGURE 8-3: SEISMIC ZONING MAP OF MADHYA PRADESH ............................................................................. 226
FIGURE 8-4 : EARTHQUAKE VULNERABILITY OF MADHYA PRADESH ................................................................ 227

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
Routes to Improve the efficiency of freight movement in India
Under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Package 3/Lot-4): Bhopal –Raisen- Vidisha - Sagar (Priority-1) Page 12
Report : Final Detailed Project Report
Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report


The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MORTH), Government of India has proposed
“Bharat Mala Pariyojana” an Umbrella scheme of road development project through National
Highways Authority of India (NHAI), National Highway and Industrial Development
Corporation (NHIDC) and state Public Works Departments (PWD) at an estimated cost of
INR 5,35,000crores. This is the second largest highways construction project in the country
after NHDP, in that almost 50,000 km of roads targeted across the country. This project aim
to improve connectivity particularly on economic corridors, border areas and remote areas
with rapid and safe movement of cargo to boost exports. International trade considered as a
key aspect in this scheme and northeastern states have given special focus. The project
cleared by the Union Cabinet on October 25, 2017.
The ambitious project expected to create nearly 100million man days of jobs during the
construction and subsequently to about 22 million jobs of the increased economic activity
across the country. The construction will carried out through many means including debt
funds, budgetary allocation, private investment, toll operator transfer etc. The total length of
around 34,800km considered in phase 1including
 Economic corridors of around9,000km,
 Inter-corridor and feeder routes of around6,000km,
 National Corridors Efficiency Program of about 5,000 km roads
 Border and international connectivity roads of around 2,000 km,
 Coastal and port connectivity roads of around 2,000km,
 Expressways of around 800 km
 NHDP roads of10,000km
In pursuance of the above program, NHAI appointed M/s STUP Consultants Private Limited,
New Delhi as Consultants to carry out the Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for
development of Economic Corridors, Inner corridors, feeder Routes and Costal Roads to
improve the efficiency of fright movement in India - Lot 4/Gujarat, M.P. / Package 3. The

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
Routes to Improve the efficiency of freight movement in India
Under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Package 3/Lot-4): Bhopal –Raisen- Vidisha - Sagar (Priority-1) Page 13
Report : Final Detailed Project Report
Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report

project consists following stretches of roads finalized as per approved Alternative Alignment
 Bhopal –Vidisha Section (Length –71.700km)
 Vidisha – Barkheri Section (Length –84.000km)
 Barkheri – Sagar Section (Length –30.393km)
The Letter of Acceptance was communicated on 26.02.2018 vide NHAI letter no
NHAI/Bharatmala/DPR/Lot-4/Package-3/2017/113483 dated 26th Feb. 2018. The approval of
the alignment and the section bifurcation was decided vide letter No: NHAI/RO-MP/SAG/Sg-
69/DPR/STUP/2019/34587, Dated 01.05.2019.
The project has been approved by LA Committee with 4 Lane Standard & 45 m Proposed
ROW which was intimated to the consultant vide letter No. SAG/39010/2/BRT-STUP-
Misc./2017/.967 dated on 17/03/2020. The project Bhopal – Sagar has been divided into 4
Packages on the basis of priority vide letter No. NHAI/RO-MP/Sgr-
69/DPR/STUP/2020/38556 dated on 11.03.2020. The Priority wise section is described

Section Length Approval/Com Traffic Data

Priority Start point End Point Route Via
Name (km) ments from RO (PCU)
Padarsoi, Jeari,
Priority - Sagar Link Village - Approved dated 8571
Naryuli, Sirai, 28.541
1 Road Berkheri on 06.04.2020 (Near Sihora)
On Bhopal Grame Kharbai,
Priority - Adampur - Ring road Grame Neemkheda, Approved dated 14390
existing 59.475
2 Vidisha near Riasen etc. on 13.04.2020 (Near Sanchi)
Bypass end
Adampur (NH-146)
Priority - Bhopal -
3 Adampur
Vidisha Bypassing Atari Approved
Priority - Vidisha - Village - (Gyaraspur) &
existing Khejra, Gyaraspur, 75.929 dated on
4 Berkheri Berkhiri 7945
Bypass end Rahatgarh etc. 29.04.2020
Total Design length (km) 163.945

Priority -1 Sagar Link Road has been described in this Report.

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
Routes to Improve the efficiency of freight movement in India
Under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Package 3/Lot-4): Bhopal –Raisen- Vidisha - Sagar (Priority-1) Page 14
Report : Final Detailed Project Report
Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report


The project highway stretch of Length 28.541 Km is a National Highway and is a part of
Economic Corridor Named Bhopal to Kanpur starting from Berkheri Village in the district of
Sagar in MP traversing through Greenfield to diverge the traffic congestion in Sagar Town
and terminates at NH 26(Part of East-West Corridor) in the district of Sagar.The effective
length for the highway is 28.541 Km.
The alignment is traversing through green field.
The alignment is traversing through green field.
The horizontal alignment is passing through plain / rolling terrain for the entire length. It can
cater to the design speed of 80 – 100 km per hour.
There are some minor settlements along the Project Highway named Naryuli, Jerai, Ranipura
The alignment is traversing through green field. (details in Chapter 3)
The alignment is traversing through green field. .
There are no under/ cattle / pedestrian underpass on the project road.
There is couple of Railway Crossings on the project highway.


Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
Routes to Improve the efficiency of freight movement in India
Under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Package 3/Lot-4): Bhopal –Raisen- Vidisha - Sagar (Priority-1) Page 15
Report : Final Detailed Project Report
Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report


S.No. Type of Survey Location No. Location Name Survey Duration

TVC-01 Near Deewanganj Village 7 Days

Classified TVC-02 Near Sanchi Village 7 Days
1 Traffic Volume TVC-03 Near Gyaraspur Village 7 Days
Count TVC-04 Near Bahadurgarh Village 7 Days
TVC-05 Near Sihora Village 7 Days
Origin - OD-01 Near Deewanganj Village 1 Day
2 Destination OD-02 Near Gyaraspur Village 1 Day
Survey OD-03 1 Day
Near Sihora Village
Axl-01 Near Deewanganj Village 1 Day
Axle Load
3 Axl-02 Near Gyaraspur Village 1 Day
Axl-03 Near Sihora Village 1 Day
Source: Field Surveys, August - September 2018


The summary of classified traffic volume survey is given in Table 0.2


TVC-02 TVC-03 TVC-05

TVC-01 (Near TVC-04 (Near
Mode (Near (Near (Near
Deewanganj) Bahadurpur)
Sanchi) Gyaraspur) Sihora
Heavy Fast Standard Bus 77 89 81 83 93
Mini Bus 83 89 80 75 82
Car/ Van/
Light Fast 2594 2400 1874 1301 1508
Jeep/ Taxi
3-Wheeler 136 141 167 53 79
2-Wheeler 2504 2388 2227 1259 1362
LCV 609 579 271 187 321
2-Axle Truck 476 415 157 293 348
Vehicles 3-Axle Truck 222 207 180 178 158
MAV 691 659 472 346 286
Tractor 65 63 23 24 22
Slow Vehicles Other 360 348 193 135 186

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
Routes to Improve the efficiency of freight movement in India
Under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Package 3/Lot-4): Bhopal –Raisen- Vidisha - Sagar (Priority-1) Page 16
Report : Final Detailed Project Report
Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report

TVC-02 TVC-03 TVC-05

TVC-01 (Near TVC-04 (Near
Mode (Near (Near (Near
Deewanganj) Bahadurpur)
Sanchi) Gyaraspur) Sihora
Total Vehicles 7817 7379 5725 3935 4444
Total PCU (On 2018) 11632 10977 7673 6039 6544
The VDF values as per axle load survey are as given below:

Rahatgarh - Sagar Sagar - Rahatgarh

MODE Equivalence No. of Average Equivalence No. of Average
Factor Vehicles VDF Factor Vehicles VDF

LCV 5.67 22 0.26 1.25 17 0.07

2 AXLE 182.45 47 3.88 78.05 28 2.79
7.16 3.64 5.40
3 Axle 261.32 32 8.17 104.21 25 4.17
MAV 531.11 36 14.75 161.92 25 6.48
Source: Consultant Estimates



Design Service Volume (PCU/ Day)
Road Type Capacity
2-Lane Roads without Paved
15000 21000 25500 30000
2-Lane Roads with Paved
17250 24150 29325 34500
4-Lane Road without Paved
35000 49000 59500 70000
4-Lane Road with Paved Shoulders 40000 56000 68000 80000
The design service volume of the two lane highway for different terrain is given in Table

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
Routes to Improve the efficiency of freight movement in India
Under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Package 3/Lot-4): Bhopal –Raisen- Vidisha - Sagar (Priority-1) Page 17
Report : Final Detailed Project Report
Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report


Design Service Volume (PCU/ Day)
Road Type Capacity
2-Lane Roads without Paved Shoulders 15000 21000 25500 30000
2-Lane Roads with Paved Shoulders 17250 24150 29325 34500
4-Lane Road without Paved
35000 49000 59500 70000
4-Lane Road with Paved Shoulders 40000 56000 68000 80000
Source: IRC: 64-1990


0.16.1 Geometric Alignment

The Horizontal alignment is passes through Plain and Rolling Terrain having the design
speed of 100Kmph.

TCS Type Length (m) Description

TCS 1 14,948.00 2-Lane New Construction in Plain/ Rolling Terrain
TCS 2 465.37 4-Lane New Approach to ROB Structure
2-Lane New Approach to Grade Separated Structure With
TCS 3 5,169.00
both side Service Road
4-Lane New Approach to Grade Separated Structure With
TCS 3B 936.00
both side Service Road
TCS 4 4,221.20 2-Lane New Approach to Bridge Structure
Interchange-1 993.43 New Interchange Arrangement including Structure ( Total
Interchange-2 735.97 Length = 1,729.40 m)
Toll Plaza 224.00
Structure 823.70
Total 28,516.676

0.16.2 Service Road:

The Service is road is provided on the location where the proposed alignment is following
with the existing alignment with built up area. The location is given below:

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
Routes to Improve the efficiency of freight movement in India
Under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Package 3/Lot-4): Bhopal –Raisen- Vidisha - Sagar (Priority-1) Page 18
Report : Final Detailed Project Report
Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report

Sr. From To Length (m) Service/ Slip Effective Remarks

No. Road Length (m)

1 137+762.223 138+682.223 920.0 Both Side 1,840.00 SVUP
2 141+995.223 142+835.223 840.0 Both Side 1,680.00 LVUP
3 146+163.223 146+943.223 780.0 Both Side 1,560.00 LVUP
4 150+096.223 150+656.223 560.0 Both Side 1,120.00 SVUP
5 151+675.223 152+636.223 961.0 Both Side 1,922.00 VUP
6 153+476.223 154+575.223 1099.0 Both Side 2,198.00 LVUP
7 155+285 156+312 1027.0 Both Side 2,054.00 SVUP
Total 6187.0 12374.0

0.17.1 Major Bridges

Total Length Design Design

Sr. No. Design Chainage (F/F of Dirt Chainage Chainage
Wall) (m) From To
1 148+767 5 x 26 130.0 148+702 148+832
2 149+767 (5X6X4)+(5X6X4) 60.0 149+737 149+797
3 157+377 3 x 20.2 60.0 157+347 157+407
4 162+437 3 x (5x10x4) 160.5 162+357 162+518

0.17.2 Minor Bridges

Design Design
Sr. Design Span Total Length (F/F
Chainage Chainage
No. Chainage arrangement of Dirt Wall) (m)
From To
1 135+867 2 X 18 36.0 135+849 135+885
2 136+117 2 X 16 32.0 136+101 136+133
3 139+037 2 X 18 36.0 139+019 139+055
4 140+927 2 x 22.5 45.0 140+904 140+949
5 142+977 2 X 20 40.0 142+957 142+997
6 153+207 2 X 18 36.0 153+189 153+225

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
Routes to Improve the efficiency of freight movement in India
Under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Package 3/Lot-4): Bhopal –Raisen- Vidisha - Sagar (Priority-1) Page 19
Report : Final Detailed Project Report
Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report

0.17.3 ROB

1 ROB has been proposed. The details are given below.

Total Length Design Design

Sr. No. Design Chainage Span arrangement (F/F of Dirt Chainage Chainage
Wall) (m) From To
1 152+749.756 1X25+1X37.2+1X25 87.2 152+706 152+793

0.17.4 Culverts

There are total 51 new culverts have been proposed.

0.17.5 Grade Separated Structure

Total Length
Sr. Design Span
Type (F/F of Dirt From To
No. Chainage arrangement
Wall) (m)
1 SVUP 136+204 1X7X4 7.0 136+200 136+207
2 SVUP 138+282 1 X 7 X4 7.0 138+278 138+285
3 LVUP 142+507 1 X 12 X 4 12.0 142+501 142+513
4 LVUP 146+567 1 X 12 X 4 12.0 146+561 146+573
5 LVUP 148+908 1 X 12 X 4 12.0 148+902 148+914
6 SVUP 150+414 1 X 7 X4 7.0 150+410 150+417
7 VUP 152+217 1 X 25 X 5.5 25.0 152+205 152+230
8 LVUP 154+035 1 X 12 X 4 12.0 154+029 154+041
9 SVUP 155+804 1 X 7 X4 7.0 155+801 155+808

0.17.6 Interchange

Sl. Location Span Arrangement c/c of Vertical

No. (Design Chainage-Km) expansion joint (m) clearance (m)
Interchange – 1
1 2 X 25 X 5.5 5.5
Interchange – 2
2 1 X 30 X 5.5 5.5
On North – South Corridor (NH-26)

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
Routes to Improve the efficiency of freight movement in India
Under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Package 3/Lot-4): Bhopal –Raisen- Vidisha - Sagar (Priority-1) Page 20
Report : Final Detailed Project Report
Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report

Sl. Location Span Arrangement c/c of Vertical

No. (Design Chainage-Km) expansion joint (m) clearance (m)
1 Interchange – 2 13x30+2x40 5.5

0.17.7 Pavement Design

MCW New Construction HS-1 New Service Road Toll Plaza

Description Th. (m) Description Th. (m) Layers
BC 0.040 BC 0.030
DBM 0.060 DBM 0.050 PQC 300
Agg Layer 0.100 WMM 0.250 DLC 150
CT Base 0.100 GSB 0.200 GSB 150
CT Subbase 0.200 Sub Grade 0.500 Total 600
Sub Grade 0.500 Total 1.030
Total 1.000


As part of the project feasibility initial social assessment (social screening ) shall be
undertaken in parallel with the Environment, Engineering and Economic analysis in order to
determine any significant social issues which require further analysis during the Social Impact
Assessment study and preparation of Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) for the project.

Initial Social Assessment of the Project will be on the basis of whether it involves Project
Affected Persons (PAPs) and/or Indigenous People (IP) or Scheduled Tribes. Information
whether the project involves PAPs or IPs will be ascertained based on the information
collected through the socio-economic survey, verification of assets and losses and
consultations with the residents at the Project locations.

The proposed alignment connects starts in Bhopal District from km 0+000 in Adampur village
and ends at km 163+253 located in Sagar district. Total length of the project road is
approximately 163.253km apart from that one project road which is priority 3 of Bhopal Sagar
project of length 20km is being approved from the competent authority.

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
Routes to Improve the efficiency of freight movement in India
Under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Package 3/Lot-4): Bhopal –Raisen- Vidisha - Sagar (Priority-1) Page 21
Report : Final Detailed Project Report
Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report

Keeping in mind the aims and objectives of the Initial Social Assessment & Social Screening,
tools shall be used for -Social Screening Survey formats, Field testing of formats, Screening
survey, Collection of secondary data, Compilation of data, Analysis, Preparation of the report.

Land will be acquired and compensation for land and structures will be paid as per the Right
to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement
Act, 2013 (also Land Acquisition Act, 2013). A detailed Social Impact Assessment (SIA) and
a Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) will be prepared for the project.

The land use along the project road is mainly agricultural& Non-agricultural land except in
built up areas. The population of the area mainly depend on agriculture. 10kms distance
from the alignment shall be considered for study area for preliminary environmental
assessment baseline studies. Secondary data collected from various Government, Semi-
Government organizations and site visits for various attributes like climate, physical
environment, meteorology, ambient air quality, surface water and Ground water quality, soil
characteristics, noise levels and flora & fauna.

The key issues identified during the screening study are:

 Felling of roadside trees
 Impact on River and streams
 Impact on religious structures
 Impact on settlements along the road due to widening of the roads
 Impact on markets and commercial establishments along the road due to widening
 Availability of water for road construction
 Impact on natural drainage pattern of the area.
 Impact on community water resources and water storage arrangements.
 Material for high embankments
 Scarcity of earth and availability of borrow areas.
 Disposal of Excess earth from hill cutting
 Protection of disposal sites
 Location of underpass, overpass, pedestrian crossings, cattle crossing migratory path,
in consultation with local people.
 Road safety and safety during construction and operation of the road.
 Highway related diseases – HIV and AIDS

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
Routes to Improve the efficiency of freight movement in India
Under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Package 3/Lot-4): Bhopal –Raisen- Vidisha - Sagar (Priority-1) Page 22
Report : Final Detailed Project Report
Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report


Environment plays a vital role in overall development of the country. Recognizing the
importance of environmental protection and sustainable development, the Ministry of
Environment Forest and Climate Change (MoEF&CC), Government of India had formulated
policies and procedures governing the industrial and other developmental activities to prevent
indiscriminate exploitation of natural resources and promote integration of environmental
concern in developmental projects. The Ministry of Environment & Forest has made prior
environmental clearance (EC) for developmental projects mandatory through its notification
issued on 14th September 2006 and as amended on 1st December 2009. Environmental
expert carried out reconnaissance survey of the project road for understand the actual
environmental and social condition of the proposed road. Three alternate studies also carried
out and finally this alignment has been found suitable with respect of better environment.
The Environmental impact assessment report will be comprises with the approved TOR
issued by MoEFCC and ADB/World bank Guide Line. The environment study will identify
trees, forests, National park and its core and buffer zones, public utilities, community
resources, cultural sites, high pollution zones, accident prone zones/area etc. On the basis of
back ground, information screening exercise will be conduct subsequently. The data collected
will be compiled to develop environmental scenario and sensitive component within that. Full
road length and corridor of impact will put under screening to identify hot spot zones. On the
basis of this environment impact assessment and Environmental, management plan will be
The following mitigation measures will be consider in subsequent project stages
 Adequate drainage facilities along the road
 Provision of service roads
 Appropriate noise barriers at sensitive locations
 Development of strip plantation on both sides and median shrubs
 Regular monitoring of ambient air quality, noise level and water quality
during construction.
 Grade separation/ interchanges at major intersections.
 Elevated arrangement for through traffic with barricade.

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
Routes to Improve the efficiency of freight movement in India
Under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Package 3/Lot-4): Bhopal –Raisen- Vidisha - Sagar (Priority-1) Page 23
Report : Final Detailed Project Report
Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report


Preliminary cost estimate of the Project is prepared as per envisaged improvement

proposals. The unit rates are based on the Madhya Pradesh. common schedule of rates for
the year in force from 29th Aug, 2017.


Sl. No. Description Amount in Rs. Crore
Summary of Cost 210.02
GST @ 12% 25.20
(I) Cost of civil work 235.22
Cost of construction per Km in Rs. Crore 8.25
(II) Centages
1 Contingencies 2.8% (on cost of construction) 5.88
Maintenance for 5 years @ 2.5% ( 0% for 1st year, 0.5% each for
2 5.25
next three years and 1% for fifth year )
Escalation for 2 years construction period @ 10.0% (5% per
3 21.00
4 Construction supervision charges 3% 6.30
5 Administrative charges 3% 6.30
Sub Total (II) 44.73
Total project cost (TPC) 279.95
Total project cost per Km in Rs. Crore 9.82
(III) Pre-Construction activities
1 Cost of land acquisition and R&R 86.60
2 Environmental cost/ Forest Clearance Charges 15.27
3 Utility Shifting 9.00
Sub Total (III) 110.87
Total Capital Cost (including LA and Utility Shifting etc.) 390.82
Total capital cost per Km in Rs. Crore 13.70

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
Routes to Improve the efficiency of freight movement in India
Under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Package 3/Lot-4): Bhopal –Raisen- Vidisha - Sagar (Priority-1) Page 24
Report : Final Detailed Project Report
Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report



The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MORTH), Government of India has proposed
“Bharat Mala Pariyojana” an Umbrella scheme of road development project through National
Highways Authority of India (NHAI), National Highway and Industrial Development
Corporation (NHIDC) and state Public Works Departments (PWD) at an estimated cost of
INR 5,35,000 crores. This is the second largest highways construction project in the country
after NHDP, in that almost 50,000 km of roads targeted across the country. This project aim
to improve connectivity particularly on economic corridors, border areas and remote areas
with rapid and safe movement of cargo to boost exports. International trade considered as a
key aspect in this scheme and northeastern states have given special focus. The project
cleared by the Union Cabinet on October 25, 2017.

The ambitious project expected to create nearly 100million man days of jobs during the
construction and subsequently to about 22 million jobs of the increased economic activity
across the country. The construction will carried out through many means including debt
funds, budgetary allocation, private investment, toll operator transfer etc. The total length of
around 34,800km considered in phase 1including

 Economic corridors of around 9,000km,

 Inter-corridor and feeder routes of around 6,000km,
 National Corridors Efficiency Program of about 5,000 km roads
 Border and international connectivity roads of around 2,000 km,
 Coastal and port connectivity roads of around 2,000km,
 Expressways of around 800 km
 NHDP roads of10,000km

In pursuance of the above program, NHAI appointed M/s STUP Consultants Private Limited,
New Delhi as Consultants to carry out the Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for
development of Economic Corridors, Inner corridors, feeder Routes and Costal Roads to
improve the efficiency of fright movement in India - Lot 4/Gujarat, M.P. / Package 3. The
project consists following stretches of roads finalized as per final Inception Report.
 Bhopal – Sanchi – Vidisha – Sagar (Length - 173km)
 Katni – Shahdhol (Length - 124km)

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
Routes to Improve the efficiency of freight movement in India
Under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Package 3/Lot-4): Bhopal –Raisen- Vidisha - Sagar (Priority-1) Page 25
Report : Final Detailed Project Report
Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report

 Sanchore – Tharad – Santhalpur (Green Field Alignment length -

 Kathial – Nadiad (Length - 21km)
 Shamlaji – Modasa – Vadodra(Green field Alignment Length – 125 km)

The Letter of Acceptance was communicated on 26.02.2018 vide NHAI letter no

NHAI/Bharatmala/DPR/Lot-4/Package-3/2017/113483 dated 26th Feb. 2018.


The main objective of the consultant is to establish the technical, economic and financial
viability of the project and prepare Detailed Project Report for upgrading of existing road to
two lane configuration. The detailed project report shall also contain the aspects of value
engineering, quality audit and safety audit requirement in design and implementation.
Through financial analysis, the preferred mode of implementation of the project shall also be


General scope of services shall cover but shall not be limited to the following major tasks:
i) review of all available reports and published information about the project road and
project influence area;
ii) environmental and social impact assessment through screening;
ii (a) public consultation, including consultation with communities located along the road,
NGOs working in the area, other stake-holders and relevant Govt. depts. at all the
different stages of assignment (such as inception stage, feasibility stage, preliminary
design stage and once final designs are concretized); detailed reconnaissance;
iii) identification of possible improvements in the existing alignment and bypass /
realignment of congested locations with alternatives, evaluation of different
alternatives with comparison to techno-economic and other considerations and
recommendations regarding the most appropriate option;
iv) Traffic studies including traffic surveys and Axle load survey and demand forecasting
for next thirty years.
v) Inventory and condition surveys for road and pavement;
vi) inventory and condition surveys for bridges, cross-drainage structures and drainage
vii) detailed topographic surveys using mobile/aerial LiDAR or equivalent;
viii) pavement investigations;
ix) Sub-grade characteristics and strength: investigation of required sub-grade and sub-
soil characteristics and strength for road and embankment design and sub soil
x) identification of sources of construction materials;

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
Routes to Improve the efficiency of freight movement in India
Under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Package 3/Lot-4): Bhopal –Raisen- Vidisha - Sagar (Priority-1) Page 26
Report : Final Detailed Project Report
Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report

xi) detailed design of road, its cross-sections, horizontal and vertical alignment and
design of embankment of height more than 6.0m and also in poor soil conditions and
where density considerations required, even lesser height embankment, detailed
design of structures, preparation of GAD and construction drawings of cross-drainage
structures and underpasses etc.;
xii) identification of the type and the design of intersections;
xiii) design of complete drainage system and disposal point for storm water;
xiv) value analysis / value engineering and project costing;
xv) economic and financial analysis
xvi) contract packaging and implementation schedule applicable for EPC mode;
xvii) strip plan indicating the scheme for carriageway widening, location of all existing
utility services (both over and underground) and the scheme for their relocation, trees
to be felled and planted and land acquisition requirements including schedule for LA;
reports, documents and drawings, arrangement of estimate for cutting of trees and
shifting of utilities from the concerned department;
xviii) Develop 3D engineered models of terrain and elevation, as-is project highway,
proposed and project highway along with all features, current and proposed
structures, current and proposed utilities and land acquisition plans.
xix) to find out financial viability of project for implementation and suggest the preferred
mode on which the project is taken up.
xx) preparation of detailed project report, cost estimate, approved for construction
drawings, rate analysis, detailed bill of quantities, documents for execution of civil
works through budgeting resources;
xxi) design of toll plaza and identification of their numbers and location and office cum
residential complex including working drawings.
xxii) Design of weighing stations, parking areas and rest areas
xxiii) any other user oriented facility en route toll plaza
xxiv) tie-in of o-going/sanctioned works of MORT&H/NHAI/other agencies.
xxv) Preparation of social plans for the project affected people as per policy of the lending
agencies/Govt. of India R & R Policy


Project preparation activities will be split into following stages mentioned below.

Stage-1 : Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) and Inception Report (IR)

Stage-2 : Feasibility Report (FR)
Stage-3 : Strip Plan and Clearance
Stage-4 : Draft Detailed Project Report
Stage 5 : Bid Document and Technical Schedules
Stage 6 : (i) LA and Clearances II Report

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
Routes to Improve the efficiency of freight movement in India
Under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Package 3/Lot-4): Bhopal –Raisen- Vidisha - Sagar (Priority-1) Page 27
Report : Final Detailed Project Report
Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report

Stage 7 : Award Determination

Stage 8 : Land Possession


The Inception report and QAP for the above project have already been approved by NHAI,
vide their letter No. NHAI/Bharatmala/DPR/Lot-4/Package-3/2017/117790 dated 18.05.2018.
Further Final Alignment Report submitted on 24.08.2018 based on joint site visit and various
discussed held in MORTH/NHAI/RO/PD,NHAI.

The project has been divided into four packages on basis of priority as per letter no.
NHAI/RO-MP/Sgr-69/DPR/STUP/202038556 dated on 11.03.2020


Location Start End

Priority Details Particulars Length (Km)
From To Chainage Chainage
LME 0+000 59+476 59+476
Priority - 2 Adampur Vidisha
RME 0+000 59+477 59+477
LME 59+476 135+003 75+527
Priority - 4 Vidisha Berkheri
RME 59+477 134+737 75+259
LME 135+003 163+503 28+500
Priority - 1 Berkheri Gadpehera
RME 134+737 163+237 28+500
Priority - 3 Bhopal Adampur 0+000 20+000 20+000
Total Length (Km) 183+505

* The Priority – 1 Berkheri to Sagar (Sagar Link Road) will be described in this report.

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
Routes to Improve the efficiency of freight movement in India
Under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Package 3/Lot-4): Bhopal –Raisen- Vidisha - Sagar (Priority-1) Page 28
Report : Final Detailed Project Report
Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report


Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
Routes to Improve the efficiency of freight movement in India
Under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Package 3/Lot-4): Bhopal –Raisen- Vidisha - Sagar (Priority-1) Page 29
Report : Final Detailed Project Report
Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report


Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
Routes to Improve the efficiency of freight movement in India
Under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Package 3/Lot-4): Bhopal –Raisen- Vidisha - Sagar (Priority-1) Page 30
Report : Final Detailed Project Report
Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report


The National Highways Authority of India was constituted by an act of Parliament, the
National Highways Authority of India Act, 1988. NHAI is responsible for the development,
maintenance and management of National Highways entrusted to it and for matters
connected therewith or incidental there to. The Authority was operational from February 1995
as an autonomous body with the appointment of full time Chairman and other members.

A full time Chairman heads NHAI. As per NHAI act, there are five full time Members, namely
Member (Admin.), Member (Finance) and three Members (Technical). There are also four
part time (ex officio) Members of the Authority. The Authority has its field offices in the form
of Project Implementation Units (PIUs), Regional offices (RO) and Corridor Management
Units (CMU) spread all over the country. These units are headed by Project Directors (PD)
and Regional officers (RO) who are responsible for implementation of various Projects and
operation and maintenance of the completed sections.
All procurement related to works, services, equipment and goods i.e. civil contractors,
consultants and suppliers are made by the head office predominantly and as well as by
Regional Offices . PDs are also responsible for all pre construction activities and liaison to
the Departments concerned of Union and State Government for successful implementation
of the Projects.
The Government has approved a proposal of restructuring NHAI. The salient points of the
proposal are, inter alia; increase of full-time Members from 5 to 6 and part time Members
from 4 to 6, creation of 26 posts at the level of CGM and to build a core of permanent
employee of NHAI over a period of time. This process has been taken up.
A detailed organization chart of NHAI is given in Figure 2.1

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
Routes to Improve the efficiency of freight movement in India
Under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Package 3/Lot-4): Bhopal –Raisen- Vidisha - Sagar (Priority-1) Page 31
Report : Final Detailed Project Report
Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report

The function and activities of National Highways authority of India are stipulated in NHAI Act.
1988. The clear mandate given by the Act is to develop, maintain and manage the National
activities of the NHAI as stipulated in the Act and Rules are:
 Survey, develop, maintain and manage highways vested in or entrusted to it;
 Construct offices or workshops and establish and maintain, hotels, motels, restaurant and
rest rooms along or near the highways vested in, or entrusted to it;
 Construct residential buildings and townships for its employees;
 Regulate and control the plying of vehicles on the highways vested in or entrusted to it for the
proper management thereof;
 Develop and provide consultancy and construction services in India and abroad and carry on
research activities in relation to the development, maintenance and management of
highways or any facilities, thereat;
 Provide such facilities and amenities for the users of the highways vested in or entrusted to
it, as are, in the opinion of NHAI, necessary for the smooth flow of traffic on such highways
 Form one or more companies under the Companies Act, 1956 (Act 1 of 1956) to further the
efficient discharge of the functions imposed, on it by this Act;
 Engage, or entrust any of its functions to any person, on such terms and conditions as may
be prescribed;
 Advise the Central Government on matters relating to highways;
 Assist, on such terms and conditions as may be mutually agreed upon, any State
Government in formulation and implementation of schemes for highway development;
 Collect fees on behalf of Central Government for services rendered;
 Take all such steps as may be necessary or convenient for or may be incidental to, the
exercise of any power or the discharge of any of its functions

National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) is mandated to implement National Highways
Development Project (NHDP) which is
 India 's Largest ever highways project
 World class roads with uninterrupted traffic flow

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
Routes to Improve the efficiency of freight movement in India
Under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Package 3/Lot-4): Bhopal –Raisen- Vidisha - Sagar (Priority-1) Page 32
Report : Final Detailed Project Report
Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report

The National Highways have a total length of 71,772 km to serve as the arterial network of
the country. The development of National Highways is the responsibility of the Government
of India. The Government of India has launched major initiatives to upgrade and strengthen
National Highways through various phases of National Highways Development project
(NHDP), which are briefly asunder:

NHDP Phase I
NHDP Phase I was approved by Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) in
December 2000 at an estimated cost of Rs.30,000 crore comprises mostly of GQ (5,846 km)
and NS-EW Corridor (981km), port connectivity (356 km) and others (315km).

NHDP Phase II was approved by CCEA in December 2003 at an estimated cost of
Rs.34,339 crore (2002 prices) comprises mostly NS-EW Corridor (6,161km) and other
National Highways of 486 km length, the total length being 6,647 km. The total length of
Phase II is 6,647km.

Government approved on 5.3.2005 upgradation and 4lanes of 4,035 km of National
Highways on BOT basis at an estimated cost of Rs. 22,207 crores (2004 prices).
Government approved in April 2007 upgradation and 4 lanes at 8074km at an estimated cost
of Rs.54,339 crore.

NHDP Phase V
CCEA has approved on 5.10.2006 six lanes of 6,500 km of existing 4 lane highways under
NHDP Phase V (on DBFO basis). Six lanes of 6,500 km includes 5,700 km of GQ and other

CCEA has approved on November 2006 for 1000 km of expressways at an estimated cost of
Rs. 16680 crores.

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
Routes to Improve the efficiency of freight movement in India
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Report : Final Detailed Project Report
Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report


CCEA has approved on December 2007 for 700 km of Ring Roads, Bypasses and flyovers
and selected stretches at an estimated cost of Rs. 16680 crores.

The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MORTH), Government of India has proposed
“Bharat Mala Pariyojana” an Umbrella scheme of road development project through National
Highways Authority of India (NHAI), National Highway and Industrial Development
Corporation (NHIDC) and state Public Works Departments (PWD) at an estimated cost of
INR 5,35,000crores. This is the second largest highways construction project in the country
after NHDP, in that almost 50,000 km of roads targeted across the country. This project aim
to improve connectivity particularly on economic corridors, border areas and to remote areas
with an aim of rapid and safe movement of cargo to boost exports. International trade
considered as a key aspect in this scheme and north-eastern states have given special
focus. The project cleared by the Union Cabinet on October 25,2017.
The ambitious project expected to create nearly 100million man days of jobs during the
construction and subsequently to about 22million jobs of the increased economic activity
across the country. The construction will carried out through many means including debt
funds, budgetary allocation, private investment, toll operator transfer etc. The total length
Identified is of 66,100 km and upgrade proposed in Phase 1 is 24,800 km including
 Economic corridors of around 9,000km,
 Inter-corridor and feeder routes of around 6,000km,
 National Corridors Efficiency Program of about 5,000 km roads
 Border and international connectivity roads of around 2,000 km,
 Coastal and port connectivity roads of around 2,000 km,
 Expressways of around 800 km


NHAI proposes to finance its projects by a host off in ancing mechanisms. Some of the m
areas follows

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
Routes to Improve the efficiency of freight movement in India
Under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Package 3/Lot-4): Bhopal –Raisen- Vidisha - Sagar (Priority-1) Page 34
Report : Final Detailed Project Report
Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report

(a) Through budgetary allocations from the Government of India

(b) Budgetary Allocation

In a historic decision, the Government of India introduced a Cess on both Petrol and Diesel.
This amount at that time (at 1999prices) came to a total of approximately Rs.2,000 crores per
annum. Further, Parliament decreed that the funds or collected were to be put aside in a
Central Road Fund (CRF) for exclusive utilization for the development of a modern road
network. The developmental work that it could be tapped to fund, and the agencies to whom it
was available were clearly defined as:

 Construction and Maintenance of State Highways by State Governments.

 Development of Rural Roads by State Governments
 Construction of Rail over- bridges by Indian Railways
 Construction and Maintenance of National Highways by NHDP and Ministry of Road
Transport & Highways. Today, the Cess contributes between Rs 5 to 6 Thousands
crores per annum towards NHDP

(c) Loan Assistance from International Funding Agencies

Loan assistance for implementation of specific projects was taken from multilateral
development agencies like Asian Development Bank, World Bank and Japanese
Bank of International Co - Operation.

(d) Market Borrowing

NHAI proposes to tap the market by securities cess receipts.

(e) Private Sector Participation

Major policy initiatives have been taken by the Government to attract foreign as well
as domestic private investments. To promote involvement of the private sector in
construction and maintenance of National Highways, Some Projects are offered on
Build Operate and Transfer (BOT) basis to private agencies. After the concession

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
Routes to Improve the efficiency of freight movement in India
Under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Package 3/Lot-4): Bhopal –Raisen- Vidisha - Sagar (Priority-1) Page 35
Report : Final Detailed Project Report
Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report

period, which can range up to 30 years, this road is to be transferred back to NHAI by
the Concessionaries.
NHAI funds are also leveraged by the setting up of Special Purpose Vehicles
(SPVs).The SPVs will be borrowing funds and repaying these through toll revenues in
the future. This model will also be tried in some other projects. Some more models
may emerge in the near future for better lever aging of funds available with NHAI
such as Annuity, which is a variant of BOT model

(f) Govt. Policy Initiatives

Following incentives to attract private sectors for development of highways have been
announced by the Government.
 Government will carry out all preparatory work including land acquisition and utility
shifting. Right of way (ROW) to be made available to concessionaires free from all
 Government to provide capital grant upto 40% of project cost to enhance viability
on a case to case basis;
 100% tax exemption in any 10 consecutive years within a period of 20years;
 Concession period allowed up to 30 years;
 Well defined transparent procurement procedure with Standard Bidding Document;
 Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996 based on UNICITRAL provisions;
 BOT projects entrepreneur are allowed to collect and retain tolls;
 Duty free import of specified modern high capacity equipment for highway



The National Highways Act empowers NHAI to charge users’ fees on the sections of National
Highways, bridges on it. NHAI is charging users’ fees on completed four/six lane sections of
National Highways. Part of this fund is being used for maintenance purpose. The surplus
amount of user’ fees are also a part of financing of NHDP and other projects.

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
Routes to Improve the efficiency of freight movement in India
Under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Package 3/Lot-4): Bhopal –Raisen- Vidisha - Sagar (Priority-1) Page 36
Report : Final Detailed Project Report
Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report


NHAI has received negative grant in few projects where the intensity of toll able traffic is very
high. This amount is also a part of financing of these projects.


Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
Routes to Improve the efficiency of freight movement in India
Under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Package 3/Lot-4): Bhopal –Raisen- Vidisha - Sagar (Priority-1) Page 37
Report : Final Detailed Project Report
Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report




In order to ensure safe, smooth, efficient and high speed transportation and logistics system
in our country and to reduce freight load on the Railways, Economic Corridor – 417 was
Economic corridor- 417 starts near Bhopal in the state of Madhya Pradesh passing through
Sagar and Chhatarpur and goes to Kanpur in the state of Uttar Pradesh. The approximate
length of this corridor is 550Km.


Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
Routes to Improve the efficiency of freight movement in India
Under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Package 3/Lot-4): Bhopal –Raisen- Vidisha - Sagar (Priority-1) Page 38
Report : Final Detailed Project Report
Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report

3.1.2 Bhopal – Raisen – Vidisha – Sagar (NH-146)

NH -146 starts from the junction point of Bhopal – Bypass and Raisen road on the eastern
side of Bhopal District. Terminates at Sagar with NH- 26 near Ranipura. NH-146 pass
through four districts named Bhopal, Raisen, Vidisha, Sagar with the major settlement named
Raisen, Vidisha, Atari Khejra, Rahatgarh, Gyaraspur, Berkheri,Sihora. The existing NH-146 is
2-Lane with paved shoulder configuration with bypasses on Raisen & Vidisha.


3.1.3 NH-146 (BERKHERI - SAGAR)

It starts from near Bherkheri at NH-146 on the eastern side of Bhopal District. Terminates at
Sagar with NH- 26 near Ranipura. It passes through greenfield with the settlement named
Gamiriya, Padarasoi, Bhaisa, Jerai, Badora, Kodni.

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
Routes to Improve the efficiency of freight movement in India
Under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Package 3/Lot-4): Bhopal –Raisen- Vidisha - Sagar (Priority-1) Page 39
Report : Final Detailed Project Report
Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report



The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MORTH), Government of India has proposed
“Bharat Mala Pariyojana” an Umbrella scheme of road development project through National
Highways Authority of India (NHAI), National Highway and Industrial Development
Corporation (NHIDC) and state Public Works Departments (PWD) at an estimated cost of
INR 5,35,000 crores. This is the second largest highways construction project in the country
after NHDP, in that almost 50,000 km of roads targeted across the country. This project aim
to improve connectivity particularly on economic corridors, border areas and remote areas
with rapid and safe movement of cargo to boost exports. International trade considered as a
key aspect in this scheme and northeastern states have given special focus. The project
cleared by the Union Cabinet on October 25, 2017.
The ambitious project expected to create nearly 100million man days of jobs during the
construction and subsequently to about 22 million jobs of the increased economic activity
across the country. The construction will carried out through many means including debt

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
Routes to Improve the efficiency of freight movement in India
Under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Package 3/Lot-4): Bhopal –Raisen- Vidisha - Sagar (Priority-1) Page 40
Report : Final Detailed Project Report
Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report

funds, budgetary allocation, private investment, toll operator transfer etc. The total length of
around 34,800km considered in phase 1including
 Economic corridors of around9,000km,
 Inter-corridor and feeder routes of around6,000km,
 National Corridors Efficiency Program of about 5,000 km roads
 Border and international connectivity roads of around 2,000 km,
 Coastal and port connectivity roads of around 2,000km,
 Expressways of around 800 km
 NHDP roads of10,000km
In pursuance of the above program, NHAI appointed M/s STUP Consultants Private Limited,
New Delhi as Consultants to carry out the Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for
development of Economic Corridors, Inner corridors, feeder Routes and Costal Roads to
improve the efficiency of fright movement in India - Lot 4/Gujarat, M.P. / Package 3. The
project consists following stretches of roads finalized as per final Inception Report.
 Bhopal – Sanchi – Vidisha – Sagar (Length - 173km)
 Katni – Shahdhol (Length - 124km)
 Sanchore – Tharad – Santhalpur (Green Field Alignment length - 130.223km)
 Kathial – Nadiad (Length - 21km)
 Shamlaji – Modasa – Vadodra(Green field Alignment Length – 125 km)

The Letter of Acceptance was communicated on 26.02.2018 vide NHAI letter no

NHAI/Bharatmala/DPR/Lot-4/Package-3/2017/113483 dated 26th Feb. 2018.
This Final Detailed Project Report is for Sagar Link Road of Length 28.5Km.

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
Routes to Improve the efficiency of freight movement in India
Under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Package 3/Lot-4): Bhopal –Raisen- Vidisha - Sagar (Priority-1) Page 41
Report : Final Detailed Project Report
Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report


1. Approval of Inception Report vide letter no: NHAI/Bharatmala/DPR/Lot-4/Package-

3/2017/116127, dated 12.04.2018 suggested the alignment from Bhopal to Sagar will bypass
Sukhi- Sewania, Balampur, Salamatpur and Sanchi, Vidisha, Atari Khejra, Gyaraspur,
Rahatgarh and Sagar. The Consultant has accordingly planned the alignment. Initially the
project was conceived as a four lane scheme due to low traffic density and minimum land
acquisition. A combined bypass was recommended by the consultant at Salamatpur and
Sanchi which is following the plane and agriculture land vide option study report vide letter
no. 13/E/12645/SC:RC/9054 dated on 6th July,2018 and accordingly made a presentation to
RO, Bhopal and PD Sagar, But due land acquisition issue the client suggested to go on
north side on Hilly terrain and the revised alignment option report was submitted vide letter
no,13/E/12645/IRM:RC/9062 dated on 19th July,2018.

2. However, detailed comparative study of alternative alignment options along both Northern
and Southern sides, showed heavy hill cutting, large amount of land acquisition, and high
project costing if the Northern Bypass is followed. Accordingly, consultant and client both
agreed for the bypass at Salamatpur and Sanchi along the Southern face and consultant
submitted the option study report vide letter no. 13/E/12645/IRM: RC/9013 dated on 17th
Sep,2018. PD Sagar recommended the alignment report to RO-Bhopal for approval on 18th
Sep, 2018 vide letter no. SAG/39010/2/BRT-STUP-Misc./2017/465. On 11th &12th Oct, 2018
a meeting was held with the client, consultant and MPRDC regarding Bhopal – Sanchi –
Vidisha- Sagar and Bhopal Ring Road alignment. It was informed by MPRDC that from
Bhopal to Vidisha via SH-18, 23km of bypass is being proposed by NHAI. This will entail
massive land acquisition. The existing NH-146 via Raisen is already in a stage of two-lane
with paved shoulder configuration. Thus advice was to study on Bhopal – Sagar stretch via
Raisen along NH-146. Being a part of Economic Corridor the alignment is also being
prepared as four lane with future provision of eight lanes.

3. After this one meeting held with RO, Bhopal and Consultant Team on 29th Dec, 2018, that
the design will be as per four lane and future provision for six lane status and with LA plan of
60m. In this meeting it was being also agreed that the alignment will follow the route of
Raisen instead of Sanchi – Salamatpur.

4. Due to low traffic the client has suggested the alignment proposal will be considered as four
lane status & end point will be merged at NH-28 near Sagar to make a half ring road of Sagar

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
Routes to Improve the efficiency of freight movement in India
Under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Package 3/Lot-4): Bhopal –Raisen- Vidisha - Sagar (Priority-1) Page 42
Report : Final Detailed Project Report
Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report

town which was prepared by M/S Casta under PWD. The Data made by M/S Casta was
wanted vide letter no. NHAI/RO-MP/Misc/2019/33477 dated 04.01.2019 &
SAG/39010/2/BRT-STUP-Misc./2017/80 dated on 08/02/2019. M/S Stup followed the
alignment of Casta to minimize the Land Cost by following Narayuili village means the
northern side of Sagar town. So, the end point of alignment had been changed due to this

5. At Bhopal, An alignment is proposed by MPRDC with configuration of six lane from Bhopal
Specified location at Mandideep to Indore. Client had given the advice to give access with the
Indore – Bhopal Expressway. M/S Stup had changed the start point from Bhopal Ring Road
to Design Chainage of 14Km of Indore Bhopal Expressway.

6. Taking this view the consultant M/S Stup had submitted the alignment option study report on
14.03.2019 vide letter no. 13/E/12645/IRM:RC/9196. The Same had been recommended by
PD, Sagar 08/04/2019 vide letter no. SAG/39010/2/BRT-STUP-Misc./2017/158. This
alignment option study report was accorded by RO, Bhopal vide letter no. NHAI/RO-
MP/SAG/Sg-69/DPR/STUP/2019/34587 dated on 01.05.2019. In this letter it is clearly
mentioned that “as per the NHAI guideline dated on 15.04.2019 that Land acquisition in low
priority projects should not be processed further beyond the feasibility study”.

7. In a meeting of NHAI on 15th May,2019 in chamber of Mr. K V Singh , GM (MP&GJ Division),

it was hinted to drop this project based on its low priority. Due to the prioritization of project
the consultant issued several letters for clear cut instruction vide letter no.
13/E/12645/SC:GU/2115 dated 27.05.2019 and 13/E/12645/SC:GU/2173 dated on
26.06.2019. But till dated no reply had come. Verbally PD, Sagar instructed to follow the letter
of RO dated on 1.05.2019 for preparation Feasibility.

8. M/S STUP has followed the instruction and submitted the draft feasibility report for the entire
stretches vide letter no. 13/E/12645/SC:RC/5050, 5061, 5058 dated on 03.09.2019,
09.09.2019, 25.09.2019 respectively. The comments on the submission of the Draft
Feasibility Report has been pointed out vide letter no. SAG/39010/2/BRT-STUP-
Misc./2017/423 dated on 05/10/2019.The compliance regarding submission of DFSR has
been prepared vide letter no. 13/E/12645/SC: RC/5070 dated on 12.11.2019.

9. A meeting was held at Indore, chaired by Member (P) & RO,Bhopal regarding project viability
and progress of Project. In that meeting it was hinted by NHAI to foreclose Packages-1 and 2

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
Routes to Improve the efficiency of freight movement in India
Under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Package 3/Lot-4): Bhopal –Raisen- Vidisha - Sagar (Priority-1) Page 43
Report : Final Detailed Project Report
Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report

due to lack of fund. Only package – 3 (a part of Sagar Ring Road) may be continued. Even,
this package should be in continuation with the southern part of the Sagar Ring Road
designed by Ms LEA. But till date no letter or minutes had been communicated to the
consultant from the client. However, the DPR Consultant had intimated this vide letter no:
13/E/12645/SC:GU/2412, dated 28.11.2019. The consultant is in the process of submitting
the Final Feasibility Report.

10. After that meeting RO, Bhopal had directed to the Consultant to meet Mr. K V Singh , GM
(MP&GJ Division) for the further progress of the project. Consultant met with him and
discussed regarding the project. He had hinted that the start point of the Bhopal – Sagar
project will not be in that position as the Indore – Bhopal Expressway has been dropped out
from the scheme of the project. He assured that there will be a meeting with LA – committee
in the month of March,2020 in that meeting the conclusion of the further progress of the
project may be decided for further GO or NO GO.

11. In between RO Bhopal called for a meeting on 19.02.2020 regarding the project further
progress. RO Bhopal suggested the following:

a. Division of the project into 4 packages to the 3 packages as of now.

b. Accommodation of the road within 45m ROW to the 60m as of now.

c. Further changes in alignment including realignments, introduction and abolition of

grade separators.

d. The start point which was on the proposed Indore-Bhopal Expressway is to be altered
as the proposed Indore-Bhopal Expressway has been shelved as of now. No concrete
decision has been adopted yet regarding the start point.

e. Immediate commencement of 3A and Feasibility Report of Sagar Bypass

(Package IV)
f. The Proposed alignment will follow the existing alignment whatever the speed is.


The proposed alignment Bhopal - Sagar Road is a part of NH-146 from Bhopal to Kanpur
(Length 550 km approx) which is again a part of Economic Corridor no – 417 from Bhopal in
the state of Madhya Pradesh to Kanpur in the state of Uttar Pradesh.

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
Routes to Improve the efficiency of freight movement in India
Under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Package 3/Lot-4): Bhopal –Raisen- Vidisha - Sagar (Priority-1) Page 44
Report : Final Detailed Project Report
Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report

The project passes through four Districts namely Bhopal, Raisen, Vidisha and Sagar in the
state of Madhya Pradesh.

The project is intended to cater traffic coming from proposed Indore – Bhopal Expressway.
The original corridor proposed with 45m right-of-way in open area and 30m in Forest area
except interchange, toll plaza and wayside amenities consists of divided 4-lanecarriageway
with bypassing the habitation area and improving the geometrical deficient area.


Sagar (formerly Saugor) is a city in the state of Madhya Pradesh in central India. Situated on
a spur of the Vindhya Range and 1,758 feet (536 m) above sea-level. The city is around 172
kilometres (107 mi) northeast of state capital, Bhopal. It is situated almost in the centre of

Sagar has been selected as one of the hundred Indian cities to be developed as a smart
city under PM Narendra Modi's flagship Smart Cities Mission and listed top safest city of India
2018. Sagar University was founded on 18 July 1946. In February 1983 the name was
changed to Dr. Hari Singh Gour University.


The ancient Indian kingdom of Chedi had its capital at Suktimati, which is located in Sagar in
contemporary times. The history of Sagar District before 1022 A.D. is generally unknown;
after that, records are available. Sagar was under the rule of Ahir Rajas and their capital was
at Garhpehra. In 1660, Udenshah, founded the present town of Sagar.
After 1735, the city came under the rule of the Peshwas. In 1818, a large part of the Sagar
district was ceded by PeshwaBaji Rao II to the [East India Company British East India
Company. Administratively, the position of Sagar and the neighbouring territories underwent
frequent changes.
The Saugor territory was, first of all, placed under the superintendent of Political Affairs of
Bundelkhand. Later, in 1820, this area, called the Saugor and Nerbudda Territories, was
placed under the administration of an agent to the governor general. The region fell under the
North-Western Provinces following its constitution in 1835. In 1842 occurred the Bundela
rising, the quelling of which demanded a more direct attention by the Governor-General. But
order was restored in the following year, and the Saugor and Nerbudda Territories were
again placed under the political control of an Agent to the Governor-General. The
arrangement however, was not found to be satisfactory and these territories were once again
restored to the North-Western Provinces in 1853. Thereafter in 1861 the Saugor and

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
Routes to Improve the efficiency of freight movement in India
Under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Package 3/Lot-4): Bhopal –Raisen- Vidisha - Sagar (Priority-1) Page 45
Report : Final Detailed Project Report
Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report

Nerbudda territories, along with the Nagpur state formed a Commissioner's Province called
Central Provinces.


Sagar is a great city to visit in the state of Madhya Pradesh. There are no regular flights from
other major cities of the country to Sagar. Nearest airport is Jabalpur Airport.Sagar is well
connected to other major cities of the country via regular trains.You can easily get regular
buses to Sagar from other major cities of the country.


As of the 2011 India census, Sagar had a population of 2,378,458 of which male and female
were 1,256,257 and 1,122,201 respectively. In the 2001 census, Sagar had a population of
2,021,987 of which males were 1,073,205 and remaining 948,782 were females. Average
literacy rates of Sagar in 2011 were 76.46 compared to 67.73 of 2001. Gender-wise, male
and female literacy rates were 84.85 and 67.02 respectively in 2011. For the 2001 census,
the rates stood at 79.41 and 54.35 in Sagar District. The total number of literates in Sagar
District was 1,545,719 of which male and female were 908,607 and 637,112 respectively. In
2001, Sagar District had 1,118,993 literates in its district.


The project has been divided into four packages on basis of priority as per letter no.
NHAI/RO-MP/Sgr-69/DPR/STUP/202038556 dated on 11.03.2020


Priority Location Start End

Particulars Length(Km)
Details Chainage Chainage
From To
LME 0+000 59+476 59+476
Priority - 2 Adampur Vidisha
RME 0+000 59+477 59+477
LME 59+476 135+003 75+527
Priority - 4 Vidisha Berkheri
RME 59+477 134+737 75+259
LME 135+003 163+503 28+500
Priority - 1 Berkheri Gadpehera
RME 134+737 163+237 28+500
Priority - 3 Bhopal Adampur 0+000 20+000 20+000
Total Length (Km) 183+505

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

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The proposed alignment starts originates from near Berkheri. The nearest access to starting
point is shown in Figure 3-3.

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Date : September 2021
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Design Chainage
From To
1 Sagar Rahatgarh CHAUKI 134+737 135+727
2 Sagar Rahatgarh BERKHERI SADAK 135+727 135+857
3 Sagar Rahatgarh BERKHERI SADAK 136+157 136+637
4 Sagar Rahatgarh MARDANPUR 136+857 136+157
5 Sagar Rahatgarh MARDANPUR 136+637 137+517
6 Sagar Rahatgarh PACHWASA 137+517 138+737
7 Sagar Rahatgarh GAMBHIRIYA 138+737 140+607
8 Sagar Rahatgarh KHIRIYA KAJI 140+607 141+197
9 Sagar Rahatgarh PADARASOI 141+197 143+597
10 Sagar Rahatgarh BHAISA 143+597 145+777
11 Sagar Rahatgarh MANESIYA 145+777 146+497
12 Sagar Rahatgarh DHAGARNIYA 146+497 148+697
13 Sagar Sagar BASIYABHANSA 148+697 150+687
14 Sagar Sagar NARAYAWLI 150+687 151+677
15 Sagar Sagar NARAYAWLI 151+787 152+087
16 Sagar Sagar MARA IMILIYA 150+907 151+107
17 Sagar Sagar MARA IMILIYA 151+297 151+337
18 Sagar Sagar MARA IMILIYA 151+677 151+787
19 Sagar Sagar BADORA 152+087 153+807
20 Sagar Sagar KODNI 153+807 155+277
21 Sagar Sagar IKPANA BASONA 155+277 157+357
22 Sagar Sagar KOLUWA AMARSA 157+357 159+507
23 Sagar Sagar BERKHERA KHUMAN 159+507 161+447
24 Sagar Sagar SIRWAI 161+447 162+517
25 Sagar Sagar RANIPURA 162+517 163+254

3.3.3 END POINT:

The end point of the project highway is on North – South corridor (NH-26) near Ranipura.

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The project road stretch is passing through Plain and Rolling terrain.

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Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report

The land use is in general agricultural. However at settlements like Raisen, Vidisha it is urban
and at Rahatgarh, Berkheri, Gyaraspur it is semi urban. The alignment also pass through
reserve forest on a total length of about 26km.


The Alignment is in green field.

3.3.6 EXISTING ROAD CONFIGURATION (Geometry/ Carriageway/ Shoulder/


In general, NH 146 is a predominantly 2 lane roads with 6.8-7 m wide carriageway and about
1-1.5m earthen shoulders on either side. The pavement is heavily distressed and damaged at
some stretches. The camber of the road is generally 1.5-2.0% except at a few stretches
where the camber is nonexistent resulting in poor drainage during rainy season. In general
the embankment height varies between 0.5m to 0.8m which contributes largely to the
drainage problem.


The alignment is traversing though the green field.

3.3.8 DRAIN

The alignment is traversing though the green field.


Surface condition and Crust

The alignment is traversing though the green field.


The alignment is traversing though the green field.

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

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The alignment is traversing though the green field.


Environment plays a vital role in overall development of the country. Recognizing the
importance of environmental protection and sustainable development, the Ministry of
Environment Forest and Climate Change (MoEF&CC), Government of India had formulated
policies and procedures governing the industrial and other developmental activities to prevent
indiscriminate exploitation of natural resources and promote integration of environmental
concern in developmental projects. The Ministry of Environment & Forest has made prior
environmental clearance (EC) for developmental projects mandatory through its notification
issued on 14th September 2006 and as amended on 1st December 2009. Environmental
expert carried out reconnaissance survey of the project road for understand the actual
environmental and social condition of the proposed road. Three alternate studies also carried
out and finally this alignment has been found suitable with respect of better environment.
The Environmental impact assessment report will be comprises with the approved TOR
issued by MoEFCC and ADB/World bank Guide Line. The environment study will identify
trees, forests, National park and its core and buffer zones, public utilities, community
resources, cultural sites, high pollution zones, accident prone zones/area etc. On the basis of
back ground, information screening exercise will be conduct subsequently. The data collected
will be compiled to develop environmental scenario and sensitive component within that. Full
road length and corridor of impact will put under screening to identify hot spot zones. On the
basis of this environment impact assessment and Environmental, management plan will be
The following mitigation measures will be consider in subsequent project stages
 Adequate drainage facilities along the road
 Provision of service roads
 Appropriate noise barriers at sensitive locations
 Development of strip plantation on both sides and median shrubs
 Regular monitoring of ambient air quality, noise level and water quality during
 Grade separation/ interchanges at major intersections.
 Elevated arrangement for through traffic with barricade.

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
Routes to Improve the efficiency of freight movement in India
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Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report


As part of the project feasibility initial social assessment (social screening ) shall be
undertaken in parallel with the Environment, Engineering and Economic analysis in order to
determine any significant social issues which require further analysis during the Social Impact
Assessment study and preparation of Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) for the project
Initial Social Assessment of the Project will be on the basis of whether it involves Project
Affected Persons (PAPs) and/or Indigenous People (IP) or Scheduled Tribes. Information
whether the project involves PAPs or IPs will be ascertained based on the information
collected through the socio-economic survey, verification of assets and losses and
consultations with the residents at the Project locations.
The proposed alignment connects starts near Berkheri from km 134+737 and ends at km
163+237 located in Sagar district. Total length of the project road is approximately 28.500
Keeping in mind the aims and objectives of the Initial Social Assessment & Social Screening,
tools shall be used for -Social Screening Survey formats, Field testing of formats, Screening
survey, Collection of secondary data, Compilation of data, Analysis, Preparation of the report.
Land will be acquired and compensation for land and structures will be paid as per the Right
to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement
Act, 2013 (also Land Acquisition Act, 2013). A detailed Social Impact Assessment (SIA) and
a Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) will be prepared for the project.
The land use along the project road is mainly agricultural & Non- agricultural land except in
built up areas. The population of the area mainly depends on agriculture.
10kms distance from the alignment shall be consider for study area for preliminary
environmental assessment baseline studies. Secondary data collected from various
Government, Semi- Government organizations and site visits for various attributes like
climate, physical environment, meteorology, ambient air quality, surface water and Ground
water quality, soil characteristics, noise levels and flora & fauna.
The key issues identified during the screening study are:
 Felling of roadside trees
 Impact on River and streams
 Impact on religious structures
 Impact on settlements along the road due to widening of the roads

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

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 Impact on markets and commercial establishments along the road due to widening
 Availability of water for road construction
 Impact on natural drainage pattern of the area.
 Impact on community water resources and water storage arrangements.
 Material for high embankments
 Scarcity of earth and availability of borrow areas.
 Disposal of Excess earth from hill cutting
 Protection of disposal sites


The alignment is traversing through the green filed. The existing road from Berkheri – Sagar
is full of habitation area named Berkheri, Sihora, Lahdeara Naka etc. To bifurcating the traffic
in the sagar town this green field alignment has been proposed. By proposing this alignment
the Traffic congestion in Sagar will be reduced. This green field alignment will create the NH-
Road network in good manner.

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

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Date : September 2021
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The NH-146 (Existing Bhopal – Raisen – Vidisha – Sagar) is 2Lane with Paved shoulder
configuration. Two bypasses exist on the Bhopal to Sagar namely Raisen bypass and
Vidisha Bypass to cater the through traffic on the bypass without disturbing on local traffic on
the main town. Apart from these two, the route pass through some major and minor
settlements namely Adampur, Gramekharbai, Grame Neemkheda, Morikori, Vidisha, Atari
khejda, Gyaraspur, KasbaBagrod, Rahatgarh. Bypasses have been proposed for these
localities due to non-availability of proposed land. The existing ROW is 20-30m whereas to
prepare the 4-Lane configuration it will require 60m ROW which has been agreed by the
State Government. Three options for each location have been studied. A summary of these
are highlighted bellow :
S. Proposed Bypasses
No. Existing Habitation Length From To (m) Length Improvement Proposal
along (m) (m)
1 Adampur 1800 21350 24350 3000 Adampur bypass
2 Gramekharbai 720 37300 40700 3400 Gramekharbai &
GrameNeemkheda 500 Grameneemkheda Bypass

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S. Proposed Bypasses
No. Existing Habitation Length From To (m) Length Improvement Proposal
along (m) (m)
3 Morikodi-Vidisha 2200 61250 71550 10300
4 Atari khejda 1335 99000 101250 2250 Atari khejda bypass
5 Gyaraspur 1930 109900 112050 2150 Gyaraspur bypass
6 Kasba-Bagrod 1100 125100 127300 2200 Kasbabagrod bypass
7 Rahatgarh 2500 147000 150700 3700 Rahatgarh bypass
Sagar link road to Sagar link road to Lalitpur
8 6400 186393 30693
Lalitpur road 155700 road bypass

Design Length Existing

Sl. Options Option of stretch Tentative Project
No. Studied Taken recommended bypassed Cost
bypass(m) (m)
1 Adampur 3 Option 1 3000 2700 Say Rs. 74 Crore
2 3 Option 1 3400 3900 Say Rs. 84 Crore
Morkhodi, Dhaknachapna, Say Rs. 198
3 2 Option 1 10300 14128
Sanchi Crore
4 Atari Khejda 3 Option 1 2250 2250 Say Rs. 52 Crore
5 Gyaraspur 3 Option 1 2150 2300 Say Rs. 59 Crore
6 Kasba - Bagrod 3 Option 1 2200 2400 Say Rs. 60 Crore
7 Rahatgarh 3 Option 1 3700 3900 Say Rs. 78 Crore
Say Rs. 582
9 Sagar Lalitpur Link Road 3 Option 1 30693.64 38204
Total Length of Bypass (m) 57693.64 69782

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Total Design Length = 186.393Km Morikodi-

Grame kharbai Vidisha
Adampur 6%
2% Atari khejda
0% 1% Kasba-Bagrod
Gyaraspur 1%

Sagar link road to

Lalitpur road
Existing Utilised

khapar kheda
Minor Mirkhedi Manora
Realignment 2% 2%
8% Bahadurpur

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The Feasibility Study aimed at evaluating the existing deficiencies of the project road in
respect to functional, structural, efficiency and safety requirements for meeting the needs of
projected traffic for the design period as per TOR. This carried out based on the findings from
various surveys and investigations carried out, observations made and experiences gained
from similar projects. The feasibility study, in general, consists of:

 Traffic surveys
 Engineering Surveys and Investigations
 Environmental and Social Screening
 Outline of Design proposal
 Preliminary cost estimates
 Economic viability
 Financial viability

The methodology adopted in to carryout various tasks for the feasibility study discussed
briefly in the following paragraphs. Outline of various proposals based on the results obtained
from analysis surveys & investigations data, planning; designs for improvement of project
road are separately dealt-with in relevant chapters. The broad methodology, prepared on the
basis of the Terms of Reference (TOR), has generally developed keeping IRC
guidelines/standard practices.

Collection of available data

The alignment is passing through the Brownfield means follows the existing alignment of NH-
146. So Traffic studies and Inventory and condition survey for road and bridge has been

Socio-economic profile

A thorough study of the socio-economic profile of the state and the project influence area
(PIA) has carried out. The aspects include gender, local population, industry, agriculture
employment, health, education, child labour etc.

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

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Reconnaissance and Alignment

The consultants have made a study of the available land width (ROW), topographic survey
maps of the project area and other relevant information collected.

A detailed reconnaissance survey has been conducted on the project road and an
assessment of possible alignment change at places ,if required , has been made .Detailed
features such as land-use, cross sectional parameters, intersection roads, railway lines, utility
black spots, religious section etc. have noted down. This has enabled the Consultants to
visualize the possible problems likely to be encounter in surveys and investigations, design,
and execution of the project. The detailed ground reconnaissance of project influence area
has been utilized for planning and programming the detailed surveys and investigations.
Identification of homogenous sections has been carried based on traffic data, pavement
condition, and height of embankment. For each homogenous section, the related studies /
surveys have carried out.



The length of the project road of length around 186.393Km follows the existing route of
Bhopal – Sagar of NH-146.

Road inventory survey has carried out along the existing project road to collect details of all
the features of the existing road and pavement. The following aspects essentially been

 Terrain
 Land use (built-up / agricultural / forest / industrial /barren)
 Village /Town
 Formation width
 Carriageway width - (type / width /condition)
 Shoulder (type / width /condition)
 Embankment height
 Submergence history, if any
 Details and configuration of major junctions.
 Details of cross roads
 List of important structures like temples, petrol pumps, weigh bridges, schools /

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

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colleges, passenger shelters, major buildings, industrial areas etc.

 Location of water bodies
 Right of way
 Culverts, bridges and other structures (type, size & span arrangement)
 Existing utility services on either side within ROW
 General drainage condition

Road Inventory on the existing Road

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The project highway is both Greenfield & Brownfield alignment passing through Adampur,
Grame Kharbai, Grame Neemkheda, Vidisha, Atari khejda, Rahatgarh, Berkheri, Gyraspur, &
Sihora villages.

Village Name : Adampur Village Name : Manora

Village Name - Gyaraspur Village Name - Rahatgarh

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The road alignment is generally passing through plain terrain. Land use pattern for the major
portion of the stretch is agriculture/residential and commercial structure.

Plain Terrain and Agriculture Land


A part of project road passes through Brownfield using the existing alignment of NH-146.

Existing Alignment

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4.2.5 ROW

The alignment is traversing through Greenfield with proposed 45m ROW


The alignment is traversing through Greenfield with proposed 45m ROW


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The alignment is passing through the green field. Some minor roads are crossing this
alignment. The details are given below:

Sl Design Type of Junction Category of

No. Chainage Surfacing type Cross Road Connecting
1 1+500 Bituminous x Village road Berkheri to Mohasa
2 3+600 Earthen x Village road Tatarpur to Pachwaha
3 5+300 Earthen x Village road Gamariya to Imaliya
Gamariya to Khiriya
4 6+000 Earthen x Village road Kajiwara
5 7+800 Bituminous x bypass road Magoriya to Ishurwara
6 10+100 Earthen x Village road Bhaisa to karaiya hazari
7 11+850 Bituminous x Village road Dhagarniya to Manesia
8 14+200 Bituminous x Village road Jerai to Pipra
9 15+980 Earthen x Village road Jerai to Naryauli
10 17+500 Bituminous x NH 26A sagar to Bina
11 19+310 Bituminous x Village road Kodni to Naryauli
12 20+380 Bituminous x Village road Kodni to Ranipura
Ikpana Basona to
13 21+100 Bituminous Village road Ranipura
Semra hat to Koluwa
14 24+785 Earthen x Village road amarsa


There is no railway level crossings/ROB exist in this stretch of the project road.



The basic objective of the topographic survey is to capture the essential ground features
along the project alignment in X,Y,Z coordinate system to have Digital Terrain Model and to
consider working out improvements, rehabilitation and upgrading of the project road. The

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
Routes to Improve the efficiency of freight movement in India
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survey will carried out by the help of Laser scanning or Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR)
systems mounted on vehicle


Topographic Surveys along the Existing Right of Way (ROW): Carrying out topographic
survey using LiDAR or equivalent technology along the existing road and realignments,
wherever required and properly referencing the same with reference pillars fixed on either
side of the centre-line at safe places within the ROW

The detailed field surveys would essentially include the topographic surveys along the
proposed location of bridge and alignment of approach road.

The detailed topographic surveys should be carried out along the approach roads alignment
and location of bridge approved by NHAI Collection/ Extraction of details for all features such
as structures (bridges, culverts etc.) utilities, existing roads, electric and telephone
installations (both O/H as well as underground), huts, buildings, fencing and trees (with girth
greater than 0.3metre) oil and gas lines etc. falling within the extent of survey.

4.3.3 Methodology

The complete methodology adopted for conducting topographical survey for the project road
comprised of the following activities

i. Establishment of Main Control by DGPS

Fixing of Monuments

Keeping in view the importance and stability of control points, RCC pillars of specified
dimensions 15cm x 15cm at the top, 20 cm x 20 cm at the bottom and 45 cm in height with an
iron pin fixed at the top centre of each pillar were got pre-casted. After proper curing, these
pre cast RCC Pillars embedding round projecting about 15cm above ground level. The
balance 30cm embedded in ground with concrete cement layer all around to ascertain
stability of the pillars. The top projected part of the pillar painted yellow. All pillars uniquely
numbered with red paint. The locations of pillars were arranged in such a way that twin inter-
visible points about 200-250m apart are available at an interval of every 5 km along the entire
road stretch. Pair of twin GPS pillars has the advantage that every 5 km stretch
independently use for starting and closing the traverse by Total Station. This 5km traverse be
adjusted and independent detailed survey can be carried out.

The location of the pillars suitably selected away from the road but within the ROW so that it
is not disturb by traffic. Also, the site selected in an open area so that the signals from the

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satellite received from all around above 15-degree altitude from the horizon. Proper
description and sketch of the location of each pillar with respect to the surrounding details
was prepared to ensure easy identification and traceability.

GPS Observations

The purpose of fixing starting control point to the best possible absolute accuracy, continuous
GPS observations taken at GPS-00 near the beginning of the project for a period of about 6
hours. Based on this long observation, the coordinates of GPS-00 computed in “single point
positioning” mode .Accepting GPS-00 as the fixed point, the other points observed in
continuity and computed in “base line” mode.

GPS observations carried out in continuation of the observations carried out at GPS-00 for a
period of about 45 minutes to one hour for a base line of 5kilometers depending upon the
availabilityofsatellites.TwoGPSsetsusedforrecordingsimultaneoussatellitesignalsatboth ends
of the base line. Observations recorded in common time by both the receivers used for
measurement of the base line. Observations taken using Leica GS08 Plus and Leica 1200
Series for the DGPS Survey.

GPS Data Processing

Data post processed with Leica Geo Office software and network adjustment done. Satellites
were available more than 16 nos. all along the survey corridor, result ambiguity was fine.
Coordinates calculated in WGS 84- LAT-LONG, UTM zone requirement and scale factor
statement for the same.

ii. Establishment of Secondary Control Points by DGPS

Secondary Control Points/ Bench Marks fixed at an interval of about 250m by embedding
pre- cast RCC pillars of the same specification as GPS pillars. These pillars embedded in
concrete up to a depth of 30 cm with 5 cm wide layer all around and the balance 15 cm
above ground painted yellow. All the pillars have numbered by red paint.

On establishment of secondary control points, traverse observations carried out with DGPS
starting from one pair of GPS control points, closing at then extpair of GPS control points,
and connecting all secondary control points in between. These traverse observations were
process educing Leica Geo Offices of tware to compute the coordinates of all subsidiary
control points. The closing error of the traverse line checked.

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iii. Establishment of Bench Marks by Digital Level

The elevations (Z value) of all the GPS control pillars as well as the secondary control points
established by carrying out levelling from a known Bench Mark whose detail given in the

Double tertiary levelling was carried out by two levelling teams in for and back directions
using Leica Digital Level from reference benchmark to another reference benchmark
connecting all intermediate GPS, Bench Marks and other temporary marks such as kilometer
stones/culverts parapet etc. to establish accurate MSL heights of all the control points.
Levelling discrepancy between two reference bench marks was restricted to 12kmm in fore
and back levelling, where ‘k’ is the distance in kilometre.

Heights (Z values) of all the GPS control points obtained from GPS observations replaced by
their levelling heights before using these control points for detailed topographical survey.


Mobile LiDAR is an advanced mapping solution that incorporates the most advanced LiDAR
sensors, cameras and position / navigation / GPS receivers to collect survey grade 3D point
cloud data quickly and accurately.

Mobile mapping is the process of collecting geospatial data from a mobile vehicle, typically
fitted with a LiDAR remote sensing systems. Such systems are composed of an integrated
array of time synchronized navigation sensors (survey grade DGPS) and imaging sensors
mounted on a mobile platform. The primary output after pre-processing from such systems
include; geo-referenced 3D point cloud data, digital maps, images and videos. Further, after
post processing, the output in desired format like Auto Cad. dwg or Arc GIS*,shp files can be

Technical specifications of Mobile LiDAR ‘Lieca Pegasus One’

 Scanner: Z+F profiler 9012, with 119 m range and 360 degrees field of view. Scan speed of
above 1 million points per second.
 GNSS / IMU / SPAN Sensor : L1, L2, L-Band and SBAS tracking GPS +GLONASS, single
and dual antenna support, low noise FPG IMU.
 Camera Sensor : No. of cameras 6, CCD size 1628 x 1236
 Battery : Weight 36 kg, size 50 x 30.5 x 46 cm : 10 hours
 Control Unit : Small form factor industrial PC, dual core processor, 500 GB SSD hard disk.
WiFi controlled for remote operations. USB port for data download.

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Data Capture work on field using Mobile LiDAR

 The average length of data captured is about 80 km per day, with single run of vehicle,
running at average speed of40 km per hour, for existing 2 lane highway.
 GPS base station observations are made using 3 numbers of survey grade DGPS receivers
(Trimble R8) located about 30 km apart.
 More than 1,00,000 frames of high resolution CCD pictures are collected with six set of
cameras covering 360 degrees of view per day, covering about 80 km length.

LiDAR Data Processing and Features Extraction

 Using the GPS observation data and the IMU data, the precise trajectory.txt file is computed
by “way point inertial explorer”.
 The 3D point cloud data with colorization is prepared by a single click, using “Leica Auto PP”
from the captured scan files, the images files and the *.txt trajectory file.
 Output of the 3D point cloud data can be obtained in the Leica.*hpc format or the
universal*.LAS format
 The *.tff images of this point cloud data can also be generated if required.
 The required point, line and polygon features along the highway are extracted in the arc GIS
environment using “Leica Map Factory Advanced” module.
 The extracted features are then exported to Auto Cad*.dwg format for further drafting and
printing works.
 A video file can also be generated using the “Windows Movie Maker” or similar software, by
using the images or pictures captured by the cameras.
 The average speed of data processing and feature extraction in one day of 8 working hours,
by one license, would be about 5 km to 10 km depending upon the details to be extracted
and the scope of work.

Advantages of using Mobile LiDAR over Conventional Total Stations:

 Field data capture by using mobile LiDAR can be done with great speed, very effective in
areas with extreme harsh climates and sensitive urban areas having road side
 Manpower required is considerably less, which adds to the savings in the overall project
 The captured data gives complete information about the site, which can be re-used for
different applications.
 Lesser chances of human error, since the process is more automated.
 Collected pictures and images can be used to generate videos which can assist in decision

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 The accuracy obtained is absolute, depending on the GPS and is not compounding in nature.
 Provides increased safety for project personnel and the general public because data can be
collected remotely, removing the need for traffic diversion.


The following traffic surveys carried out to obtain all necessary data for satisfactory design
and reliable economic and financial analysis;

 Classified Traffic Volume Counts

 Origin-Destination and Commodity Movement Surveys
 Axle loading characteristics or Axle load surveys
 Intersection turning movement count.

The details of traffic survey and analysis given in Chapter 7: Traffic Survey and Analysis.

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4.7.1 Hydrological and Hydraulic Study

The objective of the hydrological and hydraulic study is to determine the required number and
sizes of the drainage structures so as to allow the design discharge of the river / stream to
pass safely through the opening and to check whether waterway of the existing structure is
sufficient to transmit the flow without risk.

The hydrological and hydraulic study for the project is based on:

 Topographic survey data of the existing structures

 Topographic data and maps of river, upstream and downstream
 Rainfall pattern of the project area
 Study of the characteristics of the catchments area, HFL from local enquires and tell-
tale marks and hydraulic conditions at the existing structures.

The available topographic maps of the influence area on the various scales of 1:50,000 and
1:2,50,000 have been studied be identify the number of valleys crossing the alignment of the
road, to broadly assess the number of drainage structures and demarcate their catchment
area so as to assess the run off characteristics. Hydrological reconnaissance survey have
been carried out to properly identify and match the existing structures with proper valley
location, to finalise the number of additional structures required, to ascertain the pattern of
the area. Information on past floods and their effects on existing structures will be collected
from records, local officers and nearby residents of the area. Design discharge and high
flood level would be established using these data and information collected from field and
their detailed interpretation and analysis.

Adequacy of the existing structures has been arrived at by its functioning and HFL through
visual observation. For the additional new structures required, the linear waterway has been
provided as per the design discharge keeping view width of the existing stream.

The improved rational method used to determine discharges at the culvert locations where
catchment areas could be marked from topo-sheets. The adequacy of most of the slab
culverts has been checked assuming flow through culvert as open channel flow and
assuming suitable velocity through culverts based upon stream characteristics. The
adequacy of the pipe culverts acting as balancer has been checked taking inlet submerged
condition and runoff coming from road and adjacent area.

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This chapter contains the socio-economic profile for the state, districts as well as the project-
impacted villages along the project road for the purpose of providing a contextual background to
understand the social impacts of the proposed project. The remaining information has been provided
as a supplement for the contextual background.


Road project always influences the whole of the district through which it passes, bringing
prosperity, safety and faster accessibility for all road users.

The project has been divided into four packages on basis of priority as per letter no.
NHAI/RO-MP/Sgr-69/DPR/STUP/202038556 dated on 11.03.2020


Location Start End

Priority Details Particulars Length(Km)
From To Chainage Chainage
LME 0+000 59+476 59+476
Priority - 2 Adampur Vidisha
RME 0+000 59+477 59+477
LME 59+476 135+003 75+527
Priority - 4 Vidisha Berkheri
RME 59+477 134+737 75+259
LME 135+003 163+503 28+500
Priority - 1 Berkheri Gadpehera
RME 134+737 163+237 28+500
Priority - 3 Bhopal Adampur 0+000 20+000 20+000
Total Length (Km) 183+505

5.1.1 Right of way

The proposed section is on greenfield alignment. So there is no existing row.


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5.2.1 Madhya Pradesh (State)

State Profile: Madhya Pradesh, with an area of 3, 08, 000 sq.km. Is the second largest state
in India after Rajasthan. It is a part of peninsular plateau of India lying in north central part,
whose boundary can be classified in the north by the plains of Ganga-Yamuna, in the west
by the Aravali, east by the Chhattisgarh plain and in the south by the Tapti valley and the
plateau of Maharashtra.

The topography of Madhya Pradesh is defined by the Narmada sone valley. It is a narrow
and long valley extending through almost the whole of the state from east to west. Sone
valley forms the upper part; Shahdol and Sidhi districts lie in this valley. The lower part forms
the Narmada valley. It has an average elevation of 300 m above msl and is covered with
alluvial soil. Jabalpur, Mandla, Narsinghpur, Hoshangabad, Raisen, Khandwa, Khargone and
Barwani districts lie in this region. The Sone valley is narrower than Narmada valley and
alluvial deposit is also comparatively poor and thin, therefore Narmada valley is more
important than Sone valley for agricultural activities. To the north of this valley lie the central
highlands, to the south the Satpura-Maikal ranges and to the south-east, the eastern plateau.
These three form the natural physiographic regions-into which the state is divided. The
central highlands are spread between the Narmada-Sone valley and the Aravali ranges to the
west in a triangular form. The highlands slope towards the north and drain into the Yamuna.
The central highlands region in the state includes the following four uplands:

The rewa-panna plateau is one, also known as the vindhyan plateau, lies in the north-
eastern part of the central highlands. The main rivers flowing in the area are ken, sonar,
barna and tons. Rewa, panna, satna, damoh and sagar districts lie in this region.the other is
bundelkhand plateau located to the north-west of the rewa-panna plateau. Datia, chhatarpur,
panna, tikamgarh and parts of guna and shivpuri districts forming the northern part of the
state lie in this region. The plateau is bounded in north-east by vindhyan escarp lands or
rewa-panna plateau. The average height of the region is 350-450 m above msl and general
slope is towards north. The main rivers flowing in the area are betwa, dhasan and jamner
which finally join Yamuna.

Central india plateau is the third that lies to west of Bundelkhand plateau. Shivpuri, morena
and Gwalior districts exist in this region. This plateau has an average elevation of 450 m on
highlands and 150-450 m above msl in valleys. Chambal, kali Sindh and Parvati are the main
rivers flowing in this area. The fourth Malwa plateau covers almost the entire western
Madhya Pradesh. The plateau is bounded in the north by Chambal and in south by the

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Narmada. The average elevation ranges between 300-500 m above msl. Shajapur, Dewas,
Indore, Ujjain, Dhar, Ratlam and parts of Sehore and JHABUA districts lie in this region.
Bhopal is situated at the eastern edge of the Malwa plateau. Shipra, Parvati, Kali Sindh,
Gambhir and Chambal rivers flow through the malwa plateau. It also forms the water divide
between the Ganga and the Narmada basin. The soil in the area is black cotton as a result of
weathering of basalts.

Satpura-Maikal ranges lie to the south and the eastern plateau regions to the north- east of
the Narmada - Sone valley. Chhindwara, betul, Seoni, Balaghat, Mandla and parts of
Khandwa and Khargone districts lie in the Satpura-maikal ranges. Average height of these
ranges is 300 m ; but there are several high peaks; the highest peak of the state, Dhoopgarh
that rises to 1360 m above msl lies in these ranges. The slope is sharp in south face and
gentle on northern side.

The eastern part, the Satpuras, is wider than the western part which stretches in the form of a
semi-circle and is known as the Maikal ranges. The Maikal ranges include the Amarkantak
plateau, which is origin of both Narmada and Sone rivers. The other rivers in the area are
Johila, Macherwa, Denwa and Choti Tawa which join the Narmada.

The eastern plateau region comprises Baghelkhand plateau lying between Maikal ranges and
Chhattisgarh plain area with an elevation of 1033 m above msl.Source: http://www.mp.gov.in


Indicators Mp
Geographical area in lakh sq. Km. 3.08
Population (crore) 7.26
Decadal growth rate percentage 20.3
Density of population (population /sq.km) 236
Urbanisation (%) 27.63
Sex ratio females/1000 per males 930
Literacy rate (%) 70.6
Sc share in total population (census 2011) 15.6
St share in toal population (census - 2011) 21.1
Proverty ratio rural (planning commission) 35.74
Proverty ratio urban (planning commission) 21
Proverty ratio total (planning commission) 31.65
Infrant mortality rate (imr) {srs} (2011-13) 54

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Maternal mortality ratio (mmr) {srs} (2011-13) 221

Malnourished children (% of underweight children under<3 57.9
year {nfhs 3}
Enrolment in primary education (ger primary, 2011) {dise} 136.6
Source; madhya pradesh state mdg report 2014-15

With a population of 72.6million,Madhya Pradesh is the sixth-most populous state in the

country, contributing six percent to the total population of india. Over the last decade ,the
state has witnessed a 20.3 % growth in its population. Out of the total population, about
72.4% live in rural areas.

According to the Tendulkar committee report 2009, nearly 48.6% of the population is
estimated as living below poverty line (bpl) with rural poverty ratio (53.6%) exceeding the
urban poverty ratio (35.1%) significantly. However, if factors beyond income are
considered (multidimensional poverty index), about 68.1% of the state’s population is
poor. The situation of the poor is characterized by marginal and under-productive
landholdings, periodic droughts, insecure land tenure and a higher dependency on
seasonal agricultural & forest labor.

Madhya Pradesh is also performing poorly in most of the human development indicators
(see table 1.1). It is among the most food insecure states of the country. According to the

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india state hunger index, Madhya Pradesh falls in the “extremely alarming” category
(April 2008).

Population density: the density of Madhya Pradesh state in the current decade is 610 per
sq mile. Madhya Pradesh is an state of India with population of approximate 7.27 crores.
The population of Madhya Pradesh state is 72,626,809. The density of Madhya
Pradesh state is 236 per sq km.

Sex ratio: according to latest census of 2011, there are 930 females available in Gujarat
for every 1000 males.

Literacy rate: literacy rate in Madhya Pradesh has seen upward trend and is 70.6 percent
as per 2011 population census. Of that, male literacy stands at 78.73 percent while
female literacy is at 59.24 percent.

Work participation: the total and rural work participation rate for Madhya Pradesh is
higher than that of india in the same period but its urban work participation rate is lower. .
Corresponding increase in rural workers and urban workers is 77 percent and 182
percent respectively.


5.3.1 District Profile

Bhopal district was carved out of the erstwhile Sehore district of Bhopal division on dated
13th September; 1972.the district derives its name from the district head-quarters town
Bhopal which is also the capital of Madhya Pradesh. The etymology of the term Bhopal has
been derived from its former name Bhopal. The Bhopal district was carved out on 02-10-
1972, which continues to be one of the 45 districts of the state.

5.3.2 Physical Features:

The district lies in the eastern edge of Malwa plateau and is situated in the central part of the
state between latitude 23004’ and 23053’ north and longitude 77012’ and 77040’ east. The
district is bounded by Rajgarh district in the northwest, Guna district in the north, Vidisha
district in the north-east, Raisen district in the south-east and Sehore district in the south-

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5.3.3 Connectivity

Bhopal, being the capital of state the district, has adequate transport and communication
facilities. Raja Bhoj aerodrome is situated near Bairagarh sub area. It has been linked by air
with Bombay, Indore. Gwalior-and Delhi. It is also on the route map of Indian airlines while
testing commercial viability to other destinations including, Ahmedabad, Nagpur, Bangalore
etc. The district is well connected by railways; Bhopal and Habibganj being the main railway
stations of western central railway. All south bound trains i.e. Delhi-Chennai, Delhi-
Trivendrum, Delhi-Banglore, Delhi-Hyderabad etc pass through Bhopal.

Bhopal is also a railway junction from where direct trains for Ujjain, Indore, Ratlam, Mumbai
and Ahmedabad etc. In the west, Delhi, Agra, Jammu tawi etc. In the north; Jaipur, jodhpur
etc in the north-west, Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad and, Trivandrum etc in south, Bilaspur,
Raipur, Patna, Howrah(kolkata) etc in south-east are available. In other words, Bhopal is
connected with all important towns of the state as well as with those of other states.

5.3.4 Demography

According to the 2011 census, Bhopal district has a population of 2,371,061. Roughly equal
to the nation of Latvia. The us state of new Mexico. This gives it a ranking of 189th in India
(out of a total of 640).

The district has a population density of 855 inhabitants per square kilometre (2,210/sq mi). Its
population growth rate over the decade 2001-2011 was 28.46%. Bhopal has a sex ratio of
918 females for every 1000 males, and a literacy rate of 80.37%.

At the time of the 2011 census of India, 85.54% of the population in the district spoke Hindi,
6.76% Urdu, 2.61% Marathi, 2.23% Sindhi, 0.60% Malayalam, 0.54% Punjabi and 0.52%
Bengali as their first language

5.3.5 Geography

Bhopal district has an area of 2,772 km².

Bhopal district is bounded by the districts of Guna to the north, Vidisha to the northeast,
raisen to the east and Southeast, Sehore to the southwest and west, and Rajgarh to the

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The city of Bhopal lies in the southern part of the district, and the majority of the population
resides within Bhopal municipality. The town of Berasia lies in the northern part of the district.

Source: district census handbook 2011.

5.3.6 Education facility

Bhopal has more than 550 state-sponsored schools, which are affiliated to the Madhya
Pradesh board of secondary education (mpbse). In addition, there are five Kendriya
Vidyalayas in the city, affiliated to the central board of secondary education (cbse). The city is
also served by numerous other private schools affiliated to either
CBSE, ICSE, MPBSE, NIOS and CIE (Cambridge).


5.4.1 District profile

The district derives its name from the district headquarter town Raisen. The term ‘Raisen’
originated from the 150 metres high sand stone rock hill on which fort of Raja Sajan is
situated. Just below the fort Raisen town is located. During the 19th century, Bhopal state
was divided into 4 districts and 33 tehsils. After 1931 they were reduced to 2 districts and 21
tahsils. Nizamat-a-mashrif in eastern district had 12 tehsils namely Udaypura, Silwani,
Gairatganj, Begumganj, Badi Bareli, Sultanpur, Raisen, Shahganj, Goharganj, Diwanganj and
Piklon. The state had its capital at Bhopal. After Bhopal state became a part ‘c’ state of union
of India, the present district came into existence on May 5th, 1950 with its headquarters at
Raisen. It was decided to retain only seven tehsils in the district, viz. Raisen, Gairatganj,
Goharganj, Bareli, Udaipura, Begumganj and Silwani. In 1956 after the reorganization of
states, Raisen became a part of Bhopal division.

5.4.2 Physical features:

Raisen district of the Bhopal division lies in the centre of Madhya Pradesh in between 22o35’
and 23o45’ north latitudes and 77o21’ and 78o47’ east longitudes. The tropic of cancer
passes through the northern part of the district. The noblest buddhist pilgrimage is located on
the tropic of cancer. It is bound in the north by Vidisha and Sagar district, in the north-east
and east by Sagar, in south-east by Narsinghpur, in the south by Hoshangabad and Sehore
and in the west by Sehore and Bhopal districts. The Narmada river flows along the south-
eastern boundary of the district. The total area of the district is 8,466 sq.km. Which ranks 8th

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in the state.

5.4.3 Connectivity

District headquarters Raisen is well connected by road . Mandideep , Raisen are the cities in
this district having road connectivity to major towns and remote villages. Raisen is about 43
km by road to Bhopal. Rail transport some of the rail way stations in district are Sanchi ,
Salamatpur, Mandi dip , Dewanganj which connects most of the towns and villages in the

5.4.4 Demography

According to the 2011 census Raisen district has a population of 1,331,699. Roughly equal to
the nation of Mauritius or the us state of Maine. The district has a population density of 157
inhabitants per square kilometre (410/sq mi). Its population growth rate over the decade
2001-2011 was 18.36%. Raisen has a sex ratio of 899 females for every 1000 males. And a
literacy rate of 74.26%.

At the time of the 2011 census of india, 97.56% of the population in the district spoke Hindi
and 1.99% Urdu as their first language.

5.4.5 Geography

Raisen district is situated between the latitude 22 47' and 23 33' north and the longitude
7721' and 78 49' east. Sehore district lies in west, Vidisha district in the north, Sagar district in
the east and south-east, Narsimhapur district in the south-east, Hoshangabad and Sehore
districts in the south. It covers an area of 8,395 square kilometres (3,241 sq mi)

Raisen district has ten tehsils – Raisen, Goharganj, Begamganj, Gairatganj, Silwani, Bareli,
Udaipura, Deori, Sultanpur and Badi

5.4.6 Education facility

The type of different educational facilities available in the village is given in numbers.
Government and private educational facilities / institutions are considered for this-purpose. If
there are composite schools like middle schools with primary classes, or secondary schools
with middle classes, these are included in the number of primary and middle schools

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5.5.1 District Profile

The district derives its name from the headquarters town of Vidisha. The name Vidisha finds
mention in the Valmiki Ramayana. The ancient city of Besnagar, three kilometres from
modern Vidisha was in fact identified as ancient Vidisha and figures prominently in Buddhist,
Jain and Brahamical literature as Vessnagar, Vaishyanagar etc. On the destruction of
Besnagar which was situated on the western side of Betwa, a new town sprang up on the
eastern bank of the river which was known as Bhilaswamin or Bhailaswamin. It was in 1904
that Vidisha, then known as Bhilsa was raised to a district having two tehsilsVidisha and
Basoda. Consequent upon the merger of princely states in 1948 and the formation of Madhya
bharat, a Part B state, Bhilsa was enlarged by the merger of small states of Kurwai,
Mohammadgarh and Pathari which formed Kurwai tehsil. Further enlarged with the transfer of
Sironj sub-division of Kota district of Rajasthan in it. The district was renamed from Bhilsa to
vidisha due to the formation of new state MadhyaPradesh on 1st November 1956.

The district was renamed because of its cultural association, antiquity and historical
references to the capital of Malwa which finds mention in the celebrated work of Kalidas.

Vidisha has a rich history not only in the pre-historic period but also during the subsequent
period. The archaeological wealth scattered all over the district speaks of the glory that was
vidisha. A few paleolithic tools and also the Chaleolithic tools discovered in the valleys of
Betwa, Bina, Dhasan and Keothan give evidence of the Paleolithic culture as also the Aryan
influence over this tract.

5.5.2 Physical features:

Vidisha district, is situated in the central part of the state and eastern part of the fertile Malwa
region. It lies between latitude 23o20’ and 24o22’ north and longitude 77o15’ and 78o18’
east. The shape of this district is more or less elliptical and the longer axis lies from north-
west to south-east with slight projections on the north, north-west, south and south-west. Its
greatest length from north-west to south-east is about 133.6 km. And the greatest width from
north-east to south-west is about 96 km. The tropic of cancer passes through the southern
stretch of the district about 2 km. South of the district headquarters.

The district is bound in the north by Guna and Ashok Nagar district, in the south by Raisen, in

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the east by Sagar, in the north-west by Guna and in the west by Bhopal district. The total
area of the district is 7,371 sq. Km. which is 2.4% of the total area of the state. Its rank is 13th
in terms of the area within the state.

The district lies on the upper Betwa basin of the Malwa region. Physiographically, the district
can be sub-divided into five broad natural regions viz. (1) Dhumgarh forests (2) Sironj plateau
(3) Kurwai plateau (4) Betwa plain and (5) Teonda range.

5.5.3 Connectivity

Vidisha district is lying in the central part of Madhya Pradesh. It is in Bhopal commissioners
division and is well connected by roads and railway. National highway 67, connecting Bhopal
and Dewas passes through the district. Vidisha is a railway station on the Delhi-Chennai,
Delhi-Mumbai main line of the central railway, at a distance of 54 km from Bhopal, the capital
of Madhya Pradesh. Sanchi on the Jhansi-Itarsi section of the west central railway
and Bhopal to Bina triple electrified broad gauge lines, from Bina to Katni double electrified
lines, Vidisha 102 km from Bina, and Vidisha, 9 km from Sanchi, are more convenient.

5.5.4 Demography

According to the 2011 census Vidisha district has a population of 1,458,212. The district has
a population density of 198 inhabitants per square kilometre (510/sq mi).its population growth
rate over the decade 2001-2011 was 20.03%. Vidisha has a sex ratio of 897 females for
every 1,000 males. And a literacy rate of 72.08%.

At the time of the 2011 census of India, 95.16% of the population in the district spoke Hindi
and 4.57% urdu as their first language.

5.5.5 Geography

The district is bounded by the districts of Ashoknagar to the northeast, Sagar to the east,
Raisen to the south, Bhopal to the southwest, and Guna to the northwest.

Vidisha district lies on the Vindhyachal plateau off the main Vindhyachal range. The plateau
slopes from south to north and is drained by a number of rivers – the Betwa, the Bina and the
Sindh. These rivers flow between spur fanges of the Vindhyachal range, that spread out on
the Malwa plateau.

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The district lies between 230 20’ and 240 22' north latitudes, and 77016’ and 78018’ east
longitudes. It covers an area of 7,371 km2.

The district is home to the historic city of Besnagar and the Buddhist stupa at Sanchi.

5.5.6 Education facility

Vidisha is a home to a range of colleges and schools. Vidisha has a large student population
and is a popular educational centre in central india. Most primary and secondary schools in
vidisha are affiliated with the m.p. board, however, quite a few numbers of schools are
affiliated with central board of secondary education (CBSE).


5.6.1 District profile

Situated in the north central region of MadhyaPradesh, spelt as ‘Saugor’ during British period,
the district of ‘Sagar’ takes its name from the headquarter town which in turn derived its name
from Hindi word “Sagar” (meaning sea) . The town Sagar has been built around the beautiful
lake. The history of the Sagar dates back to about 1660 A.D when Udan shah, a descendant
of Nihal shah, built a small fort on the site of the present one and founded a village close to it
called Parkota, which is now a part of the town. The present fort and a settlement under its
walls was founded by Govind Rao Pandit, officer in-charge of Sagar and the surrounding
territory after 1735 A.D., when it came under the Peshwa’s possession.

In 1818 A.D., the Peshwa Bajirao ii ceded the greater part of the district to the British
government, while different parts of the rest of the present district of Sagar came in the
possession of the British at different times between 1818 and 1860. Appaji Bhonsla ceded
the Dhamoni Pargana of Banda tehsil in 1818 A.D. transfer from the Bundelkhand states
acquired the Bherapargana of Banda tehsil in 1818 A,D. the Parganas, Rahatgarh in Sagar
tehsil and Garhakota, Deori, Gourjhamer and Naharmow in rehli tehsil collectively known as
punch mahal were handed over to British by Sindhia at different dates from 1820 to 1825 for
management. The Shahgarh Pargana of Banda tehsil was confiscated in 1857 in
consequence of the rebellion of its chief. The Kanjia Pargana of Khurai tehsil was acquired
from Sindhia in 1860 A.D. a small area in the north-east corner of the tehsil around the village
of Hirapur was similarly transferred to the British from Charkhari state to Bundelkhand and
added to the district after the uprising of 1857.

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Administratively, Sagar and the neighbouring territories underwent frequent changes, the
Saugor territory was, first of all, placed under the superintendent of political affairs of
Bundelkhand. Later in 1820, the Saugor and Nerbudda territories were placed under the
administration of an agent to the governor general. The Saugor and Nerbudda territories
were included in north- western province in 1835. In 1842 after the Bundela rising, but order
was restored in 1843 and the Saugor and Nerbudda territories were again placed under the
political control of an agent to the governor-general. These territories were once again
restored to the north-western provinces in 1853. Thereafter, in 1861 the Saugor and
Nerbudda territories along with the Nagpur state formed a commissioner’s province called
central provinces.

5.6.2 Connectivity

Sagar is a great city to visit in the state of Madhya Pradesh. Nearest airport is Jabalpur
airport. Sagar is well connected to other major cities of the country via regular trains.it can
easily get regular buses to Sagar from other major cities of the country.

5.6.3 Demography

According to the 2011 census, Sagar district has a population of 2,378,295. The district has a
population density of 232 inhabitants per square kilometre (600/sq mi). Its population growth
rate over the decade 2001–2011 was 17.62%.sagar has a sex ratio of 896 females for every
1000 males. And a literacy rate of 77.52%.

At the time of the 2011 census of India, 98.52% of the population in the district spoke Hindi
and 0.57% Urdu as their first language.

5.6.4 Geography:

The history of the town of Sagar dates back to about 1660 ad, when Udan Shah, a
descendant of Nihal Shah, built a small fort where the present one sits and founded a village
close to it called Parkota Sagar. The present fort and a settlement under its walls was
founded by Govind Rao Pandit, an officer of the Peshwa, who controlled Sagar and the
surrounding territory after 1735 when it came under the Peshwa's possession. In 1818, the
greater part of the district was ceded by the Peshwa Baji Rao ii to the British government,
while the remainder of the present district of Sagar came into the possession of the British
between 1818 and 1860. Thereafter in 1861, the Saugor and Nerbudda territories (along with
the Nagpur state) formed a commissioner's province called central provinces. Sagar was the

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headquarters of the Sagar commissionership for a short period until 1863-64 when this
district was incorporated with Jabalpur commissionership. In the year 1932, the district of
Damoh was added to Sagar district and was administrated as sub-division. In 1956, however,
Damoh sub-division was again separated from the district to form a separate district and
Sagar district consisted of four tehsils viz, Sagar, Khurai, Rehli, Banda.

5.6.5 Education facility

Sagar District Government high schools, higher secondary schools, Government excellence
higher secondary schools, Navodaya school, central schools, ashram schools of tribal
department. Anganwadis, government degree colleges, government polytechnics, i.t.is,
district institute of education and training (diet), b.ed. Colleges, d.ed colleges, Kasturba
Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya (KGBV), 1 government medical college, government engineering
college, private engineering colleges along with universities are providing educational
facilities in the district .
Source: department of adult, continuing education and extension, dr. H.s. Gour University, Sagar (M.P.)

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This Chapter intends to give brief description of Design Standards adopted in the Design.
The Consultants have evolved Design Standards and Material Specifications for the Project
Road primarily based on IRC Publications, MORTH Circulars and relevant recommendations
of the International Standards (American, Australian, British) covering all aspects of Design
including Geometric elements, Pavement Design, Bridges and Structures, Traffic Safety and
Design Standards given in ‘Manual of Specifications and Standards for Four Lanes of
Highways through Public Private Partnership’ IRC:SP:84-2019 shall be used as main
guidelines along with other relevant IRC codes, guidelines and special publications, and
MORTH circulars as applicable to National Highways. Where the said standards are silent on
any topic, following standards shall reference and the one considered the best and most
relevant will adopted:
 American Association of State Highway and Transport Officials (AASHTO)standards;
 British Standards;
 Any other National or International Standard as considered suitable.


6.2.1 Classification
Terrain is classified by the general slope of the country across the highway alignment, for
which the criteria given in Table 6.1 are followed. The Geometric Design of a highway is
influenced significantly by Terrain conditions.
The % Cross Slope of the Project Road for most of its length is in the range of 0-25% and
thereby the Terrain is classified as Plain and Rolling Terrain.

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6.2.2 Design Speed

Design Speed is the basic parameter which determines all other Geometric Design features.
Choice of the Design Speed depends on the Function of the road as also Terrain conditions.
Design Speeds for National Highways passing through various Terrain Classifications are
given in Table 6.1.

% Cross Slope of Design Speed (kmph)

No. Terrain Classification
the Ground Ruling Minimum
1 Plain & Rolling Up to 25 100 80
2 Mountainous and Steep More than 25 60 40

The Design speed adopted for the design of highway is 100kmph and a minimum Design
Speed of 40kmph shall be adopted for Service Roads.
In general, the Ruling Design Speed shall be adopted for various Geometric Design features
of the road. Minimum Design Speed shall be adopted where site conditions are restrictive
and adequate land width is not available.
As the Project Road is part of National Highway and is passing through Plain and Rolling
Terrain, corresponding Design Speed (as per above table 6.1) values have been adopted.

6.2.3 Sight Distance

For the safety of travel on roads, Sight Distance is an important parameter required to be
considered in the Geometric Design of Highways. It is the visible distance required to be
available in different situations, to permit drivers enough time and distance to control their
vehicles so as to avoid unforeseen accidents.
Three types of Sight Distance are relevant for the design of Summit Vertical Curves and
design of Horizontal Curves:
Stopping Sight Distance (SSD) is the clear distance ahead needed by a driver to stop his
vehicle before meeting a stationary object in his path on the road. It is the minimum sight
distance for which all roads must always be designed, regardless of any other consideration.
Overtaking Sight Distance (OSD) is the minimum sight distance that should be available to
a driver on a 2-way road (un-divided) to enable him to overtake another vehicle safely.

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Intermediate Sight Distance (ISD) is twice the safe stopping distance and affords
reasonable opportunities to drivers to overtake with caution.
The safe stopping sight distance and minimum sight distance for divided carriageway for
various design speeds are given in
The desirable values of sight distance shall be adopted unless there are site constraints. As a
minimum, safe stopping sight distance shall be available throughout.

Design Speed Safe Stopping Sight Desirable Minimum Sight
(kmph) Distance (m) Distance (m)
100 180 360
80 130 260
60 90 180
40 45 90
The Project road in general will be designed for Desirable Minimum Sight Distance (ISD) and
wherever it is not practicable to provide the same due to site constraint if any, Safe Stopping
Sight Distance (SSD) will be provided.


The road alignment shall be designed so as to ensure that Standards of Curvature, Visibility,
Super elevation etc. are provided for a Design Speed. Geometric Design - Horizontal
Alignment Design shall confirm to general principles outlined in IRC: 73-1980, Para 9.
In general, all horizontal curves consist of circular portion flanked by spiral transitions at both
ends. The various elements of combined circular and transition curve are shown in Table 6.3.
Design Speed, Super elevation and coefficient of side friction affect the design of circular
curves. Length of transition curve is determined on the basis of rate of change of centrifugal
acceleration or the rate of change of super elevation. Recommended Values of Curve
Elements are given in Table 6.3 (Minimum Radii of Horizontal curves for different terrain
classification) and Figure 6-2. Table 6.4 for different Speed and Curve Radius].

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TABLE 2.6)

Nature of Terrain Desirable Minimum Absolute Minimum

Plain and Rolling 400m 250m
Mountainous and 150m 75m


 Super-elevation
Super-elevation required on horizontal curves shall be calculated from the following formula
as given in IRC: 73-1980 Clause 9.3:
e = V2 / 225R, subject to maximum of 7% in Plain/Rolling Terrain and 10% in Hilly areas not
bounded by snow.
e = super elevation in meter per meter V = Speed in kmph and
R = Radius in meters

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As per IRC: SP: 87-2013 Clause 2.9.3, Super elevation shall be limited to 7%, if radius of
curve is less than desirable minimum radius. It shall be limited to 5% if radius is more than
desirable minimum.
Radius on Horizontal Curves
The minimum Radius of Horizontal Curves is calculated from the following formula: R = V2 /
127 (e + f)
V = vehicle speed in kmph
e (2.5%) has been provided. Radius requiring no super-elevation has been recommended
considering camber 2.5%.
Table 6.5 given below indicates the radius of horizontal curves for different rates of camber
beyond which super elevation will not be required.


Design Speed Radius (m)

100 1800
80 1100
65 750
50 450
40 280

Transition Curves
Transition curves are necessary for vehicle to progress smoothly from a straight section into
a circular curve or between curves of different radius. The transition curve also facilitates a
gradual application of the super elevation and any widening of the carriageway that may be
required for the horizontal curves.
The minimum length of the transition curve is determined from the following two
considerations and is provided in FIGURE 6-2.
As per Comfort criteria,
Ls = 0.0215 V3 /CR

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Ls = length of transition in metres V = Speed in kmph
R = radius of circular curve in metres
C = 80 / (75 + V) (subject to maximum of 0.8 and minimum of 0.5)
As per rate of change of Super-elevation,
= Super elevation in meter per meter
f = coefficient of friction between vehicle tire and pavement (taken as 0.15)
R = Radius in meters
Based on this equation and the maximum permissible value of super-elevation of 7%, Radii
for Horizontal curves corresponding to ruling and minimum design speeds are given in
TABLE 6-5.



Plain and Rolling Mountainous and Steep

Nature of Terrain Ruling
Absolute Absolute
minimum minimum.
Design Speed (kmph) 100 80 60 40
Minimum Radius (m) 400 250 150 75

 Curves without Superelevation

When the value of super elevation obtained from the parameters stated above is less than
the road camber, the normal cambered sections are continued on the curve portion, without
providing any super elevation. Since the project area is under low rainfall area, normal
The rate of change of super elevation will not be steeper than 1 in 150. The formula
calculated for minimum length of transitions depending on the terrain (plain/Rolling) and No
of lanes (including future widening) is: Ls = 9.65 V2/ R

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Curve Widening
At sharp horizontal curves, it is necessary to widen the carriageway to provide for safe
passage of vehicles. Extra widening required for single and two-lane roads is given in IRC:
73-1980, Table 18. For multi-lane roads, the pavement widening may be calculated by
adding half the widening for two-lane roads to each lane. The Extra width of Pavement and
Roadway in each carriageway of Road (shall be as per IRC: SP: 87-2013 Table 2.5) is
provided in TABLE 6-6


(AS PER IRC: SP: 84-2019 TABLE 2.5)

Radius of Curve (m) Extra Width (m) of Pavement

75 to 100 0.90
101 to 300 0.60

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The Details of Horizontal Curve Details for Priority – 1 (km 134+737 to Km 163+253) Berkheri to Sagar
has been given below.

Intersection Intersectio Arc Start Arc End Arc Hand of Transition Start Transition End Transition Design Super
Point Radius Included Angle
Point X n Point Y Chainage Chainage Length Arc Chainage Chainage Length Speed Elevation
135+284.432 854496.479 2635460.7 135+184.597 135+384.100 199.503 2000 Right 05 42 55.222 100 2.5
136+006.279 855152.18 2635762.2 135+978.108 136+034.390 56.282 500 Right 06 26 58.141 135+863.108 136+149.390 115 100 5
136+541.351 855680.695 2635841.7 136+412.156 136+665.016 252.86 500 Left 28 58 32.121 136+297.156 136+780.016 115 100 5
140+367.442 858266.601 2638667.9 140+015.760 140+712.007 696.247 2000 Right 19 56 45.660 100 2.5
143+325.179 860887.244 2640054.4 142+916.560 143+722.704 806.145 2000 Left 23 05 39.643 100 2.5
151+249.925 865883.844 2646219.8 150+858.968 151+631.146 772.178 2000 Right 22 07 16.546 100 2.5
155+792.123 869871.104 2648415.7 155+670.279 155+913.596 243.317 1800 Right 07 44 42.040 155+640.279 155+943.596 30 100 2.5
158+051.027 871992.352 2649193.2 157+806.234 158+292.834 486.6 1800 Right 15 29 20.223 157+776.234 158+322.834 30 100 2.5
159+030.762 872972.605 2649262.7 158+588.539 159+455.809 867.27 1800 Left 27 36 21.847 158+558.539 159+485.809 30 100 2.5
160+249.864 874021.324 2649917.3 159+935.038 160+558.385 623.347 1800 Right 19 50 30.271 159+905.038 160+588.385 30 100 2.5
161+421.184 875174.541 2650155.8 161+378.273 161+464.042 85.669 1000 Left 04 54 30.528 161+328.273 161+514.042 50 100 4.44


The Vertical Alignment should provide for a smooth longitudinal profile. Grade changes should not be
too frequent as to cause kinks and visual discontinuities in the profile. Recommended Gradients (from
IRC: SP: 84-2019 Table 2.8) are given in TABLE 6-8.


Nature of Terrain Ruling Gradient Limiting Gradient

Plain and Rolling 2.5% 3.3%
Mountainous 5.0% 6.0%
Steep 6.0% 7.0%

As far as possible, for the project road passing through Plain terrain, Gradients up to the
value corresponding to Ruling Gradient have been adopted. A minimum longitudinal gradient
of 0.3% is adopted to secure satisfactory drainage.

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In general, Vertical Curves shall be provided at all changes in gradient. The Curvature shall
be large enough to provide for comfort and, where appropriate, Sight Distance for safe
stopping at Design Speed. Curvature shall be derived from the appropriate ‘K’ value (is
length of the curve divided by algebraic change of gradient expressed as a percentage) in
Table 6.9. The minimum vertical curve lengths can be determined by multiplying the ‘K’
values shown by the algebraic change of gradient expressed as a percentage (as shown in
IRC: SP: 23-1983 Table 6). For satisfactory appearance the minimum length of vertical curve
should be as shown in IRC: SP: 23- 1983 Table 7.
Vertical Curves
Long sweeping vertical curves shall be provided at all grade changes. These shall be
designed as Square Parabolas. Vertical curves are provided at all grade changes exceeding
those indicated in IRC: SP: 23-1983 Table 7. The Design of Summit / Crest Curves is based
on Visibility; whereas design of Valley / Sag Curves is based on Comfort criteria and Head
light sight distance.

A. Summit Curves

Summit curves are designed for safe stopping sight distance.

For safe stopping sight distance the length of summit curve shall be calculated from the
following formula:
When the length of curve (L) exceeds the required sight distance (S)
I.e. L > S
L = NS2 / 4.4
Where N = Deviation angle
L = Length of parabolic vertical curve S = Sight distance in metres.
When the length of curve (L) is less than the required sight distance (S)
i.e. L < S
L = 2S – 4.4 / N

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B Valley Curves
Valley curves are designed for head light sight distance. The length of valley curves shall be
calculated by the following two criteria:
When the length of curve (L) exceeds the required sight distance (S)
i.e. L > S
L = NS2 / (1.50 +0.035S)
When the length of curve (L) is less than the required sight distance (S)
i.e. L < S
L = NS2
When the length of curve (L) is greater than the required sight distance (S)

C K Value
Table 6-9 shows adopted ‘K’ Values for Vertical Curves.


(FROM IRC: SP: 23-1983 TABLE 6)

Design ‘K’ Values for Vertical Curves

Speed Summit Curve
for SSD for ISD for OSD Valley Curve
100 73.6 135.0 426.7 41.5
80 32.6 60.0 230.1 25.3
65 18.4 33.8 120.4 17.4
50 8.2 15.0 57.5 10.0
40 4.6 8.4 28.4 6.6


Clearance as specified in IRC: SP: 84-2019 Clause 2.11 to be followed.

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Right-of-Way (ROW) is the total land width required for the Project Road, to accommodate
the Roadway (Carriageway and Shoulders), Side Drains and Utilities etc. As per IRC: SP: 84-
2019 Clause 2.3”A minimum ROW of 60m should be available for development of the 4 lane
Camber / Cross fall (as per IRC: SP: 84-2019 Clause 2.8) on Straight Sections of Road
Carriageway, Paved Shoulders shall be 2.5% for Bituminous surface and 2% for Cement
Concrete surface. The cross fall shall be unidirectional for either side carriageway sloping the
shoulder in straight reaches and towards the lower edge on horizontal curves. The cross fall
on granular surface shall be minimum 3%.
Cross sectional elements as proposed for this road are provided in Table 6-10.
Typical Cross Sections are provided in Figure 6.3

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TCS Schedule is given in Table 6-10

TABLE 6-10 : TCS Schedule for Priority – 1 (Km 134+737 to Km 163+253)

Sl. No. From To Length (m) TCS Type

1 134+737 135+730 993.43 Interchange-1
2 135+730 135+849 118.57 4
3 135+849 135+885 36.00 Structure
4 135+885 136+101 216.00 4
5 136+101 136+133 32.00 Structure
6 136+133 136+200 67.28 4
7 136+200 136+207 7.00 Structure
8 136+207 136+696 489.15 4
9 136+696 137+762 1066.00 1
10 137+762 138+278 516.07 3
11 138+278 138+285 7.00 Structure
12 138+285 138+682 396.93 3
13 138+682 138+876 194.00 1
14 138+876 139+019 142.57 4
15 139+019 139+055 36.00 Structure
16 139+055 139+196 141.43 4
17 139+196 140+736 1540.00 1
18 140+736 140+904 168.07 4
19 140+904 140+949 45.00 Structure
20 140+949 141+096 146.93 4
21 141+096 141+995 899.00 1
22 141+995 142+501 505.33 3
23 142+501 142+513 12.00 Structure
24 142+513 142+835 322.67 3
25 142+835 142+957 121.57 4
26 142+957 142+997 40.00 Structure
27 142+997 143+116 119.43 4
28 143+116 146+163 3047.00 1
29 146+163 146+561 397.97 3
30 146+561 146+573 12.00 Structure
31 146+573 146+943 370.03 3
32 146+943 147+888 944.78 1
33 147+888 148+112 224.00 Toll Plaza
34 148+112 148+176 64.22 1
35 148+176 148+702 525.57 4
36 148+702 148+832 130.00 Structure
37 148+832 148+902 70.07 4
38 148+902 148+914 12.00 Structure
39 148+914 149+136 222.36 4
40 149+136 149+496 360.00 1
41 149+496 149+737 240.57 4
42 149+737 149+797 60.00 Structure
43 149+797 149+996 199.43 4
44 149+996 150+096 100.00 1
45 150+096 150+410 314.17 3
46 150+410 150+417 7.00 Structure
47 150+417 150+656 238.83 3
48 150+656 151+675 1019.00 1
49 151+675 152+205 529.44 3B

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Sl. No. From To Length (m) TCS Type

50 152+205 152+230 25.00 Structure
51 152+230 152+636 406.56 3B
52 152+636 152+770 133.76 2
53 152+770 152+857 87.20 Structure
54 152+857 153+189 331.61 2
55 153+189 153+225 36.00 Structure
56 153+225 153+476 251.43 4
57 153+476 154+029 553.07 3
58 154+029 154+041 12.00 Structure
59 154+041 154+575 533.93 3
60 154+575 155+285 710.00 1
61 155+285 155+801 515.33 3
62 155+801 155+808 7.00 Structure
63 155+808 156+312 504.67 3
64 156+312 156+976 664.00 1
65 156+976 157+347 370.57 4
66 157+347 157+407 60.00 Structure
67 157+407 157+796 389.43 4
68 157+796 162+136 4340.00 1
69 162+136 162+357 220.78 4
70 162+357 162+518 160.50 Structure
71 162+518 163+253 735.97 Interchange-2
Total 28,516.676

Applicable TCS for Interchanges

Interchange Chainage (km)

No.& Lane Length TCS
Chainage Configuration From To (km) Type

Bhopal to Sagar 2 Lane + PS 135+003 135+996 0.993

Sagar to Bhopal 2 Lane + PS 134+737 135+730 0.993
RAMP -1 Bhopal to Berkheri 2 Lane + PS 0+000 0+500 0.500 5
RAMP – 2 Berkheri - Bhopal 2 Lane + PS 0+000 0+800 0.900 5

RAMP – 3 Berkheri - Bhopal 2 Lane + PS 0+000 0+425 0.425 5

Ramp – 1 (Bhopal –
2 Lane + PS 162+518 163+253 0.735 1

Ramp – 2 (Lalitpur – Bhopal) 2 Lane + PS 163+000 163+735 0.735 1

Interchange Ramp – 3 (Bhopal – Lalitpur) 2 Lane + PS 0+000 0+800 0.800 5

Ramp – 4(Chatarpur -
2 Lane + PS 0+000 0+980 0.980 5

Ramp – 5 (Chatarpur –
2 Lane + PS 0+000 1+193 1.193 5
Lalitpur) On NH- 28

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Flexible Pavement

 Introduction

Pavement design basically aims at determining the total thickness of the pavement structure
as well as the individual thickness of structural components for carrying the estimated traffic
loading under the prevailing climatic conditions with satisfactory performance of the
pavement. Different accepted methods for pavement design are currently available, and the
approach of the consultant has been to work out the requirements by various methods,
compare the results and optimize the recommended solution based on characteristics of
available materials, relative economics and best engineering judgment. For the present
project both flexible pavement and rigid pavement design has been considered.

Homogenous sections

Based on reconnaissance survey the project stretch has been divided into different
homogenous section for traffic studies and design as given below.


Sl. No. Chainage (km)

From To
1 134+737 163+253
Design Methodology

The designs have been prepared for:

 Flexible pavement design of main carriageway.

For new flexible Pavement design “Guidelines for Design of Flexible Pavements- IRC-37-
2018” will be adopted.



The basic philosophy for the traffic is based on the consideration of total vehicles that will ply on the
project road up to design years and their gross weight. The traffic loading in terms of cumulative
number of equivalent 8.0 t standard axle loads have been computed for the design period.

The following six main steps have been followed in designing the flexible pavement:

 Estimating the volume of traffic and the cumulative number (in million) of equivalent standard
axles (CMSA) that will use the road over the selected design life.
 Traffic growth rate during the design life in percentage.
 Design life in number of years.
 Spectrum of axle loads.
 Vehicle Damage Factor (VDF).
 Lane Distribution of Traffic.

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Traffic growth rate

The present day traffic projected for the end of design life at growth rates (‘r’) taken from
Traffic Report. The traffic growth for pavement design is mentioned in below Table 6.13


Mode 2017-2022 2027-2032 Beyond 2032
Bus 2.53 2.41 2.35
Mini Bus 2.53 2.41 2.35
Car 11.10 10.36 10.04
3-W 9.50 8.76 8.44
2-W 9.50 8.76 8.44
LCV-P 10.46 9.46 9.04
LCV-G 10.46 9.46 9.04
Truck 9.11 8.10 7.69
MAV 9.11 8.10 7.69
Tractor 9.11 8.10 7.69
Tractor 9.11 8.10 7.69
Cycle 3.00 3.00 3.00
Cycle Rickshaw 2.00 2.00 2.00
Animal Drawn 2.00 2.00 2.00
Hand Drawn 2.00 2.00 2.00

*Note: As per clause 4.2.2 of IRC: 37-2018 a minimum growth of 5% has been considered when growth rate is
less than 5%

Design Life

A design period of 20 years has been adopted for flexible pavement.

Vehicle Damage Factor (VDF)

VDF is a factor for converting commercial vehicles of different axle load and configuration
into equivalent number of standard axles. The VDF is calculated from axle load survey data.
Axle configuration and standard axle load as per IRC 37-2018 is:

1. Single axle with single wheel on either side — 65 kN

2. Single axle with dual wheels on either side — 80 kN
3. Tandem axle with dual wheels on either side — 148 kN
4. Tridem axles with dual wheels on either side — 224 kN

The VDF value from axle load survey at different location and VDF adopted for each
homogenous section is given in Table 6.14


Rahatgarh - Sagar Sagar - Rahatgarh
MODE Equivalence No. of Average Equivalence No. of Average
Factor Vehicles VDF Factor Vehicles VDF
LCV 5.67 22 0.26 1.25 17 0.07
2 AXLE 182.45 47 3.88 78.05 28 2.79
7.16 3.64 5.40
3 Axle 261.32 32 8.17 104.21 25 4.17
MAV 531.11 36 14.75 161.92 25 6.48

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Lane Distribution of Traffic

Load type and repetitions, along a pavement needs to be estimated. A pavement structural
design must account for such unequal load distribution. Loads used in the design lane are
calculated from the cumulative two-direction traffic by applying directional distribution and
lane distribution. The recommendation of the IRC: 37 –2018, clause no. 4.5.1 will be applied
for distribution of traffic. The project road consists of 2 lane single carriage way, 4 lane, 6
lane and 8 lane, accordingly 50%, 37.5%, 30% and 22.5% of the total number of commercial
vehicles in both direction, is adopted for pavement design.

Annual Average Daily Traffic Volume

AADT of commercial traffic for the base year (2018) is taken from Traffic report and is given
in Table 6.15

Mini Auto Two

Year Bus Car LCV Truck MAV Tractor Other Veh. PCU
Bus Rickshaw Wheeler
2018 107 94 1599 91 1443 370 582 328 25 186 4824 7245
2019 110 97 1776 99 1581 408 635 358 27 190 5280 7878
2020 113 99 1973 109 1731 451 692 391 30 193 5782 8571
2021 115 102 2192 119 1895 498 755 427 32 197 6333 9331
2022 118 104 2436 130 2076 550 824 465 35 201 6940 10164
2023 121 107 2697 142 2265 605 895 505 38 205 7580 11034
2024 124 109 2986 155 2471 665 972 549 41 209 8282 11985
2025 134 118 3471 178 2831 768 1108 626 47 224 9503 13674
2026 137 121 3842 194 3089 844 1203 679 51 229 10389 14866
2027 140 124 4254 211 3371 928 1306 737 56 233 11360 16168
2028 144 127 4695 230 3666 1015 1412 797 60 238 12383 17528
2029 147 130 5181 250 3987 1112 1526 862 65 243 13502 19009
2030 151 133 5718 272 4336 1217 1649 931 70 247 14725 20622
2031 154 136 6310 296 4716 1332 1783 1007 76 252 16062 22380
2032 158 139 6964 322 5129 1458 1927 1088 82 257 17525 24295
2033 162 142 7663 349 5562 1589 2076 1172 89 263 19067 26298
2034 166 146 8433 378 6032 1733 2235 1262 95 268 20748 28474
2035 170 149 9280 410 6542 1890 2407 1359 103 273 22582 30839
2036 174 153 10211 445 7094 2061 2592 1464 111 279 24582 33408
2037 178 156 11237 482 7693 2247 2791 1576 119 284 26764 36202
2038 182 160 12366 523 8343 2450 3006 1697 128 290 29145 39238
2039 186 164 13607 567 9047 2672 3237 1828 138 296 31742 42540
2040 190 168 14974 615 9811 2914 3486 1968 149 302 34576 46130
2041 195 172 16478 667 10640 3177 3753 2120 160 308 37669 50035
2042 200 176 18133 724 11538 3465 4042 2282 172 314 41045 54282
2043 204 180 19954 785 12512 3778 4353 2458 186 320 44729 58902
2044 209 184 21957 851 13569 4120 4687 2647 200 327 48751 63928


Based on the vehicle damage factors and the projected traffic volumes, the traffic loading in terms of
cumulative number of equivalent 8.0 t standard axle loads have been computed for the period, 2018-

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2044 (3 year construction period has been considered from 2021). As per parameters mentioned
earlier Design Traffic (MSA, Million Standard Axles) is worked as below
N = [365 x A x {(1+r) ^ -1} x D x F] / [r] MSA


N= the cumulative number of standard axles to be catered for in the design in term of MSA
A= Initial traffic in the year of completion of construction in terms of the number of CVPD
D= Lane distribution factor
F= Vehicle damage factor
n= Design life (2 year construction period has been considered)
r = Annual growth rate

The projected traffic and required MSA at each homogenous section is given in tables below.


Mini Repetition Cumulative
Commercial Vehicle No. of No of ESA
Bus & LGV Truck MAV
Type ESA in Millions
Period in years VDF 0.165 0.165 4.7525 10.615 millions
Starting Ending LDF 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
2021 2022
2022 2023 Construction Period
2023 2024
Percent of Distribution
100% 100% 65.0% 65.0%
of Trucks
Traffic in 2024 234 665 972 549
Traffic in 2024 after
234 665 972 549
Growth Rate (%) 2.46% 9.93% 8.57% 8.57%
2024 2025 1 239 731 1055 596 2.10 2.10
2025 2026 2 245 804 1145 647 2.28 4.38
2026 2027 3 251 884 1243 702 2.47 6.85
2027 2028 4 258 971 1350 762 2.68 9.53
2028 2029 5 264 1068 1466 828 2.91 12.45
Percent of Distribution
100% 100% 65.0% 65.0%
of Trucks
Growth Rate (%) 2.4% 9.5% 8.1% 8.1%
2029 2030 1 270 1169 1030 582 2.06 14.51
2030 2031 2 277 1279 1113 629 2.23 16.74
2031 2032 3 283 1400 1203 679 2.41 19.15
2032 2033 4 290 1509 1971 1113 3.92 23.07
2033 2034 5 296 1646 1379 779 2.76 25.83
Percent of Distribution
100% 100% 65.0% 65.0%
of Trucks
Growth Rate (%) 2.35% 9.04% 7.68% 7.68%
2034 2035 1 303 1795 965 545 1.96 27.79
2035 2036 2 311 1957 1040 587 2.11 29.90
2036 2037 3 318 2134 1119 632 2.27 32.17
2037 2038 4 325 2327 1205 681 2.44 34.61
2038 2039 5 333 2537 1298 733 2.63 37.24

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Mini Repetition Cumulative

Commercial Vehicle No. of No of ESA
Bus & LGV Truck MAV
Type ESA in Millions
Period in years VDF 0.165 0.165 4.7525 10.615 millions
Starting Ending LDF 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
2021 2022
2022 2023 Construction Period
2023 2024
Percent of Distribution
100% 100% 65.0% 65.0%
of Trucks
Traffic in 2024 234 665 972 549
Traffic in 2024 after
234 665 972 549
Growth Rate (%) 2.46% 9.93% 8.57% 8.57%
Percent of Distribution
100% 80% 65.0% 65.0%
of Trucks
Growth Rate (%) 2.35% 9.04% 7.68% 7.68%
2039 2040 1 341 2766 908 513 1.88 39.12
2040 2041 2 349 3016 978 552 2.02 41.14
2041 2042 3 357 3289 1053 595 2.18 43.31
2042 2043 4 365 3586 1134 640 2.34 45.66
2043 2044 5 374 3911 1221 690 2.52 48.18

Above shows the MSA calculation on yearly basis. Minimum design msa of 50msa should be
adopted. Summary of design msa adopted in homogenous section is given in table above.


In this project various field data has been collected for pavement design. The existing
baseline conditions being an important element for various decision making and supportive
data for pavement design. Different surveys conducted and its analysis are mentioned in this


The borrow area test results are shown in Table 6-17.


Sr. Gravel Sand Silt & Liquid Plastic PI FSI OMC MDD Soaked Soil
No. Chainage % % Clay Limit Limit Value % gm/cc CBR Classification
% % % % %
1 CH-135+937 49.69 30.06 20.25 33 NP NP 10.00 12 1.92 11.5 GM
2 CH-141+237 1.96 13.86 84.18 53.7 26.8 26.9 40.00 20 1.625 4.6 CI
3 CH-146+537 8.10 13.54 78.36 39.9 22.3 17.6 45.45 18 1.666 5.1 CH
4 CH-152+237 6.80 12.10 81.10 51.6 26.9 24.7 45.45 20 1.614 4.2 CH
5 CH-157+037 10.30 14.86 74.84 53.7 26.9 26.8 40.00 19 1.620 4.4 CH
6 CH-161+237 5.80 11.78 82.42 54.8 27.1 27.7 40.00 20 1.618 4.7 CH

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Summary / Discussion of Results

The soil in this stretch mainly classifies in the group of GM/CI/CH and it is described as above. The
CH soil having Liquid Limit 51.6 to 54.8 % with PI value in the range of 24.7 to 27.7 % & Free Swell
Index in the range of 40 % to 45 %. OMC & MDD are 19-20 % and 1.614 to 1.625 gm/cc. resp. and
Soaked CBR values ranging to 4.2% to 4.7%. CH/CI classification soil may require treatment of soil
stabilization or preferable to replace the soil with low expansive soils from borrow area.

Borrow Area Investigation

Lead Distance Tentative land

Sr. No Identification Details of Owner
From availability
CH-144+437 LHS 500 m Bhaisa Government
1 40500 m3
Village Land
CH-152+237 LHS 3 Km Nagna Balram Shahu
2 135000 m3
Village Nariyawali
CH-135+937 RHS 700 m Berkheri Government
3 157500 m3
Village Land

Test of above identification are given in below:

Gravel Sand Silt & Liquid Plastic PI Value MDD Soaked

Sr. No Chainage FSI % OMC %
% % Clay % Limit % Limit % % gm/cc CBR %

1 144+437 19.5 37.68 42.82 39.9 22.3 17.6 15.38 15 1.84 19.1
2 152+237 17.47 48.45 34.08 49.7 26.5 23.2 16.66 25 1.625 8.4
3 135+937 29.03 54.86 16.11 37.8 18.3 19.5 18.18 11 1.9 25

Summary / Discussion of Results

The results from CH-144+437& CH-135+937 borrow area indicates that good quality of
muroom is available along the project route which is suitable for sub-grade, for embankment
fill and for granular sub-base. Engineering classification of the material is Clayey Sand (SC)
with good CBR value.

Effective CBR

The 90th percentile of borrow area CBR has been taken as CBR of subgrade. If there is a
significant difference between the CBRs of the select sub-grade and embankment soils, the
design should be based on effective CBR as per IRC 37-2018. The effective CBR of sub-
grade is calculated as per Fig 5.1 of IRC: 37-2018. The embankment CBR is taken as 7%
(Maximum value that can be adopted as per Fig 5.1 of IRC: 37-2012). The 90th percentile of
borrow area CBR is 12.4%. The effective CBR of sub-grade calculated as per Fig 5.1 of IRC:
37-2018 is 12%. The details are given below:

Effective CBR using IIT PAVE

From 135+937 141+237 146+537 152+237 157+037 161+237

To 141+237 146+537 152+237 157+037 161+237 163+237

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Effective CBR using IIT PAVE

From 135+937 141+237 146+537 152+237 157+037 161+237

To 141+237 146+537 152+237 157+037 161+237 163+237
CBR of the soil used in the 11.5 4.6 5.1 4.2 4.4 4.7 %
upper 500 mm of embankment
CBR of the borrow soil used for 25 19.1 19.1 19.1 19.1 19.1 %
preparing the 500 mm thick
compacted subgrade above
Elastic modulus of the 84.02 46.00 49.93 42.00 44.00 47.00 Mpa
prepared (upper 500 mm)
embankment soil
Elastic modulus of the select 138.10 116.24 116.24 116.24 116.24 116.24 Mpa
borrow material
Poisson’s ratio (μ) 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35
Single Load 40000 40000 40000 40000 40000 40000 N
Contact Pressure 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56 MPa
Radius of Circular Circle 150.8 150.8 150.8 150.8 150.8 150.8 mm
contact Area for this load and
contact pressure
No. of Layers 2 2 2 2 2 2
Analysis point 1 1 1 1 1 1
Depth 0 0 0 0 0 0
Radial distance 0 0 0 0 0 0
Deflection(δ) 1.19 1.599 1.561 1.645 1.621 1.589 mm
the modulus value of the single 124.54 92.69 94.943 90.095 91.429 93.27 Mpa
layer which will produce
the same surface deflection
As per these design guidelines, the effective modulus value will be limited to 100 MPa for design purpose
Effective CBR(cannot be less 15 13 14 13 13 14
than 5)
So Average Effective CBR % 14
Adopted Value % 12

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The concept of designing long lasting pavements is gaining acceptance with the increasing traffic
demand and the need for economic and environmental sustainability. In order to compute pavement
responses to the applied traffic loads, the pavement design software IITPAVE is employed.

Resilient Modulus

The Resilient modulus is an important parameter for design and the performance of a pavement. It is
the measure of its elastic behavior determined from recoverable deformation in the laboratory test.
The default resilient modulus of subgrade can be estimated from generally acceptable correlations
which are as follows:
MR (MPa) = 10* (CBR) for CBR up to 5
=17.6 * (CBR) for CBR>5
MR = Resilient modulus of subgrade soil

Pavement Model

A flexible pavement is modelled as an elastic multilayer structure. Stresses and strains at critical
locations are computed using a linear layered elastic model. The Stress analysis software IITPAVE
has been used for the computation of stresses and strains in flexible pavements. Tensile strain, ϵt at
the bottom of the bituminous layer and the vertical subgrade strain, ϵ v on the top of the subgrade are
conventionally considered as critical parameters for pavement design to limit cracking and rutting in
the bituminous layers and non-bituminous layers respectively. The Figure 6.3 below shows the critical
points at pavement layers.


Fatigue model

Due to repetition of load, tensile strain develops cracks at the bottom of the bituminous layer which is
a problem for the long term serviceability. The phenomenon is called fatigue of the bituminous layer
and the number of load repetitions in terms of standard axles that cause fatigue denotes the fatigue
life of the pavement. Fatigue equation of 80 per cent reliability equation is recommended for traffic up
to 30 msa where normal bituminous mixes with VG-30 grade bitumen can be used. Fatigue equation
of 90 per cent reliability equation is recommended for use for traffic greater than 30 msa where richer
bituminous mixes with stiffer VG 40 binder should be used. Fatigue equation for 90% reliability is

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formulated for 3 per cent air voids and 13 per cent volume of bitumen. The equation for the
conventional bituminous mixes designed by Marshall Method is given below:

Nf = 2.21 ∗ 10−04 ∗ [1/εt ]3.89 ∗ [1/MR ]0.854 (80 per cent reliability) .................1
−04 3.89 0.854
Nf = 2.021 ∗ 10 ∗ [1/εt ] ∗ [1/MR ] (90 per cent reliability) .................2
Nf = Fatigue life in number of standard axles
εt = Maximum tensile strain at the bottom of the bituminous layer
MR = Resilient modulus of the bituminous layer

Rutting model

Rutting is the permanent deformation in pavement usually occurring longitudinally along the wheel
path. Rutting equation of 80 per cent reliability equation is recommended for traffic up to 30 msa
where normal bituminous mixes with VG-30 grade bitumen can be used. Rutting equation of 90 per
cent reliability equation is recommended for use for traffic greater than 30 msa where richer
bituminous mixes with stiffer VG 40 binder should be used. The rutting model considers the vertical
strain in subgrade and the equations are as given below .
𝑁 = 4.1656 ∗ 10−08 ∗ [1/𝜀𝑣 ]4.5337 (80 per cent reliability) ...................3
𝑁 = 1.41 ∗ 10−08 ∗ [1/𝜀𝑣 ]4.5337 (90 per cent reliability) ................... 4
N= Number of standard axles
εv = Vertical strain in subgrade

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Pavement Composition

The Flexible pavement consists of different layers. The composition of flexible pavement with WMM base and Granular Sub base is shown in
Figure 6-4 below.


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MCW New Construction Slip Road

Description Th. (m) Description Th. (m)
BC 0.040 BC 0.030
DBM 0.060 DBM 0.050
Aggregate inter
0.100 WMM 0.250
CT Base 0.100 GSB 0.200
CT Sub Base 0.200 Sub Grade 0.500
Sub Grade 0.500 Total 1.030
Total 1.000

Rigid Pavement:
New rigid pavement will be plain-jointed type and shall be designed in accordance with the
method prescribed in IRC: 58 -2015, “Guidelines for the Design of Plain Jointed Rigid
Pavements for Highways
Rigid pavement shall be designed for a minimum design period of 30 years. Stage
construction shall not be permitted.
The Pavement Quality Concrete (PQC) shall rest over Dry Lean concrete (DLC) and
Granular sub-base of 150mm thickness.

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MCW New Construction HS-1 New Service Road Toll Plaza

Description Th. (m) Description Th. (m) Layers Depth (mm)
BC 0.040 BC 0.030
DBM 0.060 DBM 0.050 PQC 300
Agg Layer 0.100 DLC 150
CT Base 0.100 WMM 0.250 GSB 150
CT Subbase 0.200 GSB 0.200
Sub Grade 0.500 Sub Grade 0.500
Total 1.000 Total 1.030 Total 600

An effective drainage system shall be planned for the drainage of roadway as per stipulations
of IRC SP: 42-2014 and IRC SP: 50-2013 for maintaining structural soundness and
functionality of the project road. The following types of drains shall be provided for surface
drainage of roadway and ROW:
 Longitudinal unlined / lined drains with outfalls at cross-drainage structure in rural sections.
The drain size shape and material shall be adequate to take design run off and prevent soil
erosion and stagnation of water.
 Covered RCC drains in built-up areas.
 Combination of longitudinal drains and chute drains in high embankments of 3m and above.
 Providing catch pits (wherever required) with provision of outflow at suitable location through
buried Hume pipes.
Part of drain water needs to be allowed to percolate or be lost by evaporation. Thus
alongside drains, natural depressions and waterways and artificial ponds are recommended
to drain out the water in rural stretches.
In super elevated sections, proper arrangement for drainage of raised carriageway and
median shall be made without allowing water to drain on the other carriageway.

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Side Slopes:

For earthen embankments the side slopes recommended from consideration of safety of
traffic as per IRC: 36-2010.
Slope shall be designed for embankment height greater than 6.0m using software for High
Embankment design and as per IRC: 75-2015.
However, where costs of construction and land forbid the use of such liberal slopes, the slope
will be generally kept as IV: 2H and pitched wall will be proposed after toe of such
embankment. This slope is considered adequate from stability point of view. The entire
project road shall have W Beam Metal Crash Barriers on the outer edge of the highway to
meet the safety standards and access control.
Slope Protection:
Slopes on embankment height less than 3m shall be turned and those above this height shall
be protected with stone pitching.


Capacity analysis is a fundamental aspect of planning, design and operation of roads, and
provides, among other things, the basis for determining the carriageway width to provide with
respect to the volume and composition of traffic.
Capacity and design service volumes for various lane configurations specified by IRC-64-
1990 ”Capacity of Roads in Rural areas ” has been adopted for determining the Level of
Service offered by the road sections during design period. Level of service ‘B’ proposed to
design the capacity of the project road. For the purpose of augmentation of the facilities and
up gradation of the Project Highway, the Design Service Volume (as per IRC: SP: 84-2019
Clause 2.18) for different Terrain conditions and Level of Service shall be as given in

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Nature of Terrain Design Service Volume in PCU per day

Level of Service ‘B’ Level of Service ‘C’
Plain and Rolling 60,000 n/a
Mountainous & Steep 30,000 n/a


There shall be no direct access to the main highway and all access shall be interconnected
through underpasses, overpasses or grade separators.
At-Grade Intersections:
There shall be no At-Grade Intersection of any road with the main highway.
Grade Separated Intersections and Interchanges:
Following type of grade separated structure has been proposed along to project highway.
 SVUP - All SVUP shall have minimum lateral clearance of 7 m and vertical clearance of
4.0 m. These SVUP shall be normal to the project highway.

Sl. Location
Span/ Opening (m) Remarks
No. (Design Chainage-Km)
1 136+204 1 x 7.0 x4.0 (clear opening) --
2 138+282 1 x 7.0 x4.0 (clear opening) --
3 150+414 1 x 7.0 x4.0 (clear opening) --
4 155+804 1 x 7.0 x4.0 (clear opening) --

LVUP – All LVUP shall have lateral clearance of 12m and vertical clearance of 4.0m. These
may be provided skew and normal to project highway depending of requirement.

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Sl. Location
Span/ Opening (m) Remarks
No. (Design Chainage-Km)
1 142+507 1 x 12.0 x4.0 (clear opening) --
2 146+567 1 x 12.0 x4.0 (clear opening) --
3 148+908 1 x 12.0 x4.0 (clear opening) --
4 154+035 1 x 12.0 x4.0 (clear opening) --

 VUP – All VUP’s shall have minimum lateral clearance of 20m and vertical clearance of

Location Span Arrangement c/c of Vertical

Sl. No.
(Design Chainage-Km) expansion joint (m) clearance (m)
Interchange – 1
1 2 X 25 X 5.5 5.5
2 152+217 1 X 25 X 5.5 5.5
Interchange – 2
3 1 X 30 X 5.5 5.5
 Interchanges
The Geometric design standards for various elements of grade separators and interchanges
shall be as given in IRC: 92-1985.

Following locations has been proposed for grade separated structure/interchange.

Sl. No. Location Span Arrangement c/c of Vertical

(Design Chainage-Km) expansion joint (m) clearance
1 Interchange – 1 2 X 25 X 5.5 5.5
2 Interchange – 2 1 X 30 X 5.5 5.5
On North – South Corridor (NH-26)

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Sl. No. Location Span Arrangement c/c of Vertical

(Design Chainage-Km) expansion joint (m) clearance
1 Interchange – 2 13x30+2x40 5.5


For safety and operational reasons, it will be necessary to provide suitable safety features,
road furniture, and other facilities along the project road. These features will include safety
barriers, road signs, road markings, road lighting, route markers, kilometer and hectometer
stones, road delineators, ROW pillars, parking areas & rest areas, bus stops/bays, and
landscaping. Where possible these features will be provided in accordance with relevant IRC
or other standard, as detailed below. If no IRC, Codes or the MORTH Specifications are
available, international standards such as BIS /AASHTO / ASTM /British Standards should
use in detail design.
Road Signs - The color, configuration, size and location of road signs shall be in accordance
with IRC: 67-2012.
Road Markings – Road markings shall be as per IRC: 35-2015. These markings shall
applied to road center lines, edge line, continuity line, stop lines, give-way lines,
diagonal/chevron markings, zebra crossing and at parking areas by means of an approved
self-propelled machine which has a satisfactory cut-off value capable of applying broken lines
automatically. The approach noses of the traffic islands will be marked for additional
guidance of traffic by means of diagonal markings and chevrons.
Route Markers - The design and location of route marker signs shall be as per IRC: 2-1968.
Overhead Signs - Standards prescribed by MORTH and IRC: 67-2012 Clause 7.4 shall
follow for overhead signs.
Road Delineators - The design and location for road delineators shall be as per IRC: 79-
Safety Barriers - The Safety Barrier shall conform to NHAI/MORTH Circulars. Safety
barriers shall be located at sharp horizontal curves, high embankments and at bridge

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Roadside and Median Safety Barriers shall be as per guidelines given in IRC: SP: 87-2013
Clause 9.7.
Pedestrian Guard Rail - The design shall be as per IRC: 103-2012.
Kilometer/Hectometer Stones/Posts - The design and placement of Highway kilometer
stones, their dimensions, size, color, and arrangement of letters shall be as per IRC: 8-1980.
For the 200-metre stones, IRC: 26-1967 shall applied. These stones are to be made of
precast M-15 grade reinforced cement concrete and lettering / numbering as per the
respective IRC codes.
ROW Pillars / Boundary Stones - Should any land be acquired for the project then new
ROW pillars at 200 m interval on each side to be established in accordance with IRC: 25-
Fencing – Chain Link fencing confirming to ASTM F 1553-06 shall fixed on GI pipe / RCC


Bus-Bays & Shelter -The layout, design and location of the bus stops in rural areas shall be
as per IRC: 80-1981. In urban/semi-urban areas the recommendations given in IRC: 70-1977
will be considered, taking into account land availability. Typical Layouts given in IRC: SP: 84-
2019 will also be considered while developing the Layout. The bus stop layout shall provide
safe entry and exit of buses from the service road and safe movement of passengers. The
details are tabulated below.

Sl No. Design Chainage (km) Side No. Location

1 137+912 Both Side 2 Junction
2 142+145 Both Side 2 Junction
3 146+313 Both Side 2 Junction
4 150+246 Both Side 2 Junction
5 151+825 Both Side 2 Junction
6 153+626 Both Side 2 Junction
7 155+435 Both Side 2 Junction

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Rest Areas – Rest area shall be planned and provided as wayside amenities for users to
enable them to stop, take rest and refresh themselves so as to ease their fatigue. These
areas also cover facilities for providing fuel for vehicles and emergency requirement without
having to exit from the project road. The service facilities shall be designed as per section 12
of IRC: SP: 84-2019.
The location may be decided keeping in view factors such scenic beauty, availability of
utilities and adequate ROW as per section 12 of IRC: SP: 84-2019.
State Border Check Posts – The state border check posts shall be planned and provided to
enable the State Authorities to exercise checks as per applicable laws on the vehicle
crossing the state border. The state border check posts shall be designed as per section 13.3
of IRC: SP: 84-2019.
Truck Lay – byes - The proposed layout of truck lay bye is generally based on the
recommendations of “Planning Norms and Guidelines on Wayside and Terminal Facilities”
(MORTH sponsored study). Also, as per guidelines given in IRC: SP: 84-2019.
Toll Plaza – shall be design based on the guidelines given in IRC: SP: 84-2019 and as per
circulars of MORTH.

No. of toll lanes

Chainage (km) Direction
(Extra wide ETC + ETC+ Extra wide ETC)
148+000 Main CW 1+6+1 (4+4 Lanes)

Highway Landscaping - IRC: SP: 21-2009 "Manual on Landscaping” shall guide the
plantation of rows of trees with staggered pitch on either side of the road. The choice of the
trees shall also be made as per the same code. Local, indigenous species that grow in the
project area microclimate shall be planted. Indicative arrangements for plantation of trees
shall be in accordance with the MORTH Technical Circular No. NHI-41 (34)/69 dated. A
spacing of 10-15m c/c recommended for spacing of trees parallel to the roads. Setback
distance of trees needed in different situations shall be as per the IRC: SP: 21-2009 and the

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Street Lighting – shall be designed based on the guidelines given in IRC: SP: 87-2013.

ROW Pillars / Boundary Stones - Should any land be acquired for the project then new ROW
pillars at 200 m interval on each side to be established in accordance with IRC: 25-1967.

Fencing – Chain Link fencing confirming to ASTM F 1553-06 shall fixed on GI pipe / RCC

The General Technical Specifications shall be as per MORTH Specifications for Road and
Bridge works (Fifth revision, April 2013) issued by the Ministry of Road Transport and
Highways, Govt. of India and published by the Indian Roads Congress along with its
updating/amendments/ addendum issued from time to time.


Structures Design Standards /Criteria
The Design Standards and the loading to be consider are generally based on the
requirements laid down in the latest editions of IRC/ IS codes of practices & standard
specifications, and guidelines of Ministry of Surface Transport. Additional technical
references would be used wherever the provisions of IRC/IS codes are found inadequate.
Following IRC / IS codes proposed to be use in the design:


No. Code of Practice / Title of Publication

IRC: 5-2015 Standard Specifications and Code of Practice for Road Bridges,
1 Section I – General Features of Design (Eighth Revision)
2 IRC: 6-2017: Standard Specifications and Code of Practice for Road Bridges,
Section-II Loads and Load Combinations (Seventh Revision)
3 IRC:112-2011: Code of Practice for Concrete Road Bridges
IRC:22-2015 Standard Specifications and Code of Practice for Road Bridges,
4 Section VI –Composite

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No. Code of Practice / Title of Publication

5 IRC:24-2010 Standard Specifications and Code of Practice for Road Bridges,
Steel Road Bridges (Limit State Method)Third Revision)
6 IRC:78-2014 Standard Specifications and Code of Practice for Road Bridges,
Section VII- Foundations and
7 IRC:83-2015: (Part II)Standard Specifications and Code of Practice for Road
Bridges, Section IX – Bearings
8 IRC: 83 (Part III)-2002: Standard Specifications and Code of Practice for Road
bridges, Section IX - Bearings, Part III: POT, POT- CUM-PTFE, Pin and Metallic
9 IRC:SP-84-2014 Manual for Specifications & Standards for Four Laning of
Highways Through Public Private Partnership (First Revision)
10 IRC:SP-87-2013 Manual of Specification & Standards for Six Laning of Highways
through Public Private Partnership (First Revision)
11 IRC: SP: 33-1989: Guidelines on Supplemental measures for Design, Detailing,
and Durability of Important Bridge Structures. (Second Revision)
12 IRC: SP: 35 Guidelines For Inspection and Maintenance of Bridges
13 IRC: SP: 37 Guidelines For Evaluation of Load Carrying Capacity of Bridges
14 IRC: SP: 40 Guidelines On Techniques for Strengthening and Rehabilitation of
15 IRC: 89-1997: Guidelines for Design & Construction of River t2raining and
Control works for Road Bridges. (First Revision)
16 IS: 2911(Part1/Sec2): 2010 Code of Practice for Design and Construction of Pile
foundation for Bored Cast in situ Piles.
17 IS 2062:2011 Hot Rolled Medium and High Tensile structural steel-Specification
(Seventh Revision)
18 IS 1786:2008 High Strength Deformed Steel Bars and wires for concrete
Reinforcement Specification (Fourth Revision)
19 IRC: SP:65-2005 Guidelines For Design and Constructions of Segmental Bridges
20 IS 14593:1998 Design and Construction of Bored Cast-in-situ Piles founded on
Rocks- Guidelines
21 IS 1343:2012 Prestressed Concrete-Code of Practice (Second Revision)
22 IRC:SP:51-2015 Guidelines for Load Testing of Bridges (First Revision)
23 IS 13920:1993(Reaffirmed 2008) Ductile Detailing of Reinforced concrete
structures subjected to seismic forces – Code of Practice
24 IRC:SP:69-2011, Guidelines & Specifications for Expansion Joints (First

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No. Code of Practice / Title of Publication

25 MOST Specifications for Road and Bridge Works published by Ministry of
Surface Transport (Roads Wing), Government of India (Fifth Revision)
26 IRC:SP:90-2010 Manual for Grade Separators & Elevated Structures

IRC:SP:67-2005 Guidelines for use of External and Un-bond Prestressing

27 Tendons in Bridge Structures
IRC:SP:71-2006 Guidelines for Design And Construction of Precast Pre-
28 Tensioned Girders for Bridges


Types of New Bridges shall envisaged of following types Super structure
 Cast-in-situ Solid for span ranges from 10m to13
 RCCI girder bridges with casting situ deck for spans of 14 m to 25 m span.
 PSC I girder with cast-in-situ deck for the span ranges 26 to 45 m
 PSC box girder for the spans over 33m

Type of Bridge Foundation

Based on reconnaissance survey of existing bridges the foundations encountered are of well
foundation, pile foundation and open foundation. It envisaged that either pile or open
foundation shall proposed for new bridge
However, the type of foundation shall finalized based on the results of sub-soil investigation.
In case open foundation provided for some minor bridges in the approach, the same shall
place adequately below the scour depth.

Proposed Type of Super-Structure for Proposed Bridges

It is propose to provide any of the following type of super-structure for the proposed bridges
based on the site conditions, aesthetics, and economy.

Pre-cast post tensioned I girders.

The pre-cast post-tensioned girder superstructure has the following advantages-

 The girder may cast in standard lengths in a casting yard under the strict quality

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control as a parallel activity with the construction of substructures thus reducing the
overall period of construction.
 After the pier and pier caps constructed, the girders may be transported at site and
erected in position using a suitable crane or incremental launching method in case
number of span are more.
 Spans varying from 25m to 45m are feasible.
 The whole operation of lifting and positioning of all the girders for a particular span
can completed in a short span of time.
 Deck slab can be concreted cast-in-situ by supporting the shuttering directly from
the pre- cast girders.
 Cost towards staging and shuttering reduces substantially. However, the post-
tensioned girders has the following disadvantages-
 Girder length are fixed and cannot adjusted at site even during execution of works
some adjustments are necessary.
 Use of Pre-cast girders is not feasible for curved super-structures with sharp radius.
 Specialized contractors are required for the construction of pre-stressed bridges.

Cast-in-situ Pre-stressed box girders

 Pre-stressed box girders has the following advantages-
 Box girders can be constructed for any span length and shape
 Economical for large spans i.e. greater than30m.
 Overall depth of the super-structure is much less, than the pre-stressed T beam
girder and reinforced concrete T beam girder. It thus reduces the formation level of
bridges which in turn reduces the length of approach road.
 Feasible for curved continuous super-structure
 However the cast-in-situ pre-stressed box girder has the following disadvantages-
 Construction of super-structure has to wait till the completion of foundation and sub-
 Cost towards staging and shuttering is substantial
 Specialized contractors are required for the construction of pre-stressed bridges.

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Precast/Cast-in-situ reinforced concrete bridges

The cast-in-situ reinforced concrete girders has the following advantages-
 Girders can be concreted for any span length and shape
 Specialized contractors are not required for the construction of reinforced concrete
super- structures.
 Economical for span length varying from 16m to 25m. However, the reinforced
concrete has the following disadvantages-
 Depth of super-structure is large and thus it increases the formation level of bridge,
which in turn increases the length of the approach road.
 Un-economical for length larger than25m.
 Construction of super-structure has to wait till the completion of sub-structure.
 Difficulty in using in urban areas as it is necessary to provide shuttering and staging
which will create difficulty in movement of traffic during construction of super-

Composite steel structure

This type of superstructure proposed over Railway crossing as per the RDSO circular.
Recently RDSO issued standard superstructures drawings for the spans 18m, 24m, 31m and
35m in the month of December 2016. These standard drawings designed in limit state method
as per IRC: 24-2010 and IRC: 22-2015. It is mandatory to follow the standard superstructure
drawings to get the easy approval GAD from the Railway authority.

 Fabrication of structure may be done in workshop and assembly in site, to achieve
fast progress of work.
 Dismantling of the superstructure is easy.
 Deck Slab shall be casted over steel girders

 Steel Fabrication must be at RDSO approved workshop, may not be available at the
project site.
 Rail blocks required at the time of erection.

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Grade Separators
In this project Grade, separated structures shall envisage like Flyover, VUP, PUP, ROB etc.
The requirement of grade separator, its shape , size, type and configuration at any location is
decided by collecting sufficient relevant data and information and analyzing it with respect to
volume, intensity and type of traffic, loadings, climatic conditions and geo-technical
investigations, space restraints and limitations because of underground and overhead utilities
services and available geometrics, traffic regulation during construction etc.

Piers shall be avoided in the mid-stream where velocity of water is high. Piers shall
place normal to the flow direction.
Circular/cellular circular/wall type piers with semicircular ends shall use after considering the
aesthetics and economy. Circular piers shall be preferred in high seismic zone areas as they
have the same stiffness in all the directions.
Solid wall type abutments/counter fort type abutments shall selected based on the height.
Counter fort type abutments shall generally provide if height of the abutments is more than


It is propose to provide following type of new culverts for the project roads-
Pipe Culverts
Box/Slab Culverts
In accordance with clause number 12.5 of IRC:SP:13-2004, to facilitate inspection and
carrying out repairs, the minimum vent height should not be less than 1500mm. and
minimum diameter of pipe culverts should be 1200mm.
In case of slab/box culverts, minimum height shall be 1.90m assuming the vertical opening of
box as 1.50m.

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Retaining walls will be required to confine the embankment slope by keeping in view the
available right of way. The type of retaining wall shall decide based on the cost of reinforced
concrete retaining wall with reinforced earth wall.
It is very important to accurately consider the following factors for the design of retaining wall
to avoid the failure-
 Angle of the slope of the backfill above the retaining wall as the active earth
pressure increases rapidly with the increase in angle of the backfill.
 Quality of backfill as poor backfill results in high seepage pressure while no pore pressure
is consider in the design.
 Weep holes shall be provided as per IRC code provisions in order to avoid water
pressure behind the wall.

Sl. Stretches
Length (m) Side Remarks
No. From From
1 134+881 135+181 300 Both Side
2 135+231 135+531 300 Both Side
3 137+762 138+278 516.07 RHS --
4 138+285 138+682 396.93 RHS --
5 141+995 142+501 505.33 RHS --
6 142+513 142+835 322.67 RHS --
7 146+163 146+561 397.97 RHS --
8 146+573 146+943 370.03 RHS --
9 150+096 150+410 314.17 RHS --
10 150+417 150+656 238.83 RHS --
11 151+675 152+205 529.44 Both Side --
12 152+230 152+636 406.56 Both Side --
13 152+636 152+770 133.76 Both Side --
14 152+857 153+189 331.61 Both Side --
15 153+476 154+029 553.07 RHS --
16 154+041 154+575 533.93 RHS --
17 155+285 155+801 515.33 RHS
18 155+808 156+312 504.67 RHS
19 162+495 162+795 300 Both Side
20 162+825 163+125 300 Both Side

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Sl. Stretches
Length (m) Side Remarks
No. From From
North - South Corridor
1 0+240 0+540 300 Both Side --
2 0+893 1+193 300 Both Side


To find out the actual needed linear waterway needed for any structure, there are two steps
to follow. First, to find out the actual discharge or flow that shall be flowing through the
structure. Through Hydrologic, studies contributing catchment area shall be delineated and
suitable methods as prescribed in IRC 5 and based on CWC reports and based on the
prescribed return period, tentative discharge shall calculated.
Hydraulic studies shall be carried out to ascertain the carrying capacity of new bridge or any
structure, based on the Manning’s method and topography of the upstream and downstream
levels and the design discharge calculated through Hydrologic calculations. Further based on
these calculations of linear waterway of bridges, scour calculations and design of protection
works shall be designed.
All efforts shall be made to find the discharge data of the river from government departments.
However if the above data is not available then rain fall data for relevant areas shall be
obtained and used for calculating the discharge. Catchments are delineated using contour
data obtained from SRTM 3 arc sec data using standard GIS platforms.
Following methods shall use for calculating discharge (Hydrology) for bridges-
 Empirical Formulae for peak run-off from catchment as per IRC5
 Rational Formulae for peak run-off from catchment
 Hydrograph method using CWC reports

For Hydraulic design of the linear waterway needed, Manning’s method is adopted.
The flood discharge calculated from the above methods shall compared with each other and
the highest of these values shall be adopted as the design discharge Q, provided it does not
exceed the next highest discharge by more than 50 per cent. In case the difference is more
than 50 per cent then the design discharge shall be restricted to the limit of 50 per cent.

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The length of the proposed bridge shall fix based on hydraulic studies and the length of old


Minimum three cross sections of the stream/river shall take at bridge location i.e. one at up-
stream, one at down-stream and one near proposed bridge location for calculating discharge
by Manning’s formula. Cross sections of the channel shall take up-to following distances from
the proposed bridge location based on the catchment area-

Distance at u/s and d/s for

No. Catchment Area
cross sections
1 Up-to 3 sq.km. 100.0m
2 From 3.0 to 15.0 sq.km. 300.0m
3 Over 15 sq.km. 500.0m

Longitudinal section of river for bridges shall take for a length of 300.0m up-stream and
300.0m on down-stream side from center line of proposed bridge location. The longitudinal
section shall use to calculate the slope of the stream.


River beds of mountainous terrain have boulder strata and it is very difficult to estimate the
scour depth for such strata. It generally seen the actual scour depth in such beds is less than
those calculated by conventional formulae.

Scour depth for foundations and protection works shall designed for a larger discharge in
order to give adequate factor of safety. The percentage increase in discharge based on
catchment area shall be as follows-

30% increase in discharge for catchments area up to 500 square kilometers

25% to 20% for medium catchments of 500 to 5000 square kilometers
20% to 10% for larger catchments of 5000 to 25000 square kilometers
10% for larger catchments above 25000kilometers
Protection works shall be required to avoid scour in case shallow foundations are proposed.
Protection work shall include the following-

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Rigid Apron
Curtain wall
Flexible Apron

Bore hole Location Plan

Bore hole Plan shall prepared for the geotechnical investigation of proposed bridge. The
drawing show the borehole location plans prepared and submitted to client for approval.

Sub-soil Investigation
Detailed sub-soil investigations shall carried out at bridge locations which are to be
constructed One borehole at abutment location shall drilled
The sub-soil exploration and testing shall carried out through the sub-soil consultant. Sub-
soil investigation report shall be prepared as per IRC 78-2000.

Preparation of General Arrangement Drawings

General arrangement drawings of the bridge shall be prepared based on preliminary design
of bridge. The general arrangement drawings submitted shall clearly show the proposed
type of super-structure, sub-structure, foundations, bearings, and expansion joints.

Preparation of Preliminary Designs and Drawings

Preliminary design of culverts and bridges shall carried out based on design standards.
Adequacy of the size of proposed sections for super-structure, sub-structure, and
foundations shall be verified based on preliminary design.

Detailed design of cross drainage structures

Detailed designs shall be prepared based on IRC loadings. Detailed drawings shall be
prepared based on the structural designs.

Cost for structures shall worked out based on per sqm basis based on preliminary design
and drawings.

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In this context, it noted that this particular area falls in restricted area defined by the
Geological survey of India for which topo maps are not readily available. Client shall
cooperate to help getting those topo maps. Also, hydrological data for various roads shall
obtained from PWD department or other concerned department shall make available to us by
the help of client
The type of structural arrangement shall finalize based on detailed survey and sub-soil
The design of proposed structures shall be based on the following materials and loading

Concrete Grade
Grade of concrete in various elements shall be as under for moderate conditions of exposure:

• All PSC members - M50/M45(Precast/Cast-in-situ)

• All RCC members - M35 for all bridges
- M30 for Culverts
• All PCC members - M20/M15
 Retaining Wall - M30
 Culverts - M30

Reinforcement Steel
 High yield strength deformed bar shall be of grade Fe 500 D as per IS:1786-2008
 Mild steel bars shall be of grade Fe 240 as per IS:1786-2008

Exposure Condition
Moderate exposure/Severe conditions shall be considered while designing various
components of all the structures depending on the location of road.
Concrete Clear Covers:
For all reinforcement - As per Cl. of IRC 112

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For prestress cable -As per clause 13. 4 of IRC: 112 duct to outer most Fibre of girder

Pre-Stressing System

a) System(Posttensioning) : Multi pull strand system of “Freyssinet" or

"ISMALCCL” or equivalent

b) Cables(Posttensioning) : 12T13/19K13cableswithstrandsof
15.2 mm nominal dia.

c) High Tensile Steel : (for both post / pretensioning)

Strands : Nominal 12.7mm dia. 7 ply low
relaxation strands conforming to
class 2 of IS:14268-1995
Area : 98.7 sq.mm per 12.7mm strand and
140 sq mm. per15.2mmdia.(nominal
cross section a area)
Ultimate load : 183.71 KN per strand per 12.7mm
and 265.92 KN per15.2mm
Modulus of Elasticity : 1.95x105MPa

d) Sheathing(Posttensioning) : 75mm OD /90mm/100mm/125mm OD

e) Friction Coefficient (Post tensioning) 0.25/radian
f) Wobble Coefficient(Post tensioning) 0.0046/m
g) Anchorage Slip(Posttensioning) 6mm average
h) Loss of force due to relaxation : 2.5% at 0.7 UTS after 1000 hrs. The final
relaxation value for design shall be
3.0 times the 1000 hr. value as per cl.
6.4.1 of IS 14268:1995
j) Nominal Mass of strand : 0.73 kg/m for 12.7 mm strand, 1.094kg/m
for 15.2mm strand

Stressing shall be carried out simultaneously from both ends. All the strands of a cable shall
be stressed in one go. Provisions for 4% emergency cables will be provided. If they are not

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utilised during construction, they will be pulled out and cable ducts will be grouted and
plugged suitably. Access to the super-structure shall be provided to enable maintenance,
inspection and future pre-stressing operations. Stressing may also be carried out at single
end also depends on the adaptability.

Structural Steel

Structural steel shall conform to IS: 2062:2011 also confirming to MORTH (Revision V)
structural steel of CL: 1900

Grade of steel shall be E 350, and yield stress 350 Mpa as per IS: 2062:2011 HFSG bolts of
Grade: 10.2 shall be used

Erection and Fabrication: As per the MORTH Specification


Elastomeric Bearings shall be proposed for spans up to 30m and the maximum vertical load
shall not be exceed as per IRC: 83, Part II-2105

POT, POT/PTFE bearing proposed for long span bride where maximum vertical load
moments envisaged. Spherical bearings also proposed for long span simply supported
superstructures or continuous superstructures where huge horizontal forces and uplift forces

These bearings designed and supplied by the approved manufacturers as listed in the
MORTH empanelment. The loads and forces on the bearings shall be calculated to enable
the manufacturer to design these bearings and these shall conform to MOST CL: 2000
Specifications for Road & Bridge Works (5thRevision).

Expansion Joints

The following types of Expansion Joints shall be adopted as per IRC: SP: 69-2011:
Filler type expansion joints shall be proposed for minor bridges with solid slab
superstructures having span lengths not exceeding 10 metres. These type of joints shall
conform to Cl. 2609 of MOST Specifications for Road & Bridge Works (5th Revision).

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Single Strip seal expansion joints shall be proposed for superstructures having

Modular strip seal expansion joints shall be proposed for continuous superstructures where
anticipated movements are more than 80mm. Cl. 2606 of MORTH

The strip seal and modular strip seal joints shall conform to Cl. 2607 of MOST Specifications
for Road and Bridge works (5thRevision).


An asphaltic concrete wearing course provided over the deck slab. It shall consist of a coat of
mastic asphalt 6mm thick with a prime coat over the deck before the wearing course laid. The
insulating layer of 6mm thick mastic asphalt with 75% limestone dust filler and 25% of 30/40
penetration grade bitumen laid at 375 F. Two layers of 25mm each of asphaltic concrete laid
over the mastic asphalt.

Drainage spouts with gratings at the top provided on the bridges to ensure proper drainage of
surface water.

An approach slab 3.50m long and 300mm thick resting on the bracket taken out from the dirt
wall provided on both sides of the bridge resting on the 150mm thick leveling course. The
gap between the approach slab and dirt wall filled with bituminous joint filer sealing

Weep holes shall be provided behind abutment and wing wall to avoid building up of
hydrostatic pressure behind them. Weep holes provided 150mm, above the low water level or
bed level whichever is higher.


Dead Loads
Following unit weights shall be assumed in the design as per IRC Codes.

Pre-stressed Concrete - 2.5t/cum

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Reinforced Concrete - 2.5t/cum

Plain Cement Concrete - 2.5t/cum
Structural steel - 7.85t/cum
Dry Density of Soil - 1.80t/cum

Saturated Density of Soil - 2.0 t/cum

Superimposed Dead Loads
Wearing Coat 65mm
: thick asphaltic concrete with total weight of
0.2 t/ sqm (including allowance for overlay)
Crash barriers From
: design (i.e. 1.0 t/m to 1.6 t/m per side)
Carriageway Live Load

All the new cross drainage structures shall be designed for the following loading for carriage
way width 9.6 to 13.1m
Live Loads for 3-lanes :One/Two lanes/Three lanes of IRC Class A. 70R + CL-A

(Whichever produces worst effect) or One lane of IRC Class 70R (wheeled/
tracked)+One lane of Class A.
The impact factor shall be as per Cl. 208 of IRC: 6-2014 for the relevant load combinations.
For simplicity in design, the impact factor for continuous structures shall be calculated for the
smallest span of each module and used for all the spans in that module.
Longitudinal Forces

The following effects shall be considered for calculating the longitudinal forces in the design-
 Braking forces as per the provision of Cl. 211 of IRC:6.
 Frictional resistance offered to the movement of free bearings due to change of
 Distribution of longitudinal forces due to horizontal deformation of bearings/ frictional
resistance shall be carried out as per Cl. 211.5 of IRC: 6 by assuming stiff supports.

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Centrifugal Forces
Bridges on a horizontal curve designed for centrifugal forces based on the following equation-
(CL: 212.2 of IRC: 6-2017)
C = WV2/127R,
Where C = Centrifugal force acting normal to the traffic W = Carriageway live load
V = Design speed of the vehicles using the bridge in km per hour R = Radius of curvature in
The centrifugal force considered to act at 1.20m above the formation level of the bridge in the
transverse direction. No impact value on carriageway live load shall be considered for
calculating the centrifugal force.

The effect of water current forces calculated in accordance with clause number 210 of IRC:
6- 2017 on sub-structure and foundations. High Flood level and Velocity calculated based on
the details received from relevant Government departments or local inquiries.

Impact Forces
All the sub-structure and foundations in the river shall be designed for the impact due to
striking of rolling boulders on the sub-structure in mountainous terrain. The magnitude of
force shall be decided based on field studies and in consultation with client.

Earth Pressure
Horizontal forces due to earth pressure shall be calculated as per the provision of Cl. 214 of
IRC: 6-2017 assuming the following soil properties:
Type of soil assumed for backfilling :Dry Density of 1.80 t/cum and Submerged
Density of 1.2 t/cum
Angle of Internal Friction :
Angle of Wall Friction :

of substrata immediately under the foundation

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Live load surcharge shall be considered as equivalent to 1.2m height of earth fill in case of
abutments and return/wing walls.
The pressure exerted by earth fill will act at 0.42m from the base as per the Coloumb’s
Wind Forces
Structures shall be designed for wind effects as stipulated as Cl. 209 of the IRC: 6.
The longitudinal and transverse wind forces shall be considered for plain terrain or terrain
with obstructions as per the Table 5 of IRC: 6-2017
The wind pressures generated in the table for a basic wind speed of 33 m/s

Seismic Effect
The seismic forces are calculated as per cl. No 219 of IRC: 6-2017
Different zone factors are to be considered depending on the project roads falls in various
seismic zones as the project lies in different states.
Feq = Ah x (Dead Load + Appropriate Live Load)
Where, Ah = horizontal seismic coefficient = (Z/2) x (Sa/g)/(R/I) Z = Zone factor and is equal
to 0.10 for seismic zone II
I = Important factor
R = Response reduction factor
Sa/g = Average response acceleration coefficient depending upon fundamental period of
T = Fundamental period of the bridge in seconds in horizontal vibrations
In zone IV and V to prevent the dislodgement of superstructure, “reaction blocks” (additional
safety measures in the event of failure of bearings) or other types of seismic arresters shall
be provided and designed for the seismic force.

Temperature Range
The temperature forces are calculated as per the cl.no.215.1 of IRC: 6-2017

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The bridge structure/components i.e. bearings and expansion joints, shall be designed for a
temperature variation of +
The super-structures shall be designed for effects of distribution of temperature across the
deck depth as per stipulations of BD 37/88 suitably modified for the surfacing thickness.

Temperature effects are of three types-

Effect of non-linear distribution of temperature across the deck depth causes additional tension
and compression in the structure. It happens due to the difference in temperature at top and
bottom of super-structure. This cause seigen-stress in the structure. In this case the supports
do not offer any restrain to the hogging or sagging of beam. The effect of eigen stresses shall
be considered for all the proposed bridges. In case of continuous structures there will be
effect of intermediate supports which gives restrain to the free hogging and sagging of
structure. The intermediate support prevents the beams to freely hog or sag, which causes
continuity stresses .The effect of continuity stresses shall be considered for continuous

Differential Shrinkage Effects

A minimum reinforcement of 0.2% of cross sectional area in the longitudinal direction of the
cast- in-situ slab provided to cater for differential shrinkage stresses in superstructures with
in-situ slab over pre-cast girders.
However, effects due to differential shrinkage and/or differential creep shall be duly
accounted for in the design.

Construction Stage Loadings

A uniformly distributed load of 3.6 KN/m2 of the form area taken into account of construction
stage loadings in the design of superstructure elements, wherever applicable, as per Cl. 4.2.2
of IRC: 87-1984.

The design shall take into account the temporary and locked-in-forces, adjusted by creep
effects, resulting from various methods of construction adopted. These forces will include
those arriving from each stage of construction.

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Differential Settlement Effects

Differential settlement effects for continuous superstructure units appropriately assessed for
each structure. However, in any case a minimum
accounted for in the design.
The differential settlement effects in continuous superstructures accounted for under
following conditions:
 A minimum of 12mm differential settlement of supports with half value of `E’
 To simulate the bearing replacement conditions, a 12mm differential uplift with full
value of
`E’ shall be considered but without any live load on the superstructure.


Buoyancy forces calculated as per the cl.no.213 of IRC: 6-2017

100% buoyancy shall be considered while checking stability of foundations irrespective of
their resting on soil/weathered rock/or hard rock. However, the maximum base pressures
shall also be checked under an additional condition with 50% buoyancy in cases where
foundations are embedded into hard rock. Pore pressure uplift limited to 15% shall be
considered while checking stresses of the substructure elements.
In the design of abutments, the effects of buoyancy considered assuming the fill behind
abutments removed by scour.

Load Combination

All members shall be designed to safely sustain the most critical combination of various loads
and forces that can coexist. Various load combinations as relevant with increase in
permissible stresses considered in the design shall be as per IRC: 6 and IRC:78

The various load combinations are considered as per annexure B of IRC: 6-2017 as
mentioned below.

Table 3.2 for verification of structural strength

Table 3.3 for verification of Service ability limit state
Table3.4 Combination of Base pressure and design of foundation

Structural Proposal

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Major Bridges

Following locations has been proposed for major bridges

Sl. No. Location Design Chainage (Km) Span (m)

1 148+767 5 x 26
2 149+767 2 x (5x6x4)
3 157+377 3 x 30.0
4 162+437 3 x (5x10x4)

Minor Bridges
Following locations has been proposed for minor bridges

Total Length
Sr. Design Span
Type (F/F of Dirt Wall)
No. Chainage arrangement
1 Minor Bridge 135+867 2 X 18 36.0
2 Minor Bridge 136+117 2 X 16 32.0
3 Minor Bridge 139+037 2 X 18 36.0
4 Minor Bridge 140+927 2 x 22.5 45.0
5 Minor Bridge 142+977 2 X 20 40.0
6 Minor Bridge 153+207 2 X 18 36.0

Following locations has been proposed for ROB

Sr. Type Design Span arrangement Total Length (F/F of

No. Chainage Dirt Wall) (m)
1 ROB 152+749.756 1X25+1X37.2+1X25 87.2


Following locations has been proposed for Culverts

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Details of box culvert :

Sr. No Chainage Type of structure Arrangement Width Remarks
1 135+247 Box Culvert 1 X2X2 38.2 New Construction
2 135+317 Box Culvert 1 X2X2 38.2 New Construction
3 135+457 Box Culvert 1 X2X2 38.2 New Construction
4 136+637 Box Culvert 1 X2X2 13 New Construction
5 136+897 Box Culvert 1 X2X2 13 New Construction
6 137+027 Box Culvert 1 X2X2 13 New Construction
7 137+191 Box Culvert 1 X3X3 13 New Construction
8 137+499 Box Culvert 1 X3X3 13 New Construction
9 137+717 Box Culvert 1 X2X2 13 New Construction
10 138+197 Box Culvert 1 X2X2 38.2 New Construction
11 138+745 Box Culvert 1 X3X3 13 New Construction
12 138+885 Box Culvert 1 X3X3 13 New Construction
13 139+479 Box Culvert 1 X3X3 13 New Construction
14 139+637 Box Culvert 1 X3X3 13 New Construction
15 140+034 Box Culvert 1 X3X3 13 New Construction
16 140+584 Box Culvert 1 X3X3 13 New Construction
17 140+712 Box Culvert 1 X3X3 13 New Construction
18 141+418 Box Culvert 1 X3X3 13 New Construction
19 141+817 Box Culvert 1 X2X2 13 New Construction
20 142+317 Box Culvert 1 X2X2 38.2 New Construction
21 143+567 Box Culvert 1 X2X2 13 New Construction
22 143+588 Box Culvert 1 X3X3 13 New Construction
23 143+938 Box Culvert 1 X3X3 13 New Construction
24 144+370 Box Culvert 1 X2X2 13 New Construction
25 144+512 Box Culvert 1 X3X3 13 New Construction
26 144+810 Box Culvert 1 X3X3 13 New Construction
27 144+821 Box Culvert 1 X3X3 13 New Construction
28 145+017 Box Culvert 1 X2X2 13 New Construction
29 145+277 Box Culvert 1 X2X2 13 New Construction

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
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Sr. No Chainage Type of structure Arrangement Width Remarks
30 145+696 Box Culvert 1 X3X3 13 New Construction
31 147+097 Box Culvert 1 X2X2 13 New Construction
32 147+511 Box Culvert 1 X3X3 13 New Construction
33 148+017 Box Culvert 1 X2X2 13 New Construction
34 148+320 Box Culvert 1 X3X3 13 New Construction
35 149+395 Box Culvert 1 X3X3 13 New Construction
36 149+417 Box Culvert 1 X3X3 13 New Construction
37 150+307 Box Culvert 1 X2X2 38.2 New Construction
38 150+867 Box Culvert 1 X2X2 13 New Construction
39 151+317 Box Culvert 1 X2X2 13 New Construction
40 151+797 Box Culvert 1 X2X2 38.2 New Construction
41 152+100 Box Culvert 1 X3X3 38.2 New Construction
42 152+932 Box Culvert 1 X3X3 28 New Construction
43 153+615 Box Culvert 1 X3X3 38.2 New Construction
44 154+557 Box Culvert 1 X2X2 38.2 New Construction
45 155+019 Box Culvert 1 X3X3 13 New Construction
46 155+111 Box Culvert 1 X3X3 13 New Construction
47 155+517 Box Culvert 1 X2X2 38.2 New Construction
48 155+957 Box Culvert 1 X2X2 38.2 New Construction
49 156+116 Box Culvert 1 X3X3 38.2 New Construction
50 156+571 Box Culvert 1 X3X3 13 New Construction
51 156+977 Box Culvert 1 X3X3 13 New Construction
52 157+010 Box Culvert 1 X3X3 13 New Construction
53 158+120 Box Culvert 1 X3X3 13 New Construction
54 158+222 Box Culvert 1 X3X3 13 New Construction
55 158+446 Box Culvert 1 X3X3 13 New Construction
56 158+728 Box Culvert 1 X3X3 13 New Construction
57 158+946 Box Culvert 1 X2X2 13 New Construction
58 159+111 Box Culvert 1 X3X3 13 New Construction
59 159+520 Box Culvert 1 X3X3 13 New Construction
60 160+124 Box Culvert 1 X3X3 13 New Construction

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

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Sr. No Chainage Type of structure Arrangement Width Remarks
61 160+387 Box Culvert 1 X2X2 13 New Construction
62 160+637 Box Culvert 1 X3X3 13 New Construction
63 161+037 Box Culvert 1 X3X3 13 New Construction
64 161+190 Box Culvert 1 X3X3 13 New Construction
65 161+989 Box Culvert 1 X3X3 13 New Construction
66 162+149 Box Culvert 1 X3X3 13 New Construction
67 162+712 Box Culvert 1 X3X3 38.2 New Construction
68 162+867 Box Culvert 1 X2X2 38.2 New Construction
69 163+037 Box Culvert 1 X2X2 38.2 New Construction

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The basic objective of project is to carry out traffic studies and data analysis to arrive at
meaningful conclusions about the traffic, trip and travel characteristics and forecast the traffic
in horizon years along the project road.


The scope of work of the study area is as follow:

 Classified Traffic Volume Count Data analysis

 Origin Destination Survey data Analysis
 Turning Movement count Data Analysis
 Estimation of Seasonal Correction Factor
 Estimation of Traffic Growth Rate
 Estimation of Potential Diverted Traffic
 Traffic Projection
 Capacity Analysis

Traffic report for the project, which includes study area characteristics, data analysis and
interpretation of results as well as projection of traffic into Horizon year along the project road.


The consultants have carried out reconnaissance of the study area to have a first-hand
understanding of the project road situation, to subjectively assess the traffic characteristics
along the project road as well as review the potentials and constraints for traffic diversion
along of project road. The Project Influence Area (PIA) was delineated. The reconnaissance
survey also helped selection of the survey locations in the Project Influence Area.

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
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The consultants have collected following secondary data from various sources. These

 Road Maps of National and State Highways as well as Major District Roads
 Economic Database of State, District and Project area
 Time series Vehicle Registration Data for Gujarat
 Fuel sale Data on sample basis from Petroleum Planning and Analysis Cell (PPAC)


The consultants have carried out the following traffic surveys.

7.6.1 Classified Traffic Counts At Mid-Block Location

Classified traffic counts were carried out for a period of 7 consecutive days at 5mid-block
locations along project road. The surveys were carried out computer operated Pneumatic
Cable by trained operator. The data has been imported from computer on specific format and
further the consultant has organise the imported data in to excel format to analysis of traffic
volume. The data analysis has been carried out including Average Daily Traffic (ADT), Day
wise Variation of Traffic, Traffic Composition, Hourly Variation of Traffic etc. The Survey
locations are presented in Table 7.1.

7.6.2 Road Side OD Surveys

These surveys were carried out on sample basis by trained enumerators for a period of 24
hours at three locations. The vehicles were stopped on random sample basis with police help
and the drivers were asked about their trip and travel characteristic on a pre-designed survey
format. The vehicles selected were Light Commercial Vehicles (LCV) Medium Commercial
Vehicles (MCV) or trucks and Heavy Commercial Vehicles (HCV) having more than 2 Axle
among the goods vehicles, while the passenger vehicles included Car, Buses and Mini Bus.
The survey locations are tabulated below and presented in Table 7.1

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
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7.6.3 Turning Movement Count

Turning Movement Count Surveys were carried out at 15 selected locations for the period of
12 hours along the project road .The TMC survey was carried using manual method by
trained enumerators on predesigned format for 15 minutes interval. The survey locations are
tabulated below and presented in Figure 7.1.

7.6.4 Axle Load Surveys

The Axle Load Surveys were carried out at three locations for a period of 24 hours. The
Vehicles selected were light Commercial vehicles, Trucks and MAV’s i.e. vehicles having
more than 3 tones. A few samples of empty vehicles were also included in the survey
besides the loaded trucks. The left side wheels of stopped vehicles (front and rear) were
mounted on a weigh pad to note the wheel/dual assembly Load. This was multiplied by 2 to
calculate the Axle Load. Each Axle of the selected vehicle was considered and the Axle Load
spectrum was prepared at office. The survey locations are presented in Figure 7.1.

The details of primary surveys including locations and durations are presented in Table 7.1.


S.No. Type of Survey Location No. Location Name Survey Duration

TVC-01 Near Deewanganj Village 7 Days

TVC-02 Near Sanchi Village 7 Days
Classified Traffic TVC-03 7 Days
1 Near Gyaraspur Village
Volume Count
TVC-04 Near Bahadurgarh Village 7 Days
TVC-05 Near Sihora Village 7 Days

Origin - OD-01 Near Deewanganj Village 1 Day

2 Destination OD-02 Near Gyaraspur Village 1 Day
OD-03 Near Sihora Village 1 Day
Axl-01 Near Deewanganj Village 1 Day
Axle Load
3 Axl-02 Near Gyaraspur Village 1 Day
Axl-03 Near Sihora Village 1 Day
Source: Field Surveys, August - September 2018

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

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The classified traffic volume counts were carried out for a period of 7 consecutive days at 3
mid-block location along project road by computerized Pneumatic Cable method (ATCC) with
trained operators for 24 hours period using pre-designed excel format for hourly interval. The
data is recorded directional traffic along the road.

7.7.1 PCU (Passenger Car Unit) Conversion Factor

For the analysis of traffic counts carried out at intersection and mid-block location along the
project corridor, the PCU values adopted are presented in Table 7-2.

Vehicular Modes PCU VALUE

Car/ Van/ Jeep/ Taxi 1.0
2-Wheeler 0.5
3-Wheeler 1.0
Bus 3.0
Mini Bus 1.5
LCV 1.5
2-Axle Truck 3.0
3-Axle Truck 3.0
Multi Axle Vehicles (MAV) 4.5
Agricultural Tractor - Without Trailer 1.5
Agricultural Tractor- With Trailer 4.5
Cycle 0.5
Cycle-Rickshaw 2.0
Hand Cart 3.0
Bullock Cart 6.0
Source: IRC: 64-1990

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

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7.7.2 Average Daily Traffic

The analysis shows that the Average Daily Traffic (ADT) along project road is varying from about
3,935 PCU’s to 7,817 PCU’s over entire day. Throughout the project road, the average traffic is
estimated that about 8,573 PCU’s over entire day. The details are presented in Table 7.3.

TVC-02 TVC-03 TVC-04 TVC-05

TVC-01 (Near
Mode (Near (Near (Near (Near
Sanchi) Gyaraspur) Bahadurpur) Sihora
Heavy Fast Standard
77 89 81 83 93
Passenger Bus
Vehicles Mini Bus 83 89 80 75 82
Car/ Van/
Light Fast 2594 2400 1874 1301 1508
Jeep/ Taxi
Passenger 3-Wheeler 136 141 167 53 79
2-Wheeler 2504 2388 2227 1259 1362
LCV 609 579 271 187 321
Goods 2-Axle Truck 476 415 157 293 348
Vehicles 3-Axle Truck 222 207 180 178 158
MAV 691 659 472 346 286
Tractor 65 63 23 24 22
Slow Vehicles Other 360 348 193 135 186
Total Vehicles 7817 7379 5725 3935 4444
Total PCU 11632 10977 7673 6039 6544
Source: Traffic Survey, September2018

7.7.3 Directional Distribution of Traffic

The directional distribution table shows that traffic is moving towards Sagar from Bhopal is higher than
the opposite direction .The details are presented in Table 7.4.

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At TVC-01, the Average Daily Traffic is 11910 PCU’s while the seven days traffic varies from 10776 PCU’s
(Sunday) which is 10% below ADT to 13396 PCU’s (Saturday) which is about 12% higher than the Average
Day Traffic.

At TVC-02, the Average Daily Traffic is 9708 PCU’s while the seven days traffic varies from 8961 PCU’s
(Monday) which is 8% below ADT to 10535 PCU’s (Saturday) which is about 9% higher than the Average Day

At TVC-03, the Average Daily Traffic is 22105 PCU’s while the seven days traffic varies from 18086
PCU’s (Monday) which is 18% below ADT to 27073 PCU’s (Thursday) which is about 22% higher
than the Average Day Traffic. The details are presented in Table 7-5 and graphically presented in
Figure 7.3.

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
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The traffic along the regional routes varies by day on account of the local factors like weekly
markets, land use, traffic regulations etc. or due to regional factors. Traffic demand on a peak
day may lead to excessive congestion and delays as the road infrastructure is unable to cope
with the demand. This trend was witnessed at most of the locations along which traffic counts
were carried for this project.

At TVC-01, the Average Daily Traffic is 11632 PCU’s while the seven days traffic varies from
9492 PCU’s (Saturday) which is 18% below ADT to 13194 PCU’s (Wednesday) which is
about 13% higher than the Average Day Traffic.

At TVC-02, the Average Daily Traffic is 10977 PCU’s while the seven days traffic varies from
9852 PCU’s (Monday) which is 10% below ADT to 13163 PCU’s (Wednesday) which is about
20% higher than the Average Day Traffic.

At TVC-03, the Average Daily Traffic is 7673 PCU’s while the seven days traffic varies from
6344 PCU’s (Thursday) which is 17% below ADT to 8493PCU’s (Friday) which is about 11%
higher than the Average Day Traffic.

At TVC-04, the Average Daily Traffic is 6039 PCU’s while the seven days traffic varies from
5057 PCU’s (Friday) which is 16% below ADT to 7225 PCU’s (Sunday) which is about 20%
higher than the Average Day Traffic.

At TVC-05, the Average Daily Traffic is 6544 PCU’s while the seven days traffic varies from
5838 PCU’s (Wednesday) which is 11% below ADT to 7439 PCU’s (Tuesday) which is about
14% higher than the Average Day Traffic.

The details are presented in Table 7.5 and graphically presented in Figure 7.3.

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

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TVC-01 (Near TVC-03 (Near
TVC-02 (Near Sanchi)
Days Date Day Deewanganj) Date Day Date Day Gyaraspur)
Vehicles PCU Vehicles PCU Vehicles PCU
1 3-Sep-18 Monday 8910 12497 4-Sep-18 Tuesday 8400 11914 3-Jul-18 Tuesday 5883 7883
2 4-Sep-18 Tuesday 8910 12632 5-Sep-18 Wednesday 8972 13163 4-Jul-18 Wednesday 5944 8285
3 5-Sep-18 Wednesday 8982 13194 6-Sep-18 Thursday 6915 10561 5-Jul-18 Thursday 4463 6344
4 6-Sep-18 Thursday 6933 10568 7-Sep-18 Friday 7466 11513 6-Jul-18 Friday 6251 8493
5 7-Sep-18 Friday 7686 11945 8-Sep-18 Saturday 6501 9950 7-Jul-18 Saturday 5611 7500
6 8-Sep-18 Saturday 6254 9492 9-Sep-18 Sunday 6381 9890 8-Jul-18 Sunday 5492 7253
7 9-Sep-18 Sunday 7041 11098 10-Sep-18 Monday 7020 9852 9-Jul-18 Monday 6430 7951
Average 7817 11632 Average 7379 10977 Average 5725 7673
Standard Deviation 1125 1309 Standard Deviation 975 1266 Standard Deviation 646 723

TVC-04 (Near
TVC-05 (Near Sihora
Days Date Day Bahadurpur) Date Day
Vehicles PCU Vehicles PCU
1 2-Sep-18 Sunday 4583 7225 3-Sep-18 Monday 4802 6100
2 3-Sep-18 Monday 4224 5992 4-Sep-18 Tuesday 4946 7439
3 4-Sep-18 Tuesday 4741 6975 5-Sep-18 Wednesday 3926 5838
4 5-Sep-18 Wednesday 3998 6341 6-Sep-18 Thursday 4218 6615
5 6-Sep-18 Thursday 3182 5306 7-Sep-18 Friday 3677 5986
6 7-Sep-18 Friday 2976 5057 8-Sep-18 Saturday 4257 6799
7 8-Sep-18 Saturday 3841 5376 9-Sep-18 Sunday 5281 7035
Average 3935 6039 Average 4444 6544
Standard Deviation 265 652 Standard Deviation 552 859
Source: Traffic Survey, September 2018

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
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TVC-01 (Near Deewanganj)
Day-1 Day-2 Day-3 Day-4 Day-5 Day-6 Day-7
Date 3-Sep-18 4-Sep-18 5-Sep-18 6-Sep-18 7-Sep-18 8-Sep-18 9-Sep-18 ADT
Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Heavy Fast Standard Bus 76 73 85 70 72 82 84 77
Vehicles Mini Bus 83 77 82 80 83 86 87 83
Car/ Van/ Jeep/ Taxi 2614 2908 2621 2197 2859 2385 2576 2594
Light Fast
Passenger 3-Wheeler 168 134 137 96 104 176 136 136
2-Wheeler 3637 3300 3100 2129 1811 1543 2005 2504

LCV 396 508 938 658 902 512 352 609

Goods 2-Axle Truck 472 458 521 514 544 421 403 476
Vehicles 3-Axle Truck 221 207 239 240 258 178 208 222
MAV 833 816 782 569 610 474 752 691
Tractor 72 74 86 46 65 70 39 65
Other Other 338 355 391 334 378 327 399 360
Total Vehicles 8910 8910 8982 6933 7686 6254 7041 7817
Total PCU 12497 12632 13194 10568 11945 9492 11098 11632
Source: Traffic Survey, September 2018

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
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TVC-02 (Near Sanchi)

Day-1 Day-2 Day-3 Day-4 Day-5 Day-6 Day-7
7-Sep- 9-Sep-
Date 4-Sep-18 5-Sep-18 6-Sep-18 8-Sep-18 10-Sep-18 ADT
18 18
Day Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday
Heavy Fast Standard Bus 94 75 98 79 69 107 99 89
Vehicles Mini Bus 84 87 96 91 89 88 91 89

Light Fast Car/ Van/ Jeep/ Taxi 2720 2609 2164 2783 2501 2010 2012 2400
Passenger 3-Wheeler 123 139 97 98 181 210 141 141
Vehicles 2-Wheeler 3153 3097 2125 1795 1551 2070 2926 2388
LCV 457 953 646 857 537 294 308 579
Goods 2-Axle Truck 402 505 505 514 462 280 239 415
Vehicles 3-Axle Truck 181 247 251 226 204 198 144 207
MAV 791 781 556 587 494 683 724 659
Tractor 62 84 47 63 76 60 50 63
Other Other 333 395 330 373 337 381 286 348
Total Vehicles 8400 8972 6915 7466 6501 6381 7020 7379
Total PCU 11914 13163 10561 11513 9950 9890 9852 10977
Source: Traffic Survey, September 2018

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
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TVC-03 (Near Gyaraspur)
Day-1 Day-2 Day-3 Day-4 Day-5 Day-6 Day-7
Date 3-Jul-18 4-Jul-18 5-Jul-18 6-Jul-18 7-Jul-18 8-Jul-18 9-Jul-18
Day Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday
Heavy Fast Standard Bus 77 105 62 84 89 83 68 81
Vehicles Mini Bus 95 76 75 73 83 78 77 80

Light Fast Car/ Van/ Jeep/ Taxi 1772 1802 1698 1748 1783 2125 2192 1874
Passenger 3-Wheeler 184 196 177 142 140 179 153 167
Vehicles 2-Wheeler 2392 2302 1315 2669 2264 1882 2763 2227
LCV Freight 296 322 274 324 243 237 203 271
Goods 2-Axle Truck 153 165 163 176 153 154 132 157
Vehicles 3-Axle Truck 191 205 179 251 172 137 125 180
MAV 496 550 366 560 467 394 472 472
Tractor 21 16 22 35 26 19 20 23
Other Other 206 205 132 189 191 204 225 193
Total Vehicles 5883 5944 4463 6251 5611 5492 6430 5725
Total PCU 7883 8285 6344 8493 7500 7253 7951 7673
Source: Traffic Survey, September 2018

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
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TVC-04 (Near Bahadurpur)

Day-1 Day-2 Day-3 Day-4 Day-5 Day-6 Day-7
Date 2-Sep-18 3-Sep-18 4-Sep-18 5-Sep-18 6-Sep-18 7-Sep-18 8-Sep-18
Day Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Heavy Fast Standard Bus 82 77 73 89 86 78 99 83
Vehicles Mini Bus 68 68 80 62 87 85 76 75
Light Fast Car/ Van/ Jeep/ Taxi 1454 1164 1452 1357 1097 1286 1299 1301
Passenger 3-Wheeler 60 58 53 56 34 42 65 53
Vehicles 2-Wheeler 1510 1743 1750 1176 778 471 1384 1259
LCV Freight 204 165 189 196 199 189 168 187
2-Axle Truck 337 256 359 305 289 281 226 293
Vehicles 3-Axle Truck 232 173 188 204 200 160 88 178
MAV 484 341 396 362 288 268 281 346
Tractor 26 27 36 29 24 19 10 24
Other Other 126 152 165 162 100 97 145 135
Total Vehicles 4583 4224 4741 3998 3182 2976 3841 3935
Total PCU 7225 5992 6975 6341 5306 5057 5376 6039
Source: Traffic Survey, September 2018

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

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TVC-05 (Near Sihora )
Day-1 Day-2 Day-3 Day-4 Day-5 Day-6 Day-7
Date 3-Sep-18 4-Sep-18 5-Sep-18 6-Sep-18 7-Sep-18 8-Sep-18 9-Sep-18
Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Heavy Fast Standard Bus 79 97 93 86 100 106 91 93
Vehicles Mini Bus 77 83 87 80 77 94 76 82
Car/ Van/ Jeep/
1693 1137 1506 1590 1071 1594 1966 1508
Light Fast Taxi
Passenger 3-Wheeler 65 212 50 49 47 40 88 79
2-Wheeler 1885 1707 1064 987 1060 967 1862 1362
LCV Freight 215 507 265 373 294 353 243 321
2-Axle Truck 247 382 325 356 392 419 316 348
Vehicles 3-Axle Truck 117 170 124 182 186 170 154 158
MAV 255 326 256 291 279 277 315 286
Tractor 15 25 16 34 14 21 26 22
Other Other 154 300 140 190 157 216 144 186
Total Vehicles 4802 4946 3926 4218 3677 4257 5281 4444
Total PCU 6100 7439 5838 6615 5986 6799 7035 6544
Source: Traffic Survey, September 2018

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

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7.7.4 Peak Hour Share of Traffic

The analysis shows that the share of peak hour traffic at the mid-block locations is varying
from 5% to 7% during both peak hour. The details are presented in Table 7.11


Total Morning Peak Hour Evening Peak Hour

S.No. Location Volume Peak Hour Peak Hour
(PCU) PCU % share PCU % share
Time Time
TVC-01 (Near
1 11632 742 6% 1100-1200 846 7% 1700-1800
TVC-02 (Near
2 10977 741 7% 0900-1000 501 5% 1700-1800
TVC-03 (Near
3 7673 497 6% 1000-1100 481 6% 1700-1800
TVC-04 (Near
4 6039 343 6% 1100-1200 387 6% 1700-1800
TVC-05 (Near
5 6544 380 6% 1100-1200 331 5% 1700-1800
Source: Traffic Survey, September2018

7.7.5 Hourly Variation of Traffic

The hourly variation of traffic count shows the pattern of traffic flow during the survey period.
The morning peak hour time is varying from 0900 AM to 1200 AM and evening peak hour
time is varying from 1700 PM to 1800 PM. The hourly variation of traffic at mid-block location
is graphically presented in Figure 7.2.

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

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7.7.6 Annual Average Daily Traffic

Traffic during different months of the year is not likely to be the same. During the harvest
season, there is a significant goods vehicle movement, during school holidays and during
festival season there is lots of personal vehicle movement. In order to obtain an accurate
estimate of the variations and taking care of data collection costs, it is essential that this
phenomenon is captured in the traffic study. This manifest in a metric called Annual Average
Daily Traffic (AADT).

Traffic engineers estimate the seasonal impacts by using a factor called as the “Seasonal
Correction Factor (SCF)”.The seasonal correction factor is generally derived from secondary
data sources such as historical month-wise traffic data on the project road, monthly toll
revenues from existing tolled highways in the immediate influence area, for this study. This is
done by the estimation of Seasonal Correction Factor using month wise consumptions over 9
years. The data have taken from Petroleum Planning and Analysis Cell (PPAC) for estimation
of Seasonal correction Factor (SCF).The fuel consumption data and estimated SCF is
presented in Table 7.12 and Table 7.13 and accordingly estimated Annual Average Daily
Traffic (AADT) is presented in Table 7.14 & 7.15

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Source: Petroleum Planning and Analysis Cell (PPAC) June 2018

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YR 2008-09 YR 2009-10 YR 2010-11 YR 2011-12 YR 2012-13 YR 2013-14 YR 2014-15 YR 2015-16 YR 2016-17 Average
APRIL 0.99 0.96 1.05 0.99 1.06 0.93 1.04 0.99 1.05 0.97 1.12 0.93 1.06 0.98 1.02 0.96 0.99 0.94 1.04 0.96
MAY 0.89 0.9 0.97 0.98 0.95 0.95 0.92 0.92 1.02 0.9 0.84 0.89 0.94 0.89 0.99 0.97 0.95 0.91 0.94 0.92
JUNE 1.17 1.06 0.97 0.96 0.95 0.96 1 1.01 0.98 0.95 1.01 0.96 0.99 0.94 1.03 0.99 1.07 0.99 1.02 0.98
JULY 1.03 1.06 1.06 1.04 1.02 1.03 1.03 1.06 1 1 1.02 1.06 1.07 1.01 1.09 1.09 1.03 1.09 1.04 1.05
AUGUST 1.05 1.19 1.02 1.12 1.01 1.16 1.02 1.18 1 1.14 0.96 1.13 0.99 1.13 1.03 1.15 0.9 1.03 1 1.14
SEPTEMBER 1.04 1.09 1.03 1.14 1.05 1.19 1.04 1.17 1.07 1.17 1.16 1.16 1.06 1.18 0.97 1.06 1.09 1.22 1.06 1.15
OCTOBER 1 1.02 0.96 0.98 1 1.01 1 1.01 0.99 1.01 0.98 1.01 0.98 1.06 0.98 0.98 0.94 0.95 0.98 1
NOVEMBER 1.03 0.96 1.05 0.99 0.99 1.02 1.07 0.95 0.99 0.99 0.98 0.98 1.05 0.96 1.03 1.02 0.98 0.94 1.02 0.98
DECEMBER 1.01 0.97 0.97 0.93 0.98 0.91 0.93 0.92 0.97 0.94 0.98 0.95 0.98 0.94 1 0.96 1.01 0.96 0.98 0.94
JANUARY 0.97 0.97 1.02 1 1.04 1 1.07 1 1.01 0.99 1.03 1.01 0.98 0.99 1 0.99 1.1 1.09 1.02 1.01
FEBRUARY 0.99 1 1 1.01 1.04 1.02 1.02 0.98 1.03 1.07 1.04 1.06 0.98 1 0.99 0.97 1.04 1.03 1.01 1.02
MARCH 0.89 0.9 0.92 0.91 0.93 0.91 0.88 0.89 0.91 0.93 0.96 0.94 0.94 0.98 0.89 0.92 0.94 0.93 0.92 0.92

Source: Fuel Sale Data

The consultant has estimated the SCF for project road based on the fuel sale data for diesel
and petrol propelled vehicles. For the estimation of Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT), the
Seasonal Correction Factor (SCF) is used for the month of July.

The consultant have estimated the SCF for each of the TVC locations based on fuel
consumption data collected from the PPAC report and accordingly the estimated SCF is 1.06 for
petrol propelled vehicles and 1.15 for diesel propelled vehicles. The SCF for Non-motorized
vehicles are considered as 1.0.

Interpretation of SCF: Based on data collected from fuel consumption data provided by
PPAC, which have used to estimate SCF along the project road, the estimated seasonal
correction factor is more than 1.0. This means that the fuel sale in the respective month was
lower than the average monthly sale (if the SCF is lesser than 1.0, the fuel sale in the respective
month was higher than the average monthly sale and accordingly the number of vehicles has to

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be increased if SCF is greater than 1.0 and number of vehicles will be decreased if the SCF is
lesser than 1.0)

The Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) will be estimated by separately multiplying the
Average Day Traffic of Diesel propelled vehicles by SCF estimated for diesel propelled vehicles
and Petrol propelled vehicle separately.

The Average Daily Traffic (ADT) has been presented in Table 7.14 while the Estimated Annual
Average Daily Traffic (AADT) is presented in Table.7.14. The toll able and non-toll able traffic
along project road at each homogenous section are presented in Table 7.15


TVC-02 TVC-03 TVC-05
TVC-01 (Near (Near
Mode (Near (Near (Near
Deewanganj) Bahadurpu
Sanchi) Gyaraspur) Sihora )
Heavy Fast Standard Bus 89 102 93 96 107
Mini Bus 95 103 92 86 94
Car/ Van/ Jeep/
Light Fast 2750 2544 1987 1379 1599
Passenger 3-Wheeler 156 162 192 60 91
2-Wheeler 2654 2531 2360 1334 1443
LCV 701 666 312 215 370
Goods 2-Axle Truck 548 478 180 337 400
Vehicles 3-Axle Truck 255 238 207 205 181
MAV 794 758 543 398 328
Tractor 74 73 26 28 25
Other Other 360 348 193 135 186
Total Vehicles 8476 8003 6186 4275 4824
Total PCU 12868 12144 8468 6710 7245
Source: Consultant Estimates

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TVC-02 TVC-04 TVC-
TVC-01 (Near TVC-03 (Near
Mode (Near (Near 05(Near
Deewanganj) Gyaraspur)
Sanchi) Bahadurpur) Sihora)
Tollable Traffic
Bus 89 102 93 96 107
Car/ Van/ Jeep 2750 2544 1987 1379 1599
LCV 701 666 312 215 370
Truck 802 716 387 542 582
MAV 794 758 543 398 328
Tollable Vehicles 5232 4889 3414 2716 3080
Non Toll able Traffic
2-Wheeler 2654 2531 2360 1334 1443
3-Wheeler 156 162 192 60 91
Tractor 74 73 26 28 25
Other 360 348 193 135 186
Non-Tollable Vehicles 3245 3114 2772 1558 1745
Total Vehicles 8476 8003 6186 4275 4824
Total Tollable + Non-Tollable Traffic (PCU's)
Tollable PCU's 10193 9563 6476 5534 5838
Non-Tollable PCU's 2675 2581 1991 1176 1407
Total PCU's 12868 12144 8468 6710 7245

Source: Consultant Estimates


7.8.1 Sample Size of Traffic

The vehicles were stopped on random sampling basis to avoid any bias in collected
data. The sample size varied across modes depending on the police support, traffic
volumes and site condition. These sample size achieved for passenger and goods
vehicles is presented in Table 7.16.

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Mode OD-02 Gyaraspur OD-03 Sihora
Car/Van/ Jeep 7% 16% 12%
Bus 58% 74% 59%
LCV 19% 21% 23%
2 Axle Truck 54% 89% 72%
3 Axle Truck 97% 61% 96%
MAV 27% 36% 53%
Overall 22% 27% 32%
Source: Field Surveys, August-September 2018

7.8.2 Traffic Zoning Scheme

The consultant has prepared zoning scheme for spatially analyzing the trip
characteristics of passenger and goods vehicles. The project road starts from Bhopal
(Bhopal District) in Madhya Pradesh and it meets at Sagar (Sagar District) via Vidisha.
Bhopal, Vidisha , Raisen and Sagar districts are considered Immediate Influence
Districts for the project road. The zoning scheme has been formed out based on
administrative boundary (i.e Tehsil, Districts and States). Further the consultant has
prepared small zones along or around project road within the Immediate Influencing
District based on manmade and physical barriers (Rail, Roads, Nallah and Rivers) for
meaningful results. The consultant have considered 15zones (Zone No. 1 to 15) as
internal zones and remaining 14zones are considered as an external zones.

The zoning scheme is presented in Table 7.17 and graphically presented in Figure 7.3




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7.8.3 Trip Characteristics of Passenger Vehicle

The trips are distributed into four categories, Internal-Internal (I-I) trips (within the influence area of
project road), Internal-External IE - Trips (Study area to Outside), External-Internal – EI Trips
(Outside to Study Area) and External-External- Trips EE (Through traffic). The total 15 zones (Zone
No. 1-15) have been considered as Internal Zone and remaining 14 zones considered as external

The results of trips characteristics shows that the bypassing trips are varying from 3% to 13% while
the share of internal-internal traffic zones are varying from 56% to 84% while the share of trips which
are either originates or terminates within the project influence area (along project road) is varying
from 12% to 32% of the total traffic .The details are presented in Table 7.18


Location Mode I-I I-E E-I E-E Total

Car 127 (66%) 39 (20%) 14 (7%) 11 (6%) 191 (100%)
OD-01 Dewanganj Mini Bus 36 (80%) 6 (13%) 3 (7%) 0 (0%) 45 (100%)
Total 163 (69%) 45 (19%) 17 (7%) 11 (5%) 236 (100%)
Car 159 (55%) 35 (12%) 60 (21%) 37 (13%) 291 (100%)
DO-02 Gyaraspur Mini Bus 36 (60%) 6 (10%) 11 (18%) 7 (12%) 60 (100%)
Total 195 (56%) 41 (12%) 71 (20%) 44 (13%) 351 (100%)
Car 150 (86%) 11 (6%) 6 (3%) 8 (5%) 175 (100%)
OD-03 Sihora Mini Bus 43 (78%) 8 (15%) 4 (7%) 0 (0%) 55 (100%)
Total 193 (84%) 19 (8%) 10 (4%) 8 (3%) 230 (100%)
Source: Field Surveys, August-September 2018

7.8.4 Trip Characteristics of Goods Vehicle

The results of trips characteristic shows that the share of bypassing trips are varying from
15% to 32% while the share of internal – internal traffic is insignificant. The share of trips
which originates or terminates within project influence area is varying from 32% to 40% of
the total traffic. The details are presented in Table 7.19

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Location Mode I-I I-E E-I E-E Total

LCV 91 (80%) 10 (9%) 9 (8%) 4 (4%) 114 (100%)
2-Axle Truck 107 (41%) 66 (25%) 44 (17%) 42 (16%) 259 (100%)
3-Axle Truck 83 (36%) 54 (24%) 40 (18%) 51 (22%) 228 (100%)
MAV 83 (45%) 34 (18%) 33 (18%) 35 (19%) 185 (100%)
Total 364 (46%) 164 (21%) 126 (16%) 132 (17%) 786 (100%)
LCV 42 (74%) 10 (18%) 2 (4%) 3 (5%) 57 (100%)
2-Axle Truck 93 (34%) 57 (21%) 58 (21%) 66 (24%) 274 (100%)
3-Axle Truck 31 (17%) 32 (17%) 46 (25%) 74 (40%) 183 (100%)
MAV 29 (17%) 30 (18%) 37 (22%) 74 (44%) 170 (100%)
Total 195 (29%) 129 (19%) 143 (21%) 217 (32%) 684 (100%)
LCV 27 (37%) 9 (12%) 23 (32%) 14 (19%) 73 (100%)
2-Axle Truck 176 (71%) 23 (9%) 33 (13%) 17 (7%) 249 (100%)
OD-03 Sihora 3-Axle Truck 136 (50%) 49 (18%) 39 (14%) 47 (17%) 271 (100%)
MAV 52 (34%) 27 (18%) 36 (24%) 37 (24%) 152 (100%)
Total 391 (52%) 108 (14%) 131 (18%) 115 (15%) 745 (100%)

Source: Field Surveys, August-September 2018

The trip characteristics of passenger and goods vehicles are graphically presented in Figure 7.4.to
Figure 7.6

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Zone Influence Factor

From the OD Matrix, Zone Influence Factor, which explains the relative contributions of various
zones to trip generation along the project road have been estimated. The Zone Influence Factor is
estimated as follows.

ZIFi = Oi + Di

2∑i= 1, n, j= 1Tij


ZIFi is the Zone Influence Factor of Zone i

Oi is the number of trip productions from Zone i

Di is the number of trip attractions from Zone i

Tij is the number of trips between Zones i& j

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The results shows that the most of the trips are playing along the project road and more than two
third of total trips performing in Gujarat and Rajasthan only. The Zone Influence Factor for
passenger and goods vehicles at OD Locations are Presented in Table 7.20 to 7.22

2-Axle 3-Axle
Zones Car Bus LCV MAV
Truck Truck
Project Influence
80% 90% 88% 63% 57% 63%
Rest of Madhya
15% 10% 8% 28% 29% 22%
Rest of India 5% 0% 4% 10% 14% 15%
Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Source: Traffic Surveys, August-September 2018


2-Axle 3-Axle
Zones Car Bus LCV MAV
Truck Truck
Project Influence
71% 74% 84% 55% 38% 37%
Rest of Madhya
19% 19% 7% 35% 45% 39%
Rest of India 10% 7% 9% 10% 17% 24%
Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Source: Traffic Surveys, August-September 2018


2-Axle 3-Axle
Zones Car Bus LCV MAV
Truck Truck
Project Influence
91% 89% 59% 54% 66% 55%
Rest of Madhya
4% 11% 29% 7% 23% 32%
Rest of India 6% 0% 12% 3% 10% 13%
Total 100% 100% 100% 64% 100% 100%
Source: Traffic Surveys, August-September 2018

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7.9.1 Travel Purpose for Passenger Vehicles

The analysis shows that the share of work trips is 38% followed by education trips 12% and
12% other purpose of trips. The share of business trips and home based trips are20% and
18% respectively. The details are presented in Table 7.23 and graphically presented in
Figure 7.7



OD-01 Dewanganj OD-02 Gyaraspur OD-03 Sihora All Locations
Purpose No. of No. of
No. of Trips % age % age No. of Trips % age % age
Trips Trips
Work 90 38% 135 38% 85 37% 310 38%
Education 30 13% 49 14% 23 10% 102 12%
Business 52 22% 66 19% 49 21% 167 20%
Home Based 39 17% 59 17% 46 20% 144 18%
Others 25 11% 42 12% 27 12% 94 12%
Total 236 100% 351 100% 230 100% 817 100%
Source: Field Surveys, August-September 2018

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7.9.2 Travel Frequency of Passenger Vehicles

The analysis of travel frequency of passenger vehicles shows that the share of daily and
weekly trips is highest (68%) among all trip frequency groups. The share of monthly trips
constitutes 22% and 10% occasionally of total trips. The details are presented in Table 7.24
and graphically presented in Figure 7.8



OD-01 Dewanganj OD-02 Gyaraspur OD-03 Sihora All Locations

No. of No. of No. of No. of
% age % age % age % age
Trips Trips Trips Trips
Daily 96 41% 178 51% 81 35% 355 43%
Weekly 70 30% 86 25% 48 21% 204 25%
Monthly 41 17% 54 15% 83 36% 178 22%
Occasionally 29 12% 33 9% 18 8% 80 10%
Total 236 100% 351 100% 230 100% 817 100%
Source: Field Surveys, August-September 2018

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7.9.3 Trip Length Distribution of Passenger Vehicles

The analysis of trip lengths of passenger vehicles shows that the weighted average trip
length for car varies from 178 kms to 435 kms .The weight age average trip length for all
passenger modes is varying from 166 Kms to 437 Kms. The details are presented in Table
7.25 and bar chart is presented in Figure 7.9


Mode OD-01 Dewanganj OD-02 Nr.Kilana OD-03 Sihora

Car 178 269 435
Bus 116 245 444
Total 166 265 437
Source: Field Surveys, August-September 2018


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7.10.1 Commodities Carried by Goods Vehicles

The analysis of goods trips show that Food grains are 28% of total laden weight carried by
trucks and these are the major commodity groups that are being transported and about 35%
of truck trips are moving without payload. The share of petroleum products carrying trucks
are 9% of total loaded truck traffic. The share of other commodities is varying from 1% to
7%. The details are presented in Table 7.26 and a graphic representation of the
commodities distribution is presented in Figure 7.10.


OD-01 Dewanganj OD-03 Sihora All Locations
Commodity Type
No. of No. of No. of No. of
% age % age % age % age
Trips Trips Trips Trips
Food grains and other agricultural products (Rice,
wheat, pulses, maize, chilly, coconut,sugarcane, 132 17% 138 29% 126 20% 396 21%
sugar, cotton, coffee, tea, eggs etc.)
Fruits, vegetables - perishables 46 6% 48 10% 41 7% 135 7%
Wood and Forest Products 12 2% 10 2% 2 0% 24 1%
Petroleum, oil, Gas and lubricants product 77 10% 48 10% 46 7% 171 9%
Minerals, chemicals, fertilizer 10 1% 3 1% 3 0% 16 1%
Iron , Metal and steel 19 2% 32 7% 26 4% 77 4%
Finished and manufactured products (Vehicles,
Products of machinery, rubber, electric & 49 6% 59 12% 24 4% 132 7%
electronics, textile, automobile, glass, plastic etc.)
Parcel Service & Containers 28 4% 6 1% 6 1% 40 2%
Medicines 10 1% 10 2% 4 1% 24 1%
Building materials (Brick, Tiles, Mud and Blocks ) 29 4% 13 3% 21 3% 63 3%
Mining (Sand, Bajri and Coarse Aggregate) 5 1% 3 1% 2 0% 10 1%
Cement 23 3% 30 6% 20 3% 73 4%
Marble, stone 0 0% 1 0% 0 0% 1 0%
Textiles & Fibre 11 1% 7 1% 21 3% 39 2%
Miscellaneous goods ( Livestock, Waste, paper etc) 8 1% 4 1% 8 1% 20 1%
Empty vehicles 314 41% 65 14% 276 44% 655 35%
Total 773 100% 477 100% 626 100% 1876 100%
Source: Field Surveys, August-September 2018

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7.10.2 Travel Frequency of Goods Vehicles

The analysis of travel frequency of Goods vehicles shows that the share of daily trips
constitutes highest (40%) group followed by Other Trip frequency group. The details are
presented in Table 7.27 and graphically presented in Figure 7.11..


OD-01 OD-02
OD-03 Sihora All Locations
Dewanganj Gyaraspur
No. of No. of No. of No. of
% age % age % age % age
Trips Trips Trips Trips
Daily 276 36% 235 49% 244 39% 755 40%
Weekly 236 31% 109 23% 196 31% 541 29%
Monthly 173 22% 92 19% 116 19% 381 20%
Occasionally 88 11% 41 9% 70 11% 199 11%
Total 773 100% 477 100% 626 100% 1876 100%
Source: Field Surveys, August-September 2018

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Trip Length Distribution of Goods Vehicles

The analysis of trip length of goods vehicles shows that the average trip length for goods
vehicles are varying from 345 Kms to 461 Kms for all locations. The details are
presented in Table 7.28 and graphic for distribution of weighted average trip length of
goods vehicles is presented in Figure 7.12.


Mode OD-01 Dewanganj OD-02 Nr.Gyaraspur OD-03 Sihora

LCV 177 241 383
2 Axle Truck 363 436 210
3 Axle Truck 370 487 283
MAV 396 540 398
Total 345 461 293
Source: Field Surveys, August-September 2018

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The Axle Load surveys were carried out at three locations at Near Deewanganj Village,
Near Gyaraspur and Near Sihora Village for continuous one day (24 Hours) to
appreciate the loading characteristics of goods vehicles. The damage potential of these
vehicles have been estimated using a metric called Vehicle Damage Factor (VDF).

The consultant has carried out axle load survey on sample basis at three locations along
project road. The samples were taken randomly for goods vehicles (LCV, Truck, and
MAV’s). The estimated sample size achieved at the three survey locations is presented
in Table 7.29 to Table 7.31.The overall sample size achieved at three survey locations
are varying from 18% to 28%.

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Bhopal - Sanchi Sanchi - Bhopal Total

Mode Surveyed Volume Surveyed Volume Surveyed Volume
Sample Sample Sample
Vehicles Count Vehicles Count Vehicles Count
LCV 14 436 3% 62 174 36% 76 610 12%
2 AXLE 44 266 17% 43 210 20% 87 476 18%
3 Axle 66 122 54% 18 100 18% 84 222 38%
MAV 66 386 17% 51 305 17% 117 691 17%
Total 190 1210 16% 174 789 22% 364 1999 18%
Source: Field Surveys, August-September 2018


Gyaraspur - Vidisha Vidisha - Gyaraspur Total

Mode Surveyed Volume Surveyed Volume Surveyed Volume
Sample Sample Sample
Vehicles Count Vehicles Count Vehicles Count
LCV 14 120 12% 15 152 10% 29 272 11%
2 AXLE 66 67 99% 61 90 68% 127 157 81%
3 Axle 45 71 63% 22 109 20% 67 180 37%
MAV 27 182 15% 48 290 17% 75 472 16%
Total 152 440 35% 146 641 23% 298 1081 28%
Source: Field Surveys, August-September 2018


Rahatgarh - Sagar Sagar - Rahatgarh Total

Mode Surveyed Volume Surveyed Volume Surveyed Volume
Sample Sample Sample
Vehicles Count Vehicles Count Vehicles Count
LCV 22 183 12% 17 138 12% 39 321 12%
2 AXLE 47 150 31% 28 198 14% 75 348 22%
3 Axle 32 63 51% 25 95 26% 57 158 36%
MAV 36 114 32% 25 172 15% 61 286 21%
Total 137 510 27% 95 603 16% 232 1113 21%
Source: Field Surveys, August-September 2018

The consultant has estimated Vehicle Damage Factor (VDF) using equivalence factor for
different types of commercial vehicles as per IRC: 37-2012 “Design of Flexible Pavement”. The
analysis result shows that the weighted average VDF is 5.40, 6.66 and 6.80 for Near
Deewanganj, Gyaraspur Village and Sihora Village respectively. The details are presented in
Table 7.32 to Table 7.34.

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Bhopal - Sanchi Sanchi - Bhopal

MODE Equivalence No. of Average Equivalence No. of Average Mean
Factor Vehicles VDF Factor Vehicles VDF

LCV 22.49 14 1.61 15.67 62 0.25

216.77 44 4.93 98.91 43 2.30
AXLE 8.99 4.61 6.80
3 Axle 531.72 66 8.06 119.32 18 6.63
MAV 936.85 66 14.19 568.95 51 11.16
Source: Consultant Estimates



Gyaraspur - Vidisha Vidisha - Gyaraspur Weighted

MODE Equivalence No. of Average Equivalence No. of Average Mean
Factor Vehicles VDF Factor Vehicles VDF
LCV 10.63 14 0.76 11.46 15 0.76
240.90 66 3.65 280.03 61 4.59
AXLE 6.16 7.16 6.66
3 Axle 439.21 45 9.76 248.13 22 11.28
MAV 245.05 27 9.08 505.07 48 10.52
Source: Consultant Estimates


Rahatgarh - Sagar Sagar - Rahatgarh

MODE Equivalence No. of Average Equivalence No. of Average Mean
Factor Vehicles VDF Factor Vehicles VDF
LCV 5.67 22 0.26 1.25 17 0.07
182.45 47 3.88 78.05 28 2.79
AXLE 7.16 3.64 5.40
3 Axle 261.32 32 8.17 104.21 25 4.17
MAV 531.11 36 14.75 161.92 25 6.48
Source: Consultant Estimates

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Traffic growth on a road facility is generally estimated on the basis of historical trends.
Demand changes are usually due to shifts in the pattern of economic activities in the
surrounding regions. Hence, future traffic estimation necessitates a preview, however
imprecise, of the probable pattern of future growth of the economy. Growth of traffic on
the project road depends on existing development and future growth prospects of the
connecting regions. The time series data of state income at constant prices (2011-2012
base) i.e. the NSDP (by industry of origin) for the state of Madhya Pradesh, published by
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has been studied to assess the past performance of
influencing state economies.

The exercise of traffic growth rate estimation has been carried out by the consultants
using the elasticity approach. The elasticity method mathematically relates traffic growth
to changes in the related economic parameters. According to IRC-108, 2015, elasticity
based econometric model for highway projects could be derived in the following form:
Log e (P) = A0+A1 Log e (E.I.)
P = Traffic Volumes (Mode wise)
E.I. = Economic Indicator i.e. GDP, NSDP and PCI
A0 = Regression Constant
A1 = Regression Co-efficient (Elasticity Index)

The main stages in carrying out this analysis are as follows:

Stage 1- At this stage the Time Series socio economic data has been collected
regarding vehicle registration, Per capita income, Net State Domestic Product; and
population of Gujarat and Rajasthan. Data has also been collected on trends in Gross
domestic Product (GDP) of country. These are categorized as dependent and
independent variables.

Stage 2 - After the completion of stage 1, the average mode wise growth rates of these
parameters has been calculated.

Stage 3 - Regressing the dependent variable with the independent variable will fetch
elasticity between socio-economic parameters and average mode wise growth rates.
This is done to make projections of traffic relatively more accurate and realistic.

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Stage 4 –Multiplying mode wise elasticity with growth rate of respective socio-economic
parameters will yield mode wise growth rates


The consultants have collected past economic data from website of Reserve Bank of
India (RBI), Planning Commission, Directorate of Economics and Statistics.

The analysis of economic statistics shows that the average growth rate of GDP between
2011-12 and 2015-16 is 6.6 % while the NSDP and PCI growth rate for the same period
is 6.24% and 4.96% respectively. The details are presented in Table 7.35 to 7.36.


Years GDP (Rs. Billion) Growth %

2011-2012 81069 -
2012-2013 85463 5.42%
2013-2014 90636 6.05%
2014-2015 97190 7.23%
2015-2016 104905 7.94%
CAGR 6.66%
Source: Reserve Bank of India, 2015


NSDP (Rs. Growth Growth
Years Growth % (NSDP) Population
Billion) % %
Madhya Pradesh
2011-2012 28237104 - 38550 - 7.32 -
2012-2013 30685334 8.67% 41257 7.02% 7.44 1.54%
2013-2014 32259760 5.13% 42654 3.39% 7.56 1.69%
2014-2015 33940757 5.21% 44110 3.41% 7.69 1.74%
2015-2016 35966081 5.97% 46783 6.06% 7.69 0.09%
CAGR 6.24% 4.96% 1.22%
Source: Reserve Bank of India, 2015

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The consultant has collected information about registered vehicles of Madhya Pradesh
including Car, Buses, LCV’s, Trucks and 2-wheelers for the period from 2011-12 to
2015-16 from Road Transport Yearbook. The details are presented in Table 7.37 and
Table 7.38 for states and trucks of India respectively.


Growth Growth Growth Growth Growth

Years Car Buses LCV Trucks 2-W
% % % % %
Madhya Pradesh
2011-2012 585841 - 40551 - 98702 - 121916 - 6411155 -
2012-2013 686456 17.2% 40633 0.2% 111713 13.2% 131098 7.5% 6877681 7.3%
2013-2014 767032 11.7% 42636 4.9% 125224 12.1% 137815 5.1% 7668303 11.5%
2014-2015 871334 13.6% 45976 7.8% 136267 8.8% 150921 9.5% 8701207 13.5%
2015-2016 1006166 15.5% 46945 2.1% 157240 15.4% 177352 17.5% 9831709 13.0%
CAGR 14.48% 3.73% 12.35% 9.82% 11.28%
Source: Road Transport Year Book (2011-2016)


Years Trucks Rest of India Growth %

2011-2012 4056885 -
2012-2013 4149770 2.29%
2013-2014 4233289 2.01%
2014-2015 4461059 5.38%
2015-2016 5903370 32.33%
CAGR 9.83%
Source: Road Transport Year Book (2011-2016)


Elasticity of travel demand is the rate at which travel demand changes due to change in
the corresponding economic variables selected. The growth rate for calculating elasticity
is adopted from vehicles registration in Gujarat and Rajasthan states because the
growth rates observed are more realistic as compared to the past traffic data.

For commercial vehicles, a model is developed for state of influence by logically relating
the growth of commercial vehicles with Net State Domestic Product (NSDP) in the
influence states. This is done in order to relate the growth at origin and destination of
commercial traffic in study corridor. The growth of commercial traffic at the national level
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has also been calculated by logically relating commercial vehicles population in country
to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The models developed for expressing the growth
of commercial vehicles at state level as well as at national level, R² values, elasticity
values and growth factors are derived.

In order, to estimate the elasticity of travel demand, the consultants have established
the relationship between the growths of registered vehicles and the economic variables.
This necessitates developing the regression equations to express dependent variable in
terms of one or more independent variables. In this case, the dependent variable is
registered vehicle, which is proxy variable for vehicle population Zone of Influence (State).
The independent variable are socio-economic parameters; For the passenger vehicle including
Cars, growth has been related to Per Capita Income and growth of buses are related to
population growth, while Commercial vehicles have been regressed with Economic parameters
like GDP of country and NSDP of the state, through which this road passes while the growth of
trucks are regressed with GDP and the growth of LCV’s is regressed with NSDP changes over
the analysis period.


Based on the regression analysis the consultants have estimated the elasticity of growth of
different modes. These results presented in Table 7.39

R Square -
Registered Vehicles Independent Coefficient of
Strength of
(Dependent Variable) Variable Elasticity (b)
Madhya Pradesh
Car PCI 2.87 0.99
Buses Population 3.02 0.89
Buses PCI 0.87 0.85
LCV NSDP 1.92 0.99
Trucks NSDP 1.50 0.93
2-W PCI 2.34 0.96
Source: Consultant Estimates
Vehicle registration data represents all vehicles registered in the state, but does not
indicate actual number of vehicles plying on the road owing to vehicles taken off the
road due to lack of fitness certificate. In order to arrive at realistic future elasticity’s for
the project road; various factors relating to vehicle technology changes besides
character of traffic and travel pattern on the project road have been considered.

The transport demand elasticity by vehicle type, over a period of time, tends to decline
and approach unity or even less. As the economy and its various sectors grow, every
region tends to become self-sufficient.

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Moreover, much of the past growth has been associated with the country’s transition
from a largely rural subsistence economy to cash-based urban economy, dominated by
regional and national linkages. As the transition proceeds, its impact on transport pattern
can be expected to become less dominant. Therefore, the demand for different type of
vehicles falls, over time, despite greater economic development. In other words the
values of elasticity tend to decrease with economic development in future years due to
changes in the structure of economy, with higher contribution from service sector and
higher value of industrial outputs. The same is also clear from the relationships of the
economy and transport demand elasticity over time nationally/Internationally.

Based on past experience, the consultants have assumed that the elasticity values of
respective modes will reduce by 10% every 5 years. This means that as the growth
stabilizes, the rate of growth of registration of vehicles will reduce by 10% every 5 years.
The details are presented in Table 7.40


Mode 2017-2022 2022-2027 2027-2032 beyond 2032

Madhya Pradesh
Car 1.20 1.08 0.97 0.87
Buses 1.10 0.99 0.89 0.80
LCV 1.10 0.99 0.89 0.80
Trucks 1.10 0.99 0.89 0.80
2-W 1.20 1.08 0.97 0.87
Source: Consultant Estimates


The world economy will slow down over time, with a marked moderation in growth rates
after 2020

The Price water house Coopers (PWC), U.K, has projected annual global economic
growth to average around 3.5% over the next 4 years to 2020, slowing down to 2.7% for
2021-2030, 2.5% for the decade after that, and 2.4% for 2041-2050. This will occur as
many advanced economies experience a marked decline in their working-age
populations. At the same time, emerging market growth rates will moderate as these
economies mature, which is consistent with academic research on the tendency for
growth rates to ‘regress to the mean’ in the long-run. The projected growth profile for
larger economies is presented in Figure 7.13

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In the case of India, the PWC has projected the GDP growth rate for year 2016-2020,
2021-2030, 2031-2040 and 2041-2050 is 7.8, 5.0, 4.4 and 3.9 respectively.

The consultant has projected based on trends of national economy and state economic
growth and the projected value has interpolated for the horizon year 2017-2022, 2022-
2027, 2027-2032 and beyond 2032 are 6.9, 6.6, 6.2 and 5.9 respectively.



Against this background, any agenda for future growth of the state economies has to
take into account past trends, future prospects, and the emerging challenges. The
growth prospects for the subject states have been developed taking into consideration
the past performance of the state economies and the economic growth envisaged for the
future. The pace with which the regional economies grow with the envisaged growth of
the state is a major contributing factor in growth of traffic.

Therefore, considering the present economic scenarios a realistic growth increasing

from 7.8% to7.2 % is, assumed for the four period blocks for Madhya Pradesh state.
Similarly population growth rates also have been considered and therefore growth of PCI

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

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Considering the present GDP growth and its future targets, a realistic growth rate of 6.9
% to 5.9 %for four period blocks has been assumed. The perspective economy growth
rates considered are presented in Table 7.41.


Mode 2017-2022 2022-2027 2027-2032 beyond 2032

GDP (%) 6.9 6.6 6.2 5.9
Madhya Pradesh
NSDP (%) 7.8 7.6 7.4 7.2
PCI (%) 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4
Source: Consultant Estimates


As discussed earlier, the consultants have estimated traffic growth rates for future years
by multiplying elasticity values of the respective mode with the growth parameters of
economy, considered for analysis. The growth rates of traffic for future years for
commercial and passenger vehicles for the project road have been shown in Table 7.42.
Estimation of Traffic Growth Rates:

 Elasticity for Different Modes x Economic Indicator (Average Growth Rate) = Mode wise
growth rate for Project Road
 Mode wise Registered vehicle Average Growth Rate, Then, Weighted Traffic Growth
Rates = Average of a & b



Mode 2017-2022 2022-2027 2027-2032 beyond 2032

Madhya Pradesh
Car 11.10 10.71 10.36 10.04
Buses 2.53 2.47 2.41 2.35
LCV 10.46 9.93 9.46 9.04
Trucks 9.20 8.67 8.19 7.78
2-W 9.50 9.11 8.76 8.44
Source: Consultant Estimates

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The share of trucks trips from Madhya Pradesh is about 81% while the share of trucks trips from
rest of India is 19%. The consultant has estimated weighted average growth rate of trucks for the
project road using the share of trips which is analyzed from OD data.


Growth in cycle ownership in India over the last one decade has been very slow, even
negative. Household cycle ownership increased at a rate of about 3% per annum
between 2001 and 2011 due to increase in per capita income and availability of loans for
buying mechanized mode. In view of growing demand for sports cycles and reduced
demand for base cycles. (Source: A Report on promoting Cycling in the country, TERI,
The consultant has considered growth rate of cycles @3% per annum and growth rate of
other slow moving vehicles @2% per annum for the entire concession period.


Using the trip contribution within influencing states, the weight age traffic growth rate has
been estimated and presented in Table 7.43



Mode 2017-2022 2022-2027 2027-2032 beyond 2032

Realistic Growth Rate (%)
Car 11.10 10.71 10.36 10.04
Buses 2.53 2.47 2.41 2.35
LCV 10.46 9.93 9.46 9.04
Truck 9.11 8.58 8.10 7.69
2-W 9.50 9.11 8.76 8.44
Source: Consultant Estimates
Sensitivity Analysis
The growth rates estimated for various modes represent the realistic scenario of traffic
growth based on trends observed and experiences/ opinion of experts associated with
study. But there is lot of imponderables/ unforeseen situations that might not have been
perceived at time of analysis. To consider their impact, a sensitivity analysis has been
carried out to cover the risks associated with these imponderables in each scenario. A
scenario analysis has been carried out to estimate the traffic ranges and revenues that
the concessionaire may earn for each range.

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Realistic Scenario: Normal Growth Rates as per Calculation

Optimistic Scenario: Growth rates 10% more than realistic scenario
Pessimistic Scenario: Growth rates 10% less than realistic scenario

The Traffic Growth Rate for project in Optimistic and Pessimistic situation is presented
in Table 7.44


Mode 2017-2022 2022-2027 2027-2032 beyond 2032

Optimistic Growth Rate (%)
Car 12.21 11.78 11.40 11.05
Buses 2.79 2.71 2.65 2.59
LCV 11.51 10.92 10.40 9.95
Truck 10.02 9.43 8.91 8.46
2-W 10.46 10.02 9.64 9.29
Pessimistic Growth Rate (%)
Car 9.99 9.64 9.32 9.04
Buses 2.28 2.22 2.17 2.12
LCV 9.42 8.94 8.51 8.14
Truck 8.20 7.72 7.29 6.92
2-W 8.55 8.20 7.88 7.60
Source: Consultant Estimates


The consultant has been done traffic forecast for the project with a combination of
Normal Traffic, Diverted Traffic and Generated/ Induced Traffic.

Normal Traffic: The normal traffic is the traffic at present which is likely plying on the
project road.

Generated/Induced Traffic: Induced traffic is the addition traffic that is generated when
the user costs associated with a road facility decreases. This decrease in cost may arise
from anything ranging from minor improvement like filling up of pot holes or patches to
major alterations such as widening of the road.

The phenomenon of latent demand or induced traffic has often been ascribed very less
importance in Indian Highway (rural roads) projects which are being extensively
upgraded by the National Highway Development Program (NHDP), since year 2000. The
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contribution of Induced traffic is very much relevant for Indian Rural road networks, as
improving the connectivity in rural areas is likely to generate traffic from adjacent land

According to Cervero* (2003 a & b), the estimated long-term elasticity of Vehicle Miles
Travel (VMT) with respect to traffic speed to be 0.64. This means that a 10% increase in
speed results in a 6.4% increase in VMT. Another research developed by Holder and
Stover* (1972) found evidence of induced travel at six location in Texas over several
years, estimated to represent 5-12% of total corridor volume, representing from a quarter
to two-thirds of traffic on the facility.

The consultant has considered that induced traffic will add to the total traffic @5% in the
year 2022, after the project road becomes operational.

*Generated Traffic and Induced Travel (2014), Victoria Transport Policy Institute

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Normal Traffic Normal + Induced

Year Mini Auto Two
Bus Car LCV Truck MAV Tractor Other Veh. PCU Veh. PCU
Bus Rickshaw Wheeler
2018 89 95 2750 156 2654 701 802 794 74 360 8476 12868 8476 12868
2019 91 97 3055 171 2906 774 875 867 81 367 9286 14012 9286 14012
2020 94 100 3394 187 3182 855 955 946 88 375 10177 15265 10177 15265
2021 96 102 3771 205 3485 945 1042 1032 96 382 11157 16639 11157 16639
2022 98 105 4190 225 3816 1043 1137 1126 105 390 12236 18147 12848 19054
2023 101 108 4639 245 4164 1147 1235 1223 114 398 13372 19720 14041 20706
2024 103 110 5136 267 4543 1261 1341 1327 124 406 14619 21440 15350 22512
2025 106 113 5686 292 4957 1386 1455 1441 135 414 15985 23318 16784 24484
2026 108 116 6295 318 5409 1524 1580 1565 146 422 17484 25371 18358 26640
2027 111 119 6969 347 5902 1675 1716 1699 159 431 19128 27615 20084 28995
2028 114 121 7691 378 6419 1834 1855 1837 172 439 20859 29957 21902 31454
2029 117 124 8488 411 6981 2007 2005 1985 186 448 22752 32507 23889 34132
2030 119 127 9367 447 7593 2197 2167 2146 201 457 24821 35286 26062 37050
2031 122 130 10338 486 8258 2405 2343 2320 217 466 27084 38313 28439 40228
2032 125 134 11409 529 8981 2632 2532 2508 234 475 29559 41611 31037 43692
2033 128 137 12554 573 9740 2870 2727 2700 252 485 32167 45058 33775 47311
2034 131 140 13815 622 10562 3130 2937 2908 272 495 35011 48803 36761 51243
2035 134 143 15202 674 11454 3413 3163 3131 293 504 38112 52872 40018 55516
2036 137 147 16729 731 12422 3721 3406 3372 315 515 41495 57293 43570 60158
2037 141 150 18409 793 13470 4058 3667 3631 339 525 45184 62099 47444 65203
2038 144 153 20258 860 14608 4425 3949 3911 366 535 49209 67321 51670 70687
2039 147 157 22293 933 15842 4825 4253 4211 394 546 53600 72999 56280 76649
2040 151 161 24531 1011 17179 5261 4580 4535 424 557 58391 79171 61310 83130
2041 154 165 26995 1097 18630 5737 4932 4883 456 568 63618 85883 66799 90177
2042 158 168 29706 1189 20203 6256 5311 5259 492 579 69322 93182 72788 97841

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Normal Traffic Normal + Induced

Year Mini Auto Two
Bus Car LCV Truck MAV Tractor Other Veh. PCU Veh. PCU
Bus Rickshaw Wheeler
2018 102 103 2544 162 2531 666 716 758 73 348 8003 12144 8003 12144
2019 105 105 2826 178 2772 735 781 827 79 355 8764 13215 8764 13215
2020 107 108 3140 195 3036 812 852 903 86 362 9602 14390 9602 14390
2021 110 111 3489 213 3324 897 930 985 94 369 10523 15678 10523 15678
2022 113 114 3876 234 3640 991 1015 1075 103 377 11536 17089 12113 17944
2023 116 116 4291 255 3972 1090 1102 1167 112 384 12604 18564 13234 19492
2024 118 119 4751 278 4334 1198 1196 1267 121 392 13774 20174 14463 21182
2025 121 122 5260 303 4729 1317 1299 1376 132 400 15058 21933 15811 23030
2026 124 125 5823 331 5159 1447 1410 1494 143 408 16465 23855 17288 25048
2027 127 128 6447 361 5630 1591 1531 1622 155 416 18009 25956 18909 27253
2028 130 131 7115 393 6123 1742 1655 1753 168 424 19634 28148 20616 29555
2029 134 135 7852 427 6659 1906 1789 1895 181 433 21411 30535 22482 32062
2030 137 138 8665 465 7243 2087 1934 2048 196 441 23354 33136 24521 34792
2031 140 141 9563 506 7877 2284 2090 2214 212 450 25478 35968 26751 37767
2032 143 145 10553 550 8567 2500 2260 2394 229 459 27800 39055 29190 41008
2033 147 148 11613 596 9291 2726 2433 2577 247 468 30247 42280 31760 44394
2034 150 151 12780 647 10075 2973 2620 2776 266 478 32915 45784 34561 48073
2035 154 155 14063 701 10926 3241 2822 2989 286 487 35825 49591 37616 52070
2036 157 159 15475 761 11849 3535 3039 3219 308 497 38998 53726 40948 56413
2037 161 162 17030 825 12849 3854 3272 3466 332 507 42459 58221 44582 61132
2038 165 166 18740 894 13934 4203 3524 3733 357 517 46234 63106 48545 66261
2039 169 170 20622 970 15111 4583 3795 4020 385 527 50351 68415 52869 71836
2040 173 174 22693 1052 16387 4997 4087 4329 414 538 54844 74188 57586 77897
2041 177 178 24972 1141 17771 5449 4401 4661 446 549 59745 80463 62732 84487
2042 181 182 27480 1237 19272 5942 4739 5020 481 560 65093 87288 68348 91652

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Normal Traffic Normal+Induced

Year Mini Auto Two
Bus Car LCV Truck MAV Tractor Other Veh. PCU Veh. PCU
Bus Rickshaw Wheeler
2018 93 92 1987 192 2360 312 387 543 26 193 6186 8468 6186 8468
2019 96 94 2207 211 2585 345 422 592 29 197 6777 9222 6777 9222
2020 98 96 2452 231 2830 381 461 646 31 201 7428 10048 7428 10048
2021 101 99 2725 253 3099 421 503 705 34 205 8143 10955 8143 10955
2022 103 101 3027 277 3394 465 549 769 37 209 8931 11950 9377 12547
2023 106 104 3351 302 3703 511 596 835 40 213 9761 12990 10249 13639
2024 108 106 3710 329 4041 561 647 907 44 218 10671 14126 11205 14833
2025 111 109 4108 359 4409 617 702 985 47 222 11669 15369 12253 16137
2026 114 111 4548 392 4811 678 762 1069 51 226 12764 16727 13402 17563
2027 116 114 5035 428 5249 746 828 1161 56 231 13964 18211 14662 19122
2028 119 117 5557 465 5709 816 895 1255 60 235 15229 19763 15991 20752
2029 122 120 6132 506 6209 893 967 1357 65 240 16612 21455 17443 22527
2030 125 123 6768 550 6753 978 1045 1467 71 245 18124 23298 19031 24463
2031 128 126 7469 599 7345 1070 1130 1585 76 250 19778 25306 20767 26572
2032 131 129 8242 651 7988 1172 1222 1714 82 255 21586 27496 22665 28871
2033 134 132 9070 706 8663 1278 1316 1845 89 260 23492 29788 24667 31278
2034 137 135 9981 766 9394 1393 1417 1987 96 265 25571 32280 26850 33894
2035 141 138 10983 830 10188 1519 1526 2140 103 270 27838 34988 29230 36737
2036 144 141 12086 900 11048 1657 1643 2305 111 276 30311 37932 31826 39829
2037 147 145 13300 977 11981 1806 1769 2482 119 281 33007 41134 34658 43191
2038 151 148 14636 1059 12993 1970 1905 2673 129 287 35949 44616 37746 46846
2039 154 151 16106 1148 14090 2148 2052 2878 138 293 39158 48402 41116 50823
2040 158 155 17723 1245 15280 2342 2209 3099 149 299 42659 52522 44792 55148
2041 162 159 19503 1351 16570 2554 2379 3337 161 305 46479 57003 48803 59853
2042 166 162 21462 1465 17969 2785 2562 3594 173 311 50648 61879 53180 64973
Source: Consultant Estimates

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
Routes to Improve the efficiency of freight movement in India
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Report : Final Detailed Project Report
Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report


Normal Traffic Normal+Induced

Year Mini Auto Two
Bus Car LCV Truck MAV Tractor Other Veh. PCU Veh. PCU
Bus Rickshaw Wheeler
2018 96 86 1379 60 1334 215 542 398 28 135 4275 6710 4275 6710
2019 98 89 1533 66 1461 238 591 434 31 138 4678 7299 4678 7299
2020 101 91 1703 72 1600 263 645 473 33 141 5122 7945 5122 7945
2021 103 93 1892 79 1752 290 704 516 36 144 5610 8653 5610 8653
2022 106 96 2102 87 1919 320 768 563 40 146 6147 9428 6454 9900
2023 109 98 2327 95 2094 352 834 612 43 149 6712 10237 7048 10749
2024 111 100 2576 103 2284 387 905 664 47 152 7332 11119 7698 11675
2025 114 103 2852 113 2493 426 983 721 51 155 8010 12083 8411 12687
2026 117 105 3158 123 2720 468 1067 783 55 159 8755 13135 9192 13792
2027 120 108 3496 134 2968 514 1159 850 60 162 9570 14284 10049 14998
2028 123 110 3858 146 3228 563 1252 919 65 165 10429 15481 10951 16256
2029 126 113 4258 159 3510 616 1354 993 70 168 11368 16785 11936 17624
2030 129 116 4699 173 3818 675 1464 1074 76 172 12393 18204 13013 19114
2031 132 119 5185 188 4152 738 1582 1161 82 175 13514 19748 14190 20736
2032 135 122 5722 205 4516 808 1710 1255 89 179 14740 21430 15477 22501
2033 138 124 6297 222 4897 881 1842 1351 95 182 16031 23185 16832 24345
2034 141 127 6930 241 5311 961 1983 1455 103 186 17438 25091 18310 26346
2035 145 130 7626 261 5759 1048 2136 1567 111 189 18972 27160 19920 28518
2036 148 133 8391 283 6246 1143 2300 1687 119 193 20644 29407 21676 30877
2037 152 136 9234 307 6773 1246 2477 1817 128 197 22467 31847 23591 33439
2038 155 140 10161 333 7345 1359 2667 1957 138 201 24456 34497 25679 36222
2039 159 143 11182 361 7966 1482 2872 2107 149 205 26625 37376 27956 39245
2040 162 146 12305 391 8638 1616 3093 2269 160 209 28990 40504 30440 42529
2041 166 150 13541 424 9368 1762 3330 2444 173 213 31571 43902 33149 46097
2042 170 153 14900 460 10159 1921 3586 2632 186 218 34386 47595 36105 49975
Source: Consultant Estimates

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
Routes to Improve the efficiency of freight movement in India
Under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Package 3/Lot-4): Bhopal –Raisen – Vidisha – Sagar (Priority-1) Page 202
Report : Final Detailed Project Report
Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report

Normal Traffic Normal+Induced
Year Mini Auto Two
Bus Car LCV Truck MAV Tractor Other Veh. PCU Veh. PCU
Bus Rickshaw Wheeler
2018 107 94 1599 91 1443 370 582 328 25 186 4824 7245 4824 7245
2019 110 97 1776 99 1581 408 635 358 27 190 5280 7878 5280 7878
2020 113 99 1973 109 1731 451 692 391 30 193 5782 8571 5782 8571
2021 115 102 2192 119 1895 498 755 427 32 197 6333 9331 6333 9331
2022 118 104 2436 130 2076 550 824 465 35 201 6940 10164 7287 10672
2023 121 107 2697 142 2265 605 895 505 38 205 7580 11034 7959 11586
2024 124 109 2986 155 2471 665 972 549 41 209 8282 11985 8696 12584
2025 127 112 3305 169 2696 731 1055 596 45 213 9051 13023 9503 13674
2026 131 115 3659 184 2942 804 1145 647 49 218 9894 14158 10389 14866
2027 134 118 4051 201 3210 884 1244 702 53 222 10819 15398 11360 16168
2028 137 121 4471 219 3491 967 1344 759 57 227 11793 16693 12383 17528
2029 140 123 4934 238 3797 1059 1453 821 62 231 12859 18104 13502 19009
2030 144 126 5445 259 4130 1159 1571 887 67 236 14024 19640 14725 20622
2031 147 129 6010 282 4492 1268 1698 959 72 240 15297 21314 16062 22380
2032 151 133 6632 306 4885 1388 1836 1037 78 245 16691 23138 17525 24295
2033 154 136 7298 332 5298 1514 1977 1116 84 250 18159 25046 19067 26298
2034 158 139 8031 360 5745 1651 2129 1202 91 255 19760 27118 20748 28474
2035 161 142 8838 391 6230 1800 2292 1294 98 260 21507 29370 22582 30839
2036 165 146 9725 424 6756 1963 2468 1394 105 265 23412 31817 24582 33408
2037 169 149 10702 459 7327 2140 2658 1501 113 271 25490 34478 26764 36202
2038 173 152 11777 498 7945 2334 2863 1616 122 276 27757 37370 29145 39238
2039 177 156 12959 540 8616 2545 3083 1741 131 282 30231 40514 31742 42540
2040 181 160 14261 586 9344 2775 3320 1875 142 287 32930 43934 34576 46130
2041 186 163 15693 635 10133 3026 3575 2019 152 293 35876 47652 37669 50035
2042 190 167 17269 689 10989 3300 3850 2174 164 299 39090 51697 41045 54282
Source: Consultant Estimates

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
Routes to Improve the efficiency of freight movement in India
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Report : Final Detailed Project Report
Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report


The consultant has carried out capacity analysis for the normal scenarios for the
project road on the basis of scenario analysis developed for projected traffic in
horizon year. The capacity figures mentioned in IRC standard stipulates that the
Design Service Volume of 2 lane road and 4 lane road are presented in Table 4 and
Item 11inIRC: 64-1990 “Guideline for Capacity of Roads in Rural Areas”. The
proposed project road is 4 lane road and the capacity figure adopted for four lane
from IRC: 64-1990.

The Design Service Volume and Capacity Standard based on IRC is presented in
Table 7.50.


Design Service Volume (PCU/Day)
Road Type Capacity


2-Lane Roads without Paved 15000 21000 25500 30000
2-Lane Roads with Paved 17250 24150 29325 34500
4-Lane Road without Paved 35000 49000 59500 70000

4-Lane Road with Paved 40000 56000 68000 80000

Source: IRC: 64-1990

The consultant has carried out the capacity analysis for 4 lane road with paved shoulder.
The capacity analysis is presented in Table 7.51


TVC-01 TVC-03 TVC-04

TVC-02 (Sanchi) TVC-05 (Sihora)
(Deewanganj) (Gyaraspur) (Bahadurpur)
Level Level Level Level Level
Volume of Volume of Volume of Volume of Volume of
(PCU) Service (PCU) Service (PCU) Service (PCU) Service (PCU) Service
2018 12868 LOS 'B' 12144 LOS 'B' 8468 LOS 'B' 6710 LOS 'B' 7245 LOS 'B'
2019 14012 LOS 'B' 13215 LOS 'B' 9222 LOS 'B' 7299 LOS 'B' 7878 LOS 'B'
2020 15265 LOS 'B' 14390 LOS 'B' 10048 LOS 'B' 7945 LOS 'B' 8571 LOS 'B'
2021 16639 LOS 'B' 15678 LOS 'B' 10955 LOS 'B' 8653 LOS 'B' 9331 LOS 'B'
2022 19054 LOS 'B' 17944 LOS 'B' 12547 LOS 'B' 9900 LOS 'B' 10672 LOS 'B'
2023 20706 LOS 'B' 19492 LOS 'B' 13639 LOS 'B' 10749 LOS 'B' 11586 LOS 'B'
2024 22512 LOS 'B' 21182 LOS 'B' 14833 LOS 'B' 11675 LOS 'B' 12584 LOS 'B'
2025 24484 LOS 'B' 23030 LOS 'B' 16137 LOS 'B' 12687 LOS 'B' 13674 LOS 'B'
2026 26640 LOS 'B' 25048 LOS 'B' 17563 LOS 'B' 13792 LOS 'B' 14866 LOS 'B'

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
Routes to Improve the efficiency of freight movement in India
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Report : Final Detailed Project Report
Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report

TVC-01 TVC-03 TVC-04

TVC-02 (Sanchi) TVC-05 (Sihora)
(Deewanganj) (Gyaraspur) (Bahadurpur)
Level Level Level Level Level
Volume of Volume of Volume of Volume of Volume of
(PCU) Service (PCU) Service (PCU) Service (PCU) Service (PCU) Service
2027 28995 LOS 'B' 27253 LOS 'B' 19122 LOS 'B' 14998 LOS 'B' 16168 LOS 'B'
2028 31454 LOS 'B' 29555 LOS 'B' 20752 LOS 'B' 16256 LOS 'B' 17528 LOS 'B'
2029 34132 LOS 'B' 32062 LOS 'B' 22527 LOS 'B' 17624 LOS 'B' 19009 LOS 'B'
2030 37050 LOS 'B' 34792 LOS 'B' 24463 LOS 'B' 19114 LOS 'B' 20622 LOS 'B'
2031 40228 LOS 'C' 37767 LOS 'B' 26572 LOS 'B' 20736 LOS 'B' 22380 LOS 'B'
2032 43692 LOS 'C' 41008 LOS 'C' 28871 LOS 'B' 22501 LOS 'B' 24295 LOS 'B'
2033 47311 LOS 'C' 44394 LOS 'C' 31278 LOS 'B' 24345 LOS 'B' 26298 LOS 'B'
2034 51243 LOS 'C' 48073 LOS 'C' 33894 LOS 'B' 26346 LOS 'B' 28474 LOS 'B'
2035 55516 LOS 'C' 52070 LOS 'C' 36737 LOS 'B' 28518 LOS 'B' 30839 LOS 'B'
2036 60158 LOS 'D' 56413 LOS 'D' 39829 LOS 'B' 30877 LOS 'B' 33408 LOS 'B'
2037 65203 LOS 'D' 61132 LOS 'D' 43191 LOS 'C' 33439 LOS 'B' 36202 LOS 'B'
2038 70687 LOS 'E' 66261 LOS 'D' 46846 LOS 'C' 36222 LOS 'B' 39238 LOS 'B'
2039 76649 LOS 'E' 71836 LOS 'E' 50823 LOS 'C' 39245 LOS 'B' 42540 LOS 'C'
2040 83130 - 77897 LOS 'E' 55148 LOS 'C' 42529 LOS 'C' 46130 LOS 'C'
2041 90177 - 84487 - 59853 LOS 'D' 46097 LOS 'C' 50035 LOS 'C'
2042 97841 - 91652 - 64973 LOS 'D' 49975 LOS 'C' 54282 LOS 'C'
Source: Consultant Estimates

To maintain level of service ‘B’ and free flow speed of highway, there would be a need of
widening of road from 4 lane to 6 lane. The above capacity analysis shows that, the need to
road widening from 4 lane to 6 lane will be required by year 2030, 2036, and 2038 for
section upto Sanchi, Bahadurpur and end point at Sagar respectively.

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
Routes to Improve the efficiency of freight movement in India
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Report : Final Detailed Project Report
Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report

The proposed project is a part of the Bharat Mala Project which has been envisaged as an
umbrella program under the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways. The project involves
constructions or improvement of national highways/ newly declared National Highways with
an aim to improve road connectivity to border areas, ports, backward areas, religious and
tourist sites. The proposed project is the construction of 4 lane highway and it is a part of an
exclusive transport corridor from Bhopal to Kanpur which provides better connectivity to
Bhopal, Raisen, Vidisa and Sagar districts of Madhya Pradesh State.


The proposed highway would act as the prime artery for the economic flow to this region. It
will, enhance economic development, provide employment opportunities to locals, strengthen
tourism, improve road safety and provide better transportation facilities and other facilities
such as way side amenities. Vehicle operating cost will also be reduced due to improved
road quality. Road projects are meant for improving the quality of life for people and
developing the country’s economy.


National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) has been assign the development, maintenance
and management of the National Highways as entrusted to it by the Government of India.
Under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Economic Corridor-417), Sagar section as a bypass of NH-
146 and it’s a green field proposal starting from Village Chauki (NH-146) Near
Berkheri,Design CH: KM: 134+736 to CH: 163+100 Village Ranipura in Sagar District. NH-
26 North South corridor. Approximate Length is 28+500.
This report pertains to environmental aspects of consultancy related to feasibility study for
development of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder Routes to improve the
efficiency of freight movement in India under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Lot-4) from Bhopal to
Sagar in the State of Madhya Pradesh.
The proposed project is a part of the Bharat Mala Project which has been envisaged as an
umbrella program under the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways. The project involves
constructions or improvement of national highways/ newly declared National Highways with
an aim to improve road connectivity to border areas, ports, backward areas, religious and
tourist sites. The National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) has entrusted M/s. STUP

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
Routes to Improve the efficiency of freight movement in India
Under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Package 3/Lot-4): Bhopal –Raisen- Vidisha - Sagar (Priority-1) Page 206
Report : Final Detailed Project Report
Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report

Consultants Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi with the assignment of preparation of feasibility
study/Detailed project report and implementation of road stretches selected for Bhopal –
Kanpur (Eoconimic Corridor -417 Approx-length 550 km ) Corridor under Bharatmala
Pariyojana to 4 lane National Highway from Bhopal to Sagar Section (Economic Corridor -
417) Starting From Village: Chauki Near Berkheri, (NH-146 ) design CH: KM: 134+736 to
CH: 163+100 Village Ranipura in Sagar District. NH-26 North South corridor. Approximate
Length is 28+500 in the state of Madhya Pradesh.


The project will be executed by National Highways Authority of India (NHAI). The proposed
alignment (EC-417) connects Village: Village: Chauki Near Berkheri, (NH-146 ) CH: KM:
134+736 to CH: 163+100 Village Ranipura in Sagar District. NH-26 North South corridor.
Approximately Length is 28+500. Salient features of the proposed project are summarized in
Table 8.1.
Project Consultancy Services for Preparation of DPR for development of Economic
Name Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder Routes to Improve the Efficiency of
Freight Movement of India Under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Lot-4/Package-3)

Proposed New National Highway Sagar Link Road (Economic Corridor – 417)
starting from Village: Chauki (NH-146 ) Near Berkheri, CH: KM: 134+736 to
CH: 163+100 Village Ranipura (NH-26) in Sagar District. North South corridor.
Approximate Length is 28+500, ,Madhya Pradesh by National Highway
Authority of India
Proponent National Highways Authority of India (NHAI), MoRTH, GoI Project
Implementation Unit, Sagar
28+500 Km
Coordinates Start: 854026.381E,

End: 876926.759E,

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
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Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report

Project The Proposed project (Sagar Ring Road) is a green field project does
Category (as not required Environmental clearance as per the MoEF&CC had
under EIA released a new Draft EIA notification, Gazette 23 March 2020,
Notification Scheduled 38 Col (3)(A), (4)(B1) & (5) (B2) According to this
March 23, notification new sector has been introduced like:
2020) Col (3)(A):-
i) New National Highways or Multi-modal corridors or Ring Roads
ii) Expansion or widening of existing National Highways or Multi-modal
corridors or Ring Roads by length more than 100 km involving widening or
right of way more than 70m on existing alignments or re-alignments or by-
i) All new State Highway projects
ii) State Highway expansion projects in hilly terrain (above 1000 meter
above mean sea level)

(5) (B2)
i). Expansion or widening of existing National Highways or Expressways or
Multi-modal corridors or Ring Roads by length between 25 km and 100 km
involving widening or right of way more than 70 m on existing alignments or
realignments or bypasses.
ii). Expansion or widening of existing State Highways (500 m to 1000 m
above mean sea level)

Thereof, Hence our project is not categorized in any category. So that,

Prior Environment Clearance will not requires from Ministry of
Environment and Forest & Climate Change New Delhi as per the above
said notification.

Total Project Cost INR 279.95 Cr


Salient Features of Project

Road Stretch Sagar Ring Road
Road Length 28+500 KM
Village: Chauki (NH-146 ) Near Berkheri,
Start Point
design CH: KM: 134+736 to
Village Ranipura (NH-26) CH: 163+100 in
End Point
Sagar District. North South corridor
Bypasses 01
Realignment NIL
Existing Carriageway Width NIL
Existing ROW NIL due to Green Field Alignment
Proposed ROW 45 Mtr
Districts En-route Sagar
Important Settlements Major settlement named Rahatgarh and Sagar
Major Bridges 04 Nos.
Minor Bridges 06 Nos.

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
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Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report

Culverts 69 Nos.
Major Road Crossing Location
Railway Crossings 01 No.
Railway Over Bridge 01 Nos.
Underpasses & Overpasses 10 nos.
Pedestrian /Cattle Underpasses Nil
Details of Vehicular Underpass 10 nos.
Design Speed 100 km/hr for plain terrain
Proposed Carriageway Four Lane with paved shoulder.
Safety Measure Crash Barriers
Lighting including High Mask at Toll plazas,
Lighting interchanges, major bridges / ROB’s and
Amenities and Truck Parking Areas



The environmental assessment preparation led to identification of potential environmental

impact and their feasible remedial measures, based on which the environmental mitigation
measures have been prepared. Here not requires the environmental Clearance so that no
need to take environmental screening to prepare the environmental mitigation
measures for this project road as per the above said notification in table no.1.1


The major objective of this study is to establish present environmental condition along the
project corridor through available data / information supported by field studies to evaluate the
impacts on relevant environmental attributes due to the construction & operation of the
proposed project; to recommend adequate mitigation measures to minimize / reduce adverse
impacts and to prepare an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for timely implementation
of the mitigation measures to make the project environmentally sound and sustainable. An
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) study basically includes:

 Establishment of the present environmental scenario.

 Study of the specific activities related to the project.
 Evaluation of the probable environmental impacts.
 Recommendations of necessary environmental control measures.
 Preparation of Environmental Management Plan.


Environmental assessment is a detailed process, which starts from the conception of the
project and continues till the operation phase. The steps for environmental assessment are
therefore different at different phases. The present report details the environmental setting of
the project zone, identifies the anticipated environmental impact and finally suggests

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
Routes to Improve the efficiency of freight movement in India
Under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Package 3/Lot-4): Bhopal –Raisen- Vidisha - Sagar (Priority-1) Page 209
Report : Final Detailed Project Report
Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report

appropriate mitigation measures and mechanism for ensuring effective implementation of the
environmental safeguard measures at different stages of the project.

8.5.3 EIA

EIA evaluates the potential environmental risks and impacts of a specific project in its area of
influence, examines alternatives to the project, identifies ways of improving project selection,
siting, planning, design, and implementation by preventing, minimizing, mitigating, or
compensating for adverse environmental impacts and enhancing positive impacts. EIA
includes the process of mitigating and managing adverse environmental impacts during the
implementation of a project.

8.5.4 EIA should:

 It should be initiated as early as possible in project development and be integrated

closely with the economic, financial, institutional, social, and technical analyses of a
proposed project.
 Take into account the natural environment (air, water and land), human health and
safety, social aspects (involuntary resettlement, indigenous peoples and cultural
Property), and trans-boundary global environmental aspects.
 Also take into account specific host- country conditions – the findings of environmental
studies, National Environmental Action Plans, national legislation, the capabilities of the
entity implementing the project, as they relate to managing environmental and social
impacts, and obligations of the country under relevant international environmental
treaties and agreements.


 Executive summary – significant findings and recommended actions

 Policy, legal and administrative framework within which the EIA is carried out
 Project description
 Baseline data
 Environmental impacts
 Analysis of alternatives (including mitigation measures)
 Environmental Management Plan (EMP) including associated costs
 Consultation - lists and describes consultation meetings, including consultations
for obtaining the informed views of the affected people, local NGOs and
regulatory agencies.


Consistent with WB principles of host-country ownership of the projects implemented under

its loans, the Borrower will ensure meaningful public consultation in the development of EIAs
and make public the results of EIAs. Public disclosure and consultation procedures are
defined in WB BP 17.50 – “Disclosure of Operational Information” and described in detail in
the WB Environmental Sourcebook Vol. I chapter 7 and Updates #5 - “Public Involvement in
Environmental Assessment: Requirements, Opportunities and Issues”.

Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for

Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
Routes to Improve the efficiency of freight movement in India
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Report : Final Detailed Project Report
Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report

The Bank requires public consultation for A, B1 and B2 Category projects. For category A,B1
and B2 projects public consultation should be held at least twice (once at scoping and later
when the draft EIA is available). EIAs and EMPs (both draft and final documents) should be
disclosed in country and through the WB’s Info Shop.

In India, the Ministry had issued the notification number S.O. 804 (E), dated the 14th March,
2017 laying down procedure for appraisal of the violation cases with a time window of six
months. The said notification defined violation of projects which have started the construction
work, or have undertaken expansion or modernization or change in product-mix without Prior
Environment Clearance.

However, such violations being recurring in nature may come to the notice in future during
the process of appraisal or monitoring or inspection by Regulatory Authorities. Therefore, the
Ministry deems it necessary to lay down the procedure to bring such violation projects under
the regulations in the interest of Environment at the earliest point of time rather than leaving
them unregulated and unchecked, which will be more damaging to the environment;

AND WHEREAS, the Hon’ble National Green Tribunal in Original Application Number
837/2018 in the matter of Original Application Number 837/2018 Sandeep Mittal Vs Ministry
of Environment, Forest and Climate Change & Ors., has held that Ministry shall strengthen
the monitoring mechanism for compliance of conditions of Prior Environment Clearance;

Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) notification 2020, Ministry of Environment and

Forests, Government of India, came into effect from 23rd March 2020. The EIA Notification,
2020 specifies the various development projects requiring prior clearance from Ministry of
Environment and Forests (MoEF&CC). As per Schedule of the Notification; the Highway
project falls under Physical Infrastructure including Environmental Services and have been
listed under item no.38, including new highways or expansion of existing highways. The
projects and activities under the Notification have been classified into three categories-
Category A, Category B1 and Category B2, based on the spatial extent of potential impacts
on human health and natural and manmade resources. The highway projects have also been
classified into three categories- Category A, Category B1, And Category B2 based on the
following conditions:

Category A:

i) New National Highways or Multi-modal corridors or Ring Roads

ii) Expansion or widening of existing National Highways or Multi-modal corridors or Ring
Roads by length more than 100 km involving widening or right of way more than 70m on
existing alignments or re-alignments or by-passes.

Category B1:

i) All new State Highway projects

ii) State Highway expansion projects in hilly terrain (above 1000 meter above mean sea

Category B2:

i). Expansion or widening of existing National Highways or Expressways or Multi-modal

corridors or Ring Roads by length between 25 km and 100 km involving widening or right of
Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for
Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
Routes to Improve the efficiency of freight movement in India
Under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Package 3/Lot-4): Bhopal –Raisen- Vidisha - Sagar (Priority-1) Page 211
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Volume: I – Main Report

way more than 70 m on existing alignments or realignments or bypasses.

ii). Expansion or widening of existing State Highways (500 m to 1000 m above mean sea

Moreover any project or activity specified in Category B will be treated as Category A, if

located in whole or in part with in 10 km from the boundary of:

(i). Protected areas notified under the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972,
(ii). Critically Polluted areas as notified by Central Pollution Control Board from time to time,
(iii). Notified Eco Sensitive Areas.
(iv). Inter State boundaries and international boundaries.

Provided that the requirement regarding distance of 10 km of the inter-state boundaries can
be reduced or completely done away with by an agreement between the respective States or
U.Ts sharing the common boundary in the case the activity does not fall within 10 kilometers
of the areas mentioned at item (i), (ii) and (iii) above
In the present case, the proposed is green field project having length of 28+500 KM,
proposed ROW 45 m. So, as per EIA notification 2020 and thereafter amendments that
New National Highways and expansion of National Highway projects greater than 100
km involving additional right of way or land acquisition more than 70 m on existing
alignments or realignments or bypasses. Hence, the proposed project road does not
attract the conditions of obtaining prior Environmental Clearance from Ministry of
Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MoEF&CC).


The increase of environmental concern also necessitated appropriate tools/actions to protect
environment. During Stockholm Conference, first exclusive Environmental Protection Act was
enacted in India in 1986. Prior to this umbrella act, Water (Pollution Prevention and Control)
Act was enacted in India in 1974 & Air Pollution act, 1981. In accordance with EPA act (1986)
Central and State Boards for Prevention and Control of Water Pollution were set up. Later
these boards were renamed into Central Pollution Control Board and respective State
Pollution Control Boards. Department of Environment was set up in 1980. Subsequently in
1985, it was upgraded to a full-fledged Ministry of Environment and Forests and Climate
Change (MoEF&CC) under Government of India to serve as the focal point in the
administrative structure for the planning, promotion and coordination of environmental and
forestry programmes. The name of MoEF&CC has been revised in the year 2014 to Ministry
of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MOEF&CC). This ministry has overall authority
for the administration and implementation of government policies, laws and regulations related
to the environment, including conservation, environmental assessment, sustainable
development, forest conservation and pollution control. MOEF&CC identifies the need to
enact new laws and amend existing environmental legislation when required, in order to
continue to conserve and protect the environment. At the state level, the MOEF&CC authority
is implemented by the Department of the Environment and the Department of Forests.

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In 1976, the 42nd Constitutional Amendment created Article 48A and 51A, placing an
obligation on every citizen of the country to attempt to conserve the environment. As a result,
a number of laws related to environmental conservation were passed to strengthen existing
legislation. Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 is the landmark legislation as it provides for
the protection of environment and aims at plugging the loopholes in the other related acts
and this Act is called as umbrella Act. Under this Umbrella Act all the environmental acts and
rules have been formed.

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Acts/Rule/ Year Objective/ Authority Applicability Remarks
Policy criteria Yes No
Environmental 1986 To protect and MOEF&CC. GoI; - √ This act is not
(Protection) improve the CPCB, Madhya applicable to this
Act overall Pradesh Pollution project road.
environment. Control Board
Environment 2020 To provide MOEF&CC - √ Environment
Impact environmental Impact
Assessment clearance to Assessment
Notification new Notification has not
development been issued for
activities requirement of EIA
following and activities
environmental requiring clearance
impact from Central
assessment Government in the
Applicable only Ministry of
for the National Environment and
Highways Forests
greater than (MoEF&CC). The
100 km with project not requires
additional Right Environmental
of way/ Land Clearance as the
Acquisition proposed project
more than 70 m road Sagar link
on existing road section is not
alignment or categorized in as
re-alignments per Column
or bypasses. (38)A,B1 and B2.

Indian Forest 1927 To check Forest Department,  -- This act will be

Act The Forest 1980 deforestation Govt. of Madhya applicable.
(Conservation) 1981 by restricting Pradesh,
Act The Forest conversion of MOEF&CC,
(Conservation) forested areas Regional Office and
Rules into non MOEF&CC.
forested areas.
Wildlife 1972 To protect Chief Conservator. -  This act will not be
(Protection) wildlife through Wildlife, Wildlife - applicable
Act certain of Wing, Forest
National Parks Department, Gov.
and of Madhya Pradesh
Sanctuaries. and National Board
Only for the For Wildlife, GoI.
project either
located inside
the boundary of
Sanctuary or
reserves. State

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Acts/Rule/ Year Objective/ Authority Applicability Remarks

Policy criteria Yes No
through Eco-
sensitive zone
outside the
boundary of
onal Parks will
also need
n of NBWL.
National 1952 To maintain Forest Department, -  The policy is
Forest Policy 1988 ecological GoI and Govt. of - applicable
National stability through Madhya Pradesh
Forest Policy preservation
(Revised) and restoration
of biological
Water 1974 To control Madhya Pradesh  -- For establishment
(Prevention water pollution Pollution Control and operation of
and Control of by controlling Board Hot Mix/ Stone
Pollution) Act discharge of Crusher/ WMM/
pollutants as Batching Plants
per the during construction
prescribed etc. (Construction
standards. Stage)
Air 1981 To control air Madhya Pradesh  -- For establishment
(Prevention pollution by Pollution Control and operation of
and Control of controlling Board Hot Mix/ Stone
Pollution) Act emission of air Crusher/ WMM/
pollutants as Batching Plants
per the during construction
prescribed etc. (Construction
standards. Stage)
Noise 2000 To regulate and CPCB; GPCB &  -- This act will be
Pollution 2006 control noise Transport applicable to the
(Regulation producing and Department; Govt. project during
and Control) generating of Madhya Pradesh construction phase
Rules sources with of the project.
The Noise the objective of
Pollution maintaining the
(Regulation ambient air
and Control) quality
Amendment standards in
Rules respect of noise
Central Motor 1988 To check Transport  -- For construction
Vehicle Act 1989 vehicular air Department and vehicles
Central Motor and noise Madhya Pradesh (Construction
Vehicle Rules pollution. Pollution Control Stage) – Pollution
Board Under Control

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Acts/Rule/ Year Objective/ Authority Applicability Remarks

Policy criteria Yes No
Ancient 1958 These Acts are Archaeological  This act will not be
Monuments applicable in Dept. GOI, Indian - applicable
and case any Heritage Society -
Archaeological development and Indian National
Sites and activity is Trust for Art and
Remains Act undertaken in Culture Heritage
close vicinity of (INTACH).
site or any are
during the
stage. The Act
requires prior
authorization of
Survey of India
(ASI) for
within 300 m of
a Protected

Municipal 2000 Management of MOEFCC, GoI,  The provisions of

Solid Waste Hazardous and MPPCB. -- these rules shall
(Management other wastes be applicable as
and Handling) the solid wastes in
Rules terms of
construction waste
and house hold
waste will be
generated at
camps and
workers’ camp
during construction
Land 1894 Land  This act will be
Acquisition Act 1989 Acquisition -- applicable as land
2013 is being acquired
for the project
The National 1956 For Land NHAI; Revenue  This act will be
Highway Act Acquisition Department, Govt. -- applicable as land
of Madhya Pradesh is being acquired
for the project
The Madhya 1976 The act Department of  This act is not
Pradesh provides for Forests, - applicable
State Forest constitution, Government of -
Development conservation Madhya Pradesh.

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Acts/Rule/ Year Objective/ Authority Applicability Remarks

Policy criteria Yes No
corporation and protection
Act of reserved
forests, village
forests and
district forests,
control of
timber and
other forest
produce in
penalties and
relating to
forest offence
cases, etc.
Felling of 1951 To regulate the Department of  -- The project
Trees felling of the Forests, requires felling of
(Infliction of trees and for Department of trees therefore
Punishment) the planting of Social Forestry, NOC is needed.
Act, adequate GoMP.
number of trees
to restore
balance and for
therewith. The
Act also
constitution of a
Tree Authority
in different
areas. The Act
also elaborates
the restriction
on felling of
trees and
liability for
preservation of
trees. The
shall be
by a site plan or
survey sketch
clearly the site
or survey
number, the
number, kind
and girth of tree
sought to be
cut and the
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Acts/Rule/ Year Objective/ Authority Applicability Remarks

Policy criteria Yes No
therefore along
with the
consent of the
owner or

A brief description of relevant laws is given below:


Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980:

The Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 is of particular significance in case the project
corridors require acquisition of forestland outside the ROW of the road corridors as a
result of the rehabilitation/widening work proposed.
All proposals involving diversion of forest land for linear projects such as roads, railway
lines, transmission lines, pipelines etc., irrespective of area of forest land involved, are
sent to the concerned Regional Office of the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate
Change (MoEF&CC).
The Head of the concerned Regional Office is competent to either agree in-principle or
reject, all proposals involving forest land up to 5 hectares.
Regional Empowered Committee (REC) constituted at each Regional Office of the
MoEF&CC under Chairmanship of the Head of the Regional Office, is competent to either
agrees in-principle or reject, all proposals involving diversion of forest area above 5
hectares and up to 40 except the proposals for diversion of more than 5 hectares of forest
land for linear projects, irrespective of area of forest land involved.

Wild Life Protection Act, 1972:

Wild Life Protection Act, 1972 has allowed the government to establish a number of
National Parks and Sanctuaries over the past 25 years, to protect and conserve the flora
and fauna of the State.

The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974

The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act,1974 resulted in the establishment of
the Central and State level Pollution Control Boards whose responsibilities include
managing water quality and effluent standards, as well as monitoring water quality,
prosecuting offenders and issuing licenses for construction and operation of any facility.
This will include generation of liquid effluent during construction of road from Civil
Engineering activities or from domestic activities in workers colony. There are specific
penalties for violation, which include imprisonment for responsible officials.

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The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981

The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 empowers Central and State
Pollution Control Boards for managing air quality and emission standards, as well as
monitoring air quality, prosecuting offenders and issuing licenses for construction and
operation of any facility. There are specific penalties for violation, which include
imprisonment for responsible officials. This Act has notified National Ambient Air Quality
Standard for different regions e.g. Industrial, Residential and Sensitive. Air quality during
construction and operation phases will be guided by this specific act. Environment
(Protection) Act, 1986: This Act was passed as an overall comprehensive act “for
protection and improvement of environment”. According to this Act, the Central
Government has the power to take all such measures as it deems necessary or expedient
for the purpose of protecting and improving the quality of environment and preventing,
controlling and abating environmental pollution. Under this act rules have been specified
for discharge/emission of effluents and different standards for environmental quality.
These include Ambient Noise Standard, Emission from Motor Vehicles, Mass Emission
Standard for Petrol Driven Vehicles, General Effluent Standards etc. especially important
for road project.

EIA Notification, 2020:

The Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) notification 2006, Ministry of Environment and
Forests, Government of India, came into effect from 14th September 2006. The EIA
Notification, 2006 specifies the various development projects requiring prior clearance
from Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF&CC). As per Schedule of the
Notification; the Highway project falls under Physical Infrastructure including
Environmental Services and have been listed under item no. 7(f), including new highways
or expansion of existing highways. The projects and activities under the Notification have
been classified into two categories- Category A and Category B, based on the spatial
extent of potential impacts on human health and natural and manmade resources. The
highway projects have also been classified into two categories- Category A and Category
B based on the following conditions:
Category A: New National Highways and expansion of National Highway projects greater
than 100 km involving additional right of way or land acquisition more than 40 m on
existing alignments and 60 m on realignments or bypasses.
Category B: All State Highway projects and State Highway expansion projects in
hilly terrain (above 1000 m AMSL) and or ecologically sensitive areas.
Moreover any project or activity specified in Category B will be treated as Category A, if
located in whole or in part with in 10 km from the boundary of:

(i). Protected areas notified under the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972,
(ii). Critically Polluted areas as notified by Central Pollution Control Board from time to

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(iii). Notified Eco sensitive areas.

(iv). Inter State boundaries and international boundaries.
Provided that the requirement regarding distance of 10 km of the inter-state boundaries
can be reduced or completely done away with by an agreement between the respective
States or U.Ts sharing the common boundary in the case the activity does not fall within
10 kilometers of the areas mentioned at item (i), (ii) and (iii) above


The project requires a number of statutory clearances under different Acts and Rules at
different stage of the project. These are listed in given Table 8.3.


S. Type of Applicability Competent Project Stage Responsibility
No. Clearance Authority
1. NOC and For Highway Madhya Pre- PIU- NHAI
consents Project Pradesh Construction
under Air & Alignment Pollution
Water Act Control
2. Consent for For sitting and Madhya Construction The
Establishment erection of Pradesh Stage (Prior to Concessionaire
under Air and stone crusher Pollution erection of
Water Act and Hot Mix Control Plants)
Plants etc. Board
3. Consent for For operating Madhya Construction The
Operation construction Pradesh Stage (Prior to Concessionaire
under Air and plant, crusher, Pollution commenceme
Water Act batching plant, Control nt of
Hot Mix Plant Board Operation of
etc. Plants)
4. Explosive For storing fuel Chief Construction The
License oil, lubricants, Controller of stage (Prior to Concessionaire
diesel etc. Explosives storing fuel,
lubricants and
Diesel, etc.)
5. Permission for Manufacture Madhya Construction The
storage of storage and Pradesh stage (Prior to Concessionaire
hazardous Import of Pollution initiation of
chemical Hazardous Control any work)
Chemical Board
6. Quarry Lease Quarry State Construction The
Deed and operation Department stage (Prior to Concessionaire
Quarry License of Mines and initiation of
Geology Quarrying)
7. Permission for Use of surface Irrigation Construction The
use of water water for Department stage (Prior to Concessionaire
for construction initiation of
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S. Type of Applicability Competent Project Stage Responsibility

No. Clearance Authority
construction abstraction of
purpose water from
such source)
8. Labour license Engagement Labour Construction The
of Labour Commission stage (Prior to Concessionaire
er Office initiation of
any work)


Proposed New National Highway Sagar Link Road (Economic Corridor – 417) starting
from Village: Chauki (NH-146 ) Near Berkheri, design CH: KM: 134+736 to CH:
163+100 Village Ranipura (NH-26) in Sagar District. North South corridor. Approximate
Length is 28+500, Madhya Pradesh by National Highway Authority of India. The general
description of districts is given below:



8.10.2 HISTORY

Situated in the north central region of Madhya Pradesh, spelt as ‘SAUGOR’ during British
period, the district of ‘Sagar’ takes its name from the headquarter town which in turn
derived its name from Hindi word “Sagar” (meaning sea) . The town Sagar has been built
around the beautiful lake. The history of the Sagar dates back to about 1660 A.D when
Udan Shah, a descendant of Nihal Shah, built a small fort on the site of the present one
and founded a village close to it called Parkota, which is now a part of the town. The
present fort and a settlement under its walls was founded by Govind Rao Pandit, officer
in-charge of Sagar and the surrounding territory after 1735 A.D., when it came under the
Peshwa’s possession.
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In 1818 A.D., the Peshwa Baji Rao II ceded the greater part of the district to the British
Government, while different parts of the rest of the present district of Sagar came in the
possession of the British at different times between 1818 and 1860. Appaji Bhonsla ceded
the Dhamoni pargana of Banda tehsil in 1818 A.D. Transfer from the Bundelkhand states
acquired the Bherapargana of Banda tahsil in 1818 A.D. The parganas, Rahatgarh in
Sagar tahsil and Garhakota, Deori, Gourjhamer and Naharmow in Rehli tahsil collectively
known as Punch Mahal were handed over to British by Sindhia at different dates from
1820 to 1825 for management. The Shahgarh pargana of Banda tahsil was confiscated in
1857 in consequence of the rebellion of its chief. The Kanjia pargana of Khurai tahsil was
acquired from Sindhia in 1860 A.D. A small area in the north-east corner of the tehsil
around the village of Hirapur was similarly transferred to the British from Charkhari state
to Bundelkhand and added to the district after the uprising of 1857.

Administratively, Sagar and the neighbouring territories underwent frequent changes, the
Saugor territory was, first of all, placed under the superintendent of Political Affairs of
Bundelkhand. Later in 1820, the Saugor and Nerbudda territories were placed under the
administration of an Agent to the Governor General. The Saugor and Nerbudda territories
were included in North- western province in 1835. In 1842 after the Bundela rising, but
order was restored in 1843 and the Saugor and Nerbudda territories were again placed
under the political control of an Agent to the Governor-General. These territories were
once again restored to the North-western provinces in 1853. Thereafter, in 1861 the
Saugor and Nerbudda territories along with the Nagpur state formed a Commissioner’s
Province called Central Provinces. CONNECTIVITY

Sagar is a great city to visit in the state of Madhya Pradesh. Nearest airport is Jabalpur
Airport. Sagar is well connected to other major cities of the country via regular trains.it can
easily get regular buses to Sagar from other major cities of the country. DEMOGRAPHY

According to the 2011 census, Sagar District has a population of 2,378,295. The district
has a population density of 232 inhabitants per square kilometre (600/sq mi). Its
population growth rate over the decade 2001–2011 was 17.62%.Sagar has a sex ratio of
896 females for every 1000 males. and a literacy rate of 77.52%. At the time of the 2011
Census of India, 98.52% of the population in the district spoke Hindi and 0.57% Urdu as
their first language.

Historical population
Year Pop. ±% p.a.
1901 469,686 —
1911 541,256 +1.43%
1921 528,384 −0.24%
1931 544,928 +0.31%
1941 597,049 +0.92%
1951 636,191 +0.64%
1961 796,547 +2.27%
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1971 1,062,291 +2.92%

1981 1,323,132 +2.22%
1991 1,647,736 +2.22%
2001 2,021,987 +2.07%
2011 2,378,458 +1.64%
source: Decadal Variation In Population Since 1901 GEOGRAPHY:

The history of the town of Sagar dates back to about 1660 AD, when Udan Shah, a
descendant of Nihal Shah, built a small fort where the present one sits and founded a
village close to it called Parkota Sagar. The present fort and a settlement under its walls
was founded by Govind Rao Pandit, an officer of the Peshwa, who controlled Sagar and
the surrounding territory after 1735 when it came under the Peshwa's possession. In
1818, the greater part of the district was ceded by the Peshwa Baji Rao II to the British
Government, while the remainder of the present district of Sagar came into the
possession of the British between 1818 and 1860. Thereafter in 1861, the Saugor and
Nerbudda territories (along with the Nagpur state) formed a Commissioner's Province
called Central Provinces. Sagar was the headquarters of the Sagar Commissionership for
a short period until 1863-64 when this district was incorporated with Jabalpur
Commissionership. In the year 1932, the district of Damoh was added to Sagar district
and was administrated as Sub-Division. In 1956, however, Damoh Sub-Division was
again separated from the district to form a separate district and Sagar district consisted of
four tehsils viz, Sagar, Khurai, Rehli, Banda.


Like other parts of India, Madhya Pradesh also has three major seasons - Summer
Monsoon and Winter. During summer (March-June), the temperature in the entire state
ranges above 29.4°C. In general, the eastern parts of Madhya Pradesh are hotter than
the western parts. The regions like Gwalior, Morena and Datia record temperature of over
42°C in the month of May. The humidity is relatively very low and the region usually
experiences frequent mild dust storms. The south-west Monsoon usually breaks out in
mid-June and the entire state receive a major share of its rainfall between June and
September. The south and south-east regions tend to experience a higher rainfall
whereas the parts of north-west receive less. Mandla, Balaghat, Sidhi, Jabalpur and other
extreme eastern parts receive more than 150 cm rainfall. The districts of western Madhya
Pradesh receive less than 80 cm rainfall.

The winter season starts from the month of November. The temperature remains low in
the northern parts of the state in comparison to the southern parts. The daily maximum
temperature in most of the northern part in the month of January remains between 15 and
18°C. The climate is generally dry and pleasant with a clear sky.
Source: http://www.mp.gov.in/en/web/guest/state-profile#CLIMATE

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Madhya Pradesh represents great river basins and the watershed of a number of rivers.
Catchments of many rivers of India lie in Madhya Pradesh. The Narmada (originating
from Amarkantak) and Tapti (originating from Multai of Betul District) rivers and their
basins divide the state in two, with the northern part draining largely into the Ganga basin
and the southern part into the Godavari and Mahanadi systems. The Vindhyas form the
southern boundary of the Ganga basin, with the western part of the Ganga basin draining
into the Yamuna and the eastern part directly into the Ganga itself. All the rivers, which
drain into the Ganga, flow from south to north, with the Chambal, Sipra, Kali Sind,
Parbati, Kuno, Sind, Betwa, Dhasan and Ken rivers being the main tributaries of the
Yamuna. The land drained by these rivers is agriculturally rich, with the natural vegetation
largely consisting of grass and dry deciduous forest types, largely thorny. The eastern
part of the Ganga basin consists of the Son, the Tons and the Rihand Rivers, with the
Son being the major tributary. This is also the junction point of the Satpura and the
Vindhya ranges, with the Maikal and Kaimur Hills being the fulcrum. The forests here are
much richer than the thorn forests of the northwestern part of Madhya Pradesh. The Son
is of great significance in that it is the largest tributary going into the Ganga on the south
bank and arising out of the hills of Madhya Pradesh rather than from the Himalayas. This
river and its tributaries contribute the bulk of the monsoon flow into Ganga, because the
north bank tributaries are all snow fed.The major tributary of the Ganga, the Son, arises in
one of the most important watersheds in India, the Maikal hills around Amarkantak. Three
of the great rivers of India, Narmada, Mahanadi and Son, are given birth to by these hills.
This is also one of the few ranges in the State having a north south configuration. The
Mahanadi itself, together with its tributaries such as Hasdeo, Mand and Kharun flows
southeast into Orissa and converts that State into a green rice bowl. The upper Mahanadi
catchment contains some of the finest forests in the State, ranging from mixed deciduous
to teak, bamboo and Sal. Just as the Mahanadi flows east from the Maikal hills and the
Son flows north, the mighty Narmada charts a westerly course from these very hills. The
Narmada flows through a rift valley, with the Vindhyas marching along its northern bank
and the Satpuras along the southern. Its tributaries include the Banjar, the Tawa, the
Machna, the Denwa and the Sonbhardra rivers. Taken in combination with its parallel
sister river, the Tapti, which also flows through a rift valley, the Narmada - Tapti systems
carry and enormous volume of water and provide drainage for almost a quarter of the
land area of Madhya Pradesh.The Satpuras, in the Gawilgarh and Mahadeo Hills, also
contain a watershed, which is south facing. The Indrawati, the Wainganga, the Wardha,
the Pench, the Kanhan and Penganga rivers, discharge an enormous volume of water
into the Godavari system. The Godavari is the lifeline of Andhra Pradesh, but the water
which feeds it is a gift of the Central India water shed. Some of the finest sub-tropical,
semi moist forests in India are to be found in the Godavari basin, mainly in the valley of
the Indrawati. There are very few virgin forests left in the country, but very fine examples
of these are to be found in Bastar area along the Indrawati and in the Kanger valley in


Total Forest Land Diversion for this proposed Project is 58 Ha. Madhya Pradesh is one of
the most blessed states of India in terms of natural resources including rich and diverse
forests, Forests cover about 30.72 per cent of its total area of 3.08 sq km (i.e., 94,689 sq

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This significant resource of the state is being conserved and harnessed through
innovative measures like community participation and decentralization. The state has
been a pioneer in making forestry people-oriented with 15228 Joint Forest Management
Committees (JFMCs) involved in protection and management of about 70% of the forest
area. People are the real dwellers and the real caretakers of the forests and, thus, are
made the beneficiaries of the dividends of this field. Forests and forest produce based
industries make an important contribution to the economy of the state. Owing to economic
importance of forest wealth, efforts are being made for the systematization of the trade of
forest produce in the state. The state takes care of the trade of nationalized forest
produce viz., Tendu Leaf, Sal Seed and Kullu Gum. In addition, a number of forest
produce like Aonla, Harra, Lac, Achar, Mahua etc. are also being collected & traded
through a network of Cooperative Societies. Aonla, Gum, Tendu Leaf, Sal seed, Harra
and various medicinal plants of Madhya Pradesh are in great demand in national and
international markets. Tendu leaf collection activities alone account for an income of
about Rs. 145 crore every year to the forest dwellers.

Teak and Sal forests are the pride of the state. The Forest Department and the Forest
Development Corporation have done extensive teak plantations during the last few
decades. The dense forests of teak lie in Jabalpur, Seoni, Balaghat, Panna, Sehore,
Dewas, Hoshangabad, Harda, Betul, Sagar, Chhindwara and Mandla districts. Similarly,
the Sal forests are mainly located in Mandla, Dindori, Balaghat, Sidhi, Umaria, Anuppur
and Shahdol districts.
The geographical and biotic diversity of the state is well reflected in its 18 forest types
ranging from thorn-forests to subtropical hill forests. The state is divided into 9 natural
regions and 11 agro-climatic zones.
Classification of Forests;
• Reserved Forests
• Protected Forests
• Unclassified Forests
In the state, protected forests constitute 31098 sq km of the total forest area. Reserved
forests are spread over 61886 sq km and unclassified forests cover an area of 1705 sq
The density of forests is not uniform in the state. Balaghat, Mandla, Dindori, Betul, Seoni,
Chhindwara, Shahdol, Harda, Sheopur, Sidhi are some of densely forested districts. The
forests of the state mostly lie in the southern and eastern belt; Sheopur and Panna being
the notable exceptions.
As per Champion & Seth Classification, the state has 18 forest types which belong to
three forest type groups, viz. Tropical Moist Deciduous, Tropical Dry Deciduous and
Tropical Thorn Forests. Percentage-wise distribution of forest cover in different forest type
groups found in the state on the basis of the forest cover assessment is as below :-
Forest Type Group Percent Forest Cover
1 Tropical Moist Deciduous Forests 8.97%
2 Tropical Dry Deciduous Forests 88.65%
3 Tropical Thorn Forests 0.26%

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Source: MP Forest Department(http://www.mp.gov.in/en/web/guest/forest)


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(Source: MP State Disaster Management Authority)



The Proposed project (Sagar Ring Road) is a green field project does not required
Environmental clearance as per MoEF&CC had released a new Draft EIA
notification, Gazette 23 March 2020, Scheduled 38 Col (3)(A), (4)(B1) & (5)
(B2) According to this notification new sector has been introduced like:

Col (3)(A):

i) New National Highways or Multi-modal corridors or Ring Roads

ii) Expansion or widening of existing National Highways or Multy-modal corridors or Ring
Roads by length more than 100 km involving widening or right of way more than 70m on
existing alignments or re-alignments or by-passes.


i) All new State Highway projects

ii) State Highway expansion projects in hilly terrain (above 1000 meter above mean sea

(5) (B2):

i) Expansion or widening of existing National Highways or Expressways or Multi-modal

corridors or Ring Roads by length between 25 km and 100 km involving widening or right
of way more than 70 m on existing alignments or realignments or bypasses.
Project : Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for
Development Of Economic Corridors, Inter Corridors and Feeder
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ii) Expansion or widening of existing State Highways (500 m to 1000 m above mean sea

Thereof, hence our project is not categorized in any category. So that, Prior
Environment Clearance will not requires from Ministry of Environment and Forest &
Climate Change New Delhi as per the above said notification.

The relevant notification attached herewith for your reference.

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The initial assessment has been carried out with the following objectives:
 Establish baseline for social attributes along the project corridors
 Relate the proposed interventions with identification of social issues to be
 Identify corridor specific Social issues & their locations.
 Identify social issues (as part of the scoping exercise), including clearance
requirements to be addressed in detail during the DPR stage of the project
works; and,
 Identify survey requirements for the DPR.
The consultant has made site visits to this section of road under consideration. Initial
assessment have been made of the potential magnitude of social impacts, such as
resettlement, relocation or impact on dense urban clusters, and other vulnerable
This report has been prepared based mainly on reconnaissance survey and rapid
social survey and collection of secondary data. The rapid social survey has been
conducted within the Corridor of Impact (COI) of 45 m width in general and within the
Right of Way (ROW) in particular.
Where the project that entails acquisition of land, structures and other assets, and/or
cause displacement of loss of assets within the Right of Way (ROW); a project specific
R&R Policy has been prepared based on Right to Fair Compensation and
Transparency in Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act2013.
The information collected during the field visit shall form the basis for preparing a
resettlement and rehabilitation action plan (RAP). Initial Assessment has been carried
out to identify critical issues and areas that would be studied in detail for impact
assessment, mitigation measures and management plan. The findings of the initial
assessment are presented in this report. Further details will be taken up during
subsequent stages of the project preparation. The entire Social Assessment study will
be carried out within existing policy, legal, administrative framework and guidelines.
The information of all the Villages falling under the alignment has been collected.
Collections of Village Revenue Maps (Khasara/Sazara) for all the villages are done.
The potential affected properties by the project within the corridor of Impact have been
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The Initial Social Assessment of the project is an important component of project

preparation. GOI and LA and R&R Act 2013 require social impact assessment during
the design stage to avoid, reduce or mitigate potential negative impacts of project
action and enhance positive impacts, sustainability and development benefits.
The assessments are carried out that contribute to engineering design and result in
the preparation of social action plans governing project implementation and the
resettlement and rehabilitation of those who may be displaced by road improvements.
The project’s social impacts and resettlement component includes assessment of
social impacts of the project and development of appropriate mitigation plans as
required. These plans must comply with appropriate national and local laws and
guidelines, and with Land Acquisition policy directives. Social assessment is carried
out in close co- ordination with environmental assessment team and design team and
includes consultation and participation among project stakeholders, local communities
and potentially affected groups.
The social impact assessment and resettlement planning component have following
 Social screening and impact assessment as part of Detail Project Report.;
 Census and baseline socio-economic survey of the potentially affected
 Preparation of a time-bound Action Plan;
 Consultations at village, district and state level;
 Follow-up consultations (to be carried out after finalization of drawings);and
 Videography and photography of all the routes.


Road project always influences the whole of the district through which it passes,
bringing prosperity, safety and faster accessibility for all road users. The Berkhedi to
Sagar (Bhopal to Sagar Section) km 134+737 to Km 163+253 projects is a green field
proposal to save more of the existing built up structures.

9.3.1 Existing Road

The alignment is following through the existing NH-146 having the configuration of 2-
Lane with Paved Shoulder with existing ROW20-30m.

9.3.2 Right of Way

As per the details obtained from Village revenue maps and Site road inventory, the
Right of Way varies is 20-30m on existing road.
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The advantages of the project as perceived by initial assessment that there would be
less accidents and higher safety measures. The four laning would provide the faster
movement of people and goods, which in turn would provide a boost to local
economy. The displaced shops/structures would get a better opportunity through the
project to re- establish themselves in more organized place. The service road,
underpasses, viaduct will segregate the local slow moving vehicle without negotiating
fast moving traffic in the main highway. The people felt that the interconnectivity of
human settlements along the corridor would improve substantially.

Other project benefits identified include:

 Saving in travel time;

 Saving in road maintenance;
 Help alleviate development constraints in agriculture, commerce, education,
health, social welfare and public safety; and
 Reduce accidents through median control and median openings in particular
 Improvements in the physical infrastructure and road access
 Improvement in social services by quicker and safe transport mode
 Development of tourism in specific areas
 Over all development in economy and improved lifestyle.


The main objective of conducting social study is to provide inputs of social concerns to
be detailed in project design and to avoid or minimize the adverse social impacts with
the best possible engineering solutions at minimum cost in close coordination
between engineering and social experts during the entire design process.
The Initial social Assessment exercise is intended to assess the negative impacts
(direct, indirect or cumulative) and to suggest mitigating measures to avoid or at least
minimize the adverse impacts on nearby communities and natural environment,
peoples and properties falling on the direct path of road development, people
indirectly affected by the way of disruption of livelihood, breakage in community
linkages, impacts arising from land acquisition and resettlement, on indigenous people
(SC, ST etc.) and on human safety etc. To minimize and / or avoid the adverse
impacts, necessary modifications are to be made at the design stage. But in cases of
unavoidable negative impacts these would be mitigated through suggested
appropriate measures being adopted during the construction and operational stages.
To ensure that all the Project Affected Persons (PAPs) are duly compensated, a
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Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) would be drawn up as an integral part of the main
project proposal so that the highway improvement options under consideration are
socially sound, sustainable and contribute to the development of social development
goals. Moreover, the main objective of the RAP is to provide a Resettlement Policy
Framework to ensure that the affected and displaced persons are appropriately
resettled and rehabilitated i.e. to improve their livelihood and standards of living or at
least to restore them, in real terms. The RAP needs to be appropriately monitored

The preparation of Initial Social Assessment involves extensive consultations with
stakeholders and primary surveys of the affected persons apart from review of
secondary information. The key tasks carried out for the preparation of ISA (SIA/RAP)
are summarized below.

9.6.1 Approach
The initial social assessment process generally commences with feasibility stage. At
this stage, social analysis is made of the project area and steps are taken from the
beginning so that plans / designs / alignments are finalized in such a way that to the
extent possible, adverse impacts are avoided /reduced at the design stage itself to
make these roads people and environment friendly. Wherever avoidance / reduction
of the adverse social impact is not possible, those affected should be compensated
resettled and rehabilitated properly by adopting proper mitigation measures and such
that the living condition of the people are improved.
The key steps are:
 Avoiding / reducing the adverse social impacts at the design stage, especially
while finalizing the alignments;
 Mitigating the unavoidable adverse impacts at planning, construction and
implementation phase; and
 Compensating the affected people and common properties at replacement costs
and by adopting appropriate rehabilitation and resettlement measures.
Social Impact Assessment has been differently in various guidelines. For the study of
this present project, the scope of work defined in the document (TOR) prepared by
concerned authority has been taken into consideration. The major issues and items
identified in the scope briefly are:
 Study of Background information on project and related policy and legal issues;
 Collection of data from secondary sources;
 Reconnaissance survey of the project impact zone, and
 Analysis of data and Screening exercise

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9.6.2 Steps in Process

Screening process mainly consists of following types of activities: Study of Background information

The project documents were studied to have a better understanding of the project
objectives, components and scope. Laws and regulations enacted by Government of
India and Government of Madhya Pradesh, relevant to road construction and social
safety were also studied. Collection of Data from Secondary Sources

Data from secondary sources were collected on following aspects:
 Demographic profile of the area;
 Social profile of the area;
 Economic profile of the area; and
 Land use pattern Reconnaissance Survey of the Project Impact Zone

The study team visited extensively throughout the project road to identify, carry out a
reconnaissance survey or rapid screening survey and to collect social features along
the road and other primary data using semi-structured questionnaires. The data about
land use pattern, type of construction of the structures, number of structures, trade
and economic activities along the road and community and religious characteristics
are recorded through the primary survey. Public consultation

Public consultation during the feasibility stage of this project preparation involved
information dissemination i.e. informing the people about the details of the project and
to invite their suggestion and comments prior to the finalization of the engineering
design. The consultations were carried out with both individuals and groups during the
screening survey involving local people. Analysis of Data and Screening Exercise

The data collected through the above steps were compiled to develop the social
scenario of the project area and the sensitive components within that. The full road
length and COI were put under screening. The collected data were analysed,
tabulated and summarised and accordingly social features of the project road are
assessed. The analysis will indicate the feasibility of the project and will help in
suggesting various socially viable alignment options for engineering design and also
come out with the mitigation measures to make the project socio-economically
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Total 09 major villages come along the project road in Sagar district, Madhya
Pradesh. The statistics regarding the list of habitation is given in Table 9-1


Design Chainage
From To
1 Sagar Rahatgarh Chauki 134+737 135+727
2 Sagar Rahatgarh Berkheri sadak 135+727 135+857
3 Sagar Rahatgarh Berkheri sadak 136+157 136+637
4 Sagar Rahatgarh Mardanpur 136+857 136+157
5 Sagar Rahatgarh Mardanpur 136+637 137+517
6 Sagar Rahatgarh Pachwasa 137+517 138+737
7 Sagar Rahatgarh Gambhiriya 138+737 140+607
8 Sagar Rahatgarh Khiriya kaji 140+607 141+197
9 Sagar Rahatgarh Padarasoi 141+197 143+597
10 Sagar Rahatgarh Bhaisa 143+597 145+777
11 Sagar Rahatgarh Manesiya 145+777 146+497
12 Sagar Rahatgarh Dhagarniya 146+497 148+697
13 Sagar Sagar Basiyabhansa 148+697 150+687
14 Sagar Sagar Narayawli 150+687 151+677
15 Sagar Sagar Narayawli 151+787 152+087
16 Sagar Sagar Mara imiliya 150+907 151+107
17 Sagar Sagar Mara imiliya 151+297 151+337
18 Sagar Sagar Mara imiliya 151+677 151+787
19 Sagar Sagar Badora 152+087 153+807
20 Sagar Sagar Kodni 153+807 155+277
21 Sagar Sagar Ikpana basona 155+277 157+357
22 Sagar Sagar Koluwa amarsa 157+357 159+507
23 Sagar Sagar Berkhera khuman 159+507 161+447
24 Sagar Sagar Sirwai 161+447 162+517
25 Sagar Sagar Ranipura 162+517 163+254
Source: As per 3a/3A (LA Plan)

Total 09 major villages come along the project road in Sagar district, Madhya Pradesh
The Project study corridor of (package-3) starts in Sagar district from km 134+737 in
Chauki village and ends at Sagar District km 163+253 located in Ranipura Village.
Total length of project road is 28.5 km.

The above table shows that the total 09 major villages/Town come along the project
road in Sagar district, Madhya Pradesh.

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Road projects are meant for improving the quality of life for people and developing the
country’s economy. For all positive impacts of the road projects, there may be also
some significant detrimental impact on nearby communities. Secondly, a minimum
number of people could be adversely affected. The affected persons might incur loss
of the following types: Land, living quarters and other physical infrastructures due to
demolition of strictures of Kiosks/Squatters, commercial and business activities,
occupied land, structures (illegally constructed) for dwelling or business, tenant
contract or farming. Moreover, the project road may also cause damage to community
facilities and utilities like potable water sources (e.g. pond, well etc.), market place,
schools, places of worship, community centers etc. The affected properties, in the
case under reference, may be classified into three categories viz private, public and
places of worship.
Based on the Initial Study of the project road, a estimation of the Potential impacts
with respect to resettlement has been done. While not likely to Significant, given the
project approach to minimize acquisition and adoption of CoI approach, the likely
impact categories include residential and commercial structures, religious structures,
community assets such as bus-stop shelters and water sources, etc.
The studies undertaken to prepare this chapter show extensive occupancy of project
roadside areas, including densely settled village and urban communities containing
numerous homes, businesses, and public facilities. Road widening and the other
improvements proposed will impact roadside residences, businesses, religious shrines
and structures, agricultural lands, public buildings, and infrastructure.
Affected businesses and structures will be relocated. Rehabilitation will be required
where resettlement, relocation, or other project impacts result in lost livelihood or
income. In most cases, the project will not require either full demolishing or the taking
of residential or commercial structures to the extent that either resettlement or
relocation will be necessary. Generally, only a narrow frontage strip of several meters
or less will be affected. Frequently, this means that only a compound wall or fences,
yards, must be removed. In some cases, small portions of roadside dwellings and
businesses will be taken. Only rarely, will it be necessary to take entire residential or
commercial structures in package -1section.


The main objective of the consultation process is to minimize negative impacts of the
project and to maximize the benefits from the project to the local populace. The
objectives of public consultation as part of this project are:
 Promote public awareness and improve understanding of the potential impacts
of proposed projects
 Identify alternative sites or designs, and mitigation measures
 Solicit the views of affected communities / individuals on environmental and

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social problems
 Improve environmental and social soundness
 Clarify values and trade-offs associated with the different alternatives
 Identify contentious local issues which might jeopardize the implementation of
the project and Create accountability and sense of local ownership during
project implementation
As part of the Social assessments of the project, the views of affected groups
(particularly those with potentially significant impacts) are taken into account through
the public consultation process. People affected by the project are those, living and
working along the corridor, and include residents, farmers, agricultural workers etc.


9.10.1 Resettlement Advisory Committee(RAC)

A Resettlement Advisory Committee (RAC) will be formed for RP implementation and

the PD will be the Key person responsible for forming the committee at the project
level for each contract package. The main aim behind the formation of the RAC is to
encourage local participation, ensure that there is full transparency and accountability
regarding resettlement program and people’s entitlements and to safeguard the rights
of the most vulnerable peoples affected by the Project.
The RAC will comprise of representatives of the Aps, RP implementing NGOs, PIU,
and other stakeholders of the project namely District LA Officer, Block Development
Officer and representatives of local government/Panchayatsametees. Women will be
members – secretary of the RAC while local District Magistrate will chair. The
committee will provide coordinating nodes for land acquisition and compensation,
relocation and resettlement, assist the Aps access government programs as
mentioned in the entitlement package. The committee will meet at a regular interval
(at least once a month) to review the progress of RP implementation.
The Committee would also play an important role in identifying land for the affected
Aps and also for structure affected Aps for resettlement. If necessary, the committee
will review and finalize the replacement costs of various structures, following standard
guidelines for various types of structures. The Committee will thus facilitate the
implementation of RP with local inputs and participation..

9.10.2 Grievances Redress Committees

Various provision under the NHAI Act for land acquisition enable grieved Aps at
different stages of LA to represent their cases to LA officer/Competent Authorities or
even refer to court for redressal and seek higher rate of compensation. However, the
major grievances that might require mitigation include: (i) Aps not enlisted (ii) losses

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not identified correctly(iii) compensation/assistance inadequate or not as per

entitlement matrix (iv) improper distribution of compensation/assistance in case of joint
Thus the main objective of the grievances redressal procedure will be to provide a
mechanism to mediate conflict and cut down on lengthy litigation, which often delays
infrastructure projects. It will also provide people who might have objections or
concerns about their assistance, a public forum to raise their objections and through
conflict resolution, address these issues adequately. The project will establish a
Grievance Redressal Committee, headed by the District Collector, with member from
local NGO/CBO, the NHAI, the Land & Revenue Department and selected local
leaders from Panchayat/municipalities. The R&R will be the member secretary of the
committee and shall act as the Grievance Officer.
The functions of the Grievance Redressal Committee shall be to: (i) provide support
for the Aps on problems arising out of their land/property acquisition (ii) report the
grievances of the Aps, categorize and prioritize the grievances that needs to be
resolved by the Committee and (iii) report to the aggrieved parties about the
development regarding their grievances and the decision of the Project authorities.
GRC will meet at least once a month and the decision of GRC would be final. The
Committee shall deliver its decision within 4-6 weeks of the case registration.

9.10.3 Resettlement Data Bank

All information concerning resettlement issues related to land acquisition, socio-
economic information of the PAHs/households, inventory of losses by individual APs,
compensation and entitlement, payments and relocation will be computerized. This
data bank would form the basis of information for implementation, monitoring and
reporting purposes and facilitate efficient resettlement management.

9.10.4 RP Implementation Schedule

PIU will initiate actions to carry out implementation of RP effectively prior to the
commencement of civil works. Some key actions such as the establishment of
PIU/ESU, opening of Resettlement Field Offices, formation of RACs, GRCs and hiring
of NGO for ICCP will be done as and when the project is approved. A time bound
implementation schedule will be prepared and submitted at DPR stage. The time
schedule will be framed in accordance to the timing of civil works. The project will
provide adequate advance notification to the APs who will be paid their due
resettlement benefits, including relocation and income restoration/assistance prior to
start of construction work. Resettlement will be generally completed prior to award of
civil contract. During social impact assessment of the proposed project it appeared
that affected persons would prefer to be relocated close to the improved road and

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accordingly it was decided that affected PAHs could be mostly resettled outside the
ROW. It will be a condition in the civil works contract that shifting of affected PAHs
and also for roadside amenities will be a part of ROW Management Plan. Where
some physical constructions like building of vendor market and resettlement etc. for
developing resettlement would be required, the work will be integrated with the civil
work contract as provisional sum and it would be responsibility of the civil works
contractor to make necessary construction as may be required for resettlement.

9.10.5 Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring & Evaluation are critical activities in involuntary resettlement. Monitoring
involves periodic checking to ascertain whether activities are progressing as per
schedule while evaluation is essentially a summing up, at the end of the project,
assessment of the actual achievement in comparison to those aimed at during the
implementation. RP implementation will be monitored both internally and externally.
The PIU/NHAI will be responsible for internal monitoring through their field level
offices and will prepare monthly reports on the progress of RP implementation. Project
Supervision Consultants will monitor the RP implementation and will report on a
quarterly basis to PIU/NHAI on the progress of resettlement activities. A panel of local
experts, who will be engaged by PIU/NHAI, will conduct independent bi-annual review
of resettlement implementation. Internal Monitoring

The RP includes indicators and benchmarks for achievement of the objectives under
the resettlement program, which can be categorized as follows:
 Process indicators, which include project inputs, expenditures, staff
deployments, etc.
 Output indicators are results in terms of numbers of affected persons
compensated and resettled, incomes restored, additional assistance provided
etc. and
 Impact indicators related to the long-term effect of the project on people’s lives in
the project-affected area.
The first two types of indicators, related to process and immediate outputs and results,
will be monitored internally by PIU and Project level offices. PIU will collect this
information from the project site and assimilate in the form of a monthly progress
report to assess the progress and results of RP implementation, and adjust the work
program, where necessary, in case of any delays or problems. Specific activities
under RP implementation that will be monitored internally by PIU are the following:
 Information campaign and consultation with APs
 Status of land acquisition and payments on land compensation.
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 Compensation for affected structures (PAHS/households) and other assets

 Relocation of APs
 Payments for loss of income
 Income restoration activities
Resettlement Field Offices will be responsible for monitoring the day-to-day
resettlement activities of the project. Baseline socio-economic census and the land
acquisition data provide the necessary benchmark for field level monitoring. Field level
monitoring will be carried out through (i) review of census information for all APs (ii)
consultation and informal interviews with APs (iii) in-depth case studies (iv) informal
sample survey of APs
(v) key informant interviews and (vi) community public meetings.
A performance data sheet will be developed to monitor the project at the field level.
Quarterly reports will be received from the field offices and PIU will be responsible for
overall project level monitoring. Also, Project Supervision Consultants (PSC) will
monitor the RP implementation and will report on a quarterly basis to PIU/NHAI on the
progress of all aspects of resettlement activities. External Monitoring

As mentioned earlier, a panel of local experts will be engaged to carry out the
evaluation of the RP implementation. Independent evaluation will be undertaken twice
annually for the first two years and then once every year during the remainder period
of the Project. The team of experts will be selected by PIU:
The team of experts will review the status of the Resettlement Implementation in light
of the targets, budget and duration that had been laid down in the Resettlement plan.
The key tasks during external monitoring include.
 Review and verify of the internal monitoring reports prepared by PIU and the
field offices
 Review of the socio-economic baseline census information of pre-displaced
 Identification and selection of impact indicators
 Impact assessment through formal and informal survey with the affected
 Consultation with APs, officials, community leaders for preparing review report.
 Assess the resettlement efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability,
drawing lessons for future resettlement policy formulation and planning
Monitoring will also pay close attention to the status of project affected vulnerable
groups such as female-headed households, disabled/elderly and economically
background families (i.e. below poverty line). The following should be considered as
the basis for indicators in monitoring and evaluation of the project (i) socio-economic
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conditions of the APs in the post –resettlement period. (ii) Communications and
reactions from APs on entitlement, compensation, options, alternative developments
and relocation timetables etc. (iii) changes in housing and income levels (iv)
rehabilitation of PAHs and informal settlers (v) valuation of property (vi) grievance
procedures (vii) disbursement of compensation and (viii) level of satisfaction of APs in
the post resettlement period. Reporting Requirements

The Project Director – PIU responsible for supervision and implementation of the RP
will prepare monthly progress reports on resettlement activities for review. The project
Supervision Consultants will also monitor RP implementation and submit quarterly
reports to NHAI and determine whether resettlement goals have been achieved, more
importantly whether livelihoods and living standards have been restored/ enhanced
and suggest suitable recommendations for improvement.


The initial report of the project road has been prepared considering the National
Policy on Rehabilitation -2013 guidelines, State & Central Government Legislation &
Acts for resettlement & rehabilitation. The principle of the R&R policy is the guiding
philosophy to provide a development approach to resettle and rehabilitate the people
affected by project. This section describes the principles and approach to be followed
in minimization and mitigating of negative social and economic impacts due to the

Broad Principles

The broad principles of the R&R are as below:

 The negative impact on persons affected by the project would be avoided or
 Where the negative impacts are unavoidable, the affected persons will be
assisted in improving or regaining their standard of living. Vulnerable groups will
be identified and assisted to improving their standard of living.
 All information related to resettlement preparation and implementation will be
disclosed to all concerned, and people’s participation is being ensured in
planning and implementation of the project.
 Before taking possession of the properties, compensation and R&R assistance
will be made in accordance with this policy.
 There would be no / or minimum adverse social, economic and environmental
effects of displacement on the host communities and specific measures would
be provided in the Resettlement Plan.
 Broad entitlement framework of different categories of project-affected people
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has been assessed and is given in the entitlement matrix. Provisions will be kept
in the budget for those who were not present at the time of enumeration.
However, anyone moving into the project area after the cut-off date will not be
entitled to assistance.
 Appropriate grievance redress mechanism will be established at the PMU level
to ensure speedy resolution of disputes.
 All activities related to resettlement planning, implementation, and monitoring
would ensure involvement of women. Efforts will also be made to ensure that
vulnerable groups are included.
 All consultations with APs will be documented. Summary results are appended
to the RP. Consultations will continue during the implementation of resettlement
and rehabilitation works, and
 The Resettlement Plan includes a fully itemized budget and an implementation
schedule linked to the civil works contract.

9.11.1Resettlement Principles and Guidelines

The resettlement principles adopted in this project will provide compensation and
resettlement assistance to all affected persons and businesses, including the informal
dwellers/squatters on the project corridor of impact. The basic resettlement principles
and guidelines include.
 Where land acquisition is required, it will be carried out according to the National
Highway Authority Act and in a way to minimize the adverse impacts and to
avoid displacement as much as possible.
 Replacement cost of land/or cash compensation at market value to households
affected by the loss of agricultural products.
 Cash compensation for structures (residential/commercial) affected by the
corridor development at replacement cost.
 Provision for relocation of the PAHs (Small Business Enterprises) and assisting
restoration of business and local economies.
 Provision for multiple options for resettlement (for example, “self – relocation”
assisted relocation) of the affected residential structures, including informal
 Shifting cost to owners of residential structures and informal dwellers/squatters
households due to loss of ability to maintain livelihood during shifting.
 Rehabilitation assistance i.e., compensation for lost business and workdays
(including employees) due to relocation.
 Special measures and assistance for vulnerable groups e.g., female –headed
household and disabled persons etc.

These principles are further explained in the Entitlement Matrix. The existing laws do
not address many of the social and economic issues associated with displacement
and resettlement of squatters and other informal settlers. However, the World Bank
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policy in all road sector project have approved plan to assist affected persons even
without any legal titles. The impacts of the present project are almost entirely on the
roadside Small Business Enterprises /households – people who are “non – titled”
informal dwellers and encroachers. In resettlement principles consistent with World
Bank Policy, requirements will be adopted in case of this project. The Policy requires
compensation for lost assets at replacement costs both for titled and non-titled holders
and assistance for lost income and livelihoods. The absence of formal titles to land or
other assets will not be a bar to assistance and rehabilitation. Further, the Policy
requires special measures and assistance for vulnerable groups such as female-
headed households, disabled persons and the poor.

9.11.2 Resettlement principles and Assistance

The affected PAHs/households may be entitled to a combination of compensation
measures and resettlement assistance, depending on the nature of ownership right of
lost assets and scope of the impact, including social and economic vulnerability of the
affected persons. If a PAH or household unit is affected, the owner of the business
and/or head of the household are “entitles” to the compensation to be paid.
In general terms, the affected persons in the project will be entitled to four types of
compensation and assistance: (i) compensation for loss of land, crops/trees;
(ii)compensation for structures (residential/commercial) and other immovable assets;
(iii) assistance for loss of business/wage incomes; and (iv) re-building and /or
restoration of community resources/facilities. A detailed description of each
compensation measures and assistance is provided below. Compensation for loss of land and standing crops/trees

 Replacement land or cash compensation at market value to title owners.
 Compensation for trees, based on the age and value of the tree.
 If standing crops cannot be harvested, eligible persons (sharecroppers included)
will be compensated for the loss of un harvested crops.
 Informal dwellers and encroachers are not eligible for compensation for affected
assets. Compensation for structures (residential/commercial) and other immovable

 Cash compensation for structure at replacement cost.
 Affected PAHs/households will be allowed to take salvageable materials from
their existing structures.
 Shifting or relocation assistance for PAHs are included in the replacement value
for lost assets.
 Encroachers will not be paid for structures unless they fall within the category of
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vulnerable people.
 Rental assistance to the renter for three months if the affected structure was
rented out.
 Wells and other immovable assets will be compensated at replacement values,
including installation charges.
 Provision for relocation of PAHs (Small Business Enterprises)
 Non-titled vulnerable households will be entitled to a lump sum shifting
allowance to move their belongings if they decide to ”self–relocate” away from
the ROW; those who prefer to move back and re-establish their structures
temporarily until they find permanent alternative sites will be entitled to one time
shifting allowance. for loss of business/wage income

 Loss of income assistance for owners of PAHs–lump sum grant based on type
of PAHs (minimum one month)
 Loss of income by tenants-lump sum grant for one month
 Loss of wage/income by employees of PAHs–wage for 30 days @ local wage
 Employment opportunities connected to the project

Special assistance to vulnerable groups in re–establishing and/or enhancing
livelihood-lump sum one–time grant of Rs. 500 over and above of all other
payments. Re-building and/or restoration of community resources/facilities
Re-building and/ or cash compensation for re-construction of affected common
property resources such as mosque, temples and schools through community
involvement: Provision of safe access to market/business centers and safe space/bus shelters
in major intersections. Shifting of roadside market areas beyond a safety zone for safer travels. Safety measures for pedestrians, particularly for children and disabled, and other
non-motorized transport. Provision for roadside rest areas.

9.11.3 Entitlement Matrix

The resettlement principles and assistance have been designed to cover
compensation for lost assets and restore or enhance the livelihoods of all categories
of affected people. The PAHs will benefit from the ROW management and
development approach and would be able to re-establish their businesses quickly and
improve their lives in post – resettlement period. Entitlement Matrix provides further
details regarding application of the principles, definition of entitled persons,
entitlements and indicates results of actions.
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Volume: I – Main Report Eviction of the PAH/households

Affected PAH/households will be given their compensation before they are asked to
relocate and remove their structures from the corridor of impact. After the expiry of the
deadline, PWRD can take action to demolish structures on the project corridor of
impact. PWRD can also evict structures on the corridor of impact if it is established
that those were constructed on the ROW after the “cut-off” date. Any grievances and
objections will be referred to the Grievance Redressal Committee. Income Restoration Assistance

Income restoration assistance will be provided to restore the economic status of all
the affected persons during periods immediately after relocation. Such activities will
focus on ensuring that adequate compensation is paid before relocation to the
Affected Persons who may suffer temporarily due to loss of working days/income and
lost businesses caused by dislocation. Further, persons who lost employment in
affected PAHs will receive one time cash grant equivalent to one month’s income to
support livelihood and sustenance. It is expected that within this time period they
would find alternate employment or can be employed in construction. Assistance to Re-establish PAH
PAH will suffer business disruption due to dislocation and thus provisions have been
made to assist them in regaining their economic status. All PAHs, titled or non-titled,
will receive cash compensation at replacement costs for the loss of their business
premises, shifting assistance, one-time grant as income assistance equivalent to one
month’s income. The PAH owners who operate from rented premises will also
receive income assistance equivalent to one month’s income. Employment in Construction

Local people whose livelihood is impacted by the project will get preference in jobs
associated with the project construction. However, employment opportunities in
project construction are not entitlement necessary to restore Affected Persons
livelihood but are additional income sources. Also the project will require local labour
for construction works, operation and maintenance. The jobs, in the semi-skilled and
unskilled category, shall be offered to the Aps in preference to other people. A clause
will be incorporated in the contract documents requiring contractors to give
employment opportunities to local project affected people having ID cards in
preference to other persons. Wherever possible, local female laborers will be
employed in the project road works.

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9.12.1 Introduction
The budget is indicative of outlays for the different expenditure categories. The costs
are based on the information collected by the socio-economic and census of the
PAPs. These costs will be updated and adjusted to the inflation rate as the project
continues and more specific information, during the implementation. Unit cost will be
updated if the findings of the district level committee on market value assessment
justify it.

9.12.2 Value of Structure

Table 9.2 indicates that the total budget, which covers compensation for structures
and resettlement and rehabilitation cost.


Unit Rate Total Area (Sqm.)/ Total Amount

Item (In Rs.) Number (In Rs.)
Resettlement and Rehabilitation Cost
Pucca 5,200 500 26,00,000
Semi Pucca - - -

Kutchcha (Kiosk) - - -
Boundary wall - - -
Religious Structures 1,00,000 - 0
Govt. 1,00,000 - 0
Other 20,000 250 5000000
Total 250/500 76,00,000
Adding: 100% solatium 76,00,000
One time financial assistance - - -

One time transportation assistance - - -

R&R Assistance to PAFs - - -
Sub-total (A) 1,52,00,000
Support for implementation of RAP (lump-sum) 15,00,000
M & E consultant (lump-sum) 10,00,000
Sub-total (B) 25,00,000
Total (A+B) 1,77,00,000
Inflation accounted for @ 5% 8,85,000
Contingency @ 10 % 17,70,000
Grand Total 2,03,55,000
Note: The unit costs are indicative for the purpose of calculating the budget.

9.12.3 Disbursement of Assistance

A joint account will be opened in the local Bank. The signatories will be Entitled
Persons (EP), NHAI and representative of the NGO. All the assistance will be given
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by cheques.
Apart from shifting and rental allowance the others will be deposited in the joint
accounts. The amount will be withdrawn against the purchase of productive assets.


The initial social assessment report is a step towards preparation of the Social Impact
Assessment and RAP. The initial assessment process as described in previous
sections has primarily tried to focus on the relevant legislations, potential impacts due
to the proposed project and to propose mitigation measures at different phases of the
project. Based on the findings during the initial assessment study some measures
have to be considered from the project, which will reduce the detrimental effects of
project appreciably.
The alignment for widening would be designed considering minimum land acquisition
on existing road and try to avoid schools, places of worships, public utilities and other
common resources.
With the above approach to design, construction and operation the project will be
socially feasible.

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This chapter provides for the preliminary cost estimate for development of the green
field Sagar Link Road stretch of Bhopal – Raisen – Vidisha - Sagar (NH-146) Part of
Bhopal – Kanpur Economic Corridor in the State of Madhya Pradesh to four lane
configuration. Total length of the project road is 28.5 km.


The following procedure has been adopted for estimation:

 Unit rates of the work items are taken from “SCHEDULE OF RATES for roads
& Bridge works, issued by “Public Works Department, M.P. Bhopal” in force
from 29-08-2017 with appropriate provision of price adjustment as per
wholesale price index.
 Working out the quantities of different sub heads from detailed drawings.
 Computation of cost of bridges from preliminary assessment of their deck area
and cost per Sqm of deck area.
 Computation of per sq m of deck area cost for RCC slab/box culverts from
their preliminary drawings.
 Estimation of cost of Resettlement and Rehabilitation, utility relocation and
environment mitigation measures on their site assessment basis.
 Estimation of provision of Centage charges as percentage of Civil Cost.
 Estimation of total Project Cost and Capital Cost of the project stretch.


Quantities of different road components have been worked out manually from
preliminary drawings. The deck area of Bridges/Underpasses/ROB has been worked
out from preliminary proposals. Similar approach has been adopted for slab and box
type culverts.


Flexible pavement is considered for construction purpose. Toll Plaza pavement is

envisaged with rigid pavement.

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All existing water bodies and railway crossings are provided with new bridges of
suitable span arrangement.


New box culverts have been proposed for cross water drainage purpose. Provision is
also been made for cross road culverts.


RCC Lined drains cum footpath is proposed to be constructed on outer side of the
carriageway in urban areas.


Provision of grade separated junctions on important cross roads has been made in
this estimate.


Provision for road signs, markings, and other appurtenances have been made under
this sub head.


Provision has been made for the following provisions in this estimate:
 Toll Plaza -1 Nos.
 Street Lighting
 Reinforced earth wall


The existing road shall be maintained during construction for running the traffic
smoothly. Provision for maintenance of existing road has been made under this sub


The estimated cost of proposed new 4- laning with paved shoulders of this stretch
works out as under:
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Description Cost (Rs.)

Cost of civil work
BILL NO: 2 - EARTH WORK 284,947,302.00
BILL NO: 4 - BITUMINOUS COURSE 276,707,745.00
BILL NO: 5 - CULVERTS 112,998,460.00
BILL NO: 6 - BRIDGES 525,278,671.00
BILL NO: 9 - TOLL PLAZA 29,330,238.00
BILL NO: 10 - JUNCTIONS 37,496,623.00
SUMMARY OF COST 2,100,238,617.00
GST @ 12% 252,028,634

Civil Construction Cost 2,352,267,251

Say Rs. 235.23

Cost of construction per Km in Rs. Crore 8.25

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Safe disposal of waste plastic is a serious environmental problem. The best way of disposal
of waste plastic is its recycling to the maximum extent. Waste plastic have great potential for
use in bituminous construction as its addition in small doses of about 5 – 10% by weight of
bitumen results in substantially improving the stability, strength, fatigue life and other
desirable properties of the bituminous mixes. The use of waste plastic contributes to
construction of green roads.


The bitumen for bituminous mixes for wearing course with waste plastic shall comply with the
Indian Standard Specifications for viscosity graded paving bitumen IS73. Guidelines for
selection for grade of viscosity graded paving bitumen shall be in accordance with the


The aggregates shall comply to IRC:111-2009, for dense graded mixes and IRC:14-2004,
IRC:SP:78-2008 and IRC:110-2005 for open graded mixes respectively.


The filler for dense graded mixes shall comply with IRC:111-2009.

Waste Plastic
The waste plastic shall conform to the size passing 2.36mm sieve and retained on 600
micron sieve.

Dust and other impurities shall not be more than 1 percent. The process is indicated in IRC
:SP:98-2013. An easy method to determine the quantity of impurity is to determine the ash
content at 600oC.

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To ascertain the ability of plastic to mix with the binder, the melt-flow value shall be tested as
per ASTM D 1238-2010, for which the range shall be as follows:

For LDPE:0.14-58 gm/10min

For HDPE:0.02-9.0 gm/10min

Design of Mix

The requirements for waste plastic modified design and open graded mixes are as follows:

Dense Graded Mixes

The properties for dense graded mixes are indicated in TABLE 11-1 below.



Minimum Stability (kN at 60oC) 12.0

Minimum flow (mm) 2
Maximum flow (mm) 4
Marshal Quotient (kN/mm) 2.5-5
Compaction level (Number of 75 blows on each of the two
blows) faces of the specimen
Percent air voids 3-5
Retained Stability (%) 98
ITS (min) MPa 0.9
VMA 16
VFB 65-75
Quantity of Waste Plastic % by 6 to 8 depending on low
weight of bitumen rainfall or high rainfall areas

Open Graded Mixes

Waste Plastic @ 6 to 8 percent of the weight of the bitumen can be used for Open – Grade
Premix Surfacing and Mix Seal surfacing Mix. Quantity of bitumen can be reduced

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The scope of the present guidelines is restricted to dry process only for the following reasons:

 Plastic is coated over stones – improving surface property of aggregates.

 Coating is easy & temperature required is same as road laying temp.
 Use waste should be 6-8 percent by weight of bitumen depending on the climatic
conditions of high and low rainfall areas.
 Flexible films of all types of plastics can be used.
 Doubles the binding property of aggregates.
 No new equipment is required.
 Bitumen bonding is stronger than normal.
 The coated aggregates show increased stability of the mixes.
 Better performance after construction based on the experience gained for medium
level city traffic.
 No evolution of any toxic gases as maximum temperature is 180oC.


In order to ensure that the quality of the finished waste plastic product is consistent the
following process must be adhered to before considering its use in bituminous construction:
 Collection of waste plastic
 Cleaning and shredding of waste plastic
 Shredding Machine
 Mixing of shredded waste plastic, aggregate and bitumen in central mixing plant


Construction operation shall be in accordance with the IRC: 111-2009, IRC: 14-2004, IRC:
110-2005 and IRC: SP:78-2008 for dense graded and open graded mixes respectively.


Controls shall be in accordance with the IRC: 111-2009, IRC: 14-2004 and IRC: 110-2005
and IRC: SP: 78-2008 for dense graded and open graded mixes respectively. Besides, plastic
shall be tested for impurity and melt flow value. Three sample be tested for each day work or
when there is change in the source of plastic.


It is proposed to use this waste material technology in consultation with NHAI in the wearing
coat. The materials (except waste plastic) and construction operation is same as for normal
bituminous mixes.

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Micro-Surfacing is applied on an existing pavement surface which is structurally sound but

the surface shows sign of premature ageing, aggregate loss, cracking etc. it is also used as
surface sealing treatment to improve skid resistance and for preventive maintenance and
periodic renewal treatment on low and medium traffic road. Types of micro-surfacing and
rates of application are given in below TABLE 11-2:


Items Type II (4 to 6mm)** Type III (6 to 8mm)**

Application Preventive and Renewal Preventive and Renewal
Treatment for Roads Treatment for Roads Carrying
Carrying <1500 CVPD 1500 to 4500 CVPD
Quantity of mix* (kg/m2) 8.4 to 10.8 11.1 to 16.3
Residual binder 6.5 to 10.5 5.5 to 10.5
(percentage by weight of
dry aggregate)
*By weight of dry aggregate. ** Indicative only



The bitumen emulsion shall be a modified bitumen emulsion conforming to MoRTH

specification. The modifier shall be polymer / rubber, preferably synthetic or natural rubber

Aggregates, Filler and Water

As per MoRTH specifications 2013


Chemical additives may be used to accelerate or retard the break-set time of the slurry or to
improve the resulting surface finish

The quantity of additive shall be decided by mix design and to be adjusted as per site
condition. The additive and emulsion shall be compatible with each other.

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Design and Proportioning of Micro-Surfacing Mix

The design criteria for micro-surfacing mixture is specified in Table below The mix design
report shall clearly show the proportions of aggregate, filler, water and residual bitumen
content based on the dry weight of aggregates and additives used (if any). The set time shall
be determined by the method given in Appendix-2 of IRC:SP:81 and details are given in
TABLE 11-3.


Requirements Specifications Method of Test as

given in IRC:SP:81
Mix time, minimum 120 s Appendix-1
Consistency, maximum 3 cm Appendix-3
Wet Cohesion, within 30 min, 12Kg Cm Appendix-4
Wet Cohesion, within 60 min, 20Kg Cm Appendix-4
Wet stripping, pass%, 90 Appendix-5
Wet track abrasion loss (one 538 g/m2 Appendix-6
hour soak), maximum

Aggregate, modified bitumen emulsion, water and additive (if used), shall be proportioned
by weight of aggregate utilizing the mix design approved by the Engineer. If more than
one type of aggregates is used, the correct amount of each type of aggregate used to
produce the required grading shall be proportioned separately prior to adding other
materials of the mixture, in manner that will result in a uniform and homogenous blend.
Final completed mixture, after addition of water and any additive, if used shall be such
that the micro-surfacing mixture has proper workability and permit traffic within a short
period depending upon the weather conditions without occurrence of raveling and
bleeding. Trial mixes shall be prepared and laid for the designed mix and observed for
breaking time and setting time. The wet track abrasion test is used to determine the
minimum residual bitumen content. Indicative limits of various ingredients for job mix of
micro-surfacing shall be as given in table below:

Ingredients Limits (Percent Weight of Aggregate)

Residual bitumen 6.5 to 10.5 for type II and 5.5 to 10.5 for
Type III
Mineral filler 0.5 to 3.0
Additive As needed
Water As needed

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- Construction

As per clause 512.5.1 – 512.5.5 of MoRTH Specification

- Application of Micro-Surfacing

A calibrated micro-surfacing machine as per requirements of job mix shall be used to

spread the material. The surface shall be pre-wetted (if required under extreme hot
weather conditions) by spraying water ahead of the spreader box. The rate of
application of spray shall be adjusted during the day to suit temperature, surface
texture and humidity. The application of micro-surfacing shall be as per clause 512.5.6
of MoRTH specification.

- Rate of Application

The micro-surfacing mixture shall be of proper consistency at all times so as to

provide the application rate required by the surface condition. The quantities of micro-
surfacing mix (by weight of dry aggregate) to be used shall be as given in table 500.31
of MoRTH specification.

- Rolling

As per clause 512.5.8 of MoRTH specification.

- Quality Control and Surface Finish

The surface finish of construction shall conform to the requirements of clause 902 of
MoRTH specification. For control of the quality of materials and work carried out
relevant provision of section 900 of MoRTH specification shall apply.

- Use of Micro – Surfacing in the project

The stretches proposed for using micro-surfacing will be selected in consultation with



The basic principle of this technology is that by adding certain additives at the final
stages of mix production, the coating of aggregate by the binder is greatly enhanced
and can be achieved at considerably less temperature (approx.. 30 deg. Less)
compared to hot mix process. This results in many benefits like environmental,
health, technical and cost.

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Overview of Warm Mix Asphalt Technology

The basic principle of this technology is that by adding certain additives at the final
stages of the mix production, the coating of the aggregates by the binder is greatly
enhanced and can be achieved at a considerably less temperature (typically 30°C
less) compared to the hot mix process wherein bitumen is heated to a sufficiently high
temperature to make it fluid enough to surround the aggregates and coat their
surfaces. In hot mix process, it is viscosity of bitumen alone, which is less at higher
temperature that plays the main role in coating of aggregates. In warm mix
technology, this can be achieved in three different ways, viz. by increasing the volume
of bitumen, by making the bitumen less viscous, by reducing the surface tension at
aggregate bitumen interface etc.

Currently there are more than 30 different WMA technologies, using patented
processes and products, which have capabilities of bringing reduction in mixing,
laydown and compaction temperatures of bituminous mixes in one of three different
ways as described above. These guidelines covers currently adopted Warm Mix
Asphalt technologies globally, classifying them into four main categories. Currently
there are altogether more than 30 different WMA technologies. Although the end
effect of reduction of mixing, laydown and compaction temperatures are the same, the
different technologies work in different ways. The additives, which are either waxes or
other hydrocarbon modifiers improve lubrication by reducing the viscosity of bitumen
and allow a reduction of 28°C to 40°C in mixing and compaction temperature. Typical
dosage amounts are 0.5 to 1 .5 percent by weight of bitumen. Sometimes these
additives are also added as modifiers for increasing the stiffness of asphalt mixes, for
specialty applications, such as in racing tracks.

Water based Technologies


In essence, the "water technologies" use fine water droplets to expand the volume of
binder in the mix by causing it to foam. This has the effect of increasing the volume of
the bitumen, enabling it to coat aggregate at lower temperatures. The foaming
technology can be further subdivided into two classes, foaming additives and water
injection system. The foaming process works by creating foamed asphalt that
improves coating and compaction at lower temperature. Water expands 1, 600 times
when converted into steam at atmospheric pressure, and the steam is encapsulated
by viscous bitumen producing foam, which occupies a much greater volume
compared to the original bitumen. The water for creating the foam is either added as
water through a water injections stem in specialized equipment, or from zeolites
(which contain about 20 percent water). Water is added at a rate of 1 .25 to 2.0

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Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report

percent by weight of bitumen (about 500 ml of water per ton of mix), whereas the
zeolites are added a rate of 0.1 to 0.3 percent by weight of the mix. Foaming by water
allows 18°C to 30°C reduction in temperature whereas foaming by zeolites allows a
reduction of 30°C to 40°C.

a) Water carrying chemical additives

Natural and synthetic zeolites are mineral additives used to introduce water
into the mix thereby creating "in-situ" foaming within the bitumen. Zeolites in
general are added to the mix with the filler during mixing process. As the
mixing temperature increases the zeolites slowly release their absorbed water
into the bitumen, which is dispersed throughout the mixture in the form of very
fine foam droplets. This causes an increase in the volume of the bitumen and
leading to improvement in its ability to coat the aggregate.

b) Wet fine aggregate addition systems

In this process the bituminous binder is added to the heated coarse aggregate
in the mixer. Once the coarse aggregate are well coated, fine aggregate at
ambient temperature with moisture content of around 3 percent is introduced.
The moisture vaporizes, causing the binder coating the coarse aggregate to
foam, which in turn encapsulates the fine aggregate.

Chemical Additives

WMA technologies utilize chemical additives that have little effect on

rheological properties of the binder. These products may be supplied in pellet,
powder or liquid form, and then mixed into the binder or directly added to the
mix. Chemical additives are Surfactants (surface active agents) that reduce
surface tension between the polar aggregates and non-polar bitumen, improve
wetting and reduces internal friction, and allows a reduction of 28-50°C in
mixing and compaction temperatures. Typically they are added at the rate of
0.20 to 0.75 percent by weight of bitumen.

Rheological Modifiers

The wax based products can be described as viscosity modifying organic

additives that reduce binder viscosity at high temperatures and thus allow
lower mixing and paving temperatures.

Hybrid Technologies

Hybrid technologies utilize a combination of two or more WMA technologies to

achieve the reduction in temperature. For example, Low Energy Asphalt (LEA)
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Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report

utilizes a chemical additive with a water injection system to improve coating at

lower temperatures.

Other Technologies

Finally, there are products that were originally developed for other uses, but do
incorporate the WMA technology for reducing temperature and hence better
utilization of the product. Examples are (sulfur and WMA) and TLAX (Trinidad
lake asphalt and WMA technology).

The additives come in different forms, such as liquid, powder, pellet and are
administered in the mix production process at different stage. Accordingly,
some modification in the bituminous mixing plants is necessary to administer
the controlled dosage of the additives. Some additives in liquid form can be
pre-blended with bitumen and would need no modification in the conventional
mixing plant provided the blended bitumen contains the right dose of additive.
Other additives, which are administered in the mix at certain stage during the
mix production process, would require some modification in the conventional
mixing plants. These modifications would generally require a separate material
(additive) feed system and a material metering system (to ensure the right
dosage) which should be integrated with computerized plant control system of
the mixing plant. The water-based WMA technologies would additionally need
a water injection system as well.

Apart from such plant modification as required to administer the additives

(described above), some modification need would arise out of the need to
operate the plant at reduced temperature compared to that for the
conventional hot mix production, for example recalibrating the fuel burner,
aggregate drying system, bitumen heating system as also to take care of the
possible consequences of lower temperature operation, such as contamination
of the mix by un-burnt fuel and trapped moisture, condensation of bag house
fines, etc.

Benefits of Warm - Warm Mix Asphalt

i) Environmental Benefits: The single most important justification for use of

this technology is that it reduces the emission of greenhouse gases by
around 25 to 30 percent and controls thereby global warming. This would
earn tradable carbon credit. Secondly, the technology is quite compatible
with Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement technology, which saves the
requirement of fresh aggregates and reduces the environmental hazard
associated with dumping of damaged pavement materials.

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Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report

ii) Health Benefits: The fumes from hot mix asphalt are known to be potential
health hazards, especially for the construction workers. Reduced
temperature of the mix avoids this health hazard.

c) Technical advantages:

a) Lower mixing temperature reduces the oxidation and ageing of ' bitumen and
thereby gives longer lasting pavement by delaying fatigue cracking.

b) Much improved workability of the mix at lower temperatures gives better

Compatibility and larger compaction window.

c) Reduced rate of cooling of the mix (due to low initial temperature of the mix)
permits longer haul distance from the plant to work sites and better cold weather
construction opportunities.

d) Cost benefits: WMA is most likely to have long term cost advantages, though
its estimation should be case specific. The cost advantage is a trade-off between the
additional cost of using the additives and technologies (including plant modification)
and cost savings achieved through reduced fuel consumption, longer life of pavement
and use of recycled material.


In the 'overview', the principles behind various alternative technologies and different
additives have been presented. These provide the general guideline for an
appropriate choice of technology. Secondly, since the plants and equipment used for
producing WMA mixes would remain essentially the same (at least till such time the
technology proliferates and its use becomes widespread) as that for HMA mix, it
would be necessary to ascertain the nature and feasibility as well as commitment to
these modifications/changes. Thirdly, the suppliers of the products to be used in
works should be willing to take responsibility along with the main contractor not only
for their products but for the entire technological solution.

All technologies and all commercial additives should be allowed to compete for acceptance
on a work if the following conditions are satisfied:

ii) Technology and/or product suppliers provide evidence of:

 Achieving the reduction of at least 30°C in mixing and laying temperature on some actual
work done in the past. The evidence should be in the form of a certificate from the
owner/owner's representative of the said work,

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Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report

 Additives proposed to be used not having any harmful effects on human health and
environment. This evidence should be in the form of test certificates from reputed
 Complete understanding of the technological solution such as dosage of additives, the
process of administering the additives in a controlled manner (weight, volume, pressure,
temperature, etc.), adequacy of the plant and equipment proposed to be used on the work
and if not, the modifications required, quality assurance in the process, etc. This evidence
should be in the form of a written quality statement.

iii) The main contractor provides evidence of understanding of the technological requirement,
including modifications in the plant and equipment and acceptance of these requirements.
This evidence should be in the form of a written joint commitment statement.

The selection of the best WMA technology depends on many factors, and in most cases
is dependent on the monetary incentives and benefits of using WMA. Important factors to
consider include the reduction in temperature that is desired, the tonnage of mix that is
anticipated and whether or not to invest in plant technology that are needed for certain
additives. It should also be pointed out that the "green" benefits of adopting WMA
technologies should not be overlooked, and that a reduction in emission through a
reduction of temperature can help contractors/agencies receive significant amount of
"carbon credits."

Design Of Warm Mix Asphalt Mixes

The quality and performance of the mix shall be the same as specified for HMA in IRC:
111 except for mixing and laying temperatures, which should be at least 30°C less than
those specified for HMA. The threshold of 30°C is considered technologically feasible as
well as desirable from the point of view of fuel savings of some significance.

Design of mix, quality of inputs (except the additives) and tests required to be performed
shall follow the same procedures as specified in IRC: 111. In addition, the following WMA
specific tests shall also be performed:

iv) Coating
v) Compatibility
vi) Moisture Sensitivity

The above parameters should be verified first in the laboratory, after the criteria are
satisfied, a field trial of at least 500 m length shall be constructed, and the parameters
obtained in the laboratory may be verified.

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Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report

Aggregate Coating

a) WMA sample shall be prepared as per AASHTO T1 95 (Refer Annex 1) at a

temperature at least 30°C lower than conventional hot-mix.
b) The warm-mix shall be evaluated for coating as per AASHTO T195.
c) Minimum 95 percent of the coarse aggregate particles shall be fully coated at
a temperature at least 30°C lower than conventional hot-mix.


Since the mixing and compaction temperature of the warm-mix samples are lowered
by at least 30°C compared to the conventional hot=mix, it is important for the warm-
mix samples to attain specified mix densities at adopted lower temperatures. In order
to verify that the warm-mix samples attain sufficient density at least 30°C lower
temperatures relative to the conventional hot-mix, the following is proposed:

 Three hot-mix specimens shall be prepared conforming to the Job Mix Formula (JMF)
as per AASHTO T245 (also adopted in MORTH Section 500 Table 1 0). (Refer
Annexure I of IRC:SP:101-2014)
 Similarly, three more warm-mix specimens shall be prepared conforming to the JMF.
In all cases the JMF shall be made in the same procedure as per conventional mixes
except at a temperature at least 30°C lower than the hot-mix samples as per AASHTO
T245. The comp active effort should be similar for both mixes. In case there is a
specific change required by an additive manufacturer to suit the JMF requirements the
same shall be permitted except that the Specified Properties in the Guidelines shall
have to be adhered to.
 The bulk specific gravity (Gmb) of all the specimens shall be determined as per
 The theoretical maximum specific gravity (Gmm) of the bituminous mixture of HMA and
WMA shall be determined as per AASHTO T209.
 The air voids of both the mixes shall be determined as per the following equation:
Gmm – Gmb
Va = X100

 The ratio of the air voids shall be as per the following equation:

Va of WMA
Rva =
Va of HMA

 The ratio shall be such that 0.9 < R < 1.1

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Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report

Moisture Susceptibility

Warm-mixes are typically prepared at least 30°C lower temperatures, it is likely that the
aggregate can retain some residual moisture, especially when the aggregate are porous
and when the moisture content in the aggregate is high due to recent rains. It is
recommended that the warm-mix additives or processes should also behave as anti-
stripping agents, and should be able to improve the resistance of the mix to moisture
susceptibility even when produced at temperatures at least 30°C lower than conventional
mixes. If the warm-mix additives cannot perform as an anti-stripping agent, it must be
mandated to add either hydrated lime or a liquid anti-stripping agent to the mix to improve
resistance to moisture damage. However in case of WMA using foaming technology use
of anti-stripping agent or lime may be detrimental.

 Six samples of the compacted HMA mix conforming to the JMF as per AASHTO T245
(Refer Annexure I of IRC:SP:101-2014) shall be prepared in the first instance.

 The specimens shall have 7.0 ± 0.5 percent air voids.

 Six samples of warm-mix specimens conforming to the JMF shall be prepared at a

temperature at least 30°C lower than the hot-mix samples as per AASHTO T245. The
compactive effort shall be similar for both mixes, and the specimens shall have 7.0 ±
0.5 percent air voids.

 The Tensile Strength Ratio (TSR) of the hot-mix and the warm-mix shall be
determined as per AASHTO T283. The TSR value of HMA shall meet the requirement
of minimum 80 percent as specified in IRC: 111. A TSR of above 80 percent for the
warm-mix that is prepared at least 30°C below corresponding hot-mix will ensure
sufficient resistance against moisture susceptibility.

Production of Warm Mix Asphalt

Mixing Plant Requirements

WMA requires mix temperatures to be significantly reduced. The two basic types of
bituminous mixing plant most commonly used are the batch type mixing plant and the
continuous drum type plant, both of which types can be adapted to manufacture WMA.

For production of warm mixes that also contain reclaimed bituminous mixes, mixing plant
design should include adequate features. When any of the various types of mixing plants
are used, it should be ensured that the Recycled Asphalt (RA) and the virgin aggregates
are properly blended together; the blending process shall facilitate proper heat transfer
and shall prevent both physical and thermal segregation.

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As with any new technology, there are a few concerns about the production of WMA,
specifically because of the lower temperatures that are utilized during production.
Fortunately, all of these problems are expected and solvable, in many cases through the
adoption of techniques that could also be utilized for improving conventional HMA

The first concern is about incomplete drying of aggregates (specifically the internal
moisture) at the reduced temperatures. It has been seen that for aggregates with an
absorption value of less than 1 percent, drying of aggregate has not been reported to be a
problem at WMA temperatures. To prevent the incomplete drying of aggregates, it is
suggested that stockpiles be kept as dry as possible by sloping sides, paving surrounding
areas, and keeping them under cover. To dry aggregates with high moisture content the
retention time in the dryer drum could be increased and the dryer shell should be
insulated properly. Ways to detect incomplete drying include a greater than 20°C fall in
temperature in mix between discharge and loading, dripping water from silos and
excessive steam from slat conveyors and a loss of more than 0.5 percent of the weight of
mix during moisture content test.

The second concern is regarding incomplete combustion of fuel at the reduced

temperature and the resulting risk of getting un burnt fuel in the mix.

Evidence of such a problem include brownish color of mix and higher than normal
emissions. Proper maintenance and tuning of burner, and preheating of burner fuel are
recommended solutions to this problem. The last but not least problem is the potential of
condensation of bag house fines, leading to the clogging and decreased efficiency of the
emission control system.

Recommended solutions include proper preheating of bag house, sealing of leaks,

adjusting flights and slopes of the dryer to increase bag house exhaust temperature,
insulation of bag house and ductwork and addition of duct heaters to increase bag house
temperatures, if needed. A high i.e. within the range of 0.28 to 0.35 kg/cm^. A high-
pressure drop within a range greater than 0.28 to 0.35 kg/cm^ across the bags is an
indicator of caking due to condensation.

Warm Mix Asphalt Technology Addition Systems

For WMA Technologies, both Theological modifier and chemical additive types that are
blended into the binder shall be added through the mixing plant's normal binder addition
system. These may also be blended at terminals and supplied to project sites through
conventional transportation system.

Water carrying chemical additives, which are in powdered form, can be added manually
into the pug mill of batch type mixers either through the filler system, or by intruding it
through the RA collar.
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Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report

Equipment to produce foamed bitumen may be installed on both batch and continuous
drum mixing plant types. The systems obviously operate differently, with separate
generations of foamed bitumen for each batch in the former type of plant and a
continuous production of foam in the latter plant type's case.

Conventional types of bituminous mix plants shall have the following monitoring and
control systems:

 Binder storage tank heating temperature

 Integrated individual cold feed hopper (new aggregate and RA) and burner fuel flow
 Burner fuel flow meter
 Infrared temperature monitor
 Infrared silo discharge temperature monitor

Foaming systems should include integrated flow metering and pressure sensing systems for
both the binder and the water used to produce the foam.


The construction operation for WMA shall same as that prescribed for HMA and shall
be in accordance with the 1RC:111 except that the mixing, laying and rolling
temperature for WMA shall be as indicated in TABLE 11-4.;-


Mix Temperature Laying Rolling

Bitumen Grade
(oC) Temperature (oC) Temperature (oC)
VG-40 135 max 120 min 100 min
VG-30 130 max 115 min 90 min

VG-20 125 max 115 min 80 min

VG-10 120 max 110 min 80 min

Modified Bitumen** 135 M max 120 min 100 min

*In case of special conditions including but not limited to long hauls, cold paving conditions,
etc. the recommendations of the WMA technology supplier shall be followed.

**The properties of modified binder shall conform to IRC:SP:53.

Detailed specification for the technology have been brought out by Indian Roads Congress
vide IRC:SP-101-2014.

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Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report

For using this technology special mixing plant are to be used. This can be batch type mixing
plant and continuous drum type plant which can be adapted to manufacture WMA. The
construction operation for WMA are same as that prescribed for WMA and will be in
accordance with IRC : 111 except that the mixing, laying and rolling temperature for WMA will
be different as indicated in IRC:SP:101-2014.

The stretches to be improved with above technology will be identified in consultation with

Consultancy Services for preparation of DPR for development of Economic Corridors,

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Report : Final Detailed Project Report
Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report



As already brought out in Annexure 6.2 of Chapter 6, the Project Highway is proposed
to be developed to 4-lane with paved shoulder standards only.


Flexible pavement has been adopted for the entire project except the Toll Plaza
The pavement composition adopted for new construction is as follows:

i) For CBR adopted 12%

Description Thickness (mm)

BC 40
DBM – 1st Layer 50
DBM – 2nd Layer 50
WMM 250
GSB 200
Subgrade 500
Total 1090


Preliminary cost estimate for the Project Highway has been prepared based on the
Improvement proposals. Unit rates of the work items are taken from “SCHEDULE OF
RATES for roads & Bridge works, issued by “Public Works Department, M.P. Bhopal”
in force from 29-08-2017.
The civil cost works out to Rs. 210.02 Crores. The civil cost per Km. works out to Rs
8.25 Crores.
The total project cost works out to Rs. 279.95 Crores. The project cost per Km. works
out to Rs 9.82 Crores.
The capital cost including pre-construction activities comes to Rs. 390.82 Cr. The
capital cost per Km. works out to Rs 13.70 Crores.

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Report : Final Detailed Project Report
Date : September 2021
Volume: I – Main Report

Use of New Technology:

It is proposed to use following technologies in the construction of this project
highway in the pre-identified stretches.
(I) Use of waste plastic in bituminous mix
(II) Micro-surfacing
(III) Warm Mix technology.
The entire project will be developed in stage-wise. In Stage – 1 two lane
road will be developed and some portion of four lane on the location of
Interchanges and ROB and nearby VUP on the existing road of BINA. On
stage – 2 another 2 lane road will be developed to achieve the four lane
road. As per the end lane status is four lane so four lane codal provisions
are adopted along with two lane standard.

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