Quiz PT3

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((PT – Quiz-3))

1- Which of the following types of discontinuities could be classified as a finishing processing

‫ ميباشد ؟‬Finishing processing ‫كدام يك از گزينههاي ذيل جزء ناپيوستگيهاي مربوط به‬

a. fatigue crack
b. stress-corrosion crack
c. lamination
d. heat-treat crack

2- When conducting a penetrant test, spherical indications on the surface of a part could be
indicative of:
. ‫ باشد‬.......... ‫ عاليم گرد روي سطح ميتوانند ناشي از‬، PT ‫در تست‬

a. fatigue cracks
b. porosity
c. weld laps
d. hot tears

3- When using post-emulsification penetrants, difficulties incurred during the washing operation can
be overcome by:
. ‫ حل شود‬............ ‫ مشكل در تميزكاري مايع نافذ اضافي ميتواند از طريق‬، Post-Emulsification ‫ از نوع‬PT ‫در تست‬

a. reapplying a coating of emulsifier

b. increasing the water pressure used during the washing operation
c. completely reprocessing the part from surface preparation on and by using a longer emulsifier time
d. dipping the part in boiling water

4- Fluorescent materials used in fluorescent penetrants respond most actively to radiant energy with
a wavelength of approximately:
‫ استفاده ميشود بيشترين درخشش را تحت كدام طول موج دارند ؟‬PT ‫مواد فلورسنتي كه در تست‬

a. 7 00 nm (7 000 Aº)
b. 250 kV
c. 3 65 nm (3 650 Aº)
d. 1 k1x (100 ftc)

5- A commonly used method of checking on the overall performance of a penetrant material system
is by:
‫ كدامست ؟‬PT ‫يك روش متداول جهت چك كردن عملكرد كلي سيستم تست‬

a. determining the viscosity of the penetrant

b. measuring the wetability of the penetrant
c. comparing two sections of artificially cracked specimens
d. all of the above
Course Code: NDT – 03 Rev.00

6- The purpose for using a developer on a test specimen is to:

‫ روي قطعه تحت تست كدامست ؟‬Developer ‫هدف استفاده از‬

a. promote penetration of the penetrant

b. absorb emulsifier residues
c. absorb penetrant from discontinuities and to provide a contrasting background
d. help to dry the surface for better observation
7- Which of the following is a discontinuity that might be found in rolled bar stock?
‫كداميك از ناپيوستگيهاي ذيل در قطعات نورد شده يافت ميشود ؟‬

a. shrinkage
b. bleed-out
c. laps
d. undercut
8- Which of the following contaminants could affect the sensitivity of a penetrant?
‫كدام يك از آلودگيهاي ذيل در حساسيت مايع نافذ تأييد دارد ؟‬

a. acid
b. water
c. salts
d. all of the above

9- The emulsifier is used:

....... ‫امولسيفاير استفاده ميشود به دليل‬

a. to wash the penetrant out of discontinuities

b. to aid in washing off the surface of parts when using either the water or oil soluble penetrants
c. to emulsify the oil-soluble penetrant, thereby making it water washable
d. to preclean parts before applying penetrant

10- The tendency of a liquid penetrant to enter a discontinuity is primarily related to the:
. ‫ ارتباط دارد‬........ ‫تمايل يك مايع نافذ جهت نفوذ در ناپيوستگيها اصوالً به‬

a. viscosity of the penetrant

b. capillary forces
c. chemical inertness of the penetrant
d. specific gravity of the penetrant

11- Which of the following is an advantage of solvent-wipe methods over water washing?
‫ است ؟‬Water Washable ‫ در مقايسه با‬Slovent Remove ‫كدام گزينه مزيت روش‬

a. no special lighting is necessary during inspection

b. they provide a quicker penetration of small openings
c. small indications are more easily seen
d. they can easily be carried out in the field and to remote areas

12- Which of the following is an advantage of visible dye penetrants over fluorescent penetrants?
‫ ميباشد ؟‬Flovrescont ‫ در مقايسه با روش‬Visible ‫كدام گزينه مزيت روش‬

a. small indications are more easily seen

b. they can be used on anodized and chromate surfaces
c. they make less background on rough surfces
d. no special lighting is required
Course Code: NDT – 03 Rev.00

13- Shrinkage cracks are usually found in what areas of a casting?

. ‫تركهاي انقباضي عموماً در كدام مناطق قطعات ريختگي يافت ميشوند‬

a. thin sections only

b. heavy sections only
c. at abrupt changes in thickness
d. no longer a problem
14- The part is an aluminum forging.Description-the indication is sharp, half-moon shaped, not deep.
It is called:
‫ مورد فوق مربوط به كدام گزينه است؟‬،‫ به صورت تيز به شكل نصف هالل ماه ديده شده كه عميق نيست‬Indication ‫در يك قطعه آلومينيومي آهنگري شده يك‬

a. a lap
b. center line porosity
c. a heat-treat crack
d. a false indication

15- Developing powder should always be:

........... ‫ خشك (پودري شكل) بايد هميشه‬Developer

a. highly fluorescent
b. applied wet
c. colorless
d. evenly applied

16- Which of the following is a discontinuity that might be found in rolled bar stock?
‫كداميك از ناپيوستگيهاي ذيل ممكن است در يك قطعه نورد شده يافت شود ؟‬

a. blow hole
b. shrinkage lap
c. crack or seam
d. lack of penetration

17- The term “nonrelevant indication” is used to describe certain types of penetrant testing
indications. Which of the following would be a typical “nonrelevant indication?”
‫( باشد ؟‬Nonrelevant Indication) ‫كداميك از گزينههاي ذيل ميتواند جزء عاليم نامربوط‬

a. indications due to part geometry or part design configurations

b. nonmagnetic indications
c. multiple indications
d. nonlinear indications

18- A continuous linear indication can be caused by which of the following discontinuities?
. ‫ باشد‬.......... ‫ (نشانه) كه بصورت خطي و پيوسته ديده شده ميتواند در اثر‬Indication ‫يك‬

a. porosity
b. slag inclusions
c. pitting
d. cracks

19- A crack-type discontinuity will generally appear as:

. ‫ باشد‬......... ‫ ناشي از يك ترك ميتواند بصورت‬Indication

a. a round indication
b. a continuous line, either straight or jagged
Course Code: NDT – 03 Rev.00

c. a straight, single solid line

d. random round or elongated holes

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