Quiz PT3
Quiz PT3
Quiz PT3
a. fatigue crack
b. stress-corrosion crack
c. lamination
d. heat-treat crack
2- When conducting a penetrant test, spherical indications on the surface of a part could be
indicative of:
. باشد.......... عاليم گرد روي سطح ميتوانند ناشي از، PT در تست
a. fatigue cracks
b. porosity
c. weld laps
d. hot tears
3- When using post-emulsification penetrants, difficulties incurred during the washing operation can
be overcome by:
. حل شود............ مشكل در تميزكاري مايع نافذ اضافي ميتواند از طريق، Post-Emulsification از نوعPT در تست
4- Fluorescent materials used in fluorescent penetrants respond most actively to radiant energy with
a wavelength of approximately:
استفاده ميشود بيشترين درخشش را تحت كدام طول موج دارند ؟PT مواد فلورسنتي كه در تست
a. 7 00 nm (7 000 Aº)
b. 250 kV
c. 3 65 nm (3 650 Aº)
d. 1 k1x (100 ftc)
5- A commonly used method of checking on the overall performance of a penetrant material system
is by:
كدامست ؟PT يك روش متداول جهت چك كردن عملكرد كلي سيستم تست
a. shrinkage
b. bleed-out
c. laps
d. undercut
8- Which of the following contaminants could affect the sensitivity of a penetrant?
كدام يك از آلودگيهاي ذيل در حساسيت مايع نافذ تأييد دارد ؟
a. acid
b. water
c. salts
d. all of the above
10- The tendency of a liquid penetrant to enter a discontinuity is primarily related to the:
. ارتباط دارد........ تمايل يك مايع نافذ جهت نفوذ در ناپيوستگيها اصوالً به
11- Which of the following is an advantage of solvent-wipe methods over water washing?
است ؟Water Washable در مقايسه باSlovent Remove كدام گزينه مزيت روش
12- Which of the following is an advantage of visible dye penetrants over fluorescent penetrants?
ميباشد ؟Flovrescont در مقايسه با روشVisible كدام گزينه مزيت روش
a. a lap
b. center line porosity
c. a heat-treat crack
d. a false indication
a. highly fluorescent
b. applied wet
c. colorless
d. evenly applied
16- Which of the following is a discontinuity that might be found in rolled bar stock?
كداميك از ناپيوستگيهاي ذيل ممكن است در يك قطعه نورد شده يافت شود ؟
a. blow hole
b. shrinkage lap
c. crack or seam
d. lack of penetration
17- The term “nonrelevant indication” is used to describe certain types of penetrant testing
indications. Which of the following would be a typical “nonrelevant indication?”
( باشد ؟Nonrelevant Indication) كداميك از گزينههاي ذيل ميتواند جزء عاليم نامربوط
18- A continuous linear indication can be caused by which of the following discontinuities?
. باشد.......... (نشانه) كه بصورت خطي و پيوسته ديده شده ميتواند در اثرIndication يك
a. porosity
b. slag inclusions
c. pitting
d. cracks
a. a round indication
b. a continuous line, either straight or jagged
Course Code: NDT – 03 Rev.00