Linear Guide Systems: Linear and Motion Solutions

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Linear and Motion Solutions

Linear guide systems

NL 1002 E
Linear guide systems

Heavy-Line Guide rails GU..M, GU..MT

Guide Rollers RKU
Guide Wheels FKU
Floating Guide Rollers RKUL
Lubricator LUBU
Guide pins SAG
Guide rails GP..MC
Ground guide rails GP..M
Guide Rollers PK
Guide Wheels FK
Guide Rollers GC
Cam followers FG (needle) and FGU (roller)
Lubricator LUBP
Rolbloc Guide rails GU..M, GU. .MT
Carriages ROLBLOC BL
Adjustment plates PR
V-Line Sand blasted guide rails FS..MT
Ground guide rails FS..M
Sand blasted guide rails FSH..MT, FSX..MT
Ground guide rails FSH..M, FSX..M
Guide Rollers FR..EU
Guide Rollers FR..EU AS, FR..EU AZ
Guide Rollers FRN..EI
Guide Rollers RKY, RKX
Guide Rollers FKY, FKX
Floating Guide Rollers FRL..EU
Floating Guide Rollers RKXL, RKYL
Spacers FS and FSH
Lubricator LUBY - LUBX
For medium-heavy loads
For medium-heavy loads
Dirty environment
42 For medium-heavy loads
43 Dirty environment
54 For medium-heavy loads

Multi-Motion-Line Circular rails FSR..M

Oval circuit FSRO
Ring circuit FSRQ
Steering carriages T4R...
C-Line Guide Rails LS
Guide Rollers RCS
Guide Rollers RAS
Carriages C3 RCS, C3 RAS, C3 RYS
Carriages C4 RCS, C4 RAS, C4 RYS
Carriages C5 RCS, C5 RAS, C5 RYS
Base-Line Guide rails DC
Guide rails C
Guide Rollers PFV
Guide Rollers RKO
Carriages T4PFV
Wipers NAID
Lubricator LUBC
Guide rails FWS
Guide rails FWH
Guide Rollers FR..EU
Guide Rollers FR..EU AS, FR..EU AZ
Floating Guide Rollers FRL..EU
Carriages T4FR
Flexi-Line 645 Guide rails FWN
Carriages TA4, TB4
For all applications
For light-medium loads
For medium loads
Aggressive environment
For light-medium loads
105 For light-medium loads

U-Line Guide rails LM

Guide Rollers RCL, RCP, PFV
Floating Guide Rollers RAL
Guide Wheels GLA
Carriages C3RCL, C3RAL, C3RYL
Carriages C4RCL, C4RAL, C4RYL
Carriages T4RCL, T4RCP, T4PFV, T4RAL, T4RYL
Lubricator LUBM
Guide rails LML 20
116 For light-medium loads
Technical features
Nadella linear systems
With this line of products, NADELLA confirms the aim A 0,5 A B
to provide manufacturing solutions tailored to the
user’s needs in order to achieve simple automation at
a low cost.
The process under way of transferring production
automation and relevant handling onto increasingly Junction
heavier and cumbersome units has prompted us to B

seek original and flexible components for the different

commodity sectors. The standard boring layout is designed to fit most
We have accumulated sound working experience in the common application requirements, but connection
following sectors: strength has to be evaluated on the application case.

- marble-working machinery Steel guides

- foundry machinery
- metal sheet working machinery General
- special lifting machines Steel rails are made of bearing steel to give best stability
- pick up and durability. Raceways are induction hardened to
- automatic warehouses achieve 58 HRC hardness minimum. The rail core
- textile machines remains soft to allow easy machining.
- machine tool protections and utilities Rails can be provided with different finishes to meet
- oxygen cutting machines specific application requirements.
Guide rails MT type. Profile is produced by cold
Our Technical Department works with Customers and drawing process, raceways are induction hardened
recommends the best component choice by making and sandblasted to improve surface strength and
the calculations needed to determine the best life. finish.
Guide rails M type. Profile is usually produced by cold
drawing process, induction hardened on raceways and
Guides ground to improve surface finish and profile geometry
Length and to remove the partially decarburised surface (0.1
The maximum length of each single guide component mm max on cold drawn rails ..MT). Ground rails have to
is shown on the dimensional tables. be used when there are high loads, heavy-duty cycles
The standard lengths of the rails are determined by or when there is a high accuracy requirement.
adding the product of the fixing hole centre distance Guide rails MC type (flat rail GP..MC only). MC rails are
and the number of holes to twice the end dimension induction-hardened on every side and finished by-a-
(see dimensional tables). rough grinding.

≥ 150 ≥ 420 ≥ 1.050 ≥ 2.040 ≥ 4.020 Options

Length < 420 < 1.050 < 2.040 < 4.020 < 5.280
Corrosion protection
Length ± 0,5 ± 0,8 ± 1,2 ±2 ± 2,5 For use in oxidising environments or in the presence of
corrosive agents, the guides are available with chemical
nickel-plating protective anticorrosion treatment (suffix
Joints NW.).
For strokes of greater length, the guide components This treatment features substantial mechanical
can be joined after grinding the end faces (suffix R or characteristics together with a resistance to salty mist
RR). To maintain the hole centre distance tolerance, corrosion superior to that of hard chrome. On request
when ordering always specify the number of individual many rails are available in stainless-steel version (suffix
rails making one continuous length. NX)
Please specify in the order when rails have to
be matched. The junctions are marked (letters and Circular rail
numbers) to avoid a mix-up of different rails. On request circular rails can be provided. Circular rails
can be used as an alternative to rotating devices or as
Fixing holes junction between straight rails.
The guides are available with standard holes, as
shown in dimensional tables, with special hole Technical features
layout or without holes (see order code referencing) Standard rail straightness (for non-mounted rails) is
Standard tolerance for hole position is ± 0,25 mm. 0.5 mm/m max. Higher accuracy can be supplied on

Technical features

Standard operating temperature range is –20°C up
to 150°C. In lower or higher temperature applications
please contact Nadella Technical Service. Special care
is required if guide rollers are operating at maximum

Aluminium guides
Technical features
Made by joining an aluminium alloy support element and
Standard rails straightness (for non mounted rails) is
hardened steel rods that form the sliding surfaces.
0.5 mm/m maximum. Higher accuracy can be supplied
The best features of the two materials and relevant
on request.
working technologies are combined to give the lightness
of the alloy and the hardness and surface finish of the
Standard operating temperature range is –20°C up to
Guides of this type can be used for structural functions;
70°C. Applications with frequent temperature variation
they have a high moment of inertia that enables them to
should be avoided. For operating conditions outside the
be used in many applications as carrying structures.
given range please contact Nadella Technical Service.
Aluminium extruded profiles are stabilised and anodised.
Sliding rods are induction hardened and ground.
Guide rollers
Options General
Corrosion protection Nadella provide a wide range of guide rollers to be able
For use in oxidising environments or in the presence of to meet different technical and economic requirements.
corrosive agents, the guides of this series can feature All guide rollers are produced in concentric and
stainless-steel bars (suffix NX). eccentric versions to allow backlash adjustment during
assembly on final equipment. Eccentric rollers are
Chromium-plated rods identified by additional R in the code.
Optional chromium-plated rods are available (suffix CH);
the thickness of the chromium plating is 10 ± 5 μm with The sides of the races of the guide roller are slightly
hardness ≥ 800 HV. convex. Besides reducing rolling friction, this also
Please check option availability in dimensional tables. permits offsetting slight guide flexing or small assembly
alignment errors.
In case rail made by multiple C-DC or LM rails the most Guide rollers are fitted with seals or shields for bearing
efficient joint can be realized with the insertion of a protection and lubricant retention as described in
dowel pin inside the rods. This solution allows for simple dimensional tables.
assembly at the site and maintains alignment under
load. Guide rollers based on needle or tapered roller
bearings (FRN..EI,RK..,PK..) are recommended for
critical applications with heavy axial loads and/or shock
loading. Guide rollers based on ball bearings (FR..EU,
PFV, RCL) are more suitable for lighter loads or high
dynamic systems.

The carriages based on Rolbloc’s system are

recommended for applications with heavy loads, high
frequency of work and aggressive environment (dust,

When mounting guide rails opposite to each other

with connected carriages, as shown in the next sketch,
For rails FWS the joint can be realised by protruding the a high level of parallelism between the guide rails is
rods of one rail in order to engage them in the profile required when axially rigid rollers are used.
of the next rail. In the final configuration there will be To avoid operating problems it is recommended to
a small gap between the aluminium profiles (see next use axial rigid fixed rollers on one carriage e.g. FR..
drawing). EU/FRR…EU and axial movable rollers on the other

Technical features

carriage e.g. FRL..EU/FRLR..EU Accessories

Movable rollers allow a little misalignment between the
opposite mounted guide rails. Tables and carriages
Standard table and carriages for C-DC and LM systems
incorporate a black anodised aluminium plate fitted with
guide rollers.

Standard wipers NAID for C-DC rails are made from
NBR compound moulded on a steel plate.

Are composed by two main parts: a plastic box with the
same shape profile of the rail, and a lubricated felt; the
felt is slightly pressed on the raceways by a spring. The
plastic box, that drags the raceways, works as a wiper,
Another solution is to use one profiled guide rail e.g. FS and remove ve dust and shavings.
and on the opposite side a flat rail e.g. GP in connection
with rollers GC or PK.

The plastic box can be mounted directly on the guide

FS GP rollers plate by the appropriate aluminium plate included
in the kit.
Technical features In the lubricators for guide rollers size 52 or higher, the
grease nipple allows an easy connection with a re-
Lubrication lubrication system.
Guide roller FRN..EI permits bearing relubrication. All
other guide rollers are long life lubricated. For the simply lubrication of the rails you can use one
lubricator only on each raceway; in order to wipe the
Temperature raceways it is better to mount two lubricators, before
Guide roller should not operate at constant temperature and after the carriage.
above 80°C. For short durations 100°C can be accepted.
For higher temperature please see the “option section”. The lubricators are supplied with the felt already lubricated.
Speed limit Use in dirty environment
Max velocity has to be determined for each application Due to the design cam rollers with profile are especially
relevant to the guide roller type, size and load conditions. adapted to the use in rough and dirty environment. This
As general value, in normal conditions maximum speed is properly has proved true in many applications such
4 m/sec but, with the correct chose of the components, as welding plants, steel and grinding machines and is
the speed can reach 10 m/s. Contact Nadella Technical superior to recirculating ball bearing guides in continuous
service in case of specific request. operation.
Corrosion protection
For uses in oxidising environments or in the presence
of corrosive agents, the guide rollers are available in
stainless steel (suffix NX) the guide rollers with tapered
rollers (RKU, RKY/X, FKU, FKY/X) and needles (FRN)
are equipped with standard bearings. Check in the
dimensional table component availability.

High temperature
On request guide rollers can be equipped with Viton seals
to operate at temperature up to 120° (suffix V). Check in
the dimensional table component availability.

Technical features

Lubrication so that any movement caused by vibration will cause the

nut to be tightened. Ensure the preload is not increased
Bearing lubrication when tightening the nut.
All the guide rollers, except for the FRN..EI, based on A simple way of setting a roller preload is as follows:
needle bearings, are equipped with long life lubricated
bearings. This means that the grease inside the 1 move the slider on the guide, holding the roller being
bearing is enough for the entire life of the roller guide. adjusted with two fingers to prevent it from rotating
The roller guide type FRN..EI, with needle bearings, 2 increase the preload by means of the wrench
accommodates the re-lubrication of the bearings. 3 repeat step 1 making sure the roller slides without
Rail lubrication 4 when it is no longer possible to prevent roller rolling,
Rails must be lubricated. This allows reducing the slightly decrease the preload and fully tighten the lock
friction, to reach the calculated lifetime of the system nut, thereby setting the position of the eccentric.
and to work at high speed.
When correctly adjusted it is just possible to cause the
No or insufficient lubrication will cause rapid guide roller to slip on the guide rail when a torque is
deterioration. The typical signal of tribocorrosion is the applied to the roller.
presence of a red/dark oxide and rapid wearing of the
rail and guide rollers. Guides
For single guide rail type FS, FWS, DC and LM no
The lubrication of the rail, the working environment and special assembly instructions are necessary. For multiple
the load must be considered all together for a correct parallel rails parallelism has to be checked to avoid
estimation of the lifetime of the guide system. guide rollers overload or excessive carriage play. When
constant preload is required parallelism error has to be
Generally speaking, for application with low duty lower that 0.050 mm.
frequency, a periodic relubrication with a grease
or with a viscous oil will sufficiently maintain the Connection between the rail and the mounting surface
lubrication film. The re-lubrication interval depends on has to be designed accordingly with the operating
the application and must always be tested in the real condition to ensure proper product positioning and
working conditions. In a system with ground rails and functionality.
short stroke without lubricators, you can consider a re- The direction and intensity of the load, the number
lubrication interval every 100,000 cycles. Increasing the and strength of the screws, the geometry of mounting
load, speed or stroke, or using an under sized bearing surfaces, use of pins or wedges have to be evaluated
will increase lubrication demand and result in a shorter to fully utilize the linear guide load capacity.
lubrication interval. For a constant lubrication we
suggest the use of felt lubricators to ensure a constant
layer of lubricant between guide rollers and raceways.
Felt lubricators enlarge the lubrication interval more
than ten times.

The recommended lubricants are greases and oil for

bearings, linear rails or chains, with a high viscosity of
the basic oil and with EP additives, in order to separate
the metallic surfaces even with low speed.

Assembly instructions
Guide rollers
The eccentric guide rollers allows the preload or
clearance of the carriage to be adjusted independently
of the guide roller mounting hole positioning tolerance or
the distance between the rails.
Recommended mounting hole tolerance is H7. Carriages
When adjusting the eccentric guide roller care has to be Carriages are supplied with concentric guide rollers
taken to avoid excessive preload. Excessive preload can nut tighten already. Eccentric guide rollers have to be
reduce the life of the linear system. set and tighten during final assembly operation by
Set the preload turning the guide roller counterclockwise customer.

Technical features

Calculation procedure Diagram a)

load F applied parallel to axis Y
Calculation is carried out in two steps, first defining
the forces on the most heavily loaded roller and then a) Y
Y zF
estimating the safety factors and life. xF
Calculating the loads on the guide
rollers Iy Z

In the case of complex load situations, with forces acting

in different directions, calculating the reactions on the
rollers is difficult and hard to simplify.
In the event of the applied load having a direction
parallel to one of the co-ordinate axes, the radial F s zF
Pr and axial Pa components of the reactions on the Pa =
most loaded roller can be obtained using elementary 2 s Ic
With reference to the diagrams shown, we obtain the F s ( Ix + 2 s xF ) F s zF s tan α
load components on the rollers relevant for checking Pr = +
and calculating the life, applying the following methods. 2 s Ix 2 s Ic

Angle α in the formulas is half the groove angle. Look in

the dimensional table notes for the correct value. Diagram b)
load F applied parallel to axis Z
Distance Ic is the effective contact distance. With the
exception of ROLBLOC system the correct value is b)
calculated as the guide rollers centre distance across xF
the rail plus or minus the outer guide roller diameter De, F
depending if the guide is outside or between the rollers.
Guide between the rollers Guides outside the rollers Iy

Iy Ic Ic Iy

F F s xF F s yF
Pa = + +
4 2 s Ix 2 s Ic
Ic = Iy - De I c = I y + De
Pr = Pa s tan α
In case of ROLBLOC the distance Ic is the distance
between the rails basis. Diagram c) load F applied parallel to axis X

Guides between the rollers Guides outside the rollers c)

Ih Ih F1

Iy Ic Ic Iy

Ic = Iy - 2sIh Ic = Iy + 2sIh Ix z2

Technical features

In this case the external load F1, applied at the point of estimation is performed using overload factor f w as
co-ordinate y1 z1, should be considered together with follows:
reaction F2 = -F1, applied at the point of co-ordinate
y2 z2. Calling Δy the absolute value of y2-y1 and Δz 1.0 – 1.2 smooth operation at low speed at constant
the absolute value of z2-z1, the following formula is load without shocks
used: 1.2 – 1.5 smooth operation with load variation
1.5 – 2.0 operation with small shocks and vibrations
F1 s Δz 2.0 ~ 4.0 high acceleration, shocks and vibrations
Pa =
2 s Ix Once Pa and Pr has been defined we can proceed to
calculate the equivalent load Peq (not for FRN..EI).
F1 Δz tan α
Pr =
( 2
+ Δy
) Peq = X Pr + Y Pa [N]

Coefficients X and Y can be obtained from guide rollers

Guide roller calculation tables.
In case of pure radial guide roller as PK and GC or
In the table for each roller the following data is specified: floating bearings FRL, RAL, RKXL, RKUL.
Cw basic dynamic load, it is the radial load [N] that
applied to the guide roller gives 100 km nominal life*. Peq = Pr [N]
Fr limit radial load, it is the maximum radial load [N] that
can be applied on the guide roller; for the guide wheels Nominal bearing life:
is the limit radial load of the wheel.
Cw p
Fa limit axial load, it is the maximum axial load [N] that
can be applied on the guide roller; for the guide wheels
is the limit axial load of the wheel.
L10 = 100
( PeqsFw ) [km]

X and Y coefficients to define the equivalent load for Where coefficient p is:
bearing life.
p = 3 for ball bearing guide rollers
α is the contact angle dependent on the guide roller (FR..EU, RCL.., PFV.., RAL, MBL)
Rollers FRN..EI work as combined bearings, the basic p = 10/3 for roller bearing guide rollers
dynamic load is defined as: (PK.., RKY, RKX, ROLBLOC, GC, FRL..)
Cwr basic radial dynamic load, it is the radial load [N]
that applied to the guide roller gives 100 km nominal life*. In case of guide rollers based on needle bearings
type FRN..EI nominal bearing life is calculated as the
Cwa basic axial dynamic load, it is the axial load [N] that minimum between:
applied to the guide roller gives 100 km nominal life*.
Cwr 10/3
Note*: ISO 281 states ‘the nominal life will be exceeded
by 90% of bearings before the first sign of material
L10 = 100
( PrsFw ) [km]


Nominal life calculation Cwa 10/3

System life is the minimum life of either the bearings in

L10 = 100
( PasFw ) [km]

the guide roller or the rail/roller contact surfaces.

For the rail/roller surface see the lubrication paragraph.

Checking the guide roller max load
For the bearings life proceed as follows. The values of the radial limit loads Fr and axial limit
loads Fa shown in the catalogue refer to extreme
The loads Pr and Pa are calculated for ideal condition. operating conditions, meaning:
However, in practice, because of the structure and Pa = 0 (pure radial load)
operating conditions a better calculation and life Pr = Pa tan α (maximum axial load)

Technical features

In intermediate cases, when the ratio is included scheme 1

between the extreme values, the equivalent limit load X
Fk to be considered must be calculated according to
ratio k = Pa/Pr.

Fr s Fa
Fk = [N] F
k s Fr + ( 1 - k tan α ) s Fa F
To check the strength of the guide roller, in relation to
the limit load, the safety factor has to be greater than 1

Fk/Pr > 1
y1 y2
Note: in the following common cases it is not necessary to

calculate Fk and the evaluation can be completed easily.
Rollers that allow axial movement (FRL, PK, RKYL, RKUL,
GC) don't support axial loads. z2

z1 Y
In case of loads acting in the guide roller plane (Fx or
Fy acting with Z=0) the axial load is also zero (0) (see 쩸
calculation example n° 3).
In these cases it has to be Z

Fr/Pr > 1 Load on rollers

In case of load Fz acting perpendicular at guide roller 1800 s 350

plane the axial load is maximum (example n° 4). Pa = = 1050 N
2 s 300

Fa/Pa > 1 1800 350 tan 40

Pr =
300 ( 2 )
s 500 = 3881 N

Examples of calculation
Nominal life
1) A fork-lift truck featuring vertical movement
(scheme 1). X=1 Y = 3,38
The resulting magnitude of the weight passes through
point 1, while the vertical force that balances this, for Equivalent dynamic load
instance the traction of a timing belt, passes through
point 2.
Peqs s.
Guide rollers type RKY 52 are used with guide rail type
FS 62 MT 10/3
overload factor fw = 1,0
L10 =100
( 7430 s 1
) = 29093 km

center distance Ix = 300 mm Iy = 144,3 mm

F = 1800 N z1 = 100 mm y1 = - 150 mm
Limit load check
z2 = - 250 mm y2 = 350 mm Equivalent limit load Fk
Δz = 350 mm Δy = 500 mm K=Pa/Pr=0,27

11900 s 4250
Fk = = 7780 N
0.27 s11900 + (1 - 0.27 tan 40) s 4250

Technical features

Guide roller safety coefficient Limit load check

Fk/Pr = 7780 / 3881 = 2 K=Pa/Pr = 2087/5087 = 0,41

2) The horizontal axis of a manipulator in steel 16800 s 8400

industry Fk = = 11915 N
0.41 s16800 + (1 - 0.41 tan 45) s 8400
The centre of gravity of the vertical axis and load is
placed in the middle of the horizontal centre-axis lx and
160 mm distance from the guide axis. Fk/Pr = 11915 / 5087 = 2.3
The dirty environment and the possibility of shocks
lead to the choice to ROLBLOC system.
3) The sliding door of a machine tool (rail on top)
scheme 2 Y
lx The door is supported by the rail DC type on the upper
edge and driven on bottom side by an auto-aligning
carriage C3RAL on LM guide rail type. Because of the
effect of the bottom rail there isn’t any torque applied at

the DC rail. The door weight acts in a plane coincident

with the roller/rail vertical axis and as such there is no
over turning moment. In this case, limit load calculation
can be easily carried out from basic data Fr without Fk
Of course the calculation is always the same.


ZF scheme 3 Y Y

Guide rollers BL252 are used with guide GU62M

Overload factor fw = 1,4

Centre distance lx = 350 mm ly = 400 mm Z X

F = 6000 N x = 0 y = -1000 zF = 160 mm

Load on rollers lx
The effective center axis lc is 400 – 85 –85 = 230 mm F

s XF
Pa = = 2087 N

s  sTAN
Pr = + = 5087 N
Guide rail DC18.65 is used with carriage
Nominal life T4 PFV 3518 250
Overload factor fw = 1,1
From the ROLBLOC table X=1, Y=1
Centre distance lx = 213 mm ly = 113 mm
F=450 N x=-300 y=-500 z = 0
Peqs s. (because of LM rail) mm

59000 10/3
L10 =100
( 7174 s 1.4
) = 36577 km

Technical features

Load on rollers Load on rollers

The effective centeraxis lc is 113 – 35 = 78 mm The effective center axis lc is 450 + 32 = 482 mm

s s
Pa = = 0N Pa = + = 370 N
s s

Pr = 370 tan 40 = 310 N

s s sTAN
Pr = + = 859 N
ss Nominal Life

5600 10/3
Nominal life

4570 3
L10r = 100
( 310 s  ) = 840000 km

L10 = 100
( 859 s 
= 11300 km
2100 10/3

Limit load check

L10a = 100
( 370 s 
) = 17760 km

Fr/Pr = 2120 / 859 = 2,4

L10 = 17760 km

Limit load check

4) Transfer unit
Fa/Pa = 950 / 370 = 2.5
The box weight loads the carriage with max axial
load. In this load configuration the limit load check
calculation can be easily done directly by the Fa value
without Fk calculation. For further details, contact the NADELLA Technical Service.

scheme 4




Guide rollers FRN(R)32EI with rails FSH32M

Overload factor fw = 1,2
Centre distance lx = 670 mm ly = 450 mm
F=400 N x=0 y=650 z = 50 mm

Guide rail order code

Steel rail

FSH 62 MT 1500 SB NW RR

GU profile type
NX Stainless steel
NW nickel plating
R one ground end
profile size RR both ground ends

M ground
MT cold drawn and sandblasted
MC rough - ground SB standard drilling
NZ finished to drawing
NF without holes
A boring layout A (only GP range)
length (mm) B boring layout B (only GP range)

Alluminium rail

FWS 40 / 2000 NF NX

FWN profile type

DC CH chromium plate
LM R one ground end
LML RR both ground ends
NX stainless steel rods

profile size

SB standard drilling
NZ finished to drawing
length (mm) NF without holes

GU System
Guide rails GU..M, GU..MT
90° ± 10'

H c g

sm + 0,05 D

S I1 I
90° ± 5'
GU...M L

0,02 AB

H c

A + 0,05
b 0,1 B

B S 0,02 B

The longitudinal slot, made with + 0.05 tolerance, permits using reference elements SAG for guide positioning.

Dimensions (mm)
Type H h S D b c
G g sm l l1 (kg/m) (2)
± 0.05 ± 0.05 ± 0.05 + 0.1 + 0.05 ± 0.05

GU 28 MT 19,0 11,0 28.8 5.5 10 5.7 10 2.5 0.7x45° 90 30 1.97

GU 35 MT 23.9 15.7 35.5 6.6 11 6.8 10 3.8 1x45° 90 30 3.35
GU 50 MT 35.5 21,0 50.8 11,0 18 11,0 16 4.3 1x45° 90 30 6.89
max length in single element L=6 000 mm (1)

Dimensions (mm)
Type H h S D b c (kg/m) (2)
G g l l1
± 0.05 ± 0.05 ± 0.05 + 0.1 + 0.05 ± 0.05

GU 28 M 18,0 10 28 5.5 10 5.7 10 2,5 90 30 1.8

GU 35 M 23,9 15 35 6.6 11 6.8 10 3.3 90 30 3.2
GU 50 M 34.5 20 50 11,0 18 11,0 16 3.8 90 30 6.8
max length in single element L=4 020 mm (1)

(1) Longer rails are supplied in sections with ground butt joints - (2) Weight without holes

Rails finishing Optional features

- drawn, induction hardened and sandblasted tracks (MT); - ground one end (R)
- drawn, induction hardened and ground (M) - ground both ends (RR)
- Induction hardening on raceways only - chemical Nickel-plating (NW)
Hole layout
- holes according to catalogue (SB)
Example of standard designation : GU 35 MT 4300 SB
- finishes to drawing (NZ)
- without holes (NF) See page 17 for standard codification

Guide rollers RKU
concentric eccentric

M k=1

De d d1

m S min. A
B I1

The sides of the race are convex with radius R = 400.

Type Dimensions (mm)

concentric eccentric De d1 (1) d T m S min. P L A B I1 M SW1 SW2 k
RKU 55 RKUR 55 55 21 M 20 x 1.5 14.6 19.8 15 13.4 73 35 41 14 28 8 30 1
RKU 65 RKUR 65 65 27 M 24 x 1.5 18.7 20.8 19 15.4 83 37 44 18 35 10 36 1
RKU 75 RKUR 75 75 36 M 30 x 1.5 23.7 27.8 19 21.6 100 45 55 18 44 12 46 1
RKU 95 RKUR 95 95 38 M 36 x 1.5 25.5 30.8 24 24.6 115 56(5) 62 23 50 14 55 1
RKU 115 RKUR 115 115 42 M 36 x 1.5 33.5 34.8 33 24.6 135 63(5) 70 32 56 14 55 1

Dynamic load Limit loads Torque

Life coefficients wrench (2) Weight
Type (N) (N)
settings (kg)
Cw (6) radial Fr axial Fa X Y (Nm)

RKU 55 RKUR 55 41 650 11 900 4 250 1 3.42 80 0.6

RKU 65 RKUR 65 46 800 22 100 6 800 1 3.06 160 0.9
RKU 75 RKUR 75 66 700 31 300 10 100 1 2.95 300 1.6
RKU 95 RKUR 95 116 800 43 700 12 600 1 3.74 450 2.8
RKU 115 RKUR 115 182 450 55 600 17 900 1 3.64 450 4.9

1) Housing bore tolerance: H7

2) The torque wrench settings are given for non-lubricated threads; for lubricated threads, multiply figure by 0.8
3) Standard seals: material NBR, RS type
4) On request, the guide rollers can be supplied with external parts in stainless steel (suffix NX) and with Viton seals for operating
temperatures up to 120°C (suffix V, not available for RKU 115). Internal rolling elements in standard bearing steel.
5) Dimensions relating to the stainless-steel rollers (suffix NX)
6) Cw basic load for 100 km
7) The guide rollers include self-locking washers and hexagonal nut (DIN 439B) for fitting
8) Pressure angle α for load calculation: 45°

Guide wheels FKU


De M F dH8

B +0
- 0.1

The sides of the race are convex with radius R = 400.

Dimensions (mm)
De d T m A B F d2 (4) M
FKU 55 55 15 14.6 21,0 35 42 25 2.5 30
FKU 65 65 20 18,0 22.5 37 45 29 3,0 35
FKU 75 75 25 23.7 28,0 45 56 37 4,0 44
FKU 95 95 28 25.5 32,0 56(2) 64 42 4,0 49
115 35 33.5 36,0 63(2) 72 52 4,0 59
FKU 115 60

Dynamic load Limit loads

Life coefficients Weight
Type (N) (N)
Cw (3) radial Fr axial Fa X Y

FKU 55 41 650 11 900 4 250 1 3.42 0.5

FKU 65 46 800 22 100 6 800 1 3.06 0.6
FKU 75 66 700 31 300 10 100 1 2.95 1.2
FKU 95 116 800 43 700 12 600 1 3.74 2.3
FKU 115 182 450 55 600 17 900 1 3.64 3.9

1) On request, the guide rollers can be supplied with external parts in stainless steel (suffix NX) and with Viton seals for operating
temperatures up to 120°C (suffix V not available for FKU 115). Internal rolling elements in standard bearing steel
2) Dimensions relating to the stainless-steel rollers (suffix NX)
3) Cw basic load for 100 km
4) To prevent rotation between roller and shaft a pin can be fitted in one of the holes “d2” positioned in the side flange
5) Pressure angle α for load calculation: 45°
6) Standard seals: material NBR, RS type

Floating guide rollers RKUL
concentric eccentric

90° n P
SW1 k

De d d1

m S min. A


C l1

Type Dimensions (mm)

concentric eccentric De d1 1) d T m n X S min. P L A 4) B C I1 M SW1 SW2 k
RKUL 55 RKULR 55 55 21 M 20 x 1.5 14.6 21.0 3 3 15 13.4 83 35 42 51 14 30 8 30 1
RKUL 65 RKULR 65 65 27 M 24 x 1.5 18.0 22.5 3 3 19 15.4 93 37 45 54 18 35 10 36 1
RKUL 75 RKULR 75 75 36 M 30 x 1.5 23.7 28.0 3 3 19 21.6 110 45 56 65 18 44 12 46 1
RKUL 95 RKULR 95 95 38 M 36 x 1.5 25.5 32.0 4 3.5 24 24.6 128 53 564) 64 75 23 49 14 55 1

RKUL 115 RKULR 115 115 42 M 36 x 1.5 33.5 36.0 4 3.5 33 24.6 148 60 634) 72 83 32 59 14 55 1

Dynamic load (N) Limit load (N) Torque wrench Weight

Type settings 2)
(Nm) (g)
Cw3) radial Fr
RKUL 55 RKULR 55 41650 3050 80 800
RKUL 65 RKULR 65 46800 6850 160 1100
RKUL 75 RKULR 75 66700 11200 300 1800
RKUL 95 RKULR 95 116800 13800 450 3000
RKUL 115 RKULR 115 182450 24000 450 5100

1) Housing bore tolerance: H7

2) The torque wrench settings are given for non-lubricated threads; for lubricated threads multiply figure by 0.8
3) Cw = Basic load for 100 KM
4) Dimensions for stainless steel (NX) version

On request the guide rollers can be supplied with external parts in stainless steel (suffix NX). Internal rolling elements in standard bearing steel
Standard seals: material NBR, RS type
On request guide rollers can be supplied with Viton seals for operating temperatures up to 120°C (suffix V, not available for RKUL 115)
The guide rollers include self-locking washers and hexagonal nut (DIN 439B) for fitting
Pressure angle α for load calculation: 45°

Lubricator LUBU

X min F
26 m
M6 M5 pf.12 (2x)
DIN 71412 10
U2 S P

U1 A V
C (1)


roller axis

E rollers-plate

Dimensions (mm) Weight

Type Suggested combinations
X U1 U2 F m B S C A E V P (g)

LUBU 55 35 12 14 40 19.8 25.5 10.0 34 20.0 38 16.5 18.5 65 RKU 55 RKUR 55 FKU 55
LUBU 65 40 14 12 40 20.8 25.5 10.0 34 20.0 38 18.5 16.5 65 RKU 65 RKUR 65 FKU 65
LUBU 75 45 19 11 50 27.0 25.5 10.0 43 25.4 44 24.0 16.0 85 RKU 75 RKUR 75 FKU 75
LUBU 95 55 21 9 60 30.0 30.0 16.5 50 24.9 58 31.0 19.0 140 RKU 95 RKUR 95 FKU 95
LUBU 115 65 30 0 63 34.0 30.0 16.5 50 24.9 58 40.0 10.0 140 RKU 115 RKUR 115 FKU 115

1) The dimension of the plastic part refers to the centre of the regulation-slot. Allows a translation of +/- 3 mm.
2) The lubricator is supplied with the felt already lubricated. The lubricant has a mineral oil base.
3) During the mounting fix the aluminium support to the rollers plate, adjust the height of the plastic part in order to put it in contact with
the raceways and than block it in that position with the M5 screws.

Optional features
- felt without lubricant (D)

Guide pins SAG
D h7

d m6

Dimensions (mm)
Pin type Guide type
D d (1) P L
SAG 28 GU 28 MT 10 8 10.0 12.3
SAG 35 GU 35 MT 10 8 10.0 13.5
SAG 50 GU 50 MT 16 10 11.2 15.0

1) Housing bore tolerance: H7

Guide roller combinations (RKU, FKU, RKUL)


Roller Ih (mm)
GU 28 MT 33.6 37,0 – – –
GU 28 MT 32.6 36,0 – – –
GU 35 MT – 41.9 47.6 – –
GU 35 MT – 41 46.7 – –
GU 50 MT – – – 61 69
GU 50 MT – – – 60 68

Mounting Examples

s'UIDERAILSTYPEGU 35 MT and rollers

type RKU 75 operated on light-alloy

GP System
Guide rail GP...MC

Boring layout A

h l1 l l


S e

Boring layout B

Dimensions (mm)
Weight (2)
Type h S
D G g e l l1 (kg/m)
± 0.05 ± 0.05
GP 2626 MC 26 26 9.0 15 9,0 (3) 120 50 5.3
GP 3232 MC 32 32 9,0 15 9,0 (3) 150 60 8.1
GP 3617 MC 36 17 6.5 11 6.8 12.5 120 50 4.8
GP 4321 MC 43 21 9,0 15 9,0 11.5 150 60 7.0
GP 5050 MC 50 50 18,0 26 17,0 (3) 180 60 19.6
GP 6222 MC 62 22 9,0 15 9,0 21.0 150 60 10.7
GP 7232 MC 72 32 13.5 20 13,0 24,0 180 70 18.1
GP 8222 MC 82 22 13.5 20 13,0 20,0 180 70 14.2
Max length of single guide element L = 5 800 mm (1)

1) Longer rails are supplied in sections with ground butt joints

2) Weight without holes
3) For boring layout A only

Rails finishing Optional features

- material: C60 or C45 - ground one end (R)
- induction hardened on every side
- ground both ends (RR)
- surface finished by a rough grinding (MC)
- chemical nickel plating (NW)
Hole layout
- holes according to catalogue (A or B)
- finishes to drawing (NZ) Example of standard designation: GP 6222 MC 4300 B
- without holes (NF) See page 17 for standard codification

Guide rails GP...M

Boring layout A

芯 0,02 A 0,02 =

h l1 l l

g A

S e

Boring layout B

Dimensions (mm)
Weight (2)
Type h S
D G g e l l1 (kg/m)
± 0.05 ± 0.05
GP 2525 M 25 25 9.0 15 8.5 (3) 120 50 4.9
GP 3131 M 31 31 9.0 15 8.5 (3) 150 60 7.5
GP 3516 M 35 16 6.5 11 6.8 12,0 120 50 4.4
GP 4220 M 42 20 9,0 15 9,0 11,0 150 60 6.5
GP 6121 M 61 21 9,0 15 9,0 20.5 150 60 10.5
GP 7131 M 71 31 13.5 20 12.5 23.5 180 70 17.3
GP 8121 M 81 21 13.5 20 13,0 19.5 180 70 13.4
Max length of single guide element L = 4 020 mm (1)

1) Longer rails are supplied in sections with ground butt joints (max. length with treatment NW on request)
2) Weight without holes
3) Only available according to figure A

Rails finishing Optional features

- material: C60 or C45 - ground one end (R)
- induction hardened and ground tracks on every side (M);
- ground both ends ( RR )
Hole layout - chemical Nickel-plating (NW)
- holes according to catalogue (A or B)
- finishes to drawing (NZ) Example of standard designation : GP 6121 M 2070 B
- without holes (NF) See page 17 for standard codification

Guide rollers PK

concentric eccentric

M k=1

De d d1

m S min. A

L B I1

Type Dimensions (mm)

concentric eccentric De d1(1) d m S min. P L A B C R I1 M SW1 SW2 k
PK 52C PKR 52C 52 21 M 20 x 1.5 19.8 15 13.4 73 35 41 29 800 14 28 8 30 1
PK 62C PKR 62C 62 27 M 24 x 1.5 20.8 19 15.4 83 37 44 29 800 18 35 10 36 1
PK 72C PKR 72C 72 36 M 30 x 1.5 27.5 19 21.6 100 45 55 33 1 200 18 44 12 46 1
PK 90C PKR 90C 90 38 M 36 x 1.5 30.8 24 24.6 115 56(5) 62 45 1 200 23 50 14 55 1
PK 110C PKR 110C 110 42 M 36 x 1.5 34.8 33 24.6 135 63(5) 70 48 1 200 32 56 14 55 1

Dynamic load Limit load Torque (2)

(N) (N) Weight
Type wrench setting
Cw (6) radial Fr

PK 52C PKR 52C 42 100 11 900 80 0.6

PK 62C PKR 62C 47 750 22 100 160 0.9
PK 72C PKR 72C 67 450 31 300 300 1.6
PK 90C PKR 90C 118 000 43 700 450 2.8
PK 110C PKR 110C 185 000 55 600 450 4.9

1) Housing bore tolerance: H7

2) The torque wrench settings are given for non-lubricated threads; for lubricated threads, multiply figure by 0.8
3) Standard seals: material NBR, RS type
4) On request, the guide rollers can be supplied with external parts in stainless steel (suffix NX) and with Viton seals for operating
temperatures up to 120°C (suffix V, up to dimension PK 90 C included). Internal rolling elements in standard bearing steel
5) Dimensions relating to the stainless-steel rollers (suffix NX)
6) Cw basic load for 100 km
7) The guide rollers are complete with self-locking washers and hexagonal nut for fitting

Guide wheels FK

Rotelle di guida
De M FK F d2 dH8

B - 0.1

Dimensions (mm)
De d A B C R F d2 M
FK 52C 52 15 35 42 29 800 25 2.5 30
FK 62C 62 20 37 45 29 800 29 3,0 35
FK 72C 72 25 45 56 33 1 200 37 4,0 44
90 28 56(3) 64 45 1 200 42 4,0 49
FK 90C 53
110 35 63(3) 72 48 1 200 52 4,0 59
FK 110C 60

Dynamic load Limit load

(N) (N) Weight
Cw (4) radial Fr

FK 52C 42 100 11 900 0.5

FK 62C 47 750 22 100 0.6
FK 72C 67 450 31 300 1.2
FK 90C 118 000 43 700 2.3
FK 110C 185 000 55 600 3.9

1) Standard seals: material NBR, RS type

2) On request, the guide rollers can be supplied with external parts in stainless steel (suffix NX) and with Viton seals for operating
temperatures up to 120°C (suffix V, up to dimension FK 90 C included). Internal rolling elements in standard bearing steel
3) Dimensions relating to the stainless-steel rollers (suffix NX)
4) Cw basic load for 100 km
5) To prevent rotation between roller and shaft a pin can be fitted in one of the holes “d2” positioned in the side flange

Guide rollers GC

B e
concentric A
GC r
GC...EE with plastic seals
GC...EEM with metal shields 2
De t 1 td M
esecution EE, EEM

Perni folli a rullini GC R


B S 4 S
eccentric l1 B
GCR...EE with plastic seals
GCR...EEM with metal shields
De M t 1 t d d1

GCR 62
Holes (1) and (2) beginning from De=30 mm GCR 19 ÷ 52

Dimensions (mm)
(1) De A B d d1 k L l f pitch r t e M M1 P l1
max (7) max max min (6) (2)

GC 19 GCR 19 19 11 12.2 8 11 0.5 32.7 20.5 10 1.25 0.3 4 - 15.3 - - 10,0

GC 22 GCR 22 22 12 13.2 10 14 1,0 36.7 23.5 12 1.25* 0.3 4 - 18.2 - - 11,0

GC 24 GCR 24 24 12 13.2 10 14 1,0 36.7 23.5 12 1.25* 0.3 4 - 18.2 - - 11,0

GC 26 GCR 26 26 12 13.2 10 14 1,0 36.7 23.5 12 1.25* 0.3 4 - 20.8 - - 11,0

GC 28 GCR 28 28 12 13.2 10 14 1,0 36.7 23.5 12 1.25* 0.3 4 - 20.8 - - 11,0

GC 30 GCR 30 30 14 15.2 12 16 1,0 40.7 25.5 13 1.55* 0.6 4 6 24.8 - 8 11,0

GC 32 GCR 32 32 14 15.2 12 16 1,0 40.7 25.5 13 1.55* 0.6 4 6 24.8 - 8 11,0

GC 35 GCR 35 35 18 19.6 16 21 1,5 52.6 33,0 17 1.55* 0.6 6 8 28.8 - 10 14,0

GC 40 GCR 40 40 20 21.6 18 24 1,5 58.6 37,0 19 1.55* 1,0 6 8 33.8 - 12 16,0

GC 47 GCR 47 47 24 25.6 20 27 2,0 66.6 41,0 21 1.55* 1,0 6 9 38.7 - 14 17.5

GC 52 GCR 52 52 24 25.6 20 27 2,0 66.6 41,0 21 1.55* 1,0 6 9 38.7 - 14 17.5

GC 62 GCR 62 62 29 30.6 24 36 3,0 80.6 50,0 25 1.55* 1,0 6 11 52 44 12 18,0

* These threads may be supplied with pitch of 1 mm (clamping torque 13 Nm)

- Housing bore tolerance: H7
- The guide rollers are complete with washers and hexagonal nut for fitting

Guide rollers GC

1) Specification for followers with cylindrical outer ring: GCL, DIRECTION FOR ADJUSTMENT
followers can be supplied possessing a screw driver slot at
the threaded end of the stud (suffix AK).

2) Followers with outer diameter up to 28 mm included possess

a screw driver slot on the head. Followers with outer diameter NA
from 30 to 52 mm included can possess the screw driver slot
or the hexagonal socket. For outer diameter above 52 mm the
followers possess the hexagonal socket.

3) The load shown is limited by the strengths of the stud and P

outer ring.

4) With oil lubrication of followers without seals GC, GCR, GCL e

GCRL, these speeds can be increased by 30% for continuous
rotation or up to 50% momentarily.

5) These torques are shown for dry threads. For lubricated

threads, take 0,8 of these values.

6) Minimum recommended abutment diameter in case of high

axial load or in the presence vibrations.

7) The eccentric collar is tightly fitted on the follower stud.

8) Cw dynamic load for 100 Km

Dynamic load Limit load (3) (N) Torque wrench

(N) Speed limit grease setting (Nm) (5)
GC... GCR...
S R lubrication
Cw (8) r.p.m. (4)
min max Dyn. Fr Stat. For Dyn. Fr Stat. For GC... GCR...

10.5 13,5 160 4 900 2 830 5 200 2 830 4 500 7 600 8 5

11.5 14,5 200 5 600 4 900 8 100 4 900 5 600 6 300 20 16

11.5 14,5 200 6 300 5 200 9 200 5 200 5 600 6 300 20 16

11.5 14,5 200 8 400 5 200 9 600 5 200 6 100 5 500 20 16

11.5 14,5 200 9 200 5 200 9 600 5 200 6 100 5 500 20 16

11.5 14.5 250 12 700 7 700 14 300 7 700 10 400 4 800 26 22

11.5 14.5 250 13 800 7 700 14 300 7 700 10 400 4 800 26 22

14.5 19,5 320 19 800 11 400 24 000 11 000 11 000 3 850 64 55

16.5 22,5 400 21 400 14 200 27 000 12 300 12 300 3 150 90 75

18,5 25,5 500 31 800 21 400 40 000 21 400 23 700 2 700 120 100

18,5 25,5 500 39 400 21 400 40 000 21 400 23 700 2 700 120 100

18.5 25.5 640 51 300 31 000 57 500 28 800 28 800 2 330 220 180

Favourite sizes are: 19/22/26/30/35/40/52/62

Track rollers in stainless steel are available on stock in the following sizes: 19/26/30/35/40 (suffix NX). Internal rolling elements in
standard bearing steel

Cam followers FG (needle) and FGU (roller)

FG series without seals FGU

FG…EEM series with metal shields FGU...MM series: with metal shields


r1 r1
De Di D1

Di D1 De

Dimensions (mm)
De Di A B max D1 M (1) min r min r1 min R

FG 6 19 19 6 11 12 8.5 12 0.3 0.3 160

FG 10 30 30 10 14 15 13.8 19.5 0.6 0.3 250

FG 12 32 32 12 14 15 16 21.5 0.6 0.3 250

FG 15 35 35 15 18 19 18.7 24 0.6 0.3 320

FG 17 40 40 17 20 21 22 28 0.6 0.3 400

FG 20 47 47 20 24 25 25.7 32.5 1 0.3 500

FG 25 52 52 25 24 25 30.5 37 1 0.3 500

FG 30 62 62 30 28 29 35.2 44 1 0.3 640

FG 35 72 72 35 28 29 41 50 1 0.6 640

FG 40 80 80 40 30 32 46.7 56 1 0.6 800

FG 50 90 90 50 30 32 59.1 69 1 0.6 800

FGU 55 100 100 55 34 36 64 75.8 1.5 0.6 800

FGU 60 110 110 60 34 36 69.5 81.5 1.5 0.6 800

FGU 65 120 120 65 40 42 74.5 86.7 1.5 0.6 900

FGU 75 130 130 75 40 42 84 97 1.5 0.6 900

Cam followers FG (needle) and FGU (roller)

1) Minimum recommended abutment diameter.

2) Cw dynamic load 100 KM. These capacities are to be used for all types when the convex outer ring rotates directly on a cam. They take
account of the repetitive loads on the follower and consequent deformation of the outer ring.

3) The load shown is limited by the strength of the outer ring when mounted in a housing.

4) With oil lubrication of followers without seals FG, FGL types, these speeds can be increased by 30% for continuous rotation or, up to 50%

Dynamic load (N) (2) Limit loads (3) (N) Speed limit grease
Cw Dyn. F Sta. Fo lubrication (4) r.p.m.

4 960 4 050 6 700 7 600

12 670 8 500 15 500 4 800

12 910 8 300 16 200 4 200

18 510 12 200 25 600 3 750

23 870 14 200 31 000 3 150

31 800 21 400 44 500 2 700

33 590 23 600 48 000 2 330

47 000 38 000 73 000 2 050

55 560 49 000 90 000 1 800

71 180 66 000 123 000 1 620

69 650 74 000 123 000 1 300

111 350 53 400 109 000 1 900

127 630 64 000 129 000 1 770

163 760 89 000 174 000 1 650

170 796 97 000 185 000 1 480

Lubricator LUBP

X min. F
26 m
M6 M5 pf.12 (2x)
DIN 71412 B
M5 (1)

U2 S P

U1 V

roller axis

E rollers plate

Dimensions (mm) Weight

Type Suggested combinations
X U1 U2 F m B S C E V P (g)

LUBP 52 33.5 12 14 40 19.8 25.5 10 32.5 38 16.5 18.5 65 PK 52 C PKR 52 C FK 52 C

LUBP 62 38.5 14 12 40 20.8 25.5 10 32.5 38 18.5 16.5 65 PK 62 C PKR 62 C FK 62 C
LUBP 72 43.5 19 11 50 27 25.5 10 40 44 24 16 85 PK 72 C PKR 72 C FK 72C
LUBP 90 52.5 21 9 60 30 30 16.5 43.5 58 31 19 140 PK 90 C PKR 90 C FK 90 C
LUBP 110 62.5 30 0 63 34 30 16.5 43.5 58 40 10 140 PK 110 C PKR 110 C FK 110 C

1) The dimension of the plastic part refers to the centre of the regulation slot. The regulation slot allows a translation of +/- 3 mm
2) The lubricator is supplied with the felt already lubricated. The lubricant has a mineral oil base
3) During the mounting fix the aluminiun support to the rollers plate, adjust the height of the plastic part in order to put it in contact with
the raceways and than block it in that position with the M5 screws.

Optional features
- felt without lubricant (D)

Guide rollers combinations
Layout 1 Layout 2

hole pattern A and B only hole pattern B

Layout 1
19 22 24 26 28 30 32 35 40 47 52 62 52 62 72 90 110
GP2626MC / GP2525M s s s s s s s s s
GP3232MC / GP3131M s s s s s
GP3617MC / GP3516M s s s s s s s
GP4321MC / GP4220M s s s
GP5050MC s s s
GP6222MC / GP6121M s s
GP7232MC / GP7131M s s s s s s
GP8222MC / GP8121M

Layout 1
6 19 10 30 12 32 15 35 17 40 20 47 25 52 30 62 35 72 40 80 50 90 55 100 65 120 75 130
GP2626MC / GP2525M s s s s s
GP3232MC / GP3131M s s s s s s
GP3617MC / GP3516M s s s
GP4321MC / GP4220M s s s
GP5050MC s s s
GP6222MC / GP6121M s s
GP7232MC / GP7131M s s s s s s
GP8222MC / GP8121M

Layout 2
19 22 24 26 28 30 32 35 40 47 52 62 52 62 72 90 110
GP3617MC / GP3516M s s s s s s s
GP4321MC / GP4220M s s s
GP6222MC / GP6121M s s s s s s s
GP7232MC / GP7131M s s s s s s
GP8222MC / GP8121M s s s

Layout 2
6 19 10 30 12 32 15 35 17 40 20 47 25 52 30 62 35 72 40 80 50 90 55 100 60 110 65 120 75 130
GP3617MC / GP3516M s s s
GP4321MC / GP4220M s s s
GP6222MC / GP6121M s s s s s s
GP7232MC / GP7131M s s s s s s s s
GP8222MC / GP8121M s s s s

In the tables above the suggested combinations. Other combinations are possible but guide rollers must not run over the holes.

Mounting examples
Heavy-Line systems
GU and GP

Rolbloc System
Rolbloc system
The carriages based on Rolbloc’s system are
recommended for applications with heavy loads, high Fixing side
335-1 Main load
frequency of work and aggressive environment (dust, direction
For the profiled guide rollers, the contact beween the
rollers and the rail takes place on the ground raceways,
which are inclined respect the rotation axis of the guide
Main load
roller. Due to this inclination angle in the contact area direction MBL(R)
there is a dragging proportional to the dimension of the MBL(R) 335-2
contact area and to the value of the inclination angle. 335-2
In the ROLBLOC system the rotation axes of the roller
guides are parallel to the raceways of the rail, with MBL components are checked with the same method
the following pure rolling. The pure rolling recudes the used for ROLBLOC BL, but it is very important to
superficial stress and the effects of the dust between consider the exact bearing ratings that must be correct
the surfaces. for the load direction. When the axial load (perpendicular
to the fixing side of the carriage, or parallel to the fixing
side of the rail) is in the direction of the two coupled
Technical features guide rollers, as for the sketch above, you must use the
coefficient with the suffix 2 (Fa2, Y2), otherwise with the
ROLBLOC carriages BL2.. and BL4.. are composed by suffix 1 (Fa1, Y1).
a body in burnished steel on which are mounted two or
four roller guides equipped wi th tapered rollers (similar
to flat roller guides type PK..C). The final part of the code Mounting instructions
(that can be 52, 75 or 115) shows the external diameter
of the roller guides. For the mounting of the carriages BL or MBL, with two,
three and four guide rollers, are necessary at least two
MBL carriages are composed by an alluminium body carriages on every rail. A slider realised with only two
provided, on one side, with four threaded screws that carriages for rail is not steady (see sketch below).
allow the direct mounting on the fixing plate. Besides,
in order to facilitate the aligning, there are also two pin Ix
screws. The body is equipped with guide rollers with a
double row angular contact ball bearing.
On the body are mounted three guide rollers according
to the following combinations:

s MBL 335-1: three concentric guide rollers, of which

one on the fixing side; YES NO
s MBL 335-2: three concentric guide rollers, of which
two on the fixing side; Pay the maximum attention during the setting of the
s MBLR 335-1: three concentric guide rollers, of which eccentricity of the eccentric guide rollers in order to
one on the fixing side; avoid excessive preloads that can reduce the lifetime
sMBLR 335-2: three concentric guide rollers, of which of the system. Setting the eccentric guide rollers by
two on the fixing side. rotating the stud anticlockwise (respect the head side
of the guide roller).

MBL 335-.. carriages are dissymmetrical components.

In order to fully utilize the load capacity of the carriages
it is necessary to consider the main load direction and
than put the two coupled guide rollers in that direction.

Guide rails GU..M, GU..MT

90° ± 10' GU 35 MT GU 62 MT

GU 80 MT G

H c g

sm + 0,05
I1 I
GU 62 M
90° ± 5' GU 35 M
GU 80 M

0,02 AB

H c

A + 0,05
b 0,1 B

B S 0,02 B

The longitudinal slot of rail GU 35 permits using reference elements SAG for guide positioning.

Dimensions (mm)
Type H h S D b c
G g sm l l1 (kg/m) (2)
± 0.05 ± 0.05 ± 0.05 + 0.1 + 0.05 ± 0.05

GU 35 MT 23.9 15.7 35.5 6.6 11 6.8 10 3.8 1x45° 90 30 3.35

GU 62 MT 43.5 32.5 63.5 11 18 11 – – 2x45° 120 30 11.80
GU 80 MT (3) 56.7 41.5 81.5 13.5 20 13 – – 2x45° 120 30 20.30
max length in single element L = 6 000 mm (1)

Dimensions (mm)
Type H h S D b c
G g l l1 (kg/m) (2)
± 0.05 ± 0.05 ± 0.05 + 0.1 + 0.05 ± 0.05

GU 35 M 23 15 35 6.6 11 6.8 10 3.3 90 30 3.2

GU 62 M 42 31 62 11 18 11 – – 120 30 10.9
GU 80 M 55.2 40 80 13.5 20 13 – – 120 30 20
max length in single element L = 4 020 mm (1)

(1) Longer rails are supplied in sections with ground butt joints - (2) Weight without holes - (3) Max length in single element 5 000 mm for GU 80 MT

Rails finishing Optional features

- drawn, induction hardened and sandblasted tracks (MT); - ground one end (R)
- drawn, induction hardened and ground (M) - ground both ends ( RR )
- induction hardening on raceways only - chemical Nickel-plating (NW)
Hole layout
- holes according to catalogue (SB) Example of standard designation : GU 62 MT 4300 SB
- finishes to drawing (NZ)
See page 17 for standard codification
- without holes (NF)

Carriages MBL

Pin-hole ∅ 4H7 (depth 6mm)

= =

= =


= =
MBL(R) 335-1 (carriage with 1 guide roller on he fixing side)

MBL(R) 335-... (carriage with three guide rollers)


Pin-hole ∅ 4H7 (depth 6 mm)

= =

= =

Pattino Ih(mm)
MBL(R) 335-2 GU 35 MT 41,5
S GU 35 M 40,6
(carriage with 2 guide rollers on the fixing side)

Type Dimensions (mm)

Weight (kg)
concentric eccentric A C S m e b p f k (2) T Z De

MBL 335-1 MBLR 335-1

87.5 127 16.5 44.5 110 21 35 M10 0.75 17.6 39 35 0.94
MBL 335-2 MBLR 335-2

Limit loads
load Life coefficients
axial Fa Y
Cw (3) radial Fr X
Fa1 (5) Fa2 (6) Y1 (5) Y2 (6)

MBL 335-1 MBLR 335-1

14 500 7 000 3 500 7 000 1 1 0
MBL 335-2 MBLR 335-2

1) Standard shields metallic ZZ

2) Maximum value of eccentricity for carriages MBLR, where all the guide rollers are eccentric
3) Cw basic load for 100 km, radial load
4) Pressure angle α for load calculation: 45°
5) Bearing ratings you must use when the axial load is in the direction of the side with one guide roller only
6) Bearing ratings you must use when the axial load is in the direction of the side with two guide rollers

Carriages BL

C BL 2... two guide rollers block

u e

V f


P2 T

e BL 4... four guide rollers block
u e

Dimensions (mm)
A B C P P1 P2 V m e u f Q T Z

BL 2 52 136 90 56 54 14 16 M4x 7 70 40 8 M 8 12 43 47 2.4

BL 4 520 136 90 112 54 14 16 M4x 7 70 48 8 M 8 12 43 47 4.8

BL 2 75 170 125 76 56 15 40 M5x 8 85 56 10 M 12 17.1 71.5 70 6.5

BL 4 750 170 125 152 56 15 40 M5x 8 85 66 10 M 12 17.1 71.5 70 13

BL 2 115 243 170 125 80 15 70 M5x10 120 95 15 M 14 22 99.8 93 21.6

BL 4 115 243 170 250 80 15 70 M5x10 120 110 15 M 14 22 99.8 93 43.2

Dynamic Limit loads

Life coefficients
Type load (N) (N)
Cw (3) Radial Fr (4) Axial Fa (5) X Y
BL 2 522 59 000 16 800 8 400 1 1

BL 4 522 118 000 33 600 16 800 1 1

BL 2 752 96 300 44 200 22 100 1 1

BL 4 752 192 600 88 400 44 200 1 1

BL 2 115 264 500 78 600 39 300 1 1

BL 4 115 529 000 157 200 78 600 1 1

1) Standard seals: material NBR, RS type

2) On request, the guide rollers can be supplied in stainless steel (suffix NX) and with Viton seals for operating temperatures up to
120°C (suffix V, up to dimension BL.... 75 included). Internal rolling elements in standard bearing steel
3) Cw basic load for 100 km, load perpendicular to the roller side fixing surface
4) Loads perpendicular to the roller side fixing surface
5) Loads parallel to the roller side fixing surface
6) Pressure angle α for loads checking calculation: 45°

Adjustment plates PR

A +0.7

S =A ± 0.7 L

0 - 10 10 - 0


A -0.7

20 20

Dimensions (mm)
Combination with
Type Weight (kg)
ROLBLOC carriages

PR 252 76 88 13.5 0.5 BL 252

PR 452 132 88 13.5 1.0 BL 452

PR 275 96 123 13.5 1.0 BL 275

PR 475 172 123 13.5 1.9 BL 475

PR 2115 145 168 17 2.9 BL 2115

PR 4115 270 168 17 5.7 BL 4115

The adjusting plates allows to easily set the proper component preload during the mounting on the machine.
The two steel plates are placed in between the standard ROLBLOC and the mounting surface. Setting is done by the setting screw
before the final tightening of the screws used to mount the ROLBLOC.
Dimension W of plates is 2 mm lower than the block of ROLBLOC. Use the ROLBLOC side are reference for the block position.
When the plates are set in the mid position (thickness 13.5 mm) they can be shifted 10 mm from the block centreline. The possible
shift is reduced with the regulation since it become null at the end of allowed setting, minimum or maximum height. Consider 10 mm of
space over the plate length on each side (20 mm over the block length) to use the full thickness setting capability +/- 0,7 mm

Guide/carriage combinations



Carriage Ih (mm)

Guide MBL / MBLR BL 2 52 BL 4 52 BL 2 75 BL 4 75 BL 2 115 BL 4 115

GU 35 MT 41.5 – – – –0 – –
GU 35 MT 40.6 – – – – – –
GU 62 MT – 86.5 86.5 115,0 115,0 – –
GU 62 MT – 85 85 113.5 113.5 – –
GU 80 MT – – – – – 156.5 156.5
GU 80 MT – – – – – 155.5 155.5

Mounting examples

Mounting example
Palletising equipment

FS System
Guide rails FS..MT
from FS 19 MT up to FS 62 MT

80° = D

= d

l1 l l
H h


FS 72 MT

Dimensions (mm)
Weight (2)
Type H h S d (3)
D c (3) e a l l1 (kg/m)
± 0.1 ± 0.1 ± 0.1 + 0.05

FS 19 MT 22.20 21.0 5.3 4 6.5 15 – – 90 30 0.8

FS 22 MT 28.80 27.0 5.8 5 6.5 15 – – 90 30 1.1

FS 32 MT 43.80 42.0 6.8 6 6.5 15 – – 90 30 2.1

FS 35 MT 48.80 47.0 8.8 6 9.0 20 – – 90 30 3.0

FS 40 MT 64.50 62.0 8.8 6 9.0 20 – – 90 30 4.1

FS 47 MT 80.15 77.2 11.0 6 11.5 20 – – 90 30 6.3

FS 52 MT 91.35 88.2 13.0 8 13.5 20 – – 90 30 8.5

FS 62 MT 106.00 103.0 15.7 8 13.5 20 – – 90 30 11.7

FS 72 MT 124.60 121.0 19.0 10 17.5 30 30.5 60 90 30 16.9

Maximum length of single guide element L = 6 000 mm (1)

1) Longer rails are supplied in sections with ground butt joints - 2) Weight without holes
3) Standard layout without pin holes (pin holes only on request)

Rails finishing Optional features

- drawn,induction hardened and sandblasted tracks (MT); - ground one end (R)
- induction hardening on raceways only - ground both ends ( RR )
- chemical Nickel-plating (NW)
Hole layout - pin holes
- holes according to catalogue (SB) Example of standard designation : FS 52 MT 5280 SB
- finishes to drawing (NZ)
See page 17 for standard codification
- without holes (NF)

Guide rails FS..M

from FS 19 M up to FS 62 M

80° D


l1 l l

H h

FS 72 M

Dimensions (mm)
Weight (2)
Type H h S d (3) D c (3) e a l l1 (kg/m)
± 0.05 ± 0.1 ± 0.05 + 0.05

FS 19 M 20.95 20 4.5 4 6.5 15 – – 90 30 0.6

(4) 27.86 26 5 5 6.5 15 – – 90 30 0.9
FS 22 M
FS 32 M 42.86 41 6 6 6.5 15 – – 90 30 1.8
(4) 47.86 46 8 6 9 20 – – 90 30 2.6
FS 35 M
FS 40 M 63.58 61 8 6 9 20 – – 90 30 3.7
(4) 78.58 76 10 6 11.5 20 – – 90 30 5.6
FS 47 M
FS 52 M 89.78 87 12 8 13.5 20 – – 90 30 7.7
FS 62 M 104.76 102 15 8 13.5 20 – – 90 30 11.2
FS 72 M 122.98 120 18 10 17.5 30 30 60 90 30 15.8
Maximum length of single guide element L = 4 020 mm (1)

1) Longer rails are supplied in sections with ground butt joints - 2) Weight without holes
3) Standard layout without pin holes (pin holes only on request) - (4) Size 22, 35 and 47 available in stainless steel (NX)

Rails finishing Optional features

- drawn, induction hardened and ground profile (M); - stainless steel (NX) (4)
- induction hardening on raceways only - ground one end (R)
- ground both ends (RR)
Hole layout - chemical Nickel-plating (NW)
- holes according to catalogue (SB) - pin holes
- finishes to drawing (NZ)
- without holes (NF) Example of standard designation : FS 40 M 2760 SB
See page 17 for standard codification

Guide rails FSH..MT, FSX..MT

FSH 80°
FSX 90°

D d
H h

S l1 l l

Dimensions (mm)
Weight (2)
H h S d (3) (kg/m)
D c (3) e l l1
± 0.1 ± 0.1 ± 0.1 + 0.05

FSH 22 MT 23.90 23.0 5.8 5 6.5 15 9 90 30 1.0

FSH 32 MT 29.90 29.0 6.8 6 6.5 15 11 90 30 1.5

FSH 40 MT 37.20 36.0 8.8 6 9.0 20 16 90 30 2.4

FSH 52 MT 40.75 39.2 13.0 8 13.5 20 17 90 30 3.7

FSH 62 MT 50.75 49.2 16.0 8 13.5 20 17 90 30 5.7

FSH 72 MT 60.85 59.2 19.0 10 17.5 30 20 90 30 8.2

FSX 90 MT 62.85 61.0 26.5 10 13.5 30 22 90 30 11.6

Maximum length of single guide element L = 6 000 mm(1)

1) Longer rails are supplied in sections with ground butt joints - 2) Weight without holes
3) Standard layout without pin holes (pin holes only on request)

Rails finishing Optional features

- drawn, induction hardened and sandblasted tracks (MT); - ground one end (R)
- induction hardening on raceways and base only - ground both ends ( RR )
- chemical Nickel-plating (NW)
Hole layout - pin holes
- holes according to catalogue (SB) Example of standard designation : FSH 52 MT 5280 SB
- finishes to drawing (NZ)
See page 17 for standard codification
- without holes (NF)

Guide rails FSH...M, FSX...M

FSH 80°
FSX 90°
0,02 AB

D d
H h

A B l1 l l


Dimensions (mm)
Weight (2)
H h S d (3) (kg/m)
D c (3) e l l1
± 0.05 ± 0.1 ± 0.05 + 0.05

FSH 19 M 18.98 18.5 4.5 4 6.5 15 8 90 30 0.6

FSH 22 M 22.93 22.0 5.0 5 6.5 15 9 90 30 0.8
FSH 32 M 28.93 28.0 6.0 6 6.5 15 11 90 30 1.2
FSH 40 M 36.29 35.0 8.0 6 9.0 20 16 90 30 2.1
FSH 52 M 39.39 38.0 12.0 8 13.5 20 17 90 30 3.4
FSH 62 M 49.38 48.0 15.0 8 13.5 20 17 90 30 5.2
FSH 72 M 59.49 58.0 18.0 10 17.5 30 20 90 30 7.6
FSX 90 M 61.79 60.0 26.0 10 13.5 30 22 90 30 11.0
Maximum length of single guide element L = 4 020 mm(1)

1) Longer rails are supplied in sections with ground butt joints - 2) Weight without holes
3) Standard layout without pin holes (pin holes only on request)

Rails finishing Optional features

- drawn, induction hardened and ground profile (M); - ground one end (R)
- induction hardening on raceways and base only - ground both ends ( RR )
- chemical Nickel-plating (NW)
Hole layout - pin holes
- holes according to catalogue (SB)
Example of standard designation : FSH 40 M 2760 SB
- finishes to drawing (NZ)
- without holes (NF) See page 17 for standard codification

Guide rollers FR..EU

concentric eccentric

80° P

De d d1

m S min. A

L B l1

The sides of the race are slightly convex

Type Dimensions (mm)

concentric eccentric De d1 (1) d T m Smin P L A B I1 M SW1 SW2 SW3 k
FR 22 EU(4) FRR 22 EU(4) 22 9 M 6x1 7.7 9.4 9 6.5 36.8 15 18 8 14 4 10 3 0.8
FR 32 EU(4) FRR 32 EU(4) 32 14 M 10 x 1.25 11.8 12.6 12 8.5 48.9 20.2 22.9 11 20 4 17 4 1
FR 40 EU(4) FRR 40 EU(4) 40 16 M 12 x 1.5 14.6 15.5 12 10.4 58.5 25 29.5 11 22 5 19 5 1
FR 52 EU FRR 52 EU 52 21 M 16 x 1.5 19.1 19.8 15 11.4 69.5 32 36.5 14 28 6 24 6 1.5
FR 62 EU FRR 62 EU 62 27 M 20 x 1.5 22.1 20.8 18.5 12.4 80 33.6 39 17.5 35 8 30 8 2

Dynamic load Limit loads

Life coefficients Torque wrench Weight
Type (N) (N)
settings (2) (Nm) (g)
Cw (3) radial Fr axial Fa X Y

FR 22 EU FRR 22 EU 2 900 1 400 420 1 2 3 45

FR 32 EU FRR 32 EU 5 800 2 000 800 1 1.9 20 125
FR 40 EU FRR 40 EU 8 500 3 650 1 400 1 1.9 26 230
FR 52 EU FRR 52 EU 11 700 8 500 3 000 1 1.9 64 510
FR 62 EU FRR 62 EU 13 900 11 000 3 500 1 1.9 120 765

1) Housing bore tolerance: H7

2) The torque wrench settings are given for non-lubricated threads; for lubricated threads, multiply figure by 0.8
3) Cw basic load for 100 km
4) FR/R 22, 32, 40 are available in stainless steel (NX)

The guide rollers are complete with self-locking washers and hexagonal nut (DIN439B) for fitting
Pressure angle α for load calculation: 40°
NBR seals RS type

Guide Rollers FR..EU AS, FR..EU AZ
AS concentric eccentric

d1 d1 M
Q De d

s m l1 A l
m o L B

80° G

De d1 M

m o m l1 h A l
lg L B

Type Dimensions (mm)

concentric eccentric De d1(1) d(2) T m L A B l1 l h M SW G o Q Ig (7) s k
FR 22 EU AS(6) FRR 22 EU AS(6) 22 6 M 5 7.7 9.4 21.8 15 19.8 2 1.9 - 14 10 - 4.5 10 - 0 0.5
FR 32 EU AS(6) FRR 32 EU AS(6) 32 9 M 6 11.8 12.6 28.1 20.2 25.6 2.5 2.5 - 20 17 - 6 15 - 1.5 (4) 0.5
FR 40 EU AS(6) FRR 40 EU AS(6) 40 11 M 8 14.6 15.5 33.5 25 31 2.5 3 - 22 22 - 6.5 20 - 2 (4) 1
FR 52 EU AS FRR 52 EU AS 52 16 M10 19.1 19.8 43.2 32 40 3.2 3.8 - 28 27 - 8 24 - 2.5(4) 1.5
FR 62 EU AS FRR 62 EU AS 62 19 M12 22.1 20.8 46 33.6 41.8 4.2 4 - 35 30 - 9 26 - 2.5(5) 1.5
FR 22 EU AZ(6) FRR 22 EU AZ(6) 22 6 5.1 7.7 9.4 23.9 15 21.9 2 1.9 5 14 11 18.9 4 - 13 - 0.5
FR 32 EU AZ(6) FRR 32 EU AZ(6) 32 9 8.1 11.8 12.6 31.4 20.2 28.9 2.5 2.5 6.2 20 17 24.9 5 - 17 - 0.5
FR 40 EU AZ(6) FRR 40 EU AZ(6) 40 11 10.1 14.6 15.5 38 25 35.5 2.5 3 7.5 22 22 30.5 5 - 26 - 0.8
FR 52 EU AZ FRR 52 EU AZ 52 16 14.1 19.1 19.8 49.5 32 46.3 3.2 3.8 10.5 28 27 39.3 5.5 - 27 - 1.5
FR 62 EU AZ FRR 62 EU AZ 62 19 16.1 22.1 20.8 54.5 33.6 50.3 4.2 4 12.7 35 32 42.3 6.5 - 30 - 1.5

Dynamic load (N) Limit loads (N) Life coefficients Weight Weight On request
Guide roller size AS AZ for AZ screw
Cw (3) radial Fr axial Fa X Y (g) (g) DIN7984

22 2 900 470 210 1 2 33 31 M 5 x 30

32 5 800 1 590 710 1 1.9 95 93 M 8 x 40
40 8 500 2 120 940 1 1.9 173 173 M10 x 50
52 11 700 5 830 2 560 1 1.9 374 365 M14 x 60
62 13 900 9 200 3 500 1 1.9 582 587 M16 x 65

1) Housing bore tolerance: H7 7) AZ: minimum length of the thread engaged

2) Safety threads SPIRALOCK steel = 1 x d - cast iron = 1.25 x d
3) Cw basic load for 100 km aluminium = 2 x d
4) Guide roller with washers DIN134 without screw DIN7984 or DIN912 AS screws length: min = d+o+s; max = m+4+o+s
5) Guide roller with washers DIN125 without screw DIN7984 or DIN912
6) FR/R 22, 32, 40 AS and AZ are available in stainless steel (NX) NBR seals RS type
Pressure angle α for load calculation: 40°

Guide rollers FRN..EI

concentric eccentric

80 M

SW1 SW1 k

De d d1

m S min. A

L B l1

The sides of the race are slightly convex

Type Dimensions (mm)

concentric eccentric De d1 (1) d T m S min. P L A B I1 M SW1 SW2 k
FRN 19 EI (8) FRNR 19 EI (8) 19 7 M 5 x 0.85 7.7 8.8 6.5 4.2 34 17.2 18 5.5 14,5 (10) 8 0.5
FRN 22 EI (8) FRNR 22 EI (8) 22 9 M 6 x 1.25 7.7 9.4 9.5 6.5 39 18.2 20 8,5 16.5 (10) 10 0.5
FRN 32 EI (8) FRNR 32 EI (8) 32 14 M 10 x 1.25 11.8 12.6 12.5 10.4 52 24.2 26 11,5 25.5 4 17 1.5
FRN 40 EI (9) FRNR 40 EI (9) 40 16 M 12 x 1.55 14.6 15.5 12.5 11.4 60 29.4 31 11,5 32,5 8 18 1,5

Dynamic loads Limit loads Torque

(N) (N) wrench (2) Weight
settings (g)
Cwr (4) Cwa (4) radial Fr axial Fa (Nm)

FRN 19 EI FRNR 19 EI 1 800 600 490 270 1.8 35

FRN 22 EI FRNR 22 EI 3 280 800 590 290 3,5 53
FRN 32 EI FRNR 32 EI 5 600 2 100 2 030 950 20,3 160
FRN 40 EI FRNR 40 EI 12 300 2 600 2 800 1 350 26,6 290

1) Housing bore tolerance: H7

2) The torque wrench settings are given for non-lubricated threads; for lubricated threads, multiply figure by 0.8
3) On request, the guide rollers can be supplied with external parts in stainless steel (suffix NX). Internal rolling elements in standard bearing steel.
4) Cw basic load for 100 km
5) The guide rollers are complete with self-locking washers and hexagonal nut (DIN 439B) for fitting
6) Pressure angle α for load calculation: 40°
7) Standard Viton seals to fit temperature up to 120°C
8) Lubrication hole only on head side
9) Lubrication hole also on stud side
10) For size 19 and 22: screw driver slot on the head and hexagonal socket at the threaded end of the stud

Guide rollers RKY.., RKX..

concentric eccentric

RKY..80° P
M k=1

De d d1

m S min. A

L B I1

The sides of the race are convex with radius R = 400.

Type Dimensions (mm)

concentric eccentric De d1 (1) d T m S min. P L A B I1 M SW1 SW2 k
RKY 52 RKYR 52 52 21 M 20 x 1.5 19.1 19.8 15 13.4 73 35 41 14 28 8 30 1
RKY 62 RKYR 62 62 27 M 24 x 1.5 22.1 20.8 19 15.4 83 37 44 18 35 10 36 1
RKY 72 RKYR 72 72 36 M 30 x 1.5 25.5 27.8 19 21.6 100 45 55 18 44 12 46 1
RKX 90C RKXR 90C 90 38 M 36 x 1.5 32.5 30 24 24.6 115 56(6) 62 23 50 14 55 1
RKX 110C RKXR 110C 110 42 M 36 x 1.5 39.5 34.8 33 24.6 135 63(6) 70 32 56 14 55 1

Dynamic load Limit loads Torque

Life coefficients wrench (2) Weight
Type (N) (N)
settings (kg)
Cw (5) radial Fr axial Fa X Y (Nm)

RKY 52 RKYR 52 40 750 11 900 4 250 1 3.38 80 0.6

RKY 62 RKYR 62 46 000 22 100 6 800 1 3.13 160 0.9
RKY 72 RKYR 72 64 850 31 300 10 100 1 2.96 300 1.6
RKX 90C RKXR 90C 113 400 43 700 12 600 1 3.42 450 2.8
RKX 110C RKXR 110C 177 500 55 600 17 900 1 3.40 450 4.9

1) Housing bore tolerance: H7

2) The torque wrench settings are given for non-lubricated threads; for lubricated threads, multiply figure by 0.8
3) Standard seals: material NBR, RS type
4) On request, the guide rollers can be supplied with external parts in stainless steel (suffix NX) and with Viton seals for operating
temperatures up to 120°C (suffix V, up to dimension RKX 90 C included). Internal rolling elements in standard bearing steel
5) Cw basic load for 100 km
6) Dimensions relating to the stainless-steel rollers (suffix NX)
7) The guide rollers are complete with self-locking washers and hexagonal nut (DIN 439B) for fitting
8) Pressure angle α for load calculation: guide rollers RKY 40° - guide rollers RKX 45°

Guide wheels FKY.., FKX..


De M F dH8

B +0
- 0.1

The sides of the race are convex.

Dimensions (mm)
Type Weight
De d T m A B F d2 M (kg)

FKY 52C 52 15 19.1 21,0 35 42 25 2.5 30 0.5

FKY 62C 62 20 22.1 22.5 37 45 29 3,0 35 0.6
FKY 72C 72 25 25.5 28,0 45 56 37 4,0 44 1.2
90 28 32.5 32,0 56(2) 64 42 4,0 49 2.3
FKX 90C 53
110 35 39.5 36,0 63(2) 72 52 4,0 59 3.9
FKX 110C 60

Dynamic load Limit loads

Life coefficients
Type (N) (N)

Cw (3) radial Fr axial Fa X Y

FKY 52C 40 750 11 900 4 250 1 3.38

FKY 62C 46 000 22 100 6 800 1 3.13
FKY 72C 64 850 31 300 10 100 1 2.96
FKX 90C 113 400 43 700 12 600 1 3.42
FKX 110C 177 550 55 600 17 900 1 3.40

1) On request, the guide rollers can be supplied with external parts in stainless steel (suffix NX) and with Viton seals for operating
temperatures up to 120°C (suffix V, up to dimension FKX 90 C included). Internal rolling elements in standard bearing steel
2) Dimensions relating to the stainless-steel rollers (suffix NX)
3) Cw basic load for 100 km
4) To prevent rotation between roller and shaft a pin can be fitted in one of the holes “d2” positioned in the side flange
5) Pressure angle α for load calculation: guide rollers FKY 40° - guide rollers FKX 45°
6) Standard seals: material NBR, RS type

Floating guide rollers FRL..EU

concentric eccentric

80° n P

d d1

m S min. A

L B l1

The race ways are slightly convex

Type Dimensions (mm)

concentric eccentric De d1 1) d T m Smin P L A B l1 M n X SW1 SW2 SW3 k
FRL 22 EU 5) FRLR 22 EU 5) 22 9 M6 x 1.0 7.7 7.5 9 6.5 39.3 15.0 20.5 8.0 14.0 1.5 2 4 10 3 0.8
FRL 32 EU 5) FRLR 32 EU 5) 32 14 M10 x 1.25 11.8 10.1 12 8.5 52.2 20.2 26.2 11.0 20.0 2 2 4 17 4 1.0
FRL 40 EU 5) FRLR 40 EU 5) 40 16 M12 x 1.5 14.6 12.5 12 10.4 61.4 25.0 32.4 11.0 22.0 2.4 2.5 5 19 5 1.0
FRL 52 EU FRLR 52 EU 52 21 M16 x 1.5 19.1 16.0 15 11.4 74 32.0 41.0 14.0 28.0 3 3 6 24 6 1.5
FRL 62 EU FRLR 62 EU 62 27 M20 x 1.5 22.1 16.8 18.5 12.4 83.6 33.6 42.6 17.5 35.0 3 3 8 30 8 2.0

Limit load Inox Torque wrench

Dynamic load (N) Limit load (N) Weight
Type version (N) NX setting 2)
(g) 3)
Cw 4) radial Fr radial Fr
FRL 22 EU FRLR 22 EU 2900 1050 980 3 46
FRL 32 EU FRLR 32 EU 5800 1700 1550 20 127
FRL 40 EU FRLR 40 EU 8500 3000 2750 26 233
FRL 52 EU FRLR 52 EU 11700 7600 6850 64 520
FRL 62 EU FRLR 62 EU 13900 11000 10300 120 776

1) Housing bore tolerance: H7

2) The torque wrench settings are given for non-lubricated threads; for lubricated threads multiply figure by 0.8
3) Weight without fittings
4) Cw = Basic load for 100 Km
5) Dimensions for stainless steel (NX) version

Standard seals: material NBR, RS type

Guide rollers include self-locking washers and hexagonal nut (DIN 439B)
Pressure angle α for load calculation: 40°

Floating guide rollers RKXL, RKYL
concentric eccentric

n P

SW1 k

De d R d1

m S min. A


C l1

Type Dimensions (mm)

concentric eccentric De d1 1) d T m ±X Smin P L A B C l1 M n SW1 SW2 k
RKYL 52 RKYLR 52 52 21 M 20 x 1.5 19.1 21 3.0 15 13.4 83 35 42 51 14.0 30 3 8 30 1
RKYL 62 RKYLR 62 62 27 M 24 x 1.5 22.1 22.5 3.0 19 15.4 93 37 45 54 18 35 3 10 36 1
RKYL 72 RKYLR 72 72 36 M 30 x 1.5 25.5 28 3.0 19 21.6 110 45 56 65 18 44 3 12 46 1
RKXL 90 RKXLR 90 90 38 M 36 x 1.5 32.5 32 3.5 24 24.6 128 53 564) 64 75 23 49 4 14 55 1
RKXL 110 RKXLR 110 110 42 M 36 x 1.5 39.5 36 3.5 33 24.6 148 60 634) 72 83 32 59 4 14 55 1

Dynamic load (N) Limit load (N) Torque wrench

Type setting
(Nm) 2)
Cw 3) radial Fr
RKYL 52 RKYLR 52 40750 3050 80 630
RKYL 62 RKYLR 62 46000 6850 160 950
RKYL 72 RKYLR 72 64850 11200 300 1680
RKXL 90 RKXLR 90 113400 13800 450 2900
RKXL 110 RKXLR 110 177550 24000 450 5000

1) Housing bore tollerance: H7

2) The torque wrench settings are given for non-lubricated threads; for lubricated threads multiply figure by 0.8
3) Cw = Basic load for 100 Km
4) Dimensions for stainless steel (NX) version

On request, the guide rollers can be supplied with external parts in stainless steel (suffix NX). Internal rolling elements in
standard bearing steel.

Standard seals: material NBR, RS type

On request, the guide rollers can be supplied with viton seals for operating temperatures up to 120°C (suffix V) not available for
RKXL 110)
Pressure angle α for load calculation: 40°

Spacers for FS and FSH



Dimensions (mm)
Type Suggested combinations
DIST FS19 12 6.5 10 FS19, FSH19
DIST FS22 15 6.5 10 FS22, FSH22, FSR22
DIST FS32 30 6.5 15 FS32
DIST FS35 35 8.5 15 FS35, FSR35
DIST FS40 50 8.5 15 FS40
DIST FS47 60 10.5 15 FS47, FSR47
DIST FS52 65 12.5 20 FS52
DIST FS62 80 12.5 20 FS62
DIST FS72 35 16.5 20 FS72, FSH72

DIST FSH32 20 6.5 15 FSH32

DIST FSH40 25 8.5 15 FSH40
DIST FSH52 25 12.5 20 FSH52
DIST FSH62 25 12.5 20 FSH62
DIST FSX90 43 12.5 30 FSX90

The spacers, mounted between the guide and the supporting structure, guarantee adequate distance for the sliding of the rollers.
The spacers DIST are designed for guides FS and FSH of V-Line and guides FSR of Multi-Motion-Line.

Finishing Optional features

- anodized aluminium - steel

Lubricator LUBY for FS guide rollers
up to size 40


Sec DD


rollers plate

Dimension (mm) Weight

Type Suggested combinations
X U B F m A C P Vf Vr (g)

LUBY 19 15.5 1.5 25 15.6 8.8 2.5 19 32.5 M3x12 M4 10 FR... 19...

LUBY 22 16.5 3.5 25 16.8 9.4 3.3 22 32.5 M3x12 M4 10 FR... 22...

LUBY 32 21.5 8.5 25 23.2 12.6 4.2 30 32.5 M3x12 M4 15 FR... 32...

LUBY 40 27.5 10.5 30 28.5 15.5 5.4 35 41.5 M4x12 M5 30 FR... 40...

1) The lubricator is supplied with the felt already lubricated. The lubricant has a mineral oil base
2) At the mounting, insert the screws inside the rollers plate, without tighten them, adjust the height of the plastic part in order to put it
in contact with the raceways and then block it
3) The screws Vf for the frontal mounting are included in the packaging. Arrange two thread holes for dimension Vf in the mounting
rollers plate
4) The screws for the mounting on the nut side of the roller are not included in the packaging. Arrange on the mounting rollers plate the
holes in order to insert te screws Vr

Optional features
- felt without lubricant (D)

Lubricator LUBY, LUBX for FS guide rollers
size 52 and higher

X min. F
26 m
M6 M5 pf.12 (2x)
DIN 71412 B
M5 (1)

U2 S P

roller axis

E mounting
rollers plate

Dimensions (mm) Weight

Type Suggested combinations
X U1 U2 F m B S C A E V P (g)

RKY 52 RKYR 52 FKY 52

LUBY 52 33.5 12 14 40 19.8 25.5 10.0 34.5 24.5 38 16.5 18.5 65
FR 52 EU FRR 52 EU ...AS/AZ
RKY 62 RKYR 62 FKY 62
LUBY 62 38.5 14 12 40 20.8 25.5 10.0 34.5 24.5 38 18.5 16.5 65
FR 62 EU FRR 62 EU ...AS/AZ

LUBY 72 43.5 19 11 50 27.0 25.5 10.0 40.5 29.4 44 24.0 16.0 85 RKY 72 RKYR 72 FKY 72
LUBX 90 52.5 21 9 60 30.0 30.0 16.5 45.5 33.5 58 31.0 19.0 140 RKX 90C RKXR 90C FKX 90C

62.5 30 0 63 34.0 30.0 16.5 45.5 33.5 58 40.0 10.0 140 RKX 110C RKXR 110C
LUBX 110
FKX 110C

1) The dimension of the plastic part refers to the centre of the regulation slot. The regulation slot allows a translation of +/- 3 mm
2) The lubricator is supplied with the felt already lubricated. The lubricant has a mineral oil base
3) During the mounting fix the aluminium support to the rollers plate, adjust the height of the plastic part in order to put it in contact with
the raceways and than block it in that position with the M5 screws

Optional features
- felt without lubricant (D)

Guide rollers combination



Guide rollers FR...EU, FR...EU AS, FR...EU AZ, FRN...EI, RKY, RKX, FKY, FRL..EU,
Guide roller size Guide roller size
Iy (mm) Ih (mm)
19... 22... 32... 40... 52... 62... 72... 19... 22... 32... 40... 52... 62... 72... 90... 110...

FS 19 M 35 36.4 FSH 19 M 26 26.7

FS 22 M 41.9 43.3 FSH 22 M *29.9 30.6
FS 32 M FSH 32 M

66.5 40.7
FS 35 M 71.5 *77 FSH 40 M *48 50.9
FS 40 M 92.8 FSH 52 M *54 58.5
FS 47 M *107.8 116.8 FSH 62 M *68.5 71.5
FS 52 M 128 *134 FSH 72 M *81.6 85
FS 62 M 143 149 FSX 90 M 94.3 101.3
FS 72 M *167.2 174

Guide roller size Guide roller size

Iy (mm) Ih (mm)
19... 22... 32... 40... 52... 62... 72... 19... 22... 32... 40... 52... 62... 72... 90... 110...

FS 19 MT 36.2 37.6 FSH 22 MT 30.9 31.6

FS 22 MT 44.2 FSH 32 MT 41.7

FS 32 MT 67.4 FSH 40 MT *49 51.8

FS 35 MT 72.4 *78 FSH 52 MT *55.4 59.9
FS 40 MT 93.7 FSH 62 MT *69.9 72.9
FS 47 MT *109.3 118.3 FSH 72 MT *83 86.4
FS 52 MT 129.5 *135.5 FSX 90 MT 95.3 102.3
FS 62 MT 144.2 150.2
FS 72 MT *168.8 175.6

* possible combination

Mounting examples
Waterjet cutting machine

Mounting examples
Portable loader for steel sheet

FSR System
Circular systems
Nadella proposes several circular rails based on the the rail. The extent of the clearance depends on the
FS family of profiles. The rails can be used as an entire dimensions of the rail, of the roller guides and of the
circumference, or single sectors, or joined together with carriage. Because of this clearance it is not possible
straight pieces of rail in order to obtain oval or ring circuits. to have an accurate positioning of the carriage during
the passage between straight and circular stretch and
Guide therefore, in fast application, there will be vibration,
noise and overload of the roller guides.
- This kind of carriages, with fixed guide rollers, can
be used only for a single specific radius throughout
Sector Ring circuit
the circuit. To use a carriage with fixed guide roller
positions you can't have circular stretches with
different radii.
To define the design for holes of the fixed rollers
please contact the Nadella Technical Service.

Generic circuit

The rails are steel, induction hardened on the raceways,

with the same section dimensions as straight FS..M
rails. In the circuits the rails are joined together with
alignment blocks that allow easy precise mounting.

All the pieces of the circuit are supplied appropriately Steering Carriages
marked in order to avoid mistakes during joining. The contraindications for the carriage with guide
rollers in fixed positions can be resolved by using the
For protection against corrosion Nadella proposes steering carriage. Guide rollers are mounted in pairs on
nickel plating (option NW) for both straight and circular steering arms that are free to rotate in order to always
pieces. be transversal to the rail in every point of the circuit.
The carriage won't have clearance at any point in the
In addition to the standard dimensions in the table it is circuit improving transition area accuracy and reduce
possible to realize rings with different sections or radii running noise.
in order to satisfy specific demands. The studs of the steering carriage are fitted with
needle bearings and seals for lubricant retention and
Guide rollers protection. The tightening of the stud is obtained by
Any guide rollers of the FS family of products can be the full tightening of the nut, and guarantees the best
used in combination with the circular rails. locking.

Carriages for circular rails can be realized with guide
rollers in fixed position or mounted on steering arms.

Carriages with guide rollers in fixed positions

You can set up the distance between the centres of
the guide rollers of a carriage with fixed guide rollers
in order to obtain clearance-free running both on
the straight and on the circular stretch of a circuit.
The resulting carriage, normally a simple table with
four holes for the housing of the guide rollers, will
be simple and compact; there are, however, some
- In the passage from the straight stretch to the circular
one (and vice versa), when two guide rollers are
engaged on the straight portion and two on the circular
one, there will be clearance between the carriage and

Circular rails FSR..M

Pin hole
Detail A (see following page)

A f
Fixing hole

R1 h H



d n° fixing n° pin
Type A I f D R1* R2* R3* h H S
H7 holes/360° holes/360°
FSR22M-075 22.5°5 45°,5 45°,5 5 6.5 88 75 62 8 4 26 27.86 5
FSR22M-125 15°,25 30°,5 25°,5 5 6.5 138 125 112 12 8 26 27.86 5
FSR22M-175 15°,55 30°,5 25°,5 5 6.5 188 175 162 12 8 26 27.86 5
FSR35M-225 11.25° 22.5° 7.5° 8 9,5 248 225 202 16 8 46 47.86 8
FSR35M-300 11.25° 22.5° 7.5° 8 9,5 323 300 277 16 8 46 47.86 8
FSR47M-400 9°,55 18°,5 18°,5 10 11.5 438 400 362 20 8 76 78.58 10
FSR47M-500 9°,55 18°,5 18°,5 10 11.5 538 500 462 20 8 76 78.58 10

* R1, R2, R3 are radius

Rails finishing Optional features

- steel - stainless steel (NX)
- induction hardened on the raceways
- nickel plating (NW)
- spacers for rails FS (page 58)

Hole layout Example of standard designation: FSR35M-225-180

- holes according to catalogue (SB)
Circular rail sector FSR35M, radius R2 225 mm,
- finishes to drawing (NZ) sector angle 180°

Alignment blocks for FSR

Joint cut between the curve piece and the straight piece
alignment block
Detail A:
drilling on the joint
50 90
G Theoretical line of joint

Joint cut (displaced of 1,6 mm
from the theoretical line of joint)

51.6 90

Dimensions (mm) Suggested

C B e G D a b t combination

FSR22M-075 12 34 7.5 M4 6.5 7.6 18.6 5.8 FR22EU FRN22EI

FSR22M-125 12 34 7.5 M4 6.5 7.6 18.6 5.8 FR22EU FRN22EI
FSR22M-175 12 34 7.5 M4 6.5 7.6 18.6 5.8 FR22EU FRN22EI
FSR35M-225 18 38 20 M6 9 10.6 19.6 6
FSR35M-300 18 38 20 M6 9 10.6 19.6 6
FSR47M-400 18 58 43 M6 11.5 8.6 18.1 9
FSR47M-500 18 58 43 M6 11.5 8.6 18.1 9

The joint cut is displaced of 1.6 mm from the theoretical line of joint.
The alignment block allows an easy mounting of the joint.

Spacers for FSR


Spacers DIST FS can be used to mount


the rails FSR (pag. 60)

Oval circuit FSRO

L (1)
d (Lmax in a single piece 4020 mm)
pin hole

f D


50 90 90 90 90 50

= =


Dimensions (mm)
Type Radius d
D A I f S h H
R H7

FSRO22M-075-... 75 6.5 22.5°5 45°,5 5 45°,5 5 26 27.86

FSRO22M-125-... 125 6.5 15°,55 30°,5 5 25°,5 5 26 27.86
FSRO22M-175-... 175 6.5 15°,55 30°,5 5 25°,5 5 26 27.86
FSRO35M-225-... 225 9,5 11.25° 22.5° 8 7.5° 8 46 47.86
FSRO35M-300-... 300 9,5 11.25° 22.5° 8 7.5° 8 46 47.86
FSRO47M-400-... 400 11.5 9°,55 18°,5 10 18°,5 10 76 78.58
FSRO47M-500-... 500 11.5 9°,55 18°,5 10 18°,5 10 76 78.58

The oval circuit is composed by: two sectors of circular rails (180° with center in K) and two straight pieces of rails. The circuit is supplied
complete of alignment blocks (with the proper screws), and all the pieces are marked in order to obtain the correct sequence during the
(1) The length of the straight pieces is higher than the distance between the centers K (1.6 mm x 2) in order to cover the thickness of rail
lost during the cutting of the circular sectors (for more details about joints see page 68).

Standard hole layout (SB) for the straight rails: Hole layout
- first and last hole of 50 mm, starting from the centers K; - standard holes according to catalogue (SB)
- hole pitch 90 mm; - finishes to drawing (NZ)
- central hole (2) only if the last hole pitch W is higher than
120 mm; Optional features
- W can't be less than 60 mm.
- stainless steel (NX)
Rails finishing - nickel plating (NW)
- for the circular rail see page 67
- for the straight rail see page 49 Example of standard designation: FSRO35M-225-2000 SB
Oval circuit, size 35, radius 225 mm, distance between the
centers K equal to 2000 mm (1), standard holes.

Ring circuit FSRQ

X (1)
d (Lmax in a single piece 4020 mm)
pin hole


f D

(Lmax in a single
piece 4020 mm)

Y (1)


(2) (2)

K Wx K
50 90 90 90 90 50
= =


Dimensions (mm)
Type Radius d
D A I f S h H
R H7

FSRQ22M-075-... 75 6.5 22.5° 45°,5 5 45°,5 5 26 27.86

FSRQ22M-125-... 125 6.5 15°, 30°,5 5 25°,5 5 26 27.86
FSRQ22M-175-... 175 6.5 15° 30°,5 5 25°,5 5 26 27.86
FSRQ35M-225-... 225 9,5 11.25° 22.5° 8 7.5° 8 46 47.86
FSRQ35M-300-... 300 9,5 11.25° 22.5° 8 7.5° 8 46 47.86
FSRQ47M-400-... 400 11.5 9°,55 18°,5 10 18°,5 10 76 78.58
FSRQ47M-500-... 500 11.5 9° 18°,5 10 18°,5 10 76 78.58

The ring circuit is composed by: four sectors of circular rails (90° with center in K) and four straight pieces of rails. The circuit is supplied
complete of alignment blocks (with the proper screws), and all the pieces are marked in order to obtain the correct sequence during the
(1) The length of the straight pieces is higher than the distance between the centers K (1,6 mm x 2) in order to cover the thickness of rail
lost during the cutting of the circular sectors (for more details about joints see page 68).

Hole layout
Standard hole layout (SB) for the straight rails: - standard holes according to catalogue (SB)
- first and last hole at 50 mm, starting from the centers K; - finishes to drawing (NZ)
- hole pitch 90 mm;
- central hole (2) only if the last hole pitch (Wx in horizontal Optional features
and Wy in vertical) is higher than 120 mm; - stainless steel (NX)
- Wx and Wy can't be less than 60 mm.
- nickel plating (NW)
Rails finishing Example of standard designation: FSRQ35M-225-2000-1000 SB
- for the circular rail see page 67
Ring circuit, size 35, radius 225 mm, horizontal distance between
- for the straight rail see page 49
the centers K equal to 2000 mm (1), vertical distance between the
centers K equal to 1000 mm (1), standard holes.

Steering carriage T4R...


H H1

E De lY

ey B


Dimensions (mm) Weight Suggested

De L B ex ey Ix Iy H H1 H2 G A E Z (kg) combination

T4R22 FR22EU 80 51.6 FSR 22 M

22 80 62 68 50 50 43.3 45.5 43 12 M5 65.3 27 0.5
T4R22 FRN22EI 80 53.6 FS 22 M
T4R35 FR32EU 140 66.2 FSR 35 M
32 140 112 120 90 96 71.5 59.9 55.9 13 M8 103.5 42 1.1
T4R35 FRN32EI 140 69.3 FS 35 M
T4R35 FR40EU 140 72.8 FSR 35 M
40 140 112 120 90 96 77 62.8 58.8 13 M8 117 42 1.6
T4R35 FRN40EI 140 74.3 FS 35 M
T4R47 FR40EU 180 83.3 FSR 47 M
40 180 160 150 130 120 107.8 74.3 69.3 19 M10 147.8 56 2.4
T4R47 FRN40EI 180 84.8 FS 47 M

T4R47 FR52EU 180 90.3 FSR 47 M

52 180 160 150 130 120 116.8 78.6 73.6 19 M10 168.8 56 3.3
T4R47 RKY52 180 94.8 FS 47 M

Mounting example
Assembly line

System LS
System LS
To be in a position to offer complete guide systems the The following figure applies to the loads indicated in the
C-Line consists of guide rails, guide rollers and carriages. tables below:
Guide rails and rollers can be used as individual compo-
nents; in most cases however, standard carriages are

The cold drawn rails have a C shape and are induction

hardened. The rollers run on the inside raceways of the
C-profile. The rails are zinc-plated; alternatively they are
available with nickel-plated surface.

Based on the different design of the rollers, constructions

with fixed or floating bearings can be realised. Thereby
errors in parallelism, height and angle can be balanced.
Only one rail shape is necessary for this.

Nadella offers 3 rail sizes. MAX LOAD ON INDIVIDUAL CARRIAGES

The tables below show the maximum load that can be applied
The carriages can be adjusted free of play. They are to an individual carriage.
equipped with concentric and eccentric rollers and can
be combined with 3, 4 or 5 rollers. Short carriage

Fy Fz Mx My Mz
Guide Carriage N N Nm Nm Nm
Essential technical properties:
Mzl Mzr
LS 28 C3 RCS28 126 2400 660 5.9 17 30 30
‰ steel rail, drawn, induction hardened
LS 43 C3 RCS43 170 6000 1700 23 66 117 117
‰ zinc-plated rail, alternatively with nickel-plated surface
LS 63 C3 RCS63 226 13000 4400 81 264 390 390
‰ rollers for fixed and floating bearing constructions
Fy with effect on the concentric rollers.
‰ high balance of mounting surface errors and
Long carriage
‰ high performance and rugged
Fy Fz Mx My Mz
‰ rollers lubricated for life Guide Carriage N N Nm Nm Nm
‰ dust resistant Mzl Mzr

‰ easy fitting C3 RCS28 178 A 2400 660 5.9 34 62 62

C4 RCS28 178 C 2400 1320 12 43 94 94
‰ easy smooth running LS 28 C4 RCS28 178 A 1800 990 8.9 38 125 62
C4 RCS28 178 B 1800 990 8.9 38 62 125
‰ high speeds up to 8 m/s C5 RCS28 178 A 3000 1320 12 43 94 94
(depending on roller size and application) C5 RCS28 178 B 3600 660 5.9 35 62 62

‰ acceleration up to 50 m/s2
C3 RCS43 245 A 6000 1700 23 129 228 228
‰ working temperatures up to 80°C possible C4 RCS43 245 C 6000 3400 45 162 342 342
LS 43 C4 RCS43 245 A 4500 2380 34 129 456 228
‰ pitch of rail borings standard or according to customer C4 RCS43 245 B 4500 2380 34 129 228 456
C5 RCS43 245 A 7500 3400 45 162 342 342
drawings C5 RCS43 245 B 9000 1700 23 133 228 228
‰ integrated lubricating system at the front sides of the
Fy with effect on the concentric rollers.

The max load is based on the guide roller values (load capa-
city of bolt and bearing) and on the max contact pressure of
1250N/mm2 between rail and roller. Loads are rated for effect
in direction Y exclusively or in direction Z exclusively. A com-
bination of rates reduces the values.

System LS
Type C3…A view from above
The following tables indicate the nominal load which
corresponds to a nominal bearing lifetime of 100 km.

L10 = (Ci/Pi)3 x 100 km

Long carriage with 4 rollers
Ci and Pi are the load capacity and the applied load for a Type C4…C
certain load direction. view from above

Short carriage

Cy Cz CMx CMy CMz

Guide Carriage N N Nm Nm Nm
Mzl Mzr
LS 28 C3 RCS28 126 4400 1100 9.6 27 55 55
LS 43 C3 RCS43 170 13200 3600 48 142 257 257
Type C4…A view from above
LS 63 C3 RCS63 226 28400 6700 124 403 852 852
Cy with effect on the concentric rollers.

Long carriage
Cy Cz CMx CMy CMz
Guide Carriage N N Nm Nm Nm
Mzl Mzr Type C4…B view from above

C3 RCS28 178 A 4400 1100 9.6 55 114 114

C4 RCS28 178 C 4400 2100 19 69 172 172
C4 RCS28 178 A 3300 1600 14 61 229 114
LS 28 C4 RCS28 178 B 3300 1600 14 61 114 229
C5 RCS28 178 A 6600 2100 19 69 172 172
C5 RCS28 178 B 8800 1100 9.6 67 114 114

C3 RCS43 245 A 13200 3600 48 277 502 502

C4 RCS43 245 C 13200 7300 96 346 752 752 Long carriage with 5 rollers
LS 43 C4 RCS43 245 A 9900 5100 72 304 1003 502
C4 RCS43 245 B 9900 5100 72 304 502 1003
C5 RCS43 245 A 19800 7300 96 346 752 752 Type C5…A view from above
C5 RCS43 245 B 26400 3600 48 292 502 502

Cy with effect on the concentric rollers.

In the following carriage configurations the dashed guide
rollers ( ) are concentric and fixed, the plain guide roller ( )
are eccentric and can be set to preload the system. Type C5…B view from above

Short carriage with 3 rollers

Typ C3… view from above

The markings and show the contact points with the

running surface of the rails.

System LS
Calculation example: Auto-aligning systems
platform with 4 carriages C3 RCS 43 170 N Self-aligning systems are used to balance high mounting
surface tolerances between two parallel installed guides.
The general arrangement is shown in the drawing below. The Nadella system LS can be combined with the rollers
RCS and RAS so that high horizontal or vertical tolerances
can be balanced.

The platform runs along the two rails and is charged with load
F which takes effect 100 mm and 50 mm afar from the middle
of the carriage.

Data: guide LS 43; carriage C3 RCS 43 170

Horizontal adjustment Dx
Ix = 400 mm, Iz = 300 mm
F = 6000 N , XF = 100 mm, ZF = 50 mm Fixed bearing:
Carriages equipped with rollers type RCS/RCSR to
In this configuration Py is the load on the mostly loaded compensate radial and axial loads.
carriage and is calculated as follows:
Floating bearing:
F F · XF F · ZF Carriages equipped with rollers type RAS/RASR to
P= + + = 2750 N compensate radial loads only.
4 2 · IX 2 · IZ

The load Fy indicated in the table of max load for carriage Max. possible value: Dx = 1,5 mm
C3 RCS 43 170 is 6000 N.

The system nominal lifetime is calculated as follows:

from the table of the dynamic load capacity, the value
Cy for carriage C3 RCS 43 170 is 13200 N.

L10 = (13.200/2.750)3 x 100 = 11.059 km

Important remark: The rail must be lubricated to reach this

value. Otherwise the expected lifetime can be reduced by
fretting between rail and roller.

System LS
Vertical adjustment Dy Max inclined movement admissible for self-aligning
tables and carriages
Fixed bearing:
Carriages equipped with concentric rollers type RCS and α ax S H
Carriage (°) (mm) nominal Guide
eccentric rollers type RASR to compensate radial and axial
loads. This allows for a tilting movement of the carriage up
C3 RAS28…
to the max. tilting angle.
C4 RAS28… 1° –0.5/+1.2 24 LS 28
C5 RAS28…
Floating bearing:
C3 RAS43…
Carriages equipped with concentric rollers type RAS and
C4 RAS43... 1.5° –0.8/+1.5 37 LS 43
eccentric rollers type RASR to compensate axial loads only.
C5 RAS43...

The value Dy depends on the distance between the rails C3 RAS63… 1° –1/+3 50.5 LS 63
and the max. possible tilting angle α = ± 1.5° of the carri-
age at the fixed bearing side. C3 RYS28…
C4 RYS28... 1° --- 24 LS 28
C5 RYS28...
C3 RYS43…
C4 RYS43... 1.5° --- 37 LS 43
C5 RYS43...
C3 RYS63… 1° --- 50.5 LS 63

Carriages type ...RAS... only consist of guide rollers

type RAS (concentric) and RASR (eccentric).

Carriages type ...RYS... only consist of guide rollers

type RCS (concentric) und RASR (eccentric).

+S –S

Guide Screw size wrench
d settings
Screw type DIN EN ISO 7380 (10.9) LS 28 M5 x 0.8 12 8
LS 43 M8 x 1.25 16 22
LS 63 M8 x 1.25 20 34

System LS

Hole pattern A: boring for counterbore screws according DIN EN ISO 7380

LS 28
LS 43 G H2

g H1
LS 63
G H2

-2 l
g L +1

Hole pattern B: boring for countersunk screws according DIN EN ISO 74

G1 G1

LS 28 LS 63
LS 43
g1 g1
D1 D1

Moment of
Dimensions (mm) Weight L(1) max
Type inertia (cm4)
(kg/m) (mm)
B H H1 H2 D G g D1 G1 g1 I I1 Jx Jy
LS 28 28 12.5 9 5.5 6.6 11 2.1 5.5 10.6 2.6 80 40 0.17 1.45 1.18 2960
LS 43 43 21 14.5 10 9 15 2.5 9 17 4 80 40 1.28 8.6 2.75 2960
LS 63 63 28 19.25 11.25 9 15 4.5 11 21 5.5 80 40 4.5 38.9 6.22 2960

1) Longer rails will be fitted with finish-machined joints.

Rail design standard Surface options

- drawn, induction hardened raceways (MT) - chemically nickel-plated (NW)
- surface zinc-plated (GZ) - uncoated blasted (no suffix)

Fixing holes
- hole pattern according to catalogue (A or B)
- hole pattern according to drawing (NZ)
- without holes (NF) Example standard type: LS43MT2480AGZ
Screws DIN EN ISO 7380 (10.9) are included in delivery.

Guide Rollers RCS

concentric eccentric



De d d1

m S min.
B l1

Type Dimensions (mm)

concentric eccentric De R d1 (1) d m P L A B l1 M SW1 SW2 k

RCS 28 RCSR 28 23.5 3 8 M8 6.0 2.5 4.8 18.5 6.0 10.0 3.5 12.0 3 13 0.5 LS 28
RCS 43 RCSR 43 35.5 5 10 M10 x 1.25 9.0 4.5 6.0 27.5 11.0 15.0 5.5 17.5 4 16 0.75 LS 43
RCS 63 RCSR 63 50 7 16 M16 x 1.5 12.75 5.5 9.3 40.0 17.5 22.5 6.5 24.0 6 24 1.0 LS 63

Type Dynamic loads (N) Limit loads (N) Life coefficients wrench Weight
settings (g)
concentric eccentric Cw(3) radial Fr axial Fa X Y (Nm) 2)
RCS 28 RCSR 28 2200 1200 330 1 2.7 8 25
RCS 43 RCSR 43 6600 3000 850 1 2.2 20 80
RCS 63 RCSR 63 14200 6500 2200 1 2.8 64 255

1) Tolerance of mounting hole: H7

2) The tightening torques apply to non-lubricated threads; for lubricated threads the values have to be multiplied by 0.8.
3) Cw = load for lifetime of 100 km

Guide rollers will be supplied with washers and nuts (DIN 439B).
Contact angle α for the load calculation: 55°
Standard seals type RS

Guide Rollers RAS

concentric eccentric



De d

m S min. A

L B l1

Type Dimensions (mm)

m m S
concentric eccentric De R d1 (1) d P L A B l1 M SW1 SW2 k
min.(4) max.(4) min.

RAS 28 RASR 28 23.5 3 8 M8 5.5 7.2 2.5 4.8 18.5 7 10 3.5 12 3 13 0.5 LS 28
RAS 43 RASR 43 35.5 5 10 M10 x 1.25 8.2 10.5 4.5 6 27.5 11 15 5.5 17.5 4 16 0.75 LS 43
RAS 63 RASR 63 50 7 16 M16 x 1.5 11.75 15.75 5.5 9.3 40.0 17.5 22.5 6.5 24 6 24 1 LS 43

Type Dynamic load (N) Limit load (N)
wrench Weight
settings (g)
concentric eccentric Cw(3) radiale Fr (Nm) 2)
RAS 28 RASR 28 2200 1200 8 25
RAS 43 RASR 43 6600 3000 20 80
RAS 63 RASR 63 14200 6500 64 255

1) Tolerance of mounting hole: H7

2) The tightening torques apply to non-lubricated threads; for lubricated threads the values have to be multiplied by 0.8.
3) Cw = load for lifetime of 100 km
4) Maximum displacement of dimension m to ensure proper guide roller function and safety.

Guide rollers will be supplied with washers and nuts (DIN 439B).
Contact angle α for the loadd calculation: 55°
Standard seals type RS

Carriages C3 RCS, C3 RAS, C3 RYS

H1 c G c G


B a
H2 lx

Dimensions (mm) Weight

Type Guide
L L1 B Ix ly H H1 H2 G a b c k (kg)

C3 RCS28 126 88 126 26.5 50 0.5 24 15 9 M5 (2x) - 13.25 78 0.75 0.13 LS 28

carriage C3 RCS43 170 130 170 40 78 1 37 22.5 13.5 M8 (2x) - 20 114 1 0.44 LS 43
C3 RCS63 226 186 226 60 120 1 50.5 31.25 18.5 M8 (4x) 34 13 168 1.5 1.2 LS 63

Dimensions also apply to C3 RAS and C3 RYS.

e G



Dimensions (mm) Weight

Type Guide
L L1 B Ix ly H H1 H2 G b c e k (kg)

long C3 RCS28 178 A 140 178 26.5 104 0.5 24 15 9 M5 13.25 130 26 0.75 0.15 LS 28
carriage C3 RCS43 245 A 205 245 41 152 1 37 22.5 13.5 M8 20.5 188 37 1.5 0.50 LS 43

Dimensions also apply to C3 RAS and C3 RYS.

The markings show the contact points with the running surface of the rails.

Carriages C4 RCS, C4 RAS, C4 RYS

Roller combinations
The markings show the contact points with the running surface of the rails.

C4 C

C4 A

C4 B

H1 G


H2 lx

Dimensions (mm) Weight

Type (kg) Guide
L L1 B Ix ly H H1 H2 G b c e k

C4 RCS28 178 C
C4 RCS28 178 A 140 178 26.5 104 0.5 24 15 9 M5 13.25 130 26 0.75 0.23 LS 28
C4 RCS28 178 B

C4 RCS43 245 C
C4 RCS43 245 A 205 245 41 152 1 37 22.5 13.5 M8 20.5 188 37 1 0.58 LS 43
C4 RCS43 245 B

Dimensions also apply to C4 RAS C/A/B and C4 RYS C/A/B.

Carriages C5 RCS, C5 RAS, C5 RYS

Roller combinations
The markings show the contact points with the running surface of the rails.

C5 A

C5 B

H1 c
e G


H2 lx

Dimensions (mm) Weight

Type (kg) Guide
L L1 B Ix ly H H1 H2 G b c e k

C5 RCS28 178 A 140 178 26.5 104 0.5 24 15 9 M5 13.25 130 26 0.75 0.25 LS 28
C5 RCS28 178 B

C5 RCS43 245 A 205 245 41 152 1 37 22.5 13.5 M8 20.5 188 37 1 0.66 LS 43
C5 RCS43 245 B

Dimenisions also apply to C5 RAS A/B and C5 RYS A/B.

DC, C Systems
DC system
DC system is based on rails, guide rollers and carriages Cy Cz CMx CMy CMz
Rails Carriages
that provide a complete guiding system. N N Nm Nm Nm
Rails and rollers can be used as single elements. T4 PFV 25 10 80 3700 1200 32 27 84
DC 10.54
In most cases the application is based on standard T4 PFV 25 10 120 3700 1200 32 51 158
carriages. T4 PFV 35 16 165 9000 2950 115 185 570
DC 16.80
T4 PFV 35 16 250 9000 2950 115 310 950
The load capacities are tabulated with reference to the
T4 PFV 35 18 150 9000 2950 95 165 510
axis system showed in the sketch below: DC 18.65
T4 PFV 35 18 250 9000 2950 95 315 970
T4 PFV 50 25 220 17500 6100 290 500 1400
DC 25.95
T4 PFV 50 25 300 17500 6100 290 750 2150

Calculation example: carriage loaded with an

external load F

Carriage T4 PFV 50 25 220; F = 2000 N.


The following table shows the maximum loads that can

be applied on a single carriage.

Fy Fz Mx My Mz
Rails Carriages The external load F acts in the z-axis direction:
N N Nm Nm Nm
T4 PFV 25 10 80 1590 800 22 18 35
DC 10.54
T4 PFV 25 10 120 1590 800 22 33 67 Pz = F = 2000 N
T4 PFV 35 16 165 3570 1800 70 110 225
DC 16.80
T4 PFV 35 16 250 3570 1800 70 190 370
In the table of the “maximum loads” you find that the
T4 PFV 35 18 150 3940 1810 55 100 220
DC 18.65 load capacity Fz for carriage T4 PFV 50 25 220 is equal
T4 PFV 35 18 250 3940 1810 55 190 420
T4 PFV 50 25 220 7890 3900 180 320 640 to 3900 N, so the system is validated against breakage.
DC 25.95
T4 PFV 50 25 300 7890 3900 180 480 950
To estimate the system lifetime we proceed as follows:
The maximum loads are based on the stud and bearing
from the table of the “basic dynamic loads” we see
strengths and on a maximum contact pressure,
between rail and roller, of 1250 N/mm 2 . The load that Cz, for the carriage T4 PFV 50 25 220, is equal to
in the table are considered as acting singularly. For 6100 N.
applications with many loads acting at the same time The nominal lifetime will be:
the loads must be reduced.
L10 = (6100/2000)3 x 100 = 2837 km

The following table shows the nominal loads that Important notes:
correspond to a nominal life of the bearing at 100 km. - in order to reach the calculated lifetime it is important
to lubricate the rails;
The nominal lifetime of the carriage can be estimated - for load configurations with many loads and moments
from the standard bearing formula acting at the same time in different directions, please
refer to the calculation examples you can find at the
L10 = (Ci/Pi)3 x 100 km beginning of the catalogue or contact our Technical
Ci is the basic dynamic load capacity in a specific
direction i and Pi is the external load applied in the
same specific direction.

Guide rails DC

DC 16.80 and DC 18.65 A

DC 10.54 DC....S

H dB

IB l1 l

DC 25.95 G D

l1 l
10 21 10 L

of inertia (2) Weight
Type (mm)
(cm4) (kg/m)
dB IB B H H1 A E D G g F l l1 Jx Jy
DC 10.54 S (3) 10 54 57 19.5 13 25 10.5 6.5 – – – 150 30 2.16 20.5 3.15
DC 10.54 D (3) 10 54 57 19.5 13 25 10.5 4.5 8 4.2 36 150 30 2.16 20.5 3.15
DC 16.80 S (3) 16 80 86 25.5 14.5 18 9.5 8.5 – – – 150 30 9.6 85 7.1
DC 16.80 D (3) 16 80 86 25.5 14.5 18 9.5 6.5 11 6.3 54 150 30 9.6 85 7.14
DC 18.65 S 18 65 70.5 24 13 16 9.5 8.5 – – – 150 30 6.1 34.7 7
DC 18.65 D 18 65 70.5 24 13 16 9.5 6.5 11 6.3 36 150 30 6.1 34.7 7.14
DC 25.95 S (3) 25 95 101 33 18 19 13 10.5 – – – 150 30 21.8 142.2 13.5
DC 25.95 D (3) 25 95 101 33 18 19 13 6.5 11 6.3 58 150 30 21.8 142.2 13.53
max length in single element L=6000 (1)

1) Longer rails are supplied in sections with ground butt joints and, on request, with pin connection
2) Inertia value based on equivalent aluminium yield 70000 N/mm2
3) Available with stainless steel shafts

Optional features
Hole layout - ground one end (R)
- holes according to catalogue (SB) - ground both ends ( RR )
- finishes to drawing (NZ) - stainless steel shafts (NX)
- without holes (NF) - chromium plated shafts (CH)

Example of standard designation : DC2595S 2010 SB NX

See page 17 for standard codification

Guide rails C

l1 l

H dB



of inertia (2) Weight
Type (mm)
(cm4) (kg/m)
dB B B1 H H1 D G g F l l1 Jx Jy
C 10 (3) 10 16.9 15.4 14.5 8 4.5 8 4.2 6.5 100 30 0.4 0.3 1.1
C 18 18 24 21.3 22 11 6.5 11 6.3 7.8 150 50 1.7 1.1 2.8
C 22 22 28 25 26.5 13.5 6.5 11 6.3 9 160 50 3.5 2 4.1
C 30 (3) 30 36 32.5 36 19 9 15 8.3 11.5 180 60 11.1 5.6 7.6
max length in single element L=6000 (1)

1) Longer rails are supplied in sections with ground butt joints and, on request, with pin connection
2) Inertia value based on equivalent aluminium yield 70000 N/mm2
3) Available with stainless steel shafts

Hole layout Optional features

- holes according to catalogue (SB) - ground one end (R)
- finishes to drawing (NZ) - ground both ends ( RR )
- without holes (NF) - stainless steel shafts (NX)
- chromium plated shafts (CH)

Example of standard designation : C10 2060 SB

See page 17 for standard codification

Guide rollers PFV with “gothic arch” profile

concentric eccentric


SW1 k

De d d1

m S min. A

L B l1

Type Dimensions (mm) Recommended

concentric eccentric De dB d1 (1) d T m S min. P L A B I1 M SW1 SW2 k pairings

PFV 25.10 (3) PFVR 25.10 (3) 25 10 8 M8x1.25 15.5 7.5 11 9 34.8 12 14.8 10 12 4 13 0.75 C 10/DC 10.54
PFV 35.16 (3) PFVR 35.16 (3) 35 16 10 M10x1.25 23.0 12.0 12 10.7 45.3 18 22.3 11 15 4 17 0.75 DC 16.80
PFV 35.18 (3) PFVR 35.18 (3) 35 18 10 M10x1.25 24 12 12 10.7 45.3 18 22.3 11 15 4 17 0.75 C 18/DC 18.65
PFV 43.22 (3) PFVR 43.22 (3) 43 22 12 M12x1.50 29.0 14.0 13 12.5 52.0 23 27.0 12 18 5 19 1.75 C 22
PFV 50.25 (3) PFVR 50.25 (3) 50 25 14 M14x1.5 34 16.5 14 13.5 59 26 31 13 20 6 22 1 DC 25.95
PFV 60.30 PFVR 60.30 60 30 16 M16x1.50 41.0 19.5 17 14.0 69.5 31 36.5 16 30 8 24 1.75 C 30

Dynamic load Limit loads Torque

Life coefficients wrench (2) Weight
Type (N) (N)
settings (g)
Cw (4) radial Fr axial Fa X Y (Nm)

PFV 25.10 PFVR 25.10 1 850 1 080 200 1 4.4 8 42

PFV 35.16 PFVR 35.16 4 550 2 120 430 1 4.4 20 115
PFV 35.18 PFVR 35.18 4 570 2 120 430 1 4.4 20 113
PFV 43.22 PFVR 43.22 7 600 3 150 780 1 4.3 26 210
PFV 50.25 PFVR 50.25 8 800 4 240 940 1 4 44 335
PFV 60.30 PFVR 60.30 15 700 5 360 1 350 1 4.3 64 570

1) Housing bore tolerance: H7

2) The torque wrench settings are given for non-lubricated threads; for lubricated threads, multiply figure by 0.8
3) Available in stainless steel (suffix NX)
4) Cw basic load for 100 km
5) The guide rollers are complete with self-locking washers and hexagonal nut (DIN 439B) for fitting
6) Pressure angle ␣ for load calculation: 60°
7) NBR seals, RS type

Guide rollers RKO

concentric eccentric



M k=1

De d d1

m S min. A
B I1

Type Dimensions (mm)

concentric eccentric De d-h7 d1 (1) d T m S min. P L A B I1 M SW1 SW2 k
RKO 55.20 RKOR 55.20 55 20 21 M 20 x 1.5 32.9 19.8 15 13.4 73 35 41 14 28 8 30 1
RKO 55.25 RKOR 55.25 55 25 21 M 20 x 1.5 34.3 19.8 15 13.4 73 35 41 14 28 8 30 1
RKO 62.30 RKOR 62.30 62 30 21 M 20 x 1.5 39.6 19.8 15 13.4 73 35 41 14 28 8 30 1
RKO 80.40 RKOR80.40 79 40 36 M 30 x 1.5 50.7 27.8 19 19.6 100 45 55 18 44 12 46 1

Dynamic load Limit loads Torque

Life coefficients wrench Weight
Type (N) (N)
(Nm) (2) (kg)
Cw (4) radial Fr axial Fa X Y settings

RKO 55.20 RKOR 55.20 40 750 11 900 3 550 1 2.88 80 0.6

RKO 55.25 RKOR 55.25 40 750 11 900 3 450 1 2.90 80 0.6
RKO 62.30 RKOR 62.30 46 000 11 900 3 150 1 2.65 80 0.7
RKO 80.40 RKOR 80.40 64 850 31 300 10 100 1 2.59 300 1.6

1) Housing bore tolerance: H7

2) Torque wrench settings are given for non-lubricated threads; for lubricated threads, multiply figure by 0.8
3) Standard seals: material NBR, type RS
4) On request, the guide rollers can be supplied with Viton seals for operating temperatures up to 120°C (suffix V)
5) Cw basic load for 100 km
6) The guide rollers is complete with self-locking washers and hexagonal nut for fitting
7) Pressure angle α for load calculation: 70°C

Carriages T4PFV

= = H2

= b
B Iy

= G

Ix H1

Dimensions Recom-
(mm) Weight
Type mended
L B Ix Iy H H1 H2 G b pairings

T4PFV 25 10 80 (1) 80 120 45 85 41 28 20.5 M8 15 0.69 DC 10.54

T4PFV 25 10 120 (1) 120 120 85 85 41 28 20.5 M8 15 0.96 DC 10.54
T4PFV 35 16 165 (1) 165 165 126 126 50.5 36 24 M8 15 2.1 DC 16.80
T4PFV 35 16 250 (1) 250 165 211 126 50.5 36 24 M8 15 3.1 DC 16.80
T4PFV 35 18 150 (1) 150 150 113 113 49 36 24 M8 15 1.8 DC 18.65
T4PFV 35 18 250 (1) 250 150 213 113 49 36 24 M8 15 2.8 DC 18.65
T4PFV 50 25 220 (1) 220 220 163 163 63.5 45.5 29 M10 20 5 DC 25.95
T4PFV 50 25 300 (1) 300 220 243 163 63.5 45.5 29 M10 20 6.4 DC 25.95

1) Available with stainless steel guide rollers (NX)

2) Carriages are complete with guide rollers
3) Pressure angle ␣ for load calculation: 60°

Wiper NAID

E B dB

Dimensions (mm) Recommended

dB E C A B G A S pairings

NAID 010 10 13 17.5 13.5 6.5 3.5 12 3 C 10

NAID 016 16 20 26.5 20.5 10 4.5 18 3 DC 16.80
NAID 018 18 20 26.5 20.5 10 4.5 18 3 C 18/DC 18.65
NAID 022 22 24 30.0 24.0 14 4.5 23 3 C 22
NAID 025 25 28 37.5 30.5 18 4.5 26 3 DC 25.95
NAID 030 30 32 45.5 37.5 20 5.5 31 3 C 30

Lubricator LUBC


rollers plate

Dimensions (mm) Weight Suggested

X U B F m dB A C P Vf Vr (g) combinations

LUBC 25.10 18 4.5 25 13 7.5 10 3 22 32.5 M3x12 M4 10 PFV 25.10

LUBC 35.16 23 9.5 25 22 12 16 5.5 32 32.5 M3x12 M4 15 PFV 35.16

LUBC 35.18 23 9.5 25 22 12 18 6.5 32 32.5 M3x12 M4 15 PFV 35.18

LUBC 43.22 29 12 30 25.5 14 22 22 35 41 M4x12 M5 30 PFV 43.22

LUBC 50.25 32.5 15.5 30 30.5 16.5 25 9 45 41 M4x12 M5 35 PFV 50.25

LUBC 60.30 37.5 20.5 30 36.5 19.5 30 11 50 41 M4x12 M5 40 PFV 60.30

1) The lubricator is supplied with the felt already lubricated. The lubricant has a mineral oil base
2) At the mounting, insert the screws inside the rollers plate, without tighten them, adjust the height of the plastic part in order to put it
in contact with the raceways and then block it
3) The screws Vf for the frontal mounting are included in the packaging. Arrange two thread holes for dimension Vf in the mounting
rollers plate
4) The screw for the mounting on the nut side of the roller are not included in the packaging. Arrange on the mounting rollers plate the
holes in order to insert the screws Vr

Optional features
- felt without lubricant (D)

Mounting examples
Oxy fuel cutting machine
Base-Line C and DC

FWS, FWH System
Guide rails FWS


Type (mm)

dB X M g E b m c
FWS 22 6 34 M 5 16 36 20 14 10
FWS 32 8 42 M 6 20 45 25 17 12
FWS 40 10 54 M 8 24 57 30 19 14
FWS 52 12 66 M 10 32 69 36 24 18
single guide element L=4500 (1)

Screw distance max. Moments of inertia (2)

for 2 screw channels for additional holes (NZ) cm4
Distance Torque wrench Distance
Jx Jy
(mm) settings (Nm) (mm)

FWS 22 190 2 220 2.07 6.01 2

FWS 32 210 5 240 5.10 14.56 3.3
FWS 40 250 15 280 11.01 35.26 5
FWS 52 250 23 280 22.85 74.12 7.2

1) Longer rails are supplied in sections with ground butt joints at the rods
2) Inertia value based on equivalent aluminium yield 70000 N/mm2 including shafts

Hole layout Optional features

- finishes to drawing (NZ) - ground one end (R)
- without holes (NF) - ground both ends ( RR )
- stainless steel shafts (NX)

Example of standard designation : FWS32/1500 NF

See page 17 for standard codification

Guide rails FWH



Type (mm)

dB a M g E b m c
FWH 22 6 17 M5 8 18 20 14 10
FWH 32 8 21 M5 10 22.5 25 17 12
FWH 40 10 27 M8 12 28.5 30 19 14
FWH 52 12 33 M10 16 34.5 36 24 18
Maximum length of single guide element L = 4 500 (1)

Screw distance max. Moments of inertia (2)

for 1 screw channels for additional holes cm4
Distance Torque wrench Distance
Jx Jy
(mm) settings (Nm) (mm)

FWH 22 70 2 120 1.02 0.83 1

FWH 32 60 5 130 2.55 2.05 1.6
FWH 40 97 15 150 5.71 4.75 2.5
FWH 52 120 23 150 10.12 11.85 3.6

1) Longer rails are supplied in sections with ground butt joints

2) Inertia value based on equivalent aluminium yield 70000 N/mm2 including shafts

Hole layout Optional features

- finishes to drawing (NZ) - ground one end (R)
- without holes (NF) - ground both ends ( RR )
- stainless steel shafts (NX)

Example of standard designation : FWH32/1500 NF

See page 17 for standard codification

Guide rollers FR..EU

concentric eccentric

80° P

De d d1

m S min. A

L B l1

The sides of the race are slightly convex

Type Dimensions (mm)

concentric eccentric De d1 (1) d T m Smin P L A B I1 M SW1 SW2 SW3 k
FR 22 EU(4) FRR 22 EU(4) 22 9 M 6x1 7.7 9.4 9 6.5 36.8 15 18 8 14 4 10 3 0.8
FR 32 EU(4) FRR 32 EU(4) 32 14 M 10 x 1.25 11.8 12.6 12 8.5 48.9 20.2 22.9 11 20 4 17 4 1
FR 40 EU(4) FRR 40 EU(4) 40 16 M 12 x 1.5 14.6 15.5 12 10.4 58.5 25 29.5 11 22 5 19 5 1
FR 52 EU FRR 52 EU 52 21 M 16 x 1.5 19.1 19.8 15 11.4 69.5 32 36.5 14 28 6 24 6 1.5

Dynamic load Limit loads

Life coefficients Torque wrench Weight
Type (N) (N)
settings (2) (Nm) (g)
Cw (4) radial Fr axial Fa X Y

FR 22 EU FRR 22 EU 2 900 1 400 420 1 2 3 45

FR 32 EU FRR 32 EU 5 800 2 000 800 1 1.9 20 125
FR 40 EU FRR 40 EU 8 500 3 650 1 400 1 1.9 26 230
FR 52 EU FRR 52 EU 11 700 8 500 3 000 1 1.9 64 510

1) Housing bore tolerance: H7

2) The torque wrench settings are given for non-lubricated threads; for lubricated threads, multiply figure by 0.8
3) Cw basic load for 100 km
4) FR/R 22, 32, 40 are available in stainless steel (NX)

The guide rollers are complete with self-locking washers and hexagonal nut (DIN439B) for fitting
Pressure angle α for load calculation: 40°
NBR seals RS type

Guide Rollers FR..EU AS, FR..EU AZ
AS concentric eccentric

d1 d1 M
Q De d

s m l1 A l
m o L B

AZ 80° G

De d1 M

m o m l1 h A l
lg L B

Type Dimensions (mm)

concentric eccentric De d1(1) d(2) T m L A B l1 l h M SW G o Q Ig (6) s k
FR 22 EU AS(5) FRR 22 EU AS(5) 22 6 M 5 7.7 9.4 21.8 15 19.8 2 1.9 - 14 10 - 4.5 10 - 0 0.5
FR 32 EU AS(5) FRR 32 EU AS(5) 32 9 M 6 11.8 12.6 28.1 20.2 25.6 2.5 2.5 - 20 17 - 6 15 - 1.5 (4) 0.5
FR 40 EU AS(5) FRR 40 EU AS(5) 40 11 M 8 14.6 15.5 33.5 25 31 2.5 3 - 22 22 - 6.5 20 - 2 (4) 1
FR 52 EU AS FRR 52 EU AS 52 16 M10 19.1 19.8 43.2 32 40 3.2 3.8 - 28 27 - 8 24 - 2.5(4) 1.5
FR 22 EU AZ(5) FRR 22 EU AZ(5) 22 6 5.1 7.7 9.4 23.9 15 21.9 2 1.9 5 14 11 18.9 4 - 13 - 0.5
FR 32 EU AZ(5) FRR 32 EU AZ(5) 32 9 8.1 11.8 12.6 31.4 20.2 28.9 2.5 2.5 6.2 20 17 24.9 5 - 17 - 0.5
FR 40 EU AZ(5) FRR 40 EU AZ(5) 40 11 10.1 14.6 15.5 38 25 35.5 2.5 3 7.5 22 22 30.5 5 - 26 - 0.8
FR 52 EU AZ FRR 52 EU AZ 52 16 14.1 19.1 19.8 49.5 32 46.3 3.2 3.8 10.5 28 27 39.3 5.5 - 27 - 1.5

Dynamic load (N) Limit loads (N) Life coefficients Weight Weight On re quest
Guide roller size AS AZ for AZ screw
Cw (3) radial Fr axial Fa X Y (g) (g) DIN7984

22 2 900 470 210 1 2 33 31 M 5 x 30

32 5 800 1 590 710 1 1.9 95 93 M 8 x 40
40 8 500 2 120 940 1 1.9 173 173 M10 x 50
52 11 700 5 830 2 560 1 1.9 374 365 M14 x 60

1) Housing bore tolerance: H7 6) AZ: minimum length of the thread engaged

2) Safety threads SPIRALOCK steel = 1 x d
3) Cw basic load for 100 km cast iron = 1.25 x d
4) Guide roller with washers DIN134 without screw DIN7984 or DIN912 aluminium = 2 x d
5) FR/R 22, 32, 40 AS and AZ are available in stainless steel (NX) AS screws length: min = d+o+s; max = m+4+o+s

NBR seals RS type

Pressure angle α for load calculation: 40°

Floating guide rollers FRL..EU

concentric eccentric

80° n P

d d1

m S min. A

L B l1

The race ways are slightly convex

Type Dimensions (mm)

concentric eccentric De d1 1) d T m Smin P L A B l1 M n X SW1 SW2 SW3 k
FRL 22 EU 5) FRLR 22 EU 5) 22 9 M6 x 1.0 7.7 7.5 9 6.5 39.3 15.0 20.5 8.0 14.0 1.5 2 4 10 3 0.8
FRL 32 EU 5) FRLR 32 EU 5) 32 14 M10 x 1.25 11.8 10.1 12 8.5 52.2 20.2 26.2 11.0 20.0 2 2 4 17 4 1.0
FRL 40 EU 5) FRLR 40 EU 5) 40 16 M12 x 1.5 14.6 12.5 12 10.4 61.4 25.0 32.4 11.0 22.0 2.4 2.5 5 19 5 1.0
FRL 52 EU FRLR 52 EU 52 21 M16 x 1.5 19.1 16.0 15 11.4 74 32.0 41.0 14.0 28.0 3 3 6 24 6 1.5
FRL 62 EU FRLR 62 EU 62 27 M20 x 1.5 22.1 16.8 18.5 12.4 83.6 33.6 42.6 17.5 35.0 3 3 8 30 8 2.0

Limit load Inox Torque wrench

Dynamic load (N) Limit load (N) Weight
Type version (N) NX setting 2)
Cw 4) radial Fr radial Fr
FRL 22 EU FRLR 22 EU 2900 1050 980 3 46
FRL 32 EU FRLR 32 EU 5800 1700 1550 20 127
FRL 40 EU FRLR 40 EU 8500 3000 2750 26 233
FRL 52 EU FRLR 52 EU 11700 7600 6850 64 520
FRL 62 EU FRLR 62 EU 13900 11000 10300 120 776

1) Housing bore tollerance: H7

2) The torque wrench settings are given for non-lubricated threads; for lubricated threads multiply figure by 0.8
3) Weight without fittings
4) Cw = Basic load for 100 Km
5) Dimensions for stainless steel (NX) version

Standard seals: material NBR, RS type

Guide rollers include self-locking washers and hexagonal nut (DIN 439B)
Pressure angle α for load calculation: 40°

Carriage T4FR

= = H1

B Iy

Ix H2

(mm) Weight Suggested
(kg) combinations
L B Ix Iy H H1 H2 G b
T4FR 22 90 90 90 59 58.7 42.4 28.4 19 M6 15 0.6 FWS 22
T4FR 22 150 150 90 119 58.7 42.4 28.4 19 M60 15 0.9 FWS 22
T4FR 32 120 120 120 78 78 58.6 41.6 29 M8 15 1.5 FWS 32
T4FR 32 180 180 120 138 78 58.6 41.6 29 M80 15 2.1 FWS 32
T4FR 40 150 150 150 99 98.8 63.5 44.5 29 M8 15 2.6 FWS 40
T4FR 40 220 220 150 169 98.8 63.5 44.5 29 M80 15 3.4 FWS 40
T4FR 52 190 190 190 123 123 82.8 58.8 39 M10 20 5.4 FWS 52
T4FR 52 260 260 190 203 123 82.8 58.8 39 M10 20 6.8 FWS 52

Guide Rollers combination



Y Iy Ih
FWS 22 FWH 22 12.4 58.8 29.4
FWS 32 FWH 32 18 78 39
FWS 40 FWH 40 22.4 98.8 49.4
FWS 52 FWH 52 28.4 122.8 61.4

Mounting Examples
Glue dispensing

Flexi-Line 645
FWN System
Flexi-Line 645
System Flexi-Line 645
Aluminium guide rails FWN as well as carriages TA4 and MAXIMUM LOAD ON INDIVIDUAL CARRIAGES
TB4 are the components of this line.
In addition to the standard dimensions that are ISO The table below shows the maximum load that can be
645 compatible, the guide system can be adapted to applied to an individual carriage.
customers’ requirements.
Bore holes and threads on the guide rails can be made Carriage Fy (N) Fz (N) Mx (Nm) My (Nm) Mz (Nm)
in any distance required, the carriages may have over-
lengths and a special hole pattern and all this is also TA4GLA17.06
600 400 5 15 20
available as corrosion resistance type “NX”. TB4GLA17.06

1 700 960 19 33 70
Compared to linear guides made of steel these guide rails TB4GLA19.06
and carriages weigh up to 45% less and stand out due to
their excellent running performance which minimises
the driving power and reduces significantly the cost for DYNAMIC LOAD OF THE INDIVIDUAL CARRIAGE
motors and controls.
The table below shows the load corresponding to the
With eccentric bolts the guide rollers of the carriages nominal working life of 100 km.
are kept free from play. However the user also has the
possibility to change the settings, for example in case The nominal working life of the carriage can be
of vibrations, and to apply an individual preload on the determined by the standard bearing formula.
guide system. On both sides of the carriages can be
mounted end plates with oil-soaked felt seals to ensure L10 = (Ci/Pi)3 x 100 km
low-wear operation.
Ci is the carrying capacity in a specific direction and Pi
The following graph applies to the loads indicated in the
is the load applied in the same direction.
Carriage Cy (N) Cz (N)
(Nm) (Nm) (Nm)

2 596 1 445 13 46 84

4 920 2 700 30 100 180

in the calculation examples at the beginning of the
catalogue. In case of questions our application
engineers will be pleased to assist you.

Flexi-Line 645
Guide rails FWN Dimensions according to DIN 645

Boring layout A


l1 l


Boring layout B

l1 l

(mm) Weight
dB E X D d G g m t b l1 l
FWN 20 6 20 18 10 5.5 M6 12 13.5 7 19.5 30 60 1.3
FWN 25 6 23 21 11 6.6 M6 12 18 8.5 25.5 30 60 1.8
Max length of single guide element L=5 800 mm (1)

1) Longer rails are supplied in sections with ground butt-joints

Hole layout Optional features

- holes according to DIN (A or B) - ground one end (R)
- finishes to drawing (NZ) - ground both ends (RR)
- without holes (NF) - stainless steel shafts (NX)

Example of standard designation : FWN20/1000 A

See page 17 for standard codification

Flexi-Line 645
Carriage TA4 Dimensions according to DIN 645





(mm) Weight
Type Suggested combinations
B G H H1 L ex ey g
TA4GLA 17.06 63 M6 30 26 92 40 53 12 0.3 FWN 20
TA4GLA 19.06 70 M8 36 31 104 45 57 16 0.4 FWN 25

Longer carriages on request


Max load on a single carriage Mz

Carriage Fy (N) Fz (N) Mx (Nm) My (Nm) Mz (Nm)
TA4GLA 17.06 600 400 5 15 20
TA4GLA 19.06 1 700 960 19 33 70 Fy


Optional features
- available with stainless steel guide rollers (NX)
- available with felts for lubrication (UU)

Flexi-Line 645
Carriage TB4 Dimensions according to DIN 645





(mm) Weight
Type Suggested combinations
B G H H1 L ex ey g
TB4GLA 17.06 63 5.5 30 26 92 40 53 17 0.25 FWN 20
TB4GLA 19.06 70 6.6 36 31 104 45 57 23.5 0.35 FWN 25

Longer carriages on request


Max load on a single carriage Mz

Carriage Fy (N) Fz (N) Mx (Nm) My (Nm) Mz (Nm)
TB4GLA 17.06 600 400 5 15 20
TB4GLA 19.06 1 700 960 19 33 70 Fy


Optional features
- available with stainless steel guide rollers (NX)
- available with felts for lubrication (UU)

Flexi-Line 645
Mounting examples
Medical equipment

LM, LML System
LM system
LM system is based on rail, guide rollers and carriages Cy Cz CMx CMy CMz
Guide Carriage
to provide a complete guiding system. N N Nm Nm Nm
Guide rails and rollers can be used as single elements. LM 30 C3 RCL 17 06 065 3000* 830 9 16 30
In most cases the application is based on standard C4 RCL 17 06 085 3000 1670 18 26 60
carriages and cursors. LM 40 C3 RCL 24 06 085 8400* 2340 34 67 122
C4 RCL 24 06 114 8400 4670 68 110 244
Referring to the axis system below, the load capacities
LM 65 C3 RCL 35 10 115 15800* 4050 86 152 296
are tabulated as follows: C4 RCL 35 10 152 15800 8110 172 250 593
LM 90 C4 RCL 35 10 180 15800 8110 263 325 770
LM 120 T4 RCL 35 10 150 15800 8110 370 400 780
T4 RCL 35 10 220 15800 8110 370 685 1335
T4 RCP 42 10 150 24000 14130 650 700 1190
My Mx
T4 RCP 42 10 220 24000 14130 650 1195 2030
LM 180 T4 PFV 43 22 180 15190 5300 320 335 965
T4 PFV 43 22 280 15190 5300 320 600 1725
* Fy directed to load the two concentric guide rollers
Calculation example: four carriages C3RCL 35 10
Z 115 platform
The common configuration is shown in the here
following sketch:
The following table shows the maximum load that can
be applied on a single carriage.
Fy Fz Mx My Mz
Guide Carriage
N N Nm Nm Nm
LM 30 C3 RCL 17 06 065 1000* 330 3,5 5,8 10
C4 RCL 17 06 085 1000 660 7 11 20
LM 40 C3 RCL 24 06 085 1810* 520 7,6 15 26
C4 RCL 24 06 114 1810 1040 15 25 52 Z
LM 65 C3 RCL 35 10 115 4160* 1200 26 45 78
C4 RCL 35 10 152 4160 2400 50 75 155
The platform moves along the two guide rails and has
LM 90 C4 RCL 35 10 180 4160 2400 75 95 200 a load of “F” acting at 100 mm and 50 mm from the
LM 120 T4 RCL 35 10 150 4160 2400 110 120 200 carriage centre.
T4 RCL 35 10 220 4160 2400 110 200 350 Data: guide LM 65 and carriages C3RCL3510115
T4 RCP 42 10 150 5250 3030 140 150 260
T4 RCP 42 10 220 5250 3030 140 250 440
LM 180 T4 PFV 43 22 180 6300 3120 185 200 400 Ix = 400 mm Iz = 300 mm
T4 PFV 43 22 280 6300 3120 185 350 715 F = 6.000 N XF = 100 mm ZF = 50 mm
* Fy directed to load the two concentric guide rollers
In this configuration the load on the most heavily
loaded carriage is Py and can be calculated using the
The maximum load is based on the guide roller data
following formula:
(stud and bearing strength) and on maximum contact
pressure between rail and roller of 1250 N/mm 2 . F F s XF F s ZF
Loading is considered to be acting in a single plane or P= + + = 2750 N
axis only. s)xs)z

BASIC DYNAMIC LOAD OF SINGLE CARRIAGE The load Fy shown in the “max loads” table is 4.160N
The following table shows the nominal load that (carriages mounted with eccentric roller on top), so the
corresponds to a nominal life of the bearing at 100 km. system is validated against breakage.

The nominal carriage life can be estimated from the To estimate the system life we proceed as follows:
standard bearing formula. from the nominal life table Cy = 15.800 N
L10 = (15.800/2.750)^3 x 100 = 18.900 km
L10 = (Ci/Pi)^3 x 100 km
Important note: to reach this value it is important to
Ci and Pi are the basic capacity and load applied for a lubricate the rail, otherwise fretting corrosion between
specific direction. rail and roller can reduce the expected life.

Auto-aligning system
Auto-aligning systems are assembled with guide rollers
RAL type on LM system carriages tables.
The guide rollers RAL type allows axial displacement
of the roller on the pin. An “O” ring retains the roller in
position during the mounting.
Auto-aligning systems compensate for opposite rail
misalignment errors. They are useful for mounting
inaccurately aligned structures or those structures
subject to flexure.

Is used to compensate for Dx misalignment between
opposite rails. The table or carriage with all guide
rollers RAL/RALR type can move towards or away from
the rail. Type RAL provides radial support only. Axial
load, transverse to the direction of travel, is reacted by
carriage type RCL on the opposite rail.

C3RYL C4RYL T4RYL ...RCL... ...RAL...

Rail misalignment Dy requires the ability for both
carriages to rotate. The table or carriage RYL type, with
guide rollers RCL/RCP in contact with a steel shaft of
the LM rail and guide rollers RALR type in contact with
the opposite shaft, allows carriage rotation ensuring at
the same time the transverse direction control.
The maximum Dy value is dependent on the distance Dy
between the rails and the tabulated maximum angle ‘α’
for that carriage.
Note: RYL carriage axial load capability is lower than
the same size RCL/RCP carriage. ...RYL... ...RAL...

Max transverse moving allowed by auto-aligning tables and carriages

␣ max S max H nominal

Carriage code (1) Rail
(°) (mm) (mm)

C3RAL 17 06 065 C4RAL 17 06 085 1 0.8

27.5 LM 30
C3RYL 17 06 065 C4RYL 17 06 085 1 –
C3RAL 24 06 085 C4RAL 24 06 114 1 1
35.7 LM 40
C3RYL 24 06 085 C4RYL 24 06 114 1 –
C3RAL 35 10 115 C4RAL 35 10 152 1 1
58 LM 65
C3RYL 35 10 115 C4RYL 35 10 152 1 – H±s
– C4RAL 35 10 180 1 1
60.5 LM 90
– C4RYL 35 10 180 1 –
T4RAL 35 10 150 T4RAL 35 10 220 0.3 1
T4RYL 35 10 150 T4RYL 35 10 220 0.3 –
LM 120
T4RAL 42 10 150 T4RAL 42 10 220 0.75 1.5
T4RYL 42 10 150 T4RYL 42 10 220 0.75 –

1) See light load systems Nadella catalogue for table and carriage dimensions.
2) Variations of dimension H exceeding ± s can compromise bearing axial moving and decrease
the roller limit load, Fr.

Guide rails LM
LM 30 lB
LM 90
dB lB
H2 G H2

H1 H
H1 H

D g B

LM 40 dB lB LM 120
dB H2
LM 65 H2 G
H1 H

H1 H
g B

g D

LM 180
lB P

dB M a
H D(3) G(3) D
H1 H
2 e

a g
l1 l

Dimensions Moments of inertia(2) L(1)

(mm) (cm4) Weight
Type max
dB IB B H H1 H2 M D G g a e P l l1 J J (mm)
x y

LM 30(4) 6 21.5 32 15.5 10.5 6 11 4.5 9.5 2.5 – 16 – 80 40 0.5 3 1.1 6 000
LM 40(4) 6 29 42 20 14 8 14 4.5 8 4 – 21 – 100 50 1.2 8.8 1.5 6 000
LM 65(4)) 10 42.5 65 32 23.5 13.5 22 6.5 11 6 – 32.5 – 100 50 8.8 54.9 4.1 6 000
LM 90(4)) 10 65 90 35 26 20 29 9 15 0.5 38 26 – 100 50 16.4 160.2 4.7 6 000
LM 120(4) 10 92 120 33.5 24 14 23.5 6.5 11 6 40 40 – 100 50 14.8 311.6 6 6 000
LM 180 22 120 180 45 32 22.5 26.5 10(3) 20.1(3) 6 136 – 12.5 – – 53.3 1 096.6 13.1 6 000

1) Longer rails are supplied in sections with ground butt joints and, on request, with pin connection
2) Inertia value based on equivalent aluminium yield 70000 N/mm2
3) Slot for nut DIN 508
4) available with stainless steel shafts (suffix NX)

Hole layout Optional features

- holes according to catalogue (SB) - ground one end (R)
- finishes to drawing (NZ) - ground both ends ( RR )
- without holes (NF) - chromium plated shafts (CH)
- stainless steel shafts (NX)

Example of standard designation : LM 40/1720 NF

See page 17 for standard codification

Guide rollers RCL, RCP, PFV

De d De d

m S min. m min.
L concentric L concentric


SW1 k SW1 k

d1 d1

B l1 B l1
eccentric eccentric

Type Dimensions (mm)

d1 (1) d1 (1) S combination
concentric eccentric De dB d Y m P L A B l1 M SW1 SW2 k
conc. ecc. min.
RCL 17.06(3) RCLR 17.06(3) 17 6 5 6.5 M 5x0.8 10.5 6 6 3.7 21 7 11 5.2 9 2.5 8 0.25 LM 30
RCL 24.06(3) RCLR 24.06(3) 24 6 8 11 M 8x1.25 14 7.7 7 5.6 28.2 11 14.7 6.5 14 4 13 0.5 LM 40
RCL 35.10(3) RCLR 35.10(3) 35 10 10 10 M10x1.25 20.65 10.5 14 7 43 15.9 20.5 13 18 5 17 0.75 LM 65
RCP 42.10 RCPR 42.10(3) 42 10 17 17 M12x1.25 24 12.5 12 9.5 50 19 24.5 11 25 6 19 0.75 LM 120
PFV 43.22(3) PFVR 43.22(3) 43 22 12 12 M12x1.5 29 14 13 12.5 52 23 27 12 18 5 19 1 LM 180

Dynamic Life coefficients

Limit loads Torque
load wrench (2) Weight
Type (N) Pa/Pr ≤ 0.37 Pa/Pr > 0.37
(N) settings (g)
Cw(4) radial Fr axial Fa X Y X Y (Nm)

RCL 17.06 RCLR 17.06 1 500 530 260 1 1.37 0.5 2.73 1.8 20
RCL 24.06 RCLR 24.06 4 200 1 600 830 1 1.37 0.5 2.73 8 40
RCL 35.10 RCLR 35.10 7 900 2 400 1 100 1 1.67 0.5 3.03 20 130
RCP 42.10 RCPR 42.10 12 000 4 300 1 160 1 1.17 0.5 2.53 24 185
PFV 43.22 PFVR 43.22 7 600 3 150 780 1 4 1 4 26 205

1) Housing bore tolerance: H7

2) The torque wrench settings are given for non-lubricated threads; for lubricated threads, multiply figure by 0.8
3) Available in stainless steel (suffix NX) with RS seals type
4) Cw basic load for 100 km
5) The guide rollers are complete with self-locking washers and hexagonal nut (DIN 439B) for fitting
6) Pressure angle ␣ for load calculation: 60°
7) Standard shields ZZ type for RCL and RCP; NBR seals type RS for PFV

Guide rollers RAL

concentric eccentric

dB P


d1 SW1 Y M

De d

(size 35 and 42 only)

m S min A
L B l1

Type Dimensions (mm)

d1 (1) d1 (1) S combination
concentric eccentric De dB d Y m P L A B X (5) l1 M SW1 SW2 k
conc. ecc. min.
RAL 17.06(6) RALR 17.06(6) 17 6 5 6.5 M 5x0.8 10.5 6 6 3.7 20.5 7 10.5 0.8 5.2 9 2.5 8 0.25 LM 30
RAL 24.06(6) RALR 24.06(6) 24 6 8 11 M 8x1.25 14 7.7 7 5.6 27.5 11 14 1 6.5 14 4 13 0.5 LM 40
RAL 35.10(6) RALR 35.10(6) 35 10 10 10 M10x1.25 20.65 10.5 14 7 43 15.9 20.5 1 13 18 5 17 0.75 LM 65
RAL 42.10 RALR 42.10 42 10 17 17 M12x1.25 24 12.5 12 9.5 49 19 23.5 1.5 11 25 6 19 0.75 LM 120

Dynamic load Limit loads

(N) (N) (5) Torque wrench (2) Weight
settings (Nm) (g)
Cw (3) radial Fr

RAL 17.06 RALR 17.06 1 500 450 1.8 20

RAL 24.06 RALR 24.06 4 200 1 400 8 40
RAL 3510 RALR 35.10 7 900 2 100 20 130
RAL 42.10 RALR 42.10 12 000 3 400 24 185

1) Housing bore tolerance: H7

2) The torque wrench settings are given for non-lubricated threads; for lubricated threads, multiply figure by 0.8
3) Cw basic load for 100 km
4)The guide rollers are complete with self-locking washers and hexagonal nut for fitting
5) Dimension ± X is the max displacement from dimension m to ensure proper guide roller function and safety
6) Available in stainless steel (suffix NX) with RS seals type
7) Standard shields ZZ type

Guide wheels GLA



Di (1)

Type (mm)
De dB Di (1) Y A B
GLA 17.06 (4) 17 6 5 10.5 7 8
GLA 24.06 (4) 24 6 8 14 11.9 11.9
GLA 35.10 (4) 35 10 12 20.65 15.9 15.9
GLA 35.12 35 12 12 21.75 15.9 15.9
GLA 42.10 42 10 12 24 19 19
GLA 47.10 47 10 15 26.65 19.9 19.9
GLA 52.16 52 16 20 31.5 20.6 22.6

Dynamic Life coefficients

Limit loads
load Weight
Type (N) Pa/Pr ≤ 0.37 Pa/Pr > 0.37
(N) (g)
Cw (2) radial Cor axial Coa X Y X Y

GLA 17.06 1 500 840 350 1 1.37 0.5 2.73 10

GLA 24.06 4 200 2 300 1 000 1 1.37 0.5 2.73 20
GLA 35.10 7 900 5 100 1 500 1 1.67 0.5 3.03 80
GLA 35.12 7 800 5 000 1 400 1 2.47 0.5 3.83 80
GLA 42.10 12 000 7 100 2 100 1 1.17 0.5 2.53 100
GLA 47.10 15 400 9 200 3 300 1 0.97 0.5 2.33 170
GLA 52.16 19 300 10 500 4 000 1 2.17 0.5 3.53 230

1) Tolerance of Diameter Di: +0 / -0.008 mm 4) Available in stainless steel (suffix NX) with RS seals type
2) Cw basic load for 100 km 5) Standard shields ZZ type (GLA 52.16 with RS seals type)
3) Pressure angle ␣ for load calculation: 60°

Carriage C3RCL, C3RAL, C3RYL
e H1
G G u



c lx H2

Dimensions Suggested
(mm) Weight
Type combina-
L B Ix Iy H H1 H2 G g b c u e k tions

C3RCL 17 06 065 65 32 40 0.5 27.5 17 11 M4 6 4 6 5.5 24 0.5 0.1 LM 30

C3RCL 24 06 085 85 42 58 1 35.7 21.7 14 M5 8 6 6 7 35 1 0.2 LM 40
C3RCL 35 10 115 115 65 75 1.2 58 34.5 24 M6 10 10 10 14 60 1.5 0.8 LM 65
1) Dimensions in the table are correct also for carriages C3 RAL, C3 RYL
2) Available with stainless steel guide rollers (suffix NX)

Carriage C4RCL, C4RAL, C4RYL

e H1
G G u



c Ix H2

Dimensions Suggested
(mm) Weight
Type combina-
L B Ix Iy H H1 H2 G g b c u e k tions

C4RCL 17 06 085 85 32 60 0.5 27.5 17 11 M4 6 4 6 5.5 44 0.5 0.15 LM 30

C4RCL 24 06 114 114 42 87 1 35.7 21.7 14 M5 8 6 6 7 60 1 0.25 LM 40
C4RCL 35 10 152 152 65 112.5 1.2 58 34.5 24 M6 10 10 10 14 90 1.5 1 LM 65
C4RCL 35 10 180 180 90 135 23.7 60.5 34.5 24 M6 10 10 10 14 120 2 1.5 LM 90

1) Dimensions in the table are correct also for carriages C4 RAL and C4 RYL
2) Available with stainless steel guide rollers (suffix NX)

Carriage T4RCL, T4RCP, T4PFV, T4RAL, T4RYL
L H = =
b G H2 H2
b b
B Iy B Iy

= G

Ix H1 Ix H1

(mm) Weight Recommended
(kg) pairing
L B Ix Iy H H1 H2 G b
T4RCL 35 10 150 150 120 99 50.7 58.5 34.5 24 M8 10 1.6 LM 120
T4RCL 35 10 220 220 120 169 50.7 58.5 34.5 24 M8 10 2.2 LM 120
T4RCP 42 10 150 150 120 99 44 65.5 41.5 29 M8 15 2 LM 120
T4RCP 42 10 220 220 120 169 44 65.5 41.5 29 M8 15 2.7 LM 120
T4PFV 43 22 180 180 180 127 62 74 42 28 M10 20 3.1 LM 180
T4PFV 43 22 280 280 180 227 62 74 42 28 M10 20 4.5 LM 180
1) Dimensions valid also for T4RAL and T4RYL

Lubricator LUBM
symmetry axis
C L of the rail
2) G




Dimensions Suggested
Type (mm) combinations
A B U E T H C G S L with the rails

LUBM 030 9.5 16 8 30 15 6.5 20.5 M2.5 9 83 103 LM 30

LUBM 040 CD/CS 13.7 21.5 10 40 19 7 27 M3 9 103 132 LM 40
LUBM 065 CD/CS 20.5 30 15 63 30 13 44.5 M4 9 133 170 LM 65
1) The lubricator is supplied with the felt already lubricated. The lubricant has a mineral oil base - 2) One lubricator for packaging. Countersunk head screws
for the mounting are already in the packaging - 3)The lubricator can be mounted on carriages RCL, RAL and RYL - (4) Optional felt without lubricant (D)

System LML
Y Mx X
Aluminium guide rails LML as well as RCL guide rollers
with a plastic-coated outer ring are the components of My
this line.
LML can be used whenever extremely compact
dimensions, simple linear motion and an economic
solution are required.
LML system is suitable for manual and low precision
movements, for safety doors, for the adjustment of Mz
cameras and sensors and many other products.
Applications can be found amongst others in mechanical Z
engineering, medical and food engineering or object

Materials, surfaces, running characteristics

The guide rail, made of extruded aluminium, has a
hard anodised surface. This grey-coloured protective The table below shows the maximum static load that
coating ensures a significant protection against wear can be applied to an individual carriage for up to 100
and corrosion. In addition, it has good tribological hours without leading to permanent deformation of the
characteristics. outer rings. For short stress (<2s) and under dynamic
The guide rollers are made of corrosion-resistant bearing load the values can be doubled.
steel and their outer rings are coated with a special
polyamide material.
Fy Fz Mx My Mz
This material combination contributes to a further Carriage
(N) (N) (Ncm) (Ncm) (Ncm)
improvement of the already known good running
characteristics of Nadella roller guides and makes C3RCL 16 NX 150* 30 12.5 60 150
possible an absolutely low-noise linear motion without
any stick-slip. In contrast to steel to steel combinations,
C4RCL 16 NX 150 60 25 95 300
the plastic coating of the guide rollers is slightly flexible
and allows higher production tolerances and thus a cost-
* Fy with effect on the two concentric rollers.
efficient production.
Option sliding guide
Load rating and working life

The carrying capacity of the system is determined by the For mostly static applications such as adjusting
surface pressure between the plastic coating and the devices or for non-critical linear movements a suitable
aluminium guide rail. polyamide slide with incorporated lubricant is available.
Please contact our application engineers.
The working life is not calculated.
The following graph applies to the loads indicated in the

Guide Rails LML

G H2 Hole layout
- holes according to catalogue (SB)
H1 - holes according to drawing (NZ)
- without holes (NF)
D l1 l
g L

Moments of inertia (1)

Dimensions (mm) Weight Lmax
Type (cm4)
(kg/m) (mm)
B H H1 H2 D G g I I1 Jx Jy
LML 20 20 10.3 6.8 3.8 4.5 9.5 2.5 80 40 0.068 0.427 0.235 2800

1) Inertia value based on E module for aluminium 70 000 N/mm². Surface hard anodised

Carriage C3RCL 16 NX


lx H2

Carriage C4RCL 16 NX



Dimensions (mm) Weight

L B Ix Iy H H1 H2 G b e (g)

C3RCL 16 NX 58 18 40 0.8 16.5 9.75 5 M4 4 24 33

C4RCL 16 NX 78 18 60 0.8 16.5 9.75 5 M4 4 44 44

Corrosion-resistant design
Example: standard rail LML20/1200SB
standard carriage C3RCL16NX

Mounting example
Protective doors on machine tool

Product index (in alphabetic order)

Product Description Page

BL Carriage with burnished body for the ROLBLOC system 43
C Rail composed by an aluminium body and one shaft in steel, with a single raceway for Base-Line system 88
Carriages with body in anodised aluminium with 3 or 4 guide rollers type RAL for auto-aligning system
C3RAL, C4RAL 116
C3RAS, C4RAS, Carriage with body in anodised aluminium with 3, 4 or 5 guide rollers type RAS for auto-aligning system
C5RAS C-Line
C3RCL, C4RCL Carriage with body in anodised aluminium with 3 or 4 guide rollers type RCL for U-Line system 116-119
C3RCS, C4RCS, Carriages with body in anodised aluminium with 3, 4 or 5 guide rollers type RCS for auto-aligning system
C5RCS C-Line
Carriage with body in anodised aluminium with 3 or 4 guide rollers type RCL and RAL for auto-aligning
C3RYL, C4RYL 116
system U-Line
C3RYS, C4RYS, Carriages with body in anodised aluminium with 3, 4 or 5 guide rollers type RCS and RAS for auto-aligning
C5RYS system C-Line
DC Rail composed by an aluminium body and two shafts in steel, with two raceways for Base-Line system 87
DIST FS Spacers for rails FS, FSH and FSR 59
FK Guide wheel with tapered roller bearings for GP rails of Heavy-Line system 31
FKU Guide wheel with tapered roller bearings for GU rails of Heavy-Line system 22
FKX Guide wheel with tapered roller bearings for FSX rails of V-Line system 56
FKY Guide wheel with tapered roller bearings for FS and FSH rails of V-Line system 56
Guide roller with ball bearings for FS and FSH rails of V-Line system, and FWS and FWH rails of Base-Line
FR..EU 52-98
Floating guide rollers with ball bearings for FS and FSH rails of V-Line system, and FWS and FWH rails of
FR..EU AS/AZ 53-99
Base-Line system
Floating guide rollers with needle roller bearings for FS and FSH rails of V-Line system, and FWS and FWH
FRL..EU 57-100
rails of Base-Line system
FRN..EI Guide roller with needle roller bearings for FS and FSH rails of V-Line system 54
FS..M, FSH..M Rail in steel with ground raceways, for V-Line system 49-51
FS..MT, FSH..MT Rail in steel with sandblasted raceways, for V-Line system 48-50
FSR..M Circular rail in steel, for Multi-Motion-Line system 67
FSRO Oval circuit composed of linear and circular pieces of rail for Multi-Motion-Line system 69
FSRQ Ring circuit composed of linear and circular pieces of rail for Multi-Motion-Line system 70
FSX..M Rail in steel with ground raceways, for V-Line system 51
FSX..MT Rail in steel with sandblasted raceways, for V-Line system 50
FWH Rail composed by an aluminium body and one shaft in steel, with a single raceway for Base-Line system 97
FWN Rail composed by an aluminium body and two shafts in steel, with two raceways for Flexy-Line 645 system 105
FWS Rail composed by an aluminium body and two shafts in steel, with two raceways for Base-Line system 96
GC Guide roller with needle roller bearings for GP rails of Heavy-Line system 32-33
GLA Guide wheel with double row of balls with oblique contact, with “gothic arch” profile for U-Line system 115
GP..M Rail in steel , ground raceways for Heavy-Line system 29
GP..MC Rail in steel , rough ground raceways for Heavy-Line system 28
GU..M Rail in steel , ground raceways for Heavy-Line and Rolbloc system 20-41
GU..MT Rail in steel , sandblasted raceways for Heavy-Line and Rolbloc system 20-41
LM Rail composed by an aluminium body and two shafts in steel, with two internal raceways for U-line system 112
LML Rail totally in aluminium with two internal raceways for U-line system 119
LS Rail in steel with internal raceways for C-Line system 78
LUBC Lubricator for Base-Line system (guide rollers running on C and DC rails) 93
LUBM Lubricator for U-Line system (carriages running in LM rails) 117
LUBP Lubricator for Heavy-Line system (guide rollers running on GP rails) 36
LUBU Lubricator for Heavy-Line system (guide rollers running on GU rails) 24
LUBX, LUBY Lubricator for V-Line system (guide rollers running on FS and FSH rails) 60-61
MBL Carriage with black anodised aluminium body and three guide rollers with ball bearings, for Rolbloc system 42
NAID Wipers for C and DC rails of Base-Line system 92

Product index (in alphabetic order)

Product Description Page

Guide roller with “gothic arch” profile, based on ball bearings, for C and DC rails of Base-Line system, and
PFV gothic profile 89-113
LM rails of U-Line system
PK Guide roller with tapered roller bearings for GP rails of Heavy-Line system 30
PR Adjustment plates for BL carriages of Rolbloc system 44
Floating guide rollers with “gothic arch” profile, with a double row of balls with oblique contact, for LM rails of
RAL 114
U-Line system
RAS Floating guide rollers with balls for LS rails of C-Line system 80
Guide rollers with “gothic arch” profile, with a double row of balls with oblique contact, for LM rails of U-Line
RCL 113
RCP Guide rollers with balls for LS rails of C-Line system 113
RCS Guide rollers with balls profile, for LS rails of C-Line system 79
RKO Guide rollers with tapered roller bearings, with “gothic arch” profile for C and DC rails of Base-Line system 90
RKU Guide rollers with tapered roller bearings, for GU rails of Heavy-Line system 21
RKUL Floating guide rollers with tapared roller bearings for GU rails of heavy line system 23
RKX Guide rollers with tapered roller bearings, for FSX rails of V-Line system 55
RKY Guide rollers with tapered roller bearings, for FS and FSH rails of V-Line system 55
RKYL, RKXL Floating guide rollers with tapared roller bearings for FS.. rails of V-Line system 58
SAG Guide pins for the mounting alignment of GU rails of Heavy-Line system 25
TA4, TB4 Carriages with anodised aluminium body with four guide rollers type GLA for FWN rails of Flexi-Line system 106-107
T4FR Carriages with anodised aluminium body with four guide rollers type FR..EI for FWS rails Base-Line system 101
Carriages with anodised aluminium body with four guide rollers type PFV with “gothic arch” profile for C and
T4PFV 91
DC rails of Base-Line system, and LM rails of U-Line system
T4R… Steering carriage for FSR..M circular rails of Multi-Motion-Line system 71
Carriages with black anodised aluminium body with four floating guide rollers type RAL with “gothic arch”
T4RAL 117
profile for LM rails of U-Line system
Carriages with black anodised aluminium body with four guide rollers type RCL or RCP with “gothic arch”
T4RCL, T4RCP 117
profile for LM rails of U-Line system
Carriages with black anodised aluminium body with four guide rollers type RCL/RCP and RAL with “gothic
T4RYL 117
arch” profile for LM rails of U-Line system

Suffix index (in alphabetic order)

A Standard hole pattern according to the catalogue for GP rails
AC Hollow shafts optional for rails C, DC and LM
B Standard hole pattern according to the catalogue for GP rails
CH Chromium plated shafts
D Felt without lubricant
GZ Surface zinc-plated for LS rails (C-Line)
M Ground profile
MC Rough ground profile (for GP rails)
MT Drawn and sandblasted profile
NF Rails without holes
NX Stainless steel version for guide rollers or guide rails
NW Chemical Nickel-plating
NZ Finishes to drawing
R Ground on one end
RR Ground on both ends
SB Standard hole pattern according to the catalogue
UU Felts for lubrication available (for carriages TA4 and TB4 of Flexi-Line 645 system)
V Seals in Viton


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