Linear Guide Systems: Linear and Motion Solutions
Linear Guide Systems: Linear and Motion Solutions
Linear Guide Systems: Linear and Motion Solutions
NL 1002 E
Linear guide systems
Technical features
Standard operating temperature range is –20°C up
to 150°C. In lower or higher temperature applications
please contact Nadella Technical Service. Special care
is required if guide rollers are operating at maximum
Aluminium guides
Technical features
Made by joining an aluminium alloy support element and
Standard rails straightness (for non mounted rails) is
hardened steel rods that form the sliding surfaces.
0.5 mm/m maximum. Higher accuracy can be supplied
The best features of the two materials and relevant
on request.
working technologies are combined to give the lightness
of the alloy and the hardness and surface finish of the
Standard operating temperature range is –20°C up to
Guides of this type can be used for structural functions;
70°C. Applications with frequent temperature variation
they have a high moment of inertia that enables them to
should be avoided. For operating conditions outside the
be used in many applications as carrying structures.
given range please contact Nadella Technical Service.
Aluminium extruded profiles are stabilised and anodised.
Sliding rods are induction hardened and ground.
Guide rollers
Options General
Corrosion protection Nadella provide a wide range of guide rollers to be able
For use in oxidising environments or in the presence of to meet different technical and economic requirements.
corrosive agents, the guides of this series can feature All guide rollers are produced in concentric and
stainless-steel bars (suffix NX). eccentric versions to allow backlash adjustment during
assembly on final equipment. Eccentric rollers are
Chromium-plated rods identified by additional R in the code.
Optional chromium-plated rods are available (suffix CH);
the thickness of the chromium plating is 10 ± 5 μm with The sides of the races of the guide roller are slightly
hardness ≥ 800 HV. convex. Besides reducing rolling friction, this also
Please check option availability in dimensional tables. permits offsetting slight guide flexing or small assembly
alignment errors.
In case rail made by multiple C-DC or LM rails the most Guide rollers are fitted with seals or shields for bearing
efficient joint can be realized with the insertion of a protection and lubricant retention as described in
dowel pin inside the rods. This solution allows for simple dimensional tables.
assembly at the site and maintains alignment under
load. Guide rollers based on needle or tapered roller
bearings (FRN..EI,RK..,PK..) are recommended for
critical applications with heavy axial loads and/or shock
loading. Guide rollers based on ball bearings (FR..EU,
PFV, RCL) are more suitable for lighter loads or high
dynamic systems.
Technical features
Standard wipers NAID for C-DC rails are made from
NBR compound moulded on a steel plate.
Are composed by two main parts: a plastic box with the
same shape profile of the rail, and a lubricated felt; the
felt is slightly pressed on the raceways by a spring. The
plastic box, that drags the raceways, works as a wiper,
Another solution is to use one profiled guide rail e.g. FS and remove ve dust and shavings.
and on the opposite side a flat rail e.g. GP in connection
with rollers GC or PK.
High temperature
On request guide rollers can be equipped with Viton seals
to operate at temperature up to 120° (suffix V). Check in
the dimensional table component availability.
Technical features
Assembly instructions
Guide rollers
The eccentric guide rollers allows the preload or
clearance of the carriage to be adjusted independently
of the guide roller mounting hole positioning tolerance or
the distance between the rails.
Recommended mounting hole tolerance is H7. Carriages
When adjusting the eccentric guide roller care has to be Carriages are supplied with concentric guide rollers
taken to avoid excessive preload. Excessive preload can nut tighten already. Eccentric guide rollers have to be
reduce the life of the linear system. set and tighten during final assembly operation by
Set the preload turning the guide roller counterclockwise customer.
Technical features
Iy Ic Ic Iy
F F s xF F s yF
Pa = + +
4 2 s Ix 2 s Ic
Ic = Iy - De I c = I y + De
Pr = Pa s tan α
In case of ROLBLOC the distance Ic is the distance
between the rails basis. Diagram c) load F applied parallel to axis X
Iy Ic Ic Iy
Ic = Iy - 2sIh Ic = Iy + 2sIh Ix z2
Technical features
In this case the external load F1, applied at the point of estimation is performed using overload factor f w as
co-ordinate y1 z1, should be considered together with follows:
reaction F2 = -F1, applied at the point of co-ordinate
y2 z2. Calling Δy the absolute value of y2-y1 and Δz 1.0 – 1.2 smooth operation at low speed at constant
the absolute value of z2-z1, the following formula is load without shocks
used: 1.2 – 1.5 smooth operation with load variation
1.5 – 2.0 operation with small shocks and vibrations
F1 s Δz 2.0 ~ 4.0 high acceleration, shocks and vibrations
Pa =
2 s Ix Once Pa and Pr has been defined we can proceed to
calculate the equivalent load Peq (not for FRN..EI).
F1 Δz tan α
Pr =
( 2
+ Δy
) Peq = X Pr + Y Pa [N]
X and Y coefficients to define the equivalent load for Where coefficient p is:
bearing life.
p = 3 for ball bearing guide rollers
α is the contact angle dependent on the guide roller (FR..EU, RCL.., PFV.., RAL, MBL)
Rollers FRN..EI work as combined bearings, the basic p = 10/3 for roller bearing guide rollers
dynamic load is defined as: (PK.., RKY, RKX, ROLBLOC, GC, FRL..)
Cwr basic radial dynamic load, it is the radial load [N]
that applied to the guide roller gives 100 km nominal life*. In case of guide rollers based on needle bearings
type FRN..EI nominal bearing life is calculated as the
Cwa basic axial dynamic load, it is the axial load [N] that minimum between:
applied to the guide roller gives 100 km nominal life*.
Cwr 10/3
Note*: ISO 281 states ‘the nominal life will be exceeded
by 90% of bearings before the first sign of material
L10 = 100
( Pr s Fw ) [km]
Technical features
Fr s Fa
Fk = [N] F
k s Fr + ( 1 - k tan α ) s Fa F
To check the strength of the guide roller, in relation to
the limit load, the safety factor has to be greater than 1
Fk/Pr > 1
y1 y2
Note: in the following common cases it is not necessary to
calculate Fk and the evaluation can be completed easily.
Rollers that allow axial movement (FRL, PK, RKYL, RKUL,
GC) don't support axial loads. z2
z1 Y
In case of loads acting in the guide roller plane (Fx or
Fy acting with Z=0) the axial load is also zero (0) (see 쩸
calculation example n° 3).
In these cases it has to be Z
Examples of calculation
Nominal life
1) A fork-lift truck featuring vertical movement
(scheme 1). X=1 Y = 3,38
The resulting magnitude of the weight passes through
point 1, while the vertical force that balances this, for Equivalent dynamic load
instance the traction of a timing belt, passes through
point 2.
Peq s s .
Guide rollers type RKY 52 are used with guide rail type
FS 62 MT 10/3
overload factor fw = 1,0
L10 =100
( 7430 s 1
) = 29093 km
11900 s 4250
Fk = = 7780 N
0.27 s 11900 + (1 - 0.27 tan 40) s 4250
Technical features
ZF scheme 3 Y Y
Load on rollers lx
The effective center axis lc is 400 – 85 –85 = 230 mm F
s XF
Pa = = 2087 N