Plumbing-Water Supply Plumbing
Plumbing-Water Supply Plumbing
Plumbing-Water Supply Plumbing
2.2 Water Supply Plumbing For Low Pressure Flush Valve and Low Pressure
Flushing Cistern
2.2.1 Plumbing for Low Pressure W/C Flush Valve
A separate internal plumbing system shall be provided for low pressure W/C
flush valves to have adequate dynamic pressure and flow, to ensure effective
operation of each flush valve, i.e. for hydraulics of water closet to function
properly, as shown in Figure K1.
Water supply to flush valve for water closet pan shall be derived from a feeder
tank which is isolated from the potable water supply main and is not connected in
any way with all other fittings serving to basins , sinks , heaters , etc in the
The following requirement for each low pressure W/C flush valve as in Table A1
shall be considered in the design of internal plumbing for flush valve system..
Table A1. Low pressure W/C flush valve
Requirement W/C flush valve
a) Dynamic/operating head
at the inlet of flush valve
3.25 m
b) Flow rate 1.8 litres/sec
2.2.2 Plumbing for Low Pressure W/C Flushing Cistern
An internal plumbing system shall be provided for low pressure W/C flushing
cisterns, W/C taps, taps for toilet wash basins and urinal flush valves, as shown in
Figure K2.
The following requirements for each Low pressure W/C cistern, urinal cistern and
urinal flush valve as in Table A2 shall be considered in the design of internal
plumbing system.
Table A2. Low Pressure W/C cistern, urinal cistern and urinal flush valve
Requirement Low pressure
W/C cistern
Urinal cistern Urinal flush valve
a) dynamic/operating head
at the inlet of cistern / valve
3.2 m 2.0m 2.0m
b) Flow rate 0.1 litres / sec 0.1 litres /sec 0.1 litres /sec
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2.2.3 Materials for pipes, fittings and isolating valves in pipeworks
a) Pipes and fittings for internal plumbing
Pipework for water supply plumbing shall be to the dimensions shown or as
specified and shall be complete with all bends, tees, sockets, plugs, reducers,
brackets, supports and everything else necessary to complete the installation.
All the pipes and fittings mentioned in clause 1.2 are suitable for internal
plumbing. Galvanised iron pipes and fittings shall not be used for internal
b) Pipes and fittings for external pipework
ASTM A312 Schedule 40S stainless steel pipes and ASTM A351 stainless
steel pipe fittings or BS 143 & 1256 brass threaded fittings for external
pipework shall be used. Other high strength composite plastic/metal pipes
and fittings may be allowed with the S.O s approval. Galvanised iron
pipes and fittings shall not be used for external pipework.
c) Isolation valves for internal plumbing and external pipework
Valves used for isolating the water supply system shall be approved full bore
brass gate valves (BS 5154)or type B ductile iron gate valves(Spesifikasi J KR
20200-0083-00), brass ball valves (BS 6675:1986 or BS 1552:1995) can also be
allowed. All fittings used shall be made of brass, stainless steel or other
approved non-corrodible material. Stop valves (stop cocks with reduced flow
areas) shall not be used for external pipework and internal plumbing systems
for W/C flush vave and flushing cistern.
2.2.4 For operating/dynamic pressure more than 30 meters
Air vents and pressure reducing valves of approved type( Spesifikasi J KR 20200-
0114-01), unless otherwise instructed, shall be installed in order to restrict the
pressure sustained by the fittings at 30 meters intervals along the downpipe to
prevent water hammer and other effects .
2.2.5 Certification of designed plumbing systems
The flush valve and flushing cistern plumbing systems shall be checked with
the hydraulic calculations(and schematic diagrams) and certified by the
Professional Engineer/ Architect to ensure that there is sufficient residual
head /dynamic head(>minimum dynamic / operating pressure, i.e. Tables A1
and A2) and flow rates for effective operation of the flush valves and flushing
cisterns, before the licensed plumber is allowed to carry out the installation.
2.2.6 Guides for design of Plumbing Systems
Guides and sample calculations for the designs of flush valve and flush cistern
plumbing systems are shown in Spesifikasi Tender 20200-120-01 or later edition
for flush valves and Spesifikasi Tender 20200-161-03 for flushing cisterns
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BUILDING (in accordance with 2.2.2 )
Note : separate system for top floor
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accordance with 2.2.3 )
Note : separate system for top floor
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Appendix K / 1 ( Ref . CI . 2.2.1 )
4. Water Closet a) Pedestal closet conforming to MS 1522: 2001 or
Spesifikasi J KR 20200 0110 01 in white vitreous
china compete with pedestal pan , p trap and
ventilation outlet , plastic hinged seat and rubber buffers,
b) Squatting closet conforming to MS 1522: 2001 or
Spesifikasi J KR 20200 0110 01 in white vitreous china
compete with pair of raised foot threads in white fire clay
with p trap and 40mm diameter uPVC flush pipe .
5. Urinal a) Single urinal bowl conforming to Spesifikasi
J KR 20200 0131 01 or AS 3982: 1996 in white
vitreous china complete with back inlets , hangers and
steadying brackets, 40mm outlet with hinged gratings and
50mm uPVC waste pipe.
b) Urinal range of 2 or more bowls as (a) but with white
vitreous china division between bowls .
6. Cistern for water closet a) All W/C Cisterns shall be Low pressure or Type B flushing
cisterns conforming to Spesifikasi J KR 20200 -0160 -03.
Type B flushing cistern flushing cistern complete with low pressure
inlet valve that at 34.5Kpa ( 5 psi ) static pressure and 0.1 litre/sec flow
rate, the time taken for refilling 6 litre of water through the inlet valve
into the cistern shall be within 60 secs after flushing. The dynamic
pressure at the inlet of the inlet valve shall be not less than 31.8 kpa.
b) Single flush 6 liters or dual-flush 6/3 liters low level
vitreous china cistern conforming to Spesifikasi J KR
20200 -0160 -03 with 40mm flush pipe, low pressure
water inlet valve, 20mm diameter overflow for discharge
externally and chromium plated flushing lever handle.
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c) 6 liters high level vitreous china cistern conforming to
Spesifikasi J KR 20200 -0160 -03 with 40mm flush pipe,
water inlet valve, 20mm diameter overflow for discharge
externally, and chromed lever handle.
d) Each flush cistern for W/C shall be tested as stipulated in
the requirements of Spesifikasi tender 20200-0160-03.
7. Cistern for (a) Single flush 2.5 liters urinal flushing cistern conforming
urinal to Spesifikasi J KR 20200-0136-02 in white vitreous
china and chromium plated flushing inlet pipe,
20mm diameter overflow for discharge externally,
and chromed lever handle.
8. Flush valve for water (a) W/C flush valve shall be low pressure single flush 6 litres
closet gravity flush valve. It shall have a non-hold-open feature or
an automatic shut off system. Vacuum Breaker is
Optional, only applicable to WC flush valves intended
to be connected to direct potable water mains.
Its performance requires proper match of valve and WC
pan conforming to MS 1522 : 01 .
Note : Low pressure gravity flush valve shall, at 34.5Kpa ( 5 psi )
static pressure,. flush 6 litres of water and pass all the tests stipulated in
MS 1522:01. The dynamic pressure at the inlet of flush valve shall be
not less than 32.5 kpa.
(b) Each flush valve shall be made of metal ( preferably copper
alloy ) and corrosion resistant . All exposed surfaces to the
users shall be chromed plated or made of stainless steel .
(c) For functionality and durability, each water closet flush
valve ( model and type ) used shall comply full with ASSE
1037: 1990, Performance requirements for Pressurized
Flushing Devices ( Flush meters ) for Plumbing Fixtures .
Testing and certification by other approved testing body
may be allowed with the S.O s approval . Each flush valve
( model and type ) shall pass all the tests listed below,
i) Endurance test ;
ii) Hydraulic test ;
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iii) Performance tests according to test methods stipulated
in MS 1522 : 01
a) Newspaper test ;
b) Simulating solid test ;
c) Sawdust test and
d) Ball test ;
9. Urinal flush valve (a) Urinal flush valve shall be single flush 2.5 liters gravity
flush valve . It shall have a non-hold-open feature or an
automatic shut off system .
(b) Each urinal flush valve shall be made of metal ( preferably
copper alloy ) and corrosion resistant . all exposed surfaces
to the users shall be chromed plated or made of stainless
steel .
(c) Each urinal flush valve shall be tested as stipulated in the
requirements of Spesifikasi J KR 20200-0131-01 or AS
3982: 1996