University of Cambridge Examinations Advanced Level Physics Paper 3 1990

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Time 2 h 15 m
Answer FOUR questions from Section A and TWO questions from Section B (35 minutes).
Q1 (a) Explain what is meant by the linear momentum of a
body. Obtain a relation between p. the linear momentum of a body
of mass m. and Ek ,. its kinetic energy.
(b) A bullet is fired from a gun into a block which is suspended
by thin threads from fixed points. The bullet remains in the block
which swings upwards as shown in Fig. 1.1.
Explain how you would use this equipment to determine
the velocity of the bullet.
(c) A. gun of effective barrel length 0.70 m and diameter 20
mm fires shot of mass 30g with an exit velocity of 310 m s-1.
Assuming that the acceleration of the shot as it travels down the
barrel is constant, calculate

(i) the acceleration of the shot.

(ii) the pressure in the barrel, .
(iii) the average power supplied to the
(d) The butt of such a gun is
sometimes fitted with a thick rubber pad as
shown in Fig.1.2.
Describe and explain how this pad will
affect the recoil of the gun. as experienced by
the shooter.
Cam.J 90 P 3
Q3 (a) (i) Explain what is meant by the internal energy of a system.
(ii) Use the molecular model of matter to explain why evaporation of a liquid is accompanied by
cooling, unless heat is supplied to the liquid.
(b) A thermally insulated vessel containing liquid water and water vapour is connected to a vacuum
pump which removes water vapour continuously. When the temperature reaches 0o C, the vessel contains 110 g of
liquid water. What mass of ice has been formed when no liquid remains?
(Specific latent heat of fusion of water = 3.40 x l05 J kg-1,
Specific latent heat of vaporisation of water = 2.52 x 106 J kg-1)

(c) Starting from the kinetic theory equation p = 1/3 ρ <c²> and the ideal gas equation p V = N k T,
deduce an expression in terms of the thermodynamic temperature T, for the average translational kinetic energy of
a monatomic molecule.
(d) If two sufficiently energetic sodium atoms collide, an electron in one of them may be raised to a higher
energy level.

(i) Explain why such a collision is called an inelastic collision.

(ii) Briefly explain why such inelastic collisions are not consistent with basic assumptions of the
kinetic theory of gases.

(iii) If the energy required to raise the electron to the higher energy level is 3.35 x 10-19 J, estimate
the temperature at which appreciable excitation by collision might take place. [7]
Q2 (a) (i) Define resistance.
(ii) Write down an equation which relates resistance
and resistivity. Identify all the symbols in the equation.
(b) Calculate the resistance per metre of a copper wire of
diameter 0.050 mm and resistivity l.7 x 10-8 Ωm.
(c) The wire in (b) is to be used to construct an electromagnet
in the form of a hollow solenoid by winding one layer of close-
packed turns onto a plastic tube of length 200 mm and diameter 30
mm. The solenoid is connected in series with a switch and a battery
electromotive force 6.0 V and negligible internal resistance, as
shown in Fig. 2.1. Calculate
(i) the resistance of the wire of the solenoid.
(ii) the maximum magnetic flux density produced by
the electromagnet.
(The magnetic flux density B at the centre of a solenoid is given by B = µο n I )
(d) State and explain the effects on the maximum flux density of each of the following changes.
(i) The plastic tube is filled with iron filing.
(ii) The diameter of the tube is reduced but the number of turns of wire on the coil and the total
length of wire in the circuit are not changed.
(iii) Twice the length of similar wire is used so that the coil consists of two close-packed layers.

Q4 (a) (i) Describe. by

means of a labelled diagram. the basic
structure of a cathode-ray tube.
(ii) What is meant by the
term linear time base ?
(iii) A sinusoidal voltage is
applied to the Y-plates of a cathode-ray
oscilloscope and the Y-plate sensitivity is
adjusted to 3.0 V cm-1. With the time base
set at 0.2 ms cm -1 , the trace of Fig. 4.1 is

Deduce all you can about the

(b) (i) Draw a diagram to show how four diodes may be used to produce a bridge rectifier for full-wave
rectification of an alternating current. Indicate clearly the input and output terminals of the bridge and the
direction of the current in each of the diodes during one half cycle of the alternating input.
(ii) The output of a simple
battery charger is a full-wave rectified
sinusoidal voltage of r.m.s. value 2.0 V. The
battery to be charged has e.m.f. 1.5 V and is
connected as shown in Fig 4.2. The battery
receives charge only when the output voltage
of the rectifier is greater than 1.5 V.

For what fraction of the total time is

the battery being charged?
Q5 (a) Distinguish between α -particles. β -particles and γ -ray photons, making reference wherever
appropriate, to charge, mass, speed and penetration.
(b) A radioactive isotope of thallium, 207'Th, is known to emit β-particles. It is suspected that the isotope also
emits γ-radiation. You have available a 207Th source with an activity of approximately 105 Bq. Devise an
experiment. based on the different penetrating properties of β-particles and γ-ray photons, which could be used to
confirm the emission of γ-radiation.
(c) (i) Explain the meaning of the term radioaclve decay constant

(ii) 40
K, an isotope of potassium, has a half -life of 1.37 x109 years and decays to an isotope of argon
which is stable. In a particular sample of Moon rock. the ratio of potassium atoms to argon atoms was found to be
1:7. Estimate the age of the rock. assuming that originally there was no argon present.

(iii) State one other assumption which you have made in your calculation.

Cam. June 90 P 3
Q6 (a) (i) What do you understand by superposition?
(ii) Explain how superposition contributes towards the effects observed when coherent
monochromatic light passes through two very narrow parallel slits placed close together.
(b) Parallel coherent light is
incident upon two slits S1, and S2, as
shown in Fig. 6.1.

Light emerging from the slits passes

through two identical, evacuated
tubes and is then superposed and
viewed in the region around E.

(i) Describe what will

be observed near E if

(1) S1 is covered,

(2) S1 and S2 are both

uncovered and the path lengths from
S1 to E and from S2 to E are identical.
(ii) When gas is allowed to leak gradually into the tube in front of S2, the intensity of the light at the
point E is found to change periodically. Explain how this observation leads to the conclusion that the speed of
light in the gas is different from that in a vacuum.
You may assume that the frequency of the light is constant.
(iii) Light of wavelength 591 nm in a vacuurn is observed to undergo 312 complete cycles in the
variation of its intensity at E as the gas is introduced into the tube. The tube length is 62.0 cm. Obtain a numerical
value for the ratio
speed of light in vacuum
speed of light in the gas

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