SITXFSA001 - Assessment 2 - Practical Observations
SITXFSA001 - Assessment 2 - Practical Observations
SITXFSA001 - Assessment 2 - Practical Observations
Student Name
Student Number
Course and Code
Unit(s) of Competency and Code(s) SITXFSA001 Use hygienic practices for food safety
Reasonable Adjustment
1. Has reasonable adjustment been applied to this assessment?
No No further information required
Yes Complete 2.
2. Provide details for the requirements and provisions for adjustment of assessment:
Student to complete
My assessor has discussed the adjustments with me
I agree to the adjustments applied to this assessment
Signature Date
Signature Date
1 of 15
Assessment Guidelines
Resource Requirements
Refer to the Assessment conditions attached to the Mapping Document located in the teacher support tools
folder or the “Assessment Conditions” for this unit in the SIT 1.0 Training Package.
Statement of Authenticity
I acknowledge that I understand the requirements to complete the assessment tasks
The assessment process including the provisions for re-submitting and academic appeals were explained
to me and I understand these processes
I understand the consequences of plagiarism and confirm that this is my own work and I have
acknowledged or referenced all sources of information I have used for the purpose of this assessment
Student Signature: Date: / /201
2 of 15
This assessment: First Attempt 2nd Attempt 3nd Attempt Extension – Date: / /
Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory
Feedback to Student:
Date: / /
Student Signature Date: / /
3 of 15
Assessment 2
Your task:
During 3 practical service instances on-the-job or in your training facilities relevant to your area of training (food
and beverage, housekeeping, commercial cookery), your trainer will observe you performing your typical
workplace tasks and determine if you are adhering to hygienic food safe practices.
1. You are required to perform the following tasks outlined below for each of the 3 service instances.
2. The checklist below provides a guideline for aspects which will be included for each observation
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Instance 1:
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Can identify actions and processes which may result in cross-
contamination and takes appropriate actions:
Example Action taken
Identifies food hygiene hazards relevant to the area of training and reports
Hazard identified Action taken/reported
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Feedback for Instance 1:
7 of 15
Instance 2:
8 of 15
Can identify actions and processes which may result in cross-
contamination and takes appropriate actions:
Example Action taken
Identifies food hygiene hazards relevant to the area of training and reports
Hazard identified Action taken/reported
9 of 15
Feedback for Instance 2:
10 of 15
Instance 3:
11 of 15
Can identify actions and processes which may result in cross-
contamination and takes appropriate actions:
Example Action taken
Identifies food hygiene hazards relevant to the area of training and reports
Hazard identified Action taken/reported
12 of 15
Feedback for Instance 3:
13 of 15