A Fool'S Trov E in Ulfenkarn: The Final Battle

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3 deployment cards are drawn.

Each player discards 1 of them,
starting with the player who
not their leader and that was not
taken down in the battle. They
then roll on the table below to
5. The players make 1 search roll
each on the lesser artefacts table.

U L F EN K A R N did not set up the terrain. The

remaining card is the one that
is used. The player who did not
determine the outcome.

3. Injury Rolls are made as normal

6. No other steps are taken,
including adding and removing
fighters for a player’s warband. If a
In the Realm of Death, upon the storm-battered cliffs of Szargorond Island, lies the cursed city of Ulfenkarn. Here set up the terrain chooses which but are made on the table below fighter is slain, the warband must
is a fell place that few mortals dare to tread, and those unfortunates who reside here are condemned to a dark and player uses which deployment (note that fighters with the Leader continue with 1 fewer warrior at
terrible fate. Ulfenkarn is the forsaken domain of the Vampire Lord Radukar, who rules from the looming Ebon points and orientates the runemark ( ) still treat rolls of their disposal: there’s no time to
Citadel and demands a relentless tithe of blood from the populace. deployment card. ‘Slain’ as ‘Lost Favour’ instead): muster reinforcements!

Lured by rumours of wealth unimaginable, your warband has come to the city and now searches for the grounds of 5. Any instructions on the victory
the ruined Ven Silveren estate. To your disdain, you learn that three of your rivals pursue the same treasure, and so a card are carried out. D3 INJURY TABLE THE FINAL BATTLE
desperate race begins, for when night falls in Ulfenkarn you do not wish to be out on the streets… 1 Slain The fourth battle of the campaign
6. The twist of the battle is Nightfall is fought between all 4 players and
(pg xx). 2 Lost Favour uses the ‘The Crypt of Ven Silveren’
NARRATIVE CAMPAIGN attack any foolish enough to cross of models to represent the restless
3 Full Recovery
battleplan (see below). This is the
This is a narrative campaign for 4 their path! undead of Ulfenkarn. If a player has 7. The battle begins. final battle of the campaign and
players, each player taking the role Warhammer Quest: Cursed City this its outcome will determine who is
of a warband intent on being the During the first 3 battles a record will include ample for the campaign. D6 VICTORY TABLE 4. The players make destiny rolls declared the winner.
first to locate the Ven Silveren estate will be kept of each warband’s Otherwise, a player might have a as normal.
amidst the dark streets of Ulfenkarn progress towards locating the collection of Skeleton Warriors or 1 No Mercy
and seize the wealth rumoured to quickest route to the Ven Silveren Deadwalker Zombies that can be 2 Cut Off the Head
lie hidden in the household crypts. estate. In the final battle, the players used. 10 of each will be sufficient.
The campaign lasts for 4 battles in will be ranked from first to last based 3 Drawn and Quartered
total, making for a perfect weekend on how much progress each has 4 No Quarter D6 OUT INTO THE NIGHT…
of gaming. During the campaign, made, and those who made more FIGHTING 5 Raze
your warband will fight each of your will gain bonuses to aid them in that CAMPAIGN BATTLES
rivals in turn before a final climactic final battle. The winner of the final Once the above steps are completed, 6 Vantage Point Never Seen Again: You hear an blood-curdling scream call out from the
battle is fought between all 4 players battle is crowned the overall winner the campaign is ready to begin. For 1 darkness beyond. Your warrior is never seen again.
over the grounds of the Ven Silveren of the campaign. the first 3 battles, each warband The fighter is slain.
estate itself. battles against each other warband SPENDING THE NIGHT
once. The players can decide the IN ULFENKARN
This campaign explores the setting of GETTING READY order. Fight each of these campaign In the aftermath of battle the Battle in the Darkness: The clash of steel rings out in the night, your
Warhammer Quest: Cursed City and Each player musters a warband battles as follows: warbands find respite among the warrior has become the prey of a foul creature!
its theme is one of horror: as such, under the following guidelines: ruined buildings of Ulfenkarn 2
you will find your fighters are much 1. Battle groups are assigned to spend the night away from the Roll a dice. On a 1-3, the fighter is slain. On a 4-6, the fighter gains a
destiny level.
more likely to be slain (or worse, 1. Players can muster a warband of as normal. horrors that lurk beyond, all the time
turned into shambling Deadwalker any faction (it’s up to the player to wondering if their rivals are daring
Zombies), and with no way to add decide for what reason they wish 2. A player rolls on the victory table to continue the search for the Ven
reinforcements by the end of the to rob the Ven Silveren estate!) opposite to determine which Silveren estate while they do not! Return Empty Handed: Your warrior was unable to find anything
3 of worth.
campaign the warbands are likely victory card is in play. Perhaps you should send one of your
to be of a reduced size. In addition, 2. 1000 points’ worth of fighters can warriors out into the darkness to This result has no effect.
at a certain point during each battle be added to the warband. 3. A player sets up the terrain: scout ahead?
nightfall will descend. When this we recommend ruins and
happens the restless undead will In addition to mustering a warband, mausoleums to resemble the dark The players use a different aftermath
A Small Treasure: Your warrior returns with a relic found amidst
begin to rise from their graves and the players will also need a collection streets of Ulfenkarn. sequence as follows:
4 the ruins.
1. Players do not earn glory. Instead You can make 1 additional search roll this aftermath sequence.
each player records their progress.
To do so, the player that won the
battle rolls a D6, and the player A Minor Find: Your warrior has gleaned something about the Ven
that lost rolls a D3. Each player Silveren estate whilst venturing forth.
adds their score to their progress.
Roll a D3 and add the score to your progress.
2. Once both players have recorded
their progress, each must decide if
they are going to send a fighter out
into the night, starting with the A Major Find: Your warrior returns with valuable news…
player who won the battle. If they Roll a D6 and add the score to your progress.
decide to do so, the player picks a
fighter from their warband that is

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The twist used in each battle of the campaign is Nightfall, which works as follows. At the start of the battle a player Locked in a bitter race, four warbands converge upon the ruined Ven Silveren estate, each eager to claim
rolls a D3. This determines how many battle rounds of daylight remain. Once all the battle rounds with daylight have the treasure within the household crypt. To open the crypt you will need to obtain the key and secure the
been played, nightfall lasts for the remainder of the battle (for example, if a 2 was rolled there would be 2 battle rounds entrance, but your rivals are not the only threat you face – the ruins of the estate are overrun with foul undead.
of daylight and nightfall would begin at the start of the third battle round). Once nightfall begins, the Dead of Night
and Restless Undead rules take effect:
F I R ST TO T H E G RO U N D S Blue Battlefield Edge
During the campaign, each warband
DEAD OF NIGHT SKELETON WARRIOR has been accumulating progress
No ability or attack action can be used to target an enemy WITH ANCIENT SPEAR which represents the warband
fighter more than 3" away. scouting the city in an effort to beat
their rivals and be first to arrive
2 2 3 1/4 at the Ven Silveren estate. At the

Yellow Battlefield Edge


Green Battlefield Edge

start of the battle, the players rank
At the start of each combat phase, before any fighters themselves from first to last in order
have been activated, the player with the initiative rolls 3 4 8 of progress. If any players have made
a dice. This determines the amount of restless undead equal progress, those players roll
that can be set up on the battlefield this turn. On this off to determine who comes before
page are 6 fighter cards with the Restless Undead D EAD WAL K ER whom in the order.
faction runemark ( ). These fighters do not have points ZOMB I E
values – instead, each has a threat value between 1 and The players receive the bonuses listed
4 (marked by the number in the top right of the card, below. Note that the player first in
framed on a skull). The player with the initiative picks 1 2 3 1/4 the order will receive 3 bonuses in
a number of Restless Undead fighters with a combined total, and the player who is second
threat value equal to or less than the roll. These fighters will receive 2.
Red Battlefield Edge
are then set up on the battlefield as a single group, each 3 4 10
within 1" of at least 1 other fighter from the group and PROGRESS BONUS
more than 5" from any fighters not from the group. MADE is determined randomly for each more than 5" from any fighters, the
KO S ARGI player: in priority order, each player objectives and the battlefield edge.
These fighters are subject to the Territorial Predators and These warbands chooses their deployment point
N I GHTGU ARD Third, second
each place 1
Bestial Intellects rules from the Core Book in the same and first colour and then rolls a D3. On a 1, During the battle, the objectives will
way as a chaotic beast. The only ability these fighters can crypt entrance. their Dagger starts on the battlefield be removed until 1 remains.
use is the ‘The Dead Rise’ ability, shown below. 2 2 5 2/5 These warbands and is set up, on a 2, their Shield and
gain 1 on a 3, their Hammer. At the end of the first battle round,
Second and
additional wild a player rolls a D3 and removes
dice at the start R E SE RV E S an objective. On a 1, it is the
[Quad] The Dead Rise: Pick a visible In each reserve phase, each player westernmost objective, on a 2, the
of the battle.
enemy fighter within 1" of this fighter rolls a dice in initiative order. If the easternmost objective and on a 3, the
that does not have Leader runemark This warband score of their roll was equal to or remaining objective.
( ). This fighter makes a bonus attack C ORP S E RATS First
places the key. less than the number of the current
action against that fighter. If that fighter battle round, they can pick 1 of At the end of the second battle
is taken down by that attack action, that T R I UM P H & T R E AC H E RY their battle groups in reserve and round, a player rolls a dice and
fighter is immediately slain and removed
1 6 2 1/2 This battle uses the Triumph & set up its fighters within 3" of their removes an objective. On a 1-3, it is
from the warband. If this happens,
Treachery rules from the Core Book battlefield edge. the westernmost objective and on a
1 new Deadwalker Zombie with the
(pg 57-61), with the exception of 4-6, it is the easternmost objective
Restless Dead faction runemark ( ) is 6 1 8
set up within 1" of this fighter.
the battleplan rules. Rather than V I C TORY
rolling to determine priority order, it After warbands are set up, in reverse At the end of the third or subsequent
matches the progress ranking. priority order, the players ranked battle round, the battle ends and is
SKELETON WARRIOR first, second and third for progress won by a player if they control the
WITH ANCIENT BLADE BAT S WARM TERRAIN each place 1 objective on the remaining objective, they have a
The player last in the priority order battlefield floor to represent a crypt fighter carrying the key within 1" of
sets up the terrain to resemble the entrance. Each of these objectives the objective, and there are no enemy
1 3 3 1/3 1 3 3 1/4 Ven Silveren estate graveyard. must be placed more than 5" from fighters within 3" of the objective.
any fighters and the battlefield edge.
3 4 8 8 1 6 See map. Each warband starts with Then, the player who made the There is 1 battle round of daylight,
1 battle group on the battlefield and most progress places the key. This then nightfall descends.
2 battle groups in reserve. The battle is a treasure token. It can be placed
group that starts on the battlefield anywhere on the battlefield floor


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