Morkboll Single V 1.0

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B o L Vers
ion 1

sportsball at the end of the world

ie ld s o u t s id e o f t he
In the f n , t h e t e a m s o f
Hogs Head In OLL league
the MÖRK Bto play in the
come together st and most
world's bloodie .
beautiful game
f o r t h e f a m e , t h e
Many come gold on offer,
bloodshed, the ore.
and so much m
O L L is a s p o r t
MÖRK B , brutality, and
of wit, cunning y those mad,
blood, played b ungry enough.
desperate, or h
e g a m e s b e g in .
Let th

4. Team Names MÖRK BOLL is
6. How to Create a Team a 28mm miniatures agnostic game.
7. BOLLER Names You can use any miniatures you
8. Star BOLLERs
9. BOLLER Numbers already own or build custom minis
10. Stats for this game.
11. Health
12. Flaws and Feats Grab some dice, some miniatures,
14. Tuck Shop
16. States and Properties and a 20 inch by 11 inch table and
17. Scrolls you are ready to play.
18. Reading Scrolls
19. Calamity Table
20. Mascots
22. Making Tests
23. Opposed Rolls
Measurements are in inches and you
24. Movement can pre-measure.
25. Activating a Model
26. Actions
28. Actions Continued Dice Rolls
29. Reactions Dice Rolls, abbreviated DR, are used
30. Combat/Melee/Damage
31. Ranged Attacks
to determine the outcome of actions
32. Morale taken. When a number appears after
34. Game Order the abbreviation, players must roll at
35. Who Goes First? least that number to succeed. Tests in
36. Kickoff/Plays/Halves
37. How to Win MÖRK BOLL are generally DR12
38. The Pitch on a D20, meaning you must roll at
40. The BOLL least 12 to succeed, with all modifiers
41. Scatter/Out of Play taken into account.
42. Weather and Conditions
43. Fouls
44. Referees
50. Scoring Plays Modifiers
51. Recruiting New Members Stats, Feats, Flaws, and Weapons
52. Injury add modifiers to the result of the
53. Apothecary
54. Team Roster die roll. Modifiers stack.
56. League Scoring
57. Alternate Pitches
m N a m e s
Tea How will your histor
yb e r e m e m b e r e d ?

Start with the word 'the' and roll a D50 on this table.
25. Joslifa
1. Liver
26. Chrypt
2. Galgenbeck
27. Bergen
3. Sarkash 28. Deception
4. Dawnblight 29. Man
5. Tveland 30. CretonOrder
6. Grift 31. Nameless
7. Kergus unate 32. Blood
8. Unfort 33. Curse
Dead 34. SunderedLand
9. Nechrubel 35. Tergol
10. Arse 36. Alchemy
11. Femur 37. Rage
12. Potters 38. Killer
13. Lewes 39. GM
14. Western 40. FC
15. LakeOnda 41. DeadSaint
16. Fathmu 42. Better
17. Anthelia 43. Daemon
18. Saint 44. Psalm
19. Jert 45. MadWizard
20. ShadowKing 46. Death
21. EndlessSea 47. Unmet
22. TwoHeaded 48. Dawn
23. Salvation 49. Dusk
24. Migol 50. End of the World

25. Castle
1. Mascots 26. Town
2. Basilisks 27. Wood
3. Pool 28. Athletic
4. Six 29. Wanderers
5. Trolls 30. Cutthroats
6. Omens
7. Deserters 31. FC
8. Gutterborn 32. Field
9. Hermits 33. Oldham
10. Royalty 34. On-Sea
11. Rovers 35. Daggers
12. Blues 36. Lefthanded
13. Reds 37. Five
14. Fusion
15. Bandits
38. Blues
39. Purples
40. Saints
16. Park 41. Mouldy
17. Badgers 42. Invicta
18. Palace 43. Island

19. Villa 44. Bar

45. Disjointed
20. Bridge 46. Collective
21. Ford 47. Borough
22. City 48. Casuals
23. United 49. Bay
24. Forest 50. Regent

Then roll a D50

on this table and
For example, a roll of
6 on the first table
gives the word Grift,
and 9 on the second
table gives the word
Hermits, giving
the team name

The Grift
How To Create a Team
Select 5 models to use for your team,
then follow the steps below.
1. Assign each model a
2. Pick a Star BOLLER.
3. Allocate stats.
4. Roll a Flaw for each
5. Roll a Feat for each
6. Pick a Mascot.
7. Spend your starting
30 Gold on Equipment.

Roll 1D100 twice and combine the results
to make the dumbest name you can.
1. Roy 36. Clifton 68. Silly
2. Keane 37. Red 69. Dire
3. Eric 38. Dog 70. Geoff
4. Cantona 39. Eater of Faces 71. Daryl
5. Zidane 40. There is no I in 72. Fleshripper
6. Suarez team but there is 73. Bunny
7. Mascot a me if you look 74. Fragile
8. BoB hard enough. 75. Crab
9. Lefthanded Jim 41. Right Handed 76. Mouse
10. Seven 42. Bill 77. Digusting
11. Pele 43. Bliss 78. Nutritious
12. Brady 44. Death 79. Intelligent
13. Lemon 45. Eater 80. The Best BOLLER
14. Jones 46. Skull 81. Mum’s Favourite
15. Desperate 47. Souls 82. Profuse
16. Silly 48. Jones 83. Peep
17. Beans 49. Pink 84. Claire
18. Jert 50. Piggo 85. Space
19. The Amazing 51. Smooth Silk 86. Penguin
20. Graham 52. Smithy 87. Ink
21. Dodger 53. Jones 88. Lobster
22. Cunning 54. Buckle 89. Johnson
23. Ham 55. Lefthanded Erica 90. The Heat Death of
24. Glutes 56. Gareth the Universe
25. Nax 57. Peters 91. Nargoth
26. Rain 58. Ada 92. Skillet
27. Deadly 59. Cor 93. 8-ball
28. Smith 60. Pointy 94. Dive
29. Football 61. Hat 95. Destiny
30. Harmless 62. Deamon 96. Lip
31. Wise 63. Righto 97. Pierce

32. Susie 64. Lefto 98. Bond
33. Peter 65. Spleen 99. James
34. Amanda 66. Cat 100. x
35. Jones 67. 666
Each team can select one Star BOLLER at team creation and pay no cost

for any starting Equipment they may have. If the Star BOLLER ever dies,
the team can recruit a new one for free. Star BOLLERs do not give up
their starting Equipment to other BOLLERS unless they die, nor can it be
sold unless they die. They can, however, be assigned other Equipment.
After selecting a Star BOLLER, assign stats (pg. 10) and roll for Flaws and
Feats (pg. 12) as normal. This counts towards the team’s 5 member limit.

Wizard Gains 2 random Scrolls when selected.

Wizard Apprentice Gains 1 Scroll of their choice

and a free Club.

Ringer All stats are set to +2, but they suffer -3

to all throw BOLL rolls as they don’t like to pass.

Batsman Though playing the wrong sport, they

come with a free Bat and Medium Armor. Can use their
Bat to hit the BOLL up to 9 spaces away by making a
Strength test. The BOLL always scatters when it lands.

The Butter Would Not Melt Model is never issued a

yellow or red card. However, the ref will fight back if
they attack them. Comes with a free Weapon of choice.

Speed freak Model can make a bonus move action as

a free action. However, this can only be done when the
model is not carrying the BOLL.

Witch Gains one random Scroll and auto passes

Apothecary tests.
1. 1
2. 3
26. 42
27. 69

3. 66 28. 96
4. 77 29. 100
5. 8 30. 17
6. 45 31. 18
7. 32 32. 22
8. 11 33. 34
9. 12 34. 33
10. 5 35. 14
11. 6
12. 00
36. 16
37. 23 All team
13. 000 38. Catch 22
14. 0000 39. 44 members
15. 666 40. 99
16. 432
17. 616
41. 3.14
42. XX
need a jersey
18. 777
19. 7
43. IIII
44. 56 number. It’s
20. 9
21. 10
45. 61
46. 39 almost more
22. 13 47. 63
23. 14
24. 4
48. .5
49. 25%
25. 48 50. reroll and
take both
than their
For each BOLLER on a team,

take one of the following lines

+3, +1, 0, -3
+2, +2, -1, -2

and assign it to their four

stats as you see fit.

Used for movement, Agility, and throwing the BOLL.

Used for spellcasting, ranged attacks, and Morale.

Used for carrying capacity, tackling, and kicking the

Used for HP and Apothecary tests (pg. 53).

Health Points = HP
HP = 8 + Toughness
When BOLLERS reach 0 HP they are Downed.
If they take any more damage after being Downed
they are Dead.

All lost HP is regained between games for

surviving BOLLERS.

Downed models and Dead models make

Apothecary tests at the end of the Play/Half/Game,
whichever comes next.

Items on Downed or Dead models are

retrieved by their respective teams as long
as they have 1 remaining BOLLER left alive
at the end of the game after Apothecary
tests (pg. 53) and can be allocated to new
BOLLERS when they are recruited.
1. All Ball: -3 when tackling a model with the BOLL.
2. Into the Stands: -3 to Kicking the BOLL.
3. Greasy F ingers: -3 to all catching attempts and
4. Easily Distracted: Other models can leave
engagement w ith this model by passing a DR6 Presence test.
5. Ombrophobia:
If it is raining this model must

make a Morale check. On failure they
leave the game and are replaced by

a random idiot (pg. 52).

D1 2
Feats 1D12
1. Star BOLLER: Pick a second Star BOLLER and apply the
bonuses to this model.
2. Target man: Other models gain +3 to throwing or kicking a
BOLL to this model.
3. Bribe: Referee ignores first foul this model makes once per game.
4. Run it Off: If Downed, automatically gets back up with 1HP.
5. Off the Line: Once per game, when an opposing team is about
to score (model has moved into the end zone), this model can place
itself next to the scoring player and make a strip BOLL attempt. This
can be opposed by the scoring model. On a success this model takes the
BOLL and the other team does not score.
6. Unlikely Hero: If this BOLLER is in the team when the
team recruits a random idiot (pg. 52), that random idiot gains a bonus
random Feat.

s v er su s
-3 to a ll ro ll
A f r a id o f A u t h o r it y :
6. re e.
th e re fe a ll ro ll s if a
S u ff er s -3 to
7 . Mot a s k l o p h o b ia :
le .
M a sc is o n th e ta b
t s : a ll A gi li ty te st
8. C lea -3 to
o H a l v e s :t Is a lw a y s
o f T w h a lf ti m e.
9 . Gceadmbye a random idiot (pg. 52) a d by
re p la
a re a lw a y s ig n o re
a ga in st th em
10. D ivreee.: F ouls 3.
th e re fe tu ra l ro ll s o f 1, 2 , a n d
on n a
11 . H o w l e r : F umbles , -1 A gi li ty , +1 A rm
o r.
d W o r k : -1 P re se n ce
12. W o o

7. Braindead: If this model’s head is removed or lost they are not

considered Dead, and continue playing. They are only considered Dead
when they drop to 0HP. Additionally, they do not suffer the negative effects
of Missing Head (pg. 52).
8. Recruiter: If this model is in the team, all new BOLLERS come
with a random free Weapon, including random idiots.
9. Accurate: Kicks and throws by this model cannot be intercepted.
10. Weatherman: Ignores the effects of Weather and Conditions.
11. Star Kicker: Model’s kicked BOLLS only scatter on Fumbles.
12. The Game must Go On: If model is Dead or dies at
any point they become an undead member of the team and are still able
to play. Undead members never take damage and have 0HP. Presence and
Agility become -1 (replacing previous value). They are immune to all status
effects, and if their heads are removed they continue to play as per the
Braindead Feat. They ignore the negative effects of Missing Head (pg. 52).
Out of the back of the Hogs Head Inn, Estrith the
owner runs a tuck shop with all the gear you could
ever need.

uck ShoBetween games, Weapons, Items, and Armor can

be purchased for the listed prices. Weapons, Items,
and Armor may be sold back to Estrith at half the
price rounded down (if rounded to 0 she does not
buy them).

She also has 1 random Scroll to sell to each team.

Each player has 5+Strength Equipment

slots. Weapons, Items, Armor, and
ammo all take up one Equipment slot
unless otherwise stated.
Weapons come fully loaded.

ITEMS 1D4 Gold cost

1. Ammo - 5 shots. 1
2. Bandages - Cures Bleeding State. 1
3. Extra BOLL - Model can announce they are 10
using the extra BOLL at the start of their
activation. If they do, the extra BOLL becomes
valid and can be used to play the game. Counts
as a Standard Issue BOLL (pg. 40).
4. Whisky - After drinking, auto-pass Morale 2
tests for the remainder of the game. Combine
with Bandages to create a Molotov.

Armor 1D3
Name Armor Value Special Cost in Gold
Light 1 - 1
Improvised 1 -1 Agility free
Medium 2 - 10
Heavy 3 - 20

Weapons 1D20
One-Handed Melee Weapons
1-2 Dagger [D4] [Thrown] [Agility] [1G]
3-4 Brass Knuckles [D4] [Can’t be dropped] [Strength] [3G]
5 Club/Bat [D6] [Criticals cause Dazed] [Strength] [4G]
Fist [1] [On Fumble take 1 Damage] [Strength] [Free]
6 BOLL [1D4] [Strength] [Not equipped as normal (see BOLL rules)] [10G]
7 Makeshift One-Handed Weapon [D4] [Strength] [Free]
Two-Handed Melee Weapons {all take up 2 Equipment slots}
8-9 Staff [D6] [Strength] [Free]

Player must trigger a foul to use (pg. 43)
One-Handed Melee Weapons
10 Rapier [D6] [Critical can scatter BOLL out of target’s hands] [Agility] [4G]
11 Warhammer [D6] [Criticals cause Dazed] [Strength] [4G]
12 Flail [D8] [Cruel] [Criticals cause Dazed] [Strength] [4G]
13 Longsword [D8] [Strength] [3G]

Two-Handed Melee Weapons {all take up 2 Equipment slots}

14-16 Makeshift Two-Handed Weapon [D6] [Strength] [Free]
16 Great Axe [D10] [Strength] [10G]
17 Spear [D6] [Reach] [Thrown] [8G]
18 Bastard Sword [D10] [On Critical can destroy one enemy Weapon] [10G]

Ranged Weapons
19 Crossbow [D6] [Two-Handed] [Reload] [Ranged] [Cruel] [Presence] [10G]
20 1x Impact Bomb* [D6] [Thrown] [Explode] [Agility] [10G]

*Impact bombs can be intercepted like BOLLS (pg. 29).

Bleeding: model suffers 1 damage per activation until
healed. This damage ignores Armor.
Cruel: always deals at least 1 damage regardless of Armor.
Dazed: must make a Presence test to activate: on failure
they can only move, on success they are no longer Dazed.
Explode: on Fumble, Weapon deals max damage to user
and is destroyed.
Prone: model is knocked over. Before they can move they
must stand up (this takes 3 spaces off of their movement).
If their movement is less than 3 spaces per turn they can
still stand up. Prone models are
unable to engage other models.
Ranged: can be used to make
an attack up to 12 inches away.
Reach: attack enemy 2 inches
[squares] away without
provoking a reaction.
Thrown: Weapon can be thrown
without penalty, 6 inch range.
Reload: must be reloaded
after using before it can be
used again. Model gives up
movement but then can
take an action.
Two-Handed: takes up two
Equipment slots.

Scrolls are purchased from the Hogs Head Inn for 20 Gold each.

Scrolls cannot be used when wearing Armor with Armor Value

above 2.

Any model can read a Scroll.

See the next page for how to read Scrolls.

1. A Foul Play: Target another 7. Fair Play is for Fools: Once

model within 6 squares that is cast, all fouls committed this
not an NPC. That model must play are ignored by the referee
make a Presence test. On a for both teams.
failure they are knocked Prone. 8. Raise the Dead: The hands
2. Get Up: Target any model that of the dead burst up from the
is Downed or Dead on the pitch. earth across the pitch. Player
Model stands up with 1HP [if picks a row of squares that
missing their head see Missing goes across the pitch. Any and
Head pg. 52]. Can only be cast all models that move into or
once per play. through [but not out of] this
3. Booby Trap: Can be cast row must pass an Agility test or
when the BOLL is anywhere on their movement stops. Lasts till
the pitch. Any and all BOLLS the end of the play.
[including Mouldy Heads] 9. Fake Lightning: Target a model
become Explosive BOLLS. with the BOLL. They must make
4. Get Over Here: Target a model a Presence test. On a failure
within 6 squares. They are they get shocked by the BOLL
moved adjacent to the caster. and drop it. The BOLL scatters
5. BOLL Magnet: Target all from their location.
BOLLs within 6 spaces. They 10. Fireball: On a success, all
all fly to the caster. Caster must models on the pitch must make
make catch BOLL attempts. On an Agility test. On a failure they
failure the BOLLS scatter. take 1D6 damage. On a failure
6. Deadly When Wet: triggers the to cast, the caster must make
Heavy Rain Condition (pg. 42) the same Agility test or suffer
when cast. Lasts till the end of 1D6 damage.
the Play.
Reading Scrolls

Scrolls can
be read to cast
spells. When a Scroll is read
the model makes a DR12 Presence
test. On a success the spell is cast. On
a failure or a Critical mark a Tragedy.
Spellcasting does not consume the
Scroll, and you can read the same
Scroll multiple times a game. Tragedies
carry between games, and are spent
when you roll on the Calamity table.
If you ever Fumble when reading
a Scroll, you immediately roll on the
Calamity Table, adding any incurred
Tragedies to your result,
to a maximum of 20.
You cannot
Spells have a maximum effective range
cast spells of 12 squares.
while in
engagement Calamities last the duration of the
game unless otherwise stated.
Calamity Table
1. Scroll turns to worms and is lost forever.
2. Reader is knocked Prone.
3. Reader’s hands get greasy, and they cannot carry the BOLL for the rest of the game.
4. Reader must spend the next turn eating grass and takes no action.
5. Reader becomes BOLL magnet and the BOLL flies into their hands from anywhere.
6. Roll 2D6. If less than 4 the reader is are killed {Apothecary test still applies}.
7. Reader can only move towards their own scoring zone for rest of this Play.
8. Opponent team scores 1 point straight away.
9. A second referee spawns {pg. 44}.
10. A second BOLL enters play {see out of play BOLL pg. 41}.
11. Reader suffers 1D4 damage.
12. Reader either suffers 1D8 damage or player loses 1 point.
13. Reader‘s legs become stuck in the mud, they cannot move for the rest of the game.
14. Reader becomes made of wood and gains Woodwork Flaw.
15. A change of Weather. For the rest of the Play the Weather changes every round.
16. Reader’s skin boils off and they suffer -1 to all stats.
17. Reader can no longer take any reactions.
18. Reader no longer can read nor use Scrolls.
19. The skies darken, the end has come for us all: reroll and take both results.
20. The end is here: the game ends and all models make Apothecary tests.
Each team gets to select a Mascot at team creation.
If the Mascot is killed, they can be replaced for free.
Mascots cannot be selected as player of the match.
Mascots do not make Apothecary tests.
Mascots cannot score unless otherwise stated. However,
if your Mascot Downs an opponent’s model they lose 1
point! {see how to win pg. 37.}
If for any reason at the start of a game, Play, or Half a
team is missing a player, their Mascot can play, replacing
that missing player instead of a random idiot.
Mascots cannot take the intercept, catch, or feint
reactions unless stated.

Mascots can carry Equipment.

Angry Goat Mangy Cat
Agility:+2 Presence:+1 Agility:+4 Presence:+4
Strength:+2 Toughness:0 Strength:-3 Toughness:-3
Equipment: - Equipment: -
Special: Can make a ram attack. Special: Can make a claw attack
{1D6} {Strength} {On a success {1D4} {Agility} {Cruel}.
target is knocked Prone}.
Referee never issues them a red or
If the Angry Goat ever enters a yellow card.
space with the BOLL, or if the
BOLL ever lands on them, they eat Goodest Doggo
it and it is removed from play.
Agility:+2 Presence:0
Person in a badly-fitting Strength:0 Toughness:-2
costume Equipment: -
Special: Can make a bite attack
Agility:-3 Presence:0 {1D4} {Strength} {Cruel}.
Strength:0 Toughness:0
Equipment: Fists Whenever a BOLL is thrown or
Special: Can never be knocked kicked, the Goodest Doggo can
Prone. move 1D6 squares towards it {once
it has landed}.
Can score and catch, but badly.

Baby Cath Palug Sentient Dagger
Agility:+4 Presence:+4 Agility:+1 Presence:+1
Strength:-3 Toughness:-3 Strength:-3 Toughness:-3
Equipment: Equipment:
Special: Can make a claw attack Special: Can make an attack as a
{1D4} {Agility} {Cruel}. Dagger {1D4} {Agility} {Cruel}.

HP never drops below 1. Pile of Poop

Agility:-5 Presence:0
Baby Basilisk Strength:-5 Toughness:-5
Agility:1 Presence:3 Special: Can be placed in any 4
Strength:1 Toughness:-1 squares when deployed. Does not
Equipment: - move from these squares for the
Special: As an action can stare at a whole game. Other models entering
model and that model must make these squares must make an Agility
a Presence test. On a failure it is test. On a failure they fall over in the
turned to stone for one round {loses poop and are knocked Prone. The
its next activation}. On a Fumble models that fall over also need to
model turns to dust and dies. pass a Toughness test or lose their
Can only do this once per game. next activation.
Making Tests
All tests, unless specified otherwise, are
DR12. This means you roll a D20, add the
relevant modifiers, and check the result. If,
with the modifiers, you reach at least a 12,
you succeed.

A roll of a 20 is always a Critical Success.

A roll of a 1 is always a Fumble

Common Fumbles
• Making an attack - drop Weapon.
• Kicking or throwing Boll - Boll scatters 2D4.
• Catching Boll - Model suffers 1 damage and the
Boll scatters.
Opposed Rolls
Some actions trigger reactions,
e.g., throwing or kicking a BOLL
to another model triggers a catch
reaction, or tackling a model
triggers a choice between the dodge
and attack reactions.
When a reaction is triggered, both
models roll for their respective
action or reaction. The model with
the greatest level of success wins!
If both models fail their rolls,
nothing happens.

Model A tries to tackle Model B.
Model A rolls a DR12 Strength test.
Model B decides to use the dodge
reaction, and so rolls a DR12 Agility
test. Model A, with modifiers,
rolls a 13, a success! Model B rolls
a 17, with modifiers, which is a
greater success, and now can make
the dodge reaction, cancelling the
tackle action of Model A. If either
model Fumbles, the other model
automatically wins the roll, even if
they failed to pass their own test.
Models move a number of squares equal to 5+ Agility.

Models can move in any direction or combination of

directions up to their maximum movement.

All squares that surround a square

are considered to be adjacent to
that square.

If a model is adjacent to a model

of the opposing team or a hostile
NPC at the start of its activation
it is considered

engaged models cannot

move freely, and first must break engagement.

{free action}

An engaged model that wishes to move must first make

an Agility or Strength test (player’s choice) as a free
action. On a success they break free of the engagement
and can then take their turn as normal. If they re-enter a
space that is adjacent to the same or other model of the
opposing team or hostile NPC, their movement ends.
If they use their action to move a second time they may
retake the Agility or Strength test to break engagement.

If they fail this roll, they lose their movement for this turn.

Activating a Model
When you select a model to activate it can perform a
movement and then an action. Each model gets a single
activation per round. If a model wishes to move, it must
move before it performs an action. If it has performed
an action its activation ends, and the next player selects
a model to activate.

Free actions do not Actions

take up the movement • Make a second move.
or action allocation for • Pick up a BOLL {free action}.
that model for that • Throw a BOLL {free action}.
round. • Kick a BOLL {free action}.
• Pick up and/or drop any
number of Items off the
Free actions can be
ground or off Dead/Downed
taken at any time. models within 1 inch.
• Tackle a model.
If a Feat, State, or • Strip the BOLL from a model.
other rule triggers • Hand off the BOLL {free action}.
when a model is • Use a piece of Equipment.
activated, you must • Use a Feat.
trigger the effect at • Make a ranged attack.
the start of the • Make a melee attack.
activation before • Use a Scroll to cast a spell
you move. (and likely die).
• Stand up {free action}.
• Remove a head!
Some actions trigger
reactions. Using a
reaction does not use
a model’s action, and
all reactions are free actions.
Make a Second Move
A model can move again as an action after moving
already. This provides them the option to move up to
their full movement value twice.

Pick up a BOLL
{free action}
A model in the same square as a loose BOLL can pick it
up without making a roll of any kind.

Throw or Kick a BOLL

{free action}
A model can throw a BOLL in any direction up to
6 squares away by making a DR12 Presence test.

A model can kick a BOLL in any direction up to

12 squares away by making a DR 12 Strength test.

In both cases, on success they land the BOLL where they

want it to go, placing the BOLL in the target square.

On a failure the BOLL scatters {pg. 41} from the model

making the test. On a Fumble it scatters 2D4 squares
instead of 1D4 squares.

If, however, another model is in the target square, that

model may use a reaction to try and catch the BOLL {pg.
29} by making a DR12 Agility test.
If the catch is a failure, the BOLL scatters {pg. 41}.

BOLLS can be dropkicked or kicked from the ground.

Pick up Items
A model can pick up any Item, including the BOLL, from
Downed or Dead models in any adjacent squares. Models
can pick up any number of Items with a single action.

Tackle a Model
A model can tackle another model in an adjacent square.
This is an opposed roll {pg. 23}. The tackling model
makes a Strength test. The model being tackled can
make either of the following reactions:
• dodge reaction (pg. 29)
• attack reaction (pg. 29)
A model that is tackled successfully is knocked Prone.

Strip the BOLL

A model can try and take the BOLL from another model
in an adjacent square by making an DR12 Agility or
Strength test. The model with the BOLL can take any of
the following reactions:
• dodge reaction (pg. 29)
• attack reaction (pg. 29)
• feint reaction (pg. 29)
If the model making the attempt is successful, they take
the BOLL and are now in possession of it.

Hand off the BOLL

{free action}
A model can hand the BOLL to any model in an adjacent
square, including opposing models. Requires no roll.

Use a Feat
For more information about Feats, see page 12.

Make an Attack
For more on combat, see page 30.

Read a Scroll
For more on Scrolls, see page 17.

Stand Up
{free action}
If a model is Prone they can stand up. This reduces
their movement by 3 squares for this round. If they
make a second move as their action, they use their full
movement value.

Remove the Head of the Fallen

If a model is adjacent to a Downed or Dead model,
they can remove that model’s head by making a DR 15
Strength test. On a success they kill the model (if it was
not already Dead) and remove its head. The head counts
as a Mouldy Head BOLL (pg. 40).

Use a piece of Equipment

See the Equipment section on page 14 for the benefits
each piece provides and how it is used.

Dodge - A model makes an opposed DR12 Agility test. If
the dodge is a greater success than the active model’s
action, it cancels the action of the active model, such as
stripping the BOLL. The model can then move 1 square
in any direction.

Attack - A model makes an attack as per combat rules. If the

attack is a greater success than the active model’s action,
it cancels that action, such as stripping the BOLL. Apply
damage. If both models attack, they do not cancel each other,
and both attacks can be successful.

Feint - A model makes a DR12 Presence test. If the feint is a

greater success than the active model’s action, it cancels that
action, such as stripping the BOLL or an attack.

BOLL Reactions
Catch the BOLL - A model that is in a square where a BOLL
is selected to land can try to catch it by making a DR12
Agility test. On a success they catch the BOLL and are now
in possession of it. On a failure the BOLL scatters from their
location (pg. 41). On a Fumble they take 1 damage. On a
Critical they can also move 1 space in any direction.

Intercept the BOLL - If a thrown or kicked BOLL passes

directly over the head of a model, they can take this reaction
to try and catch it by making a DR12 Agility test.
1. Check range.
2. Check stat modifier to apply based on Weapon.
3. Roll attacks.
4. Apply damage if hits are successful.

Melee Attacks
To perform a melee attack, a model must be in a square
adjacent to another model. Pick one Weapon and make
a DR12 test using that Weapon’s modifier (pg. 15).

A model being attacked can take any of these reactions:

• dodge reaction (pg. 29)
• attack reaction (pg. 29)
• feint reaction (pg. 29)

On a Fumble a model drops their Weapon.

If the target of the attack survives and has not been

activated, it can still activate this round.

NPCs always use the attack reaction unless stated.

D am agcceessfully hit with a Weapon, roll the Weapon’s damage dice.

When you su ult.
mor Value from the res
Deduct the model’s Ar un les s oth er wise stated.
Armor always reduces nt remaining.
un de d mo de l’s HP by the damage amou
Reduce the wo

ti ca ls al w ay s ca u se m ax da m ag e.
C ri Ar mo r is st ill ap pl ie d.
All Ranged Weapons are effective to a maximum
range of 12 squares.

To perform a ranged attack, a model must be able

to see at least part of the target model. Models in
engagement cannot make ranged attacks. Models in
engagement are -3 to hit with Ranged Weapons.

If a model is in any way obscured, apply a -3

modifier to the attack roll. The model has cover.

Roll a DR12 test, using the appropriate modifier as

determined by the Weapon (pg. 15) and mark
1 ammo off of your total ammo. On a success you
roll the Weapon’s damage.

You can throw any Weapon up to 6 squares, but you

suffer -3 to the roll, and it is placed on the ground
next to your target, regardless of if you hit or miss.

Ranged Weapons count as One-Handed Makeshift

Weapons when used in melee combat.
When a model is forced to roll for
Morale they make a Presence test. On a
failure they flee the game, immediately
moving their maximum movement
towards the nearest board edge.

On their next activation they retake the

test. On a success they act as normal,
on a failure they continue to move off of
the board.

They retake this test every round until

they pass or leave the field.

Models can leave engagement range

without rolling if they fail Morale.

Models make a Morale test when:

• they are Critically hit
• they strike a Downed enemy
• they remove someone’s head
(including their own)

Models that flee can re-join the game at

the end of the next Play or start of the
second Half.

1. Will VonDoome 34. James M Redmond Fouler
2. Braco 35. Chris Buck 69. Zinedine
3. Sasha De'ath 36. Eater of Things 70. The A**goblin
4. Soupbone 37. Sticky fingers 71. Ragnar the
5. Punches 38. Ludwig immovable
6. Giac the Long 39. Aidan Riverdust 72.
Reacher 40. Phillip Manning 73. Troy Ellis
7. Torn the Skull 41. Merzalof 74. Psybilliah
8. Michael Brumfield 42. Karim Dhambri 75. Saghorak
9. Karl (deadlight) 43. Ectoprocte 76. la gran bestia
Williams 44. Fernando P 77. Brick
10. Games Gang Mancebo 78. Beardo
11. Jojo Bozwar 45. Chip Dipson 79. Dice Munkey
12. Paul Bunyan 46. Sir Terarin 80. Weery Wyse
13. Aiteal 47. Daniel Llewellyn 81. Robococoa
14. Kevin Eslinger 48. Brolin Graham 82. Taldus Servo
15. Snick Snack 49. Goregonzola 83. Gnawn
16. Beard the Black Bloodwurst Throughend
17. Scrungo the 50. Rolly 84. Ted Shambaris
Inevitable 51. Roel "Bazz" 85. Hexeter
18. Lard Head Dilissen 86. Fuhrious
19. Felix Wellington 52. FroBoy 87. Gage Bridgeman
20. The Great 53. Justin Harford 88. Tony Reyes
Baarsini 54. Phil Cairns 89. Neil Garland
21. Rob Cunningham 55. Brian Foster 90. Glimfoodle
22. Shut Up Brian 56. Corey Gilarno Gambleputty
23. Pemmican 57. Flint Skinner 91. Wee Mad Ando
24. Shower-Handel 58. Chris Engler 92. Jim Campagna
25. Jonah 59. Dr. Randol W 93. Yupp Ottvolf
26. Belrin Hooper II MD 94. Nilbogssa
Toothsmasher 60. Gnob 95. -100 Reroll
27. Trillian (with an a) 61. Ryan Thompson
28. Doug Shute 62. Dan Woods Kick start
29. The Mighty 63. Dunham Lockhart
Lizard 64. Doc Lewis a team
30. Nick Gould 65. TheGeekyPhoenix with these
31. Trash 66. Ezra Badb West
32. D.C. Allen 67. Knyx
33. Gary Schmidt 68. Felix "One Boot" backer
Order of Play
1. Set up the pitch (check the optional
rules for different pitch types pg. 57).
2. Decide Who Goes First? and place
teams on the pitch.
3. Roll Weather and Conditions (pg. 42).
4. Roll for BOLL type (pg. 40).
5. Roll for and place the referee (pg. 44).
6. Kick off!

Each Game Round

1. Players take it in turns to activate
a single model, including Downed
and Dead models, starting with the
receiving player.
2. Activate NPCs if any in play.
3. Check Weather and Conditions.
4. If all models have activated, end the
game round.
5. If a team scores, see Scoring Plays on
page 50.
6. If 5 rounds have passed, see Halftime
on page 50.
7. If 10 rounds have passed, see End of the
Game on page 50.

Who Goes First?
Players should flip a coin and call
heads or tails. If you have no coin
you should play a real life version of
MÖRK BOLL, and the winner/person
still alive gets to decide if they want
to kick or receive the BOLL.

The player who receives the BOLL

places all of their models on the pitch
first. Models must be placed in the
open zone, and not in the no man’s
land in the centre of the pitch nor the
scoring zone. The other player then
places all of their models.

For the second Half of the game the

turn order is switched, and the player
who kicked the BOLL in the first Half
becomes the receiving player.

Making Tests
Remember: all tests, unless
specified otherwise, are DR12.
This means you roll a D20, add the
relevant modifiers, and check the
result. If, with the modifiers, you
reach at least a 12, you succeed.

Sometimes you will be asked to

make an opposed roll, and then
it is the greatest level of success
that wins! See opposed rolls on
page 23.
A game of MÖRK BOLL is
played over 10 rounds, divided into
two Halves of
equal length.
If a team Beautiful
scores during a
Half, the game is stopped
and the teams are re-set up
as at the start of the Game.

The kicking player picks one model to perform a kick the
BOLL action (pg. 26). The target square must be in their opponent’s half
{and not in no man’s land} and they must make a Strength test. If the BOLL
scatters in no man’s land play goes on.

Plays last 1 to 5 rounds. If a team scores, the current Play
ends. Players should re-set up the pitch and do the following:
• make Apothecary tests for all Downed and Dead BOLLERS.
• Reroll for BOLL type.

Each Half is 5 rounds long. After 5 rounds, regardless of
score, perform the Halftime procedure on page 50.

Fulltime Each game is 10 rounds long. After 10 rounds, regard-

less of score, perform the End of Game procedure on page 50.

How to Win

The team with the most points at

the end of 10 rounds wins.

To score a point a team must

do one of the following:

1. Have a model carrying a BOLL

reach the scoring zone of their
opponent's half of the pitch.
this ends the current play.
2. make the most fouls. draws don’t
count for either player.
3. Kill a Referee or mascot.
4. Players can have negative points!
Players lose a point if the referee or
a mascot Downs or Kills one of their
Setting up a Pitch
This game is played on a
pitch that is
20 squares by 11 squares.
The last line of squares on
either side of the pitch are
the scoring zones.
The centre 4 rows are no
man’s land. models cannot
be placed here during setup.
The central 2 squares
are where the referee is
deployed. roll to select
which square.


Referee No Man’s
Squares Land

Selecting a BOLL
Not all BOLLs are created equal. Before each kickoff and
after Halftime, roll to determine which BOLL you play with.

1. Mouldy Head an unauthorised BOLL

Hard to kick straight, this BOLL inflicts a -3 modifier to all
kicking attempts. If you remove a BOLLER’s or NPC’s head it
becomes a Mouldy Head BOLL.

2. Standard Issue BOLL

No special rules .

3. Spiked BOLL
Whenever a model picks up or catches this BOLL they
suffer 1 damage that ignores Armor. Models also suffer a -3
modifier when trying to strip this BOLL from an opponent.

4. FootBOLL
This round BOLL bounces more, adding 2 squares to all
scatter results.

5. Heavy BOLL
This BOLL inflicts a -3 modifier to all kick and throw attempts.

6. Explosive BOLL
an unauthorised BOLL
If a model ever Fumbles a throw
or kick attempt, this BOLL
explodes, dealing 1D10 damage
to them, then is removed from play.

Scattering the BOLL
Whenever a BOLL is returned to the field or a BOLLER
fails to kick or throw it, it scatters.

Assign a value to the spaces around the selected landing

spot as shown in the illustration, beginning with relative
NW as 1 and going clockwise. Roll a D8. The BOLL
scatters in this direction. Then roll a D4
and move the BOLL that many squares 1 3
(BOLLS move D8 squares on a Fumble). 2

If the BOLL lands on a BOLLER 8 4

they may make a DR12 Agility test to
catch it. On a failure it scatters again
from their square. 7 5

Out of Play
If the BOLL goes out of play, the player who did not
cause it to go out of play {i.e. the one who did not throw
it or kick it} picks a spot anywhere on the pitch and
scatters the BOLL as above from this location. If this
causes the BOLL to go out of play, the other player does
the same until the BOLL lands somewhere on the pitch.

If no BOLL is in play for any reason {such as when a
Goat eats it} the game goes on. Get creative! A new
BOLL will enter play at the end of a Play or at Halftime.
BOLLs can
be used
More BOLLs
If there are two or more BOLLs in play, play carries on
to make
They use
until someone scores with at least one BOLL {scoring
with two BOLLs offers no benefit}. Extra BOLLs are and
removed at the end of Plays or at Halftime. deal 1D4
Weather and Conditions
Even though the world is ending, the game must go on.

At the start of the game, before each kickoff, and after

Halftime, roll on this table to determine Weather and
Conditions in play.

2. Heavy Rain 2D6

All Agility tests are made at -3.
3. Blood Maggots
All movement is reduced by 1.
4. Storm
All throwing and kicking distances are reduced by 3 squares.
5. Fire Spirits
Each player picks 2 squares and marks them as on fire.
Models entering them suffer 1 damage that ignores Armor.
6. Referee Slept In
Remove the referee from play.
7. Angry Crowd
One random BOLLER on each team starts the play with the
Bleeding State.
8. Clear Evening
No effect.
9. Crowd Participation
Two random Weapons are thrown into no man’s land. Each player
places 1 marker to represent the Weapon that can be picked up.
10. Multi BOLL
After kickoff, each player adds an additional BOLL by following
the Out of Play rule on page 41.
11. Very Windy
BOLLS scatter D8 squares instead of D4 (or 2D8 on a Fumble).
12. Magic Feedback
All attempts at reading Scrolls are Fumbled on 5 or less.

Foul play is part of
When a team member commits a foul, check
if a referee is within 12 squares. If
not, the foul goes unnoticed. If the
referee is within 12 squares for a first
foul, they issue a yellow card to the
fouling model. On a second offense they
issue a red card. Some fouls are so bad
they skip the yellow card! Each referee
takes a different action when issuing a
red card(pg. 43).
Cards are spent when a model is Downed
or Dead.

The following actions are fouls:

Yellow Card Offenses

• Attack with an unauthorised Weapon.
• Attack a Downed, Prone, or Dead model.
• Use a Scroll.
• Score with an unauthorised BOLL.

Red Card Offenses

• Remove a Downed or Dead model’s head.
• Attack a referee {referee issues a red card straight away and
treats that model as hostile} .

Refe At the start of the game players should roll to see
which referee they get. After all models
have activated, the referee is activated.

Referees count as NPCs. Models are only engaged by hostile referees.

Referees make all tests at DR12 with no modifiers

unless specified. This includes if they are attacked or
targeted by any spells.

Referees are not replaced when killed.

Referee moves 2D6

Is the YES squares to the nearest
model it is hostile
hostile to the
towards. If it gets
adjacent to that model
it attacks. This attack
No can be opposed as
normal by reactions.
moves 2D6
squares If a model that the
towards referee is hostile to is
nearest BOLL Downed the Referee
and ends their returns to previous
activation. behaviours.

Referee Profiles

HP - The referee’s Health. When they reach
0HP they are Dead.
Morale - Morale value for Referee.
• Attack - This is given as a type, i.e. claws, slam
or other, followed by the damage it deals on a
successful hit.
• Armor - The referee’s damage reduction.
• Special - Any special features the referee has.
• Red Card - What the referee does when it issues a red card.

Referee Fumbles
If a referee rolls a 1 they drop their Weapon (anything like claws are
not dropped). If a referee has no Weapon they use their action to
pick up any dropped Weapons, and do not move that round.

Looting Referees
Any Items carried by a referee can be picked up as an action when
within 1 inch of a Downed referee.

Referee Morale
If a referee is Critically hit it makes a Morale roll.

Roll 2D6. If the result is greater than its Morale it flees the field,
moving 2D6 squares per round until it leaves the field or is killed. If
referee Morale is ‘-’ they ignore Morale rules.

Referees always defend themselves in combat by

attacking back.
(HP 10)(Morale 10)(Staff 1D4)(Armor 1)

Special: If killed can be looted for a random Scroll.

Red Card: When the Wizard issues a red card to a

BOLLER, they begin using their activation to move at least
6 squares away from that model. The Wizard then throws
a fireball by making a DR12 test. On a successful hit the
target takes D8 damage. The Wizard repeats this until the
model is Downed or Dead.

(HP 8)(Morale 6)(Axe 1D6)(Armor 1)

Red Card: When the Passer-by issues a red card to a

BOLLER, they begin treating them as hostile, and instead
of moving towards the BOLL they move towards the
nearest model they are hostile to. When adjacent to a
model they make an attack using their axe. This attack can
be opposed.

3.The Angriest Ref
(HP 15)(Morale 12)(Great Axe 1D10)(Armor 3)

Red Card: When the Angriest Ref issues a red card it treats
all models as hostile until any and all models with red cards
leave the pitch or are Downed. Instead of moving towards
the BOLL, the Angriest Ref moves towards the nearest
model. When adjacent to a model, they then make an attack
using their great axe. This attack can be opposed.

4.Three Goblins in a Trench Coat

(HP 5x3)(Morale 12*)(Claws 3D4*(Armor 1)

Special: Whenever the Goblins take 5 or more damage, one of them

is killed (keep track), their Morale is reduced by 3, and their claw attack is

reduced by D4.

Red Card: When the Three Goblins in a Trench Coat issue

a red card to a BOLLER, the Goblins treat them as hostile
and instead of moving towards the BOLL they move towards
the nearest model they are hostile to. When adjacent to a
model they make an attack using their claws. This attack can
be opposed.
5.Mari Lwyd
(HP 16)(Morale 10)(Bite 1D6)(Armor 1)

Red Card: When the Mari Lwyd issues a red card to a team
member they begin treating them as hostile, and instead of
moving towards the BOLL they move towards the nearest
model they are hostile to. When adjacent to a model they
make an attack using their bite. This attack can be opposed.
If someone, as an action, gives the Mari Lwyd Whisky they
forget all red cards issued up until that point in the game.

6.Forgetful Academic
(HP 9)(Morale 4)(Fist 1)(Armor 0)

Special: When the Academic issues a red or yellow card

they throw a piece of paper from their coat onto the ground
where they stand. Models can pick this paper up as an
action. When they do, roll a D6. On 6 it is a random Scroll.
Red Card: They are a pacifist and strongly suggest that the
BOLLER leave the pitch, but do nothing to enforce this.

Scoring Plays
When a team scores, the current play ends and the players should
re-set up as per page 35. The player who just scored becomes the
kicking player.

Additionally, after a score do the following:

• Make Apothecary tests for all Downed and Dead BOLLERS.
• Reroll for BOLL type.

After 5 rounds are played, the halftime whistle goes and players
should re-set up the table. However, this time the player who kicked
the BOLL at the beginning of the game becomes the receiving player.

Additionally, after Halftime do the following:

• Make Apothecary tests for all Downed and Dead BOLLERS.
• Reroll for BOLL type.
• Reroll for Conditions.

End of the Game

After 10 rounds, the fulltime whistle goes and the game ends.

Each player should do the following:

• Make Apothecary tests for all Downed and Dead BOLLERS.
• Earn 5 Gold for each point scored.
• The winning player gains an additional 5 Gold.
• Both players select one BOLLER to make Person of the Match.
They now can do one of the following:
-Improve one stat by 1.
-Remove all injuries.
-Reroll a Feat or Flaw.
• Purchase new Equipment and recruit new BOLLERS.


Recruit New Bollers and Items

that are
dropped on
If during the game you were joined by a random the pitch are
idiot (pg. 52), you can now recruit them to your team returned to
if they scored any points in the game for you. a team at
the end of a
If they did so you can pick a random Flaw and Feat
for them.
Teams can now recruit new BOLLERS as per team Items stolen
creation at no cost to replace Dead members. Teams by another
should always have at least 5 BOLLERS + 1 Mascot. team are lost
to that team!
New BOLLERS come with no Equipment, but come
with 2 Gold that they found down the back of a sofa.
This Gold can be spent on anything.

Buying and
Pitch Stuff
After a game you can buy
new Items, Weapons,
At Halftime, if the score is 0-0, Armor, and Scrolls from
the fans get angry and invade the the tuck shop.
pitch. They Down one random
BOLLER on each team, who is You can also reallocate
replaced by a random idiot (pg. any Items between
52) for the rest of the play. BOLLERS.
1. Stress Fracture: -1 Toughness.
2. Dislocation: -1 Agility for one game.
3. Tendinitis: -1 to catch tests.
4. Instability: -3 to tackle tests.
5. Tennis Elbow: -1 to throw tests.
6. Meniscal Tear: -1 movement.
7. Concussion: -2 Presence.
8. Winded: -1 HP.
9. Missing Eye: -1 Agility.
10. Two Left Feet: -2 to kick tests.

Missing Head
If a model’s head was destroyed for any reason,
they can still be brough back, but they now suffer
-3 Presence and cannot read Scrolls.
This effect is permenant.
If the head was not destroyed it is reattached on
a succesful test.

Random Idiot
Agility -1. Presence -1. Strength -1. Toughness -1.
No Flaw or Feat.

The Apothecaries of Dawnblight are some of the
best in the world. They can even bring back the
dead... more often than not, at least.

At the end of each Play/Half/Game, any Downed

or Dead models make an Apothecary test, even
those with missing heads.

Downed Models Dead Models

Make a DR5 Toughness Make a DR6 Toughness
test. On a Fumble they test. On a fail they are
are Dead and lost forever. dead and lost forever.
If mid-game they are If mid-game they are
replaced by a random idiot. replaced by a random
On a fail they may retry
after the next Play/Half. On success they rejoin the
team with a new Injury
On success they rejoin the and 1D4 HP.
team for the next Play/
Half with 1D4 HP.

If they have not rejoined by

the end of the game they
make a new DR3 test. On
success they rejoin with
an Injury. On a fail they are
Dead and lost forever.
Team Roster
Crew Name Guild
Crew XP Crew Resources

Name___________JerSEy Number__________ Armor____HP_____

Presence______Weapon 1______________ Stat____ _D_ Ammo____
Strength_____Weapon 2______________ Stat____ _D_ Ammo____
Toughness ____Weapon 3______________ Stat____ _D_ Ammo____

Equipment and Notes


Name___________JerSEy Number__________ Armor____HP_____

Presence______Weapon 1______________ Stat____ _D_ Ammo____
Strength_____Weapon 2______________ Stat____ _D_ Ammo____
Toughness ____Weapon 3______________ Stat____ _D_ Ammo____

Equipment and Notes


Team Supply
Name___________JerSEy Number__________ Armor____HP_____
Presence______Weapon 1______________ Stat____ _D_ Ammo____
Strength_____Weapon 2______________ Stat____ _D_ Ammo____
Toughness ____Weapon 3______________ Stat____ _D_ Ammo____
Equipment and Notes

Name___________JerSEy Number__________ Armor____HP_____

Presence______Weapon 1______________ Stat____ _D_ Ammo____
Strength_____Weapon 2______________ Stat____ _D_ Ammo____
Toughness ____Weapon 3______________ Stat____ _D_ Ammo____
Equipment and Notes

Name___________JerSEy Number__________ Armor____HP_____

Presence______Weapon 1______________ Stat____ _D_ Ammo____
Strength_____Weapon 2______________ Stat____ _D_ Ammo____
Toughness ____Weapon 3______________ Stat____ _D_ Ammo____
Equipment and Notes

Mascot Name____________________________ Armor____HP_____

Presence______Weapon 1______________ Stat____ _D_ Ammo____
Strength_____ Toughness ____
Equipment and Notes
League rules
For winning a game score 3 points.
For losing a game earn /0.5 pity points.
For Drawing a game{nolose
one 1likes
a boring game}

Score 1 bonus point for:

Winning a game with no living team members.
Having no living team members AT halftime.
Scoring 2 points in a game with a mouldy head.
Scoring more than 7 points in a game.
1. Disused Dungeon
{if you have no dungeon tiles reroll}
Before each game you can roll a D4
Instead of playing on a normal pitch or pick a pitch from this list.
players can play on dungeon tiles
{with 1 inch squares marked on them}
Players should take it in turns to place
connecting dungeon tiles until at least
2. Holo Pitch
Game is played in VR and all
12 tiles have been placed.
Dead models return to the team
at the end of the game.
Players should mark doors and walls.
Each tile needs to connect to at least
one other tile and should have at least
1 door marked. Players then take it in
turns starting with the player who placed 3. Old Battlefield
the last tile to pick a tile that is their At the start of the game players
scoring zone and their deployment zone. should take in turns to place
BOLLS cannot be kicked through walls 6 markers each to represent
{but can be kicked through open doors}. unexploded bombs. A model
All doors start closed and can be opened that gets within 1 square of
with a successful Strength test. For each a bomb must make an Agility
dungeon tile players should roll on this test. On a failure the bomb goes
list and place the random hazard. off and deals D6 damage to all
models within 2 squares
1. Across the centre of the tile place
a spike pit. Models can move across
the pit by making an Agility test. On
a failure they take D4 damage and
their movement ends.
2. Place a random referee in the centre 4. Graveyard
of the tile. At the start of the game players
3. Players each place a single trap token should take in turns to place 2
{1 inch square}. If a model passes open graves each. Open graves
over this tile or stops on it they make take up 2 1x1 inch spaces that
an Agility test. On a failure they are next to each other. Open
suffer D6 damage. graves can be searched by
4. Teleportation circle. When a model passing, as an action, a Presence
enters this room roll a D10. test when within 1 square of
On a result of 7+ they are them to find a random Weapon
transported to another random tile. from page 15. Models can move
5. Empty tile. over an open grave by passing
6. The room is filled with bees. All an Agility test. On a failure
models entering suffer -1 to all rolls. they land in the grave and their
movement ends.
MÖRK BOLL is an independent production by Kevin Rahman and is not affiliated with Ockult
Örtmästare Games or Stockholm Kartell. It is published under the MÖRK BORG Third Party

MÖRK BORG is copyright Ockult Örtmästare Games and Stockholm Kartell.

MÖRK BOLL is published under the terms outlined in the MÖRK BORG third party license https://

MÖRK BOLL Operates under the same third party license as MÖRK BORG. This license allows
anyone to make stuff for MÖRK BOLL and either publish it for free or sell it: If you adhere to
these terms you are allowed to publish free or commercial material based upon and/or declaring
compatibility with MÖRK BOLL without express permission from KRD designs.
The mechanics and game rules of MÖRK BOLL may be reused and referenced freely.
Specific art and text from this books may not be reused or translated, unless you have explicit
permission, some art is made from public domain art and is open to be reused. Please ask if you
are unsure.

Your product cannot use the WIRD design logo unless you have WIRD designs explicit permission.
You’re not allowed to give the impression that this is an official WIRD designs product or that we
endorse or sponsor you in any way unless we’ve made special arrangements with you.
Cover art by
Art and design by WIRD designs
Ref art on page 49 by David Hoskins
Poo art by Cor Rahman
editing by Space Penguine Inc
Alpha version 0.1

Everything else by WIll Rahman and dead artists.

Massive thank you to all that backed this mad little game.
Big thanks to the people in my life that support me to make mad stuff. Gareth, Juhela,
Cor and Ada.
The dumbest sportsball
game you can play!

MÖRK BOLL is standalone miniatures game, inspired by

and compatible with MÖRK BORG.

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