Siltanu 1 Proposal
Siltanu 1 Proposal
Siltanu 1 Proposal
November 26/11/2021
2.1.1Job satisfaction...............................................................................................................10
3.1Research design....................................................................................................................23
3.6Model Specification..............................................................................................................25
1.1. Back ground of the study
Area of job satisfaction is mostly studied and popular subject in the literature of organizational
behavior and psychological researches. In recent years much emphasis has been also given to job
satisfaction, influences on job satisfaction and the outcomes of job satisfaction. Organizations need
to achieve its objectives, to have competitive advantage and maintain sustainability. Employees are
one of main resource and the internal stakeholders of an organization to achieve its goals. Many
organizational behavior scholars, employees and managers agreed that job satisfaction is important
to an organization. “Job satisfaction has been linked to productivity, motivation, absenteeism and
tardiness, accidents, mental health, physical health, and general life satisfaction” (Frank 1978,
Different studies show that there are different factors that affect job satisfaction like job itself,
company policies and practices, advancement, compensation, rewards, challenge, work group, work
status, co-workers, creativity, moral values, flexibility in enrichment, style of leadership, marketing
stand of the company, recognition, responsibility, job safety and security, social status, supervision,
Divya (2013) states that job performance is commonly used, yet poorly defined concept in industrial
and organizational psychology that deals with the work place. It most commonly refers to whether a
person performs their job well and it is an extremely important criterion that relates to organizational
outcomes and success. Job performance is a multi-dimensional concept and the whole individual
performance will affect the organizational performance. Job satisfaction and job performance are
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The relationship between job satisfaction and performance is still controversial. It is not known
whether the relationship between job satisfaction and job performance has been studied here in
Ethiopia and particularly in ethio telecom. Thus, this study intention is to assess the impact of job
In order to achieve the mission and vision, to achieve effectiveness and efficiency, to have good
quality asset and financial stability in the company’s employees are the most vital asset. The success
of the company to a large extent depends upon the performance of its employees.
Telecommunication service was introduced in Ethiopia by emperor menelik II in1894 when the
construction of telephone line from Harar to the capital city Addis Ababa, was commenced. Then the
interurban network was continued to expand satisfactorily in all other direction from the capital.
many important centers in the empire were interconnected by lines, thus facilitating long distance
communication with the assistants or operators at intermediate stations frequently acting as verbal
human repeaters between the distant calling parties.
Available records of the time have shown that by early 1930’s a total route distance of about 7000
kms of inter urban network was existed and no less than 170 towns and villages were connected to
the network. later, in 1932, Ethiopia became a member of international telecommunication union
immediately before the Italian invasion of 1935 and radio communication was introduced following
the establishment of radio circuit links with Djibouti, Aden, Cairo, and London.
After the downfall of dergue regime in transitional period (1991), the government of the federal
democratic republic of Ethiopia has carried out an overall restructuring program to change the
previously centralized command economy to free market oriented one with the aim of making
government owned enterprises more efficient and effective as well asencouraging the promotion and
participation of the private sector in the country’s economic progress. Accordingly, the
telecommunication sector was restructured and two separate independent entities namely the
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Ethiopian telecommunication authority and the Ethiopian telecommunication corporation were
established by proclamation No.49/1996. Telecom service are provided in most efficient & effective
manner to customers. the corporation (1996) has enhanced the development of telecom infrastructure
and quantity of service in both rural and urban areas in the most efficient and effective manner. As a
continuation of the last five years plane and after concentrating its effort on education, health and
agriculture, the Ethiopian government has decided to focus on the improvement of
telecommunication service, considering them as a key lever in the development of Ethiopia.
An important milestone in the history of ETC was the introduction of internet service in 1997
through Ethio internet and Mobile phone service in 1999 through Ethio mobile. When cell phone
was first introduced in Ethiopia all subscribers had to visit the ETC main office to register were they
received their SIM card and mobile apparatus.
Ethio telecom was born, on Monday 29th November 2010 from this ambition of supporting the
steady growth of our country. To ensure that ethio telecom runs parallel with top telecom operators,
the Ethiopian government has reached an agreement with France telecom one of the world’s leader
telecommunication companies. Currently ethio telecom is operating as a single (monopoly) telecom
operator serving the Ethiopian market both individual as well as enterprise customers including
government offices throughout the nation this day the government working to make the telecom
company privatized. The company is operating with a general vision of becoming a world class
telecom service provider. As per the company annual performance report for 2013 E.C ethio telecom
have over 56.2 million customers throughout the nation. Also the company have 22,288 permanent
employees. From the permanent employees, 14,934(67%) are male and 7,356(33%) are female.
(from 2013 annual).
Ethio telecom developed its five-year corporate strategic plan with the Balanced Scorecard
framework covering the period 2011/12-2015/16 and started measuring its performance in 20115/16
fiscal year under four perspectives. One of the four perspectives is learning and growth and under it
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there is improved organizational alignment objective which is measured by employee satisfaction
rate. The actual and the desired plans are low and there is gap between the actual and the desired
The impact of job satisfaction especially on employee job performance has to be known clearly. A
number of studies have been conducted in areas of job satisfaction. There are different views on the
relationship between job satisfaction and job performance. Some studies show that there are no
significant or weak relationship between job satisfaction and job performance (Alf & Bassem, 2003;
Iaffaldano &Muchinsky, 1985, p.251). While other studies show that there is a significant and strong
relationship between job satisfaction and job performance (Aftab&Idrees, 2012, p.179;
The exact relationship between job satisfaction and job performance has to be identified. The
number of studies that have been done in Ethiopia and the relationship between job satisfaction and
performance is not known. Different studies were conducted by employees of the Ethio telecom in
different time and areas like non-performing loan, employee motivation, project financing and
organizational culture. The impact of job satisfaction on the employee job performance is new and
Q.2. what is the relationship between job satisfaction and employee job performance?
Q.3. To what extent do pay, promotion opportunities, co-workers, supervision and work itself
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1.5. Objectives of the study
The general objective of the study is to determine the impact of Job satisfaction on employee job
performance at Ethio-telecom.
• To determine level of job satisfaction of employees that exist in the Ethio telecom
• To identify the relationship between job satisfaction and employee job performance
• To determine the impact of (pay, promotion opportunities, co-workers, supervision and work
• It helps the company (management and decision makers) to increase employee job
• It helps the company to improve employee job performance and organizational performance
at large
• It helps employees of the company and other employees to know the impact of satisfaction
It would have been good to study the impact of Job satisfaction on employee job performance at the
entire employee of ethio-telecom located all over the country, so that all the information could be
full enough. However, there are constraints in terms of time, money and experience and
consequently, the scope of this study is limited to employees working at Ethio-Telecom in SWAAZ
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region. After all, ethio-telecom is a big and complex organization having a large number of branch
offices all over the country. These offices are highly dispersed and distantly located geographically
which could limit their accessibility. Another expected limitation was that the target respondents
may not give the right answer due to fear of unnecessary consequences of their responses which may
come from third parties, probably from the company, even though they were told that their response
would be kept and handled confidentially. Accordingly, all possible remedial actions have been
The research study will organize into five chapters. The first chapter contains background of the
study, organization back ground, statement of the problem, research questions, objectives of the
study, significance of the study and scope of the study. Chapter 2 deals with both theoretical and
empirical literatures relevant to job satisfaction and employee job performance. Chapter 3 describes
research design and methodology and includes research design, sample and sampling techniques,
source and tool of data collection and methods of data analysis. Chapter 4 includes data analysis and
addition to the above chapters, list of reference materials and annexes are added at the end of the
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of job satisfaction on job performance. This chapter contains theoretical literature reviewed related
to this research and empirical findings on impact of job satisfaction on employee job performance.
2.1.1Job satisfaction
Locke (1976, p.1304) defined job satisfaction as a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting
from the appraisal of one’s job or job experience. This Locke (1976) comprehensive definition is
used widely to define job satisfaction but creates a question in mind that how one’s job is appraised.
“Job satisfaction is collection of feelings and beliefs that people have about their current jobs.
People’s levels or degrees of job satisfaction can range from extreme satisfaction to extreme
dissatisfaction. In addition to having attitudes about their jobs as a whole, people also can have
attitude about various aspects of their jobs such as the kind of work they do, their coworkers,
Supervisors, subordinates, and their pay” (George and Jones 2008, p.78). George and Jones (2008)
add belief and attitudes to various aspects or dimensions of job in addition to the emotional state
According to Robbins (2009, p.301) the term job satisfaction refers to an individual’s general
attitude toward his or her job. A person with a high level of job satisfaction holds positive attitudes
toward the job, while a person who is dissatisfied with his or her job holds negative attitudes about
the job. Robbins (2009) definition contains job satisfaction as the general view of attitude toward
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2.1.2 Job performance
Jex (2002, p.88) asserted that Job performance at the most general level can be defined simply as all
of the behaviors employees engage in while at work. Jex (2002) stated continually that this is
imprecise definition because employees often engage in behaviors at work that have little or nothing
to do with job specific tasks. On the other hand, if job performance confined only to behaviors
associated with task performance, much productive behavior in the work place would be excluded.
According to Porter and Lawler cited in Pushpakumari (2008, p.91) performance is defined as a
function of individual ability and skill and effort in a given situation. From Porter and Lawler
definition it can be derived that Job performance as ability, skill and effort toward job. Pushpakumari
(2008, p.91) states that in the short run employee’s skill and abilities are relatively stable and defines
performance in terms of effort extended to the job of an employee and increased effort results in
Different literatures showed that there are different factors that affect job satisfaction. Some of the
George and Jones (2008, p.85) stated four factors that affect the level of job satisfaction a person
experiences: personality, values, the work situation and social influence. In addition George and
Jones (2008) stated that the work situation includes the work itself, co-workers, supervisors and
subordinates, physical working condition, working hours, pay and job security. According to George
and Jones (2008) work it is the most important factor and source of job satisfaction.
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“An extensive review of the literature indicates that the more important factors conducive to job
satisfaction are mentally challenging work, equitable rewards, supportive working condition and
supportive colleagues” (Robbins, 2009, p.323). Robbins (2009) includes pay and promotion in
equitable reward facet and did not state about supervisor as factor while George and Jones (2008),
Sowmya and Pancanatham (2001, p.78) also showed that pay and promotion, organizational aspect,
supervisor behavior, job and working condition and co-worker behavior are factors influencing job
For this study I give much emphasis to the work related factors that determine job satisfaction even
tough other organizational and personal factors affect job satisfaction. Thus I took five factors that
influence job satisfaction which are work itself, pay, promotion opportunities, supervision and co-
According to Milkovich and Widgor (1991, p.48) some researchers have concentrated their efforts
on defining job performance in terms of outcomes; others have examined job behaviors; still others
successful performance. In addition,Milkovich and Widgor (1991) stated that job performance is
made up of complex set of interacting factors, some of them attribute to the job, some to the worker
However ,Motowildo (2003, p.40) tied performance only to behaviors that can make a difference to
organizational goal accomplishment rather than to the result of that behavior because there are
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situational constraints and opportunities which affects valued organizational results without
Borman and Motowidlo (1993) cited in Motowildo (2003, p.45) described five types of contextual
activities: volunteering to carry out task activities that are not formally a part of the job; persisting
with extra enthusiasm or effort when necessary to complete own task activities successfully; helping
and cooperating with others; following organizational rules and procedures even when personally
For this study task performance and contextual performance behavioral dimension of job
Campbell (1990) cited in Motowildo (2003, p.50) argued that there are three determinants of job
performance: declarative knowledge, procedural knowledge and skill, and motivation. Declarative
knowledge is knowledge of facts, principles and procedures; procedural knowledge and skill is skill
in actually doing what should be done and is a combination of knowing what to do and actually
being able to do it and includes skills such as cognitive skill, physical skill, self-management skill
and interpersonal skill; motivation is the combination of choice to exert effort, choice of how much
Motowildo (2003, p.50) also incorporate Campbell (1990) idea stating that cognitive ability is a
skills, and work habits directly affect both task and contextual job performance.
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In additionMotowildo (2003, p.52) states that empirical and theoretical reports in the performance
literature are converging on an overall model of performance that identifies variables such as
knowledge, skill, motivation, and habits as direct determinant of the expected value of an
In meta-analysis review Judge et al. (2001, p. 377) stated: There are seven different general models
to show the relationship between job satisfaction and job performance. These are job satisfaction
causes job performance, job performance causes job satisfaction, job satisfaction and job
performance are reciprocally related, the relationship between job satisfaction and job performance
is spurious, the relationship between job satisfaction and job performance is moderated by other
variables, there is no relationship between job satisfaction and job performance and lastly alternative
conceptualizations of job satisfaction and/or job performance.
“If there is inconsequential relationship between satisfaction and performance, there is little to be
gained by testing the validity of models 1-4. On the other hand, Models 5-7 could be valid in the
context of a zero or very weak correlation between individual satisfaction and performance” Judge et
Alf &Bassem (2003, p.374) support Iffaldano and Muchinsky (1985) by stating that for the
relationship between job satisfaction and performance; the results show no significant relationship.
However, Judge et al. (2001, p. 385) meta-analysis review differs by indicating that the mean true
correlation between job satisfaction and job performance is moderate in magnitude (.30) and
distinguishable from zero. Other researches done by Dizgah, Chegini and Bisokhan (2012, p.1735);
Chen and Silvestrone (2008, p. 577) results also showed that there is a meaningful relationship
Page 14 of pay on job satisfaction and performance
According to Luthans (2005, p.213) “Money not only helps people attain their basic needs but is also
an instrumental in providing upper- level need satisfaction”. Robbins ( 2009, p.323) also stated that
when pay is seen as fair based on job demands, individual skill level, and community pay standards,
satisfaction is likely to result. “Pay has significant impact on job satisfaction and performance
especially when employees seek pay systems that are perceived as just, unambiguous, and in line
with their expectations”(Funmilola, O., Sola, K., and Olusola, A., 2013, p. 518). Tesema and Soeters
(2006, p.92) found that compensation has significant impact on job satisfaction and performance.
Opkara (2004, p.82) stated that lower salaries translated into decreased satisfaction; low satisfaction
translates into low morale, poor performance, and ultimately low productivity.
According to Robbins (2009, p.324) promotions provide opportunities for personal growth, more
responsibilities, and increased social status. Individuals who perceive that promotion decisions are
made in a fair and just manner are likely to experience satisfaction from their jobs.
Tesema and Soeters (2006, p.96) stated that compensation has significant impact on job satisfaction
and performance. “Employee’s opportunities for promotion will exert an influence on job
satisfaction and performance” (Funmilola, O., Sola, K., and Olusola, A., 2013, p. 518).
According to Luthans (2005, p.213) supervision is moderately important source of job satisfaction.
Employee centeredness and participation or influences are two dimensions of supervisory style that
affect job satisfaction.“Quality of supervisor-subordinate relationship has significant, positive
influence on the employee’s job satisfaction and performance” (Funmilola, O., Sola, K., and
Olusola, A., 2013,
Page 15 Impact of co-worker on job satisfaction and performance
According to Robbins (2009, p.325) having friendly and supportive co-workers leads to increased
job satisfaction. Luthans (2005, p.213) also stated that friendly, cooperative coworkers or team
members are a modest source of job satisfaction to individual employees. Khan et al. (2012, p. 2703)
showed that co- workers have impact on job satisfaction and performance.
Luthans (2005, p.212) stated that the content of the work itself is a major source of satisfaction.
According to Robbins (2009, p.325) employees tend to prefer jobs that give them opportunities to
use their skills and abilities and offer a variety of tasks, freedom, and feedback on how well they are
doing. “When opportunities are given to employees to advance in their field of work, it will enhance
job satisfaction and performance” (Funmilola, Sola, and Olusola , 2013, p. 518).
Funmilola,Sola,and Olusola (2013) in their paper examined the impact of job satisfaction dimensions
on job performance of Small and Medium Enterprises’ employees in Ibadan metropolis, south
western Nigeria and their objective of the study was to provide empirical evidence on how job
satisfaction dimensions affect job performance in Small and Medium Enterprises. The research
hypothesis of the study had a null hypothesis stating that job satisfaction dimensions have no
significant effect on job performance. In this study self-designed close ended questionnaire with
sample size of 105 employees and simple random sampling technique was used. Both Pearson
Product Moment Correlation Coefficient and Multiple Regression Analysis were used to analysis the
The data analysis and result interpretation of the study state that correlations from all variables
shows job satisfaction dimensions, (pay, supervisor, promotion, work itself and work condition) had
positive relationship with job performance and jointly and independently influence job performance
with (r =0.087, 0.303, 0.552, 0.108 and 0.352 df= 100, p<.05) respectively. The Multiple Regression
Analysis result also showed that job satisfaction dimensions, (pay, supervisor, promotion, work itself
and work condition) were jointly predicators of job performance (F (5,100) = 9.930; R 2 =0.33; p
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<.05) and were also significantly independent predicator of job performance implying that job
satisfaction dimensions have significant effect on job performance.
The study concluded that job satisfaction dimensions jointly and independently predict job
The empirical findings of Funmilola, Sola, and Olusola (2013) using of both correlation and
regression made the finding more reliable to know the impact of job satisfaction dimensions on job
performance. But the sample size (105) was small and did not include co-workers as job satisfaction
The result of the study to know the relationship between job satisfaction and job performance using
Spearman rank order correlation test indicate that, there is no significant relationship between job
satisfaction and job performance (r = −0.01, 𝜌 = 0.90).
The study concluded that, for the relationship between job satisfaction and performance, there is no
significant relationship and bear out other researcher’s findings of Petty et al. (1984) as well as those
of Iaffaldano and Muchinsky (1985).
The empirical findings of Alf &Bassem (2003) used correlation only without regression in which the
study may not show the impact of independent variables on the dependent variable. But the sample
size (202) of the study was sufficient and includes major job satisfaction facets.
The objectives of the study were to examine job satisfaction, to examine factors that caused job
satisfaction, to identify work performance and to suggest some measures in order to improve
employees’ work performance through job satisfaction in people’s Ethio-telecomin Jaffna Peninsula,
Sri Lanka.
Four hypotheses were derived for the study stating that high level of fair promotion system,
reasonable pay system, high level of appropriate work itself and high level of good working
condition will lead to high level of employee work performance.
In this study stratified random sampling with sample of 60 employees was used and primary data
were collected through direct personal interview with the help of questionnaire. The questionnaire
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used a five-point scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree to job satisfaction and employee
work performance.
The study used simple correlation analysis to find out the relationship between job satisfaction and
employees performance. The result and discussion part of the study state that the correlation between
promotion and employees’ performance, between pay and employee performance, between works
itself and employee’s performance and between working condition and employee’s performance is
moderately positive.
The study concluded that employee’s job satisfaction has positive impact on their performance and
high level of fair promotion, reasonable pay system, appropriate work itself and good working
condition leads to high level of employees’ performance.
The empirical findings of Balasundaram (2010) used correlation only without regression in which
the study may not show the impact of independent variables on the dependent variable. In addition,
the sample size (60) of the study was very small.
Pushpakumari (2009) conducted a study on the topic “the impact of job satisfaction on Job
performance: An empirical analysis” and addressed a research problem of: Is there an impact of job
satisfaction on employee performance? The main objective of the study was to assess the validity of
the relationship between job satisfaction and performance from Sri Lankan working environment.
The study took sample from manufacturing and services industries in private sector in the economy
of Sri Lanka with a total number of 237 employees on random basis with three employee categories
professional, mangers and non-mangers were considered. A field survey using questionnaire method
was used to collect primary data. Two questionnaires were developed for measuring job satisfaction
and job performance using a five point Likert scale.
Twenty-one (21) job facets were developed to measure employee satisfaction and fourteen (14)
criteria were identified to measure employee performance in terms of effort extended to the job.
The result and discussion part of the study shows that the coefficient of correlation was applied and
the result revealed that there is a positive and significant relationship between satisfaction and
performance for managers and non-managers. But statistical test did not support to identify the
significant relationship between job satisfaction and performance for professionals. The study
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concluded that based on the calculated correlation coefficient for all employees there is a significant
impact of job satisfaction on performance of employees in private sector organizations.
The empirical findings of Pushpakumari (2009) used correlation only without regression, with large
number of sample size (223) and large number of job satisfaction facet variables to measure
independent variable rather than selecting major factors affecting job satisfaction.
Job Performance
Co- worker
Work itself
This conceptual frame work was taken from the reviewed literatures about job satisfaction and job
performance and support the conceptualization of objectives and research questions of this study.
The conceptual frame work states that pay, promotional opportunities, supervision, coworker and
work it are factors that affect job satisfaction and job satisfaction has impact on job pe
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3.1Research design
A research design is a master plan that specifies the methods and procedures for collecting and
analyzing needed information. The research design of this study is explanatory type as it tries to
explain the impact of job satisfaction on employee’s job performance at ethio telecom in swaaz
region. This study explains the casual relationship between job satisfaction and employee job
performance. The style of the research is theory testing rather than theory building because this study
The study will employ more of quantitative research approach because it is explanatory and the
research problem requires measuring the variables of job satisfaction and assessing the impact of
these variables on employee job performance. In addition, Cross-sectional survey research technique
has been employed, as it is believed to be the most appropriate way to collect the needed information
The data for the study will collect from primary and secondary sources. Data obtain from employees
of Ethio-telecom in swaaz region will primary data which will collect to know employee attitude
Secondary data will collect from books and articles associated to the subject matter from libraries
and web sites. Primary data will be collect through structured questionnaires. Structured
questionnaire method of collection will select because it is relatively quick to collect information
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from a large portion of employees, are helpful in gathering information that is unique to individual
such as attitude and behavior and the result of the questionnaire can be easily and quickly quantified.
For small population, one approach is to use the entire population as the sample. Although cost
considerations make this impossible for large populations, a census is attractive for small
populations (e.g., 200 or less). A census eliminates sampling error and provides data on all the
individuals in the population. In addition, some costs such as questionnaire design and developing
the sampling frame are “fixed. Finally, effectively the entire population would have to be sampled in
small populations to achieve a desirable level of precision. Since the estimated population is 148 the
researcher will use the entire population. PEOD-5 (Israel, Glenn D. 1992).
Accordingly,the estimated population of swaaz region was 148 employees. The sampling frame
which is the actual set of samplings units from which sample selected were processes found in
regional offices.
The primary data for this research will collect through using a survey questionnaire. Before
distributing the questioner to the selected sample, pre-testing will be conduct on few employees to
test the relevancy and accuracy of the designed questionnaire and to know how respondents
understand the questions. The questionnaire revise based on the pre-test information. The
respondents will inform that, the response is confidential, will be reported in aggregate and will be
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3.5 Methods of Data analysis
The collected data will analyze by a means of tabular, charts, correlation and regression analysis.
Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version13 was used for data analysis technique
because it can take data from word and excel file, and use them to generate tabulated report, charts,
descriptive statistics and complex statistical analysis like correlation and regression analysis.
Correlation analysis uses to measure the strength or degree of association between variables. In
addition, regression analysis used to predict the impact of job satisfaction on job performance.
The main objective of this study is to assess the impact of job satisfaction on employee job
performance. The study will use regression model to estimate or predicate the average value the job
𝛽1, 𝛽2, 𝛽3, 𝛽4, 𝛽5, 𝛽6= partial regression coefficient of independent variable
𝑊= work it self
Page 22
3.7. Work Plan
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