FS1 Learning Episode 12
FS1 Learning Episode 12
FS1 Learning Episode 12
Resource Teacher: Mr. Louie P. Marquez Teacher’s Signature: ________ School: MNHS-Malaya
Grade/Year Level: 9/11 Subject Area: Mathematics 9/Pre-Calculus Date: December 15, 2021
Field Study 1
Learning Episode 12
Assessment FOR Learning and Assessment AS Leaning (Formative Assessment)
Learning Essentials
• If we find out that the learners failed to understand prerequisite knowledge and skills, we
reteach until learners' master them. This is called FORMATIVE assessment, assessment
while the learners are being formed or taught. It is assessment in the midst of instruction.
• We do not wait for the end of the lesson to find out if learners understood the lesson or not
because if it is only at the end of the lesson that we discover that the learners did not
understand the lesson, we have wasted so much time and energy teaching presuming that
everything was clear, only to find out at the end of the lesson that the learners did not
understand the lesson at all. This means that we have to reteach from the very beginning,
something that we could have saved ourselves from doing had we given time to find out if
the lesson was understood while still teaching.
Resource Teacher: Mr. Louie P. Marquez Teacher’s Signature: ________ School: MNHS-Malaya
Grade/Year Level: 9/11 Subject Area: Mathematics 9/Pre-Calculus Date: December 15, 2021
Observe what Teacher does or listen to what Teacher says to find out if the students
understood the lesson while teaching-learning is in progress.
What Teacher Said Tally Total
Siguro III 3
Hmmm IIIII-I 6
Madali lang IIII 4
2. Did the teacher ask the class “Did you understand”? If she did, what was the class' response?
When the teacher asks the students if they understand the lesson or the solution method,
they respond "Yes sir," indicating that they grasp the instruction.
3. Did the students make the teacher feel or sense they did not understand the lesson or a part of
the lesson? How?
If the pupils understood the lesson, they gave it a thumbs up, and if they didn't, they clicked
the raising hand.
4. If they did, how did the teacher respond?
The teacher will remark "okay, very good" if the pupils click thumbs up.
5. Were the students given the opportunity to ask questions for clarification? How was this done?
Yes, pupils were allowed to ask clarifying questions. They raised their hand, and if the
instructor allows it, they will speak out and express their worry.
6. If she found out that her/his lesson was not clearly understood, what did teacher do? Did you
observe any of these activities? Please check.
______Peer tutoring (Tutors were assigned by teacher to teach one or two classmates
______Each- one-teach-one (Students paired with one another).
✔ gave a Module for more exercises for lesson mastery
______Teacher did re-teaching
Others, please specify____________________________________________________________
7. If she engaged himself/herself in re-teaching, how did she do it? Did he/she use the same
teaching strategy? Describe.
If the instructor re-teaches the material, he does it plainly and straightforwardly. He
considers a different teaching method and technique that will appeal to the majority of his students.
8. While re-teaching by himself/herself and /or with other students-turned tutors, did teacher check
on students' progress?
If yes, How?
Students who received a poor grade received a re-assessment from the teacher.
1. Why should a teacher find out if students understand the lesson while teaching is in
progress? Is it not better to do a once-and-for-all assessment at the completion of the entire
During the conversation, the instructor should check to see if the pupils comprehend the
lesson to avoid mental conflict. They must first comprehend the first example before moving on
to the second. Because some students cannot manage additional topics in an exam, it is not
preferable to perform a once-and-for-all evaluation at the end of the full class.
2. Why is not enough for a teacher to ask “Did you understand, class?” when he/she intends
to check on learners' progress?
Because the majority of students pretend they understand even if they don't because they
are afraid to express their dissatisfaction.
3. Should teacher record results of formative assessment for grading purposes? Why or why
Yes, formative assessment findings are recorded for grading purposes since they might
reflect how students learn in class. Also, to keep track of the pupils' academic progress and provide
counseling if they receive a poor grade.
4. Based on your observations, what formative assessment practice worked?
During the actual lecture, the teacher invites the students to solve. He offered an assessment
via Google Classroom after the entire talk.
5. For formative assessment, why is peer tutoring in class sometimes seen to be more effective
than teacher himself/herself doing the re-teaching or tutoring?
Students are shy because they believe they are slow learners because they can say whatever
they want to their peers but not to the teacher.
6. Could an unreasonable number of failures at the end of the term/grading period be
attributed to the non-application of formative assessment? Why or why not?
No, because a variety of things can influence a student's grades.
• Formative assessment is tasting the soup while cooking.
• Reflect on this and write your reflections. Should you record results of formative
assessment? Why or why not?
Formative evaluation is similar to tasting soup while cooking; teachers examine their
students while the session is in progress to see whether their knowledge is enough or needs to be
improved. It is critical to understand their learning state, as it has a significant impact on their
academic success.
2. My Analysis (Done)
3. My Reflection (Done)
Learning Essentials
Observe a class and find out practices that reflect assessment as learning. Record your
Teacher My Observation
1. Did teacher provide opportunities
The instructor gives the students opportunity to
for the learners to monitor and
assess and reflect on their own progress.
reflect on their own learning?
2. What are proofs that students were The students take part in the exercises, and
engaged in self-reflection, self- following the discussion, they are given tasks
monitoring and self-adjustment? to assess themselves.
3. Did students record and report their Students do, in fact, share their own learning
own learning? with their friends.
4. Did teacher create criteria with the
No, they allow their students to apply what
students for tasks to be completed or
they've learned and discuss what they've learnt.
skill to learned?
1. If the student is at the heart of all assessment, then all assessment should support student
learning. Do you agree? Why or why not?
I agree with the statement because the purpose is for children to learn and develop abilities,
I feel that all assessments should encourage them to do so in order for them to connect with the
2. Does assessment as learning have the same ultimate purpose as assessment for learning?
Assessment as learning and assessment of learning serve different purposes for students.
Assessment as learning is formative and will take place during the discussion to track students'
progress, whereas assessment of learning is a summative assessment that will take place at the end
of the lesson to evaluate students' performance.
The primary purpose of assessment is not to measure but to further learning. Reflect on your
personal experiences of assessment in school. Were you given opportunities for self-assessment?
If yes, what was its impact on your learning?
For your students, assessment should include grading, learning, and incentive. After the
quiz, I will review my incorrect answers and locate the proper one in order to change my learning
about that subject. It encourages me to take a test since I am confident in my knowledge of the
correct answer or material for the course.