Advanceflow Brochure
Advanceflow Brochure
Advanceflow Brochure
CS Professional Suite®
REUTERS/Jorge Silva
REUTERS/Srdjan Zivulovic
CS Professional Suite
From Thomson Reuters
Knowledge You Can Trust
The Tax and Accounting business of Thomson Reuters — the world’s leading
information resource — brings you the most comprehensive line of integrated
software, research, and guidance available to the accounting profession.
AdvanceFlow 3
Cloud-Based Convenience 4
Powerful Workpaper Management Features 5
Sophisticated Trial Balance Capabilities 6
Unparalleled Integration 7
Enterprise-Level Security 8
Integration With NetClient CS Client Portals 9
AdvanceFlow and GoFileroom 10
System Requirements 12
Training and Consulting Options 13
Thomson Reuters Audit Solutions
Thomson Reuters Audit Solutions EXPERIENCED
• Experienced auditors on staff - over 300 years of
combined practice experience
• Authors are practicing CPAs - some of the most
knowledgeable, experienced professionals in the industry
• Deep industry experience offers practical, “how to”
• Developed by practitioners, for practitioners
• Time tested and proven
• Always current and reliable
• Overarching QC system provides consistency, efficiency,
and peace of mind
• Peer reviewed for over 30 years
• Used by over 80% of the Top 100 U.S. firms and
over 90% of firms across the U.S.
Thomson Reuters Audit Solutions • Authors are practicing CPAs - some of the most
on staff
experience - over
• CPE and Training options (online, in-house, Checkpoint
knowledgeable, experienced professionals in the industryLearning, AuditWatch)
•• Experienced
Deep industryauditors 300 years
practical, “howofto”
solutions practice experience EFFICIENT
ns Experienced
• Experienced auditors on staff - over 300 years of
• Latest news and current awareness
• Complete researchoptions
CPE and Training
• New streamlined
and guidance
(online, solutions
in-house, Checkpoint
• combined
Experienced auditors on staff with more than
practice experience • New
• Extensive streamlined
breadth and depth ofengagements.
• Consistency across engagements
industry coverage
• Latest news and current awareness
• Authors
300 are practicing CPAs - some of the most
years of combined practice experience.
knowledgeable, experienced professionals in the industry • • Automated engagement processes
• CPE Consistency
and Training options across
in-house, Checkpoint
• Tailored
Learning, solutions for small noncomplex audits
• Authors
• Deep are practicing
industry experience CPAs;
offers practical, some of the
“how to”
• New streamlined
engagement processes.
solutions • Consistency across engagements
EXPERIENCED knowledgeable, experienced
• Developed by practitioners, for practitioners professionals FLEXIBLE
• •
Automated solutions
engagement for small non-complex audits.
• Experienced
in the business.
auditors on staff - over 300 years of
combined practice experience •• Tailored
New options to
solutions meet
for your
small firm needsaudits
Consistency across engagements or integrate for a
with any engagement software
• Deep
• Authors are industry experience
practicing CPAs offers practical,
- some of the most complete system
• Time tested and experienced
• Always
proven professionals in the industry Flexible
FLEXIBLE• Automated engagement processes
• Apply to any size audit, large or small
Deep industry reliable
offers practical, “how to”
solutions QC system provides consistency, efficiency,
• Overarching
• Experienced by practitioners, for practitioners.
and peace ofauditors
mind on staff - over 300 years of
• Developed by practitioners, for practitioners
• Tailored
Multiple solutions
options tofor small
meet yournoncomplex
firm needsaudits
Multiple options to meet your firm’s needs.
• Use with any engagement software or integrate for a
complete system
combined practice experience
• Peer reviewed for over 30 years • Use with
• Advanced any engagement
technology—desktop, software or integrate
cloud, and mobile
• Apply to any size audit, large or small
• Authors are practicing CPAs - some of the most
• Used by over 80% of the Top 100 U.S. firmsinand ••• Multiple
for aoptions
Dynamic audit
to meet your firm needs
process— system.
knowledgeable, experienced professionals
over 90% of firms across the U.S.
the industry Use with any engagement software or integrate for a
Checkpoint Tools and SMART Audit Suite
• Time
Deep tested and
industry proven offers practical, “how to”
experience • Apply
• Powerful to resource—Checkpoint
complete system
online any size audit, large or small.
• Time-tested
• Always and proven.
current and reliable • Apply to any
Advanced size audit, large or small
technology—desktop, cloud, and mobile
COMPREHENSIVE • Leading engagement management—
•• Developed
OverarchingbyQCpractitioners, for practitioners efficiency,
system provides
• Always
• Complete current
and peace of mind and and consistency,
guidance reliable.
• Dynamic auditCS
Engagement process—
and AdvanceFlow
Unparalleled integration
AdvanceFlow features deep integration with a variety of other applications including PPC’s SMART Practice Aids®,
GoSystem Tax® RS, UltraTax CS®, a variety of other tax applications, and the Microsoft® Office suite of products.
• Anytime-anywhere access to the full functionality of AdvanceFlow, as well as all workpapers and data.
• Real-time collaboration with no syncing, no complicated file transfer process, and no version control issues.
• Flexible system configuration allows each staff member to customize their workspace to fit their job
and provides customizable security settings.
Cloud-based convenience
The cloud-based architecture of AdvanceFlow puts the tools you need for complex audits at your fingertips —
anytime, anywhere. No downloads, no versioning contacts, no software installations, or updates.
AdvanceFlow | 3
Cloud-Based Convenience
The first application of its kind that’s designed to work completely in the cloud, AdvanceFlow makes all
the resources you need available anytime, anywhere. The full power of the application is available to you in
the cloud; even linked balances and integration with third-party software are available in the office, in the field,
or anywhere else.
Cloud-Based Power
With AdvanceFlow, your workpapers are just a click away.
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Powerful Workpaper Management Features
We understand that enterprise-level engagements require a higher level of data processing and multitasking.
So we’ve built an extensive variety of workpaper management features into AdvanceFlow, enabling your team to
get the job done faster and more accurately — no matter where you happen to be.
Customizable Workspace
AdvanceFlow enables you to
separate individual tabs for
display in a separate window or
on a separate monitor, making
it easy to view multiple items at
once and maximize efficiency.
AdvanceFlow | 5
Sophisticated Trial Balance Capabilities
The trial balance capabilities built into AdvanceFlow can handle even the most complex and most demanding
clients. You can import source data quickly and easily, then give your whole team access to the trial balance and
use multiple tabs to filter accounts and examine subsidiaries, funds, and tax groupings.
Enterprise-Level Power
AdvanceFlow has the power
to handle even the most
complex trial balance clients
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Unparalleled Integration
AdvanceFlow brings you a new level of productivity by combining the convenience of the cloud with the power
of the most trusted applications in the profession. From document management to research and workflow, it
brings new possibilities to the audit tools you trust.
Dynamic Integration
The AdvanceFlow trial balance feature
links dynamically with Microsoft® Excel.
AdvanceFlow | 7
Enterprise-Level Security
Document level security options Built-in security and automatic back-ups
ensure the integrity of all your files safeguard against corrupted or lost data
AdvanceFlow offers multiple layers of security, so that With AdvanceFlow, you can be assured that your
only authorized users can access specified documents. data is in the safest location possible. The system
The system also offers features that protect emailed uses sophisticated network and data center security
documents, so only the intended recipients can open technologies to protect all your documents and data.
and view them. The advanced security options in Access control employs username and password
AdvanceFlow enable you to maintain full control over authentication and 128-bit SSL encryption. And
your documents while ensuring their integrity. all user sessions are tracked — providing a complete
audit trail.
The system allows you to:
AdvanceFlow is hosted from multiple, redundant data
• Prevent unauthorized access through the
centers that ensure a level of continuity, availability,
AdvanceFlow website, restricting “back-door”
back-up, and disaster recovery not available with an
access that inherently exists with in-house systems.
in-house system. DVD copies can also be made of all
• Restrict access to audit workpapers and ensure files and documents on a routine basis.
confidentiality, as required by professional
auditing standards.
• Easily configure access and security privileges for
every user via the system’s administration module.
• Achieve retention and deletion of all audit
documentation in accordance with your
firm’s policies.
• Restrict document viewing, annotating, editing,
and other functions by user groups, drawers, or even
specific documents (for example, by document type).
• Maintain user accounts, passwords, and
related expiration dates via an advanced user
administration module.
• Protect emailed documents by using the on-the-fly
PDF Passwords feature, so only intended recipients
can open and view.
• Control file room structure, index fields, and drop
down values.
• View detailed document audit trails to monitor
every action taken with a document from the time it
was created.
Ultimate Security
Rest assured your data is in the most secure
location, one of our data centers.
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Extend the Power of AdvanceFlow to
Your Clients: NetClient CS Client Portals
NetClient CS client portal services make it easy to share documents from AdvanceFlow with your clients in a
secure, online environment — making it far more efficient and convenient to communicate and collaborate
with clients. You select the documents your clients can access by simply posting them to each client’s secure
portal. Once documents are approved and posted, you can choose to have GoFileRoom automatically email
your client, alerting them to the online availability of their documents. Some of the many benefits of private
client portals include:
• Extended client service — Make critical documents • I ncreased security — Enjoy greater security and
available to clients instantly and conveniently — confidentiality than you would using email with
anytime, anywhere. secure, encrypted portal access through the Internet.
• Enhanced image — Offer clients convenient online •E
liminated technical burden and cost — Easily
services and position yourself as a tech-savvy firm. manage your secure client portals with little effort,
because we maintain them for you.
• Improved compliance — Use a secure website
with username/password and 256 SSL encryption •R
educed printing/mailing costs — You’ll no
to meet new laws and guidelines for protecting longer need to print and overnight large quantities
sensitive documents. of documents or multiple revisions of the
same document.
AdvanceFlow | 9
AdvanceFlow and GoFileRoom: Made to Work Together
The GoFileRoom® cloud-based document management system is already used by the majority of the top
accounting firms in the United States. So we’ve created seamless integration between AdvanceFlow and
GoFileRoom. GoFileRoom users will enjoy the familiar navigation, workflow, and security features, along
with the additional capabilities of AdvanceFlow.
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Dashboard-Style Home Screen
View information, including alerts and
notifications, from different areas of
GoFileRoom through a variety of
user-friendly portlets.
AdvanceFlow | 11
Comprehensive Training and Consulting Options
Make the Most of Your Software Investment and Maximize Firm Productivity
The CS Professional Suite offers an extensive selection of services that can help you get more out of your software
investment, including:
Standard Training
Our standard training is a great way to bring new staff up to speed, let experienced staff revisit specific topics
and/or supplement custom training or consulting. Standard training options include On-Demand, Web, Classroom,
and Seasonal training.
Custom Training
We offer affordable custom training services that can be tailored to your firm’s specific needs. Custom training is
taught by our professional instructors and can be delivered either via web training or onsite in a classroom setting.
Consulting Services
Our trained consulting professionals can analyze your firm’s workflow processes, provide best practices, and help
you develop a successful implementation and rollout strategy for your CS Professional Suite software.
Professional Services
Put the expertise of our software application consultants and IT experts to work for your firm. Our team can
customize applications and data to do exactly what you need, create customized reports, migrate and convert data,
and even build utilities and tools that can assist your firm with application integration and other technology needs.
Thomson Reuters, Tax and Accounting, Professional Software and Services is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as
a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of
individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be addressed to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors, 150 Fourth Avenue North,
Suite 700, Nashville, TN. 37219-2417. Website: NASBA Sponsor #103153. NY #000688. TX#000261.
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Integrated Solutions
CS Professional Suite®