Purposive Communication: Characteristics of Language

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realization  Language is said to be

(MIDTERM REVIEWER)  Become effective arbitrary
LESSON 1: COMMUNICATION leader =cannot predict the number
PROCESS  Improve one’s of sounds
COMMUNICATION- Communication opportunities  Language takes place within
takes place when the sender transmit  Improve one’s social a social group.
or convety a message to a receiver. ( a relationship =More than two people
2 way process involves sending and know the language you are
receiving. It also involves listening, talking or using.
understanding and speaking.
 Language is dynamic.
We listen more than we speak Elements of communication process
=keeps on changing
ABSENCE LISTENING - is a failure  Language is productive
 SPEAKER =More and more words are
=encoder being added
Importance of Listening and Speaking = sends the message
=system of arbitrary vocal apparatus
= reason for
 Coordination between communication =used in communication
speaking and listening are = the idea
=has a subsystem and a structure
= said that “God has given = the method used to
transfer idea The subsystem of language comprises
man one tongue, but with
two ears so that we may the following;
hear from other twice as  CONTEXT
much as we speak”. = the environment where the
communication takes place  PHONEME
Importance of Listening =minimal meaningful unit of
 RECEIVER sound in a word
 Should be done selectively =decoder - Jim is a rocketeer
= more than hearing so focus =recipient of the message - Jim is a racketeer
more on relevant ideas
 Should be done purposively LESSON 2: THE STANDARD IN A =minimal meaningful unit of
= objective or reason for FUNCTIONAL COMMUNICATION word particle
listening Root+ word = grace+ful
 Should be done attentively Topic I: The Language: Supreme
= listening selectively + Element
purposively = Becomes in Conversation  SUPRESEGMENTALS
Active. =musical cadence of the
=listener is affected by language
the words/idea he hears and =includes pitch, stress,
Characteristics of Language
reacts accordingly juncture, intonation and
 Language has two sides contour
Advantages of Having the = expression (it has to be
Ability to Speak and Listen produced orally) and content - How we said I love you
Effectively (must be meaningful)
In our speech we are  GRAMMAR
 Helps to achieve; understood
=language form and -increased by pause and contrast
- The cook fished all day  Control of breathing -Over emphasis and continuous
- The fish cooked all day  Relaxation of throat and neck emphasis should be avoided.
 Flexible and energetic use of
 SEMANTICS (LEXICON) the speech modifiers
=arrangement of vocabulary COMMUNICATON

A. RATE – The speed of utterance

Structure (patterning arrangement) COMMUNICATION
of Language -normal rate is from 120-180
-process of exchanging ideas,
words per minute
1. Vowels thoughts, feelings, and emotions from
=Segment of the speech = consider the idea important one person to another with of
produced with the vibration symbols
 Slow Rate
of the vocal cord
=vowels are voiced
PURPOSIVE- analyze, think over
 Fast Rate
2. Consonants it,thereis areaason ,objective where
-rapid sequence of events
=Sounds produced either you communicate to a person
 Fairly Rapid
with or without the vibration
-narration Ex. Public speech, report,
of the vocal cord
-depends on two elements
3. Dipthongs -is done with an objective in mind
=Combination of a pure  Quantity
vowel and a glide of the -length of time used in -consider carefully the impact of your
tongue actual utterance of words on the person
sounds within a word
 Pause = think positively before speaking
-the length of time spent
in silence between words.
 Speech Topic 2: The Language Register
=correct utterance of words
B. FORCE – The loudness and vigor -appropriate language register
-it is the voice breath into
with which one speaks. depends upon the audience (who),
wods by toungue,lips teeth
the topic (what), purpose (why), and
and nasal passages  Degree of Force
location (where).
-amount of force applied
 Voice  Form of Force Critical analysis- solicited unsolicited
=sound produced by the -manner in which force is letter, poem,short story
vibration of the vocal cords applied memorandum

=expression of the speaker’s

mental and emotional states C. PITCH – the highness or lowness of
voice. =in every situation you encounter,
you use speech appropriate to the
=the person’s attitude during person to whom you are speaking and
the moment of speaking. the content the language you use
D. EMPHASIS – making ideas stand
when talking .
=medium to express our out.
thoughts we were able to
-change in rate, force, or pitch serves
said our messages
to make word, phrase or sentences Importance of Language Register
emphatic ( unique)
 Different communicative
-greater the amount of change, the situations call for speakers to
greater the emphasis. use different registers
2. Formal Register
 Level of formality and
- formal settings and is 4. Slang
informality of the language
used is revealed one-way in nature
-word or an expression that has
= speeches, pronouncemnts, been made up or that has taken on a
 Appropriate varieties and new meaning
register of language show
respect, interest and 3. Consultative Register 5. Dialect
-language common to a particular
- Communication between
speech community
a supervisor and a subordinate
SMART =communication of student and prof

4 Casual Register
Patois [pa.twaa]
DIFFERENCES BETWEEN FORMAL -Informal language used by
AND INFORMAL REGISTER peers and friends -geographical dialect which differs
from the standard language spoken in
= used slang, vulgar words
a given country
Formal Register
= Filipino, standard language pattern
5. Intimate Register
-appropriate setting on language
-private communications Creole
-follows accepted format
-reserved for close-family -pidgin language that has become the
-impersonal register (objective)
members or intimate people native language
-aims to inform
=husband , wife bf
Informal Register
-happens in unexpected setting
-requires no format LANGUAGE

-uses personal register  World Englishes

-localized or indigenized
1. Standard varieties of English
-aims to entertain -English based Creole
- observes all grammatical rules
and structures
 World English
Five Registers of Language = articularly and accurate -global variety of English
used as a lingua franca
2. Jargon -English used in business,
-specified form of language with trade, diplomacy, and other
1. Static Register
vocabulary that is associated with spheres of global activity.
-RARELY or NEVER changes particular discipline

-frozen in time and = preofessional words Global English – the English defined
content by scholars and linguists
3. Colloquial
- the pledge of allegiance , preamble,
prayer -language that is used in ordinary
conversations Global Spread of English

-less formal than the standard  Migration

language, but not quite informal as  Colonization
The spread of English around the 5.essential if you want to work in
world is often discussed in terms of international business or commerce
three distinct group of users, where
6.language of Hollywood
English is used respectively as: TOPIC 4: AMERICAN ENGLISH VERSUS
 English as a native language
(ENL) Standard English
 English as a second language
(ESL)  English learned in school
 English as a foreign language  Used as a professional
(EFL) used almost exclusively communication.
for international  Language used in business,
communication such as in DIFFERENCE BETWEEN law and other transactions.
ENGLISH NOTE: Therefore, American and
AMERICAN BRITISH British English are different from
1.Vocabular Ex. Hood Bonnet Standard English.
World Englishes y
Braj Kachru Model (1992 Pants Trousers According to linguists William
2. Collective Singular Can be Kretzchmar and Charles Meyer.
Nouns singular
“Standard American English is not a
BRAJ KACHRU (1992) or plural
3 .Auxiliary They will Using
- Indian linguist coined the term verb or use I will shall is BUT: - it is not identical with the
World Englishes Helping go home formal language of any natural population of
verbs. now. for them. speakers.
-the three concentric circles of
Should we Shall we
language go now? go now? AMERICAN ENGLISH
 Inner Circle You do You
not need needn’t  Native English language in
- traditional bases of
to come to come to United states.
work today work  This is sometime called
 Outer Circle today United States English or U.S.
-countries where English is 4.Past tense Use the Use the – English.
not the native tongue, but is verbs –ed t ending
important for historical ending. BRITISH ENGLISH
reasons. Ex. Learn- Learn
 Expanding Circle  Varieties of English language
learned learnt
-countries where English spoken & written in Great
Dream- Dream-
plays no historical or dreamed dreamt Britain.
governmental role, but Past Uses -en Brits  It implies broader base of
where it is nevertheless participle ending for does not. usage than it actually
widely used as a foreign irregular includes.
language or lingua franca verbs  Brits.= British English
Ex. Got- Only use
gotten got
Importance of English in Today’s 5. Tag
World Questions
-a use tag
grammatical use tag questions
form that questions less often
1. international common tongue
turns a
2. language of academia statement
into a
3.gives you access to a wealth of question
written media, online and printed 6. Spelling -nse -nce
license licence
4.handy when travelling -or -our
color colour
-ize -ise
organize organise
5 Big Reasons Why US and TOPIC 5: Achieving Effective  Use stalling tactics
UK English Sound so Communication  Make one point
Different  Deliver your words clearly
1) English is older than  Wrap up with a summary
British English.  Process of exchanging
 Changing rhotic thoughts, ideas & etc. 4. Assert yourself.
sound to soft r  it is nothing but presenting
sounds.Ex. Importance of Effective
your views in a way best
winter as “win- Communication at the Workplace
understood by others
tuh” instead of 1. Employees experienced
increased morale,
2) British is more like COMMUNICATION EFFECTIVE
productivity and
 Body Language commitment.
 French has 2. The importance of strong
Body movements & gestures
influenced communication runs deep
 Word choice and Phrasing
English in more within the workplace
You should not hurt the
ways than because of the following:
feelings of the receiver.
English  Innovation
 Listening skills
speakers would  Growth
Taking time to listen is taking
care to admit  Effective
time to care
3) American spelling was
 Presentation skills Communication
invented as a form of
In presenting you should
protest. Common Barriers to
follow STAR.
 American Effective Communication
S ituation
dictiory was
T ime
made by Noah 1. Stress and out of control
A ction
Webster a emotion
R Result
lexicographer. 2. Lack of focus
 Tone of voice
 He makes 3. Inconsistent body
Natural volume and pitch
American language
spelling not to You following questions you must 4. Negative body language
straight forward consider before you express your
but still differ to message:
UK spelling. 4AS (USED FOR FORMAL)-
 Showing 1. Is it the proper place? lecture or report
America’s 2. Is it the right time? = Active-
from british. 3. In what manner do I have =Analysis- involve members of
4) American English likes to express/utter my message? audience
to drop words
COMMUNICATION SKILLS =Abstraction- defend the
5) The two types of English presentation by references and data
1. Become an engaged listener.
have borrowed words and kwnoledge. Defend the
from different -Effective communication is discussion by conveying your
languages less about talking and more references and researches
 Ex. coriander – about listening.
= Apllication-
British word 2. Pay attention to non-verbal
derived from signals.
 Cilantro- 3. Keep stress in check.
American word Communicate effectively by BE CLEVER COMMUNICATOR- USED
derived from staying calm under pressure. FOR FORMAL AND INFORMAL
= returned back the question

= if you are trap do not release any

info like returning back the uestion

= delay your reponse

=use mysterious reponse

= look straight in the eye, become


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