Professional Education 1

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PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION proceed from enactive to iconic and then to symbolic

activities. Applying Bruner’s theory, how would you

1. Henry Adams said: “A teacher affects eternity; no teach?
one knows where his influence stops.” What does this
quotation imply? ANSWER. Begin with a hands-on activity

ANSWER. A teacher is so powerful that he cannot

11. Teacher Toni asked his learners to have
help but influence them.
predictions from reading materials. What reading style
is used by the teacher in this situation?
2. I wasn’t satisfied with Joy’s yes as an answer and
so I asked her to explain why? I did: ANSWER. Bottom-up
ANSWER. Probing
12. To connect the lesson on water conservation to the
life of the students, which question is most
3. The first legal document that professionalized
teaching is _________.
ANSWER. How can you help conserve water?
ANSWER. Decree Professionalizing Teaching
13. K-12 Program covers Kindergarten and 12 years
4. A teaching method which proceeds from the details
of Basic Education to provide sufficient time for
of a lesson towards the generalization is :
mastery of concepts and skills, develop life-long
ANSWER. Inductive learners and prepare graduates for tertiary education
and middle-level skills development. It covers
5. In the classroom. Students are encouraged by their ________.
teachers to analyze and think about issues and develop ANSWER. Kindergarten and 12 years of Basic
skills to learn on their own, the teacher is emphasizing Education
what pillar of learning?
ANSWER.Learning to know 14. Edward is reading a book and he needs to know
the meaning of the word "obliterate". However, the
6. According to Froebel, kindergarten is also known passage does not give enough clues for him to figure
as ___________. out what the word means. He decided to use his
pocket dictionary so he would know what the word
ANSWER. Garden for children to play and learn means. Which of the following strategies should he
use so that he would know the meaning of the
7. Teacher F is newly converted to a religion. Deeply unfamiliar word?
convinced of his new found religion, he starts Monday
ANSWER. Scanning
classes by attacking one religion and convinces his
pupils to attend their religious services on Sundays. Is
this in accordance with the Code of Ethics of 15. President Duterte recently signed a new law
Professional Teachers? providing free tuition for students in state universities
and colleges (SUCs) and vocational schools
ANSWER. No. A teacher should not use his position nationwide. The said law is known as _____.
to proselyte others.
ANSWER. RA 10931
16. Being not transparent of your students’ grade
8. Before properly discussing her current topic on
computation is in violation of one of the principles in
Microsoft PowerPoint, Teacher Angelica first gave
assessing learning outcomes which states that _____.
series of questions regarding their past lesson on
Microsoft Word as a sort of review. Which sequence ANSWER. Learners must be given feedback about
in Gagne’s nine instructional events is Teacher their performance.
Angelica in?
ANSWER. Stimulating recall of prior learning 17. Teacher Ewan likes to concretize the abstract
concepts of an atom. She came up with a concrete
9. A teacher who is a recognized expert in carpentry presentation of the atom by using wire and plastic
works, taught his students how to prepare and balls. How would you classify teacher Ewan’s visual
construct good and aesthetic furniture from local aid?
resources. What cultural transmission process is this? ANSWER. Mock-up
ANSWER. Acculturation
18. Here is a lesson objective: “At the end of the
10. Based on Bruner’s Constructivist Theory, learning lesson, the students must be able to develop a positive
can be effectively facilitated if activities or tasks attitude towards work.” Is this a SMART objective?
ANSWER. Yes, if the word “develop” is replaced 27. Which theory on the sources of intrinsic
with “create” motivation asserts that students are more likely to
experience intrinsic motivation if they ascribe their
19. Which of the following process usually comes first educational results to internal factors that they can
in developing the curriculum? control (e.g. the amount of effort they put in, not
‘fixed ability’).
ANSWER. Identifying learning goals and objective
ANSWER. Self-efficacy theory
20. Based on the Code of Ethics for Professional
Teacher, which among the following is not included in 28. Out of 3 distracters in a multiple choice test item,
the definition of what a professional teacher is? namely X, Y and Z, no pupil chose Z as an answer.
This implies that Z is ________.
ANSWER. An ineffective distracter
21. This is the level of technology integration wherein
the teacher cultivates a rich learning environ-ment 29. Which progressive approach for transforming
where blending choice of technology tools with education that holistically critiques current short-
student-initiated investigations, discuss-ions, comings failings and discriminatory practices on
compositions, or project across any content area, is education?
ANSWER. Multicultural Education
ANSWER. Transformation
30. Ms. Hyacinth teaches science in Junior High
22. Ms. Rip’s lesson plan aims to identify odd and School. She taught the concept that sunlight is
even numbers by participating actively in the class necessary for the plants in the process of
discussion and activities, however, she just let her photosynthesis. Applying the philosophy of
pupils copy the definition and examples of odd and pragmatism, Ms. Hyacinth should _______________.
even numbers. What type of curriculum was not
ANSWER. Ask the students to do a simple
practiced by Ms. Rip?
experiment about photosynthesis.
ANSWER. Taught Curriculum 31. There are seven types of curriculum. Which of the
following is an example of assessed curriculum?
23. What does the acronym EFA mean? ANSWER. Teacher Teona conducts series of
evaluation in order to determine the extent of
ANSWER. Practice of inclusive education teaching.
24. In the Science class, Biology, Chemistry, and
Physics concepts are taught from Grade 3 (where 32. In Classical Conditioning, which are paired
Science as a subject starts) to grade 10. The teaching together in order to elicit the desired response?
of concepts involved in the said subjects increases in
depth and breadth across the Grade levels considering ANSWER. Unconditioned Stimulus and Conditioned
the developmental stages of students. This is in line Stimulus
with ________.
33. A student’s scores were as follows: 82, 83, 84, 86,
ANSWER. Spiral Curriculum 88, 84, 83, 85. The score 84 is the:
25. After the holidays there was much chatter and
sharing of stories in the class. You are confronted with
34. The criterion of success in Teacher Butch’s
the behavior management. You have a well-planned
objective is that “the pupils must be able to spell 90%
lesson which you cannot start. What is the best
of the words correctly”. Student Dave and 24 others in
strategy for the class to settle down so you can start
the class spelled only 40 out of 50 words correctly
the lesson?
while the rest scored 45 and above. This means that
ANSWER. Give the class 10 minutes to share how Teacher Butch _____________.
they spent the holidays.
ANSWER. Failed to attain his lesson objective as far
as the 25 pupils are concerned
26. Which of the following situations depicts
conventional level?
35. Which of the following situations presents a value
ANSWER. Judith wears her iD inside the campus conflict?
because she likes to follow the school rules and
regulation. ANSWER. The teacher has students
whose parents want their children to obtain higher
grades than what they are capable of getting.
Brofenbrenner’s Bioecological Systems such
36. Viewed curriculum as all the experience in the influential parents, peers, teachers and other
classroom which are planned and enacted by the immediate environment to which the child has a direct
teacher and also learned by the students. interaction with belong?

ANSWER. Both A and B ANSWER. Microsystem

37. Garry would usually play Sipa with his playmates. 47. “Alyssa, don’t forget to take your medicine
The said game of course involves rules which Garry alright?” says a mother to her daughter who is
and his playmates have to follow. Based on Parten’s suffering from a fever. The mother’s reminder to her
Stages of Play, this is considered ________. daughter best reflects one of the human needs
identified by Maslow as _______.
ANSWER. Cooperative
ANSWER. Safety and Security needs
38. What practice among the following does not fit in
the classroom that recognizes individual differences? 48. Teacher Angelica avoids drills out of context. She
gives real-world Math problems for students to drill
ANSWER. Giving uniform requirements. on. Teacher Angelica is very much convinced of
which principle of learning?
39. For diagnostic purposes which type of rubric is
more appropriate? ANSWER. Learning is the discovery of the personal
meaning of ideas.
ANSWER. Development rubric
49. In which level in Bloom’s cognitive taxonomy of
40. A file format that can be used by a student or a objectives are objectives that begin with “restate in
teacher if they want to store or send video sequences your own words . . .” fall?
on a network is ______________.
ANSWER. Comprehension
50. Which instructional design for effective
41. Which type of portfolio includes the best of technology integration involves the simplest
student work? processes?
ANSWER. Showcase portfolio ANSWER. AADIE Model

42. Mrs. Cruz was not able to finish her thesis after 51. Which is the most stable measures of central
one year of study leave. Still, she wanted to continue tendency?
her study leave. Could she be allowed?
ANSWER. Yes, but without compensation.
52. To facilitate easy recall of the correct sequence of
43. Curriculum came from the Latin word _______ the stages of Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory, the
which means run or move quickly. instructor told his students to remember: Old (Oral)
Age (Anal) Pensioners (Phallic) Love (Latency)
ANSWER. Currere
Grapes (Genital). This method of retrieving
information is an example of ________.
44. Teacher Jordan would like to create printed
handouts of his lesson in Biology for his students. ANSWER. Mnemonic Aid
Which among the following is best for him to use?
53. In which level is identifying the authors of given
ANSWER. Word Processing Software
literary pieces?

45. Science and mathematics are taught from the ANSWER. Recalling
simplest concepts to more complicated concepts
through grade levels. This ensures a mastery of 54. After giving an input on a good paragraph,
knowledge and skills after each level. This feature of Teacher W asks her students to rate a given paragraph
the K-12 ensures ____________. along the elements of a good paragraph. The students’
task is in level of _________.
ANSWER. Continuity and Integration
ANSWER. Evaluation
46. The way the child’s parents, peers, teachers and
classmates interact with the child will affect how the 55. Choose the best statement that defines or describes
said child will grow. To which system in what a conditioned response is.
ANSWER. Neutral stimulus that elicits response. more senses that are involved, the better the
assimilation of knowledge and learning”. This is
56. Renewal of teachers’ Professional License is done because of technology’s capability of providing
every _____. _____.

ANSWER. 3 years ANSWER. Multisensory Delivery

57. In a Social Science class, teacher Elgen required 66. Which of the following parts of an instructional
the students to write the first and last stanzas of plan are properly arranged?
“Lupang Hinirang.” A student was able to recall each
ANSWER. Objective, Subject Matter, Procedure,
word, “I had to sing it silently.” What is the Evaluation, Assignment
implication of this strategy?
ANSWER. Teaching strategies can facilitate learning 67. “Whoever will top the finals exam for this subject
by appealing to their unique learning style. will not only receive a high grade but free review
materials for the LET as well” says a teacher. Aiming
58. Renewal of teachers’ Professional License is done for the said rewards, students would really exert their
every 3 years. This is anchored by _____. effort in studying their lessons to top the said
upcoming finals exam. From this, we can say that the
ANSWER. R.A. 7836 said students are specifically _____.

59. Which is an offshoot of the fourth pillar of ANSWER. Extrinsically motivated

learning “learning to live together”?
68. The schools in the first District plan to adopt the
ANSWER. Schools teach respect for diversity reading program used in the third district. What level
of curriculum improvement is used?
60. Which way to happiness did Aristotle and Maslow

ANSWER. Realization of our potentials to the fullest a.

61. Mrs. Montaño, known for her integrity for her
Value orientation
integrity and credibility, has been serving as part of c.
the Board of Canvassers for the last 3 decades. Substitution
However, in the coming elections, her nephew is d.
running as District Representative and she has been Variation
asked to campaign for him. What must she do?
ANSWER. She should not campaign as this is against 69. Median is the 50th percentile as Q3 is to
the principles as a teacher and puts her credibility and __________.
integrity at risk.
ANSWER. 75th percentile
62. In Grace Goodell’s Reading Skills Ladder, which
is at he very bottom and needed to move up to the 70. If a child does not stomp on the flower in a garden
sequential ladder of reading skills? because she does not want to be punished, she is
probably at Kohlberg’s moral development stage of
ANSWER. Basic sight words ________.
ANSWER. Pre-conventional level
63. Teacher Vivian discovered that Rachel, one of her
preschool students, is very much advanced in her
reading skills. Rachel must be in this stage in order for 71. Which of the following practices is NOT allowed
her reading skills to be nurtured and developed. in the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers?

ANSWER. Developing stage ANSWER. Teacher Aiselle accepts tutorial fees for
the slow learners in her class
64. If a child is in trouble, he/she might cover her eyes
thinking “If I cannot see myself, my mom cannot 72. Which statement applies correctly to Edgar Dale’s
either.” This child illustrates Cone of Experiences?

ANSWER. Egocentrism ANSWER. The closer you are to the base, the more
direct the learning experience becomes
65. One of the benefits of using technology in the
73. Teacher Itaw was thinking what methods and
classroom is said to be linked with the principle “the
strategies to use in teaching her topic about the area of
a square. It suddenly came into her mind that she can ANSWER. Wrong, because the moment the teacher
employ the discovery method for effective teaching calls a name, the rest of the class will not listen
and learning of the topic at hand. This best reflects anymore to the question since it’s not for them.
Teacher Itaw’s _______.
83. Jojo’s moral choices are determined by the direct
ANSWER. Pedagogical Knowledge consequences of his actions. This shows:

74. When a teacher leaves the students waiting when ANSWER. Pre-operational
they get too involved in setting up materials,
conversing with a student with a student who needs 84. Mr. Clark is an excellent Physical Education
extra attention or making the students wait too long teacher. He started teaching volleyball to his Grade 2
for the next activity, which among the following class. Despite all his efforts, his class does not seem to
common mistake during transitions is made by the learn how to play the game. What law of learning was
teacher? disregarded?
ANSWER. Dangles ANSWER. Law of Readiness
75. A classroom teacher comes to school early in the
morning and goes home late. Officially, as stipulated 85. Coming up with an objective which can be carried
in the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers, the out within the given time (time allotment) of the
number of hours spent in school should be _______. subject is in line with one of the objective-related
principles which states that ________.
ANSWER. 8hrs
ANSWER. Lesson objective must be time bounded
76. As a future teacher, one should be mindful that the and terminal.
learners in the 21st century are characterized by
____________ 86. Teacher Almiegen is a newly appointed teacher.
The principal told her to avoid any conducts that will
ANSWER. Individualism
discredit the teaching profession. Which of the
following do you think will not in any manner
77. The task analysis model of lesson organization discredit the teaching profession?
must be arranged in one of these sequences.
ANSWER. Joining social drinking
ANSWER. Facts, principle, concepts, generalization
87. Jade Marc was well acquainted with the solid,
78. Classroom environment affects the development liquid and gas but the child did not know until he was
of the child. Which philosophy states this? taught that these are all phases of matter. This shows
ANSWER. Behaviorism __________.
ANSWER. Superordinate learning
79. Which of the following principles highlights that
of Multiple Intelligence? 88. In outcomes-based education, which among the
ANSWER. Intelligence is measured in multiple forms. following is NOT considered as an outcome?
ANSWER. Procedures
80. Which graphic organizer is most fit for sequencing
steps of a process? 89. What can the teacher use to present the Taxonomy
ANSWER. Flow chart of Plants to students?
ANSWER. Classification chart
81. You want to report on a colleague's act of
immorality. You don't have the courage to confront 90. Which are examples of authentic assessment
her. To end her illicit affair with a married man you activities?
write and secretly distribute copies of your
anonymous letter against your fellow teacher. What ANSWER. Doing science experiment
should have been done instead?
91. To show disapproval to the misbehavior of the
ANSWER. If the charge is valid; present such charge
student, Teacher Paul clears his throat and looks
under oath before your school head
intently at the erring. This classroom management
style is commonly known as _____.
82. Dr. Agnes Romero, a History professor, has this
habit of calling her student’s name before asking them ANSWER. Signal interference
a question during recitation. This practice is
92. Homeroom advisers always emphasize the 101. Teacher Gar would usually deliver his lessons to
importance of cleanliness of the body. Children are his class orally without using any visual aids or
taught how to wash their hands before and after anything. Considering Edgar Dale’s Cone of
eating. What is this practice called? Experience, about what percent of the topic orally
discussed could his students possibly remember?
93. The practice of saying “Very good”, “Excellent”,
and giving prizes and good grades to well performing 102. Teacher Olive noticed that her students appear to
students/pupils are implications of __________. be more interested in a topic outside he planned lesson
for the day. Hence, she sets aside her lesson plan for
ANSWER. Connectionism
that day and takes the opportunity to discuss the topic
of particular interest to her students. “Strike while the
94. Which of the following counter the law of iron is hot!” she said. Her belief is in line with _____.
ANSWER. Progressivism
ANSWER. Teachers should teach a certain concept
once and then move on to the next lesson.
103. Based on Freud’s psychodynamics of
personality, which operates when a student strikes
95. Sharmae seeks connection involving her place in
his/her classmate at the height of anger?
the family, school and community and role in the
world. She would always ask questions like “Why am ANSWER. Id
I here?”
104. In Erickson's theory, what is the unresolved crisis
ANSWER. Existential Intelligence
of an adult who has difficulty establishing a secure,
mutual relationship with a life partner?
96. A student was diagnosed to have a high IQ but is
failing in his academic subject. What should the ANSWER. Initiative vs. Guilt
teacher do to help him?
105. Marko excels in adding numbers. He learned this
ANSWER. Talk the student & find out his
skill in his Math class. He is now able to apply this
skill in his Music class. What type of transfer was
97. You are required to formulate your own
philosophy of education in the course PrEd125. Based ANSWER. Lateral transfer
on Bloom’s revised taxonomy, in which level of
cognitive processing are you? 106. Which of the following is the most important
principle that a teacher should follow in initiating a
ANSWER. Creating
program of positive reinforcement?
98. To teach pupils about how plants “breath”, a ANSWER. Make sure the reward comes immediately
teacher might relate it to previously acquired after the appropriate behavior.
knowledge of human respiration where man inhales
oxygen and exhales carbon dioxide. This is an 107. Every morning it is routinely for Miss Canlas to
example of ________. arrange pupils’ chairs and tables appropriate for the
lesson for today, check the safety of the room and
ANSWER. Derivative subsumption
materials and other similar activities that will promote
an orderly and safety environment. She is
99. It is widely believed that teachers facilitate
learning. Which of the following situations violates
this principle? ANSWER. context management
ANSWER. Mr. Harvey Yeung Hoi-Chun ridicules his
108. How does measurement differ from evaluation?
students whenever they commit infractions in the
classroom. ANSWER. Measurement is the process of quantifying
data while evaluation is the process for organizing
100. Can Manny Pacquiao be given a special permit to data.
teach boxing in a special school?
109. Tony is a graduate of Bachelor of Science in
ANSWER. Yes, he has excelled and gained
Information Technology. He wants to proceed to the
international recognition
teaching profession by earning units in professional
education. Now, how many units in professional
education does the law require for a non-education 119. Who are not covered by the Code of Ethics of
graduate to earn before he can take the LET? Professional Teachers?
ANSWER. 18 units ANSWER. Teachers in the tertiary level

110. You have to remember the steps in opening a 120. Teachers should always consider the readiness of
computer if you want to do it on your own. In what the child in asking him/her to do something. This
level of assessment is remembering the steps? practice best reflects one of the principles on human
development which is states that ________.
ANSWER. Retrieval
ANSWER. Development rates vary among
111. Topics with commonalities are taught next to individuals
each other. This is an implication of ________.
121. One of Teacher Dar’s grade V pupil was not able
ANSWER. Law of Similarity to meet expectations in three of the learning areas. If
you were Teacher Dar, what would be the appropriate
112. Grace is bilingual. She speaks both English and action/decision to take based on DepEd Order 8, s.
Filipino fluently. She begins to study Spanish and 2015?
immediately recognizes many similarities between the
Spanish and Filipino languages and uses this ANSWER. Retain the child in the same grade level
information to acquire the new language faster. What
kind of transfer was Grace able to use? 122. Which is the first step in constructing a test?

ANSWER. Vertical Transfer ANSWER. Go back to te instructional objectives.

113. Most of the students who took the examination 123. Which of the following statements regarding
got scores above the mean. What is the graphical professional teachers is the major difference of
representation of the score distribution?  professionalizing of teachers and teaching as
embodied in PD 1006 and RA 7836?
ANSWER. Negatively slewed
ANSWER. Holder of valid professional certificate of
114. “All learning is bond-connecting.” Which of the registration.
following is this principle not applicable?
124. Based on the elements of a profession, can a taxi
ANSWER. Habits driver be considered as professional?

115. The use of variety of ways or methods in ANSWER. No, because driving id not a college/
teaching a subject to a specific class is mainly in line university degree.
with one of the learner-centered psychological
principles which states that _____. 125. Teacher Grace is done with Chapter. She wants
to know how well her students could demonstrate the
ANSWER. Learning is highly unique and individual. knowledge and skills targeted at the beginning of the
Chapter. Into what form of assessment is Teacher
116. Ms. Yu intends to open a school with a Grace?
curriculum that must be primarily experience-
centered. Which of the following criteria must she opt ANSWER. Assessment OF Learning
out to ensure that the curriculum is that which she
wants? 126. In 1952, Palma proposed the principle of
B.A.S.I.C. as a guide in addressing content in the
ANSWER. The curriculum should promote the use of curriculum. B.A.S.I.C. refers to Balance, Articulation,
active and dynamic process so that learning is Sequence, Integration and Continuity. Which of the
improved. following situations best illustrate horizontal
articulation principle of curriculum content?
117. Which of the following types of questions limit
ANSWER. Teacher A used a text found in science
students’ ability to think creatively and critically? book titled “The Living Things” in order to attain her
ANSWER. Convergent lesson objective in English which aims to identify
118. To which type of assessment does assessment
FOR learning refer? 127. NCBTS to PPST is under _______________

ANSWER. Formative ANSWER. D.O. #42, s. 2017

128. Enumerated below are the reasons why digital 137. The stage where individuals are too eager to
media applications are important in education improve their personalities in the hope of advancing
EXCEPT ________. their status in the social group they belong and a time
for identity confusion.
ANSWER. It increases self-conceit among students.
ANSWER. Adolescence
129. If you want to create a document like thesis paper
or if you want to automatically compute your 138. Teacher Lolita, a teacher for forty years, refuses
students’ grades, then it’s best for you to use to attend seminars. She claims that her forty years of
__________. teaching is more than all the seminars she is asked to
ANSWER. Productivity Software attend. Is her actuation and thinking in accordance
with the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers?
130. Teachers often complain of numerous non- ANSWER. No, a professional teacher, regardless of
teaching assignments that adversely, affect their teaching experience, ought to go through continuing
teaching. Does this mean that teachers must be professional education
preoccupied only with teaching?
139. Which of the following topics would require the
ANSWER. No, because every teacher is expected to
provide leadership and initiative in activities for use of direct instruction?
betterment of communities. ANSWER. Bike maintenance and repair

131. “Specialization is knowing more and more about 140. Carol obtained a 97 percentile rank in an aptitude
less and less.” Then, it is better to be generalist, claims test. This means that __________.
Teacher Jastine On which philosophy does teacher
Jastine lean? ANSWER. She surpassed 97% of those who took the
ANSWER. Perennialism
141. Researches conducted show that the teacher’s
132. Mrs. Lacson is excited about trying out expectancies of students often become self-fulfilling
cooperative learning. Which should be her primary prophecies. This phenomenon is called
consideration? ____________.
ANSWER. Interdependence of students in performing ANSWER. Halo Effect
learning should be stressed
142. Based on PD 1006, in order that a candidate may
133. This is the level of technology integration be deemed to have successfully passed the Board
wherein the teacher cultivates a rich learning examination, he/she must obtain _____.
environment where blending choice of technology
tools with student-initiated investigations, discuss- ANSWER. a general average of at least 75% in all
ions, compositions, or project across any content area, subjects with no rating below 50% in any subject
is promoted.
143. In Piaget’s theory of cognitive development,
ANSWER. Transformation students are provided with varied activities that will
enable them to classify objects using more than one
134. Under which pillar of education is responsible for variable, ranking items in order or logical series and
competence and skills of learners? understand facts. These activities are expected to be
ANSWER. Learning to do performed in _________.
ANSWER. Pre-Operational Stage
135. Teacher Erlyn is of thinking that from the very
start students must be made to realize that study is of 144. Under Domain 4 of PPST, a teacher is expected
hard work. To which philosophy does Teacher Erlyn to implement instruction/lesson as planned. However,
adhere? a teacher should not be a slave of his lesson plan.
ANSWER. Essentialism Which behavior demonstrate this?
ANSWER. She sets aside the planned lesson when
136. Which is described as “did not meet learners need to master a pre-requisite skill.
145. A sound advice for classroom managers is “Nip
ANSWER. Below 75%
the problem in the bud.” What does this mean?
ANSWER. Be proactive in management approach
146. The nature versus nurture issue gave rise to
conflicting theories on human development. Mr.
Amos, an elementary teacher, however believes that
both heredity and environment interact to facilitate the
total development of his pupils. Therefore, Mr. Amos
is likely to support which of the following statements?
ANSWER. Intelligence can be improved by exposing
a child to a stimulating environment.

147. In the implementation of the curriculum at the

classroom level, ineffective strategies are called
“Red”. Which of the following belongs to the Red
ANSWER. Overemphasis on drill and practice

148. Parenting style influences children’s

development. Which parenting style is permissive?
ANSWER. Parent F – Tells her child: “You may do
what you want. We will always be here for you, no
matter what you do.”

149. Mr. Eron would like to take part in developing a

experience-centered curriculum because she believes
that all subjects in the curriculum are geared towards
the holistic development of the learner. Is her belief
ANSWER. No, because the experience-centered
curriculum focuses on the learners needs, interests and

150. Ms. Wa is known to be strict and firm yet fair,

compassionate and approachable teacher. Which kind
of power does teacher Wa yield over the students?
ANSWER. Referent power

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