Test Platform Introduction:: Development Board: Arduino Uno, Mega2560 Mcu:Avr - Atmega328, Avr - Atmega2560

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4inch 8BIT Module Arduino Demo Instructions CR2020-MI2424

Test platform introduction:

Development board: Arduino UNO,MEGA2560


Wiring instructions:
This module can be directly inserted into the Arduino UNO and Mega2560, no need to

manually wire

Pin silk screen picture

Note: Pins that are not marked with silkscreen are not used.

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LCDWIKI 2.4inch 8BIT Module Arduino Demo Instructions CR2020-MI2424

UNO directly inserted picture

Mega2560 directly inserted picture

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LCDWIKI 2.4inch 8BIT Module Arduino Demo Instructions CR2020-MI2424

Direct insertion instructions for Arduino UNO and MEGA2560

microcontroller test program pins
Corresponding to UNO and
Number Module Pin MEGA2560 development Remarks
board direct plug pins
1 5V 5V Power positive 5V pin
2 3V3 3.3V Power positive 3.3V pin
3 GND GND Power ground pin
4 LCD_D0 8
5 LCD_D1 9
6 LCD_D2 2
7 LCD_D3 3
8-bit data bus pin
8 LCD_D4 4
9 LCD_D5 5
10 LCD_D6 6
11 LCD_D7 7
12 LCD_RST A4 LCD reset control pin
13 LCD_CS A3 LCD chip select control pin
LCD register / data selection
14 LCD_RS A2
control pin
15 LCD_WR A1 LCD write control pin
16 LCD_RD A0 LCD read control pin
17 SD_SS 10 SD card selection control pin
18 SD_DI 11 SD card input pin
19 SD_DO 12 SD card output pin
20 SD_SCK 13 SD card clock control pin

Demo function description:

1. This set of test program procedures is applicable to UNO and Mega2560 platforms;

2. This module uses the 8-bit parallel port bus to transmit data, so the test program

must be set to 8-bit mode. For details, please check the mode setting instructions;

3. Please select the corresponding development board to follow the above wiring

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LCDWIKI 2.4inch 8BIT Module Arduino Demo Instructions CR2020-MI2424

instructions for wiring;

4. The version of the Arduino IDE used in this test program is 1.8.5. Please use the

same or higher version for testing;

5. This set of test programs depends on the LCDWIKI library and the TouchScreen

library. Before compiling, you need to copy the dependent libraries in the Install

libraries directory of the test package to the libraries folder of the Arduino project

directory (the default Arduino project directory is C:\Users).


6. This set of test procedures contains the following test items:

A. Example_01_Simple_test is a simple swipe test that does not depend on the

library, can be used to detect the LCD hardware;

B. Example_02_clear_screen is a simple solid color brush test;

C. Example_03_colligate_test is a comprehensive test, including graphics, lines, text


D. Example_04_display_graph is a graphical display test, including graphics drawing

and filling test;

E. Example_05_display_scroll for character and graphic scroll display test;

F. Example_06_display_string is a character display test;

G. Example_07_read_piexl is a test for reading pixel color values;

H. Example_08_display_phonecall for phone dialing interface display and touch test;

I. Example_09_show_bmp_picture is a picture display test, read the bmp picture in

the SD card and display it (only for UNO platform);

J. Example_10_switch_test for switch display and touch test;

K. Example_11_touch_pen for touch stroke drawing test;

L. SDCard Exten Example for the Arduino platform SD card function test, including

writing and reading;

M. TouchScreen_Calibr is a touch screen calibration program;

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LCDWIKI 2.4inch 8BIT Module Arduino Demo Instructions CR2020-MI2424

Mode setting description:

Open the lcd_mode.h file of the LCDWIKI_KBV library, as shown below:

CONFIG_USE_8BIT_BUS 1 //Use 8-bit mode

CONFIG_USE_8BIT_BUS 0 //Use 16-bit mode

define USE_8BIT_SHIELD_ON_MEGA //If defined, use the MEGA2560 platform

8-bit mode

//#define USE_8BIT_SHIELD_ON_MEGA // if not defined, use UNO platform 8-bit


This module needs to use the UNO platform 8-bit mode.

Note: Different hardware corresponds to different modes. If

the mode is switched on the software, the hardware

should be modified accordingly. Otherwise, the

module will not work properly if the hardware and

software modes do not match.

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